Strategy Formulation and Implementation

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Strategy Formulation and Implementation CHAPTER 7


chapter7 chapter7 •

Learning Outcomes

Define the components of s trateg i c ma manag nag ement and discuss the le level velss of

 s trateg y . •

Describe the s trateg i c ma manag nag eme ement nt pr proc oces es s and S W OT A nalys i s .

Define cor corporat porate-l e-level evel s tra trate tegg i es and explain the por  portfoli tfolio o and

divers ifi ifica cattion app pproa roaches ches..

Describe Porter’s competitive forces and s trat rateg eg ies .

Discuss the org anizat nizational ional dime dimens ns ions used for strategy execution.

3 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7 •

Strategy Basics

Finding ways to respond to competitors, and cope with change is strategy.

4 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

Thinking Strategically 

The long-term view

Seeing the big picture


The organization



How do these fit together?

Strategy are your competitive actions in the market 5 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

 What is Strategic Management?

chapter7 chapter7 •

P lans and a acc ti ons that hat lea ead d tto o s upe uperr i or c om ompe petti ti ve s tandi nding ng Who

are our competitors and what are their strengths and weaknesses?


are our customers?


products or services should we offer?


does the future hold for our industry?

How can we change the rules of the game? Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage


Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7 •

 S tra tr ateg y :  –


Purpose of Strategy 

Plan of action


Resource allocation  Activities for dealing dealing with the environme environment nt


 Achieving  Achievin g competitive advantage advantage

 S tra tr ateg y s hould: ho uld:  –

Exploit Core Competence


Build Synergy


Deliver Value

7 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

Three Levels of Strategy in Organizations

8 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

Levels of Strategy 

What business are we in?

Corporate-level strategy

How do we compete?

Business-level strategy

How do we support

Functional-level Functional -level strategy

the business-level strategy? Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage


Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

The Strategic Management Process

10 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Learning. All rights reserved.  

Formulating CorporateLevel Strategy 

chapter7 chapter7 •

Portfolio Strategy  –


Strategic Business Units (SBU) have different products, mission, markets and competitors

The BCG Matrix  –

 A diverse mix mix of business business units

Organizes businesses along two dimensions and market share


Diversification Strategy  –

Movement into new lines of business 11 Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage

Copyright ©2010 by South Western, a division division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

The BCG Matrix


Copyright ©2010 by South Western, a division division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

Porter’s Five Forces


Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7 •

Porter’s Competitive Strategies

Porter suggests that a company can adopt one of three strategies after analyzing the forces


Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7

Global Strategy 

Finding strategies in the world marketplace

Synergy among world operations

Organizations differ in their global strategies  –




Export Transnational


Multidomestic 15

Copyright ©2010 by South-Western, a division division of Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.  

chapter7 chapter7 •

Strategy Execution

How will the strategy be implemented into action?


The organization must be congruent with the strategy Execution involves several tools:  –

Leadership Structural Design


Human Resources


Information and Control Systems



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