Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

November 12, 2016 | Author: Nalaka Manawadu | Category: N/A
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Supply Chain Management Edexcel...


Unit 14:

Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Unit code:


QCF Level 7:

BTEC Professional

Credit value:


Guided learning hours: 45

Unit aim This unit provides the learner with the understanding and skills to plan strategies to improve an organisation’s supply chain.

Unit introduction This unit focuses on how the concept of supply chain management and logistics is based on the idea that every product that reaches an end user represents the combined effort of multiple organisations which make up the supply chain and that until recently, most organisations paid attention to only what was happening within their own business. Few organisations understood, much less managed, the entire chain of activities that ultimately delivered products to the final customer. This resulted in ineffective supply chains. In this unit, learners will develop the knowledge that, today, many organisations realise that effective management of supply chain activities can lead to increased customer value and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing, production and logistics, to the information systems needed to coordinate these activities. Learners will discover that the organisations that make up the supply chain are ‘linked’ through physical and information flows. Physical flows involve the transformation, movement and storage of goods and materials and are the most visible piece of the supply chain. Of equal importance are information flows as they allow the various supply chain partners to coordinate their long-term plans and control the day-to-day flow of goods and materials up and down the supply chain. This unit will give learners an understanding of the key drivers in the creation of an integrated supply chain – the principal aim of many organisations.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria determine the standard required to achieve the unit.

Unit content

1 Understand the relationship between supply chain management (SCM) and organisational business objectives Concepts: demand and supply management; push and pull models; enterprise resource planning (ERP); vendor managed inventory (VMI); efficient consumer response (ECR); value chains; lean supply; global SCM; contribution to business objectives Development: physical distribution management; materials management; logistics management and SCM (upstream and downstream) Organisational objectives and business functions: financial, marketing, sales, operational, manufacturing, human resource Key drivers: facilities; inventory; transportation; information; sourcing; pricing; globalisation; technology; customer expectation Integrated supply chain: strategic goals; culture change; roles and responsibilities of staff; organisational rationalisation; higher volume and speed of transactions; enhanced market position; reduced supply chain complexity; potential for smooth process operations following complex initial set-up; enhanced, lean and agile systems 2

Be able to use information technology to optimise supplier relationships in an organisation Different types of relationship: alliances eg adversarial, developmental, collaborative, strategic; supplier development; e-tailing; business to business, business to consumer; intermediation and disintermediation; networks; supplier associations; supplier tiering; organisational networks; personal networks; auctions Use of information systems: intranets; extranets and virtual private networks (VPNs) for supply chain integration; operational issues eg eliminating ‘media breaks’ to exchange supply information on a common digital platform; opportunity to use sales service staff in call centres dealing with supply exceptions; order processing, web-based EDI, tracking systems Individual elements: the use of intranets and extranets in building value chains for organisations linked in the supply chain, order processing, web-based electronic data interchange (EDI), tracking systems Differing applications for cost reductions and customer service: time


compression, demand fulfilment, total cost of ownership reduction Understand the role of information technology in supply chain management Role of information technology: the internet; online communication systems; online business communities; decrease in transaction costs; closer buyer supplier relationships; improved purchasing, order processing, EDI, inventory management, production scheduling; Just in Time (JIT) programmes; tracking shipments; reducing lead times; information sharing; lean organisations


Understand the role of logistics and procurement in supply chain management Procurement: supplier selection; optimal procurement policies; reliability; quality Logistics: role within supply chain management; planning; implementation and control of the movement and storage of goods; management of raw materials; link between the marketplace and operating activity of the organisation; customer satisfaction; coordination of materials and information flows; point of origin to point of consumption 5

Be able to plan a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain

Benefits: reduced stock holding; elimination of waste; improved customer service; reduced labour costs; improved manufacturing planning; Just in Time (JIT) Barriers: inappropriate distribution networks; ineffective distribution strategies; tradeoffs in logistical activity eg a full truckload of a product is ordered to reduce transportation costs resulting in increased inventory holding costs; inability to integrate processes through the supply chain to share information; poor inventory management; cash flow problems

Essential guidance for tutors

Delivery Learning outcome 1 examines the relationships between supply chain management and business objectives. Tutors could encourage learners to use experiences from their own organisations as the basis for class discussions. Learners need to understand that all business functions have a link with the supply chain and that it is not just a business activity that exists outside their respective organisations. Learners can draw on topical examples of supply chain management and logistics. For example, the efficiencies gained by large supermarkets are excellent examples of what can be achieved through effective supply chain management. Learners need to understand that there are key drivers, such as information technology (IT), that are enabling organisations to build integrated supply chains. For learning outcome 2, tutors can build on previous discussions to focus on the IT that is being used to build these relationships in the supply chain. Learners could conduct their own research into the developing systems being used throughout supply chains. Some learners may work for organisations where effective supply chain management and logistics is already well developed and they could be encouraged to share their experiences of how IT systems are being used. Topical case studies are a useful method of highlighting and examining the use of different IT systems within the supply chain which result in enhanced supplier relationships. For learning outcome 3, building on the knowledge gained in learning outcome 2 learners can take this a stage further and examine the wider role of IT in supply chain and logistics management by evaluating its contribution and assessing its effectiveness. Visits to a food distribution centre or a manufacturing organisation to examine how they use IT to manage their supply chains would be very useful, especially if combined with a talk from an IT or logistics professional within the organisation. For learning outcome 4, learners need to be made aware of the precise role of logistics in supply chain management. The visit for learning outcome 3 would also be useful here. Tutor input could be used to introduce and develop learners’ understanding of what logistics is and how organisations strive to improve this function. The important function of procurement needs to be discussed and again, learners’ own experiences and knowledge will be interesting areas for discussion. A talk given by a procurement manager from a local organisation could also be useful. For learning outcome 5, learners need to know that achieving the goal of a fullyintegrated supply chain is not an easy task. Learners need to be made aware of the potential problems and barriers to overcome to achieve a fully-integrated supply chain. Case studies are a useful way of demonstrating how some organisations have faced and overcome problems and barriers by implementing improvement strategies.

Outline learning plan The outline learning plan has been included in this unit as guidance and can be used in conjunction with the programme of suggested assignments. The outline learning plan demonstrates one way in planning the delivery and assessment of this unit.

Topic and suggested assignments/activities and/assessment Introduction to unit and programme of assignments Tutor-led discussion on supply chain management – learner group work and exercises Tutor-led discussion on logistics management and its importance in effective supply chain management – group work and exercises Visit to a local organisation and a talk on how the business manages its supply chain Guest speaker – effective supply chain management Tutor input – business functions and how they are linked to supply chain management Tutor-led discussion on the key drivers that make organisations move to an integrated supply chain strategy – group work and exercises Tutor-led discussion on supplier relationships – group work and case studies Case study exercises on IT and its impact on supplier relationships Visiting speaker – an IT and/or logistics manager on the role of IT in supply chain management Visit to a local logistics business Tutor-led discussion on logistics and supply chain management – group work and case studies Tutor-led discussion on procurement – group work and exercises Case study exercises on improvements to supply chain management and overcoming barriers – group work Tutor-led discussion on business performance and supply chain management – group work and exercises Assignment: Strategic Organisational Supply Chain Management and Logistics (covering all assessment criteria) Review of unit and assignment guidance

Assessment Learners need to research information and produce a review of the strategic supply chain management and logistics taking place in an organisation. For AC1.1, learners need to explain the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving organisational objectives. To illustrate this, they could relate this explanation to the achievement of objectives in their own organisation. For AC1.2, learners need to explain the link between supply chain management and business functions in their own/chosen organisation. To illustrate these links, the explanation needs to contain real examples from their chosen organisation. For AC1.3, learners need to discuss the key drivers that are moving their chosen organisation towards implementing an integrated supply chain. For AC2.1, learners need to describe the strategies used in their chosen organisation to maintain relationships with suppliers before evaluating the effectiveness of these strategies. For AC2.2, learners need to demonstrate how they have used IT to create strategies to develop their chosen organisation’s relationship with its suppliers. From this, they need to develop systems to maintain these relationships (AC2.3). To demonstrate their understanding of the role of IT in supply chain management for their chosen organisation, they need to assess the effectiveness of IT in managing the supply chain, (AC3.3), evaluate how IT has contributed to the management of the supply chain (AC3.2) and assess how IT could assist in the integration of different parts of the supply chain (AC3.1). For AC4.1, learners need to explain the role of logistics in the management of the supply chain in their chosen organisation and then evaluate procurement practices (AC4.2). Having examined both procurement and logistics management, learners need to discuss the factors that must be considered when looking at making improvements to both procurement practices and logistics in the organisation (AC4.3). For AC5.1, having reviewed their chosen organisations’ supply chain and logistics activity, learners need to plan a strategy to improve the management of the supply chain. For AC5.2, learners need to assess how their improvement strategy from AC5.1 will benefit overall business performance in their chosen organisation. For AC5.3, learners need to identify any current or potential barriers that could prevent or hinder their improvement strategy from being implemented successfully in their chosen organisation. Learners need to explain clearly how these barriers will be overcome.

Programme of suggested assignments The table below shows a programme of suggested assignments that cover the criteria in the assessment grid. This is for guidance only and it is recommended that centres either write their own assignments or adapt Edexcel assignments to meet local needs and resources.

Assessment criteria covered

Assignment title


Assessment method

All assessment criteria

Strategic Organisational Supply Chain Management and Logistics

The learner selects an organisation and undertakes a full review of how it manages its supply chain and logistics. They will need to produce a report that includes how the management of the supply chain impacts on business performance, the role of IT in managing the supply chain, and the role of procurement and logistics management. The final part of the report will be a plan for a strategy to improve the organisation’s supply chain and logistics management.


Essential resources There are no essential resources required for this unit.

Indicative resource materials Textbooks Chopra S and Meindl P – Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2009) ISBN 0136094511 Christopher M – Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 4th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2010) ISBN 0273731122 Stadtler, H and Kilger C - Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, Software and Case Studies, 4th Edition (Springer, 2007) ISBN 3540745114 Chaffey D – E-Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 4th Edition (Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2009) ISBN 0273719602 Harvard Business Review on Managing the Value Chain (Harvard Business School Press, 2000) ISBN 1578512344 Harvard Business Review on Supply Chain Management (Harvard Business School Press, 2006) ISBN 1422102793 Turban T, Lee J K, King D, Liang T P and Turban D – Electronic Commerce 2010: A Managerial Perspective, 6th Edition (Pearson Education, 2009) ISBN 0137034652 Journals European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (Elsevier) The Journal of Supply Chain Management (Institute for Supply Management) Supply Chain Management (Emerald) Websites

Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

Industry Week’s The Value Chain

News about logistics and the supply chain

ASSESSMENT Unit: Unit 1 – Strategic Supply Chain Management and Logistics Learning Hours: 45 Hours Self-learning hours: 90 hours. Course: Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership – EDEXCEL BTEC PR 135 - QCF Level 7

Term: Lecturer: Learner’s Name


Registration Number: College and EDEXCEL Nos. Learner’s Declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own: Copy and Sign: Hand out Date: Submission Date: The Following Sections to be completed by the assessor: Center Name: Center Number: Please note that the assessor's signature below denotes conformation that he/she has in no way influenced the outcome of the assessment: Assessor’s Name: Assessor’s Signature: Has the unit been Internally Verified? Date of verification: Internal verifier’s signature: Internal verifier’s assignment brief:


Unit Outcomes Outcome

Evidence for the criteria to pass.


Assessor’s decision

Internal verification.

ASSIGNMENT: Task: Choose an organisation of your choice and use it to support your explanations when answering the following the tasks (1, 2, 3, 4 & 5). Task 1. T1.1 – Explain the importance T1.1 Critically examine the of effective supply chain relationship between management in achieving supply chain organisational objectives. management (SCM) T1.2 – Explain the link T1.2 and organisational between supply chain business objectives. management and business functions in an organisation. T1.3 – Discuss the key drivers T1.3 for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in an organisation. Task 2. T2.1 – Evaluate the T2.1 Analyse the use effectiveness of strategies information used by an organisation to technology to maintain supplier relationships optimise supplier T2.2 – Use information T2.2 relationships in an technology to create strategies organisation. to develop an organisation’s relationship with its suppliers. T2.3 – Develop systems to T2.3 maintain an organisation’s relationship with its suppliers. Task 3. T3.1 – Assess how information T3.1 Evaluate the role of technology could assist information integration of different parts of technology in supply the supply chain of an chain technology. organisation. T3.2 – Evaluate how T3.2 information technology has contributed to the management of the supply chain of an organisation.

Task 4. Verify and explain the role of logistics and procurement in supply chain management.

Task 5. Establish a plan of a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain.

T3.3 – Assess the effectiveness of information technology in managing the supply chain of an organisation. T4.1 – Explain the role of logistics in supply chain management in an organisation. T4.2 – Evaluate procurement practices in an organisation. T4.3 – Discuss the factors that must be considered when improving logistics and procurement practices in an organisation. T5.1 – Plan a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain.


T5.2 – Assess how a supply chain improvement strategy will benefit overall business performance in an organisation. T5.3 – Explain how barriers will be overcome in an organisation when implementing a supply chain improvement strategy.


T1 Any other comments: Grade given by the tutor: Pass Signature: IV Grading Check: Agree Disagree IV signature: Student’s feedback: Student Signature:


T4.2 T4.3





Date: Comments if any: Modify grade to Date:




Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Use a standard report structure. Word-process the report. Use Times New Roman script or Arial. Follow Harvard referencing system. Produce an academic report, detailing above issues with word limit of 4500-5000 words. Complete the title page and sign the statement of authenticity. Submit the document in a folder in the form of a file on the date specified in the plan. Submission should be a soft copy and a hard copy. Assessment will be based on analytical quality, research, report presentation & layout and oral

presentation. Submit the work to the admin officer and sign the submission form of the college. Collusion and Plagiarism must be avoided. Start each answer on a new page. Highlight each question clearly. Pages should be numbered. Assignment sheet should be attached in the front. Bibliography at the end of the assignment. All work should be comprehensively referenced and all sources must be acknowledged fully, as books and journals, websites etc. ---. Try to give the page numbers, publisher’s details and year of publication with the authors support. 17. Use a common format for the questions as Introduction (analyze the question.) Underpinning Knowledge (write about the relevant theory/points) Applied knowledge Conclusion (summarizing the whole scenario keeping in view pass, merit, distinction criteria.) 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Assignment Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4.

During your structured Individual study (SIS), you are required to answer each question above (Outcomes assessment criteria) which has been covered separately in respective lessons. Refer the handouts for better ideas. Use the computer to research recommended websites and word process your assignment. Follow the guidelines given after every class and the tutor tip notes.

ASSIGNMENT: Task for the purpose: Task: Choose an organisation of your choice and use it to support your explanations when answering the following the tasks (1, 2, 3, & 4). Task 1: Critically examine the relationship between supply chain management (SCM) and organisational business objectives. T1.1 – Explain the importance of effective supply chain management in achieving organisational objectives. T1.2 – Explain the link between supply chain management and business functions in an organisation. T1.3 – Discuss the key drivers for achieving an integrated supply chain strategy in an organisation. Task 2: Analyse the use information technology to optimise supplier relationships in an organisation. T2.1 – Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies used by an organisation to maintain supplier relationships T2.2 – Use information technology to create strategies to develop an organisation’s relationship with its suppliers T2.3 – Develop systems to maintain an organisation’s relationship with its suppliers. Task 3: Evaluate the role of information technology in supply chain technology. T3.1 – Assess how information technology could assist integration of different parts of the supply chain of an organisation. T3.2 – Evaluate how information technology has contributed to the management of the supply chain of an organisation. T3.3 – Assess the effectiveness of information technology in managing the supply chain of an organisation. Task 4: Verify and explain the role of logistics and procurement in supply chain management. T4.1 – Explain the role of logistics in supply chain management in an organisation. T4.2 – Evaluate procurement practices in an organisation. T4.3 – Discuss the factors that must be considered when improving logistics and procurement practices in an organisation. Task 5: Establish a plan of a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain. T5.1 – Plan a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain. T5.2 – Assess how a supply chain improvement strategy will benefit overall business performance in an organisation. T5.3 – Explain how barriers will be overcome in an organisation when implementing a supply chain improvement strategy.

Assessment Grid indicating their pass and feed back to the student Unit: Unit 1: Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills Name: Outcomes/criteria:

Indicative characteristics

Possible evidence

Task 1: Critically examine the relationship between supply chain management (SCM) and organisational business objectives.

As per the assessment criteria specified for pass

Task 1.1, 1.2, 1.3


Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3


Task 3.1, 3.2, 3.2


Task 4.1, 4.2, 4.3


Task 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

Task 2: Analyse the use information technology to optimise supplier relationships in an organisation. Task 3: Evaluate the role of information technology in supply chain technology. Task 4: Verify and explain the role of logistics and procurement in supply chain management. Task 5: Establish a plan of a strategy to improve an organisation’s supply chain. Pass Description: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions.

. Relevant theories and techniques have been applied. . Effective judgments have been made. . Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored.


. An effective approach to study and research has been used. Select/ design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques.

. A range of methods and/or techniques has been applied. . A range of sources of information used. . The design of methods and techniques justified. . Complex information/data have been synthesized and processed. .Appropriate learning methods / techniques applied.

Present and communicate appropriate findings.

. Appropriate structure and approach has been used. . Logical and coherent arguments have been presented. . Technical language accurately used. . A range of methods of presentation has been used. . Appropriate media used. . Familiar and unfamiliar contexts have been used. . It is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences.

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusion.

. Synthesis has been used to generate and justify valid conclusions. . The validity of results has been judged. . Self-criticism of approach has taken place.

. Evaluation has taken place using defined criteria . Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success. Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities.

Autonomy/independence demonstrated Substantial activities/projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organized. The unforeseen has been accommodated. The importance of interdependence has been recognized.

Demonstrate convergent, lateral and creative thinking.

Ideas generate and decisions taken Self evaluation has taken place Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied Capacity for innovation and creative thought has been used. Receptiveness to new ideas has demonstrated. Unfamiliar contexts have been applied.

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