Strategic Business Analysis

September 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Activity #1

1. What have you you understood understood about Strategic Strategic Managemen Managementt based on the videos? videos?

-Base on the video that I watched strategic management has a wide importance in various aspects like, finances, business plans, and other financial information of a firm or a company. Regardless of the number of employees working in the company it needs strategic management may it be a 5, 000 or 5 employees working for the company. Strategic Management simply means making used of the resources and organizing firm’s to meet their goal and objectives. This also ensures ensur es that the business business is doing the best it can be. 2. Explain Explain the statem statement ent:: “How well a compan company y perfor performs ms is directly directly attribut attributabl ablee to its strategy and the proficiency with which the strategy is executed.” -The statement means that every company, businesses, and other organizations that are the goal is to make money are in need to have a good strategy when it comes to management. The  performance of the firm’s is not base on how big it is rather, it depends dep ends on how effective, efficient, and proficient proficient the strategies strategies that you are using with. The wellness wellness of the company are define by its strategy not by its size. It is like a war in order to when it must possess the best and effective stra strate tegy gy re rega gard rdle less ss of the the numb number er of sold soldie iers rs.. This This an anal alog ogy y is the the sa same me with with the the firm firms’ s’

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 performance in direct relations to its strategies executed.

3. Read the case case of Toyota Toyota Motors Motors Co. and then then answer the the following following questions: questions:

a. What are are the import important ant events events that transpired transpired throug throughout hout the business? business? -The important events that results to the contiguous development of their business is the modification of a set Guiding Principles that reflects Toyota’s organizational culture and values in response to the societal changes and the company’s business structure, which support its global vision, strategies, and operations worldwide in 1992 and again in 1997 in order to support its operations in a multicultural environment.  b. Do you think the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, was able to strategically management the company? Support your answer. -My -M y answ answer er is Yes, Yes, th thee found founder er of Toyo Toyota ta Sakic Sakichi hi Toyo Toyoda da was was able able to stra strate tegi gical cally ly managed the company because the company’s resources were organized and used effectively and  proficiently to meet the company objectives. The strategy that are used by the firm to keep with the changing times is the Toyota Way 2001, which focuses on CSR and customer orientation, innovative management, and the nurturing of its employees’ creativity and teamwork, mutual trust, and respect between labor and management. At the heart of the Toyota Way are two pillars—  continuous improvement and respect for people. These are supported by five values: challenge, continuous improvement (kaizen), seeing for yourself (genchi genbutsu), respect, and teamwork.

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c. What are are the problems problems or challeng challenges es encountered encountered by Toyota? Toyota? - The problems and challenges encountered by Toyota was the crisis happened in 1997 at Thailand which is the over investment in real state and liberal financing policy the company subsequently incurred huge losses. d. How did did the company company overcome overcome the problems? problems? -To overcome the crisis various actions were taken—the TMT first requested and received two capital injections, totaling US$200 million, from Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan. However, since the automotive market was down by about 75%, the TMT had to use a  job-sharing approach to retain its skilled, but redundant, workforce. Together with this measure, the company observed it’s “no lay-off” policy by sending about 200 idle associates to Japan for  training, train ing, while others assisted their local dealers. To avoid further losses, losses, TMT focused focused on 100% locali loc alizati zation on of parts parts and took took advant advantage age of export export opport opportuni unitie ties. s. Undert Undertaki aking ng new busine business ss reforms, such as online management of vehicle supply and demand and the formation of project teams in finance and marketing, helped boost new vehicle sales. For dealers and suppliers, TMT granted grant ed credit lines and short-ter short-term m loans. loans. 4. What are are the benefits benefits of Strate Strategic gic Management Management?? -The -There re ar aree lo lott of benef benefit itss of Stra Strate tegi gicc Mana Managem gemen ent, t, firs firstt is maki making ng the the co comp mpan any’ y’ss operations flow smoothly and profitably or it results wellness in terms of the performance of the firms. Secondly, it creates more opportunities to both company and stakeholders to prosper and ev even en ea earn rn more more.. Fi Fina nall lly, y, is maki making ng th thee comp compan any y one one step step ah ahea ead, d, in term termss of flexi flexibi bili lity ty and and adaptabilit adapta bility.Fur y.Furthermor thermore, e, this also helps the company company to be less vulnerable vulnerable on facing facing the crisis that are usually encountered by businesses. 5. How can you apply apply Strategic Strategic Manageme Management nt in your daily daily life? life?

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- Strategic Management is not only useful in companies and businesses it is also very crucial to our daily lives. Life also is like a companies and businesses we are founded or  created with a different status and ability it is on us on how well we are, in making use our on resources resou rces or our status and apply a certain certain strategy strategy to embellish embellish and improves improves our ability ability to grow and prosper in achieving achieving our dreams and goal goalss in life. To survive in our daily life is to make use the strategies and manage the resources properly.

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