Strange Magic
Short Description
A third party Pathfinder rpg book...
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Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Table of Contents
Section 1-4: Greater Manfiestations
Section 1: Ethermagic
Optional Ruleset: Greater Manifestations Greater Manifestation Feats and Philosophies Greater Manifestation List
Section 1-1: Ethermagic Classes The Ethermagus Table: The Ethermagus Table: Ethermagus Manifestations Known Table: Ethermagus Void Blade Favored Class Bonuses Archetypes Mad Evangelist Table: The Mad Evangelist Void Stalker Table: Whirling Void Blade Table: The Void Stalker Voidstar
1 1 4 4 6 7 7 8 11 11 12 13
The Ethermancer Table: The Ethermancer Table: Ethermancer Manfiestations Known Favored Class Bonuses Sidebar: The Prestigeous Ethermancer Archetypes Etherfuser Table: The Etherfuser Sidebar: Lay on Hands, Daily Uses, and Etherfusers Herald of Creation Herald of Madness Herald of the Void Interstitial Philosopher
14 17 19 20 20 21 21 21
The Etherslinger Table: The Etherslinger Table: Etherslinger Manifestations Known Favored Class Bonuses Archetypes Etherbomber Table: The Etherbomber Sphereslinger Table: The Sphereslinger
31 31 37 41 42 42 44 46 47
26 27 28 30 30
Section 1-2: Ethermagic Feats Ethermagic Feats
Section 1-3: The Manifestation Book Ethermagic Manifestation Summary Alteration Sidebar: Counterspelling Ethermagic Bestow Blast Genesis Voidmeld
55 55 55 57 58 60 60
Ethermagic Manifestation List Alteration Bestow Blast Genesis Voidmeld
62 62 69 74 81 86
90 90 91
Section 2: Composition Section 2-1: Composition Classes The Breakdancer Table: The Breakdancer Breakdancer Dance Moves Favored Class Bonuses Breakdancer Composition Summary
100 100 103 109 110
The Cantor Table: The Cantor Table: Cantor Spells Known Favored Class Bonuses Cantor Spell List Table: Cantor 0th-Level Spells Table: Cantor 1st-Level Spells Table: Cantor 2nd-Level Spells Table: Cantor 3rd-Level Spells Table: Cantor 4th-Level Spells Table: Cantor 5th-Level Spells Table: Cantor 6th-Level Spells Cantor Composition Summary
113 113 117 120 121 121 121 122 123 124 124 125 126
The Harmonicist Table: The Harmonicist Favored Class Bonuses Harmonicist Composition Summary
129 129 132 133
The Maestro Table: The Maestro Favored Class Bonuses Sidebar: The Nature of Bonus Scores Table: Maestro Spells Known Maestro Spell List Table: Maestro 0th-Level Spells Table: Maestro 1st-Level Spells Table: Maestro 2nd-Level Spells Table: Maestro 3rd-Level Spells Table: Maestro 4th-Level Spells Table: Maestro 5th-Level Spells Table: Maestro 6th-Level Spells Maestro Composition Summary
136 136 143 144 144 145 145 146 147 148 149 150 150 151
Section 2-2: Composition Archetypes Composition Archetypes Arranger Songweaver Sidebar: Conducting with an Archetype Starlet Street Musician Virtuoso
155 155 156 156 157 158 159
Section 2-3: Composition Feats Composition Feats
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Section 2-4: The Composition Book Composition Summary Composition List
164 169
Section 3: Truename Magic Section 3-1: Truemagic Classes The Truenamer Table: The Truenamer Table: Truenamer Recitations Known by Level Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level Favored Class Bonuses Truenamer Archetypes Chessmaster Table: The Chessmaster Table: Chessmaster Rec. Known by Level Orator Savant of Heart and Mind Truescribe Tuneful Inflectionist Verminspeaker Table: Verminspeaker Animal Companion
192 193 194 194 198 199 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
The Scion of Discordia Table: Scion Recitations Known by Level Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level Sidebar: Exotic Magic and Scion Backlashes Table: The Scion of Discordia Talents of Discordia Favored Class Bonuses Scion Archetypes Disciple of Discordia Discordant Instigator Table: The Discordant Instigator The Rulebreaker
210 211 211 214 214 218 223 224 224 225 225 227
Section 3-2: Truemagic Feats Truemagic Feats Sidebar: Identifying Recitations
228 228
Section 3-3: Truemagic Prestige Classes Truemagic Prestige Classes Polycosmic Theurge Table: The Polycosmic Theurge Speaker of the Word Table: The Speaker of the Word Trueshaper Table: The Trueshaper Willshackler Table: The Willshackler Table: Nomenclature Study Creature Types Wordsworn Defender Table: The Wordsworn Defender Sidebar: A Brute in the Truenamers' Court
230 230 230 232 233 234 234 235 235 237 238 238 239
Section 3-4: The Codices Codex of Heart and Mind Summary Sidebar: Roleplaying Recitations List
240 242 244
Table of Contents
Codex of Artifice Summary 266 List 268 Sidebar: The Wordforged Construct Template 275 Codex of the Far-Flung Spheres Summary List
280 283
Codex of the Realized Vision Summary List
288 289
Section 4: NPC Codex Introduction
Section 4-1: Ethermagic Iconics The Night Tearer - Ethermagus (CR 5) Macavity - Void Stalker (CR 13) Terutuk - Mad Evangelist (CR 9) Igor, son of Igor - Ethermancer (CR 3) Aleras Lunai - Etherfuser (CR 8) Moira Smith - Herald of Creation (CR 5) "Topper" Underhill - Herald of Madness (CR 9) The Voidwalker - Herald of the Void (CR 15)
294 295 296 298 299 301 303 304
Section 4-2: Composition Iconics Mick - Breakdancer (CR 11) Aeria deLais - Cantor (CR 9) Akimotos - Harmonicist (CR 14) Myron the Metronomic - Maestro (CR 3) Adrienne - Songweaver (CR 5) Jiro Glitterwind (CR 3) Jhon Gold (CR 3)
307 308 309 311 313 314 315
Section 4-3: Truename Magic Iconics Prof Maxwell Feytouched - Truenamer (CR 10) Kuroshiro - Chessmaster (CR 6) Hugh Grant - Savant of Heart and Mind (CR 4) Sulema Nathi - Truescribe (CR 11) Kaleb Loki - Disciple of Discordia (CR 7) Verenos Calogiac - Polycosmic Theurge (CR 18) Tyrorin Aeraelon - Trueshaper (CR 16)
316 318 320 321 323 324 326
Kickstarter Backers List
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Inc.. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
Ultimate Composition
Well, here it is, Interjection Games' first Kickstarter book. It's both larger than I had ever dreamed it would be, and much smaller than the perceived workload suggested when it was in production. Your feedback, your money, and your support have made this book what it is today.
Bradley Crouch Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf Jason Linker Editors Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf Bradley Crouch Artists Gary Dupuis David Hamilton Miguel Santos Joe Shawcross - cover artist NPC Codex Contributors Alexander W. Corrin Brandon Funderburgh Jason Linker Sam "Tricksy Hobbit" Manzer Special Thanks Testing Alexander W. Corrin Preston Mitchell Website Jeremy Seeley Invaluable Advice Regarding Getting Down Morgan "Lurking Shadowdancer" Boehringer Tuneful Inflectionist Archetype Concept Morgan "Dances to the Fat Lady" Boehringer Patrons Like You - Thank You!
An Interjection Games, LLC Production
Interjection Games
Though it may seem to be a mishmash of ideas, Strange Magic's overarching theme is freedom. Ethermagic, musical composition, and truename magic have all been built from the ground up to shake off the shackles of Vancian magic; to allow the player a wealth of tactical and character build options through custom spells, custom compositions, and reversible recitations; and to allow for various progression paths within each subsystem thanks to generous class and archetype options. Creativity in gameplay comes to the fore, and it is my utmost hope that your fancy new base classes will make waiting 15 minutes for your turn a little more bearable. More personally, Strange Magic represents my own freedom. When the Kickstarter for Strange Magic was in full swing, Interjection Games was, quite literally, a month away from total collapse. This was my absolute last chance to put something out there, a Hail Mary, if you will, and the fact that the ball was actually caught still doesn't seem quite real. Kickstarter backers, you were there when this madman needed your help most, and you helped transform Interjection Games into a business that can sustain its needs while idling, let alone actively churning out content. Strange Magic is the inflection point. For good, or for awesome, you've given me a tremendous chance, and I will never forget that. Bradley Crouch Interjection Games
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Making a connection to the ether is something of a revelation. Alien power of an unthinkable magnitude washes over the lucky recipient, all but ensuring a fanatical desire to understand this miraculous gift more deeply. For some, this manifests in deep introspection and research, a lifetime of honing this connection to draw more deeply and manifest more intensely than his counterparts. For others, this manifests in the marriage of phenomenal cosmic power with established martial tradition. It's not that these martial practitioners of ethermagic lack the capacity or dedication to become exceptional "cosmic wizards". It's just that they like to stab things. Author: Jason Linker.
Table: The Ethermagus
The Ethermagus
Role: The ethermagus combines martial competence with mastery over voidmeld ethermagic. Never without a weapon, ethermagi can create custom weaponry made of compressed ether at will. Alignment: Any. The ether chooses its wielders, and those who are chosen rarely shun it. Hit Die: d8. Starting Wealth: 4d6 x 10 gp (average 140gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Class Skills The ethermagus’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Strange Magic
Class Features All of the following are class features of the ethermagus. Weapon Proficiency: Ethermagi are proficient with all simple weapons, as well as with their void blades. Armor Proficiency: Ethermagi are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. An ethermagus can cast etherspells while wearing light armor without incurring a spell failure chance. Like an arcane spellcaster, an ethermagus wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the etherspell in question has a somatic component (they all do). A multiclass ethermagus still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells and etherspells received from other classes.
Ethermagic The gift of the ethermagus can be thought of as a knife that extends through the whole of the universe and penetrates into the void beyond. Spilling ether like blood, he draws upon it, fueling wild evocations and protections with the power of the restless gyrations of the multiverse itself. This is the ethermagic of some truly deadly individuals. An ethermagus's access to the ether is measured in ether points, or EP. His maximum EP is equal to his level plus his Charisma modifier. At the beginning of the ethermagus's turn, he gains EP equal to 1/3 his class level, rounded up. This represents energy from elsewhere in the ether diffusing back into the vicinity of the vicious laceration inflicted upon the fabric of reality. Ethermagic is made up of two components: the etherheart and its manifestations. Etherheart selection dictates how the ethermagus can shape an etherspell with manifestations. Ethermagi can manipulate three varieties of etherheart that encompass the various practical applications of the ether: protection, enhancement, and destruction. Voidmeld - Ethermagi are uniquely able to produce short-lived weaponry from condensed extrauniversal energy. Known as void blades, these weapons can be further customized by an enterprising individual in order to overcome most any challenge. Lesser Blast - The easiest etherheart to control, blast etherspells are simply the application of raw ether toward a destructive end. Given their simple nature, an ethermagus can apply a larger number manifestations to blasts. Alteration - The alteration etherheart is the use of raw ether to produce shifts in the state of the universe directly around the ethermancer himself. This allows the ethermancer to change the way he interacts with the world for short periods of time.
Interjection Games
Manifestations are the various ways an ethermagus can shape the raw energy of the ether. Though any aficionado of blast etherspells will attest to raw ether's ability to melt faces particularly well on its own, there comes a need for a little finesse every now and then. Depending on the etherheart, anywhere from zero to three manifestations can be added to it. An ethermagus's repertoire of manifestations is rather explicitly segregated among the various etherhearts he knows. For example, an ethermagus's voidbladecompatible manifestations are totally distinct from his alteration-compatible manifestations. Only manifestations that are compatible with a particular etherheart may be used in an etherspell built around that etherheart. To use a manifestation, an ethermagus must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the manifestation level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an etherspell is 10 + the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell + the ethermagus's Charisma modifier unless stated otherwise in a manifestation's entry. The ethermagus begins play with two voidmeld manifestations. Each time the ethermagus gains a level, he learns more manifestations in at least one etherheart as detailed by Table: Ethermagus Manifestations Known. This new manifestation must be of a level he is able to cast. Further, whenever the ethermagus gains a new manifestation in a particular etherheart, he may exchange an existing manifestation in that etherheart for another compatible manifestation of a level he is able to cast. Note that for each etherheart an ethermagus knows, he may never have more known manifestations in a particular manifestation level than in the previous manifestation level. In other words, if the ethermagus has two 1st-level alteration manifestations, he cannot have more than two 2nd-level alteration manifestations. This does not stop the ethermagus from having three 2nd-level lesser blast manifestations or three 2nd-level voidmeld manifestations.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Etherhearts (Sp) Etherhearts are the core of ethermagic, tangles of emotions and urges that shape raw ether as it is drawn out of the void. Without the power of an etherheart to stabilize the various manifestations woven by the ethermagus, ethermagic would be completely impossible. Specific manifestations are compatible with specific etherhearts, which are listed in the entry for each manifestation. The total ether point, or EP, cost of an etherspell is equal to the EP cost of the etherheart plus the EP cost of each manifestation added to the etherheart. The casting time of an alteration or lesser blast etherspell is a standard action unless modified by a manifestation. The casting time of a voidblade etherspell is a swift action. All etherhearts have both somantic and verbal components. If two or more manifestations alter the casting time of an etherspell, the manifestation with the longer casting time takes precedence. It is impossible to dismiss an etherspell. Once cast, they run out their duration unless dispelled or otherwise forced to stop.
The Ethermagus
Lesser Blast Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target creature touched Duration instantaneous Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 class level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d3 + the caster's Charisma modifier points of bludgeoning damage, plus an additional 1d3 points of bludgeoning damage for every two caster levels beyond 1st. A maximum of two manifestations can be added to this etherheart, and if two manifestations are added, then one of them must be a shape manifestation. There is no minimum number of manifestations that can be added. An ethermagus gains the lesser blast etherheart at 2nd level.
An ethermagus' caster level is equal to his class level. Voidmeld Range personal Target you Duration 1 round/level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance no EP Cost 1 + 1/4 class level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart affects the ethermagus' void blade directly and cannot be cast if the void blade is not being actively wielded by the caster. If a void blade is dismissed, all voidmeld etherspells affecting it are also dismissed. Similarly, if the void blade is ever outside the range of this spell, an etherspell with this etherheart ends immediately. Unlike most etherspells, casting an etherspell with the voidmeld etherheart is a swift action. For the duration of the etherspell, the ethermagus' maximum EP is reduced by the etherspell's EP cost. Any number of manifestations can be added to this etherheart, so long as the sum of their manifestation levels are less than or equal to the highest manifestation level the ethermagus knows. (For example, an ethermagus who knows 4th-level manifestations can add four 1st-level manifestations, a 2nd-level manifestation and two 1st-level manifestations, or a single 4th-level manifestation to a voidmeld etherheart, among other valid combinations.) Only one voidmeld etherspell can be active at a time. An ethermagus etherheart.
Alteration Range personal Target you Duration 1 minute / level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 class level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart affects the ethermagus directly. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. Only one alteration etherspell can be active at a time. An ethermagus gains the alteration etherheart at 5th level.
Strange Magic
Table: Ethermagus Manifestations Known
Interjection Games
Void Blade (Su): Starting at 1st level, an ethermagus can reach into the ether as a standard action and pull out a weapon condensed from the vast pressures exerted by the multiverse. When the ethermagus creates a void blade, he selects whether or not the weapon is a light weapon and whether the weapon deals piercing or slashing damage. All void blades are one-handed weapons. A void blade has hardness 10 and 10 hit points, modified by its enhancement bonus in the same manner as a magic weapon. A void blade has a duration of 1 minute per ethermagus level and may be dismissed as a move action. An ethermagus cannot have more than one void blade at any one time. At 11th and 20th level, the base damage die of a void blade increases by one step as though it had increases in size. Starting at 4th level, all void blades made by the ethermagus have a +1 enhancement bonus. Every four levels beyond 4th, this enhancement bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.
Table: Ethermagus Void Blade
Etherstrike (Su): At 2nd level, whenever an ethermagus casts a lesser blast etherspell, he can deliver the etherspell through his void blade as part of a melee attack. Instead of the ranged touch attack normally made to deliver the spell, the ethermagus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of the etherspell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the blast etherspell. If the ethermagus makes this attack in concert with ether combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by ether combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon’s critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the etherspell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier. An ethermagus may hold the charge after a miss with an etherstrike as though the etherspell were a spell delivered via a melee touch.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethersurge (Ex): At 3rd level, when the ethermagus reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with an etherspell or with an attack with his void blade while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 ether point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the ethermagus’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any ether points. Ether Combat (Ex): At 5th level, an ethermagus learns to cast and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is an etherspell that is being cast. To use this ability, the ethermagus must have one hand free (even if the etherspell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any etherspell known with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this etherspell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his melee and etherspell attack rolls, up to his Charisma bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the etherspell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. An ethermagus can choose to cast the etherspell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks. Bonus Feat: At 6th level and every six levels thereafter, the ethermagus gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat or ethermagic feats. The ethermagus must meet the prerequisites for these feats as normal.
The Ethermagus
Improved Ether Surge (Su): At 11th level, in addition to regaining 1 EP from ether surge when reducing an opponent to 0 or fewer hit points, the maximum number of non-shape manifestations the ethermagus can add to his next lesser blast etherspell cast within the next 1 minute increases by +1. He must still pay for the manifestation as normal. This ability does not stack. Aberrant Musculature (Su): The use of ethermagic has altered the ethermagus’s muscles in form and function. At 13th level, select Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The ethermagus gains a +2 inherent bonus to the chosen ability score. At 17th level, select one of the two ability scores that were not chosen at 13th level. The ethermagus gains a +2 inherent bonus to the chosen ability score. Greater Ether Combat (Ex): At 14th level, the ethermagus gains the ability to seamlessly cast etherspells and make melee attacks. Whenever he uses the ether combat ability, her concentration check bonus equals double the amount of the attack penalty taken. Weight of the Void (Su): At 15th level, whenever the ethermagus hits and deals damage with his void blade, he may spend 4 EP as an immediate action in order to subject the creature struck to extreme gravity. The target is knocked prone and pinned for rounds equal to the ethermagus’s Charisma modifier with a DC 10 + ½ the ethermagus’s level + his Charisma modifier Fortitude save to negate. Each round, the target may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect immediately. This ability may be used once per day.
Void Shield (Su): Starting at 7th level, the ethermagus’s void blades carry some of the malleability of the ether. Void blades created by the ethermagus have the defending weapon special ability. Improved Ether Combat (Ex): At 8th level, the ethermagus’s ability to cast etherspells and make melee attacks improves. When using the ether combat ability, the ethermagus receives a +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks, in addition to any bonus granted by taking an additional penalty on the attack roll. The Pressing Void (Su): At 9th level, whenever the ethermagus hits and deals damage with his void blade, he may spend 3 EP as an immediate action to subject the creature struck to the horrible pressures used to create that void blade in the first place. The target is entangled for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the ethermagus’s level + his Charisma modifier Fortitude save to negate. Lesser Blast Mastery (Ex): Starting at 10th level, an ethermagus deals additional damage equal to half his ethermagus level, rounded down, when casting lesser blast etherspells in conjunction with the ether combat or etherstrike class features.
Void Collapse (Su): Starting at 19th level, the ethermagus may spend 5 EP as a swift action to dismiss his weight of the void, shocking the target with localized explosive decompression. The target takes 3d6 points of damage for each round it was pinned by the weight of the void class feature, max 20d6. If this damage reduces the target below 0 hp, the ethermagus regains his daily use of the weight of the void class feature. Void Bringer (Ex): At 20th level, the ethermagus may create or dismiss his void blade as a swift action. He may also use the weight of the void class feature one additional time per day. Finally, the pressing void and weight of the void class features can now have a single non-shape manifestation that is compatible with the lesser blast etherheart added to them.
Strange Magic
Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have ethermagi as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – Whenever the ethersurge class feature class feature causes the ethermagus to regain an ether point, he is also healed for 1/2 of a point of damage (1 point of damage for every two times this favored class bonus has been taken.) Drow – Newly-created void blades are coated in a dose of void toxin. This is an injury poison that deals 1 point of Constitution damage with a DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save to negate. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 11 times, void toxin deals 1 point of Strength damage and 1 point of Constitution damage instead. Dwarf – Whenever the ethersurge class feature class feature causes the ethermagus to regain an ether point, he also gains DR 1/3/- for 1 round. (DR 1/- for every three times this favored class bonus has been taken.) Elf - Add +1/3 to the number of ether points in the ethermagus's ether pool. Gnome – Every 6 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a 1st-level voidmeld manifestation. When casting a voidmeld etherspell, the ethermagus may select one of the manifestations chosen for this favored class bonus. The selected manifestation is applied to the etherspell without paying its ether point cost. Further, the manifestation is treated as though it were a 0th-level manifestation for the purpose of determining how many manifestations can be added to a single voidmeld etherspell. Half-elf – Add +1/3 to the number of ether points in the ethermagus's ether pool. Halfling – Add +1/4 to initiative rolls made while wielding a void blade. Halforc – Add +1/2 of a round to the duration of void blades and voidmeld etherspells. Hobgoblin – Add +1/2 of a round to the duration of void blades and voidmeld etherspells. Human – Add +1/3 to the number of ether points in the ethermagus's ether pool. Kitsune - Once per day as a full-round action, the kitsune increases her ether point regeneration rate by +1/2 for 1 round.
Interjection Games
Kobold – Add a +1/3 bonus to the first attack roll made with a newly-created void blade. Orc – Add a +1/2 bonus to the first weapon damage roll made with a newly-created void blade. Puddling – Every 6 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a 1st-level voidmeld manifestation. When casting a voidmeld etherspell, the ethermagus may select one of the manifestations chosen for this favored class bonus. The selected manifestation is applied to the etherspell without paying its ether point cost. Further, the manifestation is treated as though it were a 0th-level manifestation for the purpose of determining how many manifestations can be added to a single voidmeld etherspell. Tiefling – Add a +1/2 bonus to the first weapon damage roll made with a newly-created void blade. Vanara - Add +1/4 to initiative rolls made while wielding a void blade. Vishkanya - Newly-created void blades are coated in a dose of void toxin. This is an injury poison that deals 1 point of Constitution damage with a DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save to negate. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 11 times, void toxin deals 1 point of Strength damage and 1 point of Constitution damage instead.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagus Archetypes Far moreso than practitioners of ethermagic with a wholly mystical approach to their gift, ethermagi are prone to wild variations in the expression of their talent. Some treat their martial training and ethereal gift as two entirely separate concepts that receive an equal measure of their attention, while others allow one aspect of their training to atrophy or become incredibly specialized in order to focus upon or support the other half. Though this is by no means an exhaustive list of the variations that exist on the concept of being an ethermagus, it is representative of that wide variance as a whole. Mad Evangelist Mad Evangelist (Archetype) (Archetype) "Cast off your ugly pink skin! Become one with the master and join us in eternal reverence of his glory!" -Terutuk, mad evangelist Kickstarter Backer: Mathew Duckwitz. Author: Bradley Crouch.
Ethermagus Archetypes
Aspects of the Master (Su): At 3rd level, the mad evangelist has learned how to make those he brings into the fold look the part, slowly becoming avatars of the beings he venerates. Choose one of the aspects below. Whenever the mad evangelist spends metamorphosis points to raise a creature as a zombie, he may spend additional points to grant the resulting zombie one or more of the aspects of the master he has selected. Unless stated otherwise, an aspect of the master can only be granted once. This additional cost is considered to be part of the cost of initially raising a zombie. The costs of multiple applications of the same aspect stack. At 6th level and every three levels thereafter, choose an additional ability. A zombie can be granted no more than one aspect with the Variant descriptor. Acidic Hide (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point Acid weeps from every pore and chink in the zombie's hide. A zombie with this aspect deals acid damage equal to half its Hit Dice (max 3) to the target whenever it successfully performs a combat maneuver. Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to four times. Each time, the maximum acid damage dealt increases by +3. Craggy Flesh (Ex) [Variant] Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points
Mad evangelists have the following class features: Metamorphosis Pool (Su): At 1st level, a mad evangelist gains a pool of metamorphosis points, a measure of the power vested in him by his horrific patrons. The number of points in a mad evangelist's metamorphosis pool is equal to twice his mad evangelist level + his Charisma modifier. Whenever a mad evangelist kills a living creature with an etherspell, the void tentacle gift from beyond, or his void blade, he may choose to spend metamorphosis points equal to that creature's HD as a free action. If he does so, after a number of rounds equal to the creature's HD, it is raised as a zombie under the mad evangelist's control. Templates may not be applied to zombies raised in this fashion. If a mad evangelist attempts to raise a creature whose HD is greater than his mad evangelist class level, he spends metamorphosis points equal to his mad evangelist class level, but the corpse is not raised. The metamorphosis pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. Whenever the metamorphosis pool is replenished, for each active zombie raised by this class feature, the mad evangelist must either spend metamorphosis points equal to the number of metamorphosis points it cost to initially raise that zombie or allow that zombie to turn to dust, effectively destroying it. This ability replaces ether combat, improved ether combat, and greater ether combat.
A zombie with this aspect is not a standard zombie, but rather has hideously craggy flesh, granting it DR 10/slashing and DR 5/- rather than DR 5/slashing. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master. Curse from Beyond (Ex) [Variant] Cost: 3 Metamorphosis Points A zombie with this aspect is not a standard zombie, but is rather a variant cursed zombie, as the template. A mad evangelist must be at least 12th level to select this aspect of the master. Gibbering Vocalizations (Ex) Cost: 3 Metamorphosis Points Though mindless, a zombie with this aspect rambles on and on about the glory of the master. As a swift action performed before moving that round, the zombie confuses all other creatures within 5 feet for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Charisma modifier Will save to negate. This is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components. Creatures with levels in the mad evangelist or herald of madness archetypes are immune. A mad evangelist must be at least 15th level to select this aspect of the master. Healthy Corpse (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point A zombie with this aspect has a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Infused Musculature (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point
Jagged Protrusions (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point
Infusing ether into a living creature nearly always kills it, but it turns out dealing with the dead gets rid of that problem before it even starts. A zombie with this aspect has a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every six Hit Dice it possesses (max +2).
Beauty is in the eye of the master. A zombie with this aspect sports a number of horns, spikes, and other sharp bits of keratin jutting out at odd angles; its natural weapons deal an additional 1d8 points of bleed damage on a successful hit. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master.
Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to four times. Each time, the maximum enhancement bonus granted increases by +1.
Maniacal Impulse (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point
Table: The Mad Evangelist
Once per day as a swift action, a zombie with this aspect gains the benefits of the haste spell and loses the staggered condition for 1 round. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagus Archetypes
Negation (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point
Unstable Infusion (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point
Sometimes, the master values a convert quite highly, and wishes to keep it around, for a time. A zombie with this aspect has resistance against positive energy equal to the number of Hit Dice it possesses (max 10).
Sometimes, the master does not see a new member of his congregation as worthy, and, accordingly, finds a way to be rid of it. When a zombie with this aspect is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, it explodes, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage for every two Hit Dice it possesses (max 5d4) to all creatures in a 10-foot radius. A DC 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + the creature's Charisma modifier Reflex save halves the damage.
Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to three times. Each time, the maximum resistance granted increases by +10. Plaguebearer (Ex) [Variant] Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points A zombie with this aspect is not a standard zombie, but is rather a variant plague zombie, as the template. Prehensile Tentacle (Ex) Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points A zombie with this aspect sports a huge, prehensile tentacle growing out of its anatomy at a strange and unnatural angle. Whenever the zombie successfully hits with a natural weapon, it may perform a reposition combat maneuver as a swift action. This manuever does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master. Sensitive Flesh (Ex) Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points Some creatures touched by a mad evangelist become possessed of an unnaturally heightened external shell. Slight changes in temperature are nearly unbearable, and the slight breeze caused by the buzzing of a fly's wings may as well be a gust. A zombie with this aspect gains the Combat Reflexes feat as a bonus feat. A mad evangelist must be at least 6th level to select this aspect of the master.
Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to four times. Each time, the maximum damage dealt by this aspect increases by +5d4. Visage of the Master (Ex) Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points Grotesque, bloodshot eyeballs dot the surface of the zombie's body, weeping ichor and rot as they stare endlessly forward. A zombie with this aspect cannot be flanked unless all allies with this aspect within 30 feet are flanked. Given its similarity of expression, if the master has the multitude of eyes gift from beyond, he counts as an ally with this aspect of the master. The mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master. Void Hunger (Ex) [Variant] Cost: 3 Metamorphosis Points A zombie with this aspect is not a standard zombie, but is rather a variant void zombie, as the template. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to select this aspect of the master. Void Vitality (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point The emptiness of the great beyond carries a power all its own. A zombie with this aspect has an additional +1 hit point for each Hit Die it possesses (max +10). Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to four times. Each time, the maximum number of hit points granted increases by +10.
Stimulated Locomotion (Ex) [Variant] Cost: 2 Metamorphosis Points A zombie with this aspect is not a standard zombie, but is rather a variant fast zombie. as the template. Telepathic Reflex (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point If a zombie with this aspect is within 30 feet of its master, then the master gets a +1 enhancement bonus on his initiative rolls. This bonus stacks with other sources of the same name, to a maximum of +4. A mad evangelist must be at least 6th level to select this aspect of the master.
Wriggling Tendrils (Ex) Cost: 1 Metamorphosis Point A zombie with this aspect is little more than a bag of flesh covered in thousands of cilia-like tentacles, which grab, push, flick at, and pull at anything that gets close, granting a +1 enhancement bonus to CMB, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every six Hit Dice it possesses (max +2). Special: A mad evangelist can grant this aspect of the master up to four times. Each time, the maximum enhancement bonus granted increases by +1. This ability replaces ethersurge and improved ether surge.
Strange Magic
Gift from Beyond: At 5th level, the mad evangelist has formally entered into a pact with the great beings dwelling beyond the ether itself. Choose one of the abilities below, which symbolizes the agreement between man and eldritch abomination. At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, choose an additional ability. Alien Wings (Ex) - A pair of strange wings, not entirely unlike those of a bat, or a bird, or even the skinflaps of a flying squirrel, grow out of the mad evangelist'ss back. He gains a fly speed of 30 feet with a maneuverability of clumsy. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, increase the fly speed by +10 feet and increase maneuverability by one step, to a maximum of good. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level to take this gift from beyond. Bizarre Physiology (Ex) - Symmetry has simply given up on the mad evangelist. On the upside, if his face looks like that, it should be fairly difficult for a rogue to be able to find a kidney! The mad evangelist gains light fortification. This gift from beyond can be taken twice. The second time, the mad evangelist gains moderate fortification instead. EtherSensitive Ears (Su) - The mad evangelist's ears are extremely sensitive in an effort to enhance his ability to commune with his masters. Once per day, whenever the mad evangelist fails any d20 roll, he may call upon his masters for advice as an immediate action. This allows the mad evangelist to retroactively reroll that d20 roll. If the new roll would make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. A reroll cannot be rerolled. After resolving the effects of the roll, the mad evangelist is confused for 1 round. The eldritch abominations patronizing the mad evangelist brush aside any puny attempts on the mad evangelist's part to render himself immune to the confusion component of this ability. As a result, the confusion cannot be avoided by any means. It's simply part of speaking with the masters. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, it may be used an additional time per day. Maddening Gaze (Su) - As a swift action, the mad evangelist may spend 4 EP to direct his multitude of eyes to stare down a single creature within 30 feet. That creature is confused for 1 round with a DC 10 + the 1/2 mad evangelist's class level + the mad evangelist's Charisma modifier Will save to negate. A mad evangelist must have the multitude of eyes gift from beyond in order to take this ability. This is a mind-affecting ability. Multitude of Eyes (Ex) - Eyeballs dot the mad evangelist's skin like a child with chickenpox. They are not merely extra eyes, but span the range of bloodshot, feline, and globes of milky fluid on the end of tiny tentacles, their colors and sizes seemingly chosen at random. The mad evangelist gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when not wearing armor. In addition, when not wearing armor, he cannot be flanked unless he is immobilized, dazzled, blinded, or has his line of sight blocked, such as being tarred and feathered or shoved in a burlap sack. A mad evangelist must be at least 9th level in order to take this gift from beyond.
Interjection Games
Regenerative Assembly (Su) - The mad evangelist's flesh becomes spongy and porous, much like a sea sponge or a starfish. Once per day as a standard action, the mad evangelist gains fast healing equal to half his mad evangelist class level for 1 minute. If he is restored to maximum hit points, whether by this ability alone or in tandem with other sources of healing, before this fast healing ends, any missing body parts, from eyes and tentacles to entire limbs, are instantly regrown. If the mad evangelist's head is cut off, such as by a weapon with the vorpal weapon special ability, he may expend two uses of this ability as an immediate action to avoid dying instantly and stay alive as a severed head with 1 hit point. If restored to maximum hit points within 1 minute, he instantly regrows his body. If not, he dies. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, it may be used an additional time per day. The mad evangelist must be at least 13th level in order to take this gift from beyond. Scaly Hide (Ex) - Tough scales grow from the mad evangelist's skin, granting him a +1 profane bonus to natural armor. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, the profane bonus to natural armor increases by +1. Void Attunement (Ex) - A strong connection to the void allows the mad evangelist to use the weight of the void class feature an additional time per day. The mad evangelist must be at least 17th level in order to take this gift from beyond. Void Tentacle (Ex) - A long slit runs down the side of the mad evangelist's body just under the armpit. Hidden away inside and constantly slick with a gelatinous substance is a thin, whippy tentacle. As a standard action, the mad evangelist may attack a single creature within 30 feet, dealing 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage on a successful melee touch attack. Any voidmeld etherspell currently affecting the mad evangelist's void blade also affects his void tentacle. This gift from beyond can be taken up to three times. Each time, the void tentacle's base damage increases by +1d4. This ability replaces aberrant musculature and the bonus feats gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th level. Vigor of the Mad Evangelist (Ex): At 11th level, whenever the mad evangelist raises a zombie with the metamorphosis pool class feature, he is healed for points of damage equal to that zombie's HD. This ability replaces the pressing void. Aberrant Physiology (Ex): At 14th level, the mad evangelist's body has been sufficiently altered to make him immune to his choice of disease, fear, or poison. He becomes vulnerable to the two selections he did not choose, taking a -2 penalty to saving throws against spells and effects involving them.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Void Stalker (Archetype) Once a void stalker learns to create his void blade, all pretense of learning more ethermagic is dropped. A void blade always has a honed cutting edge, and can never be "exhibit A". In short, it made for murder. Author: Jason Linker. Void stalkers have the following class features: Class Skills: A void stalker adds Bluff (Cha), Disable Device (Int), and Stealth (Dex) to his list of class skills, in addition to the normal ethermagus class skills. Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier. Whirling Void Blade (Su): Starting at 1st level, a void stalker can reach into the ether as a standard action and pull out a weapon condensed from the vast pressures exerted by the multiverse. When the void stalker creates a whirling void blade, he selects whether the weapon is a light one-handed weapon, a one-handed weapon, or a double weapon. A whirling void blade has hardness 10 and 10 hit points, modified by its enhancement bonus in the same manner as a magic weapon. Voidmeld etherspells modify both ends of a double weapon void blade. A whirling void blade has a duration of 1 minute per void stalker level and may be dismissed as a move action. A void stalker cannot have more than one whirling void blade at a time. At 11th and 20th level, the base damage die of a whirling void blade increases by one step. Starting at 4th level, a whirling void blades has a +1 enhancement bonus. Every four levels beyond 4th, this enhancement bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level. This ability replaces void blade. Sneak Attack (Ex): If a void stalker can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The void stalker's attack deals extra damage anytime his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the void stalker flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 2nd level, and increases by 1d6 every three void stalker levels thereafter. Should the void stalker score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks if the target is within 30 feet.
Ethermagus Archetypes
With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), a void stalker can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The void stalker must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A void stalker cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment. This ability replaces etherstrike, ether combat, and the lesser blast etherheart. Low Albedo (Su): At 3rd level, the void stalker can change the physics of the space around himself as a standard action. This effectively transforms him into a mote of darkness, granting him a +5 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks in areas of dim or no illumination. This ability may be dismissed as a swift action. At 9th level, the circumstance bonus to Stealth checks increases to +10 and attacks against him have a 20% miss chance. This ability costs 1 EP per round to maintain and the void stalker’s EP regeneration rate is set to 0 while this ability is active. If the EP cost cannot be paid, the ability ends immediately. This ability replaces ethersurge. Void Stalker Talent (Ex): As a void stalker gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 4th level, a void stalker gains one rogue talent, treating his void stalker level as his effective rogue level. He gains an additional rogue talent for every 3 levels of void stalker attained after 4th level. A void stalker cannot select an individual talent more than once. Talents marked with an asterisk add effects to a void stalker's sneak attack. Only one of these talents can be applied to an individual attack and the decision must be made before the attack roll is made. A void stalker cannot choose a ninja trick with the same name as a rogue talent. This ability replaces the alteration etherheart.
Table: Whirling Void Blade
Strange Magic
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a void stalker can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He cannot be caught flatfooted, nor does he lose his Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. He still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A void stalker with this ability can still lose his Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against him.
Table: The Void Stalker
Interjection Games
If a void stalker already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. This ability replaces void shield.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Evasion (Ex): At 8th level and higher, a void stalker can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the void stalker is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless void stalker does not gain the benefit of evasion. This ability replaces improved ether combat. Gravitic Lensing (Sp): At 10th level, the void stalker can create a zero-point gravitic field as a standard action, effectively rendering himself invisible. This functions as an alteration etherspell with the ultraviolet shift manifestation, except that the ability costs 1 EP per round to maintain, the void stalker’s EP regeneration rate is set to 0 while this ability is active, he may dismiss the ability as a swift action, and he may make a move action without ending the effects of the ability immediately. If the EP cost cannot be paid, the ability ends immediately. This ability replaces lesser blast mastery. Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A void stalker of 11th level or higher can no longer be flanked. This defense denies another character's ability to sneak attack the character by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four rogue or void stalker levels more than the target does. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.
Ethermagus Archetypes
Voidstar (Archetype)
Voidstar (Archetype)
"A sword? What a horrible waste of a perfectly good talent." -Every halfling ever Author: Bradley Crouch. Voidstars have the following class features: Class Skills: A voidstar adds Acrobatics (Dex) and Sleight of Hand (Dex) to his list of class skills, in addition to the normal ethermagus class skills. Weapon Proficiency: A voidstar is proficient with shuriken in addition to the normal ethermagus weapon proficiencies. Shooting Stars (Su): Starting at 1st level, a voidstar can reach into the ether as a standard action and pull out a number of shooting stars condensed from the vast pressures exerted by the multiverse. The number of shooting stars produced in this fashion is equal to 3 + 1/2 the voidstar's class level. Treat a shooting star as a shuriken with hardness 10 and 2 hit points, modified by enhancement bonus in the same manner as a magic weapon. When thrown, a shooting star evaporates into a fine mist on impact. Voidmeld etherspells modify all shooting stars on the voidstar's person. Shooting stars have a duration of 1 minute per voidstar level, and a voidstar may dismiss all of his shooting stars as a move action. A voidstar cannot create more shooting stars while at least one shooting star he created is extant. Treat a shooting star as though it were a void blade for the purpose of the weight of the void and the pressing void class features.
This ability replaces improved ethersurge.
This ability replaces void blade.
Advanced Talents (Ex): At 13th level, a void stalker may select an advanced rogue talent whenever he could select a void stalker talent.
Death Stars (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the voidstar treats the highest manifestation level he can cast as though it were +1 higher for the purpose of determining the number of manifestation levels worth of manifestations he can add to a single voidmeld etherspell. This increases by an additional +1 at 8th and 14th level.
This ability replaces greater ether combat.
This ability replaces ether combat, improved ether combat, and greater ether combat. Path Through the Void (Sp): Starting at 15th level, the void stalker may cast the ethereal jaunt spell as a spell-like ability once per day. At 19th level, he may cast this spell an additional time per day. This ability replaces the pressing void, weight of the void and void collapse.
Versatile Stars (Ex): Starting at 5th level, the voidstar selects silver, cold iron, or adamantine whenever he produces shooting stars. Those shooting stars bypass damage reduction, but not hardness, as though they were made of the chosen metal. This ability replaces etherstrike.
Killing Edge (Ex): At 20th level, whirling void blades the void stalker creates have the vorpal weapon special ability.
Keen Stars (Ex): Starting at 7th level, all shooting stars the voidstar produces have the keen weapon special ability and ignore 10 points of damage reduction on a critical hit.
This ability replaces void bringer.
This ability replaces void shield.
Strange Magic
Ethermancer The universe is big. Really big. Planets stack upon planets and galaxies stack upon galaxies until the resulting teetering tower of creation forces even the most obtuse little organic creature to feel rather small and alone in some great cosmic heap. If it were to end there, then perhaps organic life could suck it up and go about its daily business without worrying about it too much. The problem, as it is for so many people, is the neighbors. Our shortstack of creation is but one pancake in the multiverse, an infinite number of universes that bumble to and fro. For some, the realization can be utterly maddening. What's more, these universes need not behave anything like each other! For one universe, up is up and down is down. For its neighbor, up is left and down is purple. These differences vary wildly, but are generally great enough to rend apart both universes should they ever collide, insignificant specks of dust, organics with an inferiority complex, and gods included. The only thing stopping the multiverse from becoming one enormous explosion is a fluid known as the ether. Weightless and almost completely elastic, the ether wraps itself around each and every universe in the multiverse, effectively making the multiverse some variety of cosmic tapioca pudding. As the various universes squirm back and forth like unruly children, the ether itself becomes charged with enough power to blast the multiverse itself should it ever feel like it. There are some puny and insignificant organic creatures who find themselves attuned to this infinite source of energy that suffuses the void beyond the edge of everything. Finding they have the ability to communicate with the interuniversal fluid and to draw from its raw, shapeless energy to do as they will, these ethermancers tend to fall into two camps. Some believe that the multiuniverse chose them to carry its greatest gift and use it to protect this tiny speck of creation. Others feel it is a perfect excuse to lord it over everyone. Given humanoid nature, the latter tends to be far more common. Author: Bradley Crouch. Role: The ethermancer fills the role of an arcane spellcaster and brings to bear both more flexibility than a wizard and less variety than a sorcerer. Specializing in energy blasts, short-term conjuration and transmutation, and the creation of objects from the shapeless ether, a smart ethermancer always has a tool for the job, but always does best when everything looks like a nail. Alignment: Any Hit Die: d6 Starting Wealth: 2d4 x 10 gp (average 50 gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Interjection Games
Class Skills The ethermancer's class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier Class Features All of the following ethermancer.
Weapon Proficiency: Ethermancers are proficient with simple weapons and the starknife. Armor and Shield Proficiency: Ethermancers are proficient with light armor. Armor interferes with an ethermancer's gestures, which can cause his etherspells with somantic components (all of them) to fail. Igor, son of Igor human ethermancer
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic The gift of the ethermancer can be thought of as a thin syringe that extends through the whole of the universe and penetrates into the void beyond. Thus tapped into the ether, an ethermancer can draw upon it, fueling wild evocations and protections with the power of the restless gyrations of the multiverse itself. This is known as ethermagic. An ethermancer's access to the ether is measured in ether points, or EP. His maximum EP is equal to twice his level plus his Charisma modifier. At the beginning of the ethermancer's turn, he gains EP equal to half his class level, rounded up. This represents energy from elsewhere in the ether diffusing back into the vicinity of the tiny pinhole that the ethermancer can access.
The Ethermancer
Manifestations are the various ways an ethermancer can shape the raw energy of the ether. Though any aficionado of blast etherspells will attest to raw ether's ability to melt faces particularly well on its own, there comes a need for a little finesse every now and then. Depending on the etherheart, anywhere from zero to three manifestations can be added to it. An ethermancer's repertoire of manifestations is rather explicitly segregated among the various etherhearts he knows. For example, an ethermancer's genesiscompatible manifestations are totally distinct from his lesser and greater blast-compatible manifestations. Only manifestations that are compatible with a particular etherheart may be used in an etherspell built around that etherheart.
Ethermagic is made up of two components: the etherheart and its manifestations. Ethermancers learn five etherhearts that encompass the various philosophies to which a spell of any sort can be aligned. Etherheart selection dictates how the ethermancer can shape an etherspell with manifestations.
Lesser and Greater Blast - The easiest etherhearts to control, blast ethespells are simply the application of raw ether toward a destructive end. Given their simple nature, an ethermancer can apply a larger number manifestations to blasts. Alteration - The alteration etherheart is the use of raw ether to produce shifts in the state of the universe directly around the ethermancer himself. This allows the ethermancer to change the way he interacts with the world for short periods of time. Bestow - The bestow etherheart is, in effect, an alteration etherheart cast upon a creature other than the ethermancer. Given this target moves in relation to the ethermancer, the various manifestations used with this etherheart generally aren't as impressive as those used with the alteration etherheart. Further, ethermancers will find their powers diminished by the energy necessary to maintain a remote connection to the ether. Genesis - Easily the most difficult etherheart for an ethermancer to manage, genesis actually creates something. From swords and shields composed of the stuff of the void itself to platforms and ethereal staircases that hover in the air, the genesis etherheart can create it.
To use a manifestation, an ethermancer must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the manifestation level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an etherspell is 10 + the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell + the ethermancer's Charisma modifier unless stated otherwise in a manifestation's entry. The ethermancer begins play with five lesser blast manifestations, as well as two alteration manifestations. Each time the ethermancer gains a level, he learns more manifestations in at least one etherheart as detailed by Table: Ethermancer Manifestations Known. This new manifestation must be of a level he is able to cast. Further, whenever the ethermancer gains a new manifestation in a particular etherheart, he may exchange an existing manifestation compatible with that etherheart for another compatible manifestation of a level he is able to cast. Note that for each etherheart an ethermancer knows, he may never have more known manifestations in a particular manifestation level than in the previous manifestation level. In other words, if the ethermancer has two level 1 alteration manifestations, he cannot have more than two level 2 alteration manifestations. This does not stop the ethermancer from having three level 2 blast manifestations or three level 2 bestow manifestations.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Etherhearts (Sp) Etherhearts are the core of ethermagic, tangles of emotions and urges that shape raw ether as it is drawn out of the void. Without the power of an etherheart to stabilize the various manifestations woven by the ethermancer, ethermagic would be completely impossible. As stated earlier, specific manifestations are compatible with specific etherhearts, which are listed in the entry for each manifestation. The total ether point, or EP, cost of an etherspell is equal to the EP cost of the etherheart plus the EP cost of each manifestation added to the etherheart. The casting time of an etherspell is a standard action unless modified by a manifestation. All etherhearts have both somantic and verbal components. If two or more manifestations alter the casting time of an etherspell, the manifestation with the longer casting time takes precedence. With the exception of genesis etherhearts, it is impossible to simply dismiss an etherspell. Once cast, they run out their durations unless dispelled or otherwise forced to stop. An ethermancer's caster ethermancer class level.
Alteration Range personal Target you Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 level, rounded down
Bestow Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 round / level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1/4 level, rounded down An etherspell with the bestow etherheart is delivered as a melee touch. The ethermancer may not touch himself. If the ethermancer fails to touch a creature upon casting a bestow etherspell, the charge is not lost; however, the duration of the etherspell begins as soon as it is cast and will begin to count down accordingly. For the duration of the etherspell, the ethermancer's maximum EP is reduced by an amount equal to the etherspell's EP cost. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. An ethermancer learns the bestow etherheart at 4th level. Greater Blast Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target creature touched Duration instantaneous Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/2 level, rounded down
An etherspell with this etherheart affects the ethermancer directly. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. Only one alteration etherspell can be active at a time.
An etherspell with this etherheart is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d10 + the caster's Charisma modifier points of bludgeoning damage, plus an additional 1d10 points of bludgeoning damage for every 2 caster levels beyond 1st. A maximum of three manifestations can be added to this etherheart. There is no minimum number of manifestations that can be added.
An ethermancer begins play with the alteration etherheart.
An ethermancer learns the greater blast etherheart at 7th level.
Lesser Blast Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target creature touched Duration instantaneous Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 level, rounded down
Genesis Range see individual manifestations Target/Area see individual manifestations Duration permanent until dismissed Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1/2 level, rounded down
An etherspell with this etherheart is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d3 + the caster's Charisma modifier points of bludgeoning damage, plus an additional 1d3 points of bludgeoning damage for every caster level beyond 1st. A maximum of three manifestations can be added to this etherheart. There is no minimum number of manifestations that can be added.
An etherspell with this etherheart creates an object out of pure ether energy. The lifespan of such an object is permanent until dismissed by the ethermancer, until dispelled, or until the object itself is no longer within range of the caster. For as long as this object persists and for one minute thereafter, the caster's maximum EP is reduced by an amount equal to the EP cost of the etherspell that created it. An object created with the genesis etherheart can be dismissed as a move action. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart.
An ethermancer begins play with the lesser blast etherheart.
An ethermancer learns the genesis etherheart at 8th level.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Multiuniversal Philosophy: The way an ethermancer looks at his great gift dictates how it is he intends to use it. At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, the ethermancer selects one of the philosophies detailed below. An ethermancer need not dip exclusively into a single philosophy and may select a different philosophy each time he is eligible to do so. Multiuniversal Conservator (Su): Some ethermancers believe that the energy within the ether may not be infinite, even though it is an infinite realm encompassing infinite universes that are themselves infinite in size. Sure, it's a long shot, but you never know. As a move action, an ethermancer with this philosophy can enter a trance of sorts. The next etherspell with the bestow etherheart cast this round reduces the caster's maximum EP by an amount equal to the EP cost of the etherspell – the ethermancer's Charisma modifier. For example, a bestow etherspell that costs 9 EP cast by an ethermancer with 20 Charisma reduces that ethermancer's maximum EP by 4 rather than by 9. This ability may be used once per day for each time the multiuniversal conservator philosophy has been selected. An ethermancer must know the bestow etherheart to select this philosophy.
The Ethermancer
Multiuniversal Demolisher (Ex): The ether is fed by the universes in its grasp, and those universes are each infinite. What difference does a city, a planet, or even a plane make when compared to the whole? Etherspells with the greater blast etherheart deal an additional +1 damage if one manifestation slot is unfilled, +2 damage if two manifestation slots are unfilled, or +3 damage if all three manifestation slots are unfilled. These bonuses increase by +1 for each time the multiuniversal demolisher philosophy has been selected beyond the first. (For example, taken twice, etherspells with the greater blast etherheart deal an additional +2 damage if one manifestation slot is unfilled, +3 damage if two manifestation slots are unfilled, or +4 damage if all three manifestation slots are unfilled.) An ethermancer must know the greater blast etherheart in order to select this philosophy.
Table: The Ethermancer
Strange Magic
Multiuniversal Equalizer (Ex): Many ethermancers believe that everything in the universe is made of the same materials in different configurations. Some seek to discover the essential one-ness in all things. Others force that one-ness on others. Whenever a creature takes damage from a blast etherspell cast by an ethermancer with this philosophy, all of its resistances are reduced by -3 for 1 round for each time the multiuniversal equalizer philosophy has been selected. Multiuniversal Hedonist (Ex): Some ethermancers relish the warmth of the ether flowing over themselves. It simply feels good! Whenever the ethermancer is currently benefiting from an etherspell with the alteration etherheart, he receives +1 insight bonus to Fortitude saves. Further, weapons he wield enjoy a +1 enhancement bonus to hit. These bonuses increase by +1 for each time the multiuniversal hedonist philosophy has been selected beyond the first, to a maximum of +5. Multiuniversal Illuminator (Su): Many ethermancers seek to share the blessings of the multiverse with others, but tend to be rebuffed, or worse, killed, when they try. Some few are persistent enough to make this sharing their primary directive. As a move action, an ethermancer with this philosophy can enter a trance of sorts. The next etherspell with the bestow etherheart cast this round has a range of short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) instead of its normal range, and is now delivered via a ranged touch attack. This ability may be used once per day for each time the multiuniversal illuminator philosophy has been selected. An ethermancer must know the bestow etherheart in order to select this philosophy. Multiuniversal Megalomaniac (Su): Some ethermancers come to think of the ether as a focus for their own vast power and nothing more. The ethermancer's maximum EP is increased by 3 for each time the multiuniversal megalomaniac philosophy has been selected.
Multiuniversal Nomad (Su): Believing the ether to be an impossibly vast and wondrous thing, some ethermancers are overcome with the desire to experience as much of it as possible. As a move action, an ethermancer with this philosophy can almost imperceptibly move the location of his pinpoint access to the ether, thus moving his influence to a location that has not had its energy consumed. The ethermancer immediately gains EP equal to his Charisma modifier. This ability may be used once per day for each time the multiuniversal nomad philosophy has been selected.
Interjection Games
Multiuniversal Parader (Ex): The best way to describe the behavior of many brand-new ethermancers is to compare them to strutting peacocks. Some individuals never grow out of this phase and openly mock those who don’t have the gift of ethermagic for the rest of their natural lives. At least all of this hooting and hollering helps to keep an ethermancer healthy. The ethermancer’s maximum hit points increases by +4 for each time the multiuniversal parader philosophy has been selected. Multiuniversal Scholar (Ex): Despite the fact that ethermancers do not have to work for their power, many approach it with enough scholarly vigor to make a wizard blush. Each time this philosophy is selected, the ethermancer learns a feat with the ethermagic descriptor as a bonus feat. He must meet all of the prerequisites of the chosen feat. Multiuniversal Tinker (Su): Believing the craft of ethermancy to be of supreme importance, some ethermancers neglect to give the void between universes much thought at all and instead focus on what can be done with the energy. As a move action, an ethermancer with this philosophy can enter a trance of sorts. The next etherspell with either the lesser blast or the greater blast etherheart can include an additional manifestation with an EP cost equal to 1/3 the ethermancer's Charisma modifier or less, minimum 1, without paying for it. This bonus manifestation is in addition to the 3 that can normally be added, for a maximum of 4 manifestations allowed. This ability may be used once per day for each time the multiuniversal tinker philosophy has been selected.
Aberrant Form (Su): Oddly enough, being exposed to the energetic leavings of an infinite number of universes with vastly different laws of physics tends to... alter those so exposed after a long enough period of time. The changes are initially quite subtle, perhaps a yellowing of the fingernails or a rash on the right leg that simply won't go away, but the slight aberrations accumulate until the merest of glances is enough to be quite sure that something isn't right. At 5th level, the slight shifting of the ethermancer's form as compared to that of standard creatures of his race grants him a 10% chance to ignore sneak attack and other precision damage. At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, this chance increases by an additional 10%, to a maximum of 40% at 17th level. Unlike other abilities that negate precision damage, aberrant form does absolutely nothing to hinder critical hits. Weird still bisects. Aberrant Physiology (Su): At 12th level, the ethermancer's body has been sufficiently altered to make him immune to his choice of disease, fear, or poison. He becomes vulnerable to the two selections he did not choose, taking a -2 penalty to saving throws against spells and abilities involving them.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
The Ethermancer
Table: Ethermancer Manifestations Known
Multiuniversal Apotheosis: At 20th level, the ethermancer becomes one with his dominant multiuniversal philosophy. The multiuniversal philosophy that has been taken the greatest number of times is modified as detailed below. If the ethermancer has two philosophies that tie for dominance, he chooses which one is dominant. This decision cannot be changed. Multiuniversal Conservator – This philosophy's ability may be used as a swift action instead of as a move action. It can be used an additional time per day. Multiuniversal Demolisher Whenever the ethermancer critically hits with a greater blast etherspell, he deals an additional 1d4 damage for each time the ethermancer has taken this philosophy.
Multiuniversal Equalizer - The target’s resistances are now reduced after being hit by a blast etherspell, but before damage is rolled for that blast. Multiuniversal Hedonist – Whenever the ethermancer is currently benefiting from an etherspell with the alteration etherheart, weapons he wields receive an enhancement bonus to damage equal to the number of times the ethermancer has taken this philosophy. Multiuniversal Illuminator - This philosophy's ability may be used as a swift action instead of as a move action. It can be used an additional time per day. Multiuniversal Megalomaniac – The ethermancer's maximum EP increases by +1 for each time the ethermancer has taken this philosophy.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Multiuniversal Nomad – This philosophy's ability may be used as a swift action instead of as a move action. It can be used an additional time per day.
Aasimar - The duration of bestow etherspells that must be cast on an ally is increased as though the caster's caster level were +1/3 higher.
Multiuniversal Parader - The ethermancer’s maximum hit points increase by +2 for each time the ethermancer has taken this philosophy.
Drow – Add +1/6 to the Difficulty Class of bestow etherspells.
Multiuniversal Scholar - Once per day, the ethermancer may meditate on the concept of the ether for 1 minute. At the termination of this meditation, the ethermancer temporarily learns any one feat with the ethermagic descriptor. If the chosen feat has other feats as prerequisites, he must have at least one of those prerequisite feats. In all other respects, he does not need to meet any of the prerequisites of the chosen feat. After minutes equal to the number of times the multiuniversal scholar philosophy has been taken, he loses the feat learned in this manner. Multiuniversal Tinker – This philosophy's ability may be used as a swift action instead of as a move action. It can be used an additional time per day.
Sidebar: The Prestigious Ethermancer
Dwarf – Reduce the EP cost of the genesis etherheart by -1/4. Elf - Add +1/2 to the Spellcraft DC needed to identify etherspells being cast. Fetchling - Add 1/6 of an alteration manifestation. Gnome – Add +1/4 to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance when casting a blast etherspell. Goblin - Add +1/6 to the caster level of blast etherspells. Halfelf – Add 1/6 of an alteration manifestation. Halfling – Add 1/6 of a bestow manifestation. Halforc – Reduce the arcane spell failure chance incurred by wearing light armor by -1%.
Although the ethermancer has a particularly odd magic system, he is, in essence, an arcane caster. As such, for the purpose of qualifying for prestige classes, the ethermancer's manifestations count as spells of the same spell level. For example, an ethermancer who can cast 2nd-level manifestations qualifies for a prestige class that requires the ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. By extension, as all magic the ethermancer performs equates to evocation, the Etherheart Focus (any) and Greater Etherheart Focus (any) feats correspond to the Spell Focus (evocation) and Greater Spell Focus (evocation) feats for the purpose of qualifying for a prestige class, respectively. An ethermancer may not qualify for anything other than prestige classes in this manner, and only ethermancers (not ethermagi or etherslingers) may qualify for prestige classes in this manner.
Hobgoblin - Reduce the arcane spell failure chance incurred by wearing light armor by -1%.
As the ethermancer has no actual spell slots, any prestige class features that grant or consume spell slots are totally useless and the class feature grants no benefit. To that end, even though an ethermancer may qualify, he may not receive much benefit from his life decision.
Sylph - Add 1/5 of a blast manifestation.
Favored Class Bonuses
Favored Class Bonuses
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have ethermancers as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward.
Human – Add 1/5 of a blast manifestation. Kitsune - The duration of non-damage-dealing bestow etherspells cast on foes is increased as though the caster's caster level were +1/2 higher. Kobold – Add +1/6 to the Difficulty Class of lesser blast etherspells. Orc – Add +1/3 to damage rolls made with a weapon created by a genesis etherspell. Puddling – The duration of alteration etherspells is increased as though the caster's caster level were +1/3 higher.
Tengu - Add 1/7 of a genesis manifestation. This grants early access to the genesis etherheart. Tiefling - The duration of bestow etherspells that allow a saving throw is increased as though the caster's caster level were +1/3 higher. Vanara - Add +1 foot to base land speed until the end of the vanar's turn whenever a blast etherspell is cast (+5 feet to base land speed for every five times this bonus is taken.) Vishkanya - Whenever an etherspell deals ability score damage, deal an additional +1/8 damage to that ability score.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermancer Archetypes If one compares ethermancers to wizards, then one begins to wonder where all the specialist ethermancers are hiding. Just as wizards have schools, ethermancers have their etherhearts, and it stands to reason that individuals with a predilection for a particular etherheart would indeed exist. In one of the very few instances of logic being right about ethermagic, they do. Etherfuser Etherfuser (Archetype) (Archetype) Though effectively limitless in its quantity, the ether's raw and unshaped nature limits its practical uses in the heat of the moment. In other words, though its magnitude is infinite, its scope is not. Given its superlative malleability, however, those with the will and the patience can eventually find the means to force the ether to conform to a state that makes otherwise dangerous or impossible applications, such as healing, fairly routine.
Ethermancer Archetypes
By forcing some of the raw possibility out of a quantity of ethereal energy, etherfusers produce a sort of "ether jelly". When used to power an etherfusion, the resulting spike of energy is less likely to spontaneously generate horrible eldritch mutations or other such side effects that exposure to raw ether tends to produce over time. Kickstarter Backer: Alexander W. Corrin. Author: Bradley Crouch. Etherfusers have the following class features: Convert Ether (Su): Etherfusers never seem to have enough ether jelly, so they make more as needed. As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an etherfuser reduces her maximum EP by 1 to add 1 point to her fusion pool. Reductions to maximum EP imposed by this ability remain in place until the next time the etherfuser replenishes her fusion pool.
Table: The Etherfuser
Strange Magic
Etherfusion (Sp): Given ether jelly follows a completely different set of physics than that of raw ether, etherfusers must treat it as an entirely different resource. At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, an etherfuser selects an etherfusion from the list below. All etherfusions have a range of 30 feet, have verbal and somantic components, are treated as etherspells containing the highest level manifestation the etherfuser knows for the purpose of counterspelling, and have a duration of instantaneous unless otherwise noted. Most etherfusions also have a number of modifiers that become available as the etherfuser increases in level. When using an etherfusion, an etherfuser may choose to apply up to one of that etherfusion's modifiers to it. Most modifiers increase the fusion point (FP) cost of that etherfusion.
Interjection Games
Ether Restoration Cost: 2 FP Target: one creature Requires: Etherfuser 6 Ethereal energy washes away that which hinders optimal physical and mental performance, curing 1d4 points of temporary ability damage divided up however the etherfuser chooses among the subject's ability scores. For example, on a roll of a '3', an etherfuser can choose to cure 2 points of Strength damage and 1 point of Dexterity damage or 1 point each of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage, among other possible combinations.
If an etherfusion has two or more modifiers, the etherfuser may take that etherfusion twice. An etherfusion that has been taken twice may have up to two of its modifiers applied to it. When two modifiers are applied to the same etherfusion at once, modifiers with an FP cost of 0 are treated as though they have an FP cost of 1 instead.
Buffering Infusion Cost: 1 FP Target: one creature Duration: 1 minute Rather than repair a body in a reactive fashion, ether can also be proactive. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject gains 1 temporary hit point, plus an additional temporary hit point for every five etherfuser levels. These temporary hit points last for 1 round. Modifiers Enhanced Buffer Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11 The number of temporary hit points granted by this etherfusion each round increases by +3. Shielding Buffer Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 7 The subject of this etherfusion has DR 3/- so long as he has temporary hit points.
Modifiers Delete the Deleterious Cost: +2 FP Requires: Etherfuser 12 This etherfusion removes 1 temporary negative level in addition to its other effects. A creature can only have 1 temporary negative level removed by this etherfusion per week. Focused Restoration Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 9 Rather than cure 1d4 points of temporary ability damage divided up however the etherfuser chooses, this etherfusion cures all damage to a single ability score of the etherfuser's choice instead. Powerful Restoration Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11 This etherfusion can now cure ability drain, but requires 50 gp worth of powdered silver as a material component.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermancer Archetypes
Ethergel Aegis Cost: 1 FP Target: one creature Duration: 1 round/level
Immaterial Touch Cost: 3 FP Target: one creature Requires: Lay on hands class feature
The subject is warded by a bouncy shield of gelatinous ether, granting a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
The subject is treated as though it were touched by the etherfuser's lay on hands ability. The FP cost of this etherfusion includes the cost of the lay on hands ability, but not the cost of any mercy she chooses to include.
Modifiers Improved Aegis Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 7 The subject’s deflection bonus to AC and resistance bonus on saves increases by +1 for every six etherfuser levels the etherfuser possesses, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level.
Modifiers Enhanced Touch Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 7 The etherfuser’s lay on hands heals an additional 1d6+1 points of damage for every six etherfuser levels she possesses.
Lucky Aegis Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11
Relativistic Healing Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11
Once over the course of the duration of this etherfusion, the subject can choose to draw upon a small packet of entropy the etherfuser placed in his ethergel aegis, allowing him to roll any saving throw twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made.
The etherfuser throws her ether jelly into the void, only for it to return at the instant harm befalls the subject. Rather than heal the subject, the etherfuser’s lay on hands ability grants 1d6+1 temporary hit points for every two etherfuser levels she possesses. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. Mercies cannot be applied to a lay on hands delivered via an etherfusion with this modifier.
Warding Aegis Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 9 The subject takes only half damage from all wounds and attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The amount of damage not taken by the warded creature is taken by the etherfuser. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, do not trigger any response from the ethergel aegis. If the subject suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split with the etherfuser because it is not hit point damage. When the etherfusion ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between the subject and the etherfuser, but damage already split is not reassigned to the subject.
Split Healing Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11 The etherfuser’s lay on hands affects two target creatures within range, healing each of them for half the amount rolled, rounded down. Mercies are applied to each creature separately.
If the etherfuser and the subject of this etherfusion move out of range of each other, the effects of this modifier ends, but the rest of the etherfusion continues. Immaterial Mercy Cost: 1 FP Target: one creature Requires: Mercy class feature When using this etherfusion, select one mercy that the etherfuser knows. The subject has the benefits of that mercy applied to him. The FP cost of this etherfusion includes the cost of the mercy.
Strange Magic
Internal Combustion Cost: 2 FP Target: one creature Duration: 4 rounds Ignoring all of the warnings about entropy in ether, the etherfuser adds a sharp dose of formless energy to a quantity of ether jelly and infuses the subject with it. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject takes fire damage equal to the etherfuser's class level with a DC 10 + 1/2 the etherfuser's class level + the etherfuser's Wisdom modifier Fortitude save to negate the damage for that turn. Modifiers Everything Burns Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 7 If the subject fails its first saving throw against this etherfusion, it lights on fire. This fire follows the rules for alchemist’s fire, save that the flames are purple and deal 1d4 points of force damage on the subject’s next turn. Focus Fire Cost: +0 FP Require: Etherfuser 7 The Difficulty Class for all saving throws called for by this etherfusion is increased by +1. Instant Combustion Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 9 This etherfusion now has a duration of instantaneous and deals 1d4 points of fire damage per class level with a Fortitude save to negate.
Lacerating Touch Cost: 3 FP Target: one creature Requires: Lay on hands The etherfuser adds a little entropy to a batch of ether jelly, then unleashes it, dealing bleed damage equal to her class level to the subject. A successful DC 10 + 1/2 the etherfuser's class level + the etherfuser's Wisdom modifier Fortitude save halves this damage.
Interjection Games
Modifiers Cruel Touch Cost: +1 FP Requires: Mercy class feature An etherfuser can deliver an entropically-charged variant of a mercy she knows as part of the lacerating touch etherfusion, effectively making that mercy perform in an antithetical fashion. These entropicallycharged mercies, true to their nature, are known as cruelties. Select a cruelty from the list below whose name is the same as a mercy that the etherfuser knows. The selected cruelty is applied to the lacerating touch etherfusion, affecting the subject with the additional effect detailed therein. If the subject makes his Fortitude saving throw against the bleeding damage dealt by the lacerating touch etherfusion, then the effects of the chosen cruelty are negated. If the subject is immune to bleed damage, then a DC 10 + 1/2 the etherfuser’s class level + the etherfuser’s Wisdom modifier Fortitude save negates the cruelty instead. The following cruelties can be applied to the lacerating touch etherfusion at no additional cost. Dazed: The target is dazed for 1 round. Deafened: The target is deafened for 1 round per level of the etherfuser. Diseased: The target contracts a disease, as if the etherfuser had cast contagion, using her etherfuser level as her caster level. Fatigued: The target is fatigued. Shaken: The target is shaken for 1 round per level of the etherfuser. Sickened: The target is sickened for 1 round per level of the etherfuser. Staggered: The target is staggered for 1 round per two levels of the etherfuser. The following cruelties cost an additional +1 FP to apply to the lacerating touch etherfusion. Blinded: The target is blinded for 1 round per level of the etherfuser. Cursed: The target is cursed, as if the etherfuser had cast bestow curse, using her etherfuser level as her caster level. Exhausted: The target is exhausted. Frightened: The target is frightened for 1 round per two levels of the etherfuser. Nauseated: The target is nauseated for 1 round per three levels of the etherfuser. Paralyzed: The target is paralyzed for 1 round. Poisoned: The target is poisoned, as if the etherfuser had cast poison, using the etherfuser’s level as the caster level. Stunned: The target is stunned for 1 round per four levels of the etherfuser.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Prayer to the Void Cost: 1 FP Target: one creature Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Though merely an amalgamation of energy, if prayed to in the appropriate fashion, the ether somehow answers. The subject gains a +1 luck bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. Modifiers Doom of the Void Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 7 Creatures in a square threatened by the target of this etherfusion take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. If a creature is threatened by multiple creatures with this etherfusion, the penalty does not stack. There is no saving throw. Mass Prayer Cost: +2 FP Requires: Etherfuser 9 This etherfusion now targets one creature for every three etherfuser levels. Powerful Prayer Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 12
Ethermancer Archetypes
Fusion Pool (Su): At 1st level, an etherfuser gains a pool of fusion points (FP), effectively a quantity of preshaped ether jelly that can be safely used on a living creature. The number of points in an etherfuser's fusion pool is equal to her etherfuser level + her Wisdom modifier. The fusion pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. This ability replaces the lesser blast and greater blast etherhearts. Prone to Philosophize (Ex): At 2nd level, an etherfuser is treated as though she has the multiuniversal philosophy class feature for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of the Philosophical Dilettante feat. Whenever an etherfuser takes the Philosophical Dilettante feat, she may choose from the following multiuniversal philosophy in addition to the choices granted to standard ethermancers. Multiuniversal Fuser (Ex): Etherfusers are among the most proficient transmuters of the ether in this or any other universe, and tend to carry around large quantities of the transmuted product to ensure it seldom runs out. Each time this philosophy is selected, the etherfuser’s fusion pool increases by +3.
This luck bonuses granted by this etherfusion increase by +1. Regenerative Knit Cost: 2 FP Target: one creature Duration: 1 round/level A burst of energy stimulates the knitting of sinew, healing the subject for points of damage equal to the etherfuser’s class level, as well as granting fast healing 1. Choose disease, fear, or poison. For the duration of this etherfusion, the subject also has a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against effects of the chosen type. Modifiers Blanket Resistance Cost: +1 FP Requires: Etherfuser 9 The etherfuser no longer needs to choose disease, fear, or poison. Instead, the subject has a +2 insight bonus to saving throws against disease, fear, and poison effects. Rapid Regeneration Cost: +0 FP Requires: Etherfuser 11 This etherfusion now grants fast healing 2. This ability replaces multiuniversal philosophy.
Lay on Hands (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, an etherfuser can heal wounds (her own or those of others) by touch. Each use of this ability costs 2 FP. With one use of this ability, an etherfuser can heal 1d6+1 hit points of damage for every two etherfuser levels she possesses. Using this ability is a standard action, unless the etherfuser targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Despite the name of this ability, an etherfuser only needs one free hand to use this ability. As an etherfuser’s lay on hands is fueled by the ether and the ether does not subscribe to such silly concepts as the laws of physics, all creatures, be they living, undead, construct, or otherwise, are healed by an etherfuser's lay on hands. This ability replaces aberrant physiology. Ethereal Mercy: At 5th level, given an etherfuser’s lay on hands applies a limited number of mercies rather than all known mercies at once, the Extra Mercy feat is treated as though it has the following Benefit: text rather than what is listed in its entry. “Select one additional mercy for which you qualify. You can also use your lay on hands ability one additional time per day.”
Strange Magic
Mercy (Su): At 5th level, and every four levels thereafter, an etherfuser can learn one mercy. Each mercy adds an effect to the etherfuser's lay on hands ability. Whenever the etherfuser uses lay on hands to heal damage to one target, the etherfuser may choose to apply the benefits of a single mercy she possesses to that target. Mercies cost FP to add to lay on hands and can remove a condition caused by a curse, disease, or poison without curing the affliction. Such conditions return after 1 hour unless the mercy actually removes the affliction that causes the condition. At 5th level, the etherfuser can learn from the following initial mercies. These mercies cost 0 FP to apply. Fatigued: The target is no longer fatigued. Shaken: The target is no longer shaken. Sickened: The target is no longer sickened. At 9th level, an etherfuser adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be learned. These mercies cost 0 FP to apply. Dazed: The target is no longer dazed. Diseased: The etherfuser's lay on hands ability also acts as remove disease, using the etherfuser's level as the caster level. Staggered: The target is no longer staggered, unless the target is at exactly 0 hit points. At 13th level, an etherfuser adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be learned. These mercies cost 1 FP to apply. Cursed: The etherfuser's lay on hands ability also acts as remove curse, using the etherfuser's level as the caster level. Exhausted: The target is no longer exhausted. The etherfuser must have the fatigue mercy before selecting this mercy. Frightened: The target is no longer frightened. The etherfuser must have the shaken mercy before selecting this mercy. Nauseated: The target is no longer nauseated. The etherfuser must have the sickened mercy before selecting this mercy. Poisoned: The etherfuser's lay on hands ability also acts as neutralize poison, using the etherfuser's level as the caster level. At 17th level, an etherfuser adds the following mercies to the list of those that can be learned. These mercies cost 1 FP to apply. Blinded: The target is no longer blinded. Deafened: The target is no longer deafened. Paralyzed: The target is no longer paralyzed. Stunned: The target is no longer stunned. This ability replaces aberrant form.
Interjection Games
Infusing Touch (Su): At 20th level, the etherfuser's lay on hands ability can now be used as a swift action regardless of whom it targets, grants 20 temporary hit points in addition to its other effects, and costs 1 fewer FP to use. By extension, the FP cost of the immaterial touch and lacerating touch etherfusions is reduced by -1. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. This ability replaces multiuniversal apotheosis.
Sidebar: Lay on Hands, Daily Uses, and Etherfusers According to a Paizo FAQ regarding the Extra Channel feat, taking that feat grants two “floating” uses of channel energy per day. If a character is multiclassed in such a way that he gets the channel energy class feature from multiple classes, he gets two additional uses total, not two additional uses per instance of the channel energy class feature. The same ruling is true of additional uses of lay on hands granted by the Extra Lay on Hands feat or the Extra Mercy feat. In addition, whenever an etherfuser uses one of these additional uses of lay on hands, she does not have to pay FP for that use of lay on hands, though she must pay for any applied mercy as normal. Finally, an etherfuser may expend one feat-granted additional use of the lay on hands class ability to reduce the FP cost of the immaterial touch or lacerating touch etherfusions by -2. This cannot be done multiple times to the same etherfusion. Aleras Lunai, aasimar etherfuser
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Herald of Creation (Archetype) "The ether is a clinging mother. She bundles you up whenever you want to go out in the cold. When you get sick, she bundles you up yet again and refuses to let you get out of bed until you're well. She defines herself by who she helps, who she protects. And just as the ether is nothing without its wards, neither am I." Moira Smith, herald of creation Author: Bradley Crouch. Heralds of creation have the following class features: Multiuniversal Philosophy Whenever a herald of creation gains a multiuniversal philosophy, she may select from the following list in addition to the choices granted to standard ethermancers. Multiuniversal Creator (Ex): Heralds of creation believe that universes within the ether's protective embrace are important in their own right. The ether point cost of all etherspells with the genesis etherheart is reduced by -1 for each time the multiuniversal creator philosophy has been selected. A herald of creation must know the genesis etherheart to select this philosophy.
Ethermancer Archetypes
Awash in Alteration (Ex): Starting at 12th level, the herald of creation's EP regeneration rate increases by +1 if she is under the effects of a alteration etherspell. This ability replaces aberrant physiology. Multiuniversal Apotheosis: A herald of creation may gain one of the following multiuniversal apothesoses should she invest heavily enough in her exclusive multiuniversal philosophies. Multiuniversal Creator - The EP cost of etherspells with the genesis etherheart is reduced by a further -1 for every two times the herald has taken this philosophy. Multiuniversal Philanthropist - This philosophy's ability may be used as a swift action instead of as a move action. It can be used an additional time per day. This ability modifies multiuniversal apotheosis.
Moria Smith, human herald of creation
Multiuniversal Philanthropist (Su): Many heralds of creation give back in an effort to maintain the good health of their own little slice of the multiverse. As a move action, a herald of creation with this philosophy can enter a trance of sorts. The ether point cost of the next etherspell with the alteration etherheart cast this round is doubled; however, all creatures within 5 feet of the herald of creation are also affected by the etherspell. Creatures that leave the area of effect immediately lose the effects of the etherspell, while creatures that later move into the area of effect gain the effects of the etherspell. Alteration etherspells that alter the ether point regeneration rate of the herald cannot be affected by this philosophy. The herald of creation is responsible for all ether point payments made on an etherspell that requires periodic payments. If any creature receiving benefit from the alteration etherspell triggers an effect that ends the etherspell immediately, the entire etherspell is ended, not just for that individual. This ability may be used once per day for each time the multiuniversal philanthropist philosophy has been selected. This ability modifies multiuniversal philosophy. Effusive Ether (Su): Starting at 5th level, if the herald of creation is under the effects of an etherspell with the alteration etherheart at the start of her turn, she gains 1 temporary hit point. This temporary hit point lasts for 1 minute. At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, the number of temporary hit points gained in this fashion increases by +2, to a maximum of 7 at 17th level. This ability replaces aberrant form.
Strange Magic
Herald of Madness (Archetype) "We once asked what lies beyond, found the ether, and promptly stopped asking questions. I ask you, friend, what lies beyond the ether? The cosmos are a vast ocean of sharks, and the ether is a cage containing one lone diver. A succulent morsel. The last morsel. My gift is not some oversight or grand charge to protect you. It is a promise, a mere taste of what is to come. You see, something wants in, and the rewards for being the man behind the door are simply too great to ignore." Brother "Topper" Underhill, herald of madness Author: Bradley Crouch. Heralds of madness have the following class features: Class Skills: A herald of madness adds Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), and Swim (Str) to his list of class skills, in addition to the normal ethermancer class skills. Multiuniversal Philosophy Whenever a herald of madness gains a multiuniversal philosophy, he may select the following philosophy in addition to the choices granted to standard ethermancers. Multiuniversal Madman: Heralds of madness tend to be too fixated on fulfilling their masters' objectives to do much philosophizing. Each time this philosophy is selected, select a new gift from beyond. A herald of madness must have the gift from beyond class feature in order to take this philosophy. This ability modifies multiuniversal philosophy. Gift from Beyond: At 5th level, the herald of madness has formally entered into a pact with one or more of the great, eldritch beings dwelling beyond the ether itself. Choose one of the abilities below, which symbolizes the agreement between man and eldritch abomination. At 9th level and every four levels thereafter, choose an additional ability. Alien Wings (Ex) - A pair of strange wings, not entirely unlike those of a bat, or a bird, or even the skinflaps of a flying squirrel, grow out of the herald's back. He gains a fly speed of 30 feet with a maneuverability of clumsy. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, increase the fly speed by +10 feet and increase maneuverability by one step, to a maximum of good. A herald of madness must be at least 9th level to take this gift from beyond. Bizarre Physiology (Ex) - Symmetry has simply given up on the herald. On the upside, if his face looks like that, it should be fairly difficult for a rogue to be able to find a major artery or kidney! The herald gains light fortification. This gift from beyond can be taken twice. The second time, the herald gains medium fortification instead.
Interjection Games
EtherSensitive Ears (Su) - The herald of madness' ears are extremely sensitive in an effort to enhance his ability to commune with his masters. Once per day, whenever the herald fails any d20 roll, he may call upon his masters for advice as an immediate action. This allows the herald to retroactively reroll that d20 roll. If the new roll would make the failure a success, the roll succeeds. A reroll cannot be rerolled. After resolving the effects of the roll, the herald is confused for 1 round. The eldritch abominations patronizing the herald brush aside any puny attempts on the herald's part to render himself immune to the confusion component of this ability. As a result, the confusion cannot be avoided by any means. It's simply part of speaking with the masters. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, it may be used an additional time per day. Maddening Gaze (Su) - As a swift action, the herald may spend 4 EP to direct his multitude of eyes to stare down a single creature within 30 feet. That creature is confused for 1 round with a DC 10 + the 1/2 herald of madness' class level + the herald's Charisma modifier Will save to negate. A herald of madness must have the multitude of eyes gift from beyond in order to take this ability. This is a mind-affecting ability. Multitude of Eyes (Ex) - Eyeballs dot the herald's skin like a child with chickenpox. They are not merely extra eyes, but span the range of bloodshot, feline, and globes of milky fluid on the end of tiny tentacles, their colors and sizes seemingly chosen at random. The herald gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when not wearing armor. In addition, when not wearing armor, he cannot be flanked unless he is immobilized, dazzled, blinded, or has his line of sight blocked, such as being tarred and feathered or shoved in a burlap sack. A herald of madness must be at least 9th level in order to take this gift from beyond. Regenerative Assembly (Su) - The herald's flesh becomes spongy and porous, much like a sea sponge or a starfish. Once per day as a standard action, the herald gains fast healing equal to half his herald of madness class level for 1 minute. If he is restored to maximum hit points, whether by this ability or in tandem with other sources of healing, before this fast healing ends, any missing body parts, from eyes and tentacles to entire limbs, are instantly regrown. If the herald's head is cut off, such as by a weapon with the vorpal weapon special ability, he may expend two uses of this ability as an immediate action to avoid dying instantly and stay alive as a severed head with 1 hit point. If restored to maximum hit points within 1 minute, he instantly regrows his body. If not, he dies. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, it may be used an additional time per day. The herald of madness must be at least 13th level in order to take this gift from beyond.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Scaly Hide (Ex) - Tough scales grow from the herald's skin, granting him a +2 profane bonus to natural armor. This gift from beyond can be taken multiple times. Each time, the profane bonus to natural armor increases by +1. Slimy Flesh (Ex) - Slippery, rubbery material sloughs off the herald's body whenever he is grabbed or squeezed. It is not slime or ooze, but the very flesh itself that falls away to evade capture! The herald gains a +4 circumstance bonus to Escape Artist checks, as well as a +4 circumstance bonus to CMD against the grapple and reposition combat maneuvers. A herald of madness must be at least 9th level to take this gift from beyond. Torso Tentacle (Ex) - A long slit runs down the side of the herald's body just under the armpit. Hidden away inside and constantly slick with a gelatinous substance is a thin, whippy tentacle. The herald's reach increases by 10 feet whenever he makes a melee touch attack. This ability does not otherwise increase his threatened area. This gift from beyond can be taken up to three times. Each time, the herald’s reach with his torso tentacle increases by another 10 feet. "Topper" Underhill, gnome herald of madness
Ethermancer Archetypes
Unstable Mutation (Ex) - The master desires expediency in the spreading of his will, and has granted his herald a measure of his vigor. When rolling for initiative, the herald of madness may choose to give himself a +2d4 bonus to initiative; however, if both dice come up as the same result, he is staggered for 1 round with no saving throws allowed. A herald of madness must be at least 9th level to take this gift from beyond. Wall Hugger (Ex) - The tentacle hidden along the herald's torso becomes sticky, granting him the ability to shoot the tentacle out as a move action and latch onto a surface, thus mimicking the effects of the spider climb spell. Retracting the tentacle is also a move action. When making use of the torso tentacle in this manner, it cannot be used to make melee touch attacks. A herald of madness must have the torso tentacle gift from beyond in order to take this mutation. This ability replaces aberrant form, the greater blast etherheart, and the multiuniversal philosophy gained at 2nd level. Touch the Unthinkable (Sp): Starting at 12th level, when casting an etherspell with the bestow etherheart, the herald of madness may increase the EP cost of the etherspell by +4. If he does, the etherspell confuses its target in addition to its other effects. When the etherspell ends, so too does the confusion effect. If the etherspell calls for a saving throw to reduce or negate its effects, then a successful saving throw negates the confusion effect, as well. If the etherspell does not call for a saving throw, then a Will save negates the confusion effect. Calculate the DC of this Will save in the same manner as for any other etherspell. The chaotic influence of the herald of madness' masters causes the entirety of an etherspell that has had this ability applied to it to become mind-affecting. This ability replaces aberrant physiology. Relative Perfection (Ex): At 20th level, the herald of madness has finally achieved physical perfection from the point of view of his masters. He is forevermore treated as an aberration rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the herald's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. The herald of madness mutates excessively, gaining immunity to poison, immunity to fear, and immunity to disease. Unlike other aberrations, the herald of madness can still be brought back from the dead as if he were a member of his previous creature type. Finally, any creature beginning its turn in a square occupied by the herald of madness must make a DC 10 + ½ the herald’s class level + the herald’s Charisma modifier Will save or be confused for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting ability. This ability replaces multiuniversal apotheosis.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Herald of the Void (Archetype) "The ether is a fat, lazy vampire, sinking its fangs into all of the multiverse and draining each world, each universe, of its motive force in turn. It shows us that power is most readily gotten by taking it from another. Be thankful that necessitates that I keep you alive, for now." The Voidwalker, herald of the void Note: The herald of the void uses the optional greater manifestations system, which starts on page 82. Author: Bradley Crouch. Heralds of the void have the following class features: Void Philosophy
Interstitial Philosopher
At 6th level and every four levels thereafter, a herald of the void gains the following multiuniversal philosophy. Multiuniversal Perfectionist: Some ethermancers constantly strive to improve their ethermancy, believing that the very way they wield their power is in some way restrictive. After all, they wield the power of that which lies beyond all of creation. Why shouldn't it be capable of doing everything? Each time the herald of the void selects the multiuniversal perfectionist philosophy, he selects a greater manifestation (see Section: Greater Manifestations) of an etherheart he knows and a manifestation level that he can cast. He now knows this greater manifestation. Each greater manifestation a herald of the void knows can be cast once per day. This daily casting of each greater manifestation that the herald of the void knows is replenished after 8 hours of rest or meditation; the hours need not be consecutive. The herald of the void must be able to cast 2nd-level manifestations to select this philosophy. This ability replaces multiuniversal philosophy.
Interstitial Philosopher (Archetype) "Point to a hole from which the ether flows, and I will show you where all things meet." Mistress Starsong, interstitial philosopher Author: Bradley Crouch. Interstitial philosophers have the following class features: Scholarly Philosophy At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, an interstitial philosopher gains the following multiuniversal philosophy. Multiuniversal Scholar (Ex): Despite the fact that ethermancers do not have to work for their power, many approach it with enough scholarly vigor to make a wizard blush. Each time this philosophy is selected, the interstitial philosopher learns a feat with the ethermagic descriptor as a bonus feat. She must meet all of the prerequisites of the chosen feat. This ability replaces multiuniversal philosophy. Philosophical Dilletante (Ex): At 5th level and every four levels thereafter, an interstitial philosopher gains the Philosophical Dilletante feat as a bonus feat. She does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat, though she must meet the prerequisites of the chosen multiuniversal philosophy.
Void Harvest (Su): Starting at 12th level, whenever the herald of the void casts an etherspell containing a greater manifestation, he gains temporary ether points equal to half his herald of the void class level. These temporary ether points last for 1 minute. This ability replaces the multiuniversal philosophy gained at 2nd level and aberrant physiology.
This ability replaces aberrant form, aberrant physiology, and the greater blast etherheart. Academic Philosopher (Ex): At 20th level, the interstitial philosopher selects five multiuniversal philosophies that she knows. She takes each of the selected multiuniversal philosophies an additional time. This ability replaces multiuniversal apotheosis.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Etherslinger In the darkness of space, nobody can outsmart bullet.
The Etherslinger
The ether is vast and shapeless, and it is up to the practitioners of ethermagic to give it form. Some see it as a one would fire, something chaotic and difficult to control that can collapse enemy ranks in an instant if channeled properly. Etherslingers see things differently. To these etherusing, guntoting individuals, the ether is a multifunctional tool, and is used for everything from opening locks to keeping the cost of ammunition down to a reasonable level.
Table: The Etherslinger
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Author: Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf
Class Skills
Role: The etherslinger is a ranged specialist who uses ethermagic and enhanced firearms in a combined arms format to achieve total battleground saturation. The most terrifying place an etherslinger can be is in melee combat, and her relative dearth of useful abilities at close range reflects this.
The etherslinger's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Cha), (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex) and Swim (Str).
Alignment: Any. The good, the evil, the by-the-book, and the impulsive can all find a way to love guns.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Hit Die: d8
Class Features
Parent Classes: Ethermancer and gunslinger.
All of the following are class features of the etherslinger.
Starting Wealth: 5d6 x 10 gp (average 175gp). In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Weapon Proficiency: Etherslingers are proficient with simple weapons and firearms.
Mistral, human etherslinger
Armor Proficiency: Etherslingers are proficient with light armor and bucklers, but not with other kinds of shield. An etherslinger can cast etherspells while wearing light armor or using a buckler without incurring a spell failure chance. Like an arcane spellcaster, an etherslinger wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the etherspell in question has a somatic component (they all do). A multiclass etherslinger still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells and etherspells received from other classes.
Ethermagic An etherslinger's unhealthy obsession with guns gets in the way of appreciating the wonders of pure ethermagic. All that time spent clearing guns and marveling at trigger mechanics and the like means less time for optimizing her ability to act as a conduit for the power that exists between between realities. An etherslinger's access to the ether is measured in ether points, or EP. Her maximum EP is equal to her etherslinger level plus her Charisma modifier. At the beginning of the etherslinger's turn, she gains EP equal to 1/3 her class level, rounded up. This represents energy from elsewhere in the ether diffusing back into the vicinity of her area of influence. Ethermagic is made up of two components: the etherheart and its manifestations. Etherheart selection dictates how the etherslinger can shape an etherspell with manifestations. Etherslingers can manipulate most known varieties of etherheart, albeit at a lesser absolute power level than a purist ethermancer. Accordingly, most etherslingers are known to use their firearms for removing threats, while maintaining a battery of manifestations used to slow down or escape from threats that prove to be too much for a gun to handle.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Alteration - The alteration etherheart is the use of raw ether to produce shifts in the state of the universe directly around the etherslinger herself. Lesser Blast - The easiest etherhearts to control, blast ethespells are simply the application of raw ether toward a destructive end. Bestow - The bestow etherheart is, in effect, an alteration etherheart cast upon a creature other than the etherslinger. Given this target moves in relation to the etherslinger, constant application of power is required to maintain it. Genesis - Easily the most difficult etherheart for an etherslinger to manage, genesis actually creates something. From swords and shields composed of the stuff of the void itself to platforms and ethereal staircases that hover in the air, the genesis etherheart can create it. Constant application of power is required. Manifestations are the various ways an etherslinger can shape the raw energy of the ether. Though any aficionado of blast etherspells will attest to raw ether's ability to melt faces particularly well on its own, there comes a need for a little finesse every now and then. Depending on the etherheart, anywhere from zero to three manifestations can be added to it. An etherslinger's repertoire of manifestations is rather explicitly segregated among the various etherhearts she knows. For example, an etherslinger's genesiscompatible manifestations are totally distinct from her alteration-compatible manifestations. Only manifestations that are compatible with a particular etherheart may be used in an etherspell built around that etherheart. To use a manifestation, an etherslinger must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the manifestation level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an etherspell is 10 + the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell + the etherslinger's Charisma modifier unless stated otherwise in a manifestation's entry. The etherslinger begins play with two alteration manifestations. Each time the etherslinger gains a level, she learns more manifestations in at least one etherheart as detailed by Table: Etherslinger Manifestations Known. This new manifestation must be of a level she is able to cast. Further, whenever the etherslinger gains a new manifestation in a particular etherheart, she may exchange an existing manifestation in that etherheart for another compatible manifestation of a level she is able to cast. Note that for each etherheart an etherslinger knows, she may never have more known manifestations in a particular manifestation level than in the previous manifestation level. In other words, if the etherslinger has two 1st-level alteration manifestations, she cannot have more than two 2nd-level alteration manifestations. This does not stop the etherslinger from having three 2nd-level lesser blast manifestations or three 2nd-level bestow manifestations.
The Etherslinger
Etherhearts (Sp) Etherhearts are the core of ethermagic, tangles of emotions and urges that shape raw ether as it is drawn out of the void. Without the power of an etherheart to stabilize the various manifestations woven by the ethermancer, ethermagic would be completely impossible. As stated earlier, specific manifestations are compatible with specific etherhearts, which are listed in the entry for each manifestation. The total ether point, or EP, cost of an etherspell is equal to the EP cost of the etherheart plus the EP cost of each manifestation added to the etherheart. The casting time of an etherspell is a standard action unless modified by a manifestation. All etherhearts have both somantic and verbal components. If two or more manifestations alter the casting time of an etherspell, the manifestation with the longer casting time takes precedence. With the exception of genesis etherhearts, it is impossible to simply dismiss an etherspell. Once cast, they run out their durations unless dispelled or otherwise forced to stop. Unlike other practitioners of ethermagic, the etherslinger's caster level is not equal to her class level. Instead, her caster level is equal to 3/4 her etherslinger class level, rounded down. Alteration Range personal Target you Duration 1 minute/level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart affects the etherslinger directly. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. Only one alteration etherspell can be active at a time. An etherslinger learns the alteration etherheart at 2nd level. Lesser Blast Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target creature touched Duration instantaneous Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1 + 1/4 level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart is a ranged touch attack that deals 1d3 + the caster's Charisma modifier points of bludgeoning damage, plus an additional 1d3 points of bludgeoning damage for every four caster levels beyond 1st. A maximum of three manifestations can be added to this etherheart. There is no minimum number of manifestations that can be added. An etherslinger learns the lesser blast etherheart at 3rd level.
Strange Magic
Bestow Range touch Target creature touched Duration 1 round / level Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1/4 level, rounded down An etherspell with the bestow etherheart is delivered as a melee touch. The etherslinger may not touch herself. If the etherslinger fails to touch a creature upon casting a bestow etherspell, the charge is not lost; however, the duration of the etherspell begins as soon as it is cast and will begin to count down accordingly. For the duration of the etherspell, the etherslinger's maximum EP is reduced by an amount equal to the etherspell's EP cost. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. An etherslinger learns the bestow etherheart at 5th level. Genesis Range see individual manifestations Target/Area see individual manifestations Duration permanent until dismissed Saving Throw as manifestation; Spell Resistance yes EP Cost 1/2 level, rounded down An etherspell with this etherheart creates an object out of pure ether energy. The lifespan of such an object is permanent until dismissed by the etherslinger, until dispelled, or until the object itself is no longer within range of the caster. For as long as this object persists and for one minute thereafter, the caster's maximum EP is reduced by an amount equal to the EP cost of the etherspell that created it. An object created with the genesis etherheart can be dismissed as a move action. Exactly one manifestation must be added to this etherheart. An etherslinger learns the genesis etherheart at 9th level. Etherslinging: Etherslingers are not typical ethermagicians, and specialize in applying the power of the cosmos to their firearms. Though an etherslinger's selection of talents will inevitably differentiate her from her peers, all etherslingers do have a number of tricks in common. These universal abilities are synonymous with the profession: etherslinging! At the indicated levels, an etherslinger gains the following abilities. Many etherslinging abilities have an ether point (EP) cost. The maximum amount of EP an etherslinger can spend on etherslinging abilities each round is equal to her Charisma modifier. Ether Charge (Su): At 1st level, an etherslinger may expend 2 EP as a swift action. If she does, she gets a +2 insight bonus to her next firearm attack roll. Starting at 7th level, this ability can be used as a free action.
Interjection Games
Ether Clear (Ex): Starting at 1st level, an etherslinger can funnel a tiny amount of ether energy into her weapon, clearing obstructions. As a standard action, an etherslinger with 1 or more grit may expend 1 EP to remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is wielding. The broken condition must have been caused by weapon misfire. If the etherslinger expends 1 grit in addition to the 1 EP, she may use this ability as a move action instead. Ether Surge (Su): At 1st level, an etherslinger may spend 2 EP as a free action. If she does, she gets a +2 competence bonus to a single etherslinger class skill of her choice for 1 round. Stabilize (Su): Starting at 1st level, an etherslinger has learned how to cushion her firearms with ether to prevent pesky misfiring. As a free action, the etherslinger may expend an amount of EP equal to the misfire rate of a firearm she is currently wielding. (For example, a firearm that misfires on a natural '1' or '2' requires 2 EP, while a firearm that misfires on a natural '1' requires only 1 EP.) The next attack made with that firearm this round cannot misfire (though a natural 1 does still miss!). Etherbullets (Sp): Starting at 3rd level, an etherslinger can make firearm ammunition out of pure ether energy, thus getting around the horrible expense of habitually firing black powder weapons. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, an etherslinger may expend any amount of EP. For each ether point spent in this fashion, a sphere of pure void energy, or etherbullet, is loaded into a single non-siege weapon firearm she is actively wielding, ready to fire. All etherbullets must be loaded into the same firearm, and etherbullets take up physical space like normal units of ammunition. As such, a firearm can only be loaded up to its capacity in this manner and any extra EP spent is wasted. Etherbullets count as both ammunition and propellant and persist for rounds equal to twice the etherslinger's Charisma modifier. Given their unstable nature, an etherbullet simply winks out of existence if fired beyond the unmodified second range increment of the weapon. If the etherslinger expends 1 grit in addition to the EP, she may use this ability as a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Ether Capacity (Ex): At 5th level, an etherslinger treats a firearm's capacity as +1 greater than normal when loading it with etherbullets. This increases to +2 at 15th level. Shape Charge (Su): At 7th level, an etherslinger learns to change the physics of her etherbullets in surprising ways. As a swift action, the etherslinger may select bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing. Her etherbullets deal damage of the chosen type until the beginning of her next turn. At 13th level, the etherslinger may expend 2 EP as a swift action. If she does, she selects acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Her etherbullets deal damage of the chosen type until the beginning of her next turn.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ether Sniper (Ex): At 9th level, the etherslinger's etherbullets no longer wink out of existence if fired beyond the firearm's unmodified second range increment and are instead treated as normal ammunition for the purpose of maximum range. Warp Reload: Starting at 11th level, an etherslinger may use the etherbullets etherslinging ability as a move action rather than as a standard action. Further, if the etherslinger expends 1 grit and an additional 2 EP on the etherbullets etherslinging ability, she may use the ability as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. True Ether Sniper (Ex): At 17th level, an etherslinger's etherbullets become not only stable, but also incredibly aerodynamic. As a swift action, the etherslinger may expend 2 EP. If she does, the range increment of any firearm firing an etherbullet she created is increased by +20 feet until the beginning of her next turn. Startling Barrage (Su): At 19th level, whenever an etherslinger misses a creature with a firearm attack firing an etherbullet, she may pay 1 grit and 1 EP as a free action. If she does, the creature she missed is startled by a sudden loud snap and is considered flatfooted against the next firearm attack she makes against that creature this round. This is a fear effect. Ethersmith: At 1st level, an etherslinger gains one of the following firearms of her choice: blunderbuss, musket, or pistol. Her starting weapon is battered, and only she knows how to use it properly. All other creatures treat her gun as if it had the broken condition. If the weapon already has the broken condition, it does not work at all for anyone else trying to use it. This starting weapon can only be sold for scrap (it’s worth 4d10 gp when sold). The etherslinger also gains Gunsmithing as a bonus feat, but does not gain the Restoring a Broken Firearm ability of the feat. Grit (Ex): An etherslinger makes her mark upon the world with ether and gun, blending both in unique ways. Some etherslingers claim the ether guides them, but it’s more likely that the volatile nature of both firearms and the ether simply has the unlucky and careless implode early on. Whatever the reason, all etherlingers have grit. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of an etherslinger’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, an etherslinger gains a number of grit points equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Her grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. The etherslinger’s special blend of ethermagic and gunslinging proves to be incompatible with the tricks of their more worldly brethren. Unlike Gunslingers, an Etherslinger cannot take feats with the Grit-descriptor. An etherslinger spends grit to accomplish etherslinger talents (see below), and regains grit in the following ways.
The Etherslinger
Critical Hit with a Firearm or Blast Etherspell: Each time the etherslinger confirms a critical hit with a firearm or lesser blast etherspell while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the etherslinger’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with a Firearm: When the etherslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a firearm or blast etherspell while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the etherslinger’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit. Optional Rule: Daring Act: Each time an etherslinger performs a daring act, she can regain grit. As a general guideline, a daring act should be risky and dramatic. It should take a good deal of guts, and its outcome should have a low probability of success. If it is successful, the etherslinger regains 1 grit point. Before attempting a daring act, the player should ask the DM whether the act qualifies. The DM is the final arbiter of what’s considered a daring act, and can grant a regained grit point for a daring act even if the player does not ask beforehand whether the act qualifies. Gun Obsession (Ex): An etherslinger's absolute conviction that her gun is a reality-warping instrument of awesome cosmic power does have its drawbacks. Namely, ethermagic becomes particularly difficult without a gun around. In order to cast an etherspell, an etherslinger must either be holding a firearm in one hand or have one hand free, which can be used to touch a firearm on her person as though it were a material focus for her etherspells. If unable to touch or hold a firearm while casting an etherspell, she must succeed on a DC 20 + the highest manifestation level among manifestations used in the etherspell concentration check, else the etherspell fails to cast and the EP is wasted. Starting at 2nd level, the etherslinger may gaze lovingly upon a firearm she is wielding as an immediate action, granting her 1 grit. This ability may be used once per day. At 10th and 20th level, the etherslinger may use this ability an additional time per day. Etherslinger Talent: As an etherslinger gains experience, she learns a number of talents that aid her and confound her foes. Starting at 2nd level, an etherslinger gains one etherslinger talent, listed below. She gains an additional etherslinger talent for every 2 levels of etherslinger attained after 2nd level. Unless stated otherwise in a talent's entry, an etherslinger cannot select an individual talent more than once.
Strange Magic
Alteration Recoil (Sp): As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the etherslinger may cast an alteration etherspell and make a single attack with a firearm. Doing so expends 1 grit, as well as the EP cost of the alteration etherspell. If she uses this talent while already under the effects of an alteration etherspell, then she must cast an alteration etherspell with the same manifestation. This extends the remaining duration of the alteration etherspell by 1 minute, to a maximum of its starting duration. An etherslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent. Amphibious Ammo (Ex): Continuously channeling the raw stuff that keeps universes and planes separate has its benefits. As long as the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit, all ammunition and propellants she keeps on her body are kept dry and functional by a thin, semipermeable veil of ether, preventing bullets and propellants from becoming wet, and even allowing for the operation of a loaded firearm underwater. A firearm that is loaded underwater does have its propellant remain dry, but does not have oxygen with which to ignite. Popping topside (or exposing the firearm to a giant air bubble) for even an instant will allow a firearm loaded underwater to be fired. If the etherslinger's grit ever drops below 1, the protective sheet dissipates until she once again has at least 1 grit. She may activate or deactivate this ability at will as a move action. The ether film is too flimsy to keep damaging liquids, such as acid or alchemist’s fire, at bay. As Fleeting as Ether (Ex): As long as the etherslinger has at least 1 grit and is wielding a firearm, she gains the benefit of the uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge class features as though she were a rogue whose level is equal to her etherslinger level. An etherslinger must be at least 14th level and have the doppler dodge talent to select this talent. As Motile As Ether (Ex): So long as the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus equal to CMD against the trip, bull rush, overrun, reposition, and grapple combat maneuvers. She also gains a +2 circumstance bonus to saves against effects that result in the entangled, grappled or prone conditions. An etherslinger must be at least 7th level to select this talent. Bestowing Bullet (Sp): As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the etherslinger may cast a bestow etherspell and make a single attack with a firearm. Doing so expends 1 grit, as well as 2 EP + the EP cost of the bestow etherspell. Rather than be delivered with a melee touch attack, the bestow etherspell cast in this fashion is delivered as part of the firearm attack. As such, unlike a standard bestow etherspell, if the firearm attack misses, the etherspell effect ends and her maximum EP reduction is immediately refunded. The first creature struck by the firearm attack is treated as the subject of the etherspell. An etherslinger must be at least 14th level and know the bestowing recoil talent to select this talent.
Interjection Games
Bestowing Recoil (Sp): As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the etherslinger may cast a bestow etherspell and make a single attack with a firearm. Doing so expends 1 grit, as well as the EP cost of the bestow etherspell. The subject of the bestow etherspell must be a willing ally in a square the etherslinger would threaten with a non-reach weapon. An etherslinger must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Bonus Feat: An etherslinger may select a bonus combat or ethermagic feat instead of a talent. She has to fulfill all prerequisites of the feat. An etherslinger may take this talent multiple times. Each time, the required levels in the etherslinger base class increases by +4. An etherslinger must be at least 2nd level to take this talent. Cheat Death (Ex): Whenever the etherslinger is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, if she has at least 1 grit, she can spend all of her grit to instead be reduced to 1 hit point. An etherslinger cannot regain grit for 10 minutes after using this ability. An etherslinger must be at least 20th level to select this talent. Cushioning Shot (Su): As an immediate action, the etherslinger may point a firearm at the surface she’s currently falling towards and expend 2 EP, producing a jet of ether that slows her fall. She gains slow fall (20 ft.). For every two levels beyond 1st, the effective falling distance reduced by cushioning shot increases by +10 ft, to a maximum of 90 ft. at 15th level. Doppler Dodge (Sp): As an immediate action, the etherslinger may expend 1 grit and 6 EP. If she does, she gains the benefits of the greater doppler effect manifestation until the beginning of her next turn. This is an alteration etherspell. An etherslinger must be at least 12th level, know the greater doppler effect manifestation, and have the etherslinger's dodge talent to select this talent. Ether Jam (Sp): As an immediate action, an etherslinger generates filaments of ether that force a firearm wielded by another creature to which she has line of sight to misfire as though the creature possessing it had rolled a natural “1” on an attack roll. She cannot affect a creature with this ability whose current grit points exceed her own current grit points, failing automatically if the target’s grit exceeds yours. The etherslinger still expends the talent’s costs if the target cannot be affected. This talent costs 1 point of grit and 1 EP to activate. Ether Prime (Su): As a swift action, the etherslinger may expend an amount of EP equal to the unmodified misfire rate of a firearm she is currently wielding. (For example, a firearm that misfires on a natural '1' or '2' requires 2 EP, while a firearm that misfires on a natural '1' requires only 1 EP.) The next attack made with that firearm this round deals additional damage equal to her Charisma modifier on a successful hit. An etherslinger must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Table: Etherslinger Manifestations Known
The Etherslinger
Etherslinger’s Dodge (Ex): The etherslinger has an uncanny knack for getting out of the way of rays and firearms. When a ranged touch attack or ranged firearm attack is made against the etherslinger, she can spend 1 grit point to move 5 feet as an immediate action; doing so grants the etherslinger a +2 dodge bonus to AC against the triggering attack. This movement is not a 5-foot step, and provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, the etherslinger can drop to the ground as an immediate action, gaining the prone condition, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack. If using this ability causes the target of a spell or ability to become an illegal target for any reason, then that spell or ability, as well as the resources normally consumed in its activation, are lost. This applies to both the etherslinger and individuals firing upon the etherslinger. The etherslinger can only perform this talent while wearing light or no armor, and while carrying no more than a light load. Arrows, bolts and other projectiles cannot be avoided via etherslinger's dodge - an etherslinger simply cannot get the timing right for it.
Ether Surge (Ex): An improved connection to the ether grants the etherslinger a +3 bonus to her ether point regeneration rate. An etherslinger must be 20th level to select this talent. Etherslinger’s Agility (Ex): As long as the etherslinger has at least 1 grit point, she gains the following benefits. First, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if she has the Quick Draw feat, her hands are free and unrestrained, and the firearm is not hidden, she can draw a single, unconcealed firearm as part of the initiative check. Etherkissed Dimensions (Su): When creating a pocket dimension, choose cold or fire. Pocket dimensions produced by the potentiality etherbullets talent eject either exceptionally hot or exceptionally cold etherbullets, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage of the chosen type on a successful hit. An etherslinger must know the potentiality etherbullets talent to select this talent.
Extended Etherbullet Capacity (Ex): The etherslinger treats a firearm's capacity as +1 greater than normal when loading it with etherbullets. This stacks with the ether capacity etherslinging ability. An etherslinger must be at least 6th level to select this talent. Extra Grit (Ex): An etherslinger gains 2 extra grit points at the start of each day, and her maximum grit increases by 2. She may take this etherslinger talent up to three times. Its effects stack. Extra Potential (Ex): An unoccupied square can now support an additional pocket dimension produced by the potentiality etherbullets talent, for a new maximum of two pocket dimensions per square. An etherslinger must be at least 10th level and know the potentiality etherbullets talent to select this talent.
Strange Magic
Fire at the Speed of Ether (Ex): Whenever the etherslinger is at the top of initiative order in the first round of combat, she may spend 2 grit points. If she does, she gets an additional standard action in the first round of combat. This additional standard action must be used to cast a lesser blast etherspell. An etherslinger must be at least 12th level to select this talent. FireProof (Ex): Not all etherslingers are suicidal daredevils. In fact, many of the more successful etherslingers are a careful lot, as walking around with the ability to hurl flaming death tends to end the careers of the careless in short order. An etherslinger with this talent cannot be set on fire, and flammable objects on her person never burn or detonate. This talent does not grant any fire resistance to either the etherslinger or her belongings - fire still hurts - but it does guarantee that carrying around black powder weapons will never result in a secondary explosion. Focused Blasts (Sp): As a full-round action, the etherslinger casts a lesser blast etherspell and channels the ejection of the blast through a firearm that she is wielding. Make a full-attack action against a single target with the firearm. No ammunition is consumed and the weapon cannot misfire. If at least one attack hits, then the etherspell has hit its target. For each attack that hits beyond the first, the damage of the blast increases by +1d3 points, and the Difficulty Class of any saving throws called for by the blast increases by +1. Usage of this talent costs 1 grit point, in addition to the EP cost of the channeled lesser blast etherspell. An etherslinger must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Gritpowered Ether (Su): As a swift action, the etherslinger may expend any amount of grit in order to increase her EP regeneration rate by an amount equal to the amount of grit expended for 1 round. This does not stack with itself. An etherslinger must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Hitman (Ex): The DC of the Perception check required to hear the etherslinger's firearms discharge increases by an amount equal to half her etherslinger level. An etherslinger must have the in the void, you can hear no bullets talent to select this talent. Improved Volatile Firearms (Ex): The volatile edging manifestation now applies to attacks made with firearms. An etherslinger must know the volatile edging manifestation to select this talent. In the Void, You Can Hear No Bullets (Ex): As long as the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit, she may suppress most of the sound her firearm makes when firing, increasing the DC of the Perception check to hear a discharging firearm to 15 if using conventional ammunition or to 25 if using etherbullets. The usual modifiers regarding distance and circumstances still apply. Normal: Hearing the “sound of battle” is a Perception check with a DC of -10, before applying modifiers.
Interjection Games
I Was Made For Slaying You, Baby! (Ex): By expending 1 point of grit and 1 EP, an etherslinger may weave trace amounts of ether into mundane lead while performing a one-hour-long ceremony. During this ceremony, she prepares a number of pieces of non-etherbullet ammunition equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) against a specific type or subtype of creature. When using this ammunition against creatures of the chosen type, the etherslinger gets a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and deals an additional 2 points of damage on a successful hit. At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, the bonus to attack rolls and the additional damage increase by +2, to a maximum of +10 at 20th level. The etherslinger cannot have more than one set of these bullets at a given time. For as long as the bullets persist, the maximum EP of the etherslinger is reduced by -1. Performing the ceremony and paying the cost again immediately ends the effect of the first array of bullets. After successfully hitting a target, the benefits of the ceremony dissipate from that bullet. An etherslinger must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Leaping Shot (Ex): When selecting this talent, choose the alteration recoil, bestow bullet, bestow recoil, or translational blast talent. When performing the chosen talent, the etherslinger may also make a move action as part of the full-round action. An etherslinger must be 20th level to take this talent. Potentiality Etherbullets (Su): An etherslinger with this talent can fire etherbullets at unoccupied squares rather than at creatures. If she hits the unoccupied square, the etherbullet vanishes, entering a pocket dimension only it inhabits. The next creature to walk through that square disturbs this pocket dimension, releasing the etherbullet. Make a ranged attack roll against that creature, using all modifiers presents at the original time of firing, as if the gunslinger shot at that creature. On a successful hit, the creature takes damage as though it were shot by the firearm that originally shot the then unoccupied square. Pocket dimensions exist for rounds equal to the etherslinger’s Wisdom modifier before winking out of existence, taking the etherbullet with it. An etherslinger can maintain any number of potentiality etherbullets, but her maximum EP is reduced by -1 for each pocket dimension she has created. An unoccupied square can only support a single pocket dimension at a time. Pocket dimensions can be detected and disarmed as though they were mundane traps with Perception and Disable Device DCs equal to 10 + 1/2 the etherslinger’s class level + the etherslinger’s Charisma modifier. Creatures that saw the etherslinger make the pocket dimension in the first place get a +5 bonus to their Perception check to detect it, while creatures that fail their Disable Device check by any amount collapse the pocket dimension immediately and are automatically hit. An etherslinger must be at least 4th level to take this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
PPPT Expert (Su): Whenever an etherslinger with this talent reduces a haunt to 0 HP with an etherbullet, she may expend 1 point of grit as a free action to attempt to destroy the haunt. She makes a etherslinger level check (1d20 + her etherslinger level) against a DC of 11 + the CR of the haunt. If she succeeds, the haunt is destroyed as though the condition of the haunt’s destruction line had been met. An etherslinger must have the PPPT training talent to select this talent. PPPT Training (Ex): Some etherslingers devote their time to learning PPPT - the art of Paranormal Phantasmic PoltergeistTtermination. The etherslinger’s etherbullets (and only her etherbullets) can damage haunts as if they were an appropriate channel energy effect. Additionally, whenever the etherslinger depletes the HP of a haunt with etherbullets, she immediately knows how to put the haunt to rest once and for all and learns the information in the destruction-line of the haunt’s statblock. An etherslinger must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Quicker Draw (Ex): The etherslinger gains the ability to draw hidden weapons (as the Sleight of Hand skill) as a free action, as well as put away drawn weapons as a free action. An etherslinger must have the Quick Draw feat in order to select this talent. Reputation Precedes Me (Sp): The etherslinger's bond with the ether and the legendary reputation her gunslinging exploits have granted her have become one. Whenever the etherslinger's name is willingly spoken by a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, as long as that creature actually means the etherslinger and is on the same plane of existence as her, she immediately becomes aware of the creature’s direction and distance from her current location. In addition, she may expend 1 point of grit per 100 miles distance to the target as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity to greater teleport (CL 20) to the nearest unoccupied square to the creature who spoke her name. She does not need to have any prior knowledge of the target area to teleport there via this ability. An etherslinger can suppress this ability as a free action so long as she has at least one point of grit. If she rests with an empty pool of grit, the constant barrage of your legendary exploits may leave her fatigued after resting at the DM’s discretion. An etherslinger must be 20th level to select this talent. Ricoshot (Ex): Whenever the etherslinger misses a creature with a firearm, she may pay 1 grit as an free action. If she does, the shot ricochets. Make an attack roll against a different creature within 10 feet of the original target. An etherslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent. Screaming Ricoshot (Su): Whenever the etherslinger uses the ricoshot talent, she applies the ether-kissed dimensions, tempestuous dimensions, and volatile dimensions talents to the ricocheting bullet as though it were a pocket dimension. An etherslinger must know the ricoshot talent and at least one of the aforementioned "dimensions" talents to select this talent.
The Etherslinger
Sic Semper Oculus (Su): Whenever the etherslinger misses with a firearm attack, she may expend 4 EP as an immediate action. If she does, the bullet explodes in a riot of light, causing the creature missed to become blinded for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the etherslinger's level + the etherslinger's Charisma modifier Fortitude save to negate. An etherslinger must be at least 12th level to select this talent. Smoking Guns (Su): Twice per day as a swift action, an etherslinger wielding two firearms can grant each firearm the weapon special abilities of the other firearm for 1 minute. For example, if she is wielding a +1 flaming frost pistol and a +2 shocking burst pistol, she treats them as a +1 flaming frost shocking burst pistol and a +2 flaming frost shocking burst pistol, respectively. An etherslinger must be 20th level to select this talent. Speed of the Bullet (Ex): Whenever the etherslinger fires a firearm, she may cast an alteration etherspell with the light speed manifestation as an immediate action. An etherslinger must know the light speed manifestation to select this talent. Stable Dimensions: When creating a pocket dimension, the etherslinger may expend 1 grit. If she does, that pocket dimension is stable and has a duration of 1 hour per etherslinger level rather than a duration of Wisdom modifier rounds. An etherslinger cannot have more than three stable pocket dimensions at any one time. An etherslinger must know the potentiality etherbullets and trapper's knack talents to select this talent. Stablizing Ether: The EP cost of the stabilize etherslinging ability is reduced by -1, to a minimum of 1. An etherslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent. Tempestuous Dimensions: When creating a pocket dimension, choose acid or electricity. Pocket dimensions produced by the potentiality etherbullets talent eject either exceptionally corrosive or exceptionally charged etherbullets, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage of the chosen type on a successful hit. An etherslinger must know the potentiality etherbullets talent to select this talent. Too Bright for Comfort (Su): Whenever the etherslinger misses with a firearm attack, she may expend 1 EP as an immediate action. If she does, the bullet explodes in a riot of light, causing the creature missed to become dazzled for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the etherslinger's level + the etherslinger's Charisma modifier Fortitude save to negate. Too Close for Comfort (Su): Whenever the etherslinger misses with a firearm attack, she may expend 3 EP as an immediate action. If she does, the bullet explodes in a riot of light and sound, causing the creature missed to become shaken for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the etherslinger's level + the etherslinger's Charisma modifier Will save to negate. An etherslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent.
Strange Magic
Translational Blast (Sp): As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the etherslinger may cast a lesser blast etherspell and make a single attack with a firearm. Doing so expends 1 grit, as well as 2 EP + the EP cost of the lesser blast etherspell. The first creature struck by the firearm attack is treated as the subject of the etherspell, and any shape manifestations added to the etherspell treat the creature struck as the point of origination, but are angled such that they point away from the etherslinger. If no creature is struck, the etherspell dissipates harmlessly. An etherslinger must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Trapper’s Knack (Ex): The etherslinger gains Disable Device as a class skill. She also adds half her class level to skill checks made to disarm traps. Unseen Dimensions (Ex): The DC of the Perception check required to see and the DC of the Disable Device check required to disarm the etherslinger's pocket dimensions are both increased by +10. An etherslinger must have the hitman and potentiality etherbullets talents to select this talent. Unstable Gambit (Ex): As a swift action, the etherslinger may expend any amount of grit. If she does, the misfire rate and the critical threat range of all firearms she wields increase by +1 for each point of grit expended. While under the effects of this talent, critical hits with a firearm do not grant grit and the stabilize etherslinging ability cannot be used. This increase to critical threat range stacks with the Improved Critical feat and other similar effects, but is applied after such multiplication effects. This effect lasts until the end of the etherslinger's turn. An etherslinger must be at least 14th level to select this talent. Utility Blasts (Ex): Guns kill people. Ether kills people, and accomplishes much more besides! If the etherslinger has at least 1 grit point, she can apply one of the following utility tricks to a lesser blast etherspell when casting one without any manifestations applied. Blast Lock: The etherslinger makes an attack roll against a lock within range of her lesser blast etherspell. A Diminutive lock usually has AC 7, and larger locks have a lower AC. The lock gains a bonus to its AC against this attack based on its quality. A simple lock has a +10 bonus to AC, an average lock has a +15 bonus to AC, a good lock has a +20 bonus to AC, and a superior lock has a +30 bonus to AC. Arcane lock (or its psionic equivalent) grants a +10 bonus to the AC of a lock against this attack and enchanted locks may be subject to bonuses according to the DM. On a successful hit, the lock is destroyed, and the object can be opened as though it were unlocked. On a miss, the lock is destroyed, but the object is jammed and still considered locked. It can still be unlocked by successfully performing this talent, by using the Disable Device skill, or with the break DC, though the target number for any of the aforementioned checks increases by +10. A key, combination, or similar mechanical method of unlocking the lock no longer works, though knock can still be employed to bypass the lock, and the creator of an arcane lock can still bypass the wards of that spell.
Interjection Games
Blast Unattended Object: The gunslinger makes an attack roll against a Tiny or smaller unattended object within the first range of her lesser blasts. A Tiny unattended object has an AC of 5, a Diminutive unattended object has an AC of 7, and a Fine unattended object has an AC of 11. On a hit, the gunslinger does not damage the object with the ether blast, but can move it up to 15 feet farther away from the etherslinger’s origin. Stop Bleeding: The etherslinger manifests a lesser blast etherspell, then weaves the residual ether over herself or an adjacent creature to staunch a bleeding wound. Instead of dealing damage, the etherspell ends a single bleed condition affecting the target creature. The etherslinger does not have to make an attack roll when performing this talent; she can instead fire her blast harmlessly into the air. This still costs the regular amount of EP for the lesser blast etherspell. Void Firearms (Sp): As a swift action, the etherslinger may expend 1 grit and 5 EP. If she does, a single firearm she is wielding gains the benefits of the arcing blows voidmeld manifestation for rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier. She treats the selected firearm as though it were an ethermagus's void blade for the purpose of this talent. An etherslinger must be at least 12th level to select this talent. Volatile Dimensions (Su): When creating a pocket dimension, choose force or sonic. Pocket dimensions produced by the potentiality etherbullets talent eject either exceptionally dense or screaming etherbullets, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage of the chosen type on a successful hit. An etherslinger must be at least 16th level and know the potentiality etherbullets talent to select this talent. Volatile Firearms (Ex): The volatile edging, lesser manifestation now applies to attacks made with firearms. An etherslinger must know the volatile edging, lesser manifestation to select this talent. Weapon from the Void (Su): The etherslinger, even when bereft of her weapon, just can't let go. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, she may expend 1 grit and reduce her maximum EP by 3. If she does, she pulls forth a fully operational, yet gooey, facsimile of the firearm she chose at 1st level for the ethersmith class feature. This gun is permanent and can be dismissed as a move action; however, for as long as it persists, the etherslinger may not regain grit and her maximum EP remains reduced by -3. The gun made of ether qualifies as a firearm for the purpose of the gun obsession class feature. Zerosum Etherslinging (Ex): The etherslinger may retroactively apply the stabilize etherslinging ability to a firearm to prevent a misfire if it misfires while she is shooting it. In addition, the etherslinger may retroactively apply the ether charge etherslinging ability to a failed firearm attack. If this is enough to make the attack a success, it retroactively does so. An etherslinger must be 20th level to select this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have etherslingers as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – Choose one etherheart; treat the aasimar's caster level as +1/6 higher when determining the effects of etherspells with that etherheart.
The Etherslinger
Puddling – Every 6 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a 1st-level lesser blast manifestation. When casting a lesser blast etherspell, the etherslinger may select one of the manifestations chosen for this favored class bonus. The selected manifestation is applied to the etherspell without paying its ether point cost, but only if the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit. Tengu - Add +1/4 to the maximum amount of grit the etherslinger can store. Tiefling – Add a +1/2 bonus to the first attack roll made with an etherspell in a surprise round.
Drow – Add +1 to the Perception DC to notice the drow's gun firing.
Vanara - Add a +1/3 bonus to initiative rolls made after acting in a surprise round.
Dwarf – Add +1 foot to base land speed. (+5 feet every five times this bonus is taken)
Vishkanya - Add +1 to the Perception DC to notice the vishkanya's gun firing.
Elf - Reduce the miss chance due to dim light or darkness by 2%. Miss chances cannot be reduced below 0%. Gnome – Every 6 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a 1st-level alteration manifestation. When casting a alteration etherspell, the etherslinger may select one of the manifestations chosen for this favored class bonus. The selected manifestation is applied to the etherspell without paying its ether point cost and without counting against the maximum number of manifestations a single alteration etherspell can hold, but only if the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit. Halfelf – Add +1/3 to the number of ether points in the etherslinger's ether pool. Halfling – Add +1/2 to initiative rolls made while the etherslinger has at least 1 point of grit. Halforc – Add +1/2 to the etherslinger's CMD when resisting a bull rush, overrun or drag/push maneuver. Hobgoblin – Add +1/3 to critical confirmation rolls made with firearms and lesser blasts (maximum bonus of +5). This does not stack with Critical Focus. Human – Add +1/4 to the maximum amount of grit the etherslinger can store. Kitsune - Add a +1/4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity provoked by firing a firearm. Kobold – Add a +1/2 bonus to the first attack roll made with a firearm in a surprise round. Orc – Add a +1/2 bonus to the first weapon damage roll made with a firearm in a surprise round.
Strange Magic
Etherslinger Archetypes The ethermancer focuses entirely upon the art of ethermagic, while the ethermagus blends it with the way of the blade. Specialists of these two modes of thinking, though unique in their own way, tend to be fairly recognizable as "weird ethermancers" or "weird ethermagi", respectively. This is not so with the etherslinger, for the etherslingers are already so specialized that further subspecialization is impossible. Rather, there exists a substantial population among the practitioners of ethermagic who have gimmicky specializations of their own, and as neither the ethermancers nor the ethermagi want anything to do with them, they get lumped in with the etherslingers. The only reason the etherslingers come out on top in the nomenclature is that they are the most numerous of these gimmicky individuals. Etherbomber (Archetype) Etherbomber (Archetype) Why use flawed blackpowder or alchemical reagents to blow your foes to smithereens when you have the power of infinity at your fingertips? Author: Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf. Etherbombers have the following class features: Weapon Proficiency: Etherbombers are proficient with simple weapons and all thrown martial weapons. This replaces the etherslinger's weapon proficiencies. Etherbombing: Etherbombers are not typical ethermagicians, and specialize in shaping the power of the cosmos into explosive pockets of dense ether. Though an etherbomber's selection of talents will inevitably differentiate her from her peers, all etherbombers do have a number of tricks in common. These universal abilities are synonymous with the very profession: Etherbombing! At the indicated levels, an etherbomber gains the following abilities. Many etherbombing abilities have an ether point (EP) cost. The maximum amount of EP an etherbomber can spend on etherexplosive abilities each round is equal to her Charisma modifier. Blast Training: Though etherbombers have access to neither the lesser blast nor greater blast etherhearts, they still learn blast manifestations.
Ether Charge (Su): At 1st level, an etherbomber may expend 2 EP as a swift action. If she does, she gets a +2 insight bonus to her next attack roll made to deliver a bomb or an ethergrenade. Starting at 7th level, this ability can be used as a free action.
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Throw Anything (Ex): All etherbombers receive the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An etherbomber adds her Wisdom modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including splash damage, if any. Ether Surge (Su): At 1st level, an etherbomber may spend 2 EP as a free action. If she does, she gets a +2 competence bonus to a single etherbomber class skill of her choice for 1 round.
Bombs (Su): By mixing negligible amounts of reagents with raw ether, etherbombers can create volatile bombs. An etherbomber can use a number of bombs each day equal to her class level + her Charisma-modifier. Bombs are unstable, and if not used in the round they are created, they degrade and become inert—their method of creation prevents large volumes of explosive material from being created and stored. In order to create a bomb, the etherbomber must use a small vial containing an ounce of ether catalyst—the etherbomber can create this liquid catalyst by slowly and methodically prodding the universe to bleed a specific, gooey ether. Most etherbombers create a number of catalyst vials at the start of the day equal to the total number of bombs they can create in that day—once created, a catalyst vial remains usable by the etherbomber for years. Drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb requires a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thrown bombs have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. On a direct hit, an etherbomber's bomb inflicts 1d6 points of fire damage. The damage of an etherbomber's bomb increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered etherbomber level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). Splash damage from an etherbomber bomb is always equal to the bomb's minimum damage (so if the bomb would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage on a direct hit, its splash damage would be 6 points of fire damage). Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the etherbomber's level + the etherbomber's Charisma modifier. Etherbombers can learn new types of bombs as discoveries (see the etherbomber yalents ability) as they level up. An etherbomber's bomb becomes inert if used or carried by anyone else.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethergrenades (Su): At 3rd level, an etherbomber learns how to shape ether such that an entire explosive can be pulled from the void itself. As a standard action, the etherbomber may expend a number of EP not to exceed half her etherbomber level, minimum 1, to draw the components of, create, and throw an ethergrenade. Thrown ethergrenades have a range of 20 feet and use the Throw Splash Weapon special attack. Ethergrenades are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus, are also considered to be lesser blast etherspells for the purpose of feats such as Etherheart Focus, and are considered to be bombs for the purpose of feats, but not discoveries. On a direct hit, an etherbomber's ethergrenade inflicts 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per EP spent on its creation. Splash damage from an ethergrenade is always equal to the ethergrenade's minimum damage. Those caught in the splash damage can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the etherbomber's level + the etherbomber's Charisma modifier. Given the unstable nature of ether, ethergrenades harmlessly wink out of existence if thrown beyond the unmodified second range increment. Throwing an ethergrenade does not expend one of the etherbomber's daily uses of the bomb etherbombing ability. Starting at 4th level, an etherbomber may add a single non-shape manifestation to an ethergrenade as though it were a lesser blast etherspell. The etherbomber must pay for the manifestation as normal, and the Difficulty Class for any saving throw called for by the manifestation is equal to the standard Difficulty Class for any saving throw called for by an ethergrenade. EP spent to add a manifestation to an ethergrenade does not increase the base damage of that ethergrenade. Starting at 11th level, an etherbomber may add up to two non-shape manifestations to an ethergrenade instead. This ability replaces etherslinging and the lesser blast etherheart.
Etherslinger Archetypes
Critical Hit with a Bomb or Ethergrenade: Each time the etherbomber confirms a critical hit with a bomb or ethergrenade while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the etherbomber’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with a Bomb or Ethergrenade: When the etherbomber reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with a bomb or ethergrenade while in the heat of combat, she regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the etherbomber’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit. An etherbomber may gain only 1 point of grit per attack this way. Optional Rule: Daring Act: Each time an etherbomber performs a daring act, she can regain grit. As a general guideline, a daring act should be risky and dramatic. It should take a good deal of guts, and its outcome should have a low probability of success. If it is successful, the etherbomber regains 1 grit point. Before attempting a daring act, the player should ask the DM whether the act qualifies. The DM is the final arbiter of what’s considered a daring act, and can grant a regained grit point for a daring act even if the player does not ask beforehand whether the act qualifies. This ability modifies grit. Bomb Obsession (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, the etherbomber's vivid imaginings of her craft may become singularly real once per day as an immediate action, immediately granting her 1 grit. This ability may be used an additional time per day at 11th and 20th level. This ability replaces ethersmith and gun obsession.
Grit (Ex): An etherbomber makes her mark upon the world with an earth-shattering kaboom. Some etherbombers claim the ether guides them, but it’s more likely that it simply takes an exceptional individual to survive the first explosion when working with such materials. Whatever the reason, all etherbombers who have been in the business for more than a few days have grit. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of an etherbomber’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, an etherbomber gains a number of grit points equal to her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). Her grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than her Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. The etherbomber’s special blend of ethermagic and demolition proves to be incompatible with the tricks of their more worldly brethren. Unlike gunslingers, an etherbomber cannot take feats with the Grit-descriptor. An etherbomber spends grit to accomplish etherbomber talents (see below), and regains grit in the following ways.
Strange Magic
Etherbomber Talent: Starting at 2nd level, an etherbomber gains one etherbomber talent, listed below. She gains an additional etherbomber talent for every two levels of etherbomber attained after 2nd level. Unless stated otherwise in a talent's entry, an etherbomber cannot select an individual talent more than once. Furthermore, if a talent requires that the etherbomber be wielding a firearm to use a talent, the etherbomber ignores that talent. Similarly, if a talent interacts with an etherbullet, it interacts with an ethergrenade instead.
Interjection Games
Table: The Etherbomber
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Etherbombers may etherslinger talents:
Alteration backblast, as fleeting as ether, as motile as ether, bestowing bomb, bestowing backblast, bonus feat, cheat death, cushioning shot, doppler dodge, ether jam, ether influx, etherslinger's agility, etherslinger's dodge, extra grit, fire proof, grit-powered ether, leaping blast, leaping shot, PPPT expert, PPPT training, quicker draw, reputation precedes me, ricoshot, screaming ricoshot, sic semper oculus, speed of the bullet, too bright for comfort, too close for comfort, translational blast, and trapper's knack. Alchemist Discoveries: Etherbombers may select alchemist discoveries that modify bombs as though they were etherbomber talents. For the purpose of these discoveries, an etherbomber has an effective alchemist level that is equal to her etherbomber level. Discoveries can only be used to modify regular bombs, not ethergrenades. New and Modified Talents
Etherslinger Archetypes
Fusion Dabbler (Sp): Fusion sounds like it’s volatile! Alas, it has very little to do with blowing things up; however, she’s learned the basics, so why not use it? Upon taking this talent, the etherbomber learns one etherfusion that can be taken by a 1st-level etherfuser (see the etherfuser archetype for the ethermancer base class). Unlike an etherfuser, the etherbomber receives no permanent fusion pool. Instead, whenever the etherfuser desires to use her etherfusion, she may expend grit equal to the FP cost of that etherfusion to power the ability. Further, she may only use her chosen etherfusion up to three times per day. An etherbomber treats her caster level as her effective etherfuser level for the purpose of etherfusions. An etherbomber must be at least 4th level to select this talent. This talent can taken twice. The second time, the etherbomber may apply up to two modifiers to her chosen etherfusion rather than just one, and the etherfusion may be used an additional time per day. As with an etherfuser, when adding two modifiers to a single etherfusion, the etherbomber treats modifiers with an FP cost of +0 as though they were +1.
Awash in Splash (Ex): So long as an etherbomber has at least 1 point of grit, she is immune to the splash damage of her own ethergrenades. Furthermore, she may expend 1 point of grit as an immediate action to ignore the splash damage of her bombs and ethergrenades for 1 round. An etherbomber must be at least 8th level to select this talent.
Hitman (Ex): The Perception DC required to hear the etherbomber's explosions increases by an amount equal to half her etherbomber level. An etherbomber must know the in the void, you can hear no bombs talent to select this talent.
EtherKissed Ethergrenades (Su): When creating an ethergrenade, the etherbomber may expend 1 EP. If she does, the ethergrenade now deals her choice of fire or cold damage rather than bludgeoning damage. She may also choose to expend 1 point of grit to change the damage type of one of her regular bombs to cold damage. An etherbomber must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
In the Void, You Can Hear No Bombs (Ex): As long as the etherbomber has at least 1 point of grit, she may suppress most of the sound her bombs and ethergrenades make when exploding, increasing the DC of the Perception check required to hear an exploding bomb to 15 if detonating a conventional bomb or to 25 if using ethergrenades. The usual modifiers regarding distance and circumstances still apply.
This talent replaces ether-kissed dimensions.
Normal: Hearing the “sound of battle” is a Perception check with a DC of -10, before applying modifiers.
This talent modifies hitman.
This talent replaces in the void, you can hear no bullets.
Fizzlebang Cocktail (Sp): Named after the famous gnomish revolutionary, this talent allows an etherbomber to expend 1 point of grit as a swift action to infuse a potion she is presently holding with volatile ether. That potion becomes an ethergrenade with no applied lesser blast manifestations that deals damage as though it had a number of EP spent on it equal to the potion's spell level. Additionally, rather than add the etherbomber's Wisdom modifier to the damage of this ethergrenade, she adds the caster level of the transformed potion to its damage instead. If not thrown by the beginning of the etherbomber's next turn, the potion's magic fizzes away and it becomes a vial of dirty water. An etherbomber must be at least 10th level to select this talent.
Tempestuous Ethergrenades (Su): When creating an ethergrenade, the etherbomber may expend 1 EP. If she does, the ethergrenade now deals her choice of acid or electricity damage rather than bludgeoning damage. She may also choose to expend 1 point of grit to change the damage type of one of her regular bombs to acid or electricity damage. An etherbomber must be at least 6th level to select this talent. This talent replaces tempestuous dimensions. Walk Away (Ex): Whenever the etherbomber performs a withdraw action, she may expend 1 point of grit to throw a bomb or ethergrenade at a foe that threatened her before she moved. She must pay for the chosen explosive as normal. An etherbomber must be at least 8th level to select this talent.
Strange Magic
Sphereslinger (Archetype) Though there is no denying that the various specialists lumped under the etherslinger gravitate toward explosions, (because they're cool) there are some very few traditionallyminded individuals whose gifts make them just as destructive with nothing but a thrown stone. Author: Jason Linker. Sphereslingers have the following class features: Etherspheres (Su): At 1st level, a sphereslinger becomes adept at the manufacture of his namesake: etherspheres. Drawing forth raw ether, shaping, and throwing an ethersphere requires a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Alternatively, as a fullround action, a sphereslinger may draw forth a great deal of raw ether, shape it, and throw as many etherspheres as he would be able to make attacks in a full attack action. Each individual throw provokes attacks of opportunity. Etherspheres are considered thrown weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus. "Ethersphere" is also considered to be a separate etherheart for the purpose of the Etherheart Focus and Greater Etherheart Focus feats. This bonus to Difficulty Class applies to all skip abilities, as well as to all etherslinger talents that require an ethersphere to execute (see etherslinger talents and skip abilities, below). Thrown etherspheres have a range increment of 10 feet, increasing by +5 feet at 7th level and every three levels thereafter. On a successful hit, a sphereslinger's ethersphere inflicts 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage + additional damage equal to the sphereslinger's Charisma modifier. Starting at 4th level, a sphereslinger's etherspheres gain a +1 enhancement bonus. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 4th, but an ethersphere may never overcome metal or alignment-based damage reduction by virtue of having a high enhancement bonus. This ability replaces etherslinging, ethersmith, and gun obsession. Grit (Ex): It takes guts to bring a rock to an etherfight, and these guts ensure that all sphereslingers have grit. In game terms, grit is a fluctuating measure of a sphereslinger’s ability to perform amazing actions in combat. At the start of each day, a sphereslinger gains a number of grit points equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). His grit goes up or down throughout the day, but usually cannot go higher than his Wisdom modifier (minimum 1), though some feats and magic items may affect this maximum. The sphereslinger's special blend of ethermagic and rock chucking proves to be incompatible with the tricks of their gun-toting cousins. Unlike gunslingers, a sphereslinger cannot take feats with the Grit-descriptor. A sphereslinger spends grit to accomplish etherslinger talents and skip abilities (see below), and regains grit in the following ways.
Interjection Games
Critical Hit with an Ethersphere: Each time the sphereslinger confirms a critical hit with an ethersphere while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point. Confirming a critical hit on a helpless or unaware creature or on a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the sphereslinger’s character level does not restore grit. Killing Blow with an Ethersphere: When the sphereslinger reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points with an ethersphere while in the heat of combat, he regains 1 grit point. Destroying an unattended object, reducing a helpless or unaware creature to 0 or fewer hit points, or reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the sphereslinger’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any grit. A sphereslinger may gain only 1 point of grit per attack this way. Each attack made by a skipping ethersphere is treated as a separate attack for the purpose of this limitation. Optional Rule: Daring Act: Each time a sphereslinger performs a daring act, he can regain grit. As a general guideline, a daring act should be risky and dramatic. It should take a good deal of guts, and its outcome should have a low probability of success. If it is successful, the sphereslinger regains 1 grit point. Before attempting a daring act, the player should ask the DM whether the act qualifies. The DM is the final arbiter of what’s considered a daring act, and can grant a regained grit point for a daring act even if the player does not ask beforehand whether the act qualifies. This ability modifies grit. Rapid Shot (Su): At 1st level, a sphereslinger gains Rapid Shot as a bonus feat. He does not take a penalty to attack rolls when using Rapid Shot to throw additional etherspheres. He does not need to meet the prerequisites of this feat. Skipping Spheres (Ex): At 1st level, a sphereslinger learns how to put incredible amounts of english on his thrown etherspheres. The first ethersphere to strike its target each round "skips" off of its target and continues to wreak havoc in a spiraling cavalcade of doom. When an ethersphere skips, the sphereslinger may choose to use a skip ability (see below) or to have his ethersphere ricochet off of its target and attack another creature within 10 feet. If a skipping ethersphere fails to hit its target, it loses all of its remaining skips. A sphereslinger cannot use two skip abilities in a row. For example, an 11th-level sphereslinger may use his first skip to perform a skip ability, use his second skip to strike a new target, and use his third skip to perform another skip ability. All skip attacks are made at the same attack bonus as the original attack that triggered skipping spheres, and skips may effectively take an ethersphere out of the sphereslinger’s maximum range. There is no penalty for doing so. A sphereslinger’s skipping etherspheres have one skip at 1st level and gain an additional skip every five levels thereafter, to a maximum of four skips at 16th level.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Sphereslinger Talent: At 2nd level and every three sphereslinger levels thereafter, the sphereslinger gains an etherslinger talent from the following list. Etherslinger talents taken in this manner use the sphereslinger’s class level as his effective etherslinger level and apply to ethersphere attacks rather than firearm attacks. If a given talent requires an etherbullet, it requires an ethersphere instead. Similarly, if a talent requires the active wielding of a firearm to grant benefit, the sphereslinger ignores that requirement. Note: Talents marked with an asterisk (*) do not stack—only one such talent may be applied to a single ethersphere.
Table: The Sphereslinger
Etherslinger Archetypes
Alteration recoil, as fleeting as ether, as motile as ether, bestowing bullet, bestowing recoil, bonus feat, cheat death, doppler dodge, ether surge, etherslinger's agility, etherslinger's dodge, extra grit, fire at the speed of ether, leaping shot, reputation preceds me, sic semper oculus, too bright for comfort, too close for comfort, translational blast, or utility blasts. Burning Spheres (Su)*: Whenever an ethersphere skips, the sphereslinger may expend 1 EP. If he does, all subsequent hits made by that ethersphere deal +1 point of fire damage. This bonus stacks. Corrosive Spheres (Su)*: Whenever an ethersphere skips, the sphereslinger may expend 1 EP. If he does, all subsequent hits made by that ethersphere deal +1 point of acid damage. This bonus stacks. A sphereslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent.
Strange Magic
Icy Spheres (Su)*: Whenever an ethersphere skips, the sphereslinger may expend 1 EP. If he does, all subsequent hits made by that ethersphere deal +1 point of cold damage. This bonus stacks. Momentum Throw (Ex)*: Whenever the sphereslinger throws an ethersphere, he may expend 1 grit and 2 EP. If he does, that ethersphere gains an additional skip should it start skipping. A sphereslinger must be at least 5th level to select this talent. Screaming Spheres (Su)*: Whenever an ethersphere skips, the sphereslinger may expend 2 EP. If he does, all subsequent hits made by that ethersphere deal +1 point of sonic damage. This bonus stacks. A sphereslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent. Metalloid Spheres (Su)*: Whenever the sphereslinger throws an ethersphere, he may expend 1 EP. If he does, that ethersphere is treated as his choice of silver, cold iron, or adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, but not hardness. A sphereslinger must be at least 8th level to select this talent. This ability modifies etherslinger talent. Skip Ability: At 3rd level, a sphereslinger gains one skip ability. He gains an additional skip ability for every three levels of sphereslinger attained after 3rd level. A sphereslinger cannot select an individual skip ability more than once. Awakening Bonk (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere hits an ally while skipping, he may expend 1 EP. If he does, the ally takes no damage from the skipping ethersphere. Instead, that ally is awoken as though the sphereslinger had spent a standard action to wake him up. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Building Momentum (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip he may expend a skip. If he does, the next successful hit made by that ethersphere deals double damage and the next skip made by that ethersphere has a +20-foot bonus to its range. A sphereslinger must be at least 9th level to select this skip ability. Bull Thwack (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip. If he does, he performs a bull rush combat maneuver against the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere. His combat maneuver bonus is equal to his sphereslinger level + his Charisma modifier. After bull rushing the target, the ethersphere continues to skip from the new position of that creature, if applicable. Performing a combat maneuver in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Interjection Games
Confounding Sphere (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip and 1 grit. If he does, the last creature hit is confused for 1 round with a Will save to negate. A sphereslinger must be at least 9th level to take this skip ability. Dance Promoter (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere hits an ally while skipping, he may expend 3 EP. If he does, the ally takes no damage from the skipping ethersphere. Instead, for 1d4 rounds, that ally gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC against all other creatures hit by the skipping ethersphere. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Deja Bonk (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip to have his ethersphere attack the last creature hit a second time. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Detonate (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend 1 grit and all remaining skips to cause the ethersphere to detonate. This detonation deals ethersphere damage to all creatures in a radius equal to 5 feet per expended skip. A successful Reflex save halves the damage. A sphereslinger must be at least 6th level to take this skip ability. Disarming Thwack (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip. If he does, he performs a disarm combat maneuver against the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere. His combat maneuver bonus is equal to his sphereslinger level + his Charisma modifier. Performing a combat maneuver in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Double 'em Over (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 1 grit. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere is staggered for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. A sphereslinger must know the gut shot skip ability to take this skip ability. Funny Bone Shot (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 1 grit. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere is knocked off balance for 1d4 rounds with a Reflex save to negate. While knocked off balance, the critical threat range of all ethersphere attacks made against that creature is increased by +1. This bonus is applied after effects that multiply critical threat range, such as the keen weapon special ability. A sphereslinger must know the sensory smack skip ability to take this skip ability.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Gut Shot (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 2 EP. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere takes a -2 penalty to Fortitude saves for 1d4 rounds. Insightful Bouncing (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere hits an ally while skipping, he may expend 3 EP. If he does, the ally takes no damage from the skipping ethersphere. Instead, for 1d4 rounds, that ally gains a +4 insight bonus to attack rolls made against all other creatures hit by the skipping ethersphere. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Invigorating Bouncing (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere hits an ally while skipping, he may expend 3 EP. If he does, the ally takes no damage from the skipping ethersphere. Instead, that ally gains temporary hit points equal to half the sphereslinger's level, rounded down. These temporary hit points last for 1 round. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Near Hit (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger would miss an attack with a skipping ethersphere by exactly 1, that attack is a hit instead, but deals minimum damage. If scoring a critical hit against the creature would result in grit gain, the sphereslinger also gains 1 grit. A sphereslinger must be at least 6th level to select this skip ability. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Phasing Ether (Sp): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 3 EP. If he does, the skipping ethersphere teleports to its next target, ignoring mundane obstacles, such as walls. In addition, the next attack made by the ethersphere treats its target as though it were flat-footed. The sphereslinger must still be able to see his next target. A sphereslinger must be at least 9th level to select this skip ability. Protection Pulverization (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's etheresphere skips, he may expend a skip. If he does, any effects, even those natural to the creature, granting the last creature struck a deflection bonus to AC are suppressed for 1 round. A sphereslinger must be at least 6th level to select this skip ability. Rattle (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 2 EP. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere takes a -2 penalty to Will saves for 1d4 rounds.
Etherslinger Archetypes
Ricochet (Ex): Whenever an ethersphere with skips remaining misses, the sphereslinger may expend 1 grit to reroll that attack. Though this skip ability does not consume a skip, the next skip performed by the ethersphere cannot include a skip ability in accordance with not being allowed to perform two skip abilities back-to-back. Right in the Gumption! (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 1 grit. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere is shaken for 2d4 rounds with a Will save to negate. A sphereslinger must know the rattle skip ability to select this skip ability. Sensory Smack (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 2 EP. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere takes a -2 penalty to Reflex saves for 1d4 rounds. Sphereshatter (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend 1 grit and 3 EP. If he does, the skipping ethersphere shatters into a number of etherspheres equal to the number of skips the ethersphere had remaining. Each of these new etherspheres has exactly 1 skip remaining. Any bonuses granted to the original ethersphere, such as the ability to overcome damage reduction granted by the metalloid spheres talent, are passed on to the new etherspheres. A sphereslinger must be at least 12th level to select this skip ability. As these are new etherspheres, the next skip performed by the new etherspheres may include a skip ability, and these new etherspheres treat the last creature struck by the original ethersphere as the last creature they struck. Stored Momentum (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 3 EP. If he does, his next ethersphere that begins to skip by the end of his next turn gains +1 skip. This ability can be used once per round. Suddenly, Shrapnel! (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere skips, he may expend a skip and 2 EP. If he does, the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere takes 1d6 points of bleed damage. A sphereslinger must be at least 6th level to select this skip ability. Tripping Thwack (Ex): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip. If he does, he performs a trip combat maneuver against the last creature hit by the skipping ethersphere. His combat maneuver bonus is equal to his sphereslinger level + his Charisma modifier. Performing a combat maneuver in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Vortex Spin (Su): Whenever the sphereslinger's ethersphere would skip, he may expend a skip and 2 EP. If he does, all creatures within 10 feet of the last creature hit take damage equal to the number of skips the ethersphere has remaining +1. A sphereslinger must be at least 9th level to select this skip ability.
Strange Magic
Ethermagic Feats Note: Feats for the optional greater manifestations system are presented on page 82. Acquainted with Ethermancy (General) Your research into this strange branch of magic yields additional information when identifying what is being cast. Prerequisite: Spellcraft 5 ranks Benefit: Whenever you successfully identify an etherspell being cast, you learn the names of all of the manifestations in the etherspell in addition to the type of etherheart being cast. You receive a +2 luck bonus to saving throws against etherspells you have identified in this manner. Normal: Whenever you successfully identify an etherspell being cast, you learn its etherheart. Altered Arms (Combat, Ethermagic) Traces of residual ether wick over your weapons whenever you are affected by an etherspell. Prerequisite: Ethermagic class feature, caster level 4th
Interjection Games
Blaster (Ethermagic) There's something to be said about hurling raw ether as hard as you can. Prerequisite: Etherheart Focus (lesser blast) or Etherheart Focus (greater blast), caster level 6th Benefit: Whenever you cast an etherspell with the lesser blast etherheart or the greater blast etherheart, it is cast at +2 caster level, but only if exactly zero manifestations are applied to the etherspell. Bombardier (Ethermagic) Many ethermancers habitually rely upon their lesser blasts given their greater efficiency. You, on the other hand, embrace the damage that a wellplaced greater blast can deal. Prerequisite: Greater Etherheart Focus (greater blast) Benefit: Whenever you succeed on a ranged touch attack with an etherspell with the greater blast etherheart, the etherspell deals an additional 2d6 damage if the attack roll of that ranged touch attack would also be a successful standard ranged attack. Daredevil's Calm
Benefit: While under the effects of an alteration etherspell or a bestow etherspell, weapons you wield are treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. Further, weapons you wield with an enhancement bonus increase their enhancement bonus by +1.
Few have felt it, that serene calm that descends over the soul in the midst of deathdefying acts that seem the work of a deranged madman to outside observers. Even fewer have found a way to truly harness it, to find a center in the midst of insanity. Interestingly, many etherslingers do find this center, if only because they've made a career out of understanding the seeminglyineffable void itself.
Alterer (Ethermagic)
Prerequisites: Etherslinger level 4th, Wis 14
You have become particularly adept at wreathing yourself in shaped ether.
Benefit: You gain a ki pool containing 0 ki points. As a swift action, you may expend 1 grit to grant yourself 1 temporary ki point and you cannot regain grit so long as you have a temporary ki point. This temporary ki point lasts for 1 hour. You may expend grit in this fashion a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Prerequisite: Easily Altered, caster level 10th Benefit: You may be affected by up to two etherspells with the alteration etherheart at once. Each of these etherspells must be at least two levels lower than the highest level manifestation you can cast. Normal: You may be affected by a single etherspell with the alteration etherheart at once. Bestower (Ethermagic) Blessings should be shared. Prerequisite: Gift Giver, caster level 10th Benefit: Whenever you cast an etherspell with the bestow etherheart on a creature, you may also affect a creature adjacent to the target with the same etherspell. This additional target is only affected by the etherspell for 2 rounds.
If you later gain a ki pool through level progression in a class that grants a ki pool, the maximum size of your ki pool increases by +2 instead. As a swift action, you may expend 1 point of ki. If you do, you get a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round. Special: You are treated as though you have the ki pool class feature for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of feats, but not for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of anything else, such as prestige classes.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Feats
Easily Altered (Ethermagic)
Extra Etherslinger Talent
Your anatomy's subtle shifting has somehow caused alteration etherspells to last longer.
You have spent extra time studying how firearms and the infinite energy of the void go so well together!
Prerequisite: Ability to use the alteration etherheart, caster level 6th
Prerequisite: Etherslinger talent class feature.
Benefit: The duration of alteration etherspells cast upon you is increased as though the caster's caster level were +2 higher. Etherheart Focus (Ethermagic) Through practice, you have found ways to exert your will upon a particular etherheart. Prerequisite: Ability to use the chosen etherheart Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against etherspells cast using the etherheart you select. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new etherheart. Ethershaping (Ethermagic) By roughly shaping ether as it is being prepared for a blast etherspell, it is possible to do far more than simply bludgeon something.
Benefit: You gain one additional etherslinger talent. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this etherslinger talent. Special: You can gain Extra Etherslinger Talent an additional time for every five etherslinger levels you possess. Favored Manifestation (Ethermagic) It seems that shaping the leavings of the multiverse is just like everything else. You get better at it with practice. Prerequisite: Ethermagic class feature Benefit: Reduce the ether point cost of a single selected manifestation by -1, to a minimum of 0. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new manifestation.
Prerequisite: Ability to use the lesser blast etherheart Benefit: Lesser blast etherspells and greater blast etherspells deal your choice of bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage without the need for a manifestation. Normal: Lesser blast etherspells and greater blast etherspells deal bludgeoning damage if a manifestation is not applied.
Fusion Focus (Ethermagic) Having learned how to infuse living tissue with ether without horribly maiming the recipient, you have decided to delve deeper into this realm of knowledge. Prerequisite: Etherfusion class feature Benefit: Select an etherfusion you have taken once, but not twice. The selected etherfusion is now treated as though it had been taken twice.
Extra Aspect The master is too varied and wondrous to be embodied in only a few of his traits. You have learned to express more of them! Prerequisite: Aspects of the master class feature Benefit: You gain one additional aspect of the master. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this aspect. Special: You can gain Extra Aspect multiple times.
Special: You can gain Fusion Focus multiple times. Each time, select a new etherfusion that has been taken once, but not twice. Gift Giver (Ethermagic) Your ethermagic tends to linger about those who have been blessed, or cursed, by it. Prerequisite: Ability to use the bestow etherheart, caster level 6th Benefit: The duration of bestow etherspells you cast is increased as though your caster level were +2 higher.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Greater Etherheart Focus (Ethermagic)
Philosophical Dilettante (Ethermagic)
Shaping extrauniversal entropic energy shouldn't be this easy, but it really is!
With so many big ideas out there, it's natural for you to try out as many of them as possible.
Prerequisite: Etherheart Focus
Prerequisite: Multiuniversal philosophy class feature
Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against etherspells cast using the etherheart you select. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Etherheart Focus.
Benefit: Select a single multiuniversal philosophy that you have not selected in the past. You gain the benefits of that philosophy. Whenever you are given the opportunity to select another philosophy through the multiuniversal philosophy class feature, you may not select the philosophy selected through this feat.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new etherheart to which you have already applied the Etherheart Focus feat.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time, select a new multiuniversal philosophy. Reclaim Ether (Ethermagic) Though the ether may technically be limitless, you still benefit from a "waste not, want not" approach. Prerequisite: Shed Alteration or Shed Gifts Benefit: Whenever you dismiss an etherspell, your ether point regeneration rate increases by +2 for rounds equal to the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell.
Meld Mastery (Ethermagic) Your familiarity with certain manifestations allows you to pack more into the voidmeld etherheart than others. Prerequisite: Favored Manifestation, ability to use the voidmeld etherheart Benefit: When adding manifestations to a voidmeld etherheart, the maximum number of manifestation levels worth of manifestations that can be added is increased by +1 if one or more of those manifestations has had the Favored Manifestaton feat applied to it. Normal: Any number of manifestations can be added to a voidmeld etherheart, so long as the sum of their manifestation levels are equal to or less than the highest manifestation level the ethermagus knows. Multiuniversal Arms Dealer (Ethermagic) Your ability to create stable objects allows you to share them freely. Prerequisite: Ability to use the genesis etherheart, caster level 8th Benefit: Your genesis manifestations with a range of personal now have a range of close (25 ft. + 5ft./2 levels). This allows you to pass out certain products of your ethermagic without them vanishing into thin air, as well as not totally losing that product if it is dropped or disarmed.
Revelations of Genesis (Ethermagic) You have learned how to regain your potency immediately after dismissing an object created with the genesis etherheart. Prerequisite: Multiuniversal Arms Dealer, caster level 10th Benefit: Whenever a genesis etherspell you cast ends, the reduction to your maximum ether points imposed by the etherspell immediately ends. Normal: Whenever you dismiss an object created with the genesis etherheart, the reduction to your maximum ether points imposed by the etherspell persists for one minute before ending. Shed Alteration (Ethermagic) You have learned how to abort your alteration etherspells early, though at significant cost. Prerequisite: Easily Altered Benefit: You may dismiss an alteration etherspell as a move action by spending ether points equal to twice the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell. Normal: You cannot dismiss an alteration etherspell and must instead wait for its duration to expire naturally.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Feats
Shed Gifts (Ethermagic)
Void Attunement (Combat, Ethermagic)
You have learned how to abort your bestow etherspells early, though at significant cost.
As a blade of pure ether, your void blade is perfectly suited to take on the aspect of any blast etherspells delivered with it.
Prerequisite: Gift Giver Benefit: You may dismiss a bestow etherspell as a move action by spending ether points equal to twice the highest manifestation level used in the etherspell. Normal: You cannot dismiss a bestow etherspell and must instead wait for its duration to expire naturally. Shielded Ethermagic (Ethermagic)
Prerequisite: Etherstrike class feature, void blade class feature Benefit: Whenever you deliver a blast etherspell with your void blade through the use of the etherstrike class feature, you may dismiss your void blade as a free action immediately after making your attack roll. If you do, on a successful hit, your void blade deals damage of the same type or types as the etherspell it delivered.
While it is true that you can outlast a wizard, it is so much more satisfying to overcome his defenses and incinerate him while he thinks he has the upper hand. Prerequisite: Ethermagic class feature, caster level 8th Benefit: Opposing spellcasters must use an evocation spell whose spell level exceeds the highest manifestation level among manifestations in an etherspell you cast in order to counter it. If your caster level is 14th or greater, opposing spellcasters must use an evocation spell whose spell level is at least two greater than the highest manifestation level among manifestations in an etherspell you cast in order to counter it. Temporal Manipulator (Ethermagic) Prerequisite: Daredevil's Calm, ability to use the genesis etherheart, etherslinger level 12th Benefit: You learn the following manifestation. This manifestation does not count toward the maximum number of manifestations you can learn, nor does it count toward the maximum number of manifestations you can know of a certain level. Temporal Manipulator Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 3 Range: personal Target: you
Your understanding of the ether deepens. Prerequisite: Voidkissed, Cha 15, character level 9th Benefit: Select a 2nd-level manifestation that is compatible with the alteration etherheart. Twice per day, you can cast an alteration etherspell with the chosen manifestation as a standard action. This is a spell-like ability. For the purpose of this spell-like ability, your caster level is equal to your character level 3. Void Study (Ethermagic) Rather than simply accept your newfound abilities, you dig deeper, attempting to learn why you have them. The search bears no answer, but it does enhance your efficiency. Prerequisite: Voidkissed Benefit: You may cast each of the spell-like abilities granted by the Void’s Embrace, Voidchild, and Voidkissed feats an additional time per day. Voidchild (Ethermagic)
The caster creates a small device that immediately latches onto her wrist and refuses to let go. Once per round as a free action, the caster can fiddle with the device, expending 1 grit, 2 points of ki, and reducing her maximum EP by 1. If she does, the next etherslinger talent with an activation time of an immediate action used this round is a free action instead. When the etherspell ends, all maximum EP reduction imposed by the activation of this manifestation is ended immediately. This manifestation is incompatible Multiuniversal Arms Dealer feat.
Void’s Embrace (Ethermagic)
Though you lack a formal connection to the void, you have become capable of manipulating the ether as well as an experienced ethermage. Prerequisite: Void’s Embrace, Cha 17, character level 14th Benefit: Select a 3rd-level manifestation that is compatible with the alteration etherheart. Twice per day, you can cast an alteration etherspell with the chosen manifestation as a standard action. This is a spell-like ability. For the purpose of this spell-like ability, your caster level is equal to your character level 3.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Voidkissed (Ethermagic)
Though not a fullblown practitioner of ethermagic, that which lies beyond still whispers in your mind.
The master's congregation must be as great as his glory, and you shall see it be so!
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (Perception), Cha 13, character level 4th
Prerequisite: Metamorphosis pool class feature
Benefit: Select a 1st-level manifestation that is compatible with the alteration etherheart. Twice per day, you can cast an alteration etherspell with the chosen manifestation as a standard action. This is a spell-like ability. For the purpose of this spell-like ability, your caster level is equal to your character level 3.
Benefit: The size of your metamorphosis pool increases by +2 points. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. Zero Master (Ethermagic) There may be "no suck in science", but you most definitely have found a way to suck the ether out of the void. Prerequisite: Zeroing Out Benefit: Whenever the number of ether points in your ether pool is less than your base ether point regeneration rate, your ether point regeneration rate is increased by +1. This is an enhancement bonus. Zeroing Out (Ethermagic) Substances diffuse at a greater rate when the difference in concentration is more pronounced. Even the ether follows this rule. What, then, could possibly make a more dramatic gradient than a concentration of zero at your ethereal pinprick? Prerequisite: Ethermagic class feature, character level 6th Benefit: Whenever you have 0 ether points in your ether pool, your ether point regeneration rate is increased by +1. This is an enhancement bonus.
Weaponized Shedding (Ethermagic) Realizing that the need to rapidly shift your etherspells is usually the sign of a tactical error on your part, you have learned how to make fixing your errors an attack in its own right. Prerequisite: Shed Alteration or Shed Gifts Benefit: Whenever you dismiss an alteration etherspell, you dump raw ethereal power into your immediate surroundings, dealing 1d6 points of damage per manifestation level of the highest level manifestation used in the etherspell to all other creatures within 5 feet. A DC 10 + 1/2 your caster level + your Charisma modifier Reflex save negates. This is a force effect. Whenever you dismiss a bestow etherspell, the target of that etherspell takes 1d6 points of damage per manifestation level of the highest level manifestation used in the etherspell. This is a force effect.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation Summary
Ethermagic Manifestation Summary Alteration Manifestations
Alteration Manifestations
Level 1 Charge Atmosphere - 2 EP - Caster gains 1 temporary EP. Cosmic Wards - 1 EP - Protective ether grants a +2 or higher armor bonus to AC. Ethereal Fortitude - 1 EP - Caster has a +1 insight bonus to Fortitude saves. Ethereal Reflexes - 1 EP - Caster has a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves. Ethereal Willpower - 1 EP - Caster has a +1 insight bonus to Will saves. Infinite Insight - 1 EP - Caster gets a +1 or higher enhancement bonus to a mental ability score. Kinetic Deflection - 2 EP - Whenever damage is taken, the caster instead loses twice that many EP. Might of the Cosmos - 1 EP - Caster gets a +1 or higher enhancement bonus to a physical ability score. Primed Blast - 3 EP - The caster's next blast etherspell deals an additional point of damage, plus an additional point of damage for every four caster levels. Spiked Carapace - 2 EP - Melee attackers take 1 piercing damage per four caster levels, minimum 1. Stellar Reflexes - 2 EP - Caster has a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Ultraviolet Shift - 2 EP - Caster turns invisible, but effect ends if a move action or standard action is made. Level 2 A Thousand Eyes - 3 EP - A plethora of disembodied eyeballs grant a bonus to initiative. Ablative Ether - 4 EP - A smear of ether grants resistance 10 or more against one energy type. Attuned Backlash - 3 EP - A burst of ether deals 1d3 damage to sources of damage of a chosen energy type. Doppler Effect - 3 EP - Attacks made against and by the caster have a 10% miss chance. Gravitational Lensing - 4 EP - Caster produces one illusory double. Light Speed - 4 EP - The caster's movement speeds are increased by +20 feet. Stellar Vitality - 4 EP - Caster gains 1d4 + caster level (max +10) temporary hit points. Volatile Edging, Lesser - 3 EP - The caster's melee weapons deal an additional 1d3 points of force damage, but drain the caster's EP when swung. Level 3 Ablative Ether, Flexible - 6 EP - A smear of ether grants resistance 10 or more against two energy types. Energetic Buffer - 3 EP - EP regeneration rate becomes temporary hit points instead. Energy Conversion Vortex - 3 EP - Caster can cast a free lesser blast etherspell as an immediate action after taking damage of a chosen energy type three times. Ethereal Fortitude, Greater - 5 EP - Caster has a +2 insight bonus to Fortitude saves. Ethereal Reflexes, Greater - 5 EP - Caster has a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves. Ethereal Willpower, Greater - 5 EP - Caster has a +2 insight bonus to Will saves. Magnetic Repulsion - 7 EP - Creatures that damage the caster in melee or while nearby are pushed away 10 feet. Primed Blast, Rapid - 6 EP - The caster's next blast etherspell deals an additional point of damage, plus an additional point of damage for every four caster levels. Etherspell ends immediately after granting benefit. Rapid Diffusion - 0 EP - The caster's maximum EP is reduced, but his EP regeneration rate increases. Spiked Carapace, Greater - 5 EP - Melee attackers take 1d3 piercing damage + 1 per three caster levels. Stellar Reflexes, Greater - 7 EP - Caster has a +2 dodge bonus to AC. Whimpering Echoes - 5 EP - Creatures that attack the caster in melee are shaken for 1 round.
Sidebar: Counterspelling Ethermagic Though a more standard arcane caster may initially be quite confused by what appears to be an inexhaustible supply of magic from a single source, the savvy wizard or sorcerer quickly learns that everything an ethermagician does is evocation, or at least detects as such by the magic they have accepted as the norm. Some of it may look like transmutation or conjuration, but the manipulation of energy, and, thus, evocation, is paramount to the art of ethermancy in all of its forms. This incredibly linear spell selection, combined with a low spell level ceiling, makes it particularly easy to lock down an ethermagician, at least for a few rounds. An etherspell can be countered by any evocation spell whose spell level is greater than or equal to the highest spell level among manifestations in the etherspell.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Level 4 Ablative Ether, Absorbent - 5 EP - A smear of ether grants resistance 15 or more against one energy type. Whenever a source of damage is absorbed, the caster gains 2 EP. Alteration Cascade - 5 EP - Caster casts two 1st-level alteration etherspells and gains the benefits of both. Attuned Backlash, Greater - 6 EP - A burst of ether deals 2d6 damage to sources of damage of a chosen energy type. Charge Atmosphere, Greater - 4 EP - Caster gains 2 temporary EP. Cosmic Wards, Greater - 8 EP - Protective ether grants a +6 armor bonus to AC and a +2 circumstance bonus to CMD. Doppler Effect, Greater - 8 EP - Attacks made against and by the caster have a 25% miss chance. Ethereal Resistance - 5 EP - Caster has a +2 insight bonus to all saving throws, but spends 2 EP whenever he makes a saving throw. Volatile Edging - 6 EP - Melee weapons the caster wields deal an additional 1d6 force damage, and additional damage on critical hits, but drain the caster's EP when swung. Wandering Star - 5 EP - Comet grants total concealment against ranged attacks, but drains EP whenever a shot is blocked. Zone of Mental Atrophy - 7 EP - Caster imposes a -2 penalty to a chosen mental ability score in a 10-foot radius. Zone of Physical Atrophy - 7 EP - Caster imposes a -2 penalty to a chosen physical ability score in a 10-foot radius. Level 5 Attuned Backlash, Flexible - 8 EP - A burst of ether deals 2d6 damage to sources of damage of one of two chosen energy types. Charge Atmosphere, Superior - 6 EP - Caster gains 3 temporary EP. Energy Conversion Vortex, Flexible - 6 EP - Caster can cast a free lesser blast etherspell as an immediate action after taking damage of one of two chosen energy types three times. Infinite Insight, Greater - 10 EP - Caster gets a +5 enhancement bonus to a mental ability score. Might of the Cosmos, Greater - 10 EP - Caster gets a +5 enhancement bonus to a physical ability score. Rending Energy - 6 EP - Those who attack the caster in melee are subjected to a dispel magic effect. Stellar Vitality, Greater - 7 EP - Caster gains 1d4 + caster level temporary hit points. Ultraviolet Shift, Greater - 8 EP - Caster turns invisible, and may make move and standard actions without becoming visible. Taking damage ends the effect. Warp Speed - 8 EP - The caster's movement speeds are increased by +40 feet. Level 6 Ablative Ether, Greater - 10 EP - A smear of ether negates all damage from the first source of a chosen energy type each source. Alteration Cascade, Greater - 15 EP - Caster casts two 1st-level or 2nd-level alteration etherspells and gains the benefits of both. Energy Conversion Vortex, Greater - 6 EP - Caster can cast a free greater blast etherspell as an immediate action after taking damage of a chosen energy type three times. Quantum Leap - 10 EP - Caster leaps forward up to 100 feet, dealing 6d6 force damage to all creatures in his path. Volatile Edging, Greater - 10 EP - The next attack the caster makes with a melee weapon drains all remaining EP and deals twice that much additional damage. Zone of Mental Atrophy, Greater - 10 EP - Caster imposes a -2 penalty to each of two chosen mental ability scores in a 10-foot radius. Zone of Physical Atrophy, Greater - 10 EP - Caster imposes a -2 penalty to each of two chosen physical ability scores in a 10-foot radius.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation Summary
Bestow Manifestations Level 2 Bestowed Edge - 4 EP - Subject's melee weapons deal an additional 1d3 points of force damage, but drain the caster's EP when swung. Burning Comet - 4 EP - Subject gains the ability to hurl a single comet, dealing 3d6 fire damage and dazzling the creature struck. Celestial Bolstering - 4 EP - Subject gets a +2 insight bonus to its lowest saving throw. Ethereal Wrappings - 5 EP - Ether imposes a -2 penalty to all damage rolls, and forces all physical damage to be bludgeoning, but also grants DR 2/piercing. Damage penalty and damage reduction scale. Great Red Spotlet - 4 EP - Subject takes 1d3 points of acid damage each round, as well as a -2 penalty to armor bonus to AC. Luminescent Spheres - 4 EP - Subject glows. Each round, the creature nearest the subject is dazzled for 1 round. Penalties for being dazzled are enhanced if attacking the subject. Taste of the Void - 4 EP - Each round, subject is staggered for 1 round. White Noise - 2 EP - Each round, subject takes 1 sonic damage and is deafened. Level 3 Bestowed Ablation - 5 EP - A bestowed smear of ether grants resistance 15 or more against one energy type. Bestowed Lensing - 5 EP - Subject has an illusory double. Crawling Chaos - 4 EP - Subject takes a -2 or greater penalty to its lowest saving throw. Linear Shaping - 3 EP - Shape. Blast is a 30-foot line. Piping of the Spheres - 8 EP - Subject cannot be attacked unless the attacker makes a Will save. Scream from Beyond - 6 EP - Touched creature may scream at will, confusing all those in a 20-foot radius, including itself! Solar Eruption - 7 EP - Subject can explode, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (max 10d4) in a 10foot-radius burst. Visions of Incomprehensible Distance - 6 EP - Subject is sickened. Each round, the creature nearest the subject is sickened for 1 round. Level 4 Bestowed Edge, Volatile - 6 EP - Subject's melee weapons deal an additional 1d10 points of force damage, and additional damage on critical hits, but drain the caster's EP when swung. Binary System - 6 EP - If either the subject or the caster tries to walk away from the other, then that individual takes damage for trying to do so. Ether Feast - 7 EP - Subject takes 1d8 points of damage each round. Damage is returned to the caster as temporary hit points. Gamma Radiation - 6 EP - Subject deals half damage with natural weapons, excepting slams. Great Red Storm - 8 EP - Subject takes 2d3 points of acid damage each round, as well as a -4 penalty to armor bonus to AC. Effect can be ended as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per round of duration remaining (max 10d6). Hyperspace Beacon - 9 EP - Subject is hasted, except that all forms of movement are made faster, not just base land speed. Each round, the closest ally is hasted for 1 round. Temporal Dilation - 9 EP - Subject is slowed. Each round, the closest creature is slowed for 1 round. Level 5 Bestowed Ablation, Flexible - 8 EP - A bestowed smear of ether grants resistance 20 against two energy types. Creeping Chaos - 8 EP - Subject takes a -3 or greater penalty to its two lowest saving throws. Gibbering Madness - 12 EP - Subject is confused. Each round, the creature nearest the subject becomes confused for 1 round. Quantum Indeterminacy - 10 EP - Caster and subject can swap places with each other once as a standard action. Solar Rays - 10 EP - Subject gains light charges, which can be consumed to fire rays that deal damage and blind. White Noise, Greater - 8 EP - Each round, subject takes 2d4 sonic damage and is deafened. While deafened, subject is always considered flanked.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Level 6 Asphyxiate - 15 EP - Subject is exposed to vacuum, taking Strength damage and becoming staggered each round. Comet Storm - 15 EP - Subject can hurl five comets, dealing 3d6 fire damage per hit, and gaining bonus effects based on the number of comets that connect. Glimpse the Unthinkable - 12 EP - Subject is locked in combat with a shadowy apparition and is dazed until it is defeated. Linear Shaping, Greater - 8 EP - Shape. Blast is now a 60-foot line. Quantum Indeterminacy, Greater - 10 EP - Caster and subject can swap places with each other as a standard action. After swapping, attacks against both creatures have a 50% miss chance for 1 round. Swapping places costs the caster 5 EP. Solar Eruption, Greater - Subject can explode, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (max 20d4) in a 10-foot-radius burst. Stellar Radiance - 15 EP - Subject may glow at will, dealing 5d6 points of damage in a 20-foot radius and blinding foes. Uncertainty Principle - 8 EP - d% of all damage taken by the caster is taken by the subject instead. Blast Manifestations
Blast Manifestations Level 1 Atrophy the Body - 1 EP - Blast deals 1 point of damage to a physical ability score. Atrophy the Mind - 1 EP - Blast deals 1 point of damage to a mental ability score. Conical Shaping - 2 EP - Shape. Blast is a 15-foot cone. Deep Impact - 3 EP - Blast rattles those it damages, imposing a -2 penalty to attack rolls. Energetic Blending - 2 EP - Blast deals half damage of one type and half of another. Other manifestations must supply the list of available damage types. Extremes of Infinity - 1 EP - Blast deals fire or cold damage. Inorganic Formulation - 2 EP - Blast ignores the hardness of nonmagical objects. Lingering Luminescence - 1 EP - Blast leaves behind an area of normal illumination. Merciful Ether - 1 EP - Blast deals nonlethal damage. Ocular Overstimulation - 1 EP - Blast dazzles those damaged. Point-blank Shaping - 2 EP - Shape. Blast is a 5-foot-radius burst centered on the caster. Raw Ether - 2 EP - Blast entangles those damaged. Scale Model of the Galaxy - 2 EP - Thousands of planet-like spheres cover the ground, tripping those who move over them quickly. Shards of Creation - 2 EP - Blast deals piercing damage and 1 point of bleed damage. Vampiric Evocation, Lesser - 1 EP - Blast grants 1 temporary hit point to the caster if a living creature is damaged. Level 2 Athermal Extremes - 1 EP - Blast deals acid or electric damage. Boiling Ether - 4 EP - Shape. Blast affects the space occupied by the caster and does not have a somantic component. Celestial Sphere - 3 EP - Shape. Ball of energy follows subsequent blasts, dealing damage to those it runs over. Cosmic Rays - 4 EP - Blast illuminates invisible creatures, rendering them visible. Elliptical Orbit - 3 EP - Blast deals slashing damage and imposes a -2 penalty to attack rolls whose subsequent damage roll would add Strength to damage. Empower Ether - 2 EP - Blast deals +2 damage. Energetic Leavings - 2 EP - Lesser blast deals an additional 2d3 points of damage on the following round. Greater blast deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on the following round. Farshaping - 3 EP - Shape. Blast has a range of medium rather than a range of close. Influence of Eternal Chaos - 2 EP - Blast shakens those damaged. Lingering Ether - 4 EP - Shape. Etherheart component of blast deals half damage each round for 3 rounds. Noxious Blast - 3 EP - Blast sickens those damaged. Penetrating Blast - 2 EP - Blast ignores resistance equal to half the caster's caster level, maximum 5. Spiny Model of the Galaxy - 3 EP - Thousands of spiny spheres cover the ground, tripping and dealing bleed damage to those who move over them quickly. Wide Arc - 3 EP - Shape. Blast hits a secondary target between 20 and 30 feet away from the primary target.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation Summary
Level 3 Bane of the Beyond - 2 EP - Blast bypasses damage reduction as though it were silver and cold iron. Bane of the Built - 3 EP - Blast bypasses damage reduction, but not hardness, as though it were adamantine. Blast Mastery - 2 EP - +1 bonus to caster level for this blast. Breath Stealer - 3 EP - Blast staggers those damaged for 1 round. Burst Shaping - 4 EP - Shape. Blast is a 10-foot burst. Comet's Tail - 5 EP - Caster's movement leaves a trail of energy that deals damage to those who cross it. Echoes of the Spheres - 3 EP - Blast deals sonic damage. Focused Blast - 3 EP - +1 insight bonus to Difficulty Class of blast. Selchow's Filaments of Fixation - 4 EP - Blast immobilizes those damaged for 1 round. Vampric Evocation - 3 EP - Blast grants 1 temporary hit point per three caster levels to the caster if a living creature is damaged. Level 4 Atrophy the Body, Greater - 3 EP - Blast deals 1d3 points of damage to a physical ability score. Atrophy the Mind, Greater - 3 EP - Blast deals 1d3 points of damage to a mental ability score. Exploding Burst - 5 EP - Shape. Blast is a 15-foot burst that pushes creatures away from the epicenter. Farshaping, Greater - 6 EP - Shape. Blast has a range of long rather than a range of close. Haze of Infinity - 5 EP - Greater blast only. Duration of manifestations with a duration of greater than instantaneous is increased by +1 round. Imploding Burst - 5 EP - Shape. Blast is a 15-foot burst that pulls creatures into the epicenter. Lurking Blast - 5 EP - Shape. Blast hovers above the caster's head and attacks the next creature to attempt casting. Damage is dealt before the spell is cast, forcing a concentration check lest the spell is lost. Noxious Blast, Greater - 7 EP - Shape. Blast nauseates those damaged. Ocular Overstimulation, Greater - 3 EP - Blast blinds those damaged. Penetrating Blast, Greater - 5 EP - Blast ignores resistance equal to the caster's caster level, maximum 15. Pseudoconjuration - 3 EP - Blast ignores spell resistance, but deals half damage. Level 5 Celestial Sphere, Greater - 6 EP - Shape. Ball of energy follows subsequent blasts, dealing substantial damage to those it runs over. Clockwork Model - 7 EP - Shape. If blast does not penetrate spell resistance, it deflects and attacks somebody else. Conical Shaping, Greater - 8 EP - Shape. Blast is a 30-foot cone. Energetic Leavings, Greater - 6 EP - Lesser blast deals an additional 4d3 points of damage on the following round. Greater blast deals an additional 4d6 points of damage on the following round. Extinction Event - 4 EP - Only selected subtype of creature is affected by blast. Horns of the Space Goat - 4 EP - Blast etherspell performs a bull rush combat maneuver. Creatures successfully pushed are moved the maximum distance as though the bull rusher were following. Internal Combustion - 6 EP - Blast with a Reflex save for half damage now has a Fortitude save for half damage instead. Level 6 Annihilating Stroke - 6 EP - Creatures killed by the blast explode, staggering nearby creatures for 3 rounds. Atrophy the Body, Superior - 5 EP - Blast deals 1d6+1 points of damage to a physical ability score. Atrophy the Mind, Superior - 5 EP - Blast deals 1d6+1 points of damage to a mental ability score. Blast Mastery, Greater - 5 EP - +2 bonus to caster level for this blast. Empower Ether, Greater - X EP - Blast deals an additional X damage, where X is the EP spent on this manifestation. Focused Blast, Greater - 6 EP - +2 insight bonus to Difficulty Class of blast. Vampiric Evocation, Greater - 7 EP - Blast grants 1 temporary hit point per caster level to the caster if a living creature is damaged.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Genesis Manifestations Level 3 Aegis of Ether - 6 EP - Solidified ether acts as a physical shield. Astral Oculus - 5 EP - Conjured eyeball can be used for scouting. Borrowed Time - 3 EP - Conjured wristwatch grants an additional move action at will, but staggers on the next round. Force Weapon - 4 EP - Solidified ether acts as a weapon. Instant Handholds - 6 EP - Nubbins of ether either allow for easy scaling of a wall or act as caltrops. Tome of Infinite Knowledge - 4 EP - Caster's knowledge is bound up in a book. Level 4 Blast Blade - X EP - Conjured weapon contains a lesser blast etherspell and can be unleashed on a successful hit. Bottled Starfire - 6 EP - Flask of starstuff is thrown as a thrown splash weapon and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to creatures in the square struck. Gravity Well - 6 EP - Little stone well can have buckets of gravity scooped out and tossed at creatures, dealing 3d6 force damage and staggering those splashed. Nail in the Sky - 8 EP - Conjured cylinder acts much like an immovable rod. Pale Imitation - 7 EP - Produce a perfect copy of an object, minus visual and magical characteristics. Stellar Sentry - X EP - Conjured sentry fires a pre-loaded lesser blast etherspell at creatures that wander too close. Level 5 Antigravity Well - 8 EP - Little stone well of antigravity grants nearby creatures a fly speed. Astral Oculus, Greater - 10 EP - Conjured flock of eyeballs can be used for scouting. Retroactive Continuity - 4 EP - Conjured wrist-bound device allows for retroactive bonuses to attack rolls and skill checks. Sight Beyond Sight - 3 EP - Opaque material up to 1 foot/caster level in thickness becomes transparent. Space Elevator - 8 EP - Hovering disc can be used to carry up to 100 pounds of material per level. Level 6 Blast Blade, Greater - X EP - Conjured weapon contains a greater blast etherspell and can be unleashed on a successful hit. Stellar Sentry, Greater - X EP - Conjured sentry fires a pre-loaded greater blast etherspell at creatures that wander too close. Subjective Time - 10 EP - Conjured sundial doubles attack of opportunity requirements. Translocation Beacon - 12 EP - Conjured beacon can be teleported to as a standard action. Voidmeld Manifestations
Voidmeld Manifestations
Level 1 Atomic Edge - 1 EP - Void blade deals an additional point of bleed damage. Bane of the Earthbound - 2 EP - Void blade deals an additional 1d3 points of damage to all but aberrations, constructs, fey, and undead. Bane of the Starbound - 2 EP - Void blade deals an additional 1d3 points of damage to all but animals, nonoutsider humanoids, magical beasts, plants, oozes and vermin. Edge of Infinity - 1 EP - Void blade's enhancement bonus is increased by +1 and can go beyond +5 in this manner. Gnawing Hunger - 1 EP - Critical hits heal the wielder of the void blade for damage equal to the weapon's critical hit multiplier. Icy Blackness of Space - 1 EP - Void blade deals 1 additional cold damage and imposes a penalty to movement speed on a critical hit. Solar Wind - 1 EP - Void blade deals 1 additional fire damage and dazzles on a critical hit. Void Magnetism - 2 EP - Void blade grants a +1 or higher deflection bonus to AC.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation Summary
Level 2 Cleaving Ether - 4 EP - Void blade has the mighty cleaving weapon special ability. Icy Grip of the Outer Spheres - 3 EP - Void blade deals 1d6 additional cold damage, and deals cold damage rather than physical damage. Kiss of the Nuclear Fireball - 3 EP - Void blade deals 1d6 additional fire damage, and deals fire damage rather than physical damage. Knife Edge of Nowhere - 3 EP - Void blade's critical threat range is doubled. Plasma Edge - 3 EP - Void blade deals 1d6 additional electric damage, and deals electric damage rather than physical damage. Screaming Comet - 3 EP - The caster can make an additional attack of opportunity with the void blade each round. Weaponized Pulsar - 4 EP - Burst of energy deals 1d6 points of electric damage in a 5-foot radius each round. Wide Blade - 2 EP - Void blade grants a +2 shield bonus to AC. Level 3 Accretion Disk - 5 EP - Caster can cast a free lesser blast etherspell as an immediate action after scoring three critical hits with his void blade. Arcing Blows - 5 EP - Void blade produces a cone of energy on hit, dealing damage equal to its enhancement bonus. Atomic Edge, Greater - 5 EP - Void blade deals an additional 1d6 points of bleed damage. Colliding Bodies - Void blade deals +5 damage. Edge of Infinity, Greater - 4 EP - Void blade's enhancement bonus is increased by +2 and can go beyond +5 in this manner. Knife Edge of Nowhere, Greater - 6 EP - Void blade's critical threat range is increased by +1. This stacks with Improved Critical and other critical threat range multiplying effects, but is added, not multiplied. Space Roar - 4 EP - Void blade deals 1d6 additional sonic damage, and deals sonic damage rather than physical damage. Void Magnetism, Greater - 5 EP - Void blade grants a +3 or higher deflection bonus to AC. Level 4 Accretion Disk, Greater - 7 EP - Caster can cast a free lesser blast etherspell with one non-shape manifestation as an immediate action after scoring three critical hits with his void blade. Antimagic Ether - 5 EP - Void blade reduces the subject's spell resistance by -1 on a successful hit. Stacks. Edge of Infinity, Superior - 6 EP - Void blade's enhancement bonus is increased by +1 per four caster levels and can go beyond +5 in this manner. Flashing Bolide - 7 EP - Void blade gains the speed weapon special ability. Gnawing Hunger, Greater - 5 EP - Void blade deals an additional 1d4 damage on hit and returns half this damage as healing. Quantum Entanglement - 6 EP - The caster gains a +2 insight bonus to combat maneuver checks made to reposition a foe, and teleports foes up to 10 feet on a critical hit. Screaming Comet, Greater - 5 EP - The caster can make two additional attacks of opportunity with the void blade each round. Attacks of opportunity get a +2 bonus to hit. Weaponized Pulsar, Focused - 7 EP - Burst of energy deals 2d8 points of electric damage in a 5-foot radius each round. Weaponized Pulsar, Greater - 7 EP - Burst of energy deals 2d4 points of electric damage in a 10-foot radius each round. Level 5 Atomic Edge, Superior - 7 EP - Void blade deals an additional 2d8 points of bleed damage, as well as 2d4 piercing damage on a critical hit. Edge of the Event Horizon - 15 EP - Void blade's critical threat range is doubled and its critical hit multiplier is increased by +1. Multiuniversal Prism - 10 EP - Void blade deals 1d4 points of damage of each of the following types: acid, cold, electric, fire, force, and sonic. Quantum Form - 10 EP - Void blade attacks are touch attacks. Singularity - 12 EP - Void blade weapon damage is maximized and attacks stagger the foe. Wide Blade, Greater - 6 EP - Void blade grants a shield bonus to AC equal to 2 + the weapon's enhancement bonus, as well as a +1 luck bonus to saves.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Ethermagic Manifestation List Alteration
Alteration Manifestations Manifestations A Thousand Eyes Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 A multitude of tiny eyeballs surrounds the caster, granting a +2 bonus to initiative rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at 12th level.
Ablative Ether, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 The caster produces a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether all over his body that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents all damage dealt to the caster by the first source of the selected energy type each round. Alteration Cascade Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 The caster casts two alteration manifestations of 1st level, paying their ether point cost in addition the ether point cost of this manifestation. All effects count as a single etherspell. Should one manifestation cause the etherspell to end, the entire etherspell ends.
Ablative Ether Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4 The caster produces a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether all over his body that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents the first 10 points of damage dealt to the caster by the selected energy type each round. The amount of damage absorbed per round increases to 15 at 7th level and 20 at 10th level.
Alteration Cascade, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 15 The caster casts two alteration manifestations of 1st or 2nd level, paying their ether point cost in addition the ether point cost of this manifestation. All effects count as a single etherspell. Should one manifestation cause the etherspell to end, the entire etherspell ends.
Ablative Ether, Absorbent Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 The caster produces a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether all over his body that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents the first 15 points of damage dealt to the caster by the selected energy type each round. Further, whenever it absorbs or partially absorbs a source of damage, the caster gains 2 ether points. The amount of damage absorbed per round increases to 20 at 13th level. Ablative Ether, Flexible Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6 The caster produces a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether all over his body that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents the first 10 points of damage dealt to the caster by either of the selected energy types each round. The amount of damage absorbed per round increases to 15 at 10th level and 20 at 13th level.
Attuned Backlash Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 Specially-attuned ether can make attacking the caster very unpleasant indeed. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of the chosen type, the source of that damage, if within 100 feet, takes 1d3 points of force damage. Attuned Backlash, Flexible Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 Specially-attuned ether can make attacking the caster very unpleasant indeed. Select two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of one of the chosen types, the source of that damage, if within 100 feet, takes 2d6 points of force damage.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Attuned Backlash, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6
Cosmic Wards, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8
Specially-attuned ether can make attacking the caster very unpleasant indeed. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of the chosen type, the source of that damage, if within 100 feet, takes 2d6 points of force damage.
Experienced spellcasters tend to be quite surprised by the brutal power behind their martial allies' attacks and develop additional defenses against the inevitable altercation with one much like them. The caster produces a heavily reinforced set of faceted ethereal plates, granting a +6 armor bonus to AC, as well as a +2 circumstance bonus to CMD.
Charge Atmosphere Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2 The caster dumps raw ether into his immediate surroundings, granting himself 1 temporary EP. Once the temporary EP is spent, the etherspell ends immediately. Charge Atmosphere, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4 The caster dumps raw ether into his immediate surroundings, granting himself 2 temporary EP. Once the temporary EP is spent, the etherspell ends immediately. Charge Atmosphere, Superior Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6 The caster dumps raw ether into his immediate surroundings, granting himself 3 temporary EP. Once the temporary EP is spent, the etherspell ends immediately.
Doppler Effect Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 The caster's body distorts out of phase, granting 10% miss chance to attacks made against the caster and by the caster. Doppler Effect, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 The caster's body hideously distorts out of phase, granting 25% miss chance to attacks made against the caster and by the caster. Energetic Buffer Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 Whenever the caster would gain ether points, he gains that many temporary hit points instead. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
Cosmic Wards Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1 Given the relatively undeveloped musculature of a spellcaster when compared to a martial combatant, ethermancers tend to learn how to make sheets of protective ether very early in their careers. The caster produces a number of faceted plates of ether, granting a +2 armor bonus to AC. This bonus increases by +1 for every two caster levels beyond 2nd, to a maximum of +4 at 6th level.
Energy Conversion Vortex Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 By attuning a wrapping of ether to a specific conventional energy type, the caster can build a blast out of captured energy rather than ether. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of the chosen type, he gains a charge. As soon as he receives his third charge, the caster may cast an etherspell with the lesser blast etherheart and zero manifestations as an immediate action without paying its normal ether point cost. Whether or not the caster takes the opportunity to cast the bonus etherspell, this etherspell ends immediately after granting the opportunity to do so.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Energy Conversion Vortex, Flexible Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6
Ethereal Reflexes Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1
By attuning a wrapping of ether to a specific conventional energy type, the caster can build a blast out of captured energy rather than ether. Select two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of one of the chosen types, he gains a charge. As soon as he receives his third charge, the caster may cast an etherspell with the lesser blast etherheart and zero manifestations as an immediate action without paying its normal ether point cost. Whether or not the caster takes the opportunity to cast the bonus etherspell, this etherspell ends immediately after granting the opportunity to do so.
Many universes are nearly identical to others. For example, there is a universe out there in which the caster got struck by a fireball instead of stepping two paces to the left six seconds earlier. With access to such whisperings, listening to them can do much to enhance the lifespan of an adventurer. The caster receives a +1 insight bonus to Reflex saves.
Energy Conversion Vortex, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6
Enhanced knowledge of alternate timelines gives the caster an almost sage-like look into his own immediate future, up to and including what flaming spheres of death will be hurtling his way. The caster receives a +2 insight bonus to Reflex saves.
By attuning a wrapping of ether to a specific conventional energy type, the caster can build a blast out of captured energy rather than ether. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the caster is dealt damage of the chosen type, he gains a charge. As soon as he receives his third charge, the caster may cast an etherspell with the greater blast etherheart and zero manifestations as an immediate action without paying its normal ether point cost. Whether or not the caster takes the opportunity to cast the bonus etherspell, this etherspell ends immediately after granting the opportunity to do so.
Ethereal Reflexes, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5
Ethereal Resistance Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 Simultaneously listening to the whisperings of the universe while using its energy as a way to interfere with mental manipulation and as a means to bolster one's intestinal fortitude can be very, very tiring. The caster receives a +2 insight bonus to all saving throws, but loses 2 ether points whenever he makes a saving throw.
Ethereal Fortitude Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1 A thin layer of ether in key locations of the body helps it to annihilate poisons and diseases, as well as to stifle debilitating impulses before they have a chance to harm the caster. The caster receives a +1 insight bonus to Fortitude saves. Ethereal Fortitude, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 A thin layer of ether in key locations of the body helps to filter, then annihilate poisons and diseases, as well as bolster the body in times of distress. The caster receives a +2 insight bonus to Fortitude saves.
Ethereal Willpower Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1 Being pure, unaligned energy, unshaped ether can interfere with the workings of magic that relies on a greater level of finesse, the work of enchanters being the best example. The caster receives a +1 insight bonus to Will saves. Ethereal Willpower, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 Enchantments, illusions, and other such schools of more typical magic is very delicate and precise stuff. A buzzing smear of raw extrauniversal energy can do much to shatter such spells before they have a chance of affecting the caster. The caster receives a +2 insight bonus to Will saves.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Gravitational Lensing Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4
Light Speed Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4
An image of the caster is created through the use of incredibly acute gravitic lensing. This image remains in the caster's space and moves with him, mimicking his movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever the caster is attacked or is the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets the image instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or the image. If it is the image, it is destroyed. Area spells and effects affect the caster normally and do not destroy the image. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect the caster normally and do not destroy its image. Single target spells and effects that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an image; however, if that spell or effect is a touch attack that then turns into an area of effect, such as the explosion of an alchemist’s bomb, then the explosion happens as normal, with the exception that the space containing the struck image is totally unaffected. Since the image is produced by twisting physical laws and not through the use of illusion magic, spells such as true seeing cannot pierce the deception. Once the image is destroyed, the etherspell ends immediately.
Raw ether allows for raw speed. The caster's swim, fly, burrow, climb and base land speeds are all increased by +20 feet. It logically follows that an individual who does not know how to swim, fly, etc. well enough to have an individually listed speed for that mode of movement gains no increased speed to that mode of movement when under the effects of this manifestation.
Infinite Insight Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1 The whisperings of a thousand universes do much for the mind. Select Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The caster receives a +1 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +3 at 9th level. Infinite Insight, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 The whisperings of a thousand universes do much for the mind. Select Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The caster receives a +5 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Kinetic Deflection Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2 Pure energy makes a wonderfully lightweight shield. Whenever the caster would take physical damage, he loses twice that many ether points instead. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
Magnetic Repulsion Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 7 The caster surrounds his body with a magnetic field that is particularly violent when disturbed. Creatures that deal damage to the caster in melee or while occupying a space the caster threatens are pushed 10 feet directly away from the caster with a Fortitude save to negate. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity. If a creature succeeds on its saving throw against this effect, it is immune to the etherspell for the rest of its duration. Might of the Cosmos Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 1 As it turns out, layering crystallized strands of ether among bones and muscle does much to enhance their function, though it does tend to lead to cancer thirty years down the road. Select Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The caster receives a +1 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. This bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 3rd, to a maximum of +3 at 9th level. Might of the Cosmos, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 As it turns out, layering crystallized strands of ether among bones and muscle does much to enhance their function, though it does tend to lead to cancer thirty years down the road. Select Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The caster receives a +5 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Primed Blast Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 The caster wreathes himself in raw, unshaped ether. The next etherspell cast with the lesser blast or greater blast etherheart deals an additional 1 point of damage plus 1 point of damage for every four caster levels. Once a qualifying etherspell is cast, this etherspell is not ended. Instead, it persists for the total duration of the etherspell whether or not it can still benefit the caster.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Primed Blast, Rapid Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6
Spiked Carapace Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2
The caster wreathes himself in raw, unshaped ether. The next etherspell cast with the lesser blast or greater blast etherheart deals an additional 1 point of damage plus 1 point of damage for every four caster levels. Once a qualifying etherspell is cast, this etherspell ends immediately.
Spikes shaped from ether are evenly strewn over the body of the caster. Yes, even there. When the caster is struck in melee, the attacker takes 1 point of piercing damage per four caster levels, minimum 1.
Quantum Leap Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 The caster creates a perfect copy of his body out of antimatter, annihilates his own body with it, and launches himself with the energy released from the annihilation. This cloud of ether travels up to 100 feet in a straight line, ignoring all non-magical obstructions, including walls, other creatures, and even lead, then transforms back into the flesh-and-blood form of the caster. Any creatures in the line traveled take 6d6 force damage with no saving throws allowed. Unlike other alteration manifestations, quantum leap has a duration of instantaneous. Further, the strain on the caster's mind causes the caster's maximum ether points to be reduced by an amount equal to the ether point cost of the manifestation for 1 minute. Rapid Diffusion Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 0 By sacrificing some of the depth of his access to the ether, the caster can broaden his access to incoming energy diffusing into his sphere of influence. The caster's maximum ether points is reduced by an amount equal to the highest manifestation level he can cast, but his ether point regeneration rate is increased by 1. At 13th level, his ether point regeneration rate is increased by 2 instead. Rending Energy Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6 Roiling ether boils about the caster. Whenever the caster is struck in melee, this ether washes over the attacker. If the attacker is currently affected by an ongoing spell, make a dispel check (1d20 + your caster level) against a DC of 11 + the spell's caster level for the spell with the highest caster level currently ongoing on the attacker. If successful, that spell ends. If not, compare the same result to the spell with the next highest caster level. Repeat this process until the caster has dispelled one spell affecting the target, or the caster has failed to dispel every spell. If the caster successfully dispels a spell in this fashion, the etherspell immediately ends.
Spiked Carapace, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 Spikes shaped from ether are evenly strewn over the body of the caster. Yes, even there. When the caster is struck in melee, the attacker takes 1d3 points of piercing damage, plus an additional point of piercing damage per three caster levels. Stellar Reflexes Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2 Light is much faster than that which threatens the typical adventurer. The caster draws upon this, granting himself a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Stellar Reflexes, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 7 Light is much faster than that which threatens the typical adventurer. The caster draws upon this, granting himself a +2 dodge bonus to AC. Stellar Vitality Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4 Drawing upon the (nearly) infinite timelines upon which universes operate, the caster seeks to prolong his own. The caster gains 1d4 + caster level (max +10) temporary hit points. If these temporary hit points are consumed, this etherspell is not ended. Instead, it persists for the total duration of the etherspell whether or not it can still benefit the caster. Stellar Vitality, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 7 Drawing upon the (nearly) infinite timelines upon which universes operate, the caster seeks to prolong his own. The caster gains 1d4 + caster level temporary hit points. If these temporary hit points are consumed, this etherspell ends immediately.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Ultraviolet Shift Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2
Volatile Edging, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10
The light reflected by the caster's body and attended objects shifts into the ultraviolet, rendering him invisible as the condition. If the caster was carrying a torch or some other source of light, nobody gains any benefit from that source of light any longer. Objects dropped by the caster immediately become visible.
Weapons the caster wields are sheathed in a smoking, translucent material. This material, condensed ether, is so energetic that it invariably looks and sounds like a smoking purple film that's just kept from vibrating apart. Whenever the caster attacks in melee, he loses all of his remaining ether points. Melee attacks made by the caster deal an additional 2 points of force damage for each ether point consumed by the attack. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
Though still very much a solid mass of flesh and bone, by standing quietly, he gains a +40 bonus to Stealth checks while invisible. If the caster takes any action other than a free action, this etherspell ends immediately. Ultraviolet Shift, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 The light reflected by the caster's body shifts into the ultraviolet, rendering him invisible as the condition. If the caster was carrying a torch or some other source of light, nobody gains any benefit from that source of light any longer. Objects dropped by the caster immediately become visible. Though still very much a solid mass of flesh and bone, by standing quietly, he gains a +40 bonus to Stealth checks while invisible. The caster can manipulate objects, attack creatures, speak, etc. without ending this etherspell. Should the caster take damage, this etherspell ends immediately. Volatile Edging Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 6 Weapons the caster wields are sheathed in a smoking, translucent material. This material, condensed ether, looks and sounds however the caster wishes it to be, though there is this slight humming sound that simply can't be gotten rid of. Whenever the caster attacks in melee, he loses 2 ether points. Melee attacks made by the caster deal an additional 1d6 force damage. In addition, melee attacks deal an extra 1d10 points of force damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra 2d10 points of force damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of force damage. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
Volatile Edging, Lesser Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 3 Weapons the caster wields are sheathed in a smoking, translucent material. This material, condensed ether, looks and sounds however the caster wishes it to be. Whenever the caster attacks in melee, he loses 1 ether point. Melee attacks made by the caster deal an additional 1d3 force damage. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately. Warp Speed Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 Raw ether allows for raw speed. The caster's swim, fly, burrow, climb, and base land speeds are all increased by +40 feet. It logically follows that an individual who does not know how to swim, fly, etc. well enough to have an individually listed speed for that mode of movement gains no increased speed to that mode of movement when under the effects of this manifestation.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Wandering Star Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5
Zone of Physical Atrophy Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 7
A tiny star-like object orbits about the caster. It seems to be drawn to projectiles, granting total concealment (50% miss chance) against ranged attacks. Whenever the star blocks a shot (whenever the miss chance results in a miss), the caster loses ether points equal to one quarter the damage the ranged attack would have dealt, rounded down. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
The caster lets in the void, crowding out essential gases and causing physical distress. Select Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. All other creatures within 10 feet of the caster take a -2 penalty to the chosen ability score, minimum 1, so long as they remain within the manifestation’s area of effect. There is no saving throw.
Exceptional ranged attacks, such as a thrown boulder, overpower the star and are not affected. As the star detects and moves to intercept missiles, feats that normally negate concealment effects do not negate the miss chance granted by this manifestation. Whimpering Echoes Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 Some of those who came before eventually sought to take control of the ether itself. Their screams of agony in their last moments before being ripped into their constituent subatomic components echo throughout the void as a testament to just how hopeless fighting the infinite actually is. The caster wreathes himself in these echoing screams. Creatures that deal damage to the caster in melee or while standing in a square the caster threatens are subjected to them, becoming shaken for 1 round with a Will save to negate. This is a mindaffecting ability. Zone of Mental Atrophy Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 7 The caster lets in the void, crowding out essential gases and making thinking particularly difficult. Select Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. All other creatures within 10 feet of the caster take a -2 penalty to the chosen ability score, minimum 1, so long as they remain within the manifestation’s area of effect. There is no saving throw. Zone of Mental Atrophy, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 The caster lets in the void, crowding out essential gases and making thinking particularly difficult. Select two of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. All other creatures within 10 feet of the caster take a -2 penalty to the chosen ability scores, minimum 1, so long as they remain within the manifestation’s area of effect. There is no saving throw.
Zone of Physical Atrophy, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 10 The caster lets in the void, crowding out essential gases and causing physical distress. Select two of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. All other creatures within 10 feet of the caster take a -2 penalty to the chosen ability scores, minimum 1, so long as they remain within the manifestation’s area of effect. There is no saving throw.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Bestow Manifestations Asphyxiate Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 15 The caster's touch exposes the subject to the absolute vacuum of the interstitial space between universes, causing the musculature of fleshy creatures to rupture and sapping the strength of living tissue as essential gases are not merely denied, but forcefully ripped from where it was stored. Each round, the subject takes 1d3 points of Strength damage and is staggered for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate the stagger effect. Upon making a total of 3 successful Fortitude saves, the etherspell ends. Once it ends, the creature struggles to return to some form of normalcy and remains staggered for rounds equal to the number of Fortitude saves it failed over the course of the etherspell. Given its totally biological origin, this final staggered effect takes place even if the etherspell is dispelled or suppressed by an antimagic field. Creatures with an exoskeleton receive a +4 bonus to saving throws made against this manifestation, reflecting their anatomy's ability to deal with extreme conditions, while immaterial creatures and creatures made of inorganic materials, such as ghosts and golems, are totally immune. Bestowed Ablation Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 5 The caster's touch covers the subject in a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents the first 15 points of damage dealt to the subject by the selected energy type each round. The amount of damage absorbed per round increases to 20 at 10th level.
Bestowed Ablation, Flexible Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8 The caster's touch covers the subject in a thick, unsightly smear of foamy ether that rapidly regenerates when blasted off. Select two of the following: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The foamy ether prevents the first 20 points of damage dealt to the subject by the selected energy type each round.
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Bestowed Edge Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster's touch invests the subject with a small measure of the ether's power. Weapons the subject wields are sheathed in a smoking, translucent material. This material, condensed ether, looks and sounds however the caster wishes it to be. Whenever the subject attacks in melee, the caster loses 1 ether point. Melee attacks made by the touched creature deal an additional 1d3 force damage. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately. Bestowed Edge, Volatile Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6 The caster's touch invests the subject with a larger measure of the ether's power. Weapons the subject wields are sheathed in a smoking, translucent material. This material, condensed ether, looks and sounds however the caster wishes it to be, though there is this slight humming sound that simply can't be gotten rid of. Whenever the subject attacks in melee, the caster loses 2 ether points. Melee attacks made by the subject deal an additional 1d6 force damage. In addition, melee attacks deal an extra 1d10 points of force damage on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra 2d10 points of force damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an extra 3d10 points of force damage. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately. Bestowed Lensing Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 5 An image of the touched creature is created through the use of incredibly acute gravitic lensing. This image remains in the creature's space and moves with it, mimicking its movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever the creature is attacked or is the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets the image instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or the image. If it is the image, it is destroyed. Area spells affect the touched creature normally and do not destroy the image. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect the creature normally and do not destroy its image. Single target spells and effects that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an image; however, if that spell or effect is a touch attack that then turns into an area of effect, such as the explosion of an alchemist’s bomb, then the explosion happens as normal, with the exception that the space containing the struck image is totally unaffected. Since the image is produced by twisting physical laws and not through the use of illusion magic, spells such as true seeing cannot pierce the deception. Once the image is destroyed, the etherspell ends immediately.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Binary System Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6
Crawling Chaos Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4
The caster's touch forms a link with the subject. If the subject or the caster attempts to move further than 30 feet from the other, that individual takes 1d4 points of damage for every two caster levels and is entitled to a Will save to end the etherspell immediately. As a standard action, either individual can struggle against the link without triggering it, entitling it to a Will save to end the etherspell immediately.
The caster's touch imparts a small measure of the absolute chaos that is said to be present throughout the multiverse. The subject takes a -2 penalty to its lowest saving throw with a Will save to negate and end the etherspell immediately. This penalty increases by +1 at 9th level and every four levels thereafter, to a maximum of -5 at 17th level. Should other effects cause a different saving throw to become the new lowest saving throw, this manifestation penalizes the new lowest saving throw instead. When the penalty moves in this manner, the touched creature is entitled to another Will saving throw to end the etherspell, but the duration resets to its maximum as if it had just been cast.
Burning Comet Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster's touch infuses a single willing creature's body with the ability to spontaneously generate and hurl a comet. The creature may throw a flaming comet at a single target within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack, dealing 3d6 points of fire damage and dazzling the creature struck for 1d4 rounds on a successful hit. A Fortitude save negates the dazzle effect. Once the comet has been hurled, the etherspell ends immediately. Celestial Bolstering Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster's touch imparts a small measure of the corporeal universe's ability to withstand the maddening background echoes of the multiverse as a whole. The subject gets a +2 insight bonus to its lowest saving throw. Should other effects cause a different saving throw to become the new lowest saving throw (before factoring in the benefit of this manifestation so as not to create infinite loops), this manifestation grants a bonus to the new lowest saving throw instead. When the bonus moves in this manner, the etherspell's duration resets to its maximum as if it had just been cast. Comet Storm Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 15 The caster's touch infuses a single willing creature's body with the ability to hurl a great quantity of comets. As a full-round action, the creature may throw all five comets at a single target within 60 feet, making a separate ranged touch attack for each one The comets each deal 3d6 points of fire damage on hit. If one or more comets hit, the subject is dazzled for 1d4 rounds. If two or more comets hit, the subject is lit on fire as per the rules for alchemist’s fire. If three or more comets hit, the subject is blinded for 1 round. If four or more comets hit, the subject is staggered for 1 round. If all five comets hit, the subject takes an additional 3d6 force damage. A successful Fortitude save negates the dazzle, light on fire, blind, and stagger effects. Once the comets have been hurled, the etherspell ends immediately.
Creeping Chaos Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8 The caster's touch imparts a significant measure of the absolute chaos that is said to be present throughout the multiverse. The subject takes a -3 penalty to its two lowest saving throws with a Will save to negate and end the etherspell immediately. This penalty increase to -4 at 17th level. Should other effects cause a different saving throw to become the new lowest or second lowest saving throw, this manifestation penalizes the new lowest or second lowest saving throw instead. When the penalty moves in this manner, the touched creature is entitled to another Will saving throw to end the etherspell, but the duration resets to its maximum as if it had just been cast. Ether Feast Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 7 The caster's touch causes ether to lash out, systematically tearing apart the subject's body for reintegration into the caster's form. Each round, the subject takes 1d8 points of damage with a Fortitude save to negate. All damage dealt in this manner is returned to the caster as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. Ethereal Wrappings Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 5 The caster's touch causes a great deal of squishy ether to coat the body of the subject, imposing a -2 penalty to all damage rolls and causing all weapons to deal bludgeoning damage instead of their usual damage type. This squishy ether also protects the subject, granting DR 2/piercing. At 7th level and every four levels thereafter, the damage penalty and DR increases by +1 to a maximum of -4 and DR4/piercing, respectively, at 15th level.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Gamma Radiation Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6
Glimpse the Unthinkable Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 12
A blast of intense gamma radiation pelts the touched creature, making hair fall out, forcing claws and teeth to soften and fall out, and otherwise just making a mess of things. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the touched creature deals only half damage with its natural weapons, except slam attacks, for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. Unarmed attacks are not affected. If the touched creature makes two consecutive saving throws, the etherspell ends immediately.
The caster's touch causes visions of eldritch horrors to overwhelm the subject. On a failed Will save, the subject is trapped in its own mind by the merest shadow of eternal chaos. A successful Will save instead ends the etherspell immediately. This shadow has hit points equal to twice the caster's caster level plus twice the caster's Charisma modifier and deals 5d4 points of damage to the touched creature each round with no saving throws allowed. For the duration of this etherspell, the subject is rendered helpless; however, a great duel takes place within its mind. On the touched creature's turn, it is able to act within its mind as though it were not hindered in any way, allowing it a chance to slay the shadow of eternal chaos. In this state, the creature can expend spells, but cannot use, activate, or otherwise gain any benefit from consumables or magic items that are not permanently active. The shadow does not make attacks of opportunity and is automatically assumed to be in range of any attack the subject uses. (Dreamscape is weird like that.) The shadow of eternal chaos is hit on an attack roll of a natural 11 or higher and makes its saving throw if the result is a natural 11 or higher. Spells and limited-use abilities expended while trying to slay the shadow are actually used for the day. When the shadow is slain, the etherspell ends immediately. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Great Red Spotlet Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster's touch causes a fine, red mist of extraterrestrial origin to cling to the subject for a short period of time. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject takes 1d3 points of acid damage, as well as a -2 penalty to its armor bonus to AC, if any, for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate both the damage and armor reduction effects. Great Red Storm Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8 The caster's touch causes a roiling, red mist of extraterrestrial origin to cling to the subject for a short period of time. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject takes 2d3 points of acid damage, as well as a -4 penalty to its armor bonus to AC, if any, for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate both the damage and armor reduction effects. As a standard action, the caster can dismiss this etherspell in a torrential downpour of corrosive acid, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per round remaining in its duration (max 10d6) with a Fortitude save to negate. Gibbering Madness Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 12 The caster's touch causes the subject to become a conduit to the madness that permeates the multiverse. The touched creature itself is confused for the duration of the etherspell with a Will save to negate. This portion of the manifestation is a mind-affecting ability. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, or even if the touched subject is immune to mind-affecting abilities, the touched creature acts as a conduit for the madness to seep through. Each round, the creature closest to the subject must make a Will save or be confused for 1 round. If two or more creatures qualify for being the closest, they are all affected.
Hyperspace Beacon Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 9 The caster's touch causes a single willing creature to touch that strange quasi-dimension known as hyperspace. This provides a number of benefits. When making a full attack action, the subject may make one extra attack with one natural or manufactured weapon. The attack is made using the creature's full base attack bonus, plus any modifiers appropriate to the situation. (This effect is not cumulative with similar effects, such as that provided by a speed weapon, nor does it actually grant an extra action.) The subject also gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves. All of the subject's modes of movement with a listed speed (including land movement, burrow, climb, fly, and swim) increase by 30 feet, to a maximum of twice the subject's normal speed. This increase counts as an enhancement bonus. Multiple similar effects, such as the haste spell, don't stack. Hyperspace beacon dispels and counters slow and can be countered by it. Additionally, the subject acts as a conduit for others to touch hyperspace, if only momentarily. Each round, the ally closest to this conduit receives all of the benefits granted to the subject by this manifestation for 1 round. If two or more creatures qualify for being the closest, the caster selects one to be affected.
Strange Magic
Luminescent Spheres Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster's touch causes a single willing creature to glow with the mingled luminescence of many stars. Each round, the creature closest to the subject must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1d4 rounds. If two or more creatures qualify for being the closest, they are all affected. Dazzled creatures attacking the subject take an additional -1 penalty to attack rolls. At 8th level and 13th level, this penalty increases by +1, to a maximum of -3. Piping of the Spheres Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8 The caster's touch causes a number of celestial spheres to orbit around a single willing creature. Any opponent attempting to directly attack the subject, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save fails, the opponent can't follow through with the attack and that part of its action is lost.
Interjection Games
1 round. Should the ethermancer's ether points ever be equal to or less than 5, this etherspell ends immediately.The swap is not a conjuration (teleport) effect is not hampered by spells and effects that prevent extradimensional travel like dimensional anchor. Scream From Beyond Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6 The caster's touch infuses a single willing creature's voice with the sonorous tonal qualities of the void. For the duration of this manifestation, the subject's voice is deep as the crypt and hollow with no ability to inflect, as one typically does when angry or questioning someone. As a standard action, the subject can let out a booming, gong-like howl, causing all creatures in a 20-foot radius, including the subject itself, to become confused for 1 round per three caster levels with a Will save to negate. After howling, the etherspell ends immediately. Given the confusion effect is a biological response to the maddening sounds heard, it is totally mundane in nature and cannot be affected by dispel magic or suppressed by an antimagic field. The howl itself is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible components, though granting the ability to howl is not. Creatures that are unable to speak gain no benefit from this manifestation. Solar Eruption Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 7
Quantum Indeterminacy Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 10 The caster's touch forms a link with a single willing creature. So long as the caster and the subject are no further apart than 20 feet plus 5 feet for every 2 caster levels, they gain the ability to swap places with each other as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once places have been swapped in this manner, the etherspell ends immediately. The swap is not a conjuration (teleport) effect is not hampered by spells and effects that prevent extradimensional travel like dimensional anchor. Quantum Indeterminacy, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 10 The caster's touch forms a link with a single willing creature. So long as the caster and the subject are no further apart than 20 feet plus 5 feet for every 2 caster levels, they gain the ability to swap places with each other as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Using this ability costs the caster 5 ether points and grants both creatures a 50% miss chance for
The caster’s touch invests the subject with a measure of barely-contained heat. For the duration of this manifestation, the creature's body is hot to the touch, skin rapidly drying out and cracking as molten flame boils from every pore and orifice. As a standard action, the caster can cause the subject’s invested heat to be let free in an enormous explosion of fire and superheated, superdense fluid stripped of its electrons, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (max 10d4) in a 10-foot-radius burst centered on the subject with a Reflex save for half damage. After exploding, the etherspell ends immediately. Solar Eruption, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 12 The caster’s touch invests the subject with a measure of barely-contained heat. For the duration of this manifestation, the creature's body is hot to the touch, skin rapidly drying out and cracking as the molten flame boils from every pore and orifice. As a standard action, the caster can cause the subject’s invested heat to be let free in an enormous explosion of fire and superheated, superdense fluid stripped of its electrons, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level (max 20d4) in a 10-foot-radius burst centered on the subject with a Reflex save for half damage. After exploding, the etherspell ends immediately.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Solar Rays Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 10
Uncertainty Principle Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8
The caster's touch infuses a single willing creature's body with the light of a blue supergiant. The subject gains light charges equal to the caster's caster level. As a standard action, the subject can spend any number of these light charges to fire a ray of light at a single creature within 60 feet. Make a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6 points of damage per light charge expended on a successful hit. If five or more charges are expended on a single ray, then that ray blinds the target creature for 1d4 rounds with a Fortitude save to negate. Once all charges are expended, the etherspell ends immediately.
The caster's touch forms a link with a single creature. If the subject is unwilling, a successful Will save negates the etherspell, ending it immediately. Creatures that fail their Will save or are willing to be affected have their very life force tied to that of the caster. So long as the caster and the subject are no further apart than 20 feet plus 5 feet for every 2 caster levels, 50% of all physical damage dealt to the caster is dealt to the linked creature instead. Each time the linked creature takes damage in this manner, it is entitled to another Will saving throw to end the etherspell.
Stellar Radiance Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 15
Visions of Incomprehensible Distance Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6
The caster's touch infuses a single willing creature's body with the brilliant radiance of the stars. For the duration of this manifestation, the subject's body shines with an inner light that is equal parts red, orange, blue, and yellow. As a standard action, the subject can dramatically increase the intensity of this light, causing all other creatures in a 20-foot radius to take 5d6 points of damage and become blinded for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate both the damage and blinding effect. Creatures that make their Fortitude saving throw are instead dazzled for 1d4 rounds. Creatures with no physical form gain no benefit from this manifestation.
The caster's touch causes a single creature to exude the sensation of being an infinitesimal dot in the multiverse. The subject itself is sickened for the duration of the etherspell with a Will save to negate. This portion of the manifestation is a mind-affecting ability. Regardless of the result of the saving throw, or even if the subject is immune to mind-affecting abilities, the touched creature acts as a conduit for this sensation to seep through. Each round, the creature closest to this conduit must make a Will save or be sickened for 1 round. If two or more creatures qualify for being the closest, they are all affected.
Temporal Dilation Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 9
White Noise Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 2
The caster's touch causes the subject to perceive time differently. To the subject, the world around it is moving incredibly fast. To everything else, the subject is simply very slow. On a failed Will save, the subject affected by this manifestation is staggered and can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. The subject moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creature's jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Even if the subject makes its Will save, it is still transformed into a conduit for the duration of the etherspell.
The touched creature's ears fill with the crackling noise at the edge of the void. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject takes 1 point of sonic damage and is deafened for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate the deafened effect. Creatures without a sense of hearing are immune to this manifestation.
Multiple temporal dilation or slow effects don't stack. Temporal dilation counters and dispels haste and is countered by it. Additionally, the subject acts as a conduit, dragging others into its perception of time. Each round, the creature closest to this conduit receives all of the penalties of this manifestation for 1 round. If two or more creatures qualify for being the closest, the caster selects one to be affected.
White Noise, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 8 The touched creature's ears fill with a roaring white noise piped in directly from the edge of everything. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the subject takes 2d4 points of sonic damage and is deafened for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate the deafened effect. While under the effects of this manifestation, the subject, if deafened, treats all attacks as flanking attacks. Creatures without a sense of hearing are immune to this manifestation.
Strange Magic
Blast Manifestations Note: Most manifestations are compatible with both lesser and greater blast etherhearts, while a few are greater blast only. If it looks too good to be true, double check the etherheart restriction line. It just might be the case! Annihilating Stroke Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 Duration: 3 rounds If a blast etherspell with this manifestation kills or destroys a creature, that creature explodes, staggering all other creatures in a radius with a Fortitude save to negate. The radius of this explosion is 5 feet if this manifestation is added to a lesser blast etherspell or 10 feet if added to a greater blast etherspell. Athermal Extremes Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1 A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals the caster's choice of acid or electricity damage.
Interjection Games
Atrophy the Body, Superior Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 A blast etherspell with this manifestation that successfully deals damage deals 1d6+1 points of damage to the caster's choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates this effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for. Bane of The Beyond Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation bypasses damage reduction as though it were either cold iron or silver. Bane of The Built Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation bypasses damage reduction, but not hardness, as though it were adamantine or crystal. Blast Mastery Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2
Atrophy the Body Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1 A blast etherspell with this manifestation that successfully deals damage deals 1 point of damage to the caster's choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates this effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for. Atrophy the Body, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation that successfully deals damage deals 1d3 points of damage to the caster's choice of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates this effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a +1 insight bonus to caster level. Blast Mastery, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a +2 insight bonus to caster level. Boiling Ether (Shape) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 Most practitioners of ethermagic seek to stay away from combat, while some few seek it out. A blast etherspell with this manifestation affects all other creatures occupying the same space as the caster himself and no longer has a somantic component. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Breathstealer Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round
Celestial Sphere, Greater (Shape) Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 Duration: 1 round / 2 levels
A blast etherspell with this manifestation staggers those damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the stagger effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation produces a sphere of energy. This sphere is dependent upon the energy type of the etherspell cast. For example, a fire etherspell creates a sphere of fire and a cold etherspell creates a sphere of extremely cold air. The sphere is created on top of the target of the etherspell and deals 4d6 damage of the appropriate energy type with a Reflex save to negate. Whenever the caster casts a single target blast etherspell, the celestial sphere moves toward the target of that blast etherspell, up to a maximum of 30 feet, damaging all creatures it passes. Any airtight obstruction, such as a brick wall, blocks the movement of the sphere and forces it to stop. If any creature steps into a square occupied by the sphere or begins its turn in the sphere, it also takes damage.
Burst Shaping (Shape) Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 10-foot burst instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
As this is a manifestation and not an etherspell, other manifestations do not modify the damage output of the sphere. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Clockwork Model (Shape) Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 7
Celestial Sphere (Shape) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round / 2 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation produces a sphere of energy. This sphere is dependent upon the energy type of the etherspell cast. For example, a fire etherspell creates a sphere of fire and a cold etherspell creates a sphere of extremely cold air. The sphere is created on top of the target of the etherspell and deals 2d4 damage of the appropriate energy type with a Reflex save to negate. Whenever the caster casts a single target blast etherspell, the celestial sphere moves toward the target of that blast etherspell, up to a maximum of 30 feet, damaging all creatures it passes. Any airtight obstruction, such as a brick wall, blocks the movement of the sphere and forces it to stop. If any creature steps into a square occupied by the sphere or begins its turn in the sphere, it also takes damage. As this is a manifestation and not an etherspell, other manifestations do not modify the damage output of the sphere. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Should a blast etherspell with this manifestation fail to penetrate spell resistance, the spell is not wasted. Instead, it deflects off of that creature and makes a touch attack against a creature of the caster's choosing within 30 feet of the original target. An etherspell will not deflect twice in this manner. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Comet's Tail Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 Duration: 1 round If, on the same round, the caster moves after casting a blast etherspell with this manifestation, he leaves a streaking trail of energy that forms a wall five feet high that occupies all squares he passes through. This wall is dependent upon the energy type of the etherspell cast. For example, a fire etherspell creates a wall of fire and a piercing etherspell creates a wall of floating needles. If any creature steps into a square occupied by this trail, the entire trail of energy collapses and vanishes, dealing 1d6 + the caster's level (max +10 for lesser blasts, max +15 for greater blasts) damage of the appropriate type to the intersecting creature with no saving throws allowed.
Strange Magic
Conical Shaping (Shape) Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 15-foot cone instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Conical Shaping, Greater (Shape) Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 8 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 30-foot cone instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Cosmic Rays Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 Duration: 1 round / 2 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation includes a number of cosmic rays, which causes bone, exoskeletons, metal, stone, and other invisible inorganic material to glow visibly. Invisible creatures with no such “hard bits”, such as most oozes, incorporeal creatures or invisible stalkers, are immune to this effect.
Deep Impact Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation performs a combat maneuver check with a CMB equal to the caster's caster level + his Charisma modifier. If successful, the target is knocked off kilter and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls for 1 round. The caster takes a -4 penalty to his combat maneuver check if the etherspell is not a ranged touch attack. Echoes of the Spheres Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals sonic damage.
Interjection Games
Elliptical Orbit Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation launches a number of spinning blade of ether, thus dealing slashing damage. Creatures dealt damage by the etherspell also have their muscles temporarily lacerated by ethereal energy. Each time the creature attacks with a weapon that applies a Strength modifier to damage, it must make a Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty to that attack roll. Empower Ether Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals an additional 2 points of damage. Empower Ether, Greater (Shape) Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 0 The caster of a blast etherspell with this manifestation can spend any number of additional ether points. For each ether point spent in this manner, the etherspell deals an additional point of damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Energetic Blending Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals half of its damage as one energy type and half of its damage as another. These energy types must be made available to the etherspell through the selection of other manifestations or be natively available, as is the case with bludgeoning damage. Energetic Leavings Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round A blast etherspell with this manifestation continues to smoke and sputter long after the initial strike has been made. Creatures dealt damage by the primary blast take additional damage of the same type the following round. Lesser blast etherspells deal an additional 2d3 points of damage in this manner, while greater blast etherspells deal an additional 2d6 points of damage. Creatures may drop prone and spend a move action rolling about to negate this damage.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Energetic Leavings, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 Duration: 1 round A blast etherspell with this manifestation continues to smoke and sputter long after the initial strike has been made. Creatures dealt damage by the primary blast take additional damage of the same type the following round. Lesser blast etherspells deal an additional 4d3 points of damage in this manner, while greater blast etherspells deal an additional 4d6 points of damage. Creatures may drop prone and spend a move action rolling about to negate this damage. Exploding Burst (Shape) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 15-foot burst instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures that fail their Reflex save are also moved 10 feet directly away from the center of the blast. While moving, those that strike a solid object stop moving and take 1d6 points of damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Extinction Event Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 Select subtype of creature, such as halfling or elemental. A blast etherspell with this manifestation affects only creatures of the chosen subtype.
Extremes of Infinity Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1 A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals the caster's choice of fire or cold damage. Farshaping (Shape) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a range of medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) instead of close. It is still a ranged touch attack. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Farshaping, Greater (Shape) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a range of long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) instead of close. It is still a ranged touch attack. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Focused Blast Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a +1 insight bonus to its Difficulty Class. Focused Blast, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has a +2 insight bonus to its Difficulty Class. Haze of Infinity Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 When viewed through the haze of infinity, the puny slices of time with which mere mortals are concerned seem even less consequential. This manifestation increases the duration of all other manifestations applied to the same blast etherspell with a duration of greater than instantaneous by +1 round.
Horns of the Space Goat Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 A blast etherspell with this manifestation always deals bludgeoning damage. In addition, perform a bull rush combat maneuver with a CMB equal to the caster's caster level + his Charisma modifier. Given the bull rusher is a burst of energy, it cannot choose to stop moving and must push the creature struck for the maximum distance possible. The caster takes a -4 penalty to his combat maneuver check if the etherspell is not a ranged touch attack. Cones and lines count the position of the caster as the point of origination for the combat maneuver, while bursts count the center of the burst as the point of origination of the combat maneuver.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Imploding Burst (Shape) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5
Linear Shaping, Greater (Shape) Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 8
A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 15-foot burst instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures that fail their Reflex save are also moved 10 feet directly toward the center of the blast. While moving, those that strike a solid object stop moving and take 1d6 points of damage.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 60-foot line instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage.
Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Lingering Ether (Shape) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 Duration: 3 rounds
Influence of Eternal Chaos Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation causes those damaged by it to become shaken with a Will save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the shaken effect. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals half damage each round for three rounds with a Fortitude save to negate. This replaces the base damage of the etherheart. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Inorganic Formulation (Shape) Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation ignores the hardness of nonmagical equipment. If targeting equipment, a successful Reflex save negates damage to the weapon and deals half damage to the wielder instead. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Internal Combustion Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 A blast etherspell with this manifestation that calls for a Reflex save for half damage calls for a Fortitude save for half damage instead. Linear Shaping (Shape) Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is a 30-foot line instead of a ranged touch attack. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Lingering Luminescence Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1 Duration: 1 round / level A blast etherspell with this manifestation leaves behind a sparkling powder in the entirety of its area of effect. This powder provides normal illumination in the squares it occupies. If a blast etherspell has no area of effect, but is rather a single-target spell, the powder is deposited in a 10-foot radius from the point of impact. Lurking Blast (Shape) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation hovers above the ethermancer's head. The next creature in range other than the caster himself to cast a spell, use a spelllike ability, or activate a magic item triggers the etherspell, which immediately attacks that creature as though the caster just made a ranged touch attack with it. This spell resolves before the spell it detected resolves, thus possibly forcing a Concentration check to avoid losing the offending spell, if applicable. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Merciful Ether Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1
Penetrating Blast Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2
A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals nonlethal damage.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation ignores an amount of damage reduction and energy resistance equal to half the caster's caster level, to a maximum of 5 at 10th level. Penetrating Blast, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5
Noxious Blast Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels
A blast etherspell with this manifestation ignores an amount of damage reduction and energy resistance equal to the caster's caster level, to a maximum of 15 at 15th level.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation sickens those damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the sicken effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for. Noxious Blast, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 7 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation nauseates those damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. Each round, a creature is entitled to a new Fortitude save to end this effect. Ocular Overstimulation Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1 Duration: 1 round / level A blast etherspell with this manifestation dazzles those damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the dazzle effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for. Ocular Overstimulation, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round / 3 levels A blast etherspell with this manifestation blinds those damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the blind effect. In this case, no Fortitude save is called for.
Point-blank Shaping (Shape) Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is now a 5foot-radius burst centered on the caster instead of a ranged touch attack. The burst does not affect any squares occupied by the caster himself. There is now a Reflex save for half damage. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell. Psuedoconjuration Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 A blast etherspell with this manifestation ignores spell resistance, but deals half damage. Raw Ether Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round + 1 round / 10 levels Eew, unprocessed extrauniversal goo! A blast etherspell with this manifestation entangles those damaged by it with a Reflex save to negate. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, a successful Reflex save also negates the entangle effect.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Scale Model of the Galaxy Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round / level
Spiny Model of the Galaxy Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 Duration: 1 round / level
A blast etherspell with this manifestation leaves behind a number of tiny, starlikes spheres in the entirety of its area of effect. These spheres cause those who walk over them to fall prone unless they make a DC 10 + the caster's caster level + the caster's Charisma modifier Acrobatics skill check. Any abilities that grant a bonus to CMD against the trip combat maneuver grant a corresponding bonus to this Acrobatics check. Creatures that travel through the spheres at half speed need not make a check. If a blast etherspell has no area of effect, but is rather a single-target spell, the spheres are deposited in a 10-foot radius around the point of impact.
A blast etherspell with this manifestation leaves behind a number of tiny, star-like spheres in the entirety of its area of effect. These spheres cause those who walk over them to fall prone and take 1d3 points of bleed damage unless they make a DC 10 + the caster's caster level + the caster's Charisma modifier Acrobatics skill check. Any abilities that grant a bonus to CMD against the trip combat maneuver grant a corresponding bonus to this Acrobatics check. Creatures that travel through the spheres at half speed need not make a check. If a blast etherspell has no area of effect, but is rather a singletarget spell, the spheres are deposited in a 10-foot radius around the point of impact.
Selchow's Filaments of Fixation Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 Duration: 1 round
Vampiric Evocation, Lesser Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 1
A blast etherspell with this manifestation is composed of thousands of tiny, wriggling filaments. Creatures damaged by the etherspell that are within 5 feet of a solid surface, such as a wall, floor, cliff face, or conveniently-placed giant statue, are stuck to that surface with a Reflex save to negate. Treat being stuck as the entangled condition, except that a stuck creature cannot move from its current space and is held aloft if stuck to a wall. If the etherspell includes a shape manifestation that offers a Reflex save for half damage, then a successful Reflex save also negates the stuck effect. Shards of Creation Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation does piercing damage and an additional point of bleed damage. Shards of Creation, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 4 A blast etherspell with this manifestation does piercing damage and an additional amount of bleed damage equal to half the caster's caster level.
If a blast etherspell with this manifestation deals damage to a living creature, it grants the caster 1 temporary hit point. This temporary hit point lasts for 1 minute. Vampiric Evocation Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 If a blast etherspell with this manifestation deals damage to a living creature, it grants the caster 1 temporary hit point per three caster levels. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. Vampiric Evocation, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 7 If a blast etherspell with this manifestation deals damage to a living creature, it grants the caster temporary hit points equal to his level. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. Wide Arc (Shape) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 If a blast etherspell with this manifestation hits its primary target, the etherspell bounces, attacking a secondary target within line of sight of the caster that is between 20 and 30 feet away from the primary target. If the secondary target is out of range of the etherspell, that is to say, if it is too far away to be a legal primary target, it can still be a legal secondary target. Only one shape manifestation can be applied to an etherspell.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Genesis Manifestations Aegis of Ether Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 4 Range: personal Target: you The caster creates a shield out of condensed ether. Treat this as a masterwork buckler, light, or heavy shield with which the caster is proficient with hardness and hit points both equal to that of a standard shield of its type. Given its otherworldly construction, the shield has no arcane spell failure chance and no armor check penalty. If the caster is proficient with no shields whatsoever, he may still conjure a buckler in this fashion. At 9th level, the caster conjures a +1 shield instead. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 9th, to a maximum of a +4 shield at 18th level.
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Astral Oculus Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 5 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: you The caster creates an eyeball of condensed ether in the palm of his hand. This eyeball has hardness 10, 20 hit points, and a fly speed of 20 feet with perfect maneuverability. An eye can hover in place indefinitely without any fear of falling. As a move action, the caster can direct the eyeball to float to a specific position within range. If not given any particular direction, the eyeball attempts to stay directly directly behind the caster and hovers at an elevation about equal with the caster's shoulders. As a standard action, the caster can will himself to see through the eyeball until the beginning of his next turn. While doing so, the caster cannot see through his own eyes, but instead has darkvision out to a radius of 30 feet from the eyeball. The caster takes a penalty to AC equal to -2 or his Dexterity modifier, whichever is lower, if his body is within the radius of sight of the eyeball. If his body is not within the radius of sight of the eyeball, he takes a penalty to AC equal to -4 or his Dexterity modifier, whichever is higher. If an eyeball is destroyed while the caster is using it, he is stunned for 1 round and the etherspell ends immediately. Astral Oculus, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 10 Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: you
Antigravity Well Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 8 Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: An unoccupied 5-foot square
This manifestation functions as astral oculus, with the exception that 1d3+1 eyeballs are produced instead of only one. When the caster wills himself to see through the eyeballs as a standard action, he sees through all of them simultaneously. If all of the eyeballs are destroyed, the etherspell ends immediately.
The caster calls an antigravity well, that is to say, a little stone well with a rope and bucket that just so happens to contain antigravity rather than water, into being. This well has hardness 15 and 40 hit points. Given the nature of antigravity, the stuff begins to spew right out of the antigravity well in a ceaseless torrent as soon as the well is created, granting all creatures within 60 feet a fly speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, while also rendering it impossible to simply move along the ground using one's base land speed. Creatures with a faster native fly speed have that faster speed overridden; flapping one's wings is useless in a zone of antigravity! Spells and abilities that manipulate gravity treat the area of effect of an antigravity well as though it were an antimagic field. If the well is destroyed, this etherspell ends immediately.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Blast Blade Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 2 + special (see description) Range: personal Target: you
Borrowed Time Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 3 Range: Personal Target: You
The caster creates a melee weapon out of condensed ether. Treat this as a masterwork weapon of any type with which the caster is proficient with hardness and hit points both equal to that of a standard weapon of that type. As part of the same casting action, the caster impregnates the blade with a lesser blast etherspell with up to three manifestations, as normal. The ether point cost of this lesser blast etherspell is considered part of the genesis etherspell containing blast blade and reduces the caster's maximum ether points accordingly. Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the stored lesser blast etherspell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires. Doing so annihilates the weapon and ends the genesis etherspell.
The caster creates a small sand-filled hourglass with wristband that immediately latches onto his wrist and refuses to let go. If the caster is not staggered, he may reduce his maximum EP by 2 and turn the hourglass, a swift action, to grant himself an additional move action this turn. On his next turn, the caster is staggered for 1 round. This stagger effect represents time dilating in an effort to reach equilbrium with what the caster did the previous round. As such, the caster is staggered even if he is normally immune to the staggered condition. Furthermore, this instance of the staggered condition cannot be dispelled, suppressed, mitigated, or stopped in any way, meaning it is perfectly possible to have a hasted individual who is also staggered by his magical wristwatch. When the etherspell ends, all maximum EP reduction imposed by the activation of this manifestation is ended immediately. If the caster has the Multiuniversal Arms Dealer feat, he can choose to have the wristwatch created by this manifestation attach to a willing ally within range. The caster can turn the hourglass remotely as a swift action, granting the ally the additional move action and himself the staggered condition in the next round. The ally cannot turn the hourglass himself. Bottled Starfire Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 6 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: The empty hand of a willing creature
Blast Blade, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 2 + special (see description) Range: personal Target: you The caster creates a melee weapon out of condensed ether. Treat this as a masterwork weapon of any type with which the caster is proficient with hardness and hit points both equal to that of a standard weapon of that type. As part of the same casting action, the caster impregnates the blade with a greater blast etherspell with up to three manifestations, as normal. The ether point cost of this greater blast etherspell is considered part of the genesis etherspell containing blast blade, greater and reduces the caster's maximum ether points accordingly. Anytime the weapon strikes a creature and the creature takes damage from it, the weapon can immediately cast the stored greater blast etherspell on that creature as a free action if the wielder desires. Doing so annihilates the weapon and ends the genesis etherspell.
A small, purplish flask of condensed ether filled with a small speck of the burning heart of a mighty star comes into being in the empty hand hand of a willing creature in range. Treat this flask as a thrown splash weapon that deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all creatures in the same square as the target, or in the square struck if a grid intersection is chosen or if the splash weapon scatters, with a Reflex save for half. If the flask exceeds the range of this manifestation in flight, it disappears harmlessly, ending the etherspell immediately. Unlike other genesis etherspells, when an etherspell with this manifestation ends, the caster’s maximum EP is returned to normal immediately rather than after a one-minute wait.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Force Weapon Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 4 Range: personal Target: you
Nail in the Sky Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 8 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: one 5-ft. square
The caster creates a weapon out of condensed ether. Treat this as a masterwork weapon of any type with which the caster is proficient with hardness and hit points both equal to that of a standard weapon of its type. Given its otherworldly construction, the weapon has no arcane spell failure chance and no armor check penalty. At 9th level, the caster conjures a +1 weapon instead. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every three levels beyond 9th, to a maximum of a +4 weapon at 18th level.
The caster conjures a 5-foot-long cylinder of condensed ether with a diameter of about two inches. It has hardness 15 and 20 hit points. The cylinder ignores mundane physical objects that are already there and can be conjured within or moved through such objects with absolutely no ill effects. For example, if conjured centered on a three-foot-thick wall, a foot of cylinder will stick out on either side and will leave no marks when dismissed or moved by the caster. If conjured in thin air, the cylinder simply hangs there indefinitely. Regardless of how it is placed, a nail in the sky can support weight of up to 25 pounds per caster level. If the caster wills it, the force of his body can move the cylinder. For example, he can hang from the cylinder and will it to drop him or simply push against one end with his hand while standing on the ground to move it in the appropriate direction. Fancy manipulation of this function, such as willing the cylinder to drop the caster exactly 30 feet, does work, but deals falling damage due to the cylinder's propensity to stop suddenly.
Gravity Well Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 6 Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: An unoccupied 5-foot square The caster calls a gravity well, that is to say, a little stone well with a rope and bucket that just so happens to contain gravity rather than water, into being. This well has hardness 15 and 40 hit points. Any creature positioned such that it threatens the gravity well's space with a non-reach weapon can operate the rope and bucket as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When operated, the bucket is filled with gravity if it was empty. When full of gravity, any creature positioned such that it threatens the gravity well's space with a non-reach weapon can pick up the bucket and throw its contents as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. This is a ranged touch attack with a range of 20 feet + the thrower's Strength score (rounded down to the nearest 5 feet) that deals 3d6 points of force damage and staggers the subject for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. If the subject fails its Fortitude saving throw by 5 or more, it is staggered for 2 rounds instead. If the well is destroyed, this etherspell ends immediately. Instant Handholds Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 6 Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft/level) Area: one 5-ft. square/level The caster conjures a number of nubbins made of solid ether all over the surface of a wall and/or the floor. Floor - The nubbins are treated as caltrops, save that they have hardness 10 and 5 hit points per 5-foot by 5foot square, cannot be picked up as they are affixed to the ground, and that the Reflex save to negate is based on the etherspell and not the caltrops item entry. Wall – The nubbins line the wall, making it particularly easy to climb. The Climb DC of the wall is set to 15.
Pale Imitation Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 7 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: object touched With but a touch, the caster makes an exact copy of any object with a volume of up to one cubic foot per level. The object is made out of shimmering ether and is pretty much impossible to pass off as the real thing. This object peels away from the object touched much like a shedding from a snake, is weightless, and has hardness 10 and 20 hit points. Any magic properties of objects copied in this manner do not pass on to the ether copy. For example, a +5 longsword would be copied as a mere masterwork longsword. Mundane properties, such as shape and tactile sensation, the combustibility of paper or alchemist's fire, the divination-blocking properties of lead, the buoyancy of a canoe, or the fluffiness of the last goose down pillow in the inn, are faithfully replicated.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Retroactive Continuity Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 4 Range: Personal Target: You
Space Elevator Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 8 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: one 5-ft. square
The caster creates a small sundial with wristband made of the bits and pieces of several shattered sundials that immediately latches onto his wrist and refuses to let go. If the caster is not staggered, whenever he fails an attack roll or skill check, he may reduce his maximum EP by 3 and cause the fragments of the sundial to shuffle about, an immediate action, to grant himself a +1d4 competence bonus to the attack roll or skill check retroactively. If the bonus is enough to turn the failure into a success, the roll succeeds. On his next turn, the caster is staggered for 1 round. This stagger effect represents time dilating in an effort to reach equilbrium with what the caster did the previous round. As such, the caster is staggered even if he is normally immune to the staggered condition. Furthermore, this instance of the staggered condition cannot be dispelled, suppressed, mitigated, or stopped in any way, meaning it is perfectly possible to have a hasted individual who is also staggered by his magical wristwatch. When the etherspell ends, all maximum EP reduction imposed by the activation of this manifestation is ended immediately.
The caster produces a shimmering platform that initially appears about two inches above the ground and can be used to transport large quantities of goods weighing up to 100 pounds per caster level. This platform has no base land speed, but rather has a fly speed equal to the base land speed of the caster with perfect maneuverability. It has hardness 10 and 20 hit points. Further, the platform can hover in place indefinitely without any fear of falling. As a move action, the caster can direct the platform to float to a specific position within range. If not given any particular direction, the platform attempts to stay directly directly behind the caster and hovers at an elevation about equal with the caster's ankles. If reduced to 0 hit points, the platform is destroyed and the etherspell ends immediately.
If the caster has the Multiuniversal Arms Dealer feat, he can choose to have the wristwatch created by this manifestation attach to a willing ally within range. The caster can shuffle the sundial remotely as an immediate action, granting the ally the competence bonus and himself the staggered condition in the next round. The ally cannot shuffle the sundial himself.
Sight Beyond Sight Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 3 Range: close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels) Area: one 5-ft. Square The caster causes a relatively flat surface, such as a wall, floor, or hillside, to become glassy and transparent. Anything on the other side of the glassy material, which penetrates through one foot of mundane material per caster level, appears distorted and blurry, as is typical for looking through thick glass, but is otherwise quite clear. A thin sheet of lead blocks this manifestation. This blurring makes text particularly difficult to read, requiring a DC 20 Perception check to read through the glass.
Subjective Time Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 10 Range: Short (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: An unoccupied 5-foot square The caster produces an oversized timepiece made of condensed ether, causing nearby creatures to experience time in a jumping and jarring fashion that makes it particularly difficult to take advantage of the momentum of combat. This timepiece has hardness 15 and 40 hit points. Creatures within 60 feet of the timepiece expend two attacks of opportunity whenever they make an attack of opportunity; creatures with only one attack of opportunity remaining cannot make attacks of opportunity as a result. If the timepiece is destroyed, this etherspell ends immediately.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Stellar Sentry Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 4 + special (see description) Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: one 5-ft square
Tome of Infinite Knowledge Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 4 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: you
The caster creates a simple, immobile composed entirely of condensed ether. It has hardness 10, 20 hit points, an attack bonus equal to 5 + the caster's caster level, and a Perception bonus equal to the caster's caster level. Upon creation, the caster and any allies he chooses are designated as “friendlies”. Additionally, the caster selects a creature size, such as small, large, or huge. As part of the same casting action, the caster impregnates the construct with a lesser blast etherspell with up to three manifestations, as normal. The ether point cost of this lesser blast etherspell is considered part of the genesis etherspell containing stellar sentry and reduces the caster's maximum ether points accordingly. The first creature of the chosen size or larger that is not designated as a friendly that approaches the construct to within the range of the impregnated lesser blast etherspell triggers the construct, casting the lesser blast etherspell with that creature as its target. Doing so annihilates the construct and ends the genesis etherspell.
Select a Knowledge skill in which the caster has at least 1 rank. The caster produces a book from condensed ether, complete with writing in a sort of glowing ink. This book has hardness 15 and 20 hit points. As long as this ethereal book is in existence, the caster loses all of the ranks he has in the chosen Knowledge skill. Instead, any creature who has the ethereal book on his person is treated as though he has ranks in the chosen Knowledge skill equal to the number of ranks the caster lost in that skill upon casting an etherspell with this manifestation. Skill ranks do not stack. That is to say, the creature holding the book uses the greater of his native ranks in the chosen Knowledge skill or the ranks granted by the book when making a Knowledge check. A creature must have an Intelligence score of 3 or greater to gain any benefit from holding the ethereal book. If the book is destroyed, this etherspell ends immediately.
Stellar Sentry, Greater Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 5 + special (see description) Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Area: one 5-ft square
Translocation Beacon Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 12 Range: medium (100 ft. + 10/level) Area: one 5-ft square The caster produces a delicately runed symbol all over a flat surface in the target area. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the caster immediately transfers himself from his current location to the square occupied by the runed symbol. The caster can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed his maximum load. Effects that prevent extradimensional travel also affect Translocation Beacon.
The caster creates a simple, immobile composed entirely of condensed ether. It has hardness 10, 20 hit points, an attack bonus equal to 8 + the caster's caster level, and a Perception bonus equal to the caster's caster level. Upon creation, the caster and any allies he chooses are designated as “friendlies”. Additionally, the caster selects a creature size, such as small, large, or huge. As part of the same casting action, the caster impregnates the construct with a greater blast etherspell with up to three manifestations, as normal. The ether point cost of this greater blast etherspell is considered part of the genesis etherspell containing stellar sentry, greater and reduces the caster's maximum ether points accordingly. The first creature of the chosen size or larger that is not designated as a friendly that approaches the construct to within the range of the impregnated greater blast etherspell triggers the construct, casting the greater blast etherspell with that creature as its target. Doing so annihilates the construct and ends the genesis etherspell.
Strange Magic
Voidmeld Manifestations Accretion Disk Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The caster's void blade gains a context-sensitive gravity well of immense power and becomes capable of producing an accretion disk out of certain energies and materials. Whenever the caster scores a critical hit with his void blade, he gains 1 accretion charge, reflecting the growth of the accretion disk. As soon as he receives his third charge, the caster may cast an etherspell with the lesser blast etherheart and no manifestations as an immediate action without paying its normal ether point cost. The caster may use this in conjunction with etherstrike if the caster has that class feature. Whether or not the caster takes the opportunity to cast the bonus etherspell, this etherspell ends immediately after granting the opportunity to do so. Accretion Disk, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 7 The caster's void blade gains a context-sensitive gravity well of immense power and becomes capable of producing an accretion disk out of certain energies and materials. Whenever the caster scores a critical hit with his void blade, he gains 1 accretion charge, reflecting the growth of the accretion disk. As soon as he receives his third charge, the caster may cast an etherspell with the lesser blast etherheart and a single non-shape manifestation as an immediate action without paying its normal ether point cost. The caster may use this in conjunction with etherstrike if the caster has that class feature. Whether or not the caster takes the opportunity to cast the bonus etherspell, this etherspell ends immediately after granting the opportunity to do so. Antimagic Ether Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The void blade suppresses a creature's spell resistance for a short amount of time. Anytime the void blade strikes a creature with spell resistance and the creature takes damage from the weapon, the target's spell resistance is reduced by 1 for 1 minute. On a confirmed critical hit, its spell resistance is instead reduced by an amount equal to the weapon's critical multiplier. Multiple hits from a void blade with this manifestation stack.
Interjection Games
Arcing Blows Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 Whenever the caster hits with his void blade, he produces a 10-foot cone of stellar energy. This cone originates in the squares the struck creature occupies and is pointed directly away from the caster. If the struck creature takes up multiple squares, select any one square that the caster can reach as the point of origination. Creatures caught in the cone take force damage equal to the enhancement bonus of the caster’s void blade with a Reflex save to negate. Atomic Edge Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 1 With a bit of focus, the caster's void blade becomes supernaturally sharp, dealing an additional 1 point of bleed damage on a successful hit. Atomic Edge, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 Significant bonus grants the caster's void blade a microscopically-thin cutting edge, dealing an additional 1d6 points of bleed damage on a successful hit. Atomic Edge, Superior Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 7 The caster's void blade achieves a cutting edge so sharp that to make it sharper would be to make it not exist at all. It deals an additional 2d8 points of bleed damage on a successful hit, as well as an additional 2d4 points of piercing damage on a successful critical hit. Bane of the Earthbound Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 2 The caster's void blade deals an additional 1d3 points of damage on a successful hit. Aberrations, outsiders, constructs, fey, and undead are immune to this damage. Bane of the Starbound Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 2 The caster's void blade deals an additional 1d3 points of damage on a successful hit. Animals, non-outsider humanoids, magical beasts, plants, oozes and vermin are immune to this damage.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Cleaving Ether Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 4
Edge of Infinity, Superior Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 6
The caster places a charge of raw ether at the base of his void blade, thus granting the weapon the mighty cleaving weapon special ability.
The caster draws additional ether from the void, increasing the enhancement bonus of his void blade by +1 for every four caster levels. As the ether is beyond time and space, this manifestation can increase a void blade's enhancement bonus beyond +5. This bonus stacks with the void blade’s native enhancement bonus granted via level advancement, but not with other sources of enhancement bonuses, such as the greater magic weapon spell. When determining what forms of damage reduction a void blade can overcome by virtue of having a high enhancement bonus, do not include the enhancement bonus granted by this manifestation.
Colliding Bodies Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The caster’s void blade grows exceptionally heavy for a split second just before the moment of impact, dealing an additional 5 points of damage on a successful hit. This damage is multiplied on a critical hit. Edge of Infinity Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 1 The caster draws additional ether from the void, increasing the enhancement bonus of his void blade by +1. As the ether is beyond time and space, this manifestation can increase a void blade's enhancement bonus beyond +5. This bonus stacks with the void blade’s native enhancement bonus granted via level advancement, but not with other sources of enhancement bonuses, such as the greater magic weapon spell. When determining what forms of damage reduction a void blade can overcome by virtue of having a high enhancement bonus, do not include the enhancement bonus granted by this manifestation.
Edge of the Event Horizon Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 15 The caster’s void blade hits with the sundering power of the event horizon of a black hole. The void blade’s critical threat range doubles and the critical modifier increases by +1. Multiple effects which increase a weapon’s threat range or critical modifier do not stack. Flashing Bolide Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 7 The caster’s void blade gains the speed weapon special ability. Gnawing Hunger Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 1
Edge of Infinity, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 4 The caster draws additional ether from the void, increasing the enhancement bonus of his void blade by +2. As the ether is beyond time and space, this manifestation can increase a void blade's enhancement bonus beyond +5. This bonus stacks with the void blade’s native enhancement bonus granted via level advancement, but not with other sources of enhancement bonuses, such as the greater magic weapon spell. When determining what forms of damage reduction a void blade can overcome by virtue of having a high enhancement bonus, do not include the enhancement bonus granted by this manifestation.
Something out there in the void hungers, and it has chosen to use the caster's void blade as a means by which it can feed. Whenever the caster's void blade scores a critical hit, the caster is healed for points of damage equal to the weapon's critical multiplier, but only if the target’s HD is at least half that of the caster.
Gnawing Hunger, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The caster's void blade becomes a conduit for a ravenous eldritch horror, dealing an additional 1d4 points of damage on a successful hit. If the target’s HD is at least half that of the caster, half of this damage, rounded up, is returned to the caster as healing.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Icy Blackness of Space Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 1
Knife Edge of Nowhere, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 6
A tiny rift to outer space appears somewhere within the caster's void blade. As outer space is indeed incredibly cold, the caster's void blade deals an additional 1 point of cold damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade reduces the target's base land speed by -10 feet, to a minimum of 5 feet, for 1 round on a successful critical hit. A Fortitude save negates. This penalty does not stack with itself or with any other penalty to movement speed; if another effect would subject the target to a larger penalty to movement speed than that imposed by this manifestation, then this penalty has no effect.
The universe screams with each slice of the caster’s void blade. The void blade’s critical threat range increases by 1. This bonus is applied after feats, spells, and abilities that multiply threat range, such as the Improved Critical feat and the keen weapon special ability.
Icy Grip of the Outer Spheres Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 3 The caster's void blade becomes coated with extraterrestrial rime, dealing an additional 1d6 points of cold damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade itself deals cold damage rather than physical damage. If multiple manifestations that alter the damage type of a void blade are added to the same etherheart, choose one of the available damage types at the time of casting. The void blade deals damage of the chosen type. Kiss of the Nuclear Fireball Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 3 The caster's void blade burns with the heat of one of the great supergiants scattered throughout the universe, dealing an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade itself deals fire damage rather than physical damage. If multiple manifestations that alter the damage type of a void blade are added to the same etherheart, choose one of the available damage types at the time of casting. The void blade deals damage of the chosen type.
Multiuniversal Prism Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 10 The caster's void blade reflects the variety of elements found across the multiuniverse. On a successful strike, the caster’s void blade deals an additional 1d4 points of damage in each of the following energy types: acid, cold, electric, fire, force, and sonic. Plasma Edge Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 3 Plasma is a superhot phase of matter that is best characterized by the fact that all valence electrons have been stripped off, making a hyperdense, electrically charged fluid. But where do the electrons go? The caster's void blade becomes charged with these missing electrons, dealing an additional 1d6 points of electric damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade itself deals electric damage rather than physical damage. If multiple manifestations that alter the damage type of a void blade are added to the same etherheart, choose one of the available damage types at the time of casting. The void blade deals damage of the chosen type. Quantum Entanglement Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 6 The void blade is charged with exotic particles that are both here and there simultaneously. The wielder gains a +2 insight bonus on combat maneuver checks to reposition a foe. In addition, if the wielder confirms a critical hit against a foe, the target is immediately teleported up to 10 feet away with a Will save to negate.
Knife Edge of Nowhere Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 3 The caster's void blade slices the fabric of the universe with each slice. The void blade’s critical threat range doubles. This does not stack with feats, spells, and abilities that multiply threat range, such as the Improved Critical feat and the keen weapon special ability.
Quantum Form Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 10 The caster’s void blade becomes capable of highprobability quantum tunnelling, meeting no resistance in this world or any other. Attacks with the void blade are made against touch AC.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Ethermagic Manifestation List
Screaming Comet Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 3
Void Magnetism, Greater Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5
The caster can make an additional attack of opportunity per round. This additional attack of opportunity must be made with the void blade.
The caster's void blade radiates an overpowering energy that seems to push aside attacks with otherworldly efficiency. The wielder of the void blade gains a +3 deflection bonus to AC. This deflection bonus increases to +4 at 17th level.
Screaming Comet, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The caster can make two additional attacks of opportunity per round. When making an attack of opportunity with his void blade, the caster receives a +2 bonus to his attack roll. Singularity Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 12 The caster’s void blade beats upon his enemies with the weight of a singularity. Physical damage dealt by the void blade is maximized. Further, each time a target is struck, it must make a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round. Solar Wind Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 1 The caster's void blade begins to radiate bright yellow light and solar warmth that deals an additional 1 point of fire damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade dazzles the target for 1 round on a successful critical hit with a Fortitude save to negate. Space Roar Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 4 The caster’s void blade begins to act as a focus for the space roar, an endless scream of background radio waves, dealing an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage on a successful hit. In addition, the void blade itself deals sonic damage rather than physical damage. If multiple manifestations that alter the damage type of a void blade are added to the same etherheart, choose one of the available damage types at the time of casting. The void blade deals damage of the chosen type. Void Magnetism Ethermagic 1 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 2 The caster's void blade radiates an energy that seems to push aside attacks with otherworldly efficiency. The wielder of the void blade gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This deflection bonus increases to +2 at 8th level.
Weaponized Pulsar Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 4 The caster's void blade begins to spin rapidly in the caster's grip, showering the local area in bursts of radiation. At the beginning of the caster's turn, all other creatures within 5 feet of the caster take 1d6 points of electric damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Weaponized Pulsar, Focused Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 7 The caster's void blade begins to spin rapidly in the caster's grip, showering the local area in bursts of radiation. At the beginning of the caster's turn, all other creatures within 5 feet of the caster take 2d8 points of electric damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Weaponized Pulsar, Greater Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 7 The caster's void blade begins to spin rapidly in the caster's grip, showering the local area in bursts of radiation. At the beginning of the caster's turn, all other creatures within 10 feet of the caster take 2d4 points of electric damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Wide Blade Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 2 The caster's void blade manifests with a wide, flat blade that would make it utterly useless as a sword were it not supernaturally balanced. The wielder of the void blade gains a +2 shield bonus to AC. Wide Blade, Greater Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 6 The caster's void blade manifests with a wide, flat blade that would make it utterly useless as a sword were it not supernaturally balanced. The wielder of the void blade gains a shield bonus to AC equal to 2 + the void blade’s enhancement bonus, as well as a +1 luck bonus to saving throws.
Strange Magic
Optional Ruleset: Greater Manifestations What Are They? In light of the fact that ethermagic is meant to be balanced against martial damage output with just enough of a "caster" feel to have it identify as such in the minds of those who enjoy wizards and the like, many bits of functionality common to Vancian magic, such as hard crowd control, powerful summoning, metamagic, and "instadeath" abilities, had to be stripped from ethermagic to ensure balance. Despite the fact that this was necessary, the most-requested additional feature for ethermagic following its initial release as The Ethermancer Base Class: An "Eldritch" Reboot was the reintroduction of these iconic abilities to the system as a whole. Greater manifestations aim to do just that. Once-perday manifestations that reintroduce classic spellcaster functionality to the ethermagician's "all day long" chassis, greater manifestations are not designed to be the "duh" move for all ethermagicians. It is very expensive, almost prohibitively so, to have more than one or two of these abilities. Though they are powerful and a single greater manifestation can swing a battle, they also significantly retard the practitioner's lateral growth and impose hefty multiuniversal philosophy or feat taxes to use. Still, those who want to have a board sweeper, or seven, in their repertoires are now free to do so, if the Game Master allows it, of course. How to Control Access
Interjection Games
Greater Manifestation Feats Full of Stars (Ethermagic) The universe is not an expanse of orderly star systems, but is instead quite chaotic and full of strange anomalies and curiosities. Your clockwork facsimiles reflect this. Prerequisite: Know the clockwork universe greater manifestation Benefit: Whenever you cast a genesis etherspell with the clockwork universe greater manifestation, you may select up to two different stars to be part of your clockwork model. The etherspell does not end until both stars are thrown or otherwise destroyed. Normal: Clockwork universe supports a single star. Greater Manifestation Focus (Ethermagic) You have learned to keep excess energy set aside in an effort to use your greater manifestations more frequently. Prerequisite: Greater Manifestation Study or multiuniversal philosophy (multiuniversal perfectionist) class feature Benefit: Select an etherheart. Once per day, you may use a greater manifestation you know that is compatible with that etherheart after you have exhausted its normal daily use.
Greater manifestations can be accessed in two ways, both detailed below. First, an ethermancer may spend a multiuniversal philosophy slot to lose a manifestation and pick up a greater manifestation of the same level and etherheart. Second, any ethermagic class may spend a feat slot to do the same. Greater manifestations have two access points so that a Game Master has more than a binary choice to make. Under this system, he can allow full access to all classes by allowing the feat in his game, no access by disallowing everything, or fairly stingy "philosophy-only" access to the full-caster ethermancer base class with a blanket denial to the hybrid ethermagus and etherslinger base classes.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new etherheart.
Given the sheer number of "special things" the ethermagus and etherslinger get, the author recommends that a Game Master on the fence grant the philosophy path to help make ethermancers feel special.
Benefit: Select a manifestation of 2nd level or greater that you already know. You immediately forget this manifestation. Select a greater manifestation (see Section: Greater Manifestations) with the same etherheart and the same manifestation level as the manifestation you just forgot. You now know this greater manifestation A greater manifestation can be used as part of an etherspell once per day. Daily uses of greater manifestations are replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.
Greater Manifestation Study (Ethermagic) Looking upon the repertoires of clerics, wizard, and the like with envy, you have studied ways to produce new and exciting effects with your own magic, much to their impending dismay. Prerequisite: Ethermagic class feature, ability to cast etherspells containing 2nd-level manifestations
Normal: A practitioner of ethermagic cannot select greater manifestations.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Space Recycling (Ethermagic) Your clockwork models may very well be closed systems they never seem to run out of energy! Prerequisite: Greater Manifestation Focus (genesis), know the clockwork universe greater manifestation Benefit: When throwing the star of a clockwork model created by a genesis etherspell with the clockwork universe greater manifestation, count the number of satellites in the clockwork model. If the current number of satellites in the clockwork model is greater than half the number of satellites the clockwork model had when the etherspell was first cast, you retain your daily use of the clockwork universe greater manifestation. This feat can be triggered up to twice per day. G. Manifestation Multiuniversal Philosophy Multiuniversal Perfectionist (Ex): Some ethermancers constantly strive to improve their ethermancy, believing that the very way they wield their power is in some way restrictive. After all, they wield the power of that which lies beyond all of creation. Why shouldn't it be capable of doing everything? Each time the ethermancer selects the multiuniversal perfectionist philosophy, he chooses a manifestation of 2nd level or greater that he knows. He immediately forgets this manifestation. He then selects a greater manifestation (see Section: Greater Manifestation List) with the same etherheart and the same manifestation level as the manifestation he just forgot. He now knows this manifestation. A greater manifestation can be used as part of an etherspell once per day. An ethermancer need not rest or meditate to regain his daily uses of his greater manifestations. Like everything else to do with the ether, they simply regenerate over time. The ethermancer must be able to cast 2nd-level manifestations to select this philosophy. G. Manifestation Multiuniversal Apotheosis Multiuniversal Perfectionist - Greater manifestations selected through this philosophy may be used two times per day rather than just one.
Greater Manifestations
Greater Manifestation List Greater Manifestation Note: Greater manifestations cannot be selected by an ethermagician whenever he is eligible to learn new manifestations upon gaining a level. Instead, he must acquire certain feats and class features that specifically grant him the ability to select a greater manifestation. Apocalypse Edge (Greater) Ethermagic 5 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 8 The caster’s void blade contains a thin edge of "frozen" gamma radiation, which rips through everything it touches, scouring it and returning it to its most basic state. Each time a target is struck, it must make a Fortitude save or be stripped of all forms of damage reduction it possesses for 1 round. If the target has no forms of damage reduction, it must make a Fortitude save or be stripped of all forms of energy resistance for 1 round instead. If the target has no forms of energy resistance, it must make a Fortitude save or be stripped of all forms of energy immunity for 1 round instead. If the targe has no forms of energy immunity, it takes an additional 3d6 damage instead. This damage is multiplied on critical hits. Awash in the Infinite (Greater) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 0 The next etherspell cast by the caster has an EP cost of 0. Once an etherspell has received this benefit, this etherspell ends immediately. Black Hole (Greater) Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 10 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: an unoccupied 5-foot square The caster creates a tiny black hole in an empty square within range. At the beginning of the caster's turn, all creatures within 30 feet of the black hole who weigh less than one ton (2,000 lbs.) must make a DC 10 + 1/2 the caster's caster level + the caster's Charisma modifier Strength check or be dragged 10 feet toward the black hole, while all objects within 30 feet that weigh one ton or less are dragged 10 feet toward the black hole with no check to resist. Creatures made to occupy the same square as the black hole for any reason must make a Fortitude save or be ripped into its constituent pieces, while objects, including magic items, are simply eliminated with no save. A creature that is destroyed in this fashion also has all of its equipment obliterated. Undead are not immune to this effect simply because it calls for a Fortitude save. Once a black hole eliminates one or more creatures, it flickers out of existence at the end of the caster's turn, thus ending the etherspell.
Strange Magic
Clockwork Universe (Greater) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: see text Range: personal Target: you The caster summons forth a clockwork model of a solar system. This model contains a single star and a number of satellites whose number cannot exceed half his caster level, rounded down. The EP cost of this manifestation is equal to the total EP cost of the star and satellites chosen. Most components of the model have a passive effect, and all components of the model have an active effect when thrown. A single piece of the clockwork universe can be plucked and thrown by the caster, but nobody else, as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once thrown, that portion of the clockwork universe vanishes and no longer provides a bonus. If the star is thrown, then the rest of the clockwork universe vanishes and the etherspell ends immediately. If the caster has the Multiuniversal Arms Dealer feat, he can instead cast this on another creature, in which case that creature gains all of the passive benefits and the ability to pluck and throw the satellites. Stars Brown Dwarf EP Cost: 1 Passive: The clockwork model can support -1 satellites. Active: This star is thrown as though it were a thrown splash weapon. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level in a 10-foot radius from the square of impact with a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures standing in the epicenter of the blast take a -2 penalty to their Reflex saving throw. Blue EP Cost: 3 Passive: The clockwork model can support +2 satellites. Active: This star is thrown as though it were a thrown splash weapon. It deals 1d8 points of fire damage per caster level to all creatures occupying the square of impact. Red EP Cost: 3 Passive: none Active: This star is thrown as though it were a thrown splash weapon. It deals 1d8 points of fire damage per caster level in a 10-foot radius from the square of impact with a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures standing in the epicenter of the blast take a -2 penalty to their Reflex saving throw.
Interjection Games
Supergiant EP Cost: 4 Passive: The clockwork model can support +3 satellites. Active: The star can't be thrown due to its size and instead explodes at the caster's command, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all other creatures within 20 feet of the caster. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. Supermassive Black Hole EP Cost: 3 Passive: At the beginning of your turn, this "star" consumes a satellite or launched mothership in the clockwork model, destroying it immediately. As a swift action, you may direct the energy liberated by this process, dealing 3d6 points of force damage to creatures along a 30-foot line with a Reflex save to negate. If a mothership is consumed, the line of energy deals 2d6 points of force damage instead and the DC of the Reflex save is reduced by -2. If, at the beginning of your turn, there are no satellites or motherships in the clockwork model, the supermassive black hole collapses in upon itself and vanishes. Active: When this "star" is "thrown", it collapses in upon itself and vanishes, but elicits no other effect. Supermassive White Hole EP Cost: 4 Passive: Whenever a non-moon satellite is thrown (not just destroyed - thrown), a moon satellite is added to the clockwork model. Active: When this "star" is "thrown", it collapses in upon itself and vanishes, but elicits no other effect. White Dwarf EP Cost: 0 Passive: The clockwork model can support -1 satellites. Active: This star is thrown as though it were a thrown splash weapon. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all creatures occupying the square of impact. Yellow EP Cost: 2 Passive: At the beginning of your turn, this star deals 1d4 points of fire damage + 1 for every three caster levels to all other creatures within 5 feet. Active: This star is thrown as though it were a thrown splash weapon. It deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all creatures occupying the square of impact.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Satellites Anomaly EP Cost: 3 Passive: Whenever a satellite is destroyed, an anomaly becomes a copy of that satellite, except that it also retains this ability. If an extinct inhabited planet or moon-sized space station is destroyed, the resulting anomalous copy is also extinct. Active: None. An anomaly cannot be thrown until it has become a copy of something that can be thrown. Special: You can only have 1 anomaly in a clockwork model. Asteroid Belt EP Cost: 2 Passive: At the beginning of your turn, all creatures in squares that you would threaten with a non-reach weapon take 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage with a Reflex save to negate. Active: When "thrown", the asteroid belt scatters. All other creatures within 30 feet of you take 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage for every two caster levels you possess with a Reflex save to negate . Special: You can only have up to 1 asteroid belt OR 1 Kuiper belt in a clockwork model. Comet EP Cost: 2 Passive: A comet provides 20% miss chance against ranged attacks, be they magical, mundane, or extraordinary (like a giant's tossed boulder). When a comet blocks a ranged attack in this manner, it effectively collides with the incoming projectile. This annihilates both the projectile and the comet. Multiple comets do not provide a layered 20% miss chance. Rather, they just mean another comet is waiting in the wings should the first one be destroyed. Active: When thrown, a comet streaks along in a 60foot line, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage per caster level with a Reflex save for half damage. Desert Planet EP Cost: 3 Passive: Your ether point regeneration rate is increased by +1. Given substantial investment in strange compounds found on the desert planet, inhabited planets launch an additional mothership, for a total of 2, when a desert planet is destroyed.
Greater Manifestations
Gas Giant EP Cost: 2 Passive: You have a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against cloud effects, such as cloudkill or stinking cloud. This bonus stacks with other gas giants, up to a maximum of +3, but not with other sources of the same bonus type. Active: Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit creates a 10-footradius plume of gas centered on the creature struck. Those caught in the plume are nauseated for 1d3 rounds on a failed Fortitude save. The plume's duration is instantaneous. Ice Giant EP Cost: 3 Passive: You have DR 2/-. This bonus stacks with other ice giants, up to a maximum of DR 6/-, but does not stack with other sources of damage reduction. Active: Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level. If the attack roll would also be a successful standard ranged attack, the ice giant shatters, forming a comet which becomes part of the clockwork model. Inhabited Planet EP Cost: 3 Passive: Whenever another satellite is destroyed, whether it's thrown, a comet that blocks an attack, fed to a supermassive white hole, or otherwise, an inhabited planet launches a mothership to defend itself. Each time an inhabited planet launches a mothership, there is a 10% chance that the planet uses too many resources to build and launch that ship and the species goes extinct. If this happens, an inhabited planet becomes an inner planet. At the beginning of your turn, you may activate a launched mothership as a swift action, dealing 2d6 electric damage to a creature within 30 feet with no saving throws allowed. Once a mothership delivers its payload in this fashion, it vanishes. Motherships persist even if an inhabited planet goes extinct, but vanish like everything else when the clockwork universe ceases to be. Active: Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per caster level plus 1 point of electric damage per caster level.
Active: Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per caster level. Special: You can only have 1 desert planet in a clockwork model.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Inner Planet EP Cost: 2
Moonsized Space Station EP Cost: 5
Passive: You have a +2 armor bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with other inner planets, to a maximum of +10, but not with other sources of the same bonus type
Passive: At the beginning of your turn, if the number of launched motherships in your clockwork model is less than the number of inhabited planets, moonbases, and moon-sized space stations in your clockwork model, there is a 50% chance that the moon-sized space station launches a mothership. (See the inhabited planet satellite for information on motherships.) Each time the moon-sized space station launches a mothership, there is a 10% chance that the station uses too many resources in its construction and the inhabitants go extinct. If this happens, a moon-sized space station becomes a moon that deals electric damage when thrown.
Active: Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage per caster level. Kuiper Belt EP Cost: 3 Passive: A kuiper belt deflects blades and claws with tiny fragments of ice, providing 20% miss chance against melee attacks that do not deal fire damage. Active: When "thrown", the kuiper belt scatters. All other creatures within 30 feet of you take 1d8 points of cold damage for every two caster levels you possess with a Fortitude save to negate. Special: You can only have up to 1 asteroid belt OR 1 Kuiper belt in a clockwork model. Moon EP Cost: 0 Passive: none Active: This satellite can be thrown as a swift action. Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals bludgeoning damage equal to your caster level. Special: You can have up to 1 moon for each desert planet, gas giant, inhabited planet, inner planet, ocean planet, or volcanic planet in your clockwork model. Moonbase EP Cost: 2 Passive: As a swift action, you may launch a missile from the moonbase. Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 120 feet. A successful hit deals 2d4 points of fire damage and lights the target on fire as the rules for alchemist's fire. A moonbase has 3 missiles and manufactures a new missile, to a maximum of three, whenever an inhabited planet or moon-sized space station goes extinct or is destroyed. The destruction of an extinct satellite never triggers missile production. Active: This satellite can be thrown as a swift action. Make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals bludgeoning damage equal to your caster level. Special: You must have an inhabited planet in your clockwork model to add a moonbase to it. A moonbase is treated as a moon for the purpose of calculating the maximum number of moons allowed in a clockwork model. If another moon would not be allowed in a clockwork model, then a moonbase is also not allowed.
Active: When thrown, make a ranged touch attack with a maximum range of 60 feet. A successful hit deals 1d6 points of electric damage per caster level and performs a bull rush combat maneuver with a CMB equal to your caster level + your Charisma modifier. Special: You must have an inhabited planet in your clockwork model to be able to add a moon-sized space station to it. You can only have 1 moon-sized space station in a clockwork model. Ocean Planet EP Cost: 1 Passive: none Active: When "thrown", an ocean planet douses all creatures within 10 feet, yourself included, with water, halving all fire damage taken for 1 round. Damage is halved after all other mitigating factors, such as resistance, are applied. Volcanic Planet EP Cost: 2 Passive: Weapons you wield deal an additional point of fire damage. This bonus stacks with other volcanic planets, to a maximum of 5 additional fire damage. Active: A volcanic planet is "thrown" as a swift action. When thsu expended, it douses your weaponry in fiery death - weapons you wield deal an additional 2d6 points of fire damage for 1 round. Wormhole EP Cost: 2 Passive: none Active: This satellite can be thrown as a swift action. When a wormhole is thrown, the next satellite you throw this round is thrown as a free action. Special: You can have up to 1 wormhole for every three satellites in your clockwork model.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Greater Manifestations
Concealed Carry (Greater) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 0
Ethermend (Greater) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5
A voidmeld etherheart with this manifestation costs 0 EP to cast. Treat this as a 0th-level manifestation for the purpose of determining the maximum number of manifestations that can be applied to a single casting of the voidmeld etherheart.
The caster weaves raw ether into his form, granting himself fast healing equal to half his caster level, rounded down.
Dark Energy (Greater) Ethermancer 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 6 All variable, numeric effects of a blast etherspell modified by this manifestation are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are etherspells without random variables. Door Unto Oblivion (Greater, Shape) Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 8 A blast etherspell with this manifestation momentarily opens a door to the void itself, killing creatures damaged by it with a Fortitude save to negate. This is a death effect. Echoing Screams (Greater) Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 7
Ether Tide (Greater, Shape) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Blast EP Cost: 10 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has +2 to its caster level and strikes up to one target in range for every two caster levels. Make a ranged touch attack for each target as normal. Ethereal Infusion (Greater) Ethermancer 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 5 The caster infuses his body with pure ether. His base attack bonus is set equal to his caster level. Further, he gains a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, temporary hit points equal to twice his Charisma modifier, and temporary ether points equal to his Charisma modifier. These temporary points persist for the duration of the etherspell. While under the effects of this manifestation, the caster's base ether point regeneration rate is set to 0.
The caster's touch transforms the inside of the target's skull into an acoustic hellscape of the screams of nameless things just beyond the edge of reality. Each round, the affected creature must make a Will save or be stunned for 1 round. If the affected creature makes three consecutive Will saves, this etherspell ends immediately. This is a mind-affecting ability. Erase Physics (Greater) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 6 Select acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. The caster's touch causes physics to delete itself. All instances of the chosen energy type present in extraordinary and supernatural abilities the touched creature possesses are totally removed. For example, if the caster chooses fire, a flaming demon with 30 resistance against fire and a flaming breath weapon who deals 1d6 fire damage on a successful claw attack now has no fire resistance and does not deal fire damage on a successful claw attack. The breath weapon no longer deals damage, though other effects, such as the breath weapon imposing a condition, still apply. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Extended Focus (Greater) Ethermagic 2 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 2 A duration of a voidmeld etherheart with this manifestation is doubled. Treat this as a 0th-level manifestation for the purpose of determining the maximum number of manifestations that can be applied to a single casting of the voidmeld etherheart.
Strange Magic
Firmament (Greater) Ethermancer 4 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 12 Range: personal Target: you The caster encases himself in a crystalline sphere upon which the night sky is superimposed. This sphere has 3 hit points per caster level and hardness 8. While inside the sphere, all attacks targeting the caster that rely on a physical attack or a blast of some sort from outside the sphere, such as fireball, magic missile, acid arrow, or cone of cold, deal damage to the sphere and not the caster. Attacks that affect the target from within, such as phantasmal killer, heat metal, spells and abilities themed around internal combustion, or contagion, affect the caster normally. Further, spells and abilities that rely on sight, such as blindness effects, affect the caster normally. While inside the dome, the caster cannot make physical attacks, including attacks of opportunity, and takes a -2 penalty to AC due to the general cumbersomeness of being within a sphere. Touch attacks made as part of casting spells and etherspells still function properly; the spell effects simply manifest on the surface of the sphere. For obvious reasons, the caster cannot be targeted by the trip, steal, or disarm combat maneuvers, though the sphere can be sundered and all other combat maneuvers still function perfectly fine. The caster's movement speed is reduced by half when moving uphill and doubled when moving downhill. The one exception to the caster's inability to make physical attacks while encased in the sphere is his ability to charge while inside of it. When charging, the caster barrels toward his target and makes a slam attack with the sphere itself. On a successful hit, a charge made while inside the sphere deals 1d8 + the caster's Strength modifier + the number of squares the caster charged bludgeoning damage. If the caster successfully deals damage on the charge, he may immediately attempt a bull rush combat maneuver as a free action with a circumstance bonus to his CMB equal to the number of squares he charged. When bull rushing in this manner, the caster must follow the creature bull rushed for the maximum distance possible. If the caster successfully bull rushes the target and if the target is still adjacent to the caster after resolving the bull rush, he may immediately attempt a trip combat maneuver as a free action with a circumstance bonus to his CMB equal to the number of squares he charged. The caster never provokes attacks of opportunity when attempting bull rush and trip combat maneuvers in this fashion, but always provokes attacks of opportunity whenever either of these combat maneuvers fails. If the sphere is destroyed by being reduced to 0 hit points, as opposed to being dismissed by the caster, the caster is knocked prone and provokes attacks of opportunity.
Interjection Games
Harmonic Resonance (Greater) Ethermancer 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 A humming resonance builds around the caster. He takes a -2 penalty to the DCs of his etherspells with the lesser blast or greater blast etherhearts; however, creatures that fail their saving throws against these etherspells are dazed for 1 round. If an etherspell with the lesser blast or greater blast etherheart does not call for a saving throw, then creatures damaged by such an etherspell must make a Fortitude save or be dazed for 1 round. Hunger of the Void (Greater, Shape) Ethermancer 2 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3 When all one has is nothing, there is an endless hunger for something. Anything. All damage dealt by a blast etherspell with this manifestation is returned to the caster as healing. The caster may choose to increase the cost of this manifestation by +7. If he does so, this manifestation loses the Shape descriptor. Immediately Manifest (Greater) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 8 A blast etherspell with this manifestation is cast as a swift action, not as a standard action. Indeterminate Assailant (Greater) Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Voidmeld EP Cost: 5 The wielder of a void blade with this manifestation can make an attack action as a swift action. If the wielder does so, he may not make a full-attack action this round, but he may make a single attack as a standard action as normal. Kinetic Cascade (Greater) Ethermancer 4 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4 Whenever the caster would gain ether points, he may instead make a ranged touch attack as a swift action with a range of 60 feet. This touch deals 1d4 points of damage for each ether point he would have gained on a successful hit. Even if the caster does not elect to make this ranged touch attack, he does not gain ether points. If the caster's ether points is ever equal to 0, this etherspell ends immediately.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Greater Manifestations
Life from the Void (Greater) Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 8 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: An unoccupied 10-foot by 10-foot square
Life from the Void, Greater (Greater) Ethermagic 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 15 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Target: An unoccupied 15-foot by 15-foot square
The caster summons a vast quantity of ether, which quickly condenses into the shape of an enormous, somewhat amorphous, glowing purple creature with a vaguely humanoid shape. It appears where the caster designates and may act starting on the caster's next turn (It takes a little time to put itself together.). Treat the resulting large ether elemental as a large earth elemental with Hit Dice equal to the caster's caster level (max 13 HD), with the following exceptions. A large ether elemental does not have a burrow speed, does not have the earth glide extraordinary ability, and does not have the earth mastery extraordinary ability. To make up for this, a large ether elemental has resistance 5 against damage dealt by spells or spell-like abilities, including untyped and force damage. In addition, the large ether elemental has the following abilities.
The caster summons a vast quantity of ether, which quickly condenses into the shape of an enormous, somewhat amorphous, glowing purple creature with a vaguely humanoid body shape. It appears where the caster designates and may act starting on the caster's next turn (It takes a little time to put itself together.). Treat the resulting elder ether elemental as an elder earth elemental with Hit Dice equal to the caster's caster level, with the following exceptions. An elder ether elemental does not have a burrow speed, does not have the earth glide extraordinary ability, and does not have the earth mastery extraordinary ability. To make up for this, an elder ether elemental has resistance 10 against damage dealt by spells or spell-like abilities, including untyped and force damage. In addition, the elder ether elemental has the following abilities.
Accretion Disk (Ex): When charging, a large ether elemental deals force damage rather than physical damage with its next attack made that round.
Accretion Disk (Ex): When charging, an elder ether elemental deals force damage rather than physical damage with its next attack made that round.
Extrauniversal Blows (Ex): A large ether elemental's natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Extrauniversal Blows (Ex): An elder ether elemental's natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Void Armor (Ex): Whenever a creature within 30 feet of a large ether elemental casts an etherspell, the elder ether elemental gains a +2 insight bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 round. It also gains temporary hit points equal to half its Hit Dice, rounded down. These temporary hit points last for 1 round.
Void Armor (Ex): Whenever a creature within 30 feet of an elder ether elemental casts an etherspell, the elder ether elemental gains a +2 insight bonus to AC and saving throws for 1 round. It also gains temporary hit points equal to half its Hit Dice, rounded down. These temporary hit points last for 1 round.
Void Conduit (Ex): Creatures within 30 feet of a large ether elemental with an ether point pool have the maximum size of that pool increased by +2 ether points. This is an enhancement bonus.
Void Conduit (Ex): Creatures within 30 feet of an elder ether elemental with an ether point pool have the maximum size of that pool increased by +5 ether points. This is an enhancement bonus.
A large ether elemental with 9 or more Hit Dice has the Great Cleave feat. A large ether elemental with 11 or more Hit Dice has the Toughness feat. A large ether elemental with 13 Hit Dice has the Improved Critical (slam) feat.
An elder ether elemental with 17 or more Hit Dice has the Critical Focus feat. An elder ether elemental with 19 or more Hit Dice has the Staggering Critical feat.
Lurking Force (Greater) Ethermancer 2 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 3 The caster's touch focuses a small measure of deleterious power in the recipient. The recipient gains SR 10 + the caster's caster level. After successfully negating one spell, this etherspell ends immediately.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Matter-touched Ether (Greater) Ethermagic 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 3
Rapid Adaptation (Greater) Ethermancer 2 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 4
A blast etherspell with this manifestation deals force damage and automatically hits - no attack roll is required. The caster of the etherspell must still have line of sight to his target. Due to its unerring nature, incorporeal creatures treat the entire etherspell, including its other manifestations, as though it had the force descriptor.
The caster becomes capable of functioning in nearly any environment. He can now breathe water or any air, no matter how alien or toxic it may be. By extension, he is also immune to inhaled poisons for the duration of the etherspell. This provides no protection in a vacuum, as there is nothing at all to breathe.
Omnipenetrating Blast (Greater) Ethermancer 3 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 5 A blast etherspell with this manifestation ignores damage reduction and energy resistance effects, but not immunity effects. Pierce the Void (Greater) Ethermancer 3 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 2 The caster momentarily strengthens his connection to the source of his power, increasing his ether point regeneration rate by +1 for every four caster levels. Polywoven Ether (Greater) Ethermagic 4 Etherheart Restriction: Lesser Blast, Greater Blast EP Cost: 2 A blast etherspell with this manifestation has three additional manifestation slots. These slots can only be filled with 1st and 2nd-level manifestations. Pulsar (Greater) Ethermancer 3 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 5 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: empty 5'x5' square in range The caster creates a tiny mimicry of a pulsar, a rapidlyrotating neutron star that throws off pulses of light, in an empty square within range. The pulsar is mediumsized and counts as occupying its square of origin in the same manner as a creature, but cannot be moved. Other creatures can move through the pulsar's space as though the pulsar were their ally. Each round at the beginning of the caster's turn, the pulsar lets out a blast of light. All creatures with the dazzled condition within 30 feet take 2d6 points of damage and are blinded for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate the blindness effect. After resolving the blindness effect, all creatures within 60 feet are dazzled for 1d4 rounds with a Fortitude save to negate.
Rewrite Physics (Greater) Ethermancer 3 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 Select acid, cold, electric, or fire, then select a second energy type from the aforementioned list. The caster's touch causes physics to rewrite itself. All instances of the first energy type present in extraordinary and supernatural abilities the touched creature possesses are replaced with the second. For example, if the caster chooses fire, then cold, a flaming demon with 30 resistance against fire who deals 1d6 fire damage on a successful claw attack now has 30 resistance against cold and deals 1d6 cold damage on a successful claw attack. A successful Will save negates this effect. Symbiotic Connection (Greater) Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 4 The caster forges a link with the recipient of the etherspell with this manifestation. If the recipient is within 60 feet, all alteration etherspells that benefit the caster benefit the recipient, as well. Taste of Infinity (Greater) Ethermancer 4 Etherheart Restriction: Bestow EP Cost: 10 The caster opens grants the recipient the smallest taste of the ethereal power in which he is steeped. The recipient gains an ether point pool with a maximum size equal to the caster's level and an ether point regeneration rate equal to half the caster's base regeneration rate, rounded down. The recipient gains the ability to cast etherspells with the lesser blast etherheart at an effective ethermancer level of his character level. No manifestations may be added to these lesser blast etherspells. Walking Planetoid (Greater) Ethermancer 5 Etherheart Restriction: Alteration EP Cost: 8 The caster's hide becomes craggy and pitted, like a moon or asteroid. He gains DR 10/adamantine.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Greater Manifestations
White Hole (Greater) Ethermancer 6 Etherheart Restriction: Genesis EP Cost: 10 Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: empty 5'x5' square in range The caster creates a small rift in the space-time continuum in an empty square within range. This rift draws material toward it, but its draw is so weak that it tends to be incapable of drawing things much heavier than paper and dust toward it. The caster can attune this rift to a creature that has been dead for no longer than 10 years per caster level by placing a part of the creature's body or an object with which the creature had a strong bond in said rift. This destroys the body part or other object. Once attuned to the dead creature, the rift turns a deep, pulsing red and begins to emit an eerie sound that resembles a grossly modulated heartbeat. The caster must now kiss up to the universe by feeding the rift gems and precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, and adamantine, worth a combined value of at least 25,000 gp. If the creature was killed in a manner that normally requires the wish or miracle spell to bypass, then an additional 10,000 gp worth of gems and precious metals is required. If this additional cost is paid, then a white hole can also return to life those who have been slain in such a way that only the wish or miracle spells can return them. Once the universe has been paid, the rift turns bright green and lets out a resounding chime. The gentle suction is replaced by a powerful exhalation of gases from the uttermost void, which carry forth the incoherent screaming of the multiverse. Though it is very unsettling, the caster must stay within range of the rift for the entirety of this 10 minute process, lest the rift snap shut because its creator walked away. At the end of 10 minutes, the rift explodes in a violent burst of energy, leaving the attuned creature naked and covered in some sort of protoplasmic goo, but very much alive, in the square the rift once occupied. The etherspell ends immediately. The creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no negative levels (or loss of Constitution points) and all of the prepared spells possessed by the creature when it died. You can revive someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed - the creature is restored as its nonundead version. This spell can also resurrect elementals or outsiders, but it can't resurrect constructs or undead creatures. Even a white hole can't restore to life a creature who has died of old age.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Musical Composition
The established composer is likely to believe that music belongs in a concert hall. Concert halls are built with performance in mind, after all, and their very shape gives the composer greater control over just how his work is heard. Though it is large enough to fit people inside, the concert hall is a precision instrument, and music is all the more powerful when performed within one. Not so, say the dancers! Music demands participation, personal involvement, and exertion, not a sedentary audience, and what other than the wild gyrations and rhythmic motion of the dance can do all three of these with such efficacy? Kickstarter Backer: Sasha Hall. Author: Bradley Crouch.
Table: The Breakdancer
Role: Combining knowledge of composition with knowledge of the dance, breakdancers are agile combatants who, unlike other composers, can be found in the frontlines of most fights. Alignment: Any. The dance is for all and knows no morality! Hit Die: d8 Starting Wealth: 3d6 × 10 gp (average 105 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Class Skills The breakdancer's class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), and Swim (Str). Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Breakdancer
Class Features All of the following breakdancer.
Weapon Proficiency: Breakdancers are proficient with all simple weapons, all light martial weapons, the whip, and the meteor hammer. Armor Proficiency: Breakdancers are proficient with light armor, but not with shields. A breakdancer wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or wielding a shield cannot gain rhythm. Scores A breakdancer's primary source of power stems from a deep specialization in music that less-focused practitioners, such as bards, use as only one tool in a varied toolbox. A score is a piece of music containing an intro, an outro, and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the breakdancer's composition book. A breakdancer begins play with two scores, plus additional scores equal to his Intelligence modifier / 3, rounded down, minimum 0. Each score must contain a single intro, a single outro, and a single melody. At 3rd level and every six levels thereafter, a breakdancer's mastery over music allows him to prepare scores with an additional melody, to a maximum of four melodies per score at 15th level. At 5th level and every six levels thereafter, a breakdancer receives an additional score, for a total of five scores at 17th level. A breakdancer's composer level is equal to 3/4 his breakdancer class level, minimum 1, and is shown on Table: The Breakdancer. To prepare or use a score, a breakdancer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a breakdancer's score is 10 + 1/2 the breakdancer's class level + the breakdancer's Intelligence modifier.
A breakdancer begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro, 1 outro, and his choice of an additional intro or outro. His composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier, minimum 1. At each new breakdancer level, a breakdancer gains one intro or outro for which he meets all of the prerequisites, as well as one melody for which he meets all of the prerequisites. At any time, a breakdancer may copy intros, outros, and melodies, known collectively as "compositions", found in other composition books to his own. Given the highly complex nature of what a breakdancer works with, special inks and paper are required. The special paper is, luckily, identical to that found in wizard spellbooks, thus allowing a breakdancer to buy a spellbook and scrawl "composition book" on the front cover. Further, any magic items designed to record wizard spells can record compositions without a problem. The ink cost to record a composition is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. For example, a melody that requires 4 ranks in a skill effectively requires a minimum level of 4th and costs 400 gp to record, while an intro that requires the Improved Initiative feat effectively requires a minimum level of 1st and costs 100 gp to record. Compositions take up a number of pages equal to the effective minimum level of the composition. Specialty stores are known to carry compositions in convenient folios. Given the high cost of copying these compositions to a primary composition book after purchase, many experienced composers are known to have a small library of compositions and musical theory on their person. The market price of these folios is 150 gp times the effective minimum level of the composition. A folio of effective minimum level 10 or lower weighs 1 pound, while a folio of effective minimum level 11 and above weighs 2 pounds.
Composition A breakdancer must get 8 hours of sleep and study his composition book for 1 hour in order to change his scores. A breakdancer does not need to study his composition book each day to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature (see below). Rather, in order to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature, a breakdancer need only get 8 hours of sleep each night. In essence, a breakdancer need not study his composition book at all if he is happy with his current score selection. Further, if separated from his composition book, a breakdancer can continue to use the scores he has already prepared until he is reunited with it.
The loreconscious player should note that being a dancer need not be wholly anachronistic (though it's certainly more fun if it is).
Strange Magic
Conduct Composition: At 1st level, a breakdancer has learned how to conduct his scores in such a way that he unleashes the magic inherent in the beat. Each individual score can be conducted for a number of rounds per day equal to a breakdancer's ranks in the Perform (conducting) skill + his Intelligence modifier. Starting to conduct a score is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. When a breakdancer starts to conduct a score, the intro effect chosen for that score triggers immediately, while all melody effects start immediately and persist for as long as the score is performed. A breakdancer can end a performance in one of two ways. First, he can simply stop conducting as a free action; however, ending a performance in this manner does not trigger the score's outro effect. Secondly, he can end the performance with a proper flourish as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If he ends a score in this manner, the score's outro effect triggers. If a breakdancer stops conducting a score as a free action, he cannot start conducting another score that round.
Conducting a score cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the breakdancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A breakdancer cannot have more than one score in effect at one time. All scores that a breakdancer conducts rely on audible components unless otherwise noted.
Interjection Games
Dance Moves: As a breakdancer gains experience, he picks up a number of dance moves that allow him to express the rhythm he feels within his bones. A breakdancer begins play with one dance move. He gains an additional dance move for every two levels of breakdancer he attains. A breakdancer cannot select an individual dance move more than once. Dance moves with a listed "minimum rhythm" require that the breakdancer have at least that much rhythm in order to perform the dance move. Dance moves with a listed "rhythm cost" require that the breakdancer expend that much rhythm in order to perform the dance move. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a breakdancer's dance move is 10 + 1/2 the breakdancer's class level + the breakdancer's Dexterity modifier. Rhythm (Ex): Breakdancers are uniquely tuned to the rhythm of music, and prolonged exposure to a good beat tends to result in some fairly impressive moves. At the beginning of the breakdancer's turn, he gains or loses rhythm based on the situation. • If the breakdancer is conducting a score, he gains 1 rhythm. • If the breakdancer is not conducting a score, but is within the area of effect of a score or bardic performance, his rhythm remains unchanged. • If the breakdancer is neither conducting a score, nor within the area of effect of a score or bardic performance, he loses 1 rhythm. The maximum amount of rhythm a breakdancer can have at any one time is equal to his Dexterity modifier, minimum 1.
Mick, dwarven breakdancer
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Drop: At 5th level, a breakdancer has learned how to rapidly change rhythm and beat through the use of drops. A drop is a special kind of score that contains an intro, but has no melodies or outro. Unlike a standard score, a drop cannot be used with the conduct composition class feature. If he is already conducting a score, a breakdancer can choose to perform a drop as a standard action. Using a drop suppresses the conducted score's intro for 1 round, but replaces it with the drop's intro effect for that round. The drop's intro effect triggers as though the score were newly conducted. Time continues to pass for the suppressed intro, so if it has a finite duration or builds over time, it will continue to consume its duration or become more powerful, respectively. Using a drop expends 2 rounds of duration from the score that is currently being conducted, but also generates 1 rhythm. A drop cannot be used if the score that is currently being conducted does not have at least 2 rounds of duration remaining for the day. At 7th level, a breakdancer may use a drop as a move action. At 13th level, a breakdancer may use a drop as his choice of a move action or a swift action. A breakdancer can only use one drop per round. When a breakdancer studies his composition book to prepare his scores, he also prepares his drops. A breakdancer gains his first drop at 5th level and gains an additional drop at 7th level and every four levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 5 drops at 19th level. Breakdancer Dance Moves Atomic Drop (Su) Requires: Drop class feature Minimum Rhythm: 3
Breakdancer Dance Moves
Many breakdancers enjoy dropping it like it’s hot! Whenever the breakdancer performs a drop, he may deal 1d6 points of fire damage to a single creature within 30 feet. A successful Reflex save negates. Beat-down [stance] (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: see text The breakdancer begins to follow his own beat rather than the beat of the music as a swift action. As a result, he cannot gain rhythm; however, whenever he would gain rhythm, he deals sonic damage equal to half his breakdancer class level, rounded down, to a single creature within 30 feet instead. There is no saving throw. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. As temporary rhythm is distinct from rhythm, a breakdancer still gains temporary rhythm in the usual manner and does not convert it into sonic damage as detailed above. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any.
The Breakdancer
Beatmixing (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: see text As a move action, the breakdancer selects a melody that takes up a single melody slot and can be taken multiple times that is part of the score he is currently conducting. For the duration of that score’s performance, he treats that melody as though it were taken an additional time, to a maximum of taken a number of times equal to the number of melody slots in that score. This dance move can only be applied to a score once. Breather (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: instantaneous As a move action, the breakdancer heals himself for points of damage equal to his rhythm +2. Chained Performance (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 14 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: instantaneous Once per round as a free action, the breakdancer may whip himself into a frenzy. He can make two swift actions this round, but only if both swift actions are used to perform dance moves. Counterpoint (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round/level As a standard action, the breakdancer produces a single duplicate of himself, as the mirror image spell, with a caster level equal to the breakdancer's composer level. As this duplicate is the product of rapid movement and not of illusion magic, spells such as true seeing do not bypass the protection granted by this dance move, for there is no illusion to pierce. Starting at 13th level, this dance move is performed as a swift action instead. Dancer's Vitality (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 20 Minimum Rhythm: 0 Whenever the breakdancer gains rhythm, he gains the benefits of the haste spell for 1 round, with a caster level equal to the breakdancer's composer level. Double Time (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Rhythm Cost: 2 As a swift action, the breakdancer pushes himself to move quicker, granting himself the benefits of the haste spell for 1 round, with a caster level equal to the breakdancer's composer level.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Dramatic Pose (Ex) Requires: Drop class feature Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: see text
Flare (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: instantaneous
As a swift action, the breakdancer strikes a dramatic pose, increasing the Difficulty Class of any saving throws called for by the next drop he performs this round by +1.
As a standard action, the breakdancer makes one unarmed melee attack against each opponent within reach. He must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. The breakdancer is treated as though he has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for the purpose of this dance move, and this dance move adds his Dexterity modifier to damage rather than the ability score modifier he normally applies to unarmed damage.
Electric Boogaloo (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 8, drop class feature Minimum Rhythm: 3 A great many breakdancers enjoy making the shift from one beat to another so jarring that the change is positively electric! Whenever the breakdancer performs a drop, he may deal 1d6 points of electricity damage to a single creature within 30 feet. A successful Reflex save negates.
When using this dance move, the breakdancer also forfeits any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities.
Electrifying Footwork (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Minimum Rhythm: 0
Creatures adjacent to the breakdancer at the end of one of his move actions are dazzled for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate.
Creatures that hit the breakdancer in melee take electricity damage equal to the breakdancer’s rhythm.
Grab and Sweep (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 1 Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: instantaneous
False Step (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 2 When a breakdancer really starts to get into the groove, it’s hard to see where he’s going. The breakdancer gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC. Fancy Footwork [stance] (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 1 Duration: see text The breakdancer falls back onto some fancy footwork that is half dancing and half boxing as a swift action. Whenever the breakdancer has the option to make an attack of opportunity, he may expend 1 rhythm to make an attack of opportunity without that attack of opportunity counting against the number of attacks of opportunity he can make each round. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any. Flailing (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Some breakdancers get downright reckless when they get into the rhythm! Whenever the breakdancer successfully hits and deals damage with an attack of opportunity, all other creatures within 5 feet of the creature struck, excluding the breakdancer, take 1d3 points of damage. The type of this damage corresponds to the weapon used to make the attack of opportunity.
Flashy Footwork (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 2
As a swift action, the breakdancer performs the reposition combat maneuver. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Greased Lightning (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 20, rolling thunder Minimum Rhythm: 2 All attacks made against the breakdancer have a 20% miss chance. Headspin (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 1 Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: instantaneous As a swift action, the breakdancer performs the disarm combat maneuver. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Headspin Savant (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 20, sextuple headspin Creatures tripped by the sextuple headspin dance move are staggered for 1 round with no saving throws allowed. In the Groove (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 2 When a breakdancer gets going, he gets going! The breakdancer’s base land speed increases by +10 feet.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Breakdancer
Mick performing a kipup
In Tune (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 10 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Whenever the breakdancer makes a Reflex saving throw, he may expend 2 rhythm to instead roll twice and take the better result. He must choose whether to use this ability before rolling. In the Zone (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 10 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Whenever the breakdancer makes a Will saving throw, he may expend 2 rhythm to instead roll twice and take the better result. He must choose whether to use this ability before rolling. Invigorating Beat (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Minimum Rhythm: 2 The breakdancer has fast healing equal to half the rhythm he possesses, rounded down. Inviting Footwork (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 3 The breakdancer's footwork lulls his foes into thinking they know where he'll be next, granting him a +2 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity.
Kip-up (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: instantaneous As a swift action, the breakdancer pushes back against the ground and leaps up to a standing position from a prone position. If he uses this dance move while occupying a square a foe threatens, the breakdancer must succeed an Acrobatics skill check (DC equal to the foe's CMD + 5) or provoke an attack of opportunity. Light-footed (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round/level A breakdancer in motion tends to stay in motion. As a standard action, the breakdancer gains the ability to walk on the surface of liquids as the water walk spell with a caster level equal to the breakdancer's composer level. Like the Wind (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 3 Attacks of opportunity made against the breakdancer have a 20% miss chance.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Limber Up [stance] (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 1 Duration: see text
Power Dropping (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 20, any one of - atomic drop, electric boogaloo, screeching shift
As a swift action, the breakdancer limbers up. He gains a +2 enhancement bonus to CMB. This bonus increases by +1 for every six breakdancer levels he possesses. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately.
The atomic drop, electric boogaloo, and screeching shift dance moves now deal 2d6 damage of their respective types.
A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any. Master Beatmixing Requires: Breakdancer 12, beatmixing Duration: see text The beatmixing dance move can now be applied to a score twice. Moonwalk [stance] (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: see text As a swift action, the breakdancer begins to moonwalk. If moving at half speed, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving through a square threatened by a foe. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever less than 2, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any. Nip-up Requires: Kip-up When performing the kip-up dance move, the breakdancer gains a circumstance bonus equal to his current rhythm to his Acrobatics check made to avoid an attack of opportunity. One Step Ahead (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Minimum Rhythm: 2
Powerful Footfalls (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round When the breakdancer really gets going, his movements get wilder and wilder, until even the slightest of frames is a deadly weight. As a swift action, the breakdancer gains a +2 insight bonus CMB for the purpose of the bull rush, overrun, and reposition combat maneuvers. Power Move (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 2 Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: instantaneous As a swift action, the breakdancer makes a single attack action. This attack must be made with a light weapon, a natural weapon, or while unarmed. Power Style [stance] (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 20, any two stance dance moves Minimum Rhythm: 3 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: See text The breakdancer combines physical strength with stylistic grace as a swift action, increasing his reach by +5 feet. In addition, the first time the breakdancer makes an attack of opportunity each round, he attacks twice. This only counts as one attack of opportunity for the purpose of determining how many times the breakdancer can make an attack of opportunity each round. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any.
When everyone moves to the beat, they're easy to avoid. The breakdancer gains a +1 insight bonus to saving throws.
Rapid Execution (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 14 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: instantaneous
Pelvic Thrust (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Rhythm Cost: See text Duration: instantaneous
When making an attack of opportunity, the breakdancer may simultaneously perform two combat maneuvers with that attack of opportunity. Both combat maneuvers are resolved separately.
As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the breakdancer performs a pelvic thrust in the general direction of a single creature within 30 feet. He expends any amount of rhythm, max half his breakdancer class level, rounded down, as part of performing the thrust. The subject takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage per point of rhythm expended in this manner with a Fortitude save for half damage.
Rhythmic Footfalls (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round
With proper timing, a sweep of the leg can topple a dragon. As a swift action, the breakdancer gains a +2 insight bonus to trip combat maneuver checks.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Rolling Thunder (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 10, like the wind Minimum Rhythm: 3 Touch attacks made against the breakdancer have a 20% miss chance. Screeching Shift (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 12, drop class feature Experienced beatmixers like to push the envelope, though to the uninitiated, such pushing sounds like raw noise. Painful noise. Whenever the breakdancer performs a drop, he may deal 1d6 points of sonic damage to a single creature within 30 feet. A successful Reflex save negates. Sextuple Headspin (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 16 Minimum Rhythm: 3 Rhythm Cost: 3 Duration: instantaneous As a full-round action, the breakdancer executes a sextuple headspin, moving up to his base land speed and making an unarmed melee attack at his highest base attack bonus against each creature within reach along the path taken. He must make a separate attack roll against each opponent. The breakdancer is treated as though he has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for the purpose of this dance move, and this dance move adds his Dexterity modifier to damage rather than the ability score modifier he normally applies to unarmed damage. Whenever the breakdancer hits and deals damage to a creature with this dance move, he may perform a trip combat maneuver against that creature as a free action. If a trip combat maneuver made in this fashion is unsuccessful, the dance move ends immediately and the breakdancer falls prone in his current square. (This is known as the sextuple faceplant.) When using this dance move, the breakdancer also forfeits any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats, spells, or abilities, save the option to trip as detailed above.
The Breakdancer
Shimmy [stance] (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Minimum Rhythm: 1 Duration: see text The breakdancer gets into the groove as a swift action. If he does not lose rhythm at the beginning of his turn, the breakdancer gains 1 temporary rhythm point. Temporary rhythm points may be spent on dance moves, but do not count toward the minimum rhythm required to be able to use a dance move in the first place. This temporary rhythm point lasts until the beginning of his next turn. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any. Spin-up (Ex) Requires: Headspin, kip-up If the breakdancer does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he performs the kip-up dance move, then all foes in squares he threatens provoke an attack of opportunity from the breakdancer. The kip-up dance move now has a rhythm cost of 1.
Stanceaholic (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 20, any three stance dance moves Minimum Rhythm: 3 The breakdancer can maintain two stances at one time. If his rhythm falls below the minimum amount necessary to enable this dance move, the newer of the two stances ends immediately. While maintaining two stances, the minimum rhythm of all non-stance dance moves the breakdancer knows increases by +3. Style Boy [stance] (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: see text As a swift action, the breakdancer falls back on flow and technical execution rather than raw power. The maximum Dexterity bonus of his armor and shield, if any, is increased by an amount equal to his rhythm, to a maximum of double that equipment's normal maximum dexterity bonus. This stance has no effect on the maximum Dexterity bonus of heavy armor or tower shields. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Suicide [stance] (Ex) Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: see text
Whirling Moves (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 20 Minimum Rhythm: 2
As a swift action, the breakdancer prepares to perform a suicide move. Whenever he is attacked, the breakdancer may perform the suicide move as a free action, gaining a +4 dodge bonus to AC against that attack. After the attack is resolved, the breakdancer falls prone and this dance move ends immediately. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately.
The breakdancer has a morale bonus to damage rolls equal to half his rhythm, rounded down.
A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any. Swaggering Kick (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: instantaneous As an attack action, the breakdancer kicks at a single creature. Make an unarmed attack. If this attack hits and deals damage, the subject is staggered for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. The breakdancer is treated as though he has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for the purpose of this dance move, and this dance move adds his Dexterity modifier to damage rather than the ability score modifier he normally applies to unarmed damage.
Wide Dropping (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 20, any one of - atomic drop, electric boogaloo, screeching shift The atomic drop, electric boogaloo, and screeching shift dance moves are now 10-ft.-radius bursts centered on the target creature. Wildfire (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 10 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 2 rounds As a swift action, the breakdancer reaches for the primal pulse of the beat. Weapons the breakdancer wields, including unarmed attacks, deal an additional 1d4 points of fire damage on a successful hit. Additionally, creatures dealt fire damage in this manner catch fire as the rules for alchemist's fire with a Reflex save to negate.
Swipe (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 4 Minimum Rhythm: 1 Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: instantaneous As a swift action, the breakdancer performs the trip combat maneuver. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Terrified Jitterbug (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 12 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Duration: see text If the breakdancer is frightened at the beginning of his turn, he may expend 2 rhythm. If he does, he may act as though he is shaken, not frightened, until the end of his turn. Thunderous Footfalls (Su) Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: 1 round/2 levels As a swift action, the breakdancer invests a small measure of sonic energy in his limbs. The DC to cast spells defensively increases by +2 for all enemies that are within his threatened area. This increase to casting spells defensively applies even if the breakdancer is not are aware of the enemy's location.
Wild Gyrations (Su) Requires: Breakdancer 8 Rhythm Cost: 2 Duration: 1 round/level As a swift action, the breakdancer goes into a wild dancing frenzy, granting himself a 30-ft. fly speed with clumsy maneuverability. If the breakdancer does not perform a dance move each round, this dance move ends immediately at the end of his turn. With the Beat [stance] (Ex) Requires: Breakdancer 6 Minimum Rhythm: 2 Rhythm Cost: 1 Duration: see text As a standard action, the breakdancer becomes one with the beat. At the beginning of his turn, the breakdancer gains temporary hit points equal to his rhythm. These temporary hit points last for 1 round. If the breakdancer's rhythm is ever equal to 0, this dance move ends immediately. A breakdancer can only be in one stance at a time. Using a stance dance move ends any other stance dance move currently in effect on the breakdancer, if any.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have breakdancers as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – Whenever the breakdancer performs a drop, he gains fast healing equal to half the number of times he has selected this favored class bonus, rounded down, minimum 1, for 1 round. Drow – Creatures affected by the breakdancer's drops take a -1 penalty to Fortitude saves for 1 round in addition to the drop's other effects. A DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save negates. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 5 times, the breakdancer may choose whether or not to attempt to penalize each creature affected by his drops. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 10 times, creatures that fail their Fortitude saves against this effect are also fatigued for 1 round. Dwarf – The breakdancer has DR 1/piercing for every two rhythm he possesses, to a maximum of DR X/piercing, where X is one third the number of times he has taken this favored class bonus, rounded down. Elf – Add +1/6 of a dance move. Gnome – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a standard score or a drop score. The breakdancer treats his composer level as though it were +1 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of that score. This bonus does not stack. Halfelf – Add +1/6 of a dance move. Halfling – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, the breakdancer may perform a drop once per day without consuming duration from the currentlyconducted score. He must choose to use this ability before performing the drop. Halforc – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, the breakdancer may increase the duration of effect of a drop to 2 rounds. He must choose to use this ability before performing the drop, and the effects of this extended drop end immediately if he performs another drop. Hobgoblin – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, the breakdancer may increase the duration of effect of a drop to 2 rounds. He must choose to use this ability before performing the drop, and the effects of this extended drop end immediately if he performs another drop.
The Breakdancer
Kitsune – The breakdancer may expend 1 rhythm to cast any 0th-level illusion spell as a spell-like ability, using his breakdancer level as his caster level. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected. In addition, once this favored class bonus has been selected 10 times, the breakdancer selects a 1st-level illusion spell. The breakdancer may expend 3 rhythm to cast the selected 1st-level illusion spell as a spell-like ability once per day, using his breakdancer level as his caster level. Kobold – Add +1/6 of a dance move. Orc – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, the breakdancer may perform a drop once per day without consuming duration from the currentlyconducted score. He must choose to use this ability before performing the drop. Puddling – Creatures affected by the breakdancer's drops are dazzled for 1 round in addition to the drop's other effects. A DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save negates. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 5 times, the breakdancer may choose whether or not to attempt to dazzle each creature affected by his drops. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 10 times, creatures that fail their Fortitude save against the dazzle effect take 1d4 points of damage. This damage is maximized against oozes and creatures with light sensitivity. Tiefling – Whenever the breakdancer performs a drop, he may deal damage equal to half the number of times he has selected this favored class bonus, rounded down, minimum 1, to a single creature within 30 feet. A DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save negates. Vanara – Every 3 times this favored class bonus is selected, choose a standard score or a drop score. The breakdancer treats his composer level as though it were +1 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of that score. This bonus does not stack. Vishkanya – Creatures affected by the breakdancer's drops take a -1 penalty to Fortitude saves for 1 round in addition to the drop's other effects. A DC 10 + the number of times this favored class bonus has been selected Fortitude save negates. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 5 times, the breakdancer may choose whether or not to attempt to penalize each creature affected by his drops. Once this favored class bonus has been selected 10 times, creatures that fail their Fortitude saves against this effect are also fatigued for 1 round.
Human – Add +1/5 to the breakdancer's maximum rhythm.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Breakdancer Composition Summary Intro Accelerando - Increases base land speed of those within 30 feet by +5 feet per round. Anthem of the Dutiful Knight - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Ethereal knight readies an action to attack those who attack the conductor. Blaring Note - Intro deafens all creatures within 30 feet with a Fortitude save to negate. Starting at 5th level, deals sonic damage with no saving throw. Bow to Your Partner - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (illusion). All allies within 30 feet gain an illusory double, as the mirror image spell. Cacophonic Crescendo - All other creatures within 30 feet of the conductor take 1d3 sonic damage each round, increasing by 1d3 each subsequent round to a maximum of 1d3 for every two composer levels. Starting at 10th level, rate of increase doubles. Fortitude negates. Cadenza - Req. Leadership. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor gains double benefit from melodies for 1 round, but no other creatures are affected by the melodies for that round. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. I've Got Rhythm - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor gains 1 temporary rhythm which lasts for 1 round. Klangfarbenmelodie - Req. Composer level 5th, Spellcraft 5 ranks. The conductor can change instrumentation as a standard action, making creatures who rendered themselves immune to melodies vulnerable again. Last March of the Stone Giants - Req. Composer level 4th, Knowledge (history) 6 ranks. All allies within 30 feet gain DR 2/- for 1 round. This DR increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Now is the Time of Hammer! - Req. Composer level 6th. Conductor conjures a greatclub with an enhancement bonus equal to 1/3 his composer level. Hammer attacks are a force effect. This intro cannot be added to a drop score. Powerful Note - All melodies with a radius of effect have that radius doubled for 1 round. Relaxing Exposition - Req. Composer level 6th. All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This fast healing increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Say it Loud! - The range and radius of effect of the score's outro is doubled. Staccato - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet are keen for 1 round. The Bellowing Skald - Conductor gains 1 bellowing charge + 1 for every six composer levels. May expend 1 bellowing charge as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet the ability to double a single morale bonus for 1 round. Outro Almsgiver - Conductor receives a bonus to Perform checks to earn a living equal to the remaining duration of the score. Consumes all remaining duration of score. Dissonant Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single foe within 30 feet takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of sonic damage per round conducted. Fortitude halves. Flaming Invective - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses for 1 round. Momentary Depression - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All foes within 30 feet are affected by the slow spell for 1 round. Will negates. Momentary Elation - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All allies within 30 feet are affected by the haste spell for 1 round. Pick it Up! - The conductor may make an additional move action on his next turn. Rejuvenating Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single ally within 30 feet is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of damage per round conducted. Say it Proud! - Req. Composer level 2nd, Intimidate 3 ranks. All allies within 30 feet stand up from prone as a free action and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made in response to this. Shuffling Coda - Req. Composer level 6th. A single foe within 30 feet provokes attacks of opportunity. Will negates. Thrumming Note - Req. Composer level 10th, Acrobatics 10 ranks. Blast of sound trips creatures in a 30-foot radius. Trailing Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A score with this outro does not expend a round of daily duration the round it is triggered. Triumphant Shout - Req. Composer level 7th. All allies within 30 feet are immune to fear for 2 rounds, plus an additional round for every three composer levels beyond 7th.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Breakdancer
Intro/Outro Energico - Req. Composer level 7th. If used as an intro, the conductor begins conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor ceases conducting as a move action and may begin conducting another score this round. Piercing Scream - Req. Composer level 10th. When triggered, the conductor confuses creatures in a 20-foot cone for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Melody Anthem of the Superior - Req. Composer level 4th or drow. Creatures who strike the conductor in melee are shaken for 1 round. Will negates. Blazing Glory - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor's weapons deal an additional 1d3 fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Booming Theme - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (evocation). Once per round, an ally within 30 feet can shout, dealing 2d4 sonic damage and demoralizing in a 10-foot burst. Fortitude halves damage and negates demoralization. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Buffering Blare - Creatures within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against sonic spells and bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Can't Touch This! - Req. Acrobatics 4 ranks. Conductor gains a dodge bonus to AC against creatures he hits in melee. Capriccio - Req. Composer level 4th. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to class level for the purpose of determining the effects of bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Clarion Call - Req. Knowledge (history) 4 ranks. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Clarity of the Song - Composer level 10th, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (divination). Allies within 30 feet cannot be flanked unless all are flanked. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Crackling Tension - Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (evocation). Allies within 30 feet deal 1 electricity damage and 1 sonic damage to creatures that strike them in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cumulative Backlash - Composer level 4th, Spell Focus (evocation). Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Creatures within 30 feet that take 5 or more damage of the chosen type from a single source take a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round. Deceptive Cadence - The DC of the score's outro increases by +1. Defiant Anthem - Allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Drumroll - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity. This melody can be taken multiple times. Empowering Tune - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet who deal damage of the chosen type deal an additional point of damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Etude - Req. Spell Focus (enchantment). All other bards and composers within 30 feet get a +1 bonus to the DC of their scores and bardic performances. Focused Dissonance - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of sonic damage. This melody may be taken multiple times. Gracioso - Req. Perform (any) 3 ranks. The conductor gains a +1 morale bonus to Dexterity. This melody can be taken multiple times. I Will Be Heard! - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor becomes immune to the deafened condition and ignores areas of magical or supernatural silence or sound dampening. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Inspire Accuracy - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Might - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Tactics - Choose bull rush, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 enhancement bonus to combat maneuver checks made to perform the chosen combat maneuver. This melody can be taken multiple times. Interlude - Req. Composer level 10th. The conductor can suppress a melody for a time in order to make it more powerful later. Internalized Ferocity - Req. Any one of - Composer level 4th, orc, half-orc. The conductor gains a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Harmony - The conductor gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Invigoration - Req. Composer level 10th, Heal 4 ranks. The conductor gains fast healing 2 that stacks with other forms of fast healing. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Internalized Vorpality - Req. Composer level 8th, Improved Critical. Weapons the conductor wields that are subject to a critical threat range multiplier receive a +1 bonus to their critical threat range. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interposing Notation - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Conjured musical notes grant allies within 30 feet concealment against mundane ranged attacks. Invigorating Melody - All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Knightly Chant - All allies within 30 feet gain DR 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. Marching Cadence - All allies within 30 feet gain a +10-foot bonus to their base land speed. This melody can be taken twice. Ode to the Barkeep - Req. Composer level 4th or dwarf. When inside a tavern, expensive alcohol is treated as potions of cure light wounds with a caster level equal to the HD of the owner of that tavern. Resilient Measure - Choose a school of magic. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Roar of the Meek - Req. Composer level 9th. Each round, allies within 30 feet are entitled to a new saving throw against fear effects. If successful, +2 morale bonus to damage for 1 round and fear effect ends. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Rumbling Tones - Req. Composer level 6th, Intimidate 3 ranks. A 10-foot radius centered on the conductor becomes difficult terrain, but settles back down as the conductor moves. Sea Shanty - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Snarling Chant - Req. Composer level 4th or hobgoblin. All allies who begin a charge within 30 feet get a +2 morale bonus to damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Sonic Boom - Whenever the conductor hits a creature in melee, that creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fortitude negates. Steady Beat - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. The Earth's Bounty - Food within 30 feet is retroactively cooked with superior skill and has foodborne pathogens and toxins removed. The Jokester - Req. Composer level 4th or gnome. All attacks made against creatures within 30 feet have a 10% miss chance. If missed in melee, attacker takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Under the Big Top - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Acrobatics and Perform skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Cantor Some venerate their god with blood and steel, others with prayer and tithe. Still others take up their deity's mantle and make spreading the word a lifelong goal. That said, none of these individuals are as vital to the longterm success of a religion as is a talented cantor. Cantors are masters of musical composition who have applied their talents to the furtherance of a divine platform. While most have cast their lot in with a specific deity, some cling to an abstract concept or ideal. Whatever it is that has enamored them, all cantors react to the object of their divine affections in the same way: they write music about it. From simple offering music to glorious protestations of the might and right of their cause, the work of a cantor is expertly tuned to elicit the precise emotions needed to temper a mob of peasants into a devoted following. In short, every god needs at least one.
The Cantor
Author: Jason Linker. Role: Cantors combine divine magic with the power of musical composition. Being less offensively-oriented than perhaps any other type of composer, the cantor nevertheless brings the supernatural aspects of divine magic to bear, granting her a level of tactical flexibility that dwarfs most other professions. Alignment: A cantor's alignment must be within one step of her deity's, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis. Hit Die: d6. Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less.
Table: The Cantor
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Class Skills
The cantor’s class skills are Appraise (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
A cantor must get 8 hours of sleep and study her composition book for 1 hour in order to change her scores. A cantor does not need to study her composition book each day to refresh her daily uses of the conduct composition class feature (see below). Rather, in order to refresh her daily uses of the conduct composition class feature, a cantor need only get 8 hours of sleep each night. In essence, a cantor need not study her composition book at all if she is happy with her current score selection. Further, if separated from her composition book, a cantor can continue to use the scores she has already prepared until she is reunited with it.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier. Class Features All of the following are class features of the cantor. Weapon Proficiency: Cantors are proficient with all simple weapons. Armor Proficiency: Cantors are proficient with light armor and shields, but not tower shields.
Scores A cantor's primary source of power is the music that she uses to venerate the divine entity that she so adores. A score is a piece of music containing an intro, an outro, and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the cantor's composition book. A cantor begins play with two scores, plus additional scores equal to her Wisdom modifier / 3, rounded down, minimum 0. Each score must contain a single intro, a single outro, and a single melody. At 3rd level and every five levels thereafter, a cantor's mastery over music allows her to prepare scores with an additional melody, to a maximum of five melodies per score at 18th level. At 5th level and every six levels thereafter, a cantor receives an additional score, for a total of five scores at 17th level. A cantor's composer level is equal to her cantor class level. To prepare or use a score, a cantor must have an Wisdom score equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a cantor's score is 10 + 1/2 the cantor's class level + the cantor's Wisdom modifier.
A cantor begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro, 1 outro, and her choice of an additional intro or outro. Her composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 1 + her Wisdom modifier, minimum 1. At each new cantor level, a cantor gains one intro or outro for which she meets all of the prerequisites, as well as one melody for which she meets all of the prerequisites. At any time, a cantor may copy intros, outros, and melodies, known collectively as "compositions", found in other composition books to her own. Given the highly complex nature of what a cantor works with, special inks and paper are required. The special paper is, luckily, identical to that found in wizard spellbooks, thus allowing a cantor to buy a spellbook and scrawl "composition book" on the front cover. Further, any magic items designed to record wizard spells can record compositions without a problem. The ink cost to record a composition is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. For example, a melody that requires 4 ranks in a skill effectively requires a minimum level of 4th and costs 400 gp to record, while an intro that requires the Improved Initiative feat effectively requires a minimum level of 1st and costs 100 gp to record. Compositions take up a number of pages equal to the effective minimum level of the composition. Specialty stores are known to carry compositions in convenient folios. Given the high cost of copying these compositions to a primary composition book after purchase, many experienced composers are known to have a small library of compositions and musical theory on their person. The market price of these folios is 150 gp times the effective minimum level of the composition. A folio of effective minimum level 10 or lower weighs 1 pound, while a folio of effective minimum level 11 and above weighs 2 pounds.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Spells A cantor knows divine spells drawn from the cantor spell list. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. Every cantor spell has a somantic component (conducting). To learn or cast a spell, a cantor must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a cantor's spell is 10 + the spell level + the cantor's Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a cantor can only cast a certain number of spells per day. Unlike other spellcasters, however, the cantor is not limited by spell level. Instead, a cantor can cast each spell she knows once per day. In addition, the cantor's understanding of magic makes the use of metamagic, whether via feat, item, or class feature, absolutely impossible. To that end, a cantor cannot take metamagic feats. This limitation also includes orisons. A cantor's spells known is given on Table: Cantor Spells Known. Rather than receive bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score, a cantor instead learns new spells if she has a high Charisma score. New spells learned in this manner can be cast once per day just like any other spell. See Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells. Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third cantor level after that (10th, 13th, and so on), a cantor can choose to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the cantor “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest level cantor spell the cantor can cast. A cantor may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level. A cantor need not prepare her spells in advance; however, a cantor's daily use of each spell she knows does not replenish itself unless she gets 8 hours of rest each night. No study is required. In addition to the spells gained by a cantor as she increases in level, a good-aligned cantor automatically learns the following spells at the indicated levels: cure light wounds (3rd), cure moderate wounds (6th), cure serious wounds (9th), cure critical wounds (12th), cure light wounds, mass (15th), and cure moderate wounds, mass (18th). Similarly, an evil-aligned cantor automatically learns the following spells at the indicated levels: inflict light wounds (3rd), inflict moderate wounds (6th), inflict serious wounds (9th), inflict critical wounds (12th), inflict light wounds, mass (15th), inflict moderate wounds, mass (18th). At 2nd level, a neutral cantor of a neutral deity (or a neutral cantor who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she is treated as a good cantor or an evil cantor for the purpose of this ability. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines whether the cantor can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting) and what kind of energy she channels (see channel energy).
The Cantor
Conduct Composition: At 1st level, a cantor has learned how to conduct her scores in such a way that she unleashes their divine potential. Each individual score can be conducted for a number of rounds per day equal to the cantor's ranks in the Perform (conducting) skill + her Wisdom modifier. Starting to conduct a score is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. When a cantor starts to conduct a score, the intro effect chosen for that score triggers immediately, while all melody effects start immediately and persist for as long as the score is performed. A cantor can end a performance in one of two ways. First, she can simply stop conducting as a free action; however, ending a performance in this manner does not trigger the score's outro effect. Secondly, she can end the performance with a proper flourish as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If she ends a score in this manner, the score's outro effect triggers. If a cantor stops conducting a score as a free action, she cannot start conducting another score that round. Conducting a score cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the cantor is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A cantor cannot have more than one score in effect at one time. All scores that a cantor conducts rely on audible components unless otherwise noted. Domain A cantor's deity influences her alignment, what magic she can perform, her values, and how others see her. A cantor chooses one domain from among those belonging to her deity. A cantor can select an alignment domain (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) only if her alignment matches that domain. If a cantor is not devoted to a particular deity, she still selects a domain to represent her spiritual inclinations and abilities (subject to GM approval). The restriction on alignment domains still applies. Each domain grants a number of domain powers, depending on the level of the cantor. A cantor does not gain the bonus spells listed for each domain, nor does she gain bonus spell slots. The cantor uses her level as her effective cleric level when determining the power and effect of her domain powers. If the cantor has cleric levels, one of her two cleric domains must match her cantor domain. Levels of cleric and cantor stack for the purpose of determining domain powers and abilities, but not for bonus spells. Worshipful Performance (Ex): At 1st level, a cantor has learned to infuse her music with the strength of her belief. If a cantor's Wisdom modifier is greater than her Charisma modifier, she adds her Wisdom modifier instead of her Charisma modifier to her ranks in the Perform skill to calculate her skill modifier.
Strange Magic
Channel Energy (Su): Starting at 2nd level. a cantor can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through song. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted. A good cantor (or a neutral cantor who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. An evil cantor (or a neutral cantor who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. A neutral cantor of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) must choose whether she channels positive or negative energy. Once this choice is made, it cannot be reversed. This decision also determines the cantor's bonus spells (see spells) and whether the cantor can cast spontaneous cure or inflict spells (see spontaneous casting). Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30foot radius centered on the cantor. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two cantor levels beyond 2nd (2d6 at 4th, 3d6 at 6th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the cantor's level + the cantor's Charisma modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A cantor may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier, minimum 1. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A cantor can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect. A cantor's channel energy includes verbal components. Devotion (Ex): At 3rd level, the cantor gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks made against a creature who worships the same faith or ideal as she does. This bonus increases by +1 at 7th level and every four levels therefter. Spontaneous Casting At 3rd level, a good cantor (or a neutral cantor of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells. The cantor can “sacrifice” the ability to cast one of her spells known in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name). An evil cantor (or a neutral cantor of an evil deity) can't convert uncast spells to cure spells, but can convert them to inflict spells (an inflict spell is one with “inflict” in its name). A cantor who is neither good nor evil and whose deity is neither good nor evil can convert spells to either cure spells or inflict spells (player's choice). Once the player makes this choice, it cannot be reversed. This choice also determines the cantor's bonus spell selection (see spells) and whether the cantor channels positive or negative energy (see channel energy).
Interjection Games
Musicae Sacrae: Every now and then, a cantor creates a work of such profound beauty that altering it in any way would be heresy. A work like this is known as a musica sacra. Like standard scores, all musicae sacrae are conducted as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, are maintained as a free action, and can be stopped as a free action. Any standard score being conducted, if any, is immediately ended when a musica sacra begins and no standard score can be conducted when a musica sacra is being conducted. No outro effect occurs when a score is ended by a musica sacra. Unlike standard scores, a musica sacra can only be used once per day. At 5th level and every four cantor levels thereafter, the cantor selects a musica sacra from the list below. Musicae sacrae can be selected multiple times. Each time, the number of times that particular musica sacra can be used per day increases by +1. All musicae sacrae rely on audible components. Anthem of the Juggernaut (Su): This musica sacra nests itself in the heart of a single individual, causing a momentary ascension that can only be referred to as the creation of a juggernaut. A single willing creature within 60 feet of the cantor increases in size by two size categories; however, rather than gaining the typical ability score adjustments for changing size, the creature is granted a size bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution equal to 2 + 1/3 the cantor's level, as well as fast healing equal to the cantor's Wisdom modifier. This musica sacra lasts for 2d6 rounds or until the cantor stops conducting, but ends immediately if the juggernaut is more than 60 feet away from the cantor at any time. Recommended music: Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss Death and Decay (Su): Slow and mournful, this musica sacra weeps for the very life it is taking away. A single creature within 60 feet of the cantor takes 1 point of ability drain to all ability scores each round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the cantor's class level + the cantor's Wisdom modifier to negate. At 13th level, this musica sacra deals 2 points of ability drain to all ability scores each round instead. This musica sacra lasts for 1 minute or until the cantor stops conducting, but ends immediately if the victim is ever more than 60 feet away from the cantor at any time. A cantor must be at least 9th level and worship an evil or neutral god to take this musica sacra. Recommended music: Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig von Beethoven Faith Healing (Sp): Bright and hopeful, this musica sacra promises better times. When this musica sacra begins, all allies within 60 feet of the cantor are cured of conditions as though they were affected by the heal spell. If performed until its duration expires, allies within 60 feet of the cantor are healed for 5 points of damage per cantor level. This musica sacra lasts for 3 rounds or until the cantor stops conducting. A cantor must be at least 13th level to take this musica sacra. Recommended Music: Piano Sonata #16 in C Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Gloriana (Su): An exultant choir rings forth, singing of a great divine birth. Should an ally within 60 feet die, this musica sacra ends immediately and that ally becomes subject to the breath of life spell with a caster level equal to the cantor's class level. Gloriana can affect allies killed by death effects. A cantor must be at least 13th level to take this musica sacra. Recommended Music: Gloria in excelsis deo Hands of an Angry God (Su): From the tone, there's no mistaking it. There's going to be a reckoning. The cantor gains the benefits of the divine power spell with a caster level equal to the cantor's class level for the duration of the performance. This musica sacra lasts for 1 round per cantor level or until the cantor stops conducting. Unlike other musicae sacrae, this musica sacra does not stop any standard score that is being conducted. By extension, a standard score can be conducted while this musica sacra is being conducted. Recommended Music: Finlandia by Jean Sibelius
The Cantor
Impending Apocalypse (Su): The sky darkens as a number of spectral shapes gather overhead. Upon conducting this musica sacra, the cantor nominates an area of up to one 10-foot cube per three class levels. All cubes must be connected and within 60 feet of the cantor. At the beginning of her next turn, if the cantor is still conducting, all creatures in nominated areas that are still within 60 feet of the cantor take 1d6 points of fire damage per cantor level with a DC 10 + 1/2 the cantor's class level + the cantor's Wisdom modifier Reflex save for half. Creatures that fail their save also catch fire as per the rules for alchemist's fire. Once this musica sacra deals damage, it ends immediately. Recommended music: The Ride of the Valkyries by Wilhelm Wagner
Table: Cantor Spells Known
Strange Magic
Realm of the Colossal (Sp): Power fills the cantor and the strength of divinity seeps from her being. She becomes a larger version of herself, terrifying to behold. The cantor grow increases in size by one size category; however, rather than gaining the typucal ability score adjustments for changing size, the cantor gains a +6 size bonus to Strength, a +4 size bonus to Constitution, a +6 enhancement bonus to natural armor, and spell resistance equal to 10 + her cantor level. The palpable divinity around the cantor causes all foes within 30 feet to become shaken. The aura’s effect is a mind-affecting fear effect. This musica sacra lasts for 1 round per cantor level or until the cantor stops conducting. A cantor must be at least 17th level to take this musica sacra. Recommended music: Symphony No. 5 in C Minor by Ludwig von Beethoven
Interjection Games
Rebirth (Sp): This musica sacra revels in the stuff of life itself. The cantor restores life to a deceased creature. The musica sacra can raise a creature that has been dead for no longer than 1 week per cantor level. Further, the soul of the deceased creature must be both free and willing to return. If the soul is not willing to return to the land of the living, then this open does nothing. There is no saving throw required; the soul has absolute control over whether or not it will return. Though the lacerations and wounds that caused death are restored by this musica sacra, the body to be raised must be totally accounted for. It need not be whole, a severed arm will re-attach itself over the course of this musica sacra, but everything must be present. Nonessential bits and pieces, such as fingers or even an entire limb, can be missing, but the creature will be raised without those bits and pieces. Mundane poisons and diseases are removed by this musica sacra, but magical poisons and diseases are not. Any ability scores damaged to 0 are raised to 1. Upon being raised by this musica sacra, the raised creature takes 1 permanent negative level. If the creature is 1st level, she takes 2 points of Constitution drain. If this would reduce the creature's Constitution to 0, it cannot be raised by this musica sacra. A raised creature has a number of hit points equal to its current hit dice. This musica sacra requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted conducting to complete. During this time, the cantor and the creature to be raised must never be more than 60 feet away, else the musica sacra is wasted. A cantor must be at least 13th level to take this musica sacra. Recommended music: Theme from a Summer Place by Max Steiner Requiem (Su): An exultant choir forms the core of this musica sacra. All allies within 60 feet of the cantor gain fast healing equal to 1 + 1/2 the cantor's class level for 5 rounds. Though the benefit granted is over time, the performance itself is instantaneous. Recommended music - Requiem in D minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Revelations of Faith (Su): The unknown unravels and becomes verifiable fact in the wake of this musica sacra. For the duration of the performance, the cantor gains access to the domain powers of an additional domain in her deity's portfolio. She may choose a new domain each time this musica sacra is performed, and any limited use per day domain abilities in the chosen domain are considered to be fully charged when the performance begins. This musica sacra lasts for 1 round per cantor level or until the cantor stops conducting. A cantor must be at least 9th level and worship a deity to take this musica sacra.
Aeria deLais, aasimar cantor
Recommended music: Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saëns
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Seraph's Embrace (Su): Bright, joyful tones are the hallmark of this musica sacra. Spirits are raised and protection simply feels assured. All allies within 60 feet of the cantor are warded by the music and gain Spell Resistance equal to 10 + the cantor's class level. Any creature attempting to directly attack a warded ally, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the creature can attack normally and is unaffected by that musica sacra. If the save fails, the creature can't follow through with the attack and that part of its action is lost. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This musica sacra does not prevent the warded ally from being attacked or affected by area of effect spells. If a warded ally attacks, the musica sacra ends immediately for that individual; however, the ally may use nonattack spells or otherwise act. This musica sacra lasts for 2d6 rounds or until the cantor stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if she is ever more than 60 feet away from the cantor at any time. A cantor must worship a good or neutral god to select this musica sacra. Recommended music: Ode to Joy by Ludwig von Beethoven Titanic Mobilization (Su): Great, triumphant sounds herald a cosmic superpower going to war with no interest in holding anything back. All allies within 60 feet of the cantor are infused with supernatural vigor. All class features with a daily limit measured in rounds of use, such as a barbarian's rage or a bard's bardic performance, gain +2 temporary rounds of duration. Similarly, all class features with a number of daily uses equal to X + a certain ability modifier, such as a cleric's channel energy or various domain powers and sorcerer bloodline abilities, gain +1 temporary daily use. All class features with a point pool or number of daily uses equal to 1/2 class level + a certain ability modifier, class level + a certain ability modifier, or 2 * class level + a certain ability modifier, such as a monk's ki pool, a paladin's lay on hands, an edgewalker's radiance and shadow pools, or an herbalist's green thumb pool, gain +2 temporary points/uses. This musica sacra, and the temporary points/uses granted by it, lasts for rounds equal to half the cantor's class level or until the cantor stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the cantor at any time. A cantor must be at least 9th level to take this opus. Recommended Music - The Planets, Op 32: Mars, the Bringer of War by Gustav Holst
The Cantor
Divine Calling (Su): The cantor gains a pool of domain points, a measure of her personal connection with the deity she has venerated with her music for so long. The number of points in a cantor’s domain is 21. The cantor may cast any 6th-level or lower domain spell from her chosen domain by expending domain points equal to the spell’s spell level. This does not consume a spell slot. The domain pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. Divine Fanbase (Su): The cantor has devised a hymn that so perfectly details the portfolio of her deity that her deity has become a ravenous fan of her work! The first failed saving throw that would result in the cantor’s death each day is retroactively treated as though she had rolled a natural 20 on that saving throw. If this would make the saving throw successful, then it retroactively becomes so. Given this protection is sourced from the direct intervention of the cantor’s deity, the benefits of this ability cannot be hindered by anything that cannot halt the full power of the cantor’s deity itself. At the GM’s discretion, some deities may be harder to stifle than others. Transcendent Hymns: The cantor’s scores carry a tiny fragment of her deity’s divine essence. Each of the cantor’s standard scores may contain one of the following melodies. Grace of the Deity (Su) Composition Type: Melody This melody directly calls forth a tiny fragment of the power of the cantor’s deity, which helps to ensure that the cantor lives to produce more of that wonderful music. Once per round, a creature within 30 feet of the cantor is healed for 3d8 points of damage. If the cantor channels positive energy, undead are damaged instead of curing their wounds. There is no saving throw. If the cantor channels negative energy, undead can have their wounds cured by this melody. For the purpose of this melody, the cantor treats positively-charged undead as though they were living creatures. Quelled Masses (Su) Composition Type: Melody Bow before your rightful god! All foes within 30 feet of the cantor take a -2 penalty to hit and a -2 penalty to damage rolls. In addition, creatures that strike the cantor take 1d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw allowed against any component of this melody. Smite the Unworthy (Su) Composition Type: Melody
Deus ex Musica At 20th level, a cantor’s personal connection with her deity has manifested itself in one of a number of tangible benefits. Select one of the abilities below.
Slow and menacing, this melody makes those who listen believe that they simply are not good enough. Once per round, a blast of pure divine energy strikes a single creature within 30 feet of the cantor, dealing 3d6 points of damage. There is no saving throw.
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Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have breakdancers as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar - Add +1/2 to damage when using positive energy against undead or using Alignment Channel to damage evil outsiders. Drow - Add +1/6 to the number of rounds all scores can be conducted each day. Dwarf - Every 3 times this bonus is selected, the cantor gets DR 1/bludgeoning whenever she is conducting. This bonus stacks. Elf - Add +1/2 to the number of rounds a single score can be conducted each day. Fetchling - Every 2 times this bonus is selected, the cantor gets DR 1/slashing whenever she is conducting in an area of dim light. This bonus stacks. Gnome - Add +1/3 to the cantor's total amount healed by a score when healing creatures of the animal, fey, and plant types.
Goblin - Every 5 times this bonus is selected, choose a score. As part of that score's outro, the cantor can throw or launch a firework at a creature within 30 feet as a swift action. A score can never grant the ability to throw or launch multiple fireworks in this fashion. Halfelf - Add +1/3 to the amount of damage dealt or damage healed when the cantor uses channel energy. Halfing - Add +1 to Perform checks made to make a living during downtime. Halforc - Every 3 times this bonus is selected, the cantor gets DR 1 / piercing whenever she is conducting. This bonus stacks. Hobgoblin - Add +1/3 to negative energy spell or composition damage, including inflict spells. Human - Every 2 times this bonus is selected, the cantor may learn a new melody. Kobold - Add +1/3 to the Difficulty Class of all scores if the victim is a gnome. Puddling - Add +1 foot to the radius of effect of the cantor's melodies. (+5 feet to the radius every 5 times the cantor takes this bonus) Sylph - Every 2 times this bonus is selected, the cantor gets DR 1/slashing whenever she is conducting while not touching the ground. This bonus stacks. Tiefling - Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Cantor
Cantor Spell List Table: Cantor 0th‐Level Spells
Table: Cantor 1st‐Level Spells
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Table: Cantor 2nd‐Level Spells
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Cantor
Table: Cantor 3rd‐Level Spells
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Table: Cantor 4th‐Level Spells
Table: Cantor 5th‐Level Spells
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Cantor
Table: Cantor 6th‐Level Spells
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Cantor Composition Summary Intro Ambitious Theme - Req. Composer level 9th. Score contains two additional melody slots, but consumes an additional round of daily duration each round. Anthem of the Dutiful Knight - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Ethereal knight readies an action to attack those who attack the conductor. Blaring Note - Intro deafens all creatures within 30 feet with a Fortitude save to negate. Starting at 5th level, deals sonic damage with no saving throw. Cadenza - Req. Leadership. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor gains double benefit from melodies for 1 round, but no other creatures are affected by the melodies for that round. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Chorale - Req. Composer level 8th. Allied bards and maestros extend the range of the conductor's performance. Expresivo - Req. Composer level 7th, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks. Mind-affecting abilities contained in a score with this intro affect creatures that are immune to mind-affecting abilities, but not creatures that are normally vulnerable to them. Fill with Purpose - Req. Composer level 4th. The conductor gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC for the duration of the performance. This bonus increases by +1 for every six composer levels. Invocation of Beatitude - Req. Composer level 9th, Extra Channel or Improved Channel. If the conductor channels positive energy, living allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1 and the benefits of protection from evil. If the conductor channels negative energy, undead allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1 and the benefits of protection from good. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Klangfarbenmelodie - Req. Composer level 5th, Spellcraft 5 ranks. The conductor can change instrumentation as a standard action, making creatures who rendered themselves immune to melodies vulnerable again. Last March of the Stone Giants - Req. Composer level 4th, Knowledge (history) 6 ranks. All allies within 30 feet gain DR 2/- for 1 round. This DR increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Pianissimo - Req. Composer level 12th. The radius of the score's melodies is halved, but each melody that can be taken multiple times is taken an additional time. Powerful Note - All melodies with a radius of effect have that radius doubled for 1 round. Relaxing Exposition - Req. Composer level 6th. All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This fast healing increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Uplift - Req. Composer level 6th, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. All allies within 30 feet gain composer level temporary hit points for the duration of the performance. Outro Almsgiver - Conductor receives a bonus to Perform checks to earn a living equal to the remaining duration of the score. Consumes all remaining duration of score. Anthem of Good Health - Req. Composer level 9th. Outro removes non-magical disease in a 30-foot radius. A score with this outro contains one fewer melody slots than normal. Encore! - Req. Composer level 13th. If the conductor has conducted the score for 5 or more rounds, he may begin to conduct it again at no cost for the next 1d4 rounds. End with a Whimper - Req. Composer level 13th, Heal 13 ranks. A single creature within 30 feet takes 12d6 + composer level damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Flaming Invective - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses for 1 round. Hush - Req. Composer level 4th. Creatures within 30 feet become incapable of speech for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Invigorating Coda - Req. Composer level 6th. Creatures within 30 feet heal for 1d8 + half composer level hit points. Rejuvenating Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single ally within 30 feet is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of damage per round conducted. The Fat Lady Cometh - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). A fat lady appears when the intro is triggered and capers about for the duration of the performance. She sings when the outro is triggered, stunning creatures within 10 feet. Fortitude negates. Trailing Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A score with this outro does not expend a round of daily duration the round it is triggered. Triumphant Shout - Req. Composer level 7th. All allies within 30 feet are immune to fear for 2 rounds, plus an additional round for every three composer levels beyond 7th. Trumpets of the Heavenly Host - Req. Composer level 16th. 15-foot cone of sound paralyzes for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. Warding Finale - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet ignore the next 3 points of damage per composer level of the chosen energy type.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Cantor
Intro/Outro Energico - Req. Composer level 7th. If used as an intro, the conductor begins conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor ceases conducting as a move action and may begin conducting another score this round. Melody Anthem of the Superior - Req. Composer level 4th or drow. Creatures who strike the conductor in melee are shaken for 1 round. Will negates. Blasphemous Desecration - Req. Composer level 11th, ability to channel negative energy. Light level is reduced by one step within 30 feet of the conductor. Creatures in the area take a -1 penalty to attack and damage, as well as 1 point of damage if they begin their turn in the area. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Blazing Glory - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor's weapons deal an additional 1d3 fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Bonds of Love - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor's healing spells with a range of touch have a range of close. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Buffering Blare - Creatures within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against sonic spells and bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Capriccio - Req. Composer level 4th. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to class level for the purpose of determining the effects of bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cast Like a Die - Req. Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination). Once per round, an ally within 30 feet of the conductor may reroll an attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check, but at a -2 penalty. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Celebrate the Feast - Req. Composer level 4th or halfling. Allies within 30 feet who listen for 5 rounds are satisfied as though they had eaten a full meal. Chantey - Req. Ability to cast 2nd-level spells. The conductor gets a +1 bonus to caster level. This melody takes up two melody slots. Clarion Call - Req. Knowledge (history) 4 ranks. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Deceptive Cadence - The DC of the score's outro increases by +1. Defiant Anthem - Allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Disrupting Tune - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet have resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Elegy for the Yet Living - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks. Once per round, the conductor may fire a ray with a range of 30 feet, dealing 1d3 damage and healing for that amount. This melody can be taken multiple times. Etude - Req. Spell Focus (enchantment). All other bards and composers within 30 feet get a +1 bonus to the DC of their scores and bardic performances. Exultation - Req. Composer level 9th. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to saving throws made against death effects or spells and abilities that kill on a failed saving throw. This melody can be taken multiple times. Flaming Steel - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage. This melody may be taken multiple times. Ghostly Wailing - Req. Composer level 3rd, Spell Focus (illusion). All foes within 30 feet take a -1 penalty to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Glorious Consecration - Req. Composer level 11th, ability to channel positive energy. Light level is increased by one step within 30 feet of the conductor. Allies in that area gain a +1 sacred bonus to attack and damage, and gain a temporary hit point if beginning their turn in the area. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Inspire Accuracy - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Might - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Terror - Req. Composer level 8th, Intimidate 10 ranks. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor are shaken on a failed Will save and remain shaken for as long as they remain in the area of effect. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interlude - Req. Composer level 10th. The conductor can suppress a melody for a time in order to make it more powerful later. Internalized Harmony - The conductor gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Invigoration - Req. Composer level 10th, Heal 4 ranks. The conductor gains fast healing 2 that stacks with other forms of fast healing. This melody can be taken multiple times. Interposing Notation - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Conjured musical notes grant allies within 30 feet concealment against mundane ranged attacks.
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Introspective Theme - All allies within 30 feet receive a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Invigorating Melody - All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Knightly Chant - All allies within 30 feet gain DR 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. March of Progress - Req. any one of - Composer level 4th, half-elf, half-orc, or human. Allies within 30 feet gain a +4 insight bonus on their next Craft check made to produce a mundane item, increasing to +6 if it is a novel construction. Lasts 24 hours. Music Given Life - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor summons an air elemental that deafens those it hits. Ode to the Barkeep - Req. Composer level 4th or dwarf. When inside a tavern, expensive alcohol is treated as potions of cure light wounds with a caster level equal to the HD of the owner of that tavern. Oppressive Fate - Req. Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination). Once per round, the conductor can force a foe to reroll any ability check, attack roll, skill check, or saving throw and take the worse result, albeit at a +2 bonus for both rolls. Will negates. Reaper Among Us - Dying creatures within 30 feet cannot stabilize. Whenever a creature in range dies, the conductor gains 3 temporary hit points. Rebuffing Voice - Req. Composer level 4th. The conductor gains the benefits of the sanctuary spell. Resilient Measure - Choose a school of magic. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Sea Shanty - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Sonutechnics - Req. Composer level 4th or puddling. Once per round, the conductor fires a ray with a range of 30 feet, dealing 1d6 sonic damage on ranged touch. Enhanced effect against oozes and undead. Steady Beat - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Tearjerker - All foes within 30 feet become dazzled with a Will save to negate. The Earth's Bounty - Food within 30 feet is retroactively cooked with superior skill and has foodborne pathogens and toxins removed. Timeless Theme - Req. Composer level 4th or elf. Spells and abilities that would raise a corpse within 30 as an undead creature must make a DC 11 + composer level caster level check or fail.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Harmonicist Sound is merely vibration through a medium, and music is merely carefullyselected sound. While others may restrict themselves to established musical instruments in an effort to make the creative process easier, a harmonicist tends to go out of his way to find the strange and unusual. Role: Harmonicists are unique among composers thanks to their ability to induce harmonic vibration in bodies. As a result, a harmonicist's music generally affects one creature at a time, but his method allows him to strike up multiple scores at any one time. Alignment: Any. The harmonicist considers music to be both an art and a science, and this duality can be embraced by any moral philosophy.
The Harmonicist
Hit Die: d6 Starting Wealth: 2d6 x 10 gp (average 70 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Class Skills The harmonicist's class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Kickstarter Backer: Paul "Akimotos" Fijma. Author: Bradley Crouch.
Table: The Harmonicist
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Class Features All of the following are class features of the harmonicist. Weapon Proficiency: Harmonicists are proficient with simple weapons. Armor and Shield Proficiency: Harmonicists are proficient with shields, but not tower shields. Harmonicists are not proficient with any form of armor. In addition, harmonicists ignore the arcane spell failure chance normally incurred by the use of a shield, but not a tower shield. Scores A harmonicist's primary source of power stems from his deep understanding of vibrational harmonics. A score is a piece of music containing an intro, an outro, and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the harmonicist's composition book. A harmonicist begins play with two scores, plus additional scores equal to his Intelligence modifier / 2, rounded down, minimum 0. Each score must contain a single intro, a single outro, and a single melody. At 3rd level and every five levels thereafter, a harmonicist's mastery over music allows him to prepare scores with an additional melody, to a maximum of five melodies per score at 18th level. At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, a harmonicist receives an additional score, for a total of eight scores at 18th level. A harmonicist's composer level is equal to his class level. To prepare or use a score, a harmonicist must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a harmonicist's score is 10 + 1/2 the harmonicist's class level + the harmonicist's Intelligence modifier. Composition A harmonicist must get 8 hours of sleep and study his composition book for 1 hour in order to change his scores. A harmonicist does not need to study his composition book each day to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature (see below). Rather, in order to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature, a harmonicist need only get 8 hours of sleep each night. In essence, a harmonicist need not study his composition book at all if he is happy with his current score selection. Further, if separated from his composition book, a harmonicist can continue to use the scores he has already prepared until he is reunited with it. A harmonicist begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro, 1 outro, and his choice of an additional intro or outro. His composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier, minimum 1. At each new harmonicist level, a harmonicist gains one intro or outro for which he meets all of the prerequisites, as well as one melody for which he meets all of the prerequisites.
Interjection Games
At any time, a harmonicist may copy intros, outros, and melodies, known collectively as "compositions", found in other composition books to his own. Given the highly complex nature of what a harmonicist works with, special inks and paper are required. The special paper is, luckily, identical to that found in wizard spellbooks, thus allowing a harmonicist to buy a spellbook and scrawl "composition book" on the front cover. Further, any magic items designed to record wizard spells can record compositions without a problem. The ink cost to record a composition is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. For example, a melody that requires 4 ranks in a skill effectively requires a minimum level of 4th and costs 400 gp to record, while an intro that requires the Improved Initiative feat effectively requires a minimum level of 1st and costs 100 gp to record. Compositions take up a number of pages equal to the effective minimum level of the composition. Specialty stores are known to carry compositions in convenient folios. Given the high cost of copying these compositions to a primary composition book after purchase, many experienced composers are known to have a small library of compositions and musical theory on their person. The market price of these folios is 150 gp times the effective minimum level of the composition. A folio of effective minimum level 10 or lower weighs 1 pound, while a folio of effective minimum level 11 and above weighs 2 pounds.
Akimotos, harmonicist and dandy extraordinaire
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Conduct Composition: At 1st level, a harmonicist learns how to conduct his scores in such a way that he controls the nature of sound itself. Each individual score can be conducted for a number of rounds per day equal to half the harmonicist's ranks in the Perform (conducting) skill, rounded down, minimum 1, + his Intelligence modifier. Starting to conduct a score is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. When a harmonicist starts to conduct a score, the intro effect chosen for that score happens immediately, while all melody effects start immediately and persist for as long as the score is conducted. A harmonicist can end a performance in one of two ways. He can simply stop conducting as a free action; however, the score's outro effect does not happen in this case. He can also end with a flourish as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If he does so, the score's outro effect is triggered. If a harmonicist stops conducting as a free action, he cannot start conducting another score that round. Other practitioners of musical composition produce ghostly music that seemingly emanates from nowhere when they conduct. This is not so with a harmonicist. Instead, a harmonicist induces vibration within the body of a single creature within close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 composer levels) range. The radius of a score's intro or outro effect, if any, is centered upon the subject rather than the composer, while all melodies affect the subject and the subject alone. Further, all melodies that normally grant the composer an activated ability for the duration of the performance, such as the thunderstruck melody, grant that ability to the score's subject instead. Should the subject of the score move out of range of the harmonicist, the score ends immediately without triggering the outro effect. Conducting a score cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the harmonicist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A harmonicist begins play with the ability to have one harmonicist score in effect at once time. For every six harmonicist levels he possesses, he can maintain an additional score, to a maximum of four simultaneous harmonicist scores at 18th level. A harmonicist may never begin to perform a score if he is already performing it, and any individual creature cannot be the subject of more than one of the harmonicist's scores at any one time. A harmonicist cannot conduct a harmonicist score and a score from another composition class at the same time. As the harmonicist's unique usage of the composition book changes the behavior of most compositions he knows, all compositions that a harmonicist can know have separate effect language for how they behave when added to a harmonicist's score as opposed to any other composing class' score, if needed. The intros and outros of scores a harmonicist conducts rely on audible components. The melodies do not.
The Harmonicist
Scribe Folio (Ex): At 1st level, a harmonicist has mastered the technique of writing musical notation on paper. These recorded compositions, or folios, contain all of the information necessary to act as an extension of the composition book of any composer who uses it. In other words, scores can be prepared using compositions found in folios. The cost to create a folio is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. The effective minimum level of a composition, as well as the weight of the resulting folio, are discussed in the Composition section. A harmonicist can only scribe a single folio per day, but that folio can be of any cost and still be scribed in a single day. If he does so, he cannot craft magic items that day. Traveling Wave (Su): At 1st level, a harmonicist may change the subject of one of his ongoing scores to another creature in range as a swift action. Intro and outro effects are not triggered. As only harmonicist scores have a subject, only harmonicist scores can be affected by this ability. (Other composing classes may have individual melodies that have specific subjects, but only harmonicists target outright with the entire score.)
Counterpoint: At 2nd level, a harmonicist has mastered the art of adding secondary vibrations to his primary scores. A counterpoint is a special kind of score that contains a single melody, no intro, and no outro. Unlike a standard score, a counterpoint cannot be used with the conduct composition class feature. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the harmonicist may weave one of his counterpoints into all of his ongoing scores, effectively adding the melody contained in the counterpoint to all of those ongoing scores. If the counterpoint's melody can be taken multiple times, then when it is woven into an ongoing score with that same melody, the counterpoint's melody stacks with the ongoing score's melody. A harmonicist can only maintain a single woven counterpoint at any one time. Weaving a second counterpoint ends the first immediately, removing the first counterpoint's melody from all ongoing scores. If the harmonicist begins to conduct a new score after weaving a counterpoint into ongoing scores, then this new score does not benefit from the counterpoint. When a harmonicist studies his composition book to prepare his scores, he also prepares his counterpoints. A harmonicist gains his first counterpoint at 2nd level and gains an additional counterpoint for every three harmonicist levels beyond 2nd, to a maximum of seven counterpoints at 20th level.
Strange Magic
Front and Center: At 4th level, a harmonicist learns to give his counterpoints more freedom. While performing one or more standard scores with the conduct composition class feature, a harmonicist gains the ability to perform a single counterpoint score as though it were also compatible with the conduct composition class feature. Unlike conducting a standard score, conducting a counterpoint score does not provoke attacks of opportunity and may be done as a swift action if the harmonicist began to conduct a standard score in the same round. A harmonicist cannot weave a counterpoint score that is currently being conducted, and cannot conduct a counterpoint score that is currently being woven. A conducted counterpoint score can accept a woven counterpoint. If the harmonicist has no standard scores in effect, all counterpoint scores end immediately. Further, conducted counterpoint scores do not count toward the maximum number of scores the harmonicist can have in effect at any one time. Counterpoint scores have no finite daily duration, for they need none; instead, they simply feed off of the residual vibrational energy of ongoing standard scores. At 10th level, a harmonicist may perform up to two counterpoint scores in this manner at one time. At 16th level, a harmonicist may perform three counterpoint scores in this manner at one time. Bonus Feat: At 7th level and every six harmonicist levels thereafter, a harmonicist learns a single Composition feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites of this feat. Omniconducting (Su): At 20th level, a harmonicist gains a pool of omniconducting points, literally a measure of his amazing insights into the nature of sound and vibration. The number of points in a harmonicist's omniconducting pool is equal to 5. By spending 1 point from his omniconducting pool, a harmonicist can do one of the following: • Begin to conduct counterpoint scores as a free action for 1 round. • Use the traveling wave class feature as a free action for 1 round. • Grant each ongoing standard score 1 temporary round of daily duration that lasts for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. By spending 5 points from his omniconducting pool, a harmonicist can do the following: • Trigger the intro effect of all of his ongoing standard scores. This power is activated as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The omniconducting pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.
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Favored Class Bonuses
Favored Class Bonuses
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have harmonicists as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – Add +1/8 of a score. Any bonus scores gained in this manner have 4 rounds of daily duration. Drow – Add +1/2 of a round to the daily duration of one score. Dwarf – Add +1/8 of a bonus Composition feat. The harmonicist must meet the prerequisites of the feat. Elf – Add +1/6 of a counterpoint. Gnome – Add +1/8 of a score. Any bonus scores gained in this manner have 4 rounds of daily duration. Halfelf – Add +1/2 to the harmonicist's composer level for the purpose of determining the range of scores. Halfling – Add +1/2 of a round to the daily duration of one score. Halforc – Add +1/2 to the harmonicist's composer level for the purpose of determining the range of scores. Hobgoblin – Add +1/8 of a bonus Composition feat. The harmonicist must meet the prerequisites of the feat. Human – Add +1/2 to the harmonicist's composer level for the purpose of determining the range of scores. Kitsune – Add +1/8 of an omniconducting point. Once the harmonicist gains a full omniconducting point in this fashion, he has an omniconducting pool as detailed in the omniconducting class feature. When he reaches 20th level, he simply gains +5 points to the pool. Kobold – Add +1/2 to the damage dealt by the harmonicist's compositions to flat-footed creatures. Orc – Add +1/8 of a bonus Composition feat. The harmonicist must meet the prerequisites of the feat. Puddling – Add +1/8 of an omniconducting point. Once the harmonicist gains a full omniconducting point in this fashion, he has an omniconducting pool as detailed in the omniconducting class feature. When he reaches 20th level, he simply gains +5 points to the pool. Tiefling – Add +1/6 of a counterpoint. Vanara – Add +1/2 to the damage dealt by the harmonicist's compositions to flat-footed creatures. Vishkanya – Add + 1/6 of a counterpoint.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Harmonicist
Harmonicist Composition Summary Intro Accelerando - Increases base land speed of those within 30 feet of the subject by +5 feet per round. Acoustic Optimization - Req. Composer level 4th. Score has a range of medium. Ambitious Theme - Req. Composer level 9th. Score contains two additional melody slots, but consumes an additional round of daily duration each round. Anthem of the Dutiful Knight - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Ethereal knight readies an action to attack those who attack the subject. Blaring Note - Intro deafens all creatures within 30 feet of the subject with a Fortitude save to negate. Starting at 5th level, deals sonic damage with no saving throw. Bow to Your Partner - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (illusion). All of the subject's allies within 30 feet of the subject gain an illusory double, as the mirror image spell. Building Dissonance - Subject takes 1d3 sonic damage each round, increasing by 1d3 each subsequent round to a maximum of 1d3 for every two composer levels. Starting at 10th level, rate of increase doubles. Fortitude negates. Cadenza - Req. Leadership. A single ally within 30 feet of the subject gains double benefit from melodies for 1 round, but no other creatures are affected by the melodies for that round. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Complementary Waves - Req. Composer level 3rd. Those affected by score's melodies gain sonic resistance and are healed when this resistance totally negates sonic damage dealt by the score. Expresivo - Req. Composer level 7th, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks. Mind-affecting abilities contained in a score with this intro affect creatures that are immune to mind-affecting abilities, but not creatures that are normally vulnerable to them. Relaxing Exposition - Req. Composer level 6th. All of the subject's allies within 30 feet of the subject gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This fast healing increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Say it Loud! - The range and radius of effect of the score's outro is doubled. Staccato - Weapons wielded by the subject's allies within 30 feet of the subject are keen for 1 round. The Puppetmaster - Melodies that normally allow the subject to pick targets now have targets picked by the conductor. Outro Almsgiver - Conductor receives a bonus to Perform checks to earn a living equal to the remaining duration of the score. Consumes all remaining duration of score. Ambitious Finale - Req. Composer level 13th. Melodies continue for 1 round after performance ends. Dissonant Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single foe of the subject within 30 feet of the subject takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of sonic damage per round conducted. Fortitude halves. Encore! - Req. Composer level 13th. If the conductor has conducted the score for 5 or more rounds, he may begin to conduct it again at no cost for the next 1d4 rounds. Flaming Invective - Weapons wielded by the subject's allies within 30 feet of the subject deal an additional point of fire damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses for 1 round. Lingering Echoes - Score continues for 1 round rather than end when the subject moves out of range. Momentary Depression - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All of the subject's foes within 30 feet of the subject are affected by the slow spell for 1 round. Will negates. Momentary Elation - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All of the subject's allies within 30 feet of the subject are affected by the haste spell for 1 round. Rejuvenating Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single ally of the subject within 30 feet of the subject is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of damage per round conducted. Slap of the Miffed Composer - Req. Composer level 6th. Subject becomes dazed for 1 round if it made a successful saving throw against a composition in the last round. Fortitude negates. Trailing Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A score with this outro does not expend a round of daily duration the round it is triggered. Intro/Outro Energico - Req. Composer level 7th. If used as an intro, the conductor begins conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor ceases conducting as a move action and may begin conducting another score this round. Stereophonic - Req. Composer level 6th. Both intro and outro, NOT either/or. Conductor may conduct two scores in one action if both have this composition.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Melody Acquiring the Reins - Intro that normally affects allies or foes of the subject now affects allies or foes of the conductor. Amplification - The first time the subject deals sonic damage each round, he deals an additional 1d4 damage. Can be taken multiple times. Anthem of the Superior - Req. Composer level 4th or drow. Creatures who strike the subject in melee are shaken for 1 round. Will negates. Attenuation - Req. Composer level 9th. Subject is rendered mute. Fortitude negates. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Booming Theme - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (evocation). Once per round, the subject can shout, dealing 2d4 sonic damage and demoralizing in a 10-foot burst. Fortitude halves damage and negates demoralization. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Buffering Blare - The subject gains a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against sonic spells and bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cast Like a Die - Req. Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination). Once per round, the subject may reroll an attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check, but at a -2 penalty. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Celebrate the Feast - Req. Composer level 4th or halfling. If the subject listens for 5 rounds, it is satisfied as though it had eaten a full meal. Clarion Call - Req. Knowledge (history) 4 ranks. The subject gains a +1 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Crackling Tension - Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (evocation). The subject deals 1 electricity damage and 1 sonic damage to creatures that strike it in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cumulative Backlash - Composer level 4th, Spell Focus (evocation). Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. If the subject takes 5 or more damage of the chosen type from a single source, it takes a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round. Deceptive Cadence - The DC of the score's outro increases by +1. Defiant Anthem - The subject has a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Disrupting Tune - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The subject has resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Droning Melody - Req. Composer level 5th. The subject has its morale bonuses suppressed. A Will save negates. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Empowering Tune - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. If the subject deals damage of the chosen type, it deals an additional point of damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Focused Dissonance - Weapons wielded by the subject deal an additional point of sonic damage. This melody may be taken multiple times. Fortissimo - Req. Perform (any) 3 ranks. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Accuracy - The subject has a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Might - The subject has a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Tactics - Choose bull rush, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip. The subject has a +1 enhancement bonus to combat maneuver checks made to perform the chosen combat maneuver. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Terror - Req. Composer level 8th, Intimidate 8 ranks. The subject is shaken on a failed Will save and remains shaken for the duration. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interlude - Req. Composer level 10th. The conductor can suppress a melody for a time in order to make it more powerful later. Internalized Harmony - The subject gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Vorpality - Req. Composer level 8th, Improved Critical. Weapons the subject wields that are subject to a critical threat range multiplier receive a +1 bonus to their critical threat range. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interposing Notation - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Conjured musical notes grant the subject concealment against mundane ranged attacks. Invigorating Melody - The subject gains fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Knightly Chant - The subject gains DR 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. Marching Cadence - The subject gains a +10-foot bonus to its base land speed. This melody can be taken twice. Muffle - Req. Composer level 10th. Each round, the conductor can suppress the effects of any number of melodies for 1 round, dealing 2 sonic damage per melody slot suppressed. Fortitude halves. Resilient Measure - Choose a school of magic. The subject has a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Ripples of Sound - Req. Composer level 9th. Each round, a single melody present in the score affects nearby creatures.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Harmonicist
Rumbling Tones - Req. Composer level 6th, Intimidate 3 ranks. A 10-foot radius centered on the subject becomes difficult terrain, but settles back down as the subject moves. Sinusoidal Slam - Req. Composer level 7th. Once per round, the subject may stagger a creature within 30 feet for 1 round. Fortitude negates. Sonic Boom - Whenever the subject hits a creature in melee, that creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fortitude negates. Sonutechnics - Req. Composer level 4th or puddling. Once per round, the subject fires a ray with a range of 30 feet, dealing 1d6 sonic damage on ranged touch. Enhanced effect against oozes and undead. Steady Beat - The subject has a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Stretto - Req. Composer level 10th, Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks. Subject can produce 10-foot-long walls of sound that deal conductor's composer level sonic damage to those passing through. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Strident Invective - Req. Composer level 6th, Intimidate 5 ranks. Blast of sound deals 1d3 sonic damage each round. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thrown Falsetto - Req. Composer level 4th. Once per round, the subject deals 1d6 sonic damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Fortitude save for half. At 10th level, damage becomes 2d6. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thunderstruck - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks. Once per round, the subject deals 3d6 electricity damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Reflex save for half. This melody can be taken multiple times. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Vehement Invective - Incendiary sounds deal 1d4 fire damage each round. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times. Vibrato - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks. Manufactured weapons striking the subject in melee are damaged, while natural weapons striking the conductor in melee are damaged and their owners are dazed for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Vicious Ventriloquism - Req. Composer level 5th. The subject may scream once per round, dealing 1d4 points of sonic damage in a 5-foot burst centered within 30 feet of himself. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Maestro The great composers of the world are as renowned for their intellect as they are for their frequently enormous egos. Responsible for the innovations in musical composition and theory that are enjoyed by the public and subsequently used by performance professionals, such as bards, maestros are effectively the wizards of the musical world. Unlike wizards, however, the maestro is charismatic and a man of the people. He must be, for he is dependent upon them for his livelihood, which, given the aforementioned ego that is usually in play, veers toward the extravagant. Constantly seeking new material, some maestros dig deep into the fundamentals of music and attempt to change it up via totally theoretical means. Others seek inspiration from the world at large, adventuring being an excellent way to pay the bills while doing so.
Interjection Games
Role: Less physically capable than a bard, the maestro makes up for this shortcoming by being able to compose scores, or musical numbers that tap into the magic of music. Using their enhanced ability to direct music as they will, a maestro uses scores and magic in tandem to support their allies and suppress or destroy their enemies. Alignment: Any. Music is a universal language. To that end, it tends to draw in people of all walks of life and of all moral codes. Author: Bradley Crouch. Hit Die: d6
Table: The Maestro
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Class Skills
The maestro's class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (nobility), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha).
A maestro must get 8 hours of sleep and study his composition book for 1 hour in order to change his scores. A maestro does not need to study his composition book each day to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature (see below). Rather, in order to refresh his daily uses of the conduct composition class feature, a maestro need only get 8 hours of sleep each night. In essence, a maestro need not study his composition book at all if he is happy with his current score selection. Further, if separated from his composition book, a maestro can continue to use the scores he has already prepared until he is reunited with it.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier Class Features All of the following are class features of the maestro. Weapon Proficiency: Maestros are proficient with simple weapons. Armor and Shield Proficiency: Given their experience lugging around heavy instruments, maestros are proficient with shields, but not tower shields. Maestros are not proficient with any form of armor. In addition, maestros ignore the arcane spell failure chance normally incurred by the use of a shield, but not a tower shield.
Scores A maestro's primary source of power stems from an intellectual understanding of the music that more visceral practitioners, such as bards, take for granted and use without "real" effort. A score is a piece of music containing an intro, an outro, and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the maestro's composition book. A maestro begins play with two scores, plus additional scores equal to his Intelligence modifier / 3, rounded down, minimum 0. Each score must contain a single intro, a single outro, and a single melody. At 3rd level and every five levels thereafter, a maestro's mastery over music allows him to prepare scores with an additional melody, to a maximum of five melodies per score at 18th level. At 5th level and every six levels thereafter, a maestro receives an additional score, for a total of five scores at 17th level. A maestro's composer level is equal to his maestro class level.
A maestro begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro, 1 outro, and his choice of an additional intro or outro. His composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 1 + his Intelligence modifier, minimum 1. At each new maestro level, a maestro gains one intro or outro for which he meets all of the prerequisites, as well as one melody for which he meets all of the prerequisites. At any time, a maestro may copy intros, outros, and melodies, known collectively as "compositions", found in other composition books to his own. Given the highly complex nature of what a maestro works with, special inks and paper are required. The special paper is, luckily, identical to that found in wizard spellbooks, thus allowing a maestro to buy a spellbook and scrawl "composition book" on the front cover. Further, any magic items designed to record wizard spells can record compositions without a problem. The ink cost to record a composition is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. For example, a melody that requires 4 ranks in a skill effectively requires a minimum level of 4th and costs 400 gp to record, while an intro that requires the Improved Initiative feat effectively requires a minimum level of 1st and costs 100 gp to record. Compositions take up a number of pages equal to the effective minimum level of the composition. Specialty stores are known to carry compositions in convenient folios. Given the high cost of copying these compositions to a primary composition book after purchase, many experienced composers are known to have a small library of compositions and musical theory on their person. The market price of these folios is 150 gp times the effective minimum level of the composition. A folio of effective minimum level 10 or lower weighs 1 pound, while a folio of effective minimum level 11 and above weighs 2 pounds.
To prepare or use a score, a maestro must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a maestro's score is 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier.
Strange Magic
Spells A maestro knows arcane spells drawn from the maestro spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. Every maestro spell has a somantic component (conducting). To learn or cast a spell, a maestro must have an Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a maestro's spell is 10 + the spell level + the maestro's Charisma modifier. Like other spellcasters, a maestro can only cast a certain number of spells per day. Unlike other spellcasters, however, the maestro is not limited by spell level. Instead, a maestro can cast each spell he knows once per day. This limitation also includes cantrips. A maestro's spells known is given on Table: The Maestro. Rather than receive bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score, a maestro instead learns new spells if he has a high Charisma score. New spells learned in this manner can be cast once per day just like any other spell. See Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells.
Interjection Games
Conducting a score cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the maestro is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A maestro cannot have more than one score in effect at one time. All scores that a maestro conducts rely on audible components unless otherwise noted. Insightful Performance (Ex): At 1st level, a maestro has learned to approach music from both an intellectual standpoint and an emotional standpoint. If a maestro's Intelligence modifier is greater than his Charisma modifier, he adds his Intelligence modifier to his ranks in the Perform skill to calculate his skill modifier. If done, this replaces the addition of his Charisma modifier to calculate his Perform skill modifier.
Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third maestro level after that (10th, 13th, and so on), a maestro can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the maestro “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level maestro spell the maestro can cast. A maestro may swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known for the level. A maestro need not prepare his spells in advance; however, a maestro's daily use of each spell he knows does not replenish itself unless he gets 8 hours of rest each night. No study is required. Conduct Composition: At 1st level, a maestro has learned how to conduct his scores in such a way that he unleashes the magic inherent in the melody. Each individual score can be conducted for a number of rounds per day equal to a maestro's ranks in the Perform (conducting) skill + his Intelligence modifier. Starting to conduct a score is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. When a maestro starts to conduct a score, the intro effect chosen for that score triggers immediately, while all melody effects start immediately and persist for as long as the score is performed. A maestro can end a performance in one of two ways. First, he can simply stop conducting as a free action; however, ending a performance in this manner does not trigger the score's outro effect. Secondly, he can end the performance with a proper flourish as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. If he ends a score in this manner, the score's outro effect triggers. If a maestro stops conducting a score as a free action, he cannot start conducting another score that round.
Myron the Metronomic, human maestro
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Scribe Folio (Ex): At 1st level, a maestro has mastered the technique of writing musical notation on paper. These recorded compositions, or folios, contain all of the information necessary to act as an extension of the composition book of any composer who uses one. In other words, scores can be prepared using compositions found in folios. The cost to create a folio is equal to 100 gp times the effective minimum level of what is being recorded. The effective minimum level of a composition, as well as the weight of the resulting folio, are discussed in the Composition section. A maestro can only scribe a single folio per day, but that folio can be of any cost and still be scribed in a single day. If he does so, he cannot craft magic items that day. Musical Analysis (Ex): At 2nd level, a maestro's studies have given him the ability to draw strange and unusual insights regarding music out of thin air, no matter how obscure. As such, he receives a bonus equal to half his level, rounded down, to all Knowledge checks involving music. Possible applications include a Knowledge (religion) check to determine the likely use of a piece of music found in a temple, a Knowledge (local) check to recall the name of the local innkeeper's favorite tavern song, and a Knowledge (engineering) check to determine the precise frequency capable of shattering an otherworldly bridge made of glass. Refrain: At 2nd level, a maestro has realized the importance of ubiquitous bits of music that can be inserted into any composition at pretty much any time without ruining the feel of the music. A refrain is a special kind of score that contains a number of melodies equal to the number allowed in a standard score, no intro, and no outro. Unlike a standard score, a refrain cannot be used with the conduct composition class feature. When conducting a standard score, a maestro can choose to use a refrain for 1 round as a move action. The refrain's melodies replace the effects of the standard score's melodies, but the rounds per day of the standard score continues to be deducted. Intro and outro effects remain unchanged. When a maestro studies his composition book to prepare his scores, he also prepares his refrains. A maestro gains his first refrain at 2nd level and gains an additional refrain for every six levels beyond second, to a maximum of four refrains at 20th level. Opus: Every now and then, a maestro creates a work of such beauty that altering it would be unthinkable. These works are known as opuses. Like standard scores, all opuses are conducted as a standard action that provoke attacks of opportunity, are maintained as a free action, and can be stopped as a free action. Any standard score being conducted, if any, is immediately halted when an opus begins and no standard score can be conducted while an opus is active. No outro effect occurs when a composition is halted by an opus. Unlike standard compositions, an opus can only be used once per day. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the maestro selects an opus from the list below. Opuses can be selected multiple times. Each time, the number of times that particular opus can be used per day increases by +1. All opuses rely on audible components.
The Maestro
Anthem of the Juggernaut (Su): This opus nests itself in the heart of a single individual, causing a momentary ascension that can only be referred to as the creation of a juggernaut. A single willing creature within 60 feet increases in size by two size categories; however, rather than gaining the typical ability score adjustments for changing size, the creature is granted a size bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution equal to 2 + 1/3 the maestro's level, as well as fast healing equal to the maestro's Intelligence modifier. This opus lasts for 2d6 rounds or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately if the juggernaut is more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. Recommended music - Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss Breath of Life (Sp): This opus revels in the stuff of life itself. The maestro restores life to a deceased creature. The opus can raise a creature that has been dead for no longer than 1 week per maestro level. Further, the soul of the deceased creature must be both free and willing to return. If the soul is not willing to return, then this opus does nothing. There is no saving throw required; the soul has control whether or not it will return. Though the lacerations and wounds that caused death are restored by this opus, the body to be raised must be totally accounted for. It need not be whole, a severed arm will reattach itself over the course of this opus, but everything must be present. Mundane poisons and diseases are removed by this opus, but magical poisons and diseases are not. Any ability scores damaged to 0 are raised to 1. Upon being raised by this opus, the raised creature takes 1 permanent negative level. If the creature is 1st level, he takes 2 points of Constitution drain. If this would reduce the creature's Consitution to 0, it cannot be raised by this opus. A raised creature has a number of hit points equal to its current hit dice. This opus requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted conducting to complete. During this time, the maestro and the creature to be raised must never be more than 60 feet away, else the opus is wasted. A maestro must be at least 13th level to take this opus. Recommended music - Theme from a Summer Place by Max Steiner Death and Decay (Su): Slow and mournful, this opus weeps for the very life it is taking away. A single creature within 60 feet of the maestro takes 1 point of ability drain to all ability scores each round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Fortitude save to negate. At 13th level, this open deals 2 points of ability drain to all ability scores each round instead. This opus lasts for 1 minute or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately if the victim is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. A maestro must be at least 7th level to take this opus. Recommended music - Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig von Beethoven
Strange Magic
Denizens of the Deep Caverns (Su): Within moments, those listening understand that something has been disturbed and that it's most definitely not happy about it. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a bat swarm comes into being in an empty square within 60 feet of the maestro. At 9th level and every five levels beyond 9th, an additional bat swarm comes into being. These bat swarms are treated as summoned creatures. When beginning this opus, the maestro may give each swarm a command to move as a free action. The destination must be a legal square for it to occupy. For the duration of the opus, the maestro can command a swarm to move as a swift action, though it must have a move action available to comply and the destination must be a legal square for it to occupy. At 6th level and every three levels beyond 6th, each bat swarm gains 2 additional hit dice, a +1 bonus to all saves, and a +2 bonus to all damage rolls. Further, starting at 11th level, the wounding special ability of bat swarms summoned by this opus results in cumulative bleed damage. Starting at 15th level, all bleed damage dealt by bat swarms summoned by this opus is returned to the maestro as healing. Though this bleed damage can continue long after the opus ends, once the opus ends, the bleed damage no longer returns to the maestro as healing. If a bat swarm is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time, it vanishes and immediately appears in an empty square adjacent to the maestro. If there is no legal square, the swarm vanishes, never to return. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until he stops conducting. Recommended music - Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky Downhill Charge (Su): This calm and measured theme slowly builds to a triumphant roar. All allies within 60 feet of the maestro gain a +1 morale bonus to Strength and a +5-foot enhancement bonus to base land speed. Each round, the morale bonus to Strength granted by this opus increases by +1 and the bonus to base land speed increases by +5 feet, to a maximum of +6 and +30 feet, respectively. This opus lasts for rounds equal to half the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. Recommended music - Bolero by Maurice Ravel Everybody Dance! (Sp): There's just something about this opus. The urge to dance is utterly irresistible! All creatures within 60 feet of the maestro begin to dance and caper about with no saving throws allowed. This capering halves any shield bonus to AC granted by a physical shield that is strapped to the arm and reduces movement speed by half, but dancers are otherwise able to act normally. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until he stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. Creatures who approach to within 60 feet of the maestro immediately begin to caper. This is a mind-affecting ability. Recommended music - Can Can Music by Sergei Offenbach
Interjection Games
Figaro! (Su): One wouldn't think that shouting one's own name over and over would elicit such an effect. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a single ally within 60 feet of the maestro gains the supernatural ability to make a single breath attack as a standard action. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of sonic damage, plus an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage for every two maestro levels of the conductor, to creatures in a 30-foot cone with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Fortitude save for half damage. A creature granted the ability to make a breath attack in this manner loses the ability to do so if the opus ends, if the creature finds itself more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time, or if it uses its breath weapon once. If this opus is not currently granting a creature the ability to make a breath attack, the maestro may grant a single ally within 60 feet the ability to make a breath attack as detailed above. Doing so is a standard action. This opus lasts for 3 rounds or until the maestro stops conducting. Recommended music - The Barber of Seville: Figaro's Aria by Gioachino Rossini Flight of the Bat (Su): An interesting mixture of long, dramatic notes and quick staccatos, this opus evokes a sinister creature in flight over an easily-surveyed landscape. For the duration of this opus, all allies within 60 feet of the maestro have a fly speed of 60 feet with good maneuverability and gain a natural bite attack that deals 1 point of Constitution damage in addition to normal bite damage. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. Recommended music - Toccata and Fugue in D minor by Johannes Sebastian Bach Forgotten Tempo (Su): Strange, erratic music makes concentration very difficult, and since magic tends to require concentration, hilarity ensues! Whenever any other creature within 60 feet attempts to cast a spell, it must make a concentration check with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the maestro's composer level + twice the attempted spell's level or lose the spell. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. Recommended music - Waltz in C sharp minor, op.64, 2 by Frédéric Chopin Frenzied Revels (Su): Fast and frenzied, this opus spurs those who hear it to move faster and faster! All allies within 60 feet get a +30-foot bonus to their base land speed for 1 round. In addition, a single ally within 60 feet can make an additional standard action on its next turn. This opus lasts for 1 round or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. Recommended music - Sabre Dance by Aram Khachaturian
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Gloating Fiends (Su): Visions of imps and other demons cackling at their latest acquisition assault the listener. Immediately upon beginning this opus, up to one ally within 60 feet per three maestro levels begins to radiate an aura that closely approximates the malice of those fiends. Creatures without this aura who are within 10 feet of a creature with this aura take a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls. If a creature is within 10 feet of multiple creatures with this aura, the penalty is cumulative. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. Recommended music - Romeo and Juliet: No 13 Dance of the Knights by Sergei Prokofiev Impending Apocalypse (Su): The sky darkens as a number of spectral shapes gather overhead. Upon conducting this opus, the maestro nominates an area of up to one 10-foot cube per three class levels. All cubes must be connected and within 60 feet of the maestro. At the beginning of his next turn, if the maestro is still conducting, all creatures in nominated areas that are still within 60 feet of the maestro take 1d6 points of fire damage per maestro level with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Reflex save for half. Creatures that fail their save are also catch fire as the rules for alchemist's fire. Once this opus deals damage, it ends immediately. Recommended music - The Ride of the Valkyries by Wilhelm Wagner Magnum Opus (Sp): This opus is less a glorious melody and more a sharp burst of sound that somehow focuses the wailing cacophony it should be to a hard edge. A single creature within 60 feet is struck with the brunt of this sound, taking 1d8 points of sonic damage per maestro level with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Fortitude save to negate. Creatures that make their Fortitude save, or are immune to death effects, instead take 1d3 points of sonic damage per maestro level. This opus is instantaneous. A maestro must be at least 13th level to take this opus.
The Maestro
Marching Legion (Su): An exploration of the sudden devastation brought to civilian folk by war, this opus quickly moves from calm and cheerful to an excited, yet regimented tone reminiscent of military action. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a sphere of metal flies in out of nowhere and strikes a creature within 60 feet of the maestro, dealing bludgeoning damage equal to the maestro's class level with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Reflex save for half. In addition, once per round for the duration of the opus, the maestro can call in another sphere of metal as a swift action. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. Unlike other opuses, this opus does not stop any standard composition that is being conducted. By extension, a standard composition can be conducted while this opus itself is being conducted. Recommended music - 1812 Overture by Pyotr Tchaikovsky Perfect Serenity (Sp): Like a perfect spring morning, this opus inspires individuals to stop what they're doing and just feel good about life. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a single creature within 60 feet of the maestro is stunned for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Will save to negate. In addition, once per round for the duration of the opus, the maestro can stun another creature in range for 1 round as a standard action. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. This is a mind-affecting ability. A maestro must be at least 7th level to take this opus. Recommended music - Ranz des Vaches by Gioacchino Rossini
Mania's End (Su): This opus switches between dark, forceful, and angry to quick, energetic, and flighty with almost no notice. When the maestro begins to conduct this opus, all allies within 60 feet suffering from the confused, dazzled, demoralized, fatigued, shaken, or sickened conditions recover from these conditions. On the beginning of the second round of this opus, all allies within 60 feet suffering from the blinded, dazed, exhausted, feebleminded, insanity, or stunned conditions recover from these conditions. This opus lasts for 2 rounds or until the maestro stops conducting. A maestro must be at least 10th level to take this opus.
Sea of Flowers (Sp): Calm, peaceful notes float through the air, making continued violence difficult, if not impossible. Whenever a creature within 60 feet of the maestro deals damage to another creature, the attacking creature is fascinated for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Will save to negate. Though this is a mindaffecting ability, creatures that are normally immune to mind-affecting abilities only receive a +4 bonus to their saving throw to avoid becoming fascinated by this opus rather than have outright immunity to it. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until he stops conducting. A creature fascinated by this opus that finds itself more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time is no longer fascinated. A maestro must be at least 7th level to take this opus.
Recommended music - Pursuit of the Evil God by Prokofiev
Recommended Music - Waltz of the Flowers by Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Recommended music - none
Strange Magic
Seraph's Embrace (Su): Bright, joyful tones are the hallmark of this opus. Spirits are raised and protection simply feels assured. All allies within 60 feet are warded by the music and gain Spell Resistance equal to 10 + the maestro's class level. Any creature attempting to directly attack a warded ally, even with a targeted spell, must attempt a Will save. If the save succeeds, the creature can attack normally. If the save fails, the creature can't follow through with the attack and that part of its action is lost. Those not attempting to attack the subject remain unaffected. This opus does not prevent the warded ally from being attacked or affected by area of effect spells. If a warded ally attacks, the opus ends immediately for that individual; however, the ally may use non-attack spells or otherwise act. This opus lasts for 2d6 rounds or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. Recommended music - Ode to Joy by Ludwig von Beethoven Serenity for the Lifeless (Su): Ringing of peace and home, this opus can calm golems with extreme rapidity. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a berserk construct within 60 feet is rendered not berserk with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Will save to negate. The DC of this saving throw is increased by +4 against flesh golems. This is an instantaneous effect.
Interjection Games
The Builders (Sp): This opus is reminiscent of a swarm of highly productive dwarves who have just been told they're getting overtime. Immediately upon beginning this opus, a flat, vertical wall of stone five feet long and ten feet high bursts out of the ground anywhere within 60 feet of the maestro. The thickness of this wall is equal to one inch for every four maestro levels. The wall pushes aside existing architecture constructed from materials of hardness less than 8, such as wood, in order to place itself exactly where the maestro desires. Should it be blocked by materials such as iron or stone, the wall simply does not come into being where this other material exists. In addition, once per round for the duration of the opus, the maestro can call another wall of stone into being as a standard action. This opus lasts for rounds equal to the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting. The structures made with this opus are permanent. A maestro must be at least 7th level to take this opus. Recommended music - In the Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg
Recommended music - Transylvanian Lullaby by John Morris Tendrils of Confinement (Su): Deep, slow notes press in upon the listener, restricting him as bright notes tease and prod, reminding him that something, though he remembers not what it is, exists beyond the haze. Immediately upon beginning this opus, all creatures within 60 feet of the maestro, including the maestro himself, are confused for 1 round with a DC 10 + 1/2 the maestro's class level + the maestro's Intelligence modifier Will save to negate. In addition, once per round for the duration of the opus, the maestro may confuse a single creature in range for 1d4 rounds as a swift action with a Will save to negate. If this creature fails its Will save and becomes confused, then the maestro himself also becomes confused for the same number of rounds with no saving throws allowed. The Difficulty Class of any saving throws called for by this opus is increased by +2 if the maestro is confused. This opus continues to maintain itself even if the maestro is totally debilitated by confusion. By extension, no matter what the results of the maestro's confusion is each round, he may attempt to confuse another creature with this opus each round as though he were in total control of himself. This opus lasts for rounds equal to half the maestro's class level or until he stops conducting. This is a mind-affecting ability. A maestro must be at least 7th level to take this opus.
Titanic Mobilization (Su): Great, triumphant sounds herald a cosmic superpower going to war with no interest in holding anything back. All allies within 60 feet of the maestro are infused with supernatural vigor. All class features with a daily limit measured in rounds of use, such as a barbarian's rage or a bard's bardic performance, gain +2 temporary rounds of duration. Similarly, all class features with a number of daily uses equal to X + a certain ability modifier, such as a cleric's channel energy or various domain powers and sorcerer bloodline abilities, gain +1 temporary daily use. All class features with a point pool or number of daily uses equal to 1/2 class level + a certain ability modifier, class level + a certain ability modifier, or 2 * class level + a certain ability modifier, such as a monk's ki pool, a paladin's lay on hands, an edgewalker's radiance and shadow pools, or an herbalist's green thumb pool, gain +2 temporary points/uses. This opus, and the temporary points/uses granted by it, lasts for rounds equal to half the maestro's class level or until the maestro stops conducting, but ends immediately for an individual if he is ever more than 60 feet away from the maestro at any time. A maestro must be at least 10th level to take this opus.
Recommended music - The Planets, Op 32: Neptune, the Mystic by Gustav Holst
Recommended music - The Planets, Op 32: Mars, the Bringer of War by Gustav Holst
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Musical Apotheosis: At 20th level, the maestro has reached the pinnacle of his profession. It is at about this point that the maestro develops something so innovative in the realm of music that it effectively revolutionizes the entire industry. Select one of the abilities below. Multiversefamous Song: Many maestros compose a song that is famous throughout a city, nation, continent, or even plane, but it takes true talent to compose a song that is popular with everyone from humans and elves to kytons and aboleths. The maestro selects a single melody he knows that takes up one melody slot and can be taken multiple times. He then creates a special score containing this melody taken three times with no intro and no outro. He can conduct this score at will as a standard action. Once this score is created, it cannot be changed. Name this score. All creatures in the multiverse instantly recognize the song. Creatures that succeed on a DC 10 Knowledge (nobility) check, nobility because the maestro is the current "king" of music, recall the name of the composer. Frenzied requests for autographs likely follow a successful Knowledge check. Additionally, all bards in the multiverse gain the ability to perform this score as a bardic performance. The bardic performance's name is the same as the name the maestro gave to the score. The bard must have both a bard level and ranks in the Perform skill equal to the effective minimum level of the score, minimum 10, to perform it. With GM approval, any future campaigns set in the same multiverse include this song . New Genre: By twisting the way music is treated just so, the maestro succeeds in inventing a totally new genre of music. Being a savvy individual, he sets it up so the growth of the genre directly benefits himself via fat royalty payments. Each week, the maestro is mailed royalties amounting to 1d6 x 100 gp. Should the maestro be out adventuring or is otherwise cut off from urban civilization, the royalties simply pile up somewhere where it can be readily accessed when the maestro returns from wherever it is he happens to be. New Instrument: Delving deep into the science of music, the maestro finally stumbles out of his studio one day with a strange object clutched to his chest. Insisting that it is a new and innovative musical instrument, the maestro then focuses on mastering his new creation. Give this instrument a name and select an appropriate subcategory of the Perform skill. The maestro is assumed to have total mastery of this instrument and is treated as though he has 20 ranks in the subcategory of the Perform skill that contains his instrument, but only when playing his instrument. In addition, the maestro's obsessive mastery of an instrument has allowed him to touch the visceral aspect of music that always seemed to be just out of reach. The maestro can perform the Inspire Courage, Countersong, and Fascinate bardic performances as though he were a 1st level bard. These performances can be maintained for 10 + the maestro's Charisma modifier rounds per day. As bardic performance is totally distinct from conducting, the maestro can perform one, maintain it, begin performing the other, and then maintain both at one time.
The Maestro
Favored Class Bonuses
Favored Class Bonuses
Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have maestros as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – If a score grants fast healing, add +1/3 to that fast healing in the first round of conducting. Drow – Add +1/6 to the number of rounds all scores can be conducted each day. Dwarf – Every 3 times this bonus is selected, the maestro gets DR 1 / piercing whenever he is conducting. This bonus stacks. Elf - Add +1/2 to the number of rounds a single score can be conducted each day. Gnome – Every 5 times this bonus is selected, choose a score. As part of that score's outro, the maestro can throw a flask of acid or alchemist's fire at a creature within 30 feet as a free action. Halfelf – Add +1/2 to the number of rounds a single score can be conducted each day. Halfling – Add +1 to Perform checks made to make a living during downtime. Halforc – Every 3 times this bonus is selected, the maestro gets DR 1 / piercing whenever he is conducting. This bonus stacks. Hobgoblin – Treat the maestro's class level as +1/2 higher for the purpose of compositions that grant abilities to weapons. Human – Add +1 foot to the radius of effect of the maestro's melodies. (+5 feet to the radius every 5 times the maestro takes this bonus) Kitsune - Every 5 times this bonus is selected, choose a score. As part of that score's outro, the maestro can cast a 0th-level maestro spell he knows as a free action. This does not consume the daily use of that spell, but a spell that has had its daily use consumed cannot be cast in this manner. Kobold – Add +1/4 to the Difficulty Class of all scores if the victim is a gnome. Orc – Treat the maestro's class level as +1/2 higher for the purpose of compositions that grant abilities to weapons. Puddling – Add +1 foot to the radius of effect of the maestro's melodies. (+5 feet to the radius every 5 times the maestro takes this bonus)
Strange Magic
Tiefling – Add +1/2 to the Difficulty Class of all scores whenever the victim opts to use a bard's countersong to make his saving throw. Vanara - Every 5 times this bonus is selected, choose a score. As part of that score's outro, the maestro can heal a single living creature within 30 feet for 1d3 points of damage. Vishkanya - Add +1/3 to the Difficulty Class of all scores whenever the victim is poisoned.
Interjection Games
Sidebar: The Nature of Bonus Scores Composition base classes such as the maestro have the opportunity to pick up additional scores at character creation for having a high composing ability score modifier. To clarify, these bonus scores are ONLY granted on character creation and are only granted at 1st level. That powergamer with a newly-rolled 20th-level maestro with a 40 Intelligence does not get bonus scores based off of that 40 Intelligence, but based off of whatever he had at 1st level, likely 20 or less. As a side note, as composition base classes are balanced around races that give a +2 bonus to ability scores, be wary allowing a player to use a race that gives a +4 bonus to Intelligence or Wisdom. The implications of another bonus score are fairly extensive.
Table: Maestro Spells Known
This ruling and advice is true for all composition classes, not just the maestro.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Maestro Spell List Table: Maestro 0th‐Level Spells
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Table: Maestro 1st‐Level Spells
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Table: Maestro 2nd‐Level Spells
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Table: Maestro 3rd‐Level Spells
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Table: Maestro 4th‐Level Spells
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Table: Maestro 5th‐Level Spells
Table: Maestro 6th‐Level Spells
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Maestro Composition Summary Intro Accelerando - Increases base land speed of those within 30 feet by +5 feet per round. Ambitious Theme - Req. Composer level 9th. Score contains two additional melody slots, but consumes an additional round of daily duration each round. Anthem of the Dutiful Knight - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Ethereal knight readies an action to attack those who attack the conductor. Blaring Note - Intro deafens all creatures within 30 feet with a Fortitude save to negate. Starting at 5th level, deals sonic damage with no saving throw. Bow to Your Partner - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (illusion). All allies within 30 feet gain an illusory double, as the mirror image spell. Cacophonic Crescendo - All other creatures within 30 feet of the conductor take 1d3 sonic damage each round, increasing by 1d3 each subsequent round to a maximum of 1d3 for every two composer levels. Starting at 10th level, rate of increase doubles. Fortitude negates. Cadenza - Req. Leadership. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor gains double benefit from melodies for 1 round, but no other creatures are affected by the melodies for that round. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Chorale - Req. Composer level 8th. Allied bards and maestros extend the range of the conductor's performance. Expresivo - Req. Composer level 7th, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks. Mind-affecting abilities contained in a score with this intro affect creatures that are immune to mind-affecting abilities, but not creatures that are normally vulnerable to them. Klangfarbenmelodie - Req. Composer level 5th, Spellcraft 5 ranks. The conductor can change instrumentation as a standard action, making creatures who rendered themselves immune to melodies vulnerable again. Opus Opener - Req. Opus class feature. If a score with this opener ends because the conductor begins to conduct an opus, then the outro triggers. Pianissimo - Req. Composer level 12th. The radius of the score's melodies is halved, but each melody that can be taken multiple times is taken an additional time. Powerful Note - All melodies with a radius of effect have that radius doubled for 1 round. Relaxing Exposition - Req. Composer level 6th. All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This fast healing increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Song of Friendship - Req. Composer level 12th, Spell Focus (enchantment). The conductor steals control of a mental suggestion or domination effect affecting an ally within 30 feet. Staccato - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet are keen for 1 round. The Bellowing Skald - Conductor gains 1 bellowing charge + 1 for every six composer levels. May expend 1 bellowing charge as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet the ability to double a single morale bonus for 1 round. Visions of Sugarplums - Req. Composer level 9th, Spell Focus (illusion). A single creature within 30 feet is assaulted by illusionary sugarplums, imposing a 25% miss chance on attacks. A Will save each round suppresses the effect for that round.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Outro Almsgiver - Conductor receives a bonus to Perform checks to earn a living equal to the remaining duration of the score. Consumes all remaining duration of score. Dissonant Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single foe within 30 feet takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of sonic damage per round conducted. Fortitude halves. Encore! - Req. Composer level 13th. If the conductor has conducted the score for 5 or more rounds, he may begin to conduct it again at no cost for the next 1d4 rounds. Familiar Coda - Req. Refrain class feature. The conductor chooses one of his refrains. The effects of the refrain persist until the beginning of his next turn or until he begins to conduct a new score, whichever comes first. Flaming Invective - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses for 1 round. Hush - Req. Composer level 4th. Creatures within 30 feet become incapable of speech for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Momentary Depression - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All foes within 30 feet are affected by the slow spell for 1 round. Will negates. Momentary Elation - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All allies within 30 feet are affected by the haste spell for 1 round. Rejuvenating Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single ally within 30 feet is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of damage per round conducted. Shuffling Coda - Req. Composer level 6th. A single foe within 30 feet provokes attacks of opportunity. Will negates. The Fat Lady Cometh - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). A fat lady appears when the intro is triggered and capers about for the duration of the performance. She sings when the outro is triggered, stunning creatures within 10 feet. Fortitude negates. Trailing Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A score with this outro does not expend a round of daily duration the round it is triggered. Triumphant Shout - Req. Composer level 7th. All allies within 30 feet are immune to fear for 2 rounds, plus an additional round for every three composer levels beyond 7th. Warding Finale - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet ignore the next 3 points of damage per composer level of the chosen energy type. Intro/Outro Energico - Req. Composer level 7th. If used as an intro, the conductor begins conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor ceases conducting as a move action and may begin conducting another score this round. Piercing Scream - Req. Composer level 10th. When triggered, the conductor confuses creatures in a 20-foot cone for 1 round with a Will save to negate.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Maestro
Melody Anthem of the Superior - Req. Composer level 4th or drow. Creatures who strike the conductor in melee are shaken for 1 round. Will negates. Blazing Glory - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor's weapons deal an additional 1d3 fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Booming Theme - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (evocation). Once per round, an ally within 30 feet can shout, dealing 2d4 sonic damage and demoralizing in a 10-foot burst. Fortitude halves damage and negates demoralization. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Buffering Blare - Creatures within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against sonic spells and bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Capriccio - Req. Composer level 4th. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to class level for the purpose of determining the effects of bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Celebrate the Feast - Req. Composer level 4th or halfling. Allies within 30 feet who listen for 5 rounds are satisfied as though they had eaten a full meal. Chantey - Req. Ability to cast 2nd-level spells. The conductor gets a +1 bonus to caster level. This melody takes up two melody slots. Clarion Call - Req. Knowledge (history) 4 ranks. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Clarity of the Song - Composer level 10th, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (divination). Allies within 30 feet cannot be flanked unless all are flanked. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Crackling Tension - Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (evocation). Allies within 30 feet deal 1 electricity damage and 1 sonic damage to creatures that strike them in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cumulative Backlash - Composer level 4th, Spell Focus (evocation). Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Creatures within 30 feet that take 5 or more damage of the chosen type from a single source take a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round. Deceptive Cadence - The DC of the score's outro increases by +1. Defiant Anthem - Allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Disrupting Tune - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet have resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Droning Melody - Req. Composer level 5th. All creatures within 30 feet have their morale bonuses suppressed. A Will save negates. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Drumroll - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity. This melody can be taken multiple times. Empowering Tune - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet who deal damage of the chosen type deal an additional point of damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Etude - Req. Spell Focus (enchantment). All other bards and composers within 30 feet get a +1 bonus to the DC of their scores and bardic performances. Flaming Steel - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage. This melody may be taken multiple times. Ghostly Wailing - Req. Composer level 3rd, Spell Focus (illusion). All foes within 30 feet take a -1 penalty to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Glissando - Req. Refrain class feature. A score with this melody can swap to a refrain as a swift action. Inspire Accuracy - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Might - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Terror - Req. Composer level 8th, Intimidate 8 ranks. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor are shaken on a failed Will save and remain shaken for as long as they remain in the area of effect. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interlude - Req. Composer level 10th. The conductor can suppress a melody for a time in order to make it more powerful later. Internalized Ferocity - Req. Any one of - Composer level 4th, orc, half-orc. The conductor gains a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Harmony - The conductor gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Invigoration - Req. Composer level 10th, Heal 4 ranks. The conductor gains fast healing 2 that stacks with other forms of fast healing. This melody can be taken multiple times. Interposing Notation - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Conjured musical notes grant allies within 30 feet concealment against mundane ranged attacks. Introspective Theme - All allies within 30 feet receive a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Invigorating Melody - All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Knightly Chant - All allies within 30 feet gain DR 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. Lullaby - Req. Composer level 6th. Once per round, the conductor can put a creature within 30 feet to sleep with a Will save to negate. March of Progress - Req. any one of - Composer level 4th, half-elf, half-orc, or human. Allies within 30 feet gain a +4 insight bonus on their next Craft check made to produce a mundane item, increasing to +6 if it is a novel construction. Lasts 24 hours. Marching Cadence - All allies within 30 feet gain a +10-foot bonus to their base land speed. This melody can be taken twice. Mind Awash with Music - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (enchantment). Allies within 30 feet can use the conductor's Will save modifier rather than their own when making a Will save. If the save fails, both the conductor and the borrowing ally are affected. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Music Given Life - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor summons an air elemental that deafens those it hits. Ode to the Barkeep - Req. Composer level 4th or dwarf. When inside a tavern, expensive alcohol is treated as potions of cure light wounds with a caster level equal to the HD of the owner of that tavern. Resilient Measure - Choose a school of magic. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Roar of the Meek - Req. Composer level 9th. Each round, allies within 30 feet are entitled to a new saving throw against fear effects. If successful, +2 morale bonus to damage for 1 round and fear effect ends. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Sea Shanty - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Snarling Chant - Req. Composer level 4th or hobgoblin. All allies who begin a charge within 30 feet get a +2 morale bonus to damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Steady Beat - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Tearjerker - All foes within 30 feet become dazzled with a Will save to negate. The Earth's Bounty - Food within 30 feet is retroactively cooked with superior skill and has foodborne pathogens and toxins removed. The Jokester - Req. Composer level 4th or gnome. All attacks made against creatures within 30 feet have a 10% miss chance. If missed in melee, attacker takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thrown Falsetto - Req. Composer level 4th. Once per round, the conductor deals 1d6 sonic damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Fortitude save for half. At 10th level, damage becomes 2d6. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thunderstruck - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks. Once per round, the conductor deals 3d6 electricity damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Reflex save for half. This melody can be taken multiple times. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Under the Big Top - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Acrobatics and Perform skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Vibrato - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks. Manufactured weapons striking the conductor in melee are damaged, while natural weapons striking the conductor in melee are damaged and their owners are dazed for 1 round with a Will save to negate.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition Archetypes The casual observer is prone to miss the fundamental thread that binds composers together. For instance, when presented with a cantor and a maestro, this observer may very well rationalize that the cantor, being a holy woman, is simply a musical cleric, and the maestro, a studious conductor with access to arcane magic, is merely a musical wizard or, and this is insulting to some, a studious bard. Though this is indeed technically correct, there is far less separating the craft of the cantor with that of the maestro than there is separating cleric and wizard, or even bard and maestro. There is, in short, a fundamental sameness among composers, and those who realize this tend not to be surprised when specialists sourced from the various composing classes share techniques with one another. As a result of this common musical thread, all composition archetypes have been designed such that they can be taken by more than one composition class. See the Compatible Classes: line near the beginning of each archetype presented herein to see if your class can take that archetype and make sure to read the correct ability replacement rulings for your composition class. If a character takes a composition archetype, then takes a level in another class that is compatible with that archetype, then he must also apply that archetype to the new class. For example, a 4th-level maestro (arranger) who takes a level in cantor must become a maestro (arranger) 4, cantor (arranger) 1. Existing archetypes from an existing class are applied before new archetypes are chosen for the new class. This may make it so certain advancement options never become available.
Composition Archetypes
Arranger (Archetype)
Arranger (Archetype)
Just because a work is a masterpiece doesn't mean it's as good as it can be. Adept at the modification, some would say optimization, of existing works of music, arrangers weave additional melodies and complexity into anything and everything, ostensibly to make the work better, but usually just because they can. Author: Bradley Crouch. Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro. Arrangers have the following class features: Masterpiece Pool (Su): An arranger has a pool of masterpiece points, a measure of his familiarity with such works. The number of points in an arranger's masterpiece pool is equal to the number of opuses and musicae sacrae he knows. Rather than be given the ability to conduct each opus and musica sacra he knows once per day, he may spend 1 point from his masterpiece pool to conduct any opus or musica sacra he knows. As there is no reason for an arranger to take an opus or musica sacra multiple times, he cannot do so. If an arranger has both the opus and musica sacra class features, the size of this pool increases by +3 points. The masterpiece pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or consultation of various tomes and composition guides; these hours do not have to be consecutive. If the arranger is a cantor, this ability modifies musica sacra and replaces worshipful performance. If the arranger is a maestro, this ability modifies opus and replaces insightful performance. Arrangement: At 5th level, an arranger has mastered the art of adding his own little tweaks to musical masterworks. An arrangement is a special type of score that has no intro, has no outro, and contains a number of melodies equal to one less than the maximum number of melodies normally allowed in a score. Unlike a standard score, an arrangement cannot be conducted through the use of the conduct composition class feature. Whenever the arranger conducts an opus or musica sacra, he selects one of his arrangements and conducts it for the duration of that opus or musica sacra. When an arranger studies his composition book to prepare his scores, he also prepares his arrangements. An arranger gains his first arrangement at 5th level and gains an additional arrangement at 8th level and every six levels beyond 8th, for a maximum of four arrangements at 20th level. An arranger's levels in the cantor class stack with his levels in the maestro class for the purpose of this class feature. If the arranger is a cantor, this ability replaces channel energy. If the arranger is a maestro, this ability replaces refrain.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Songweaver (Archetype) Given its direct connection to emotions, music is inherently subjective. As a result, ask three musicians what music is and how it is structured, and four totally distinct answers are probable. While the classical definition of a musical piece is a roadmap with a beginning, middle, and end, some individuals see music as the combination of many disparate parts in real time. Those who subscribe to this view are known as songweavers. Kickstarter Backer: Sasha Hall. Author: Bradley Crouch. Compatible Classes: Harmonicist, Maestro.
Songweavers have the following class features: Scores A score is a piece of music containing a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the songweaver's composition book. Each score must contain a single melody, no intro, and no outro. The number of scores with which a songweaver begins play, as well as the rate at which she gains new scores and the rate at which those scores gain additional melody slots, are dependent upon her base composition class. A songweaver's composer level is also dependent upon her base composition class. To prepare or use a score, a songweaver's composition ability score must be equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a songweaver's score is 10 + 1/2 the songweaver's class level + her composition ability modifier. This ability modifies scores. Composition A songweaver's ability to modify her scores, daily replenishment of conducting duration, daily conducting duration per score, and ability to record compositions to her composition book are all based on her base composition class. A songweaver begins play with a composition book containing 1 outro. Her composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 3 + her composition ability modifier, minimum 3. At each new songweaver level, she gains two compositions for which she meets all of the prerequisites. Unlike other practitioners of musical composition, a songweaver may never learn intros unless she knows a special type of score that contains intros, such as a breakdancer's drop. This ability modifies composition.
Bridge: Starting at 1st level, a songweaver masters the use of bridges, music that literally bridges the gap between the main body of a piece and its conclusion. A bridge is a special type of score that contains only a single outro. Unlike a standard score, a bridge cannot be conducted through the use of the conduct composition class feature. A songweaver has half as many bridges as she does standard scores, rounded down. If one of the songweaver’s ongoing standard scores has been conducted for at least three rounds, including this round, she may conduct a bridge as a standard action. The outro effect contained in the bridge immediately takes effect, and ends the score immediately. At the beginning of the songweaver’s next turn, she must begin to conduct a different standard score as a free action. As such, if a songweaver has only a single score with duration remaining, or if the songweaver is a harmonicist who is currently conducting all of her scores with duration remaining, she does not have a legal source to bridge to in the following round and cannot use a bridge as a result. A songweaver cannot perform a bridge and a drop in the same round. When a songweaver studies her composition book to prepare her scores, she also prepares her bridges. Verse: Starting at 1st level, a songweaver masters the use of verse, or music that tells a lyrical story within a larger musical whole. A verse is a special type of score that contains only a single melody. Unlike a standard score, a verse cannot be conducted through the use of the conduct composition class feature. A songweaver has as many verses as she does scores. Whenever the songweaver begins to conduct a score or whenever she chooses to maintain a score each round, she chooses a single verse and adds the effects of that verse to the effects of the conducted score for 1 round. If the songweaver ceases to conduct for any reason, the effects of the verse also cease. If the melody contained in the chosen verse can be taken multiple times and is present in both the score and the chosen verse, then it stacks. At 10th level, a songweaver's verses contain two melodies. Whenever a songweaver performs suppresses all of her verses for 1 round.
When a songweaver studies her composition book to prepare her scores, she also prepares her verses.
Sidebar: Conducting with an Archetype As a songweaver's standard scores do not contain intros and outros, nothing happens when intros and outros are triggered by the conduct composition class feature. Should there ever be a way to temporarily add intros or outros to a standard score, a songweaver will indeed trigger them properly. This ruling also holds for other archetypes with altered scores.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Starlet (Archetype) Music is all about emotion, inflection, and movement, both aural and physical. Magic itself is a performance art, as can be confirmed by watching any apprentice wizard prattling and capering about in an effort to cast his first spell. Combining the performance inherent in both, the starlet melds both music and magic into a single, nearly indivisible, whole. Kickstarter Backer: Brandon F. Author: Bradley Crouch. Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro. Starlets have the following class features: Scores A score is a piece of music containing an intro and a number of melodies. Intros, outros, and melodies are drawn from the starlet's composition book. Each score must contain a single melody, an intro, and no outro. The number of scores with which a starlet begins play, as well as the rate at which he gains new scores and the rate at which those scores gain additional melody slots, are dependent upon his base composition class. A starlet's composer level is also dependent upon his base composition class. To prepare or use a score, a starlet's composition ability score must be equal to at least 12 + the number of melodies in the score. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a starlet's score is 10 + 1/2 the starlet's class level + his composition ability modifier.
Composition Archetypes
Metronomic Memory (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, whenever the starlet learns new compositions upon reaching a new starlet level, he may choose to forego learning one or more compositions. For each composition foregone in this manner, he selects a single spell that he knows with a casting time of 1 standard action or less. Spells selected this manner are added to the starlet's metronome list. Selected spells that are not on the spell list of any of his composition base classes treat their spell level as though it were +2 higher. At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, the starlet adds a spell to his metronome list. He does not need to forego taking a composition to do so. A starlet's metronome list may never have more spells known for a particular spell level than the previous spell level. For example, if he has two 1st-level spells, he cannot have more than two 2nd-level spells. Metronomic Performance (Sp): Starting at 3rd level, whenever the starlet triggers the outro of one of his standard scores, he may cast a spell from his metronome list as a swift action. The spell level of the chosen spell must be less than or equal to twice the number of rounds that score was conducted before the outro was triggered, including this round. Treat a 0thlevel spell as though its spell level were 1/2 for the purpose of this ability. When casting a spell in this manner, the starlet's caster level is equal to his composer level and his spellcasting ability score is the same as his composition ability score.
This ability modifies scores. Composition A starlet's ability to modify his scores, daily replenishment of conducting duration, daily conducting duration per score, and ability to record compositions to his composition book are all based on his base composition class. A starlet begins play with a composition book containing 1 intro. His composition book also begins play with melodies equal to 3 + his composition ability modifier, minimum 3. At each new starlet level, he gains two compositions for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Unlike other practitioners of musical composition, a starlet may never learn outros, even if he knows a special type of score that contains outros. This ability modifies composition. Adrienne, kitsune songweaver
Strange Magic
Street Musician (Archetype) Much like ultramarine paint in religious works of art, some people believe that the greater the cost to produce or perform a work of art, the more merit that work of art has. Others believe that great works of music need not always be performed in a grand cathedral or a packed concert hall, and it certainly doesn't have to be performed while wearing a silly little suit that went out of style when the current king’s greatgrandfather was a princeling. The forerunners of this movement, known as street musicians, are experts in dropping it like it's hot absolutely anywhere. Author: Bradley Crouch. Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist. Street musician have the following class features: Skills A street musician gains Acrobatics (Dex) as a class skill. Songbomb (Sp): At 1st level, a street musician perfects the use of songbombs, strange packets of sonic energy that, when triggered, let loose with a riot of music for a short time. By expending 1 point from his songbomb pool, a street musician can deploy a songbomb in a square that he occupies as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Songbombs manifest as a slight rippling effect in the air and emanate a low, audible hum, similar to the white noise of an amplifier set to a high gain. They are not exactly easy to see, requiring a DC 10 + 1/2 the street musician's class level + his Charisma modifier Perception check to reveal their location. Any individual who witnesses the deployment of a songbomb automatically succeeds on his Perception check to perceive it. Given their wholly aural nature, songbombs are perfectly weightless, do not obstruct movement through the space they occupy, and are unaffected by gravity or other forces that can move them from their initial deployment position. A deployed songbomb can be dispelled as though it were a score that is actively being conducted. When deploying a songbomb, a street musician selects from one of the following triggering mechanisms. If a songbomb does not trigger within 1 round per street musician level, it loses cohesion and vanishes, ending the effect immediately. Command - The street musician arms the songbomb with a command word trigger. So long as the deploying street musician is within 60 feet of his songbomb, and so long as the songbomb can hear its street musician, he can trigger it as a standard action. Proximity - The street musician arms the songbomb as a proximity mine of sorts. Whenever a creature approaches to within 30 feet of the songbomb, it triggers. Creatures who are within 30 feet of the songbomb at the time of deployment are treated as friendlies and do not cause a proximity-armed songbomb to trigger when they move into range.
Interjection Games
Timer - The street musician selects a number that is less than or equal to his street musician class level. After a number of rounds equal to the chosen number has elapsed, the songbomb triggers. When deploying a songbomb, the street musician selects a single standard score he knows. When a songbomb is triggered, it erupts in a cacophonic burst of sound, playing the selected score for 1 round as though the street musician were conducting the score in the space in which the songbomb erupted. All compositions performed by the songbomb of a street musician with harmonicist levels function as though the street musician were not a harmonicist, but rather any other composition class. To that end, a score containing a composition that is only compatible with the harmonicist base class cannot be selected for use in a songbomb. The intro of a songbomb's score is triggered when the songbomb begins to play the score, while the outro of a songbomb's score is triggered when the songbomb ceases to play the score. All scores used in a songbomb are considered spell-like, even if that score contains no spell-like compositions. No more than one songbomb can be deployed at a time. Deploying a second songbomb causes the first to end immediately. A street musician’s levels in the breakdancer class stack with his levels in the harmonicist class for the purpose of this ability. If the street musician is a breakdancer, this ability replaces the dance moves gained at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. If the street musician is a harmonicist, this ability replaces front and center.
Songbomb Pool (Su): At 1st level, a street musician gains a pool of songbomb points, a measure of his capacity to drop a tune in the most literal fashion possible. The number of points in a street musician's songbomb pool is equal to 1, plus an additional 1 for every two street musician levels he possesses. A street musician’s levels in the breakdancer class stack with his levels in the harmonicist class for the purpose of this ability. The songbomb pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Virtuoso (Archetype) "There is wonder to be found in the penning of a new masterpiece, but there is also magic in its performance. Why, then, should I ever be expected to choose only one?" Author: Bradley Crouch. Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro. Bardic Performance A virtuoso is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st, a virtuoso can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the virtuoso can produce any one of the types of bardic performance that he has mastered, as indicated by his level. Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the virtuoso to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action. A bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the virtuoso is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A virtuoso cannot have more than one bardic performance in effect at one time. A virtuoso can, however, have a bardic performance and a conducted score in effect at one time.
Composition Archetypes
If a bardic performance has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to the virtuoso for the performance to have any effect. A blind virtuoso has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances with visual components. A virtuoso’s levels in the cantor class stack with his levels in the maestro class for the purpose of this ability. List of Bardic Performances: Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a virtuoso learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components.) Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the virtuoso (including the virtuoso himself) that is affected by a sonic or languagedependent magical attack may use the virtuoso's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the virtuoso's Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components. Jhon Gold, human virtuoso
At 7th level, a virtuoso can start a bardic performance as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a virtuoso can start a bardic performance as a swift action. Each bardic performance has audible components, visual components, or both. A virtuoso cannot begin to conduct a score in the same round in which he started a bardic performance, and vice versa. This restriction does not extend to opuses, which the virtuoso can begin to conduct regardless of what other performances or scores he started that round. If a bardic performance has audible components, the targets must be able to hear the virtuoso for the performance to have any effect, and many such performances are language dependent (as noted in the description). A deaf virtuoso has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with an audible component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components.
Strange Magic
Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a virtuoso can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the Distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the virtuoso (including the virtuoso himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the virtuoso’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the Distraction is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the Distraction, but it must use the virtuoso’s Perform check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don’t allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components.
Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a virtuoso can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the virtuoso, and capable of paying attention to him. The virtuoso must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a virtuoso has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability.
Interjection Games
Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the virtuoso’s level + the virtuoso’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds, the virtuoso cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the virtuoso continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect. Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mindaffecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function. Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st level virtuoso can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the virtuoso’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six virtuoso levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The virtuoso must choose which component to use when starting his performance.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Inspire Competence (Su): A virtuoso of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. The ally must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the virtuoso. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the virtuoso’s performance. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the virtuoso has attained beyond 3rd (+3 at 7th, +4 at 11th, +5 at 15th, and +6 at 19th). Certain uses of this ability are infeasible, such as Stealth, and may be disallowed at the GM's discretion. A virtuoso can't inspire competence in himself. Inspire competence relies on audible components. Suggestion (Sp): A virtuoso of 6th level or higher can use his performance to make a suggestion (as per the spell) to a creature that he has already fascinated (see above). Using this ability does not disrupt the fascinate effect, but it does require a standard action to activate (in addition to the free action to continue the fascinate effect). A virtuoso can use this ability more than once against an individual creature during an individual performance. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 virtuoso’s level + virtuoso’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. This ability affects only a single creature (but see mass suggestion, below). Suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language-dependent ability and relies on audible components. Dirge of Doom (Su): A virtuoso of 8th level or higher can use his performance to foster a sense of growing dread in his enemies, causing them to become shaken. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the virtuoso's performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the virtuoso continues the performance. The performance cannot cause a creature to become frightened or panicked, even if the targets are already shaken from another effect. Dirge of doom is a mindaffecting fear effect, and it relies on audible and visual components.
Composition Archetypes
Soothing Performance (Su): A virtuoso of 12th level or higher can use his performance to create an effect equivalent to the mass cure serious wounds spell, using the virtuoso's level as the caster level. In addition, this performance removes the fatigued, sickened, and shaken conditions from all those affected. Using this ability requires 4 continuous rounds of performance, and the targets must be able to see and hear the virtuoso throughout the performance. Soothing performance relies on audible and visual components. Frightening Tune (Sp): A virtuoso of 14th level or higher can use his performance to cause fear in his enemies. To be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the virtuoso perform and be within 30 feet. Each enemy within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the virtuoso’s level + the virtuoso’s Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If the save succeeds, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save fails, the target becomes frightened and flees for as long as the target can hear the virtuoso's performance. Frightening tune relies on audible components. Inspire Heroics (Su): A virtuoso of 15th level or higher can inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single ally within 30 feet. For every three virtuoso levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the virtuoso. Inspired creatures gain a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The effect lasts for as long as the targets are able to witness the performance. Inspire heroics is a mind-affecting ability that relies on audible and visual components. Mass Suggestion (Sp): This ability functions just like suggestion, but allows a virtuoso of 18th level or higher to make a suggestion simultaneously to any number of creatures that he has already fascinated. Mass suggestion is an enchantment (compulsion), mindaffecting, language dependent ability that relies on audible components. This ability replaces the ability to cast spells.
Inspire Greatness (Su): A virtuoso of 9th level or higher can use his performance to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting extra fighting capability. For every three levels a virtuoso attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally while using this performance (up to a maximum of four at 18th level). To inspire greatness, all of the targets must be able to see and hear the virtuoso. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells that are Hit Dice dependent. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability and it relies on audible and visual components.
Strange Magic
Composition Feats Cantripping (Composition) Music and magic are closely related, and you have learned to take the momentum of one and funnel it into the other. Prerequisite: Conduct composition class feature, ability to cast 2nd-level spells. Benefit: Whenever you begin to conduct a standard score with the conduct composition class feature, you gain the ability to cast 0th-level spells as a swift action until the end of your turn. Channeled Melodies (Composition) As your music venerates your god, and as he is quite the fan, your god has chosen to incorporate some of his favorite music into his divine gifts to you. Prerequisite: Cantor level 10th, channel energy class feature. Benefit: Whenever you channel energy, select a cantor melody you know that affects all allies, foes, or creatures within 30 feet. All creatures affected by the channeled energy are affected by the selected melody for 1 round. Echoing Refrain (Composition) By putting your all into the act of conducting, it is possible to conduct both a score and a refrain simultaneously. Prerequisite: Maestro level 10th, refrain class feature. Benefit: When you switch to a refrain, you can choose to conduct both the score's melodies and the refrain's melodies at once. Doing so consumes two rounds of the score's daily duration. This is in addition to the one round of duration that is expended each turn to maintain the score. If the refrain and the score share melodies, they do not stack. Normal: When switching to a refrain, the score's melodies are suppressed for the duration of the refrain. Equivalent Experience (Composition) You may not be a spellcaster, but your experience with music is good enough for the purpose of learning specialized music.
Interjection Games
Extra Conducting (Composition) Taking the time to condition your conducting arm allows for more conducting each day. Prerequisite: Conduct Composition class feature Benefit: You may conduct each of your scores for an additional round per day. Special: You can gain Extra Conducting multiple times. Extra Counterpoint (Composition) You have focused your attention on the development of additional harmonic counterpoints. Prerequisite: Counterpoint class feature. Benefit: You gain an additional counterpoint. Special: You can gain Extra Counterpoint multiple times. Extra Dance Move (Composition) Your focus on the dance has, understandably, resulted in you knowing more dances. Prerequisite: Dance moves class feature. Benefit: You gain an additional dance move. You must meet all of the prerequisites of this dance move. Special: You can gain Extra Dance Move multiple times. Extra Verse (Composition) Ubiquitous ditties being what they are, you have decided to devise more of them and revel in their ubiquity. Prerequisite: Verse class feature. Benefit: You gain an additional verse. Special: You can gain Extra Verse multiple times. Favored Score (Composition) Rather than focusing on prolonging all of your performances, you have found ways to optimize a single score.
Prerequisite: Breakdancer 5th level or harmonicist 5th level.
Prerequisite: Conduct composition class feature.
Benefit: You do not need to know the Spell Focus feat to satisfy the prerequisites of compositions that normally require that you know a variant of the Spell Focus feat in order to learn it.
Benefit: Select a single standard score. This score is now your favored score. You can now conduct this favored score for an additional four rounds per day. Should you ever recompose your favored score, then that new score becomes your favored score.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition Feats
Good Vibrations (Composition)
Master Composer (Composition)
You are trained in the induction of harmonics at a long distance.
Writing music is what you do.
Prerequisite: Conduct composition class feature, harmonicist level 3rd.
Prerequisite: Any two composition feats.
Benefit: The range of your harmonicist scores is increased by +10 feet.
Benefit: You gain an additional standard score. This score may be conducted for 3 rounds per day. If you have multiple composing classes, choose which class gets this new score.
Special: You can gain Good Vibrations multiple times.
Master of Harmonics (Composition)
Got the Beat (Composition)
Some train long and hard for that one trick. Not you.
Anyone can move to the beat, but some are better at it than others.
Prerequisite: Master Composer, harmonicist level 10th.
Prerequisite: Rhythm class feature.
Benefit: You gain an omniconducting pool as detailed in the omniconducting class feature. The number of points in your omniconducting pool is equal to 1.
Benefit: Your maximum rhythm increases by +2. Greater Score Focus (Composition) Your favored has taken up so much of your attention that your arm has been known to conduct it in your sleep. Understandably, your allies are quite worried about that odd behavior. Prerequisite: Score Focus Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws called for by compositions in your favored score. This bonus stacks with the bonus from Score Focus. Additionally, you may conduct your favored score for an additional two rounds per day. Lurking Dancer (Composition) You don't need to be actively dancing to feel the rhythm. Prerequisite: Got the Beat, breakdancer level 10th. Benefit: At the beginning of your turn, if your current rhythm is less than half your maximum rhythm, and if you would neither gain nor lose rhythm this round, you gain 1 rhythm instead. Master Arranger (Composition) You are more adept at arranging than the average arranger, and have been known to make longdead master composers roll in their graves at an impressive rate. Prerequisite: Masterpiece pool class feature. Benefit: The size of your masterpiece pool increases by +1. Special: You can gain Master Arranger multiple times.
Special: You can gain Master of Harmonics twice. The second time, the size of your omniconducting pool increases by +1. Special: When a harmonicist with this feat reaches 20th level, he does not gain an omniconducting pool. Rather, the size of his omniconducting pool simply increases by +5. Score Focus (Composition) You have taken the time to learn the intricacies of your favored score. Prerequisite: Favored Score Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws called for by compositions in your favored score. Songbomber (Composition) Those who take to the songbomb tend to have interesting nicknames. Few of them are flattering. Prerequisite: Songbomb pool class feature. Benefit: The size of your songbomb pool increases by +2. Special: You can gain Songbomber multiple times. Sudden Inspiration (Composition) Inspiration strikes you like a thunderbolt. Prerequisite: Know any one musica sacra or opus. Benefit: Once per day whenever you begin to conduct a standard score, you may substitute any one melody in that score for any one other melody that takes up the same number of melody slots. This substitution persists for the duration of the performance.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Composition Summary Intro Accelerando - Increases base land speed of those within 30 feet by +5 feet per round. Ambitious Theme - Req. Composer level 9th. Score contains two additional melody slots, but consumes an additional round of daily duration each round. Anthem of the Dutiful Knight - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Ethereal knight readies an action to attack those who attack the conductor. Blaring Note - Intro deafens all creatures within 30 feet with a Fortitude save to negate. Starting at 5th level, deals sonic damage with no saving throw. Bow to Your Partner - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (illusion). All allies within 30 feet gain an illusory double, as the mirror image spell. Building Dissonance - Subject takes 1d3 sonic damage each round, increasing by 1d3 each subsequent round to a maximum of 1d3 for every two composer levels. Starting at 10th level, rate of increase doubles. Fortitude negates. Cacophonic Crescendo - All other creatures within 30 feet of the conductor take 1d3 sonic damage each round, increasing by 1d3 each subsequent round to a maximum of 1d3 for every two composer levels. Starting at 10th level, rate of increase doubles. Fortitude negates. Cadenza - Req. Leadership. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor gains double benefit from melodies for 1 round, but no other creatures are affected by the melodies for that round. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Chorale - Req. Composer level 8th. Allied bards and maestros extend the range of the conductor's performance. Complementary Waves - Req. Composer level 3rd. Those affected by score's melodies gain sonic resistance and are healed when this resistance totally negates sonic damage dealt by the score. Expresivo - Req. Composer level 7th, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks. Mind-affecting abilities contained in a score with this intro affect creatures that are immune to mind-affecting abilities, but not creatures that are normally vulnerable to them. Fill with Purpose - Req. Composer level 4th. The conductor gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC for the duration of the performance. This bonus increases by +1 for every six composer levels. Invocation of Beatitude - Req. Composer level 9th, Extra Channel or Improved Channel. If the conductor channels positive energy, living allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1 and the benefits of protection from evil. If the conductor channels negative energy, undead allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1 and the benefits of protection from good. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. I've Got Rhythm - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor gains 1 temporary rhythm which lasts for 1 round. Klangfarbenmelodie - Req. Composer level 5th, Spellcraft 7 ranks. The conductor can change instrumentation as a standard action, making creatures who rendered themselves immune to melodies vulnerable again. Last March of the Stone Giants - Req. Composer level 4th, Knowledge (history) 6 ranks. All allies within 30 feet gain DR 2/- for 1 round. This DR increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Now is the Time of Hammer! - Req. Composer level 6th. Conductor conjures a greatclub with an enhancement bonus equal to one third his composer level. Hammer attacks are a force effect. This intro cannot be added to a drop score. Opus Opener - Req. Opus class feature. If a score with this opener ends because the conductor begins to conduct an opus, then the outro triggers. Pianissimo - Req. Composer level 12th. The radius of the score's melodies is halved, but each melody that can be taken multiple times is taken an additional time. Powerful Note - All melodies with a radius of effect have that radius doubled for 1 round. Relaxing Exposition - Req. Composer level 6th. All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This fast healing increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th. Say it Loud! - The range and radius of effect of the score's outro is doubled. Song of Friendship - Req. Composer level 12th, Spell Focus (enchantment). The conductor steals control of a mental suggestion or domination effect affecting an ally within 30 feet. Staccato - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet are keen for 1 round. The Bellowing Skald - Conductor gains 1 bellowing charge + 1 for every six composer levels. May expend 1 bellowing charge as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet the ability to double a single morale bonus for 1 round. The Puppetmaster - Melodies that normally allow the subject to pick targets now have targets picked by the conductor. Uplift - Req. Composer level 6th, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks. All allies within 30 feet gain composer level temporary hit points for the duration of the performance. Visions of Sugarplums - Req. Composer level 9th, Spell Focus (illusion). A single creature within 30 feet is assaulted by illusionary sugarplums, imposing a 25% miss chance on attacks. A Will save each round suppresses the effect for that round.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition Summary
Outro Almsgiver - Conductor receives a bonus to Perform checks to earn a living equal to the remaining duration of the score. Consumes all remaining duration of score. Ambitious Finale - Req. Composer level 13th. Melodies continue for 1 round after performance ends. Anthem of Good Health - Req. Composer level 9th. Outro removes non-magical disease in a 30-foot radius. A score with this outro contains one fewer melody slots than normal. Dissonant Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single foe within 30 feet takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of sonic damage per round conducted. Fortitude halves. Encore! - Req. Composer level 13th. If the conductor has conducted the score for 5 or more rounds, he may begin to conduct it again at no cost for the next 1d4 rounds. End with a Whimper - Req. Composer level 13th, Heal 13 ranks. A single creature within 30 feet takes 12d6 + composer level damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Familiar Coda - Req. Refrain class feature. The conductor chooses one of his refrains. The effects of the refrain persist until the beginning of his next turn or until he begins to conduct a new score, whichever comes first. Flaming Invective - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses for 1 round. Hush - Req. Composer level 4th. Creatures within 30 feet become incapable of speech for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Invigorating Coda - Req. Composer level 6th. All creatures within 30 feet heal for 1d8 + half composer level hit points. Momentary Depression - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All foes within 30 feet are affected by the slow spell for 1 round. Will negates. Momentary Elation - Req. Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks. All allies within 30 feet are affected by the haste spell for 1 round. Pick it Up! - The conductor may make an additional move action on his next turn. Rejuvenating Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A single ally within 30 feet is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, maximum 1d6 / 2 composer levels. Starting at 10th level, this increases to 2d6 points of damage per round conducted. Say it Proud! - Req. Composer level 2nd, Intimidate 3 ranks. All allies within 30 feet stand up from prone as a free action and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made in response to this. Shuffling Coda - Req. Composer level 6th. A single foe within 30 feet provokes attacks of opportunity. Will negates. The Fat Lady Cometh - Req. Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration). A fat lady appears when the intro is triggered and capers about for the duration of the performance. She sings when the outro is triggered, stunning creatures within 10 feet. Fortitude negates. Thrumming Note - Req. Composer level 10th, Acrobatics 10 ranks. Blast of sound trips creatures in a 30-foot radius. Trailing Coda - Req. Composer level 3rd. A score with this outro does not expend a round of daily duration the round it is triggered. Triumphant Shout - Req. Composer level 7th. All allies within 30 feet are immune to fear for 2 rounds, plus an additional round for every three composer levels beyond 7th. Trumpets of the Heavenly Host - Req. Composer level 16th. 15-foot cone of sound paralyzes for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. Warding Finale - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet ignore the next 3 points of damage per composer level of the chosen energy type. Intro/Outro Energico - Req. Composer level 7th. If used as an intro, the conductor begins conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor ceases conducting as a move action and may begin conducting another score this round. Piercing Scream - Req. Composer level 10th. When triggered, the conductor confuses creatures in a 20-foot cone for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Stereophonic - Req. Composer level 6th. Both intro and outro, NOT either/or. Conductor may conduct two scores in one action if both have this composition.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Melody Acquiring the Reins - Intro that normally affects allies or foes of the subject now affects allies or foes of the conductor. Amplification - The first time the subject deals sonic damage each round, he deals an additional 1d4 damage. Can be taken multiple times. Anthem of the Superior - Req. Composer level 4th or drow. Creatures who strike the conductor in melee are shaken for 1 round. Will negates. Attenuation - Req. Composer level 9th. Subject is rendered mute. Fortitude negates. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Blasphemous Desecration - Req. Composer level 11th, ability to channel negative energy. Light level is reduced by one step within 30 feet of the conductor. Creatures in the area take a -1 penalty to attack and damage, as well as 1 point of damage if they begin their turn in the area. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Blazing Glory - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor's weapons deal an additional 1d3 fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Booming Theme - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (evocation). Once per round, an ally within 30 feet can shout, dealing 2d4 sonic damage and demoralizing in a 10-foot burst. Fortitude halves damage and negates demoralization. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Bonds of Love - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor's healing spells with a range of touch have a range of close. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Buffering Blare - Creatures within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against sonic spells and bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Can't Touch This - Req. Acrobatics 4 ranks. Conductor gains a dodge bonus to AC against creatures he hits in melee. Capriccio - Req. Composer level 4th. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to class level for the purpose of determining the effects of bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cast Like a Die - Req. Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination). Once per round, an ally within 30 feet of the conductor may reroll an attack roll, skill check, saving throw, or ability check, but at a -2 penalty. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Celebrate the Feast - Req. Composer level 4th or halfling. Allies within 30 feet who listen for 5 rounds are satisfied as though they had eaten a full meal. Chantey - Req. Ability to cast 2nd-level spells. The conductor gets a +1 bonus to caster level. This melody takes up two melody slots. Clarion Call - Req. Knowledge (history) 4 ranks. Allies within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Clarity of the Song - Composer level 10th, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (divination). Allies within 30 feet cannot be flanked unless all are flanked. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Crackling Tension - Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (evocation). Allies within 30 feet deal 1 electricity damage and 1 sonic damage to creatures that strike them in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cumulative Backlash - Composer level 4th, Spell Focus (evocation). Choose acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. Creatures within 30 feet that take 5 or more damage of the chosen type from a single source take a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round. Deceptive Cadence - The DC of the score's outro increases by +1. Defiant Anthem - Allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Disrupting Tune - Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet have resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Droning Melody - Req. Composer level 5th. All creatures within 30 feet have their morale bonuses suppressed. A Will save negates. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Drumroll - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity. This melody can be taken multiple times. Elegy for the Yet Living - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks. Once per round, the conductor may fire a ray with a range of 30 feet, dealing 1d3 damage and healing for that amount. This melody can be taken multiple times. Empowering Tune - Req. Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks. Choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Allies within 30 feet who deal damage of the chosen type deal an additional point of damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Etude - Req. Spell Focus (enchantment). All other bards and composers within 30 feet get a +1 bonus to the DC of their scores and bardic performances. Exultation - Req. Composer level 9th. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to saving throws made against death effects or spells and abilities that kill on a failed saving throw. This melody can be taken multiple times. Flaming Steel - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of fire damage. This melody may be taken multiple times.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition Summary
Focused Dissonance - Weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet deal an additional point of sonic damage. This melody may be taken multiple times. Fortissimo - Req. Perform (any) 3 ranks. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution. This melody can be taken multiple times. Ghostly Wailing - Req. Composer level 3rd, Spell Focus (illusion). All foes within 30 feet take a -1 penalty to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Glissando - Req. Refrain class feature. A score with this melody can swap to a refrain as a swift action. Glorious Consecration - Req. Composer level 11th, ability to channel positive energy. Light level is increased by one step within 30 feet of the conductor. Allies in that area gain a +1 sacred bonus to attack and damage, and gain a temporary hit point if beginning their turn in the area. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Gracioso - Req. Perform (any) 3 ranks. The conductor gains a +1 morale bonus to Dexterity. This melody can be taken multiple times. I Will Be Heard! - Req. Composer level 5th. The conductor becomes immune to the deafened condition and ignores areas of magical or supernatural silence or sound dampening. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Inspire Accuracy - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Might - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Tactics - Choose bull rush, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 enhancement bonus to combat maneuver checks made to perform the chosen combat maneuver. This melody can be taken multiple times. Inspire Terror - Req. Composer level 8th, Intimidate 8 ranks. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor are shaken on a failed Will save and remain shaken for as long as they remain in the area of effect. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interlude - Req. Composer level 10th. The conductor can suppress a melody for a time in order to make it more powerful later. Internalized Ferocity - Req. Any one of - Composer level 4th, orc, half-orc. The conductor gains a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Harmony - The conductor gains a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Invigoration - Req. Composer level 10th, Heal 4 ranks. The conductor gains fast healing 2 that stacks with other forms of fast healing. This melody can be taken multiple times. Internalized Vorpality - Req. Composer level 8th, Improved Critical. Weapons the conductor wields that are subject to a critical threat range multiplier receive a +1 bonus to their critical threat range. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Interposing Notation - Req. Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration). Conjured musical notes grant allies within 30 feet concealment against mundane ranged attacks. Introspective Theme - All allies within 30 feet receive a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Invigorating Melody - All allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Knightly Chant - All allies within 30 feet gain DR 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. Lullaby - Req. Composer level 6th. Once per round, the conductor can put a creature within 30 feet to sleep with a Will save to negate. March of Progress - Req. any one of - Composer level 4th, half-elf, half-orc, or human. Allies within 30 feet gain a +4 insight bonus on their next Craft check made to produce a mundane item, increasing to +6 if it is a novel construction. Lasts 24 hours. Marching Cadence - All allies within 30 feet gain a +10-foot bonus to their base land speed. This melody can be taken twice. Mind Awash with Music - Req. Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (enchantment). Allies within 30 feet can use the conductor's Will save modifier rather than their own when making a Will save. If the save fails, both the conductor and the borrowing ally are affected. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Muffle - Req. Composer level 10th. Each round, the conductor can suppress the effects of any number of melodies for 1 round, dealing 2 sonic damage per melody slot suppressed. Fortitude halves. Music Given Life - Req. Composer level 5th. Conductor summons an air elemental that deafens those it hits. Ode to the Barkeep - Req. Composer level 4th or dwarf. When inside a tavern, expensive alcohol is treated as potions of cure light wounds with a caster level equal to the HD of the owner of that tavern. Oppressive Fate - Req. Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination). Once per round, the conductor can force a foe to reroll any ability check, attack roll, skill check, or saving throw and take the worse result, albeit at a +2 bonus for both rolls. Will negates.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Reaper Among Us - Dying creatures within 30 feet cannot stabilize. Whenever a creature in range dies, the conductor gains 3 temporary hit points. Rebuffing Voice - Req. Composer level 4th. The conductor gains the benefits of the sanctuary spell. Resilient Measure - Choose a school of magic. All allies within 30 feet have a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Ripples of Sound - Req. Composer level 9th. Each round, a single melody present in the score affects nearby creatures. Roar of the Meek - Req. Composer level 9th. Each round, allies within 30 feet are entitled to a new saving throw against fear effects. If successful, +2 morale bonus to damage for 1 round and fear effect ends. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Rumbling Tones - Req. Composer level 6th, Intimidate 3 ranks. A 10-foot radius centered on the conductor becomes difficult terrain, but settles back down as the conductor moves. Sea Shanty - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Sinusoidal Slam - Req. Composer level 7th. Once per round, the subject may stagger a creature within 30 feet for 1 round. Fortitude negates. Snarling Chant - Req. Composer level 4th or hobgoblin. All allies who begin a charge within 30 feet get a +2 morale bonus to damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Sonic Boom - Whenever the conductor hits a creature in melee, that creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds. Fortitude negates. Sonutechnics - Req. Composer level 4th or puddling. Once per round, the conductor fires a ray with a range of 30 feet, dealing 1d6 sonic damage on ranged touch. Enhanced effect against oozes and undead. Steady Beat - All allies within 30 feet have a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Stretto - Req. Composer level 10th, Knowledge (arcana) 7 ranks. Subject can produce 10-foot-long walls of sound that deal conductor's composer level sonic damage to those passing through. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Strident Invective - Req. Composer level 6th, Intimidate 5 ranks. Blast of sound deals 1d3 sonic damage each round. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times. Tearjerker - All foes within 30 feet become dazzled with a Will save to negate. The Earth's Bounty - Food within 30 feet is retroactively cooked with superior skill and has foodborne pathogens and toxins removed. The Jokester - Req. Composer level 4th or gnome. All attacks made against creatures within 30 feet have a 10% miss chance. If missed in melee, attacker takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thrown Falsetto - Req. Composer level 4th. Once per round, the conductor deals 1d6 sonic damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Fortitude save for half. At 10th level, damage becomes 2d6. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thunderstruck - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks. Once per round, the conductor deals 3d6 electricity damage to a creature within 30 feet with a Reflex save for half. This melody can be taken multiple times. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Timeless Theme - Req. Composer level 4th or elf. Spells and abilities that would raise a corpse within 30 feet as an undead creature must make a DC 11 + composer level caster level check or fail. Under the Big Top - All allies within 30 feet have a +2 competence bonus to Acrobatics and Perform skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Vehement Invective - Incendiary sounds deal 1d4 fire damage each round. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times. Vibrato - Req. Composer level 8th, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks. Manufactured weapons striking the conductor in melee are damaged, while natural weapons striking the conductor in melee are damaged and their owners are dazed for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Vicious Ventriloquism - Req. Composer level 5th. The subject may scream once per round, dealing 1d4 points of sonic damage in a 5-foot burst centered within 30 feet of himself. Fortitude halves. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List All compositions used by the harmonicist that are not harmonicist exclusive use the following labels:
Composition List
Almsgiver (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro
Standard - This version is used by non-harmonicists.
Harmonicist - This version is used by harmonicists.
A score with this outro is designed to be spectacular in some way, shape, or form. Perhaps the execution requires a ridiculous degree of skill. Perhaps the outro simply manipulates the listener's feelings. In the end, however, it doesn't matter. If the conductor has a score with this outro, and that score has duration remaining, he may expend the entirety of the remaining daily duration of that score to gain a circumstance bonus equal to the number of rounds duration expended on a Perform check made to make a living during downtime.
Standard/Harmonicist - This version is used by everyone. The mechanics/targeting do not change for harmonicists. Accelerando (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard A score that opens with this intro becomes faster and faster as the piece progresses. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +5-foot bonus to their base land speed. Each round at the beginning of the conductor's turn, this bonus increases by an additional +5 feet, to a maximum of 5 feet for every two composer levels, minimum +5 feet. Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro becomes faster and faster as the piece progresses. All allies of the subject within 30 feet of the subject gain a +5-foot bonus to their base land speed. Each round at the beginning of the subject's turn, this bonus increases by increases by an additional +5 feet, to a maximum of 5 feet for every two composer levels the conductor possesses, minimum +5 feet. Acoustic Optimization (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 4th A score with this intro has a range of medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./composer level). Acquiring the Reins (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist The intro of a score with this melody subtly shifts its focus in the first few moments of its performance. If the score's intro normally affects allies or foes of the subject, then it affects allies or foes of the conductor instead.
Ambitious Finale (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 13th Soaring to and fro, reprising every bit of song that could be construed as a melody, and ending with a triumphant blast, such an outro can only be described as incredibly ambitious. The effects of the melodies of a score with this outro continue for 1 round after the conductor ceases to conduct. For the duration of this effect, all melodies present in the score that can be taken multiple times are treated as though they were taken one additional time. The conductor is dazed for 1 round with no saving throw allowed. A conductor who is immune to or resists being dazed produces no effect when using this outro. Similarly, the effects of this outro end immediately if the daze effect is removed. A score must be conducted for at least 3 rounds before using this outro in order for the outro to have any effect. A score with this outro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Ambitious Theme (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 9th Standard/Harmonicist Enormously complex melodies wash over each other in perfect harmony. It's amazing! It's glorious! It's only been going on for three minutes and the conductor's hair is a mess and his dickey is in a state of disarray! A score with this intro has two additional melody slots, but consumes an additional round of the conduct composition class feature each round it is conducted. Amplification (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Sound waves that are in phase with each other amplify each other. The first time the subject deals sonic damage each round, he deals an additional 1d4 points of sonic damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Anthem of the Dutiful Knight (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Anthem of the Superior (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th or drow
A score that opens with this intro is brass-heavy and somewhat tinny. The ethereal shape of a knight comes into being occupying the same space as the conductor. The knight remains in the conductor's space and moves with him. Each round on the conductor's turn, the knight readies an action to attack anyone who attacks the conductor in melee while standing in a square adjacent to him. The knight's senses are not infallible creatures that are invisible when they make their attack do not trigger the knight's readied action. The knight has an attack bonus equal to the conductor's composer level + the composer's Intelligence modifier and deals 1d8 + 1/2 the conductor's composer level damage on a successful hit. Damage dealt by the knight is considered to be a force effect. The knight persists for the duration of the score.
Drow are just better. Their culture says so for their gods say so, and their gods say so for they have a fairly good track record of killing other gods who disagree. Whenever a creature successfully hits the conductor in melee, that creature is shaken for 1 round with a Will save to negate. This is a mind-affecting ability.
A score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro is brass-heavy and somewhat tinny. The ethereal shape of a knight comes into being occupying the same space as the subject. The knight remains in the subject's space and moves with him. Each round on the subject's turn, the knight readies an action to attack anyone who attacks the subject in melee while standing in a square adjacent to him. The knight's senses are not infallible - creatures that are invisible when they make their attack do not trigger the knight's readied action. The knight has an attack bonus equal to the conductor's composer level + the composer's Intelligence modifier and deals 1d8 + 1/2 the conductor's composer level damage on a successful hit. Damage dealt by the knight is considered to be a force effect. The knight persists for the duration of the score. A score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Anthem of Good Health (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 9th This soaring introduction revitalizes allies within 30 feet of the conductor, curing them of mundane, but not magical, ailments. Make a composer level check (1d20 + the conductor’s composer) against the Difficulty Class of each non-magical disease affecting allies in range. A successful check removes the disease. A score with this outro contains one fewer melodies slots than normal.
Harmonicist Drow are just better. Their culture says so for their gods say so, and their gods say so for they have a fairly good track record of killing other gods who disagree. Whenever a creature successfully hits the subject in melee, that creature is shaken for 1 round with a Will save to negate. This is a mind-affecting ability. Attenuation (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 9th Precisely-chosen sound waves can weaken or even negate other sources of sound. Once per round, a single creature within 30 feet of the conductor is rendered unable to speak for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Blaring Note (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard A score that opens with this intro starts off quiet, but suddenly blasts forth a blaring note designed to surprise the listener. All other creatures within 30 feet of the conductor are deafened for rounds equal to the conductor's composer level with a Fortitude save to negate. At 5th level, this intro also deals 1d8 sonic damage with no saving throw allowed. This damage increases by +1d8 for every 6 composer levels beyond 5th, to a maximum of 3d8 sonic damage at 17th level. Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro starts off quiet, but suddenly blasts forth a blaring note designed to surprise the listener. All other creatures within 30 feet of the subject are deafened for rounds equal to the conductor's composer level with a Fortitude save to negate. At 5th level, this intro also deals 1d8 sonic damage with no saving throw allowed. This damage increases by +1d8 for every 6 composer levels beyond 5th, to a maximum of 3d8 sonic damage at 17th level.
Composition List
Booming Theme (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th, Spell Focus (evocation) Standard A score with this melody drowns out everything else. Once per round, an ally within 30 feet of the conductor can let out a booming shout as a swift action, dealing 2d4 points of sonic damage to all other creatures within 10 feet. Creatures damaged in this manner are demoralized, as the Intimidate skill, for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the demoralization effect. Once an ally has shouted, no other allies may shout in this fashion until the beginning of the conductor's next turn. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the damage of the shout increases by +2d4, the duration of the demoralized effect increases by 1 round, and the Difficulty Class of the melody increases by +2. The demoralization component of this ability is mindaffecting, while the shout itself relies on audible components. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist
Blasphemous Desecration (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 11th, ability to channel negative energy This melody is dark and blasphemous, polluting the air around the conductor. The light level within 30 feet of the conductor is reduced by one step. Foes within the area of reduced light take a -1 penalty on attack and damage rolls, and take 1 point of damage if they begin their turn in its area. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Blazing Glory (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th Feeding off the conductor's own ego, this melody can be thought of as a theme song. All weapons wielded by the conductor burst into flames that take on heroic shapes, like charging horses or a man standing over a fallen dragon. Weapons bathed in these flames deal an additional 1d3 points of fire damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.
A score with this melody drowns out everything else. Once per round, the subject can let out a booming shout as a swift action, dealing 2d4 points of sonic damage to all other creatures within 10 feet. Creatures damaged in this manner are demoralized, as the Intimidate skill, for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the demoralization effect. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the damage of the shout increases by +2d4, the duration of the demoralized effect increases by 1 round, and the Difficulty Class of the melody increases by +2. The demoralization component of this ability is mindaffecting, while the shout itself relies on audible components. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Bonds of Love (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 5th For the duration of a performance containing this melody, the conductor’s conjuration (healing) spells with a range of touch instead have a range of close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels), but only if the target is an ally. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Strange Magic
Bow to Your Partner (Sp) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (illusion) Standard A score that opens with this intro is jaunty and simply demands dancing. An illusory image of each ally within 30 feet of the conductor comes into being. Each image remains in the space of the ally it is a double of and moves with that ally, mimicking movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever an ally is attacked or is the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets the image instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or the image. If hit, the image is destroyed. Area spells affect allies normally and do not destroy images. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect an ally normally and do not destroy images. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an image. An attacker must be able to see an image to be fooled. If an ally is invisible or the attacker is blind, then this composition has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply).
Interjection Games
Buffering Blare (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard It is a well-established fact that sound waves can cancel out other sound waves. By producing indiscriminate noise, a conductor can make use of this. All creatures within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells with the sonic descriptor and bardic performances that rely on audible components. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist It is a well-established fact that sound waves can cancel out other sound waves. By producing indiscriminate noise, a conductor can make use of this. The subject gains a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells with the sonic descriptor and bardic performances that rely on verbal components. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Allies that move beyond the area of effect of the conductor's score immediately lose their illusory image and cannot regain it. All remaining images immediately vanish when the conductor ceases to conduct. Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro is jaunty and simply demands dancing. An illusory image of each creature the subject considers an ally within 30 feet of the subject comes into being. Each image remains in the space of the ally it is a double of and moves with that ally, mimicking movements, sounds, and actions exactly. Whenever an ally is attacked or is the target of a spell that requires an attack roll, there is a possibility that the attack targets the image instead. If the attack is a hit, roll randomly to see whether the selected target is real or the image. If hit, the image is destroyed. Area spells affect allies normally and do not destroy images. Spells and effects that do not require an attack roll affect an ally normally and do not destroy images. Spells that require a touch attack are harmlessly discharged if used to destroy an image. An attacker must be able to see an image to be fooled. If an ally is invisible or the attacker is blind, then this composition has no effect (although the normal miss chances still apply). Allies that move beyond the area of effect of this intro immediately lose their illusory image and cannot regain it. All remaining images immediately vanish when the conductor ceases to conduct.
Building Dissonance (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro becomes more and more chaotic as the piece progresses. Each round at the beginning of the subject's turn, the subject takes 1d3 points of sonic damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Each round after the first, the damage dealt by this intro increases by 1d3, to a maximum of 1d3 sonic damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses, minimum 1d3 damage. At composer level 10th, damage increases by 2d3 each round instead of 1d3 each round, but retains the same maximum. Cacophonic Crescendo (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro A score that opens with this intro becomes louder and louder as the piece progresses. Each round at the beginning of the conductor's turn, all other creatures within 30 feet of the conductor take 1d3 points of sonic damage with a Fortitude save to negate. Each round after the first, the damage dealt by this intro increases by 1d3, to a maximum of 1d3 sonic damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses, minimum 1d3 damage. At composer level 10th, damage increases by 2d3 each round instead of 1d3 each round, but retains the same maximum.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Cadenza (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Leadership Note: Given Leadership is a controversial feat, substitute Leadership for Perform (any) 6 ranks if the feat is banned by the Game Master. Standard A score that opens with this intro is designed to showcase the talents of a single performer. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor gains double benefit from all other melodies in the score that affect allies for the first round it is conducted, but no other allies receive any benefit from these melodies for that round. Melodies that affect foes or all creatures still function normally. Harmonicist A score that opens with this intro is designed to showcase the talents of a single performer. For the first round the score is consudcted, the subject treats all melodies whose standard variant affects allies only as though they were taken an additional time. A harmonicist score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Can't Touch This (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Acrobatics 4 ranks Whenever the conductor successfully hits a creature in melee, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC against that creature for 1 round, to a maximum of the number of times he has taken this melody. This melody can be taken multiple times. Capriccio (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th Quick and lively, this type of melody is that which most bards tend to fall back upon given their abundance of talent and lack of formal training. By conducting such a melody, the conductor can help these colleagues along. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor treat their class level as +1 higher for the purpose of determining the effects of bardic performances. This melody can be taken multiple times. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Composition List
Cast Like a Die (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination) Standard A score with this melody sounds like it is meant for particularly metaphysical and introspective poetry. Once per round, an ally within 30 feet of the conductor can call upon the general atmosphere of the music as an immediate action, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, and take the better result, albeit at a -2 penalty to both rolls. An ally must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. Once an ally has used the conductor's granted reroll, no other allies may reroll in this fashion until the beginning of the conductor's next turn. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist A score with this melody sounds like it is meant for particularly metaphysical and introspective poetry. Once per round, the subject can call upon the general atmosphere of the music as an immediate action, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, and take the better result, albeit at a -2 penalty to both rolls. The subject must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Celebrate the Feast (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th or halfling Standard As any halfling will happily say at least once an hour, feasts really aren't anything special unless put to music. Without the music, a feast might as well have been last Thursday's lunch. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor who listen to this melody for 5 uninterrupted rounds are sated as though they ate a particularly full meal. Harmonicist As any halfling will happily say at least once an hour, feasts really aren't anything special unless put to music. Without the music, a feast might as well have been last Thursday's lunch. If the subject listens to this melody for 5 uninterrupted rounds, it is sated as though it ate a particularly full meal.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Chantey (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells
Complementary Waves (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 3rd
Considered by many to be a more primitive and utilitarian shanty, a chantey makes it fairly easy to work in, or with, rhythm. The conductor gets a +1 insight bonus to his caster level.
Sound need not batter and destroy. It can build up, bolster, and even renew! Those affected by one or more melodies of a score with this intro gain resistance to sonic equal to half the conductor's composer level. In addition, if sonic damage dealt by the conductor's scores is completely negated by this resistance, the subject is healed for points of damage equal to the amount of sonic damage negated.
This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Chorale (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th A score with this intro is designed to be sung by a choir in unison. All allied bards and composers perform alongside the conductor as a free action. If a creature is within 30 feet of an allied bard or composer who himself is within 30 feet of the originating conductor, then that creature is considered to be within range of the conductor's score. This effect persists for the duration of the performance. Clarion Call (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks Standard An ancient, curved battle trumpet with a shrill, tinny sound, the clarion is renowned for its ability to be heard at extreme distance. In modern times, that sound is also renowned for its ability to dig into an individual's head and not let go. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist An ancient, curved battle trumpet with a shrill, tinny sound, the clarion is renowned for its ability to be heard at extreme distance. In modern times, that sound is also renowned for its ability to dig into an individual's head and not let go. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting abilities. This melody can be taken multiple times. Clarity of the Song (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 10th, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (divination) A score with this melody is clear and bright, perfect for keeping the mind centered. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor cannot be flanked unless all of them are flanked. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Crackling Tension (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (evocation) Standard A score that uses this composition builds up an air of palpable tension. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal 1 point of electricity damage and 1 point of sonic damage to creatures that strike them in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist A score that uses this composition builds up an air of palpable tension. The subject deals 1 point of electricity damage and 1 point of sonic damage to creatures that strike it in melee. This melody can be taken multiple times. Cumulative Backlash (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th, Spell Focus (evocation) Standard A score with this melody frequently strikes sharp notes at strange moments, jarring the listener. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever a creature within 30 feet of the conductor takes 5 or more points of damage of the chosen energy type from a single source, that creature takes a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round. Harmonicist A score with this melody frequently strikes sharp notes at strange moments, jarring the listener. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Whenever the subject takes 5 or more points of damage of the chosen energy type from a single source, it takes a -1 penalty to AC for 1 round.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Deceptive Cadence (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard/Harmonicist A deceptive cadence is a melody that sounds like it is heading toward a score's outro, but suddenly picks right up and keeps going. This phenomenon is most often found in playful musical pieces and in most sermons at temples. The DC of the outro of a score with this melody is increased by +1. Defiant Anthem (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard It seems that every revolution the world has ever known has had a song written for it by the revolutionaries. These songs tend to be loud, defiant, and designed to make a passionate rebel ignore the fact that the established government has superior equipment. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws made against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist It seems that every revolution the world has ever known has had a song written for it by the revolutionaries. These songs tend to be loud, defiant, and designed to make a passionate rebel ignore the fact that the established government has superior equipment. The subject gains a +2 morale bonus to saving throws made against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Composition List
Disrupting Tune (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th, Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks Standard Certain melodies are capable of ripping and tearing at particular forms of energy. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new energy type or allow the bonus to stack. Harmonicist Certain melodies are capable of ripping and tearing at particular forms of energy. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The subject receives resistance 5 against the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new energy type or allow the bonus to stack. Dissonant Coda (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 3rd
Standard A score with this outro is designed to end with a chaotic blare of sound. A single foe within 30 feet of the conductor takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted before being ended, including this round, to a maximum of 1d6 points of damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage. Starting at composer level 10th, this composition instead deals 2d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, but retains the same maximum damage. Harmonicist A score with this outro is designed to end with a chaotic blare of sound. A single foe of the subject's choice within 30 feet of the subject takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted before being ended, including this round, to a maximum of 1d6 points of damage for every two composer levels the conductor possesses. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage. Starting at composer level 10th, this composition instead deals 2d6 points of sonic damage for each round the score was conducted, but retains the same maximum damage.
Strange Magic
Droning Melody (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th Standard A drone is a dry and monotonic melody that is quite adept at removing passions from a crowd. All creatures within 30 feet of the conductor have all of their morale bonuses, whether caused by mundane, supernatural, or magical effects, suppressed with a Will save to negate. These bonuses continue to be suppressed until the creature leaves the area of effect of the melody or until the conductor stops conducting the score containing this melody. Creatures that walk into the area of effect of the melody must immediately make a Will saving throw against the melody. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist A drone is a dry and monotonic melody that is quite adept at removing passions from a crowd. The subject has all of its morale bonuses, whether caused by mundane, supernatural, or magical effects, suppressed with a Will save to negate. These bonuses continue to be suppressed until the conductor stops conducting the score containing this melody. Subjects that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the subject is once again susceptible to this melody. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Drumroll (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro In show business, many feats of strength are preceded by a drumroll. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor have a +2 bonus to Strength for the purpose of carrying capacity and, by extension, lift over head weight limit, drag weight limit, and so on. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Interjection Games
Elegy for the Yet Living (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks While this melody is fairly innocuous on the surface, one need only research its intended audience to find it bristling with menace. Once per round as a free action, the conductor may fire a ray at a creature within 30 feet. If this ray hits, a ranged touch attack, that creature takes 1d3 points of damage and the conductor heals that amount. This melody can be taken multiple times. When this melody stacks, its damage increases, not the number of rays. Empowering Tune (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 3rd, Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks Standard Just as music can disrupt particular forms of energy, it can also enhance it. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal an additional point of damage whenever they deal damage of the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new energy type or allow the bonus to a previously chosen energy type to stack. Harmonicist Just as music can disrupt particular forms of energy, it can also enhance it. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The subject deals an additional point of damage whenever it deals damage of the chosen energy type. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new energy type or allow the bonus to a previously chosen energy type to stack.
Encore! (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 13th Standard/Harmonicist Some musical numbers cause the crowd to go wild and demand an encore. For the next 1d4 rounds, the conductor can begin to conduct the same score again without expending any of the duration allotted to it. A score must be conducted for at least 5 rounds before using this outro in order for the outro to have any effect.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List
End with a Whimper (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 13th, Heal 13 ranks
Exultation (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 9th
Everything has an end. Musical numbers. Lives. A score with this outro has the ability to reach out and end the life of a creature that has been listening to it for long enough. A single creature within 30 feet of the conductor takes 12d6 + the conductor's composer level damage with a Fortitude save to negate. A creature is immune to this outro under one of two conditions. First, if the HD of the creature to be killed is greater than the conductor's composer level, then the creature is immune to this outro. Second, the creature targeted must have listened to the score for 3 consecutive rounds before the outro is triggered, including the round the outro is used. If it did not, then it is immune to this outro. This is a death effect.
This melody revels in the very idea of life itself. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against spells with the death descriptor, as well as against all spells and abilities that kill the target on a failed saving throw. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Energico (Su) Composition Type: Intro/Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 7th Standard/Harmonicist A score that uses this composition is designed to start or end very quickly. If used as an intro, the conductor can begin conducting as a move action. If used as an outro, the conductor can stop conducting and trigger the outro as a move action. Etude (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Spell Focus (enchantment) Etudes are compositions whose entire purpose is to improve the technique of the performer. In short, it's a training score. All other bards and composers within 30 feet of the conductor get a +1 bonus to the Difficulty Class of saving throws called for by their bardic performance, or conduct composition class features. This melody can be taken multiple times. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Expresivo (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 7th, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks Standard/Harmonicist A score that begins with this intro plays with somewhat exaggerated expressiveness. Mind-affecting melodies of a score with this intro can affect creatures that are normally immune to mind-affecting abilities, but cannot affect creatures that are normally vulnerable to mindaffecting abilities. A score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal.
Familiar Coda (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Refrain class feature A score with this outro fades away with a refrain familiar to the audience. The conductor selects one of his refrains. Though he has ceased performing, the effects of the chosen refrain persists until he starts conducting a new score or until the beginning of his next turn, whichever comes first. Fill with Purpose (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 4th A score with this intro is designed to elicit a very specific response, that of the zealous defender of the faith. The conductor gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC for the duration of the performance. This deflection bonus to AC increases by +1 for every six composer levels the conductor possesses. Flaming Invective (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard A score with this outro slowly builds in aggression before finally letting it all out in an invective of primal emotion. All weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal additional fire damage equal to half the conductor's composer level, minimum 1, for 1 round. Harmonicist A score with this outro slowly builds in aggression before finally letting it all out. All weapons wielded by allies of the subject within 30 feet of the subject deal additional fire damage equal to half the conductor's composer level, minimum 1, for 1 round. Flaming Steel (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro This melody is wrathful, full of fire that screams to lash out. All weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal an additional point of fire damage per hit. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Focused Dissonance (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist Standard This melody is full of disjunctions at precisely-chosen frequencies designed to vibrate in wood and metal. All weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet of the conductor deal an additional point of sonic damage per hit. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist This melody is full of disjointed notes at preciselychosen frequencies designed to bring about vibration in wood and metal. All weapons wielded by the subject deal an additional point of sonic damage per hit. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Interjection Games
Gracioso (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Perform (any) 3 ranks Lilting and graceful, this melody is enough to make anyone frolic about. The conductor gains a +1 morale bonus to Dexterity. This melody can be taken multiple times. Hush (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th As the score is completed, a palpable quiet creeps over the audience. All creatures within 30 feet of the conductor become incapable of speech for 1 round. A Will save negates. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Fortissimo (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Perform (any) 3 ranks
I Will Be Heard! (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Composer level 5th
Loud and forceful, this melody inspires those who hear it. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution. This melody can be taken multiple times.
A score with this melody is loud and insistent. It will NOT be ignored! The conductor is immune to the deafened condition and ignores the effects of magical effects that dampen or eliminate sound, such as the silence spell. This does not remove any instance of the deafened condition already in effect on the conductor; however, the conductor may begin to conduct a score with this melody in an area of magical silence or sound dampening as though that zone did not exist.
Ghostly Wailing (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 3rd, Spell Focus (illusion) A score with this melody makes use of a choir of ghastly, disembodied voices. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor take a -1 penalty to saving throws against fear effects. This melody can be taken multiple times. This is a mind-affecting ability.
This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Glissando (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Refrain class feature Glissando refers to the practice of sliding between two notes. A score with this melody can change to a refrain as a swift action rather than as a move action. Glorious Consecration (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 11th, ability to channel positive energy This melody is bright and radiant, filling the air around the conductor with a gentle glow. The light level within 30 feet of the conductor is increased by one step. Allies within the area of increased light gain a +1 sacred bonus on attack and damage rolls, and gain a temporary hit point if they begin their turn in its area. This temporary hit point lasts for 1 round. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Inspire Accuracy (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard Slow and calculated, this melody inspires the conductor's allies to slow down and actually aim for once. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist Slow and calculated, this melody inspires the conductor's allies to slow down and actually aim for once. The subject receives a +1 competence bonus to attack rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List
Inspire Might (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro
Inspire Terror (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th, Intimidate 8 ranks
A rousing melody inspires those around the conductor. Allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Some melodies seem to be designed to unhinge and terrify. With its imposing tune and propensity for sudden crescendos, this is most definitely one of them. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor are shaken on a failed Will save and continue to be shaken until they leave the area of effect of the melody or until the conductor stops conducting the score containing this melody. Creatures that walk into the area of effect of the melody must immediately make a Will saving throw against the melody. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. This is a mindaffecting ability.
Harmonicist A rousing melody inspires those who hear it. The subject receives a +1 competence bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times.
This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist
Inspire Tactics (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist Standard There are some melodies out there that can make anyone, even a wizard, feel like he can rush out there and suplex a dragon. This is one of them. When preparing a score with this melody, choose bull rush, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive a +1 enhancement bonus to combat maneuver checks made to perform the chosen combat maneuver. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new combat maneuver or allow the bonus to stack.
Some melodies seem to be designed to unhinge and terrify. With its imposing tune and propensity for sudden crescendos, this is most definitely one of them. The subject is shaken for the duration of the performance on a failed Will save. Subjects that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the subject is once again susceptible to this melody. This is a mind-affecting ability. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Harmonicist There are some melodies out there that can make anyone, even a wizard, feel like he can rush out there and suplex a dragon. This is one of them. When preparing a score with this melody, choose bull rush, disarm, grapple, reposition, steal, or trip. The subject receives a +1 competence bonus to combat maneuver checks made to perform the chosen combat maneuver. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor can either select a new combat maneuver or allow the bonus to a previously-chosen combat maneuver to stack.
Strange Magic
Interlude (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 10th Standard/Harmonicist An interlude effectively bridges two things of greater import. While conducting a score with this melody, the conductor can suppress the effects of any other melody present in the same score that can be taken multiple times as a swift action. This suppression must be done before the melody's effects are resolved for the round. No more than one melody can be suppressed in this manner at any one time. Each round, when the conductor maintains the score as a free action, he may choose to continue suppressing the melody or to resume the suppressed melody. If the conductor chooses to resume the suppressed melody, it comes back with a vengeance and is treated as though it were taken additional times equal to the number of rounds it was suppressed for 1 round. For example, if a score with this melody also has the internalized invigoration melody taken once, the conductor may wish to suppress it until needed because it only heals him and he's not hurt. If the conductor suppresses internalized invigoration for 3 rounds, then removes the suppression, then the melody's effect is as though it were taken 1 + 3 times, that is 1 because the melody was actually taken once, and 3 because it was suppressed for three rounds, for a total of fast healing 6 on the round in which the suppression is removed. Internalized Ferocity (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Any one of - composer level 4th, orc, half-orc Just as music soothes the savage beast, the right music can make a meek creature into a raving titan. The conductor gains a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each additional time this melody is taken, the morale bonus to damage rolls increases by +1.
Interjection Games
Internalized Harmony (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard This harmonic melody is very close to the conductor's heart and affects him greatly while others are simply confused as to what's so great about the piece. The conductor receives a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken up to five times. Harmonicist This harmonic melody is very close to the conductor's heart, but, unlike other conductors, this one can force things on others. The subject receives a +1 deflection bonus to AC. This melody can be taken up to five times. Internalized Invigoration (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 10th, Heal 4 ranks Certain melodies have very targeted audiences. This one, incomprehensible to most individuals, is designed to bolster the conductor himself. The conductor receives fast healing 2. This source of fast healing stacks with other sources of fast healing. This melody can be taken up to three times. Internalized Vorpality (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 8th, Improved Critical Standard Sharp, vicious notes feel like a plethora of tiny cutting blades slicing through the air. If a weapon the conductor wields is subject to an effect that multiplies its critical threat range, such as the Improved Critical feat, then he receives a +1 bonus to the critical threat range of that weapon. This bonus is applied after the threat range of the weapon is doubled, meaning a keen rapier becomes 14-20, not 13-20, with this melody applied. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist Sharp, vicious notes feel like a plethora of tiny cutting blades slicing through the air. If a weapon the subject wields is subject to an effect that multiplies its critical threat range, such as the Improved Critical feat, then it receives a +1 bonus to the critical threat range of that weapon. This bonus is applied after the threat range of the weapon is doubled, meaning a keen rapier becomes 14-20, not 13-20, with this melody applied. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List
Interposing Notation (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th, Spell Focus (conjuration)
Invocation of Beatitude (Sp) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 9th, Extra Channel or Improved Channel
This melody thrums with the beatific energy of saints or the cacophony of the depraved. If the conductor channels positive energy, living allies within 30 feet of the composer gain fast healing 1 and gain the benefits of the protection from evil spell. Conversely, if the conductor channels negative energy, undead allies within 30 feet of the composer gain fast healing 1 and gain the benefits of the protection from good spell.
A score with this melody conjures up the notes played as they are conducted. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor are surrounded by oversized musical notation, granting concealment (20% miss chance) against mundane ranged attacks. Exceptional ranged attacks that laugh at the idea of a puny music note stopping it, like a thrown boulder, are not affected. Harmonicist A score with this melody conjures up the notes played as they are conducted. The subject is surrounded by oversized musical notation, granting concealment (20% miss chance) against mundane ranged attacks. Exceptional ranged attacks that laugh at the idea of a puny music note stopping it, like a thrown boulder, are not affected. Introspective Theme (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Quiet and thoughtful, this melody promotes deep thinking. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive a +2 competence bonus to Knowledge skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Invigorating Coda (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 6th A score with this outro ends on a triumphant note, invigorating those who hear it. All creatures within 30 feet of the conductor are healed for 1d8 + half the conductor's composer level hit points, rounded down. As this is a positive energy effect, it deals damage to undead creatures instead. Undead creatures are entitled to a Will save for half damage. Invigorating Melody (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard Triumphant and clear, this melody is designed to spark bravery and invigorate the listener. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist Triumphant and clear, this melody is designed to spark bravery and invigorate the listener. The subject gains fast healing 1. This melody can be taken multiple times.
This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. I've Got Rhythm (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Composer level 5th Some dancers just dance in time with the tune in their heads. The conductor gains 1 temporary rhythm. This temporary rhythm lasts for 1 round. Klangfarbenmelodie (Sp) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th, Spellcraft 5 ranks Klangfarbenmelodie refers to the practice of swapping out instruments in the middle of a line of music in order to change the feel of the resulting sound. While conducting a score with this intro, the conductor can change the instrumentation heard as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. So sharp is the mood change of the music that creatures rendered immune to a melody by successfully making a saving throw against it are once again vulnerable to that melody.
Knightly Chant (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard A slow and measured rhythm mimics the sound of armored knights marching off to battle. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain damage reduction 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist A slow and measured rhythm mimics the sound of armored knights marching off to battle. The subject gains damage reduction 1/-. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Last March of the Stone Giants (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor Requires: Composer level 4th, Knowledge (history) 6 ranks Deep and imposing, this composition is reminiscent of a great marching line of stone giants going off to war. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive DR 2 / - for 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th, to a maximum of DR 9/- at composer level 20th. Lingering Echoes (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist A score with this outro does not immediately end if the subject moves out of range of the composer. Instead, when the subject moves out of range, the score continues for one more round before ending. Lullaby (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Composer level 6th A slow and relaxing melody, the lullaby is designed to lull the listener into a deep and contented sleep. Once per round, the conductor may put a creature within 30 feet to sleep for 1d4 rounds as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. A successful Will save negates. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. This is a mind-affecting ability. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. March of Progress (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Any one of - Composer level 4th, half-elf, half-orc, or human Humans are an incredibly ambitious race. Long-lived races typically find the constant to and fro of human politics to be fairly ridiculous, while some few find it exciting and a fantastic source of cheap entertainment. The heart of humanity's success, however, is its propensity to build enormous infrastructure for any goal that pops into its racial consciousness. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor who listen to the melody for 5 uninterrupted rounds get a +4 insight bonus on their next Craft check made to produce mundane items. This bonus increases by +2 if the item to be produced has never been made by the crafter before. For example, if a swordsmith decides to produce his very first greatclub, he gets a +6 insight bonus rather than a +4 insight bonus to his Craft check. If not used within 24 hours, this bonus is lost.
Interjection Games
Marching Cadence (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro
Standard Certain melodies are designed to play at a specific rhythm that simulates the marching of an infantry regiment. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +10-foot bonus to their base land speed. This is an enhancement bonus. This melody can be taken twice. Harmonicist Certain melodies are designed to play at a specific rhythm that simulates the marching of an infantry regiment. The subject gains a +10-foot bonus to its base land speed. This is an enhancement bonus. This melody can be taken twice. Mind Awash with Music (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th, (enchantment)
A score that uses this composition worms its way into the minds of those who listen to it and makes it particularly difficult for anything else to get a word in edgewise. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor can use the conductor's Will save modifier rather than their own when making a Will save against a mind-affecting ability; however, if that Will save is failed, both the ally and the conductor are treated as though they failed their saving throw against the ability. The intimate connection brought about by this melody causes a conductor who is normally immune to mind-affecting abilities to be vulnerable to them when their source is feedback from an ally's failed Will save while using this melody. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Momentary Depression (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks Some scores simply leave the audience depressed for a time after the performance ends. A score with this outro subjects all foes within 30 feet of the conductor to the effects of the slow spell for 1 round, with a caster level equal to composer level. A Will save negates. This is a mind-affecting ability. Momentary Elation (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th, Acrobatics 5 ranks Some scores simply leave the audience elated for a time after the show. A score with this outro grants all allies within 30 feet of the conductor the benefits of the haste spell for 1 round, with a caster level equal to composer level. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List
Muffle (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 10th
Now is the Time of Hammer! (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Composer level 6th
At times, it can be useful to stifle the sound of a score without ceasing to conduct. Using the bodies of those affected by the music as a sink works in a pinch. While conducting a score with this melody, the conductor can suppress the effects of any number of other melodies present in the same score for 1 round as a swift action. Those subject to the score's melodies take 2 points of sonic damage per melody slot worth of melodies suppressed in this fashion. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage.
There's really no telling how it actually works, but with a shout and a pose, an enormous, translucent hammer appears in the conductor's hands as he begins to conduct a score with this intro, and persists for as long as he maintains the performance. Treat this hammer as a masterwork greatclub with which only the conductor is proficient. Attacks made with the hammer are considered to be attacks made with a force effect (though the hammer still deals bludgeoning damage), and the greatclub has an enhancement bonus equal to one third the conductor's composer level, rounded down. The conductor must have at least one hand free to begin conducting a score with this intro. This intro cannot be added to a drop score. Ode to the Barkeep (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th or dwarf
Music Given Life (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 5th Shapeless and rather chaotic, this melody does not merely reflect what humans feel about nature, but rather embodies the processes of life itself. A creature made of pure sound appears in an empty square that is within 30 feet of the conductor. Treat this creature as a small air elemental, except that it deafens creatures it damages in melee for 1d4 rounds with a DC 11 Fortitude save to negate. The creature persists for as long as the conductor conducts the score containing this melody. If the conductor is ever more than 30 feet away from the creature, it is unsummoned immediately and will not return until the conductor ceases to conduct the score and starts conducting it again.
Blessed are the barkeeps, peddlers of the nectar that makes life livable! All creatures within 30 feet of the conductor treat alcoholic beverages with a market price of 25 gp or higher as potions of cure light wounds, but only if that creature is inside what the locals of an area would deem a bar, pub, or tavern. This is in addition to the standard inebriating effects of the drink. The caster level of such potions of cure light wounds is equal to the Hit Dice of the proprietor of the establishment, or caster level 1st if the proprietor is not on the premises. If there are no locals, then there is no bar, meaning overly-clever conductors cannot simply set up a “lemonade stand” in the middle of a terror-stricken wasteland to gain the benefits of this melody. If a wizard goes to the trouble of establishing an extradimensional bar that actually has regular patrons, then this requirement is satisfied.
At composer level 9th, the conductor can choose to make this melody take up two melody slots. If he does, the creature is treated as a medium air elemental and has a DC of 14 for its deafen effect. At composer level 13th, the conductor can choose to make this melody take up three melody slots. If he does, the creature is treated as a large air elemental and has a DC of 17 for its deafen effect. At composer level 17th, the conductor can choose to make this melody take up four melody slots. If he does, the creature is treated as a huge air elemental and has a DC of 20 for its deafen effect. A conductor can always choose to use less melody slots than the maximum allowed. For example, a 17th level cantor can spend three melody slots to summon a large air elemental.
Strange Magic
Oppressive Fate (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 7th, Spell Focus (divination) Standard A score with this melody rings with the laughter of a haughty villain who knows that resistance is futile. Once per round as an immediate action, the conductor can force a foe within 30 feet to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, and take the worse result, albeit with a +2 bonus. The conductor must choose to use this ability before the first roll is made. A Will save negates the forced reroll. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist A score with this melody rings with the laughter of a haughty villain who knows that resistance is futile. Once per round as an immediate action, the subject can force a foe within 30 feet to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, and take the worse result, albeit with a +2 bonus. The subject must choose to use this ability before the first roll is made. A Will save negates the forced reroll. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Interjection Games
Pick it Up! (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Though the song may be over, the performance has just begun! The conductor may make an additional move action on his next turn. Piercing Scream (Sp) Composition Type: Intro/Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 10th Some rather daring composers have been known to begin or end their pieces with horrifying, bloodcurdling screams. If used as an intro, the conductor emits a 20foot cone of sound when he begins to conduct the score. If used as an outro, the conductor emits the 20-foot cone of sound when the outro is triggered. Creatures caught in this cone of sound are confused for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Powerful Note (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro It can behoove a composer to begin a composition with a bang. All melodies with a radius of effect have that radius of effect doubled for 1 round.
Opus Opener (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Opus class feature Though it can be considered musical heresy to alter an opus in any way, shape, or form, that doesn't stop maestros from composing all sorts of little ditties in an effort to lead up into one. If a score with this intro is stopped because the conductor starts to conduct an opus, the score's outro effect is triggered as though he ended the score properly. Pianissimo (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 12th Some pieces are designed to be played quietly so that the audience is forced to listen intently. Though the size of the target audience must be small, it is an excellent way to ensure that the audience gives the piece the attention it deserves. A score with this intro has the radius of effect of its melodies halved (a 15-foot radius assuming no feats or favored class bonuses have been taken); however, all melodies that can be taken multiple times are treated as though they have been taken an additional time. A score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal.
Reaper Among Us (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Shrouded in black, scythe in hand, Death glides over the site of a recent battle. One by one, the dying are counted among the dead. All stabilized creatures within 30 feet of the conductor resume bleeding out. So long as the conductor is within 30 feet, a creature that is bleeding out cannot stabilize. Whenever a creature dies, the conductor gains 3 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points stack, to a maximum of the conductor's composer level, and last for 1 minute. Rebuffing Voice (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 4th This melody pushes away those that would harm the conductor, granting him the benefits of the sanctuary spell. If the conductor acts in such a way that would cause the sanctuary spell to end, then this melody ceases to grant any benefit for the remainder of the conductor’s performance.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Rejuvenating Coda (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 3rd Standard A score with this outro is designed to end with uplifting notes. A single ally within 30 feet of the conductor is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted before being ended, including this round, to a maximum of 1d6 points of healing for every two composer levels the conductor possesses. Starting at composer level 10th, this composition instead heals for 2d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, but the maximum remains unchanged. Harmonicist A score with this outro is designed to end with uplifting notes. A single ally of the subject's choice is healed for 1d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted before being ended, including this round, to a maximum of 1d6 points of healing for every two composer levels the conductor possesses. Starting at composer level 10th, this composition instead heals for 2d6 points of damage for each round the score was conducted, but the maximum remains unchanged. Relaxing Exposition (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 6th Standard Light and peaceful, this intro lifts the spirits of those who hear it. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 for every two composer levels beyond 6th, to a maximum fast healing 9 at composer level 18th. Harmonicist Light and peaceful, this intro lifts the spirits of those who hear it. All creatures the subject considers allies within 30 feet of the subject gain fast healing 2 for 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 for every three composer levels beyond 6th, to a maximum fast healing 6 at composer level 18th.
Composition List
Resilient Measure (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard Certain melodies have an inherent resistance against a specific school of magic. When preparing a score with this melody, choose a school of magic. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor selects a new school. Harmonicist Certain melodies have an inherent resistance against a specific school of magic. When preparing a score with this melody, choose a school of magic. The subject receives a +1 insight bonus to saving throws made against spells of the chosen school. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the conductor selects a new school. Ripples of Sound (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 9th Resonant sound spreads like ripples in a pool of water. Each round at the beginning of his turn, the conductor selects a melody that takes up one melody slot that is present in the same score. Creatures within 5 feet of those subject to the score's effects are subject to the effects of the chosen melody for 1 round, but are not considered to be subject to the score as a whole. Roar of the Meek (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 9th This melody hardens the hearts of the meek, making warriors of them all. Each round, all allies within 30 feet of the conductor get an additional saving throw against any ongoing fear effects. If the save is made, that fear effect ends immediately and the ally gets a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls for 1 round. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Rumbling Tones (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 6th, Intimidate 3 ranks
Sea Shanty (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro
Deep bass tones pound directly into the earth itself, causing dirt, sod, glacial ice, cobblestone, floorboards, and the very living rock itself to raise its sundered form to the sky. If standing on solid, non-magical ground, or whatever passes for solid ground in more exotic locales, the conductor's composition causes the ground to cleave upward, creating difficult terrain in a 10-foot radius centered on himself. The ground settles back to its original state as the conductor moves. When a score with this melody ends, all remaining difficult terrain returns to its original state. The space in which the conductor stands is never made difficult terrain by this melody; in fact, as the conductor moves, the ground settles back down to ensure that he never inhibits his own movement.
Sea shanties are simple tunes with an even, metronomic beat and lyrics that will interest even the scurviest of dogs. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor experience a similar sensation, gaining a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Harmonicist Deep bass tones pound directly into the earth itself, causing dirt, sod, glacial ice, cobblestone, floorboards, and the very living rock itself to raise its sundered form to the sky. If standing on solid, non-magical ground, or whatever passes for solid ground in more exotic locales, the conductor's composition causes the ground to cleave upward, creating difficult terrain in a 10-foot radius centered on the subject. The ground settles back to its original state as the subject moves. When a score with this melody ends, all remaining difficult terrain returns to its original state. The space in which the subject stands is never made difficult terrain by this melody; in fact, as the subject moves, the ground settles back down to ensure that he never inhibits his own movement. Say it Loud! (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist Standard/Harmonicist A score with this intro is loud from start to finish, but always makes sure to end on a particularly explosive note. The range and/or radius of effect of the score's outro is doubled. Say it Proud! (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Composer level 2nd, Intimidate 3 ranks A score with this outro seeks to shout its individuality to the mountains, and those who hear it are filled with a similar impulse. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor may stand up from prone as a free action, and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made in response to standing up.
Harmonicist Sea shanties are simple tunes with an even, metronomic beat and lyrics that will interest even the scurviest of dogs. Their primary use is in the working of a ship's sails; if each sailor pulls on the rigging in time with the tune, it's much more likely that the sailors will all be pulling that rigging at the same rate. The subject experiences a similar sensation, gaining a +2 competence bonus to Profession and Craft skill checks. This melody can be taken multiple times. Shuffling Coda (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 6th Music can elicit actions as well as emotions, dancing being one of the easiest to bring about. A single foe within 30 feet of the conduct begins to caper for a few moments, provoking attacks of opportunity with a Will save to negate. This is a mind-affecting ability. A score with this outro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Sinusoidal Slam (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 7th The right sound can hit the listener like a ton of bricks. At the beginning of the subject's turn, he may cause a blast of sonic energy to strike a creature within 30 feet of himself as a free action, staggering that creature for 1 round if it took sonic damage since the beginning of its last turn. A successful Fortitude save negates. Slap of the Miffed Composer (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 6th Making music is a difficult business, which makes it particularly upsetting when some ignorant clod spits upon all that effort! If the subject successfully made a saving throw against one of the conductor's compositions in the last round, then it becomes dazed for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Composition List
Sonic Boom (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Harmonicist
Snarling Chant (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th or hobgoblin Hobgoblin culture is predicated on raiding defenseless villages, holding slaves, and exercising power over the weak. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor get a +2 morale bonus to damage rolls when charging. A creature need only begin its charge within range of the conductor to gain this bonus. If a creature gets multiple attacks on the charge, then this bonus only applies to the first successful hit. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Standard Sound can readily be weaponized. Whenever the conductor successfully hits a creature in melee, that creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds with a Fortitude save to negate. Harmonicist Sound can readily be weaponized. Whenever the subject successfully hits a creature in melee, that creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds with a Fortitude save to negate. Sonutechnics (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 4th or puddling
Song of Friendship (Sp) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Composer level (enchantment)
A score with this intro invokes images of two children playing at a favored tree, friends to the end. The idea of friendship and camaraderie enters the mind of a single ally within 30 feet of the conductor. If, over the course of the performance, that ally falls under the sway of a spell that alters his behavior and mannerisms, such as suggestion or dominate person, or if that ally is already affected by such a spell when the score begins, then the conductor makes an opposed caster level check with the originating source. The conductor uses his composer level as his caster level for the purpose of this composition. If the originating source is a caster's spell slots, a staff, or a scroll, then this check is made against the caster's caster level. If the originating source is a wand or rod, then this check is made against the caster level of that item. If the conductor wins, he temporarily gains control of that spell. In the case of spells like dominate person, the conductor becomes the entity whose instructions must be followed, not the original caster. In the case of spells that leave a script or set of commands to be followed, like suggestion or geas/quest, the conductor can give an alternate script or set of commands as a free action immediately following a successful caster level check to take control. If the conductor does so, these new instructions become the definitive instructions for the duration of the score, and if these instructions allow for the enchantment spell to end following fulfillment of the spell's objectives, then the spell ends. Once the conductor gains control in this manner, the control remains until the ally moves beyond the score's area of effect or the conductor ceases to conduct. This is a mind-affecting ability. A score with this intro has one fewer melody slots than normal.
The puddling language of puddle is both visual and auditory, leading to a singular variety of musical expression. Once per round as a swift action, the conductor may fire a ray of prismatic light and sound at a creature within 30 feet, dealing 1d6 points of sonic damage on a successful ranged touch. This deals maximum damage against oozes, while undead creatures take an additional +1 damage per damage die. Harmonicist The puddling language of puddle is both visual and auditory, leading to a singular variety of musical expression. Once per round as a swift action, the subject may fire a ray of prismatic light and sound at a creature within 30 feet, dealing 1d6 points of sonic damage on a successful ranged touch. This deals maximum damage against oozes, while undead creatures take an additional +1 damage per damage die. Staccato (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro
Standard Quick and forceful, staccato notes do not flow into each other, but are instead short, detached, and effectively quantized bits of music. All weapons wielded by allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain the keen weapon special ability for 1 round. Harmonicist Quick and forceful, staccato notes do not flow into each other, but are instead short, detached, and effectively quantized bits of music. All weapons wielded by the subject gain the keen weapon special ability for 1 round.
Strange Magic
Steady Beat (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Standard Even-paced, such a melody is excellent at keeping individuals centered. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist Even-paced, such a melody is excellent at keeping individuals centered. The subject gains a +1 morale bonus to CMD. This melody can be taken multiple times. Stereophonic (Su) Composition Type: Intro and Outro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 6th The best things come in pairs. Whenever the conductor begins to conduct a score with this composition, he may increase the conducting time to a full-round action. If he does, he may begin to conduct two scores that both have this composition with that one action. This composition takes up both the intro slot and the outro slot of a score. Stretto (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 10th, Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks Stretto refers to the overlapping of a theme by multiple voices or instruments that are several beats apart from each other. The effect tends to feel like an overlapping wall of sound. Once per round as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the subject may create a thrumming, white wall of solid sound that is 10 feet long, 5 feet wide, and 5 feet tall in an empty space within 30 feet of himself. This wall persists for 1 round. Creatures may walk through the wall, but take sonic damage equal to the conductor's class level if they do so. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Strident Invective (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 6th, Intimidate 5 ranks Waves of sound buffet the subject for the duration of the score, dealing 1d3 points of sonic damage at the beginning of each of its turns, increasing by +1 at 8th and 15th levels. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Interjection Games
Tearjerker (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Some melodies just make an individual want to cry. All foes within 30 feet of the conductor begin to cry on a failed Will save and are effectively dazzled. Creatures dazzled in this fashion remain dazzled for 1d4 rounds after they leave the area of effect of the melody or the conductor stops conducting the score containing this melody. Creatures that walk into the area of effect of the melody must immediately make a Will saving throw against the melody. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. This is a mindaffecting ability. The Bellowing Skald (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro The popular conception of the skald is an individual who gets in fights, cracks open skulls, then sings about it at a later date. The reality really isn't that far off. When the conductor begins to conduct a score with this intro, he gains 1 bellowing charge, plus an additional bellowing charge for every six composer levels he possesses. While conducting a score with this intro, the conductor may expend a bellowing charge as a swift action, granting all allies within 30 feet the ability to double a single morale bonus on one roll or check made in the next round. If an ally gains a second use of this ability before the first has been discharged, then the older of the two uses is discharged without effect. The moment of greatness spell does not stack with this intro. When the score ends, the conductor loses all remaining bellowing charges. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent ability. The Earth's Bounty (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Most composers begin their careers as starving artists. In an awkward twist of fate, the sensibilities of the conductor tends to be tuned to expensive foodstuffs that the foppish dandy would enjoy. In an effort to bring desires and means together, the profession devised this melody. A source of food within 30 feet of the conductor is retroactively granted a +10 bonus to the Profession (cook) check that produced it, or is assumed to have been cooked by a DC 10 Profession (cook) check if the food is raw, scraps out of a trash heap, etc. In addition, if the conductor conducts over the food for at least a number of rounds equal to the number of people the food is intended to feed, any negative consequences of spoilage are negated, though poisons and other negative agents purposefully slipped into the food are still present.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
The Fat Lady Cometh (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 6th, Spell Focus (conjuration) The conductor's music conjures the ghostly silhouette of a stereotypically overweight female opera singer, colloquially known as the fat lady. The fat lady is Medium-sized and comes into being occupying the same square as the conductor. If the conductor occupies multiple squares, select one for the fat lady's appearance. Each round the conductor conducts, including the round he triggers the outro, the fat lady can move, though it's more of a frolic, up to 15 feet. Since she is totally ethereal and not really there, she can pass right through creatures and objects that are not made of force; does not provoke attacks of opportunity with her movement; and ignores all non-force effects that can hinder movement, such as difficult terrain, grease, or web. The fat lady must stay within 30 feet of the conductor and be within the conductor's line of sight at all times. If she is not within range or in sight at any time, the fat lady vanishes and immediately reappears in a square occupied by the conductor. When a score with this outro ends, the fat lady finally sings, stunning all creatures within 10 feet for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. As her singing signals the end of the score, the fat lady takes a bow and vanishes. Creatures that are deaf or have no sense of hearing are immune to the fat lady's singing. The fat lady's singing relies on audible components. A score with this outro does not end until the fat lady sings and, therefore, cannot be voluntarily ended as a free action without triggering the score's outro effect. If the conductor falls unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated, the score ends as normal.
Composition List
The Puppetmaster (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Harmonicist This intro is at once light and flippant, yet suggestive of something much darker, as if the flippancy were subject to the whims of another entity. All melodies of a score with this intro that allow the subject to nominate targets now allow the conductor to nominate those targets instead. If such a melody requires a swift action, a move action, a standard action, or a full-round action to activate, the subject can simply choose not to activate the ability; however, if such a melody requires a free action to activate, it triggers automatically at the beginning of the subject's turn. Thrown Falsetto (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th Standard A disembodied wailing accompanies the rest of the conductor's piece. Once per round as a move action, the conductor may direct this wailing, assaulting a single creature within 30 feet with horrible caterwauling. This deals 1d6 points of sonic damage with a Fortitude save for half. At composer level 10th, this melody deals 2d6 points of sonic damage instead. This melody can be taken multiple times. Harmonicist A disembodied wailing accompanies the rest of the conductor's piece. Once per round as a move action, the subject may direct this wailing, assaulting a single creature within 30 feet with horrible caterwauling. This deals 1d6 points of sonic damage with a Fortitude save for half. At composer level 10th, this melody deals 2d6 points of sonic damage instead. This melody can be taken multiple times. Thrumming Note (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer Requires: Composer level 10th, Acrobatics 10 ranks
The Jokester (Sp) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro Requires: Composer level 4th or gnome Strange images pour forth with the conductor's music, making it difficult to tell what is real and what is an illusion. All attacks made against creatures within 30 feet of the conductor have a 10% miss chance. Whenever a melee attack misses because of this miss chance, the illusory shapes explode in a mixture of pyrotechnics, laughter, and burnt custard, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage to the attacker. This is an illusion (figment) ability. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, the miss chance increases by +5% and the fire damage dealt to those who miss increases by +1d6.
A score with this outro can literally sweep people off their feet. The conductor sends a blast of riotous music into the ground, causing the ground to rumble in a 30foot radius. Make a single combat maneuver check with a CMB of his composer level + his Intelligence modifier. On a successful combat maneuver check, an affected creature is knocked prone. All abilities that grant bonuses to CMD against the trip combat maneuver apply to this composition. Creatures that cannot be tripped cannot be knocked prone by this composition.
Strange Magic
Thunderstruck (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th, Knowledge (nature) 8 ranks Standard Some melodies make a habit of hitting a particularly "electrifying" note every few measures. Once per round as a free action, the conductor may cause a peal of lightning to strike a creature within 30 feet of himself, dealing 3d6 points of electricity damage with a Reflex save for half. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, an additional bolt of lightning strikes the target creature. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Harmonicist Some melodies make a habit of hitting a particularly "electrifying" note every few measures. Once per round as a free action, the subject may cause a peal of lightning to strike a creature within 30 feet of itself, dealing 3d6 points of electricity damage with a Reflex save for half. This melody can be taken multiple times. Each time, an additional bolt of lightning strikes the target creature. This melody takes up two melody slots when added to a score. Timeless Theme (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 4th or elf Elves are an old and wise race, and, having been given such a long time to walk upon the earth, they tend to be willing to move on to the afterlife when their allotted time has elapsed. Of course, elves being what they are, they also tend to enjoy pushing their opinions on everyone else. All corpses within 30 feet of the conductor become imperfectly warded against necromancy. If a spell or spell-like ability would raise a warded corpse as an undead creature, then the caster must make a DC 11 + the conductor’s composer level caster level check or lose the spell. Trailing Coda (Su) Composition: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 3rd Standard/Harmonicist A score with this outro is much like a drunken man who drifts off to sleep while half-heartedly carrying on about something. It simply trails off into nothingness. A score containing this outro does not expend a round of its daily allotted duration the round the conductor performs this outro.
Interjection Games
Triumphant Shout (Su) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Cantor, Maestro Requires: Composer level 7th A score with this outro ends with a passionate battlecry that fills hearts with valor. All allies within within 30 feet of the conductor have immunity to fear for 2 rounds. The duration of this effect increases by 1 round for every three composer levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 6 rounds at composer level 19th. Trumpets of the Heavenly Host (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 16th Loud, brassy notes conclude the hymn with devastating effects. All creatures within a 15-foot cone emanating from the conductor are paralyzed for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. A score must be conducted for at least 3 rounds before using this outro in order for the outro to have any effect. A score with this outro has one fewer melody slots than normal. Under the Big Top (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Breakdancer, Maestro A trapeze artist has a soundtrack all his own. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor have a +2 competence bonus to the Acrobatics and Perform skills. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Uplift (Su) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Cantor Requires: Composer level 6th, Knowledge (religion) 6 ranks A score with this intro begins with a glorious, uplifting fanfare, steeling hearts and setting a firm vision in the minds of the faithful. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor gain temporary hit points equal to the conductor's composer level. These temporary hit points last for the duration of the performance. Vehement Invective (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Heated tones set the subject ablaze, dealing 1d4 points of fire damage at the beginning of each of its turns, increasing by +1 at 8th and 15th levels. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Bradley Crouch, Jason Linker
Vibrato (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist, Maestro Requires: Composer level 8th, Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks Standard Rapidly alternating between two similar notes builds up a resonance effect. Whenever the conductor is struck in melee by a manufactured weapon, that weapon takes sonic damage equal to half the conductor's composer level, minimum 1. Whenever the conductor is struck in melee by a natural weapon or by an unarmed strike, that creature is dazed for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. Even if they are personally immune, any weapons they may draw and use are not. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. The daze effect is a mind-affecting ability. Harmonicist Rapidly alternating between two similar notes builds up a resonance effect. Whenever the subject is struck in melee by a manufactured weapon, that weapon takes sonic damage equal to half the conductor's composer level, minimum 1. Whenever the subject is struck in melee by a natural weapon or by an unarmed strike, that creature is dazed for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Creatures that make their Will saving throw are immune to this melody for the remainder of the performance. Even if they are personally immune, any weapons they may draw and use are not. If the conductor stops performing and conducts again, the creature is once again susceptible to this melody. The daze effect is a mind-affecting ability.
Composition List
Visions of Sugarplums (Sp) Composition Type: Intro Compatible Classes: Maestro Requires: Composer level 9th, Spell Focus (illusion) A score with this intro is looking a lot like a particular wintry holiday. Visions of sugarplums dance in the head of a single creature within 30 feet of the conductor, causing all of its attacks to be made with a 25% miss chance. Each round at the beginning of its turn, the affected creature may attempt a Will save to suppress this effect for 1 round. Creatures that move beyond the area of effect of the conductor's score are instantly freed from the maddening sugarplums and are not affected anew if they reenter the area of effect of the score at a later time; however, if the affected creature does leave the area of effect of the conductor's score while the ability is not suppressed, it is both staggered and confused for 1 round with no saving throws allowed. This effect lasts for as long as the conductor conducts the score. This is a mind-affecting ability. Warding Finale (Sp) Composition Type: Outro Compatible Classes: Cantor, Maestro Weaving magic into the outro of his score, a composer can proactively protect his allies from various dangers, including the elements. When preparing a score with this melody, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All allies within 30 feet of the conductor receive temporary immunity from the chosen energy type. After a number of rounds equal to one quarter the conductor's composer level, rounded down, or after the outro absorbs 3 points of energy damage per composer level of the conductor, the outro is discharged. If a source of damage exceeds the remaining absorption, the source is only partially absorbed.
Vicious Ventriloquism (Su) Composition Type: Melody Compatible Classes: Harmonicist Requires: Composer level 5th While throwing sound to fool the ear is impressive, it tends to be much more satisfying when the thrown sound is weaponized. Once per round as a swift action, the subject may let out a scream, dealing 1d4 points of sonic damage in a 5-foot burst whose center is within 30 feet of himself. A Fortitude save halves the damage. This melody can be taken multiple times.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Truename Magic
Class Skills at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier
The universe is. Barring some particularly advanced philosophers, everyone agrees on this point. Moving beyond this tautology is particularly difficult, however, as most races seek to apply "How?" and "Why?" to all of the unsolved mysteries of the universe. What's more, these races tend to angle their explanations such that they, or their gods, are of supreme import.
Class Features
Some factions posit that the universe is and always shall be. It was not created for a particular reason. Indeed, it was not created at all! Other factions posit that the universe was explicitly created. In most cases, the creator is still extant in the universe and can readily be pointed out of a crowd. Religions that seek to give their god special significance as the creator of the universe adore this strategy to no end.
Armor and Shield Proficiency: Truenamers are not proficient with any form of armor or shields. The truenaming DC of any recitations recited by the truenamer is increased by the armor check penalty of any armor or shields the truenamer is wearing. For example, a chain shirt with an armor check penalty of -4 increases all truenaming DCs by +4. If a shield or suit of armor has an armor check penalty of 0, then it increases all truenaming DCs by +1 instead. Armor and shields that are weightless or animated to take care of themselves do not penalize the truenamer's ability to recite in any way.
Then there are the truenamers. Scholars of extraordinary erudition, truenamers study that which is known as Truespeech, or the First Language. This extraordinary tongue is the language of the universe itself. It encompasses everything that has been, is, and will be, not only for the races of this plane and universe, but for all possible universes. As such, even the most brilliant scholar of his generation can only understand and speak the slightest fraction of Truespeech's full vocabulary, for the language demands a familiarity with concepts that one man born in one era of one race simply cannot fathom. When used in carefullyconstructed sequences, or recitations, the very use of this tongue forces the universe to shift slightly to accommodate the demands of the speaker. It matters not whether the speaker be god or mortal, king or peasant, the universe listens, for it must. Though truenamers tend to disagree on the how and why of it all, they do agree that the First Language was the tool of its construction. Author: Bradley Crouch. Role: Though the source of his power is vastly different from that of a wizard, those who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of magic will likely assume that a truenamer is just that: a wizard. Like a wizard, a typical truenamer serves his party best by supporting his allies and eliminating enemies from the back lines. Alignment: As a truenamer is characterized by an amoral academic pursuit, he can be of any alignment. Hit Die: d6 Starting Wealth: 2d6 × 10 gp (average 70 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Class Skills The truenamer's class skills are Appraise (Int), Craft (any) (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
All of the following are class features of the truenamer base class. Weapon Proficiency: Truenamers are proficient with simple weapons.
Professor Maxwell Feytouched, gnome truenamer
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truemagic A truenamer's source of power is his encyclopedic knowledge of the First Language, also known as Truespeech. Containing all things and concepts that have and will ever be, perfect knowledge of Truespeech would effectively mean perfect control over the universe itself. Though it is quite impossible for the limited mind of a mortal humanoid to fathom the entirety of the First Language, there are those who devote their lives to learning even the tiniest fragment of what it has to offer and are capable of shifting the universe by reciting dozens of words and phrases on a daily basis.
The Truenamer
A truenamer exercises his power over Truespeech through the use of recitations. Recitations resemble spells and represent knowledge of hundreds of variations of a core concept within the Language. Through precise knowledge of his surroundings and the vocabularly used to describe the current state of the local area, a truenamer knows how to recite the precise grammatical variant required to elicit an effect in a particular situation. It is this, the fact that the recitations for orc, charging orc, and charging orc with a mohawk are all totally different series of syllables, that makes learning even a tiny fraction of the First Language a lifelong pursuit for even the most dedicated of scholars.
Table: The Truenamer
Strange Magic
Recitations are broken up into four codices based on the nature of the subject of the recitation. For example, one codex is all about "things", while another is about "ideas". Codices are effectively repositories of nouns being modified by static verbs.
Interjection Games
Table: Truenamer Recitations Known by Level
Codex of Heart and Mind: The Codex of Heart and Mind concerns itself with living creatures. Though life is a very complex phenomenon in the universe, the living tend to have fairly static names in the First Language. The resulting ease of recitation makes the Codex of Heart and Mind the source of the bulk of a truenamer's power. A truenamer begins play with three 1st-level recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind. At each new truenamer level, a truenamer gains one recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of Artifice: The Codex of Artifice concerns itself with material things. Though the individual words used to describe material things are simple, small nicks and scratches can totally change the words that must be used. The Codex of Artifice makes up less of a truenamer's vocabulary than does the Codex of Heart and Mind, but still represents a large portion of it. A truenamer gains access to the Codex of Artifice at 4th level. At 4th level, 5th level, and every two levels beyond 5th, he gains one recitation from the Codex of Artifice for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of FarFlung Spheres: The Codex of Far-Flung Spheres concerns itself with places. As places are combinations of things with a location with respect to other things, this codex requires a great deal of prior knowledge in order to begin studying it to any useful extent. As such, truenamers learn relatively few recitations from it and begin learning from it late in their careers. A truenamer gains access to the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres at 7th level. At 7th level and every three levels beyond 7th, he gains one rectiation from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of the Realized Vision: The Codex of the Realized Vision concerns itself with ideas. As ideas have the least form of all nouns, they are also the hardest to pin down with a concrete description in the First Language. Even the most accomplished truenamers learn very few recitations from this codex. A truenamer gains access to the Codex of the Realized Vision at 10th level. He gains one recitation from this codex at 10th level, 14th level, 18th level, and 20th level. He must meet all of that recitation's prerequisites.
Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Recitations (Sp): A truenamer can recite a recitation as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. In order for his recitation to be successful, he must succeed on a DC 7 + 3 x the recitation's recitation level truenaming check. (See Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level) To make a truenaming check, roll 1d20 + the truenamer's class level + the truenamer's Intelligence modifier. On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the truenamer's action is wasted, and he incurs the penalties described by the Law of Croaking Failure. A truenamer can choose to recite "on the defensive". When reciting on the defensive, the truenamer does not provoke an attack of opportunity, but the truenaming DC is increased by +5 to reflect the enhanced difficulty of the task. (See Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level) On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the truenamer's action is wasted, he incurs the penalties described by the Law of Croaking Failure, and he provokes an attack of opportunity. All truenamer recitations have verbal components. To learn or recite a recitation, a truenamer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the recitation level. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a truenamer's recitation is 10 + the recitation level + the truenamer's Intelligence modifier. All recitations have a recitation level, which represents just how accomplished a truenamer must be to have the vocabulary to use it in the first place. A truenamer begins play able to recite 1st-level recitations. At 4th level, a truenamer can recite 2nd-level recitations. For every three truenamer levels beyond 4th, the highest recitation level he can recite increases by +1, to a maximum of 6th-level recitations at 16th level. Each recitation has a "similar school" listing. Any spell of that school whose spell level is greater than or equal to the recitation level of the attempted recitation can be used to counterspell that recitation. This can be particularly devastating for the truenamer, as counterspelling triggers The Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Treat the truenamer's class level as his caster level for the purpose of dispel magic and other such effects. Similarly, spells, feats, and abilities that interact with the school of magic listed in a recitation's similar school listing affect that recitation as though it were a spell. For example, a truenamer can take the Spell Focus (evocation) feat and have it apply to all of his recitations that have evocation listed as the similar school. If a spell or ability affecting the truenamer increases concentration DCs, then his truenaming DCs increase by half that amount, rounded down. Further, spells and abilities that trigger when a spell is cast, such as the Spellbreaker feat, trigger when a recitation is recited. When dealt damage before a recitation is completed, the truenaming DC increases by the amount of damage taken. A truenamer's recitations have a 20% failure chance when he is deafened, but other situations that require concentration checks of standard spellcasters do not affect a truenamer.
The Truenamer
Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third truenamer level after that (10th, 13th, and so on), a truenamer can choose to learn a new recitation in place of one he already knows from the same codex. In effect, the truenamer “loses” the old recitation in exchange for the new one. The new recitation’s level must be the same as that of the recitation being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level recitation the truenamer can recite. A truenamer may swap only a single recitation at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the recitation at the same time that he gains new recitations known for the level. Recitations follow four universal laws. The Law of Croaking Failure The Law of Croaking Failure is the backlash of the universe upon those who draw its attention, then fail to clearly state what it is they want. Whenever the reciter fails a truenaming check, he takes a penalty to truenaming checks equal to the recitation level of the recitation failed for 5 rounds. This penalty does not stack. While afflicted in this manner, the reciter cannot speak above a whisper, The Law of Familiar Phrases The Law of Familiar Phrases is one of the primary reasons why attempting to learn small fragments of such a complex language is viable at all. Whenever the reciter recites a recitation whose recitation level is at least one lower than the highest recitation level he can recite, the reciter can take 10 on his truenaming check. The Law of Flowing Rhetoric The Law of Flowing Rhetoric forbids a truenamer from having two instances of a particular recitation in effect at one time. In other words, if the truenamer recites alter blade, which has a duration of 5 rounds, he cannot recite alter blade again until those 5 rounds have elapsed. If a recitation is negated by a saving throw, counterspelled, or dispelled by any means, the truenamer still cannot attempt to recite the recitation again until a period of time equal to the recitation's duration has elapsed between attempts. If a recitation is not successfully recited, the Law of Flowing Rhetoric is not triggered. The Law of Finite Malleability The Law of Finite Malleability is a measure of the patience of the universe. As a truenamer runs around demanding the same thing of the universe over and over, it tends to get a bit fed up with him. Each time the truenamer successfully recites a recitation, the truenaming DC of that recitation increases by +2. The truenamer may spend an hour apologizing to the universe each morning, much like how typical spellcasters study their spellbooks, in order to reset the Law of Finite Malleability to its starting state, +0.
Strange Magic
Sympathetic Link (Ex): Even at 1st level, truenamers understand that language defines how an individual thinks. As the First Language is very strict regarding intent, it helps to be able to think like that which is the target of one's recitations. When reciting a recitation that directly targets a creature, the truenamer gets +2 to his truenaming check if he shares a language with that creature. When targeting multiple creatures with a single recitation, the truenamer must share a language with all creatures targeted in order to gain this bonus. Spells, spell-like abilities, magic items, and supernatural abilities that grant the ability to speak and understand languages do not apply to this ability. A sympathetic link is not formed by being able to speak like a particular creature, but rather by being able to think like a particular creature. Magical language aids completely skip over this aspect of language and are responsible for much of the lack of sensitivity that exists in the world today. Simply put, if a truenamer doesn't put the time and study into learning a language the old-fashioned way, he has no knowledge that he can use in this manner. Master of Tongues (Ex): As the First Language encompasses all things, truenamers are wont to learn other, simpler languages in an effort to understand more of the universe. At 2nd level and every two levels beyond 2nd, the truenamer learns an additional language that is not designated as secret, like drow sign language or druidic. Inflections: Starting at 3rd level, a truenamer gains the ability to stress the syllables of a recitation in a specific manner. This is known as inflecting. Doing so increases the recital time of the recitation to a fullround action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but adds an effect to that recitation depending on the inflection used. A truenamer may only apply a single inflection to any individual recitation. Select an inflection from the list below. At 6th level and every three levels thereafter, the truenamer selects an additional inflection from this list. Not all inflections are created equal. Some inflections are simply harder for a truenamer to perform than others, if only because of the particular way the vocal cords must be used. Each inflection has a line labeled "Truenaming DC Modifier", which states the amount by which the truenaming DC of a recitation increases when that inflection is applied. Most inflections are frowned upon by the universe itself, if only because the universe gets annoyed when somebody demands something that specific of it. Each inflection has a line labeled "Malleability DC Modifier". This value is applied to the Law of Finite Malleability. For example, as the DC of a recitation normally increases by +2 every time it is successfully recited, an inflection with a Malleability DC Modifier of +2 would make the DC of the recitation increase by a total of +4 (2 + 2) after being successfully recited.
Interjection Games
Kinetic Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 When selecting this inflection, choose one of the family of inflections listed below. A recitation with the chosen inflection that normally deals acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic damage deals damage of the chosen inflection's type instead. This inflection can be taken multiple times. Each time, choose a different member of the family of inflections. Acid = Oxykinetic Cold = Cryokinetic Electric = Electrokinetic Fire = Pyrokinetic Sonic = Sonukinetic Amplified Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection is treated as though all variable, numeric effects are increased by half, including bonuses to those dice rolls. Booming Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection has its range increased by +30 feet. Caterwauling Truenaming DC Modifier: +3 Malleability DC Modifier: +3 A recitation with this inflection is treated as though all variable, numeric effects are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are recitations without random variables. A truenamer must be at least 9th level to select this inflection. Cheery Truenaming DC Modifier: +0 Malleability DC Modifier: +1 A recitation with this inflection dazzles those it targets for 1d4 rounds with no saving throw allowed. The recitation must normally affect a single creature or object, not an area, in order for this inflection to have any effect, and even then most objects can't be dazzled. Complementary Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +1 A recitation with this inflection increases the remaining duration of the reciter's other ongoing recitations that were recited with this inflection applied by +1 round.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
The Truenamer
Disruptive Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +1
Resonant Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +2
A recitation with this inflection reduces the remaining duration of the reciter's other ongoing recitations that were recited with this inflection applied by -1 round.
A recitation with this inflection affects all valid targets within 10 feet of a primary target. The recitation must normally affect a single creature or object, not an area, in order for this inflection to have any effect. A truenamer must be at least 6th level to select this inflection.
Echoing Truenaming DC Modifier: +6 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection takes a -2 penalty to the Difficulty Class of any saving throw it calls for, but affected creatures must roll twice and take the worse result. A truenamer must be at least 12th level to select this inflection. Menacing Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection deals 1d6 points of damage per recitation level to the subject if the subject succeeds on its saving throw. This is a force effect. Only recitations whose effects are totally negated on a successful saving throw can use this inflection. Muffled Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier +2 A recitation with this inflection can only be countered by a spell whose spell level is at least two greater than the recitation's recitation level. A truenamer must be at least 12th level to select this inflection.
Stereo Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection affects any two valid targets within range. If combined with the omnipresent inflection using overtone chanting, they affect a total of four valid targets within range. Terse Truenaming DC Modifier: +6 Malleability DC Modifier: +4 A recitation with this inflection is not recited as a fullround action. Instead, it is recited as a swift action. This inflection cannot be used with the overtone chanting class feature. A truenamer must be at least 12th level to select this inflection. Trailing Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 The duration of a recitation with this inflection is doubled.
Omnipresent Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +3
Truncated Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0
A recitation with this inflection affects any three valid targets within range. If combined with the stereo inflection using overtone chanting, they affect a total of four valid targets within range. A truenamer must be at least 12th level to select this inflection.
Only recitations that have no effect until their duration ends can use this inflection. A recitation with this inflection has a duration of instantaneous; however, once recited in this fashion, a corollary of the Law of Flowing Rhetoric makes it so that recitation cannot be recited again for 1 minute. A truenamer must be at least 6th level to select this inflection. Vengeful Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0
Penetrating Truenaming DC Modifier: +0 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection gets a +2 bonus to caster level checks made to penetrate spell resistance and other effects that negate magic on a failed caster level check, such as a clay golem's cursed wound ability; however, the Difficulty Class of any saving throw called for by a recitation with this inflection takes a -2 penalty.
If the target of a recitation with this inflection makes its saving throw against the recitation, then the target takes a -2 penalty to its next saving throw against a recitation. This effect lasts for 5 rounds or until used. Whispering Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection has its range reduced by -30 feet, but the Difficulty Class of any saving throw called for by the recitation is increased by +2.
Strange Magic
Linguistic Familiarity (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a truenamer's mastery of language makes him resistant to abilities that rely upon it. He gets +1 to saving throws made against language-dependent spells and abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 17th level. Overtone Chanting (Ex): At 12th level, a truenamer has mastered the art of overtone chanting as it pertains to performing his recitations in the First Language. He may now apply up to two inflections to a single recitation and gain the benefits of both. When doing so, add together the Truenaming DC Modifiers of the two inflections and apply the sum to the recitation, then add together the Malleability DC Modifiers of the two inflections, add a further +2 to the summed the Malleability DC Modifier, and apply the sum to the recitation. Demand of the Universe (Ex): At 20th level, a truenamer has learned enough of the First Language to force the universe to do what he says without having to muck about with all of this precise inflection nonsense, at least some of the time. Once per day for each of his codices, the truenamer can take 20 on a truenaming check. In other words, the truenamer gets up to four separate uses of this ability: once for the Codex of Heart and Mind, once for the Codex of Artifice, once for the Codex of Far-flung Spheres, and once for the Codex of the Realized Vision. Favored Class Bonuses Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have truenamers as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar – If a recitation heals, add +1/3 to the amount healed.
Interjection Games
Gnome – Whenever the truenamer triggers the Law of Croaking Failure, he gets a +1/3 bonus to his next truenaming check, to a maximum of the recitation level of the recitation that triggered the Law of Croaking Failure. This bonus lasts for 2 rounds or until used. Halfelf – Every 3 times this bonus is selected, choose a recitation. That recitation ignores the Law of Finite Malleability the first time it is used without inflections each day. If the truenamer chooses to forget that recitation and learn a new one, then the new recitation gains this ability. Each time the truenamer gains this ability, select a new recitation. Halfling – Whenever the truenamer triggers the Law of Croaking Failure, he gets a +1/3 bonus to his next truenaming check, to a maximum of the recitation level of the recitation that triggered the Law of Croaking Failure. This bonus lasts for 2 rounds or until used. Halforc – Add +1/6 of an inflection. Hobgoblin – Recitations from the Codex of Artifice have their duration increased by +1/3 round. Human – Add +1 foot to the range of the truenamer's recitations. (+5 feet to the range every 5 times the truenamer takes this bonus) Kitsune - Recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind or the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres have their duration increased by +1/5 round. Kobold – Add +1/5 to truenaming checks if all targets are gnomes. Area effects receive no benefit. Orc – Recitations from the Codex of Artifice have their duration increased by +1/3 round. Puddling – Add +1 foot to the range of the truenamer's recitations. (+5 feet to the range every 5 times the truenamer takes this bonus)
Drow – Every 3 times this bonus is selected, choose a recitation. That recitation ignores the Law of Finite Malleability the first time it is recited without inflections each day. If the truenamer chooses to forget that recitation and learn a new one, then the new recitation gains this ability. Each time the truenamer gains this ability, select a new recitation.
Tengu - Whenever the truenamer recites a recitation, his base land speed increases by +1 foot for 1 round. (+5 feet to base land speed for 1 round every 5 times the truenamer takes this bonus.) In addition, every eight times this bonus is selected, the truenamer receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC whenever he is under the effects of the Law of Croaking Failure, to a maximum of the magnitude of the truenaming penalty imposed by the Law.
Dwarf – Recitations from the Codex of Artifice have their duration increased by +1/3 round.
Tiefling – If a recitation deals ability score damage, it deals an additional +1/6 damage to that ability score.
Elf - Every 3 times this bonus is selected, choose a recitation. That recitation ignores the Law of Finite Malleability the first time it is used without inflections each day. If the truenamer chooses to forget that recitation and learn a new one, then the new recitation gains this ability. Each time the truenamer gains this ability, select a new recitation.
Vanara - Whenever the truenamer recites a noninflected recitation from a particular codex, he gets a +1/5 circumstance bonus, max +2, to truenaming checks made to recite non-inflected recitations from any other codex for 1 round.
Vishkanya - If a recitation deals ability score damage, it deals an additional +1/6 damage to that ability score.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truenamer Archetypes The First Language is, by necessity of its aims, fiendishly difficult to learn, and even the best students of this primordial tongue require mnemonics and other study aids to keep everything straight. Though the ideal is to be able to muscle through the language through sheer determination and become a perfect generalist, many fall short of this lofty goal and become specialists of whatever portions of the First Language they can comprehend. Students of all other disciplines find this to be utterly bizarre, as the standard approach to higher education is to learn the broad sweeps of the whole, then focus on whatever it is that seems the most interesting or lucrative. Chessmaster Chessmaster (Archetype) (Archetype) There are some whose moment of falling short as a scholar is when the concepts embraced by the First Language leave the realm of the concrete and enter the realm of abstract possibility. Like the savants of heart and mind, who are themselves too alive to think like something without life, these individuals are too hung up on the idea of their own concrete existence to give shape to ideas that are products of a wild imagination. Thus forced to specialize in the real and the concrete, these individuals have long ago turned their weakness into a great advantage, achieving mastery over the Codices of Artifice and Heart and Mind that no generalist can touch. Their secret is in tying their knowledge of these codices to a concrete conceit, a single, overarching mnemonic that is as much a truenaming aid as it is a statement of their own ideals. In short, these master manipulators play with chessboards. Kickstarter Backer: Brandon F. Author: Bradley Crouch.
Truenamer Archetypes
A chessmaster exercises his power over Truespeech through the use of recitations. Recitations resemble spells and represent knowledge of hundreds of variants of a core concept within the language. Through precise knowledge of his surroundings, the truenamer knows to recite the precise variant required to elicit an effect in a particular situation. It is this complication that makes learning the First Language a lifelong pursuit. Recitations are broken into four codices based on the sort of noun they represent. Chessmasters, given their total reliance on the physical to make sense of the world, only have access to three of these. Codex of Heart and Mind: The Codex of Heart and Mind concerns itself with living creatures. Though life is a very complex phenomenon in the universe, it also tends to have fairly static names in the First Language. The resulting ease of recitation makes the Codex of Heart and Mind the source of the bulk of a chessmaster's power. A chessmaster begins play with three 1st-level recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind. At each new chessmaster level, a chessmaster gains one recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of Artifice: The Codex of Artifice concerns itself with material things. Though the individual words used to describe material things are simpler than those which describe living things, small nicks and scratches can totally change the word that must be used. That said, given a chessmaster's focus on the material, he can be considered the foremost expert in this codex and knows a massive variety of the recitations contained herein. A chessmaster gains access to the Codex of Artifice at 4th level. At 4th level and every new chessmaster level thereafter, a chessmaster gains one recitation from the Codex of Artifice for which he meets all of the prerequisites.
Chessmasters have the following class features:
Codex of FarFlung Spheres: The Codex of Far-Flung Spheres concerns itself with places. As places are combinations of things with a location with respect to other things, this codex requires a great deal of prior knowledge in order to begin studying it to any useful effect. As such, chessmasters can only barely grasp how it works and learn very few recitations from it.
A chessmaster gains access to the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres at 7th level. At 7th level and every five levels thereafter, a chessmaster gains one recitation from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres for which he meets all of the prerequisites, for a total of three recitations at 17th level. A chessmaster can only learn 3rd and 4th-level recitations from this codex.
A chessmaster's source of power is his encyclopedic, or rather dictionary-like, knowledge of the First Language, also known as Truespeech. Containing all things and concepts that will ever be, perfect knowledge of Truespeech would effectively mean perfect control over the universe itself. Though this is quite impossible for the limited mind of a mortal, there are those who devote their lives to learning even the tiniest fragment of what it has to offer and are capable of temporarily shifting the universe by reciting dozens of words and phrases on a daily basis.
This ability modifies truemagic.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Recitations (Sp)
Chess Piece Passive Abilities
Unlike a truenamer, who memorizes a selection of recitations and recites them ad nauseum, a chessmaster is totally reliant upon a massive mnemonic conceit that he requires to keep the First Language organized in his mind.
Pawn - none
Chessmastery This conceit is the image of a chessboard in the chessmaster's mind's eye. As he recites a recitation, the chessmaster reaches forward, taking hold of the idea of a chess piece, which is itself tied to the idea of a recitation, and moving both of them in a sort of thinkspace. As such, a chessmaster's recitations have a somantic component, as well as a verbal component. A chessmaster begins play with the idea of a chessboard in his mind, as well as the ideas of the following chess pieces: 2 Pawns 1 Bishop, Knight, or Rook At 2nd level, 3rd level, 4th level, and every two levels beyond 4th, a chessmaster gains his choice of an additional Bishop, Knight, or Rook. At 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level, he gains his choice of a King or Queen. A chessmaster may never have more than 4 Bishops, 4 Knights, 4 Rooks, 2 Kings, and 2 Queens. At 4th level and every chessmaster level thereafter, a chessmaster gains an additional Pawn, to a maximum of 16 Pawns at 18th level. Given his reliance upon this chessboard conceit, a chessmaster must choose and prepare his recitations ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour meditating upon his knowledge of the First Language. While meditating, the chessmaster decides which recitations to associate with which chess pieces. To associate a chess piece with a recitation, a chessmaster simply selects a recitation that he knows from the Codex of Heart and Mind or the Codex of Artifice and a chess piece that has not had a recitation applied to it yet. The piece and the recitation are then considered associated until the next time the chessmaster meditates in this fashion. Just as a chess piece cannot be associated with multiple recitations, a recitation cannot be associated with multiple chess pieces. When a chessmaster meditates, all current associations are broken so that he may change them. Chess pieces grant a passive ability and an active ability to their associated recitations. Passive abilities trigger each time the recitation is recited (or, in the case of the King, when preparing a recitation), while active abilities trigger if and only if the chessmaster breaks the association between chess piece and recitation while reciting. This is a free action and renders him unable to recite that particular recitation until the next time he meditates. A chessmaster must choose to use a chess piece active ability before making his truenaming check.
Bishop - Add +1 to the Difficulty Class of any saving throws called for by the recitation. Knight - Add +2 to the reciter's caster level for the purpose of overcoming spell resistance. Rook - Add +2 to truenaming checks made when reciting on the defensive. Queen - As Bishop, Knight, and Rook combined. King - The chessmaster may associate recitations from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres with this chess piece. No other kind of chess piece may have recitations from that codex associated with it. Chess Piece Active Abilities Pawn - The next time the chessmaster triggers the Law of Finite Malleability, it only increases the truenaming DC by +1, not +2. Bishop - If the recitation normally calls for a Reflex save, it now calls for a Fortitude save. If it normally calls for a Fortitude save, it now calls for a Reflex save. Knight - The chessmaster may apply two inflections to the recitation rather than just one. He may not take 10 on his truenaming check. Rook - Add +5 to truenaming checks made when reciting on the defensive. This stacks with the passive. Queen - The truenaming check is automatically considered a success. No inflections may be applied. King - Choose a Pawn that has a recitation associated with it. That Pawn is treated as though it were instead the chessmaster's choice of a Bishop, Knight, or Rook until the association with that recitation is broken. To learn, prepare, or recite a recitation, a chessmaster must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the recitation level. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a chessmaster's recitation is 10 + the recitation level + the chessmaster's Intelligence modifier. A chessmaster may recite a recitation that has an associated chess piece as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. In order for his recitation to be successful, he must succeed on a DC 7 + 3 x the recitation's recitation level truenaming check. To make a truenaming check, roll 1d20 + the chessmaster's class level + the chessmaster's Intelligence modifier. On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the chessmaster's action is wasted, and he incurs the penalties described by the Law of Croaking Failure, below.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
A chessmaster can choose to recite "on the defensive". When reciting on the defensive, the chessmaster does not provoke an attack of opportunity, but the truenaming DC is increased by +5 to reflect the enhanced difficulty of the task. On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the chessmaster's action is wasted, he incurs the penalties described in the Law of Croaking Failure, and he provokes an attack of opportunity. All recitations have a recitation level, which represents just how accomplished a chessmaster must be to have the vocabulary to use it in the first place. A chessmaster begins play able to recite 1st-level recitations. Starting at 4th level, a chessmaster can recite 2nd-level recitations. For every three chessmaster levels beyond 4th, the highest recitation level he can recite increases by +1, to a maximum of 6th-level recitations at 16th level.
Truenamer Archetypes
As standard magic is merely a subset of that which the chessmaster studies, these standard magic users come equipped with the means to counterspell recitations. Each recitation has a "similar school" listing. Any spell of that school whose spell level is greater than or equal to the recitation level of the attempted recitation can be used to counterspell that recitation. Similarly, spells, feats, and abilities that interact with the school of magic listed in a recitation's similar school listing affect that recitation as though it were a spell. For example, a chessmaster can take the Spell Focus (evocation) feat and have it apply to all of his recitations that have evocation listed as the similar school. Treat the chessmaster's class level as his caster level for the purpose of dispel magic and other such effects.
Table: The Chessmaster
Strange Magic
If a spell or ability affecting the chessmaster increases concentration DCs, then his truenaming DCs increase by half that amount. Further, spells and abilities that trigger when a spell is cast, such as the Spellbreaker feat, trigger when a recitation is recited.
Interjection Games
Kuroshiro, halfelf chessmaster
Upon reaching 7th level, and at every third chessmaster level after that (10th, 13th, and so on), a chessmaster can choose to learn a new recitation in place of one he already knows from the same codex. In effect, the chessmaster “loses” the old recitation in exchange for the new one. The new recitation’s level must be the same as that of the recitation being exchanged, and it must be at least one level lower than the highest-level recitation the chessmaster can recite. A chessmaster may swap only a single recitation at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the recitation at the same time that he gains new recitations known for the level. Recitations follow four universal laws. The Law of Croaking Failure: The Law of Croaking Failure is the backlash of the universe upon those who draw its attention, then fail to clearly state what it is they want. Whenever the reciter fails a truenaming check, he takes a penalty to truenaming checks equal to the level of the recitation failed for 5 rounds. This penalty does not stack. While afflicted in this manner, the reciter cannot speak above a whisper, The Law of Familiar Phrases: The Law of Familiar Phrases is one of the primary reasons why attempting to learn small fragments of such a complex language is viable at all. Whenever the reciter recites a recitation whose recitation level is at least one lower than the highest recitation level he can recite, the reciter can take 10 on his truenaming check. The Law of Flowing Rhetoric: The Law of Flowing Rhetoric forbids a chessmaster from having two instances of a particular recitation in effect at one time. In other words, if the chessmaster recites alter blade, which has a duration of 5 rounds, he cannot recite alter blade again until those 5 rounds have passed. If a recitation is negated by a saving throw or dispelled by any means, the chessmaster still cannot attempt to recite the recitation again until a period of time equal to the recitation's duration has elapsed between attempts. If a recitation is counterspelled or not successfully recited, the Law of Flowing Rhetoric is not triggered. The Law of Finite Malleability: The Law of Finite Malleability is a measure of the patience of the universe. As a chessmaster runs around demanding the same thing of the universe over and over, it tends to get a bit fed up with him. Each time the chessmaster successfully recites a recitation, the truenaming DC of that recitation increases by +2. While meditating to associate chess pieces with recitations, the chessmaster also apologizes profusely to the universe in order to reset the Law of Finite Malleability to its starting state, +0. This ability modifies recitations and replaces overtone chanting and sympathetic link.
Table: Chessmaster Recitations Known by Level
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Orator (Archetype) While it is true that most specializations in the realm of truenaming stem from an inability to understand parts of the First Language, some few consciously specialize because they desire to do so, not because they are forced into it. Treating the derivative languages of modern sapients as a performance art rather than as an academic subject used to help understand the primordial tongue, orators are masters of tone, pitch, and inflection who apply the lessons of the First Language to their speech work, while also applying lessons learned in the realm of suggestion and emotion to their inflectionwork in the First Language. This potent combination of professional foci produces a specialized truenamer who can sway crowds and influence opinions through sheer force of linguistic erudition rather than through personal magnetism. Author: Bradley Crouch. Orators have the following class features: Skills An orator loses Appraise (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha) as class skills; instead, he gains Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis) as class skills. Improved Sympathetic Link (Ex): Even at 1st level, orators understand that language defines how an individual thinks. As the First Language is very strict regarding intent, it helps to be able to think like that which is the target of one's recitations. When reciting a recitation that targets a creature, the orator gets +2 to his truenaming check if he shares a language with that creature. When targeting multiple creatures with a single recitation, the orator must share a language with all creatures targeted in order to gain this bonus. At 9th level and every nine levels beyond 9th, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 18th level.
Truenamer Archetypes
Browbeater Adept (Ex): Starting at 4th level, an orator's choice of occupation has made him particularly thick-skinned when it comes to hostile rhetoric, as well as particularly adept in its use himself. He receives a +2 bonus to Intimidate checks made to demoralize. Further, the target Intimidate DC required to demoralize the orator is increased by +2. At 8th level and every four levels beyond 8th, the bonus to Intimidate checks and the bonus to the target Intimidate DC are increased by +1, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 12th level. Prepare Speech (Ex): Starting at 7th level, an orator has learned how to choose his words for maximum effect. If he takes an hour to prepare a speech on a particular topic, he adds his Intelligence modifier to his Bluff or Diplomacy skill check made when delivering the speech. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 18th level. Inflections: At 13th level, the orator gains the following inflection. Sympathetic Truenaming DC Modifier: +6 Malleability DC Modifier: +4 A recitation with this inflection affects all creatures within 15 feet of the primary target that share a race with that primary target. Half-breed creatures, such as half-orcs, count as both of their parentages, in this case orc and human, for the purpose of this recitation. This inflection can only be applied to recitations that target creatures. This ability replaces overtone chanting.
Spells, spell-like abilities, magic items, and supernatural abilities that grant the ability to speak and understand languages do not apply to this ability. A sympathetic link is not formed by being able to speak like a particular creature, but rather by being able to think like a particular creature. Magical language aids completely skip over this aspect of language and are responsible for much of the lack of sensitivity that exists in the world today. Simply put, if an orator doesn't put the time and study into learning a language the old-fashioned way, he has no knowledge that he can use in this manner. This ability counts as sympathetic link for the purpose of qualifying for feats and prestige classes. This ability modifies sympathetic link and replaces the inflection gained at 6th level.
Strange Magic
Savant of Heart and Mind (Archetype) There's something to be said about being comfortable within one's own element. Thinking like a thing, as is necessary to learn the Codex of Artifice, or thinking like a place, as is necessary to learn the Codex of Farflung Spheres, just isn't something certain truenamers can do. This by no means suggests that these individuals are intellectually inferior. As they would put it, they're simply too alive to think like a hammer or like a hill. Putting all of their focus in a single Codex, that of Heart and Mind, these individuals become true masters of the original tongue of life itself.
Interjection Games
Reciter's Vitality (Su): Starting at 5th level, whenever the savant of heart and mind successfully recites a recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind, he gains fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to the recitation level of that recitation. At 11th level and 17th level, the amount of fast healing gained in this manner increases by +1, to a maximum of fast healing 3 at 17th level. If a qualifying recitation has the terse inflection applied to it, then the fast healing granted by this ability stacks with all other sources of fast healing.
Savants of Heart and Mind have the following class features:
If a qualifying recitation has the complementary inflection applied to it, then the remaining duration of the fast healing granted by this ability increases by +1 round whenever the remaining duration of that recitation increases due to the effects of that inflection.
This ability replaces linguistic familiarity.
Author: Bradley Crouch.
This works like the truenamer class feature of the same name, with the following exceptions. Codex of Heart and Mind: The Codex of Heart and Mind concerns itself with living creatures, a topic to which a savant of heart and mind feels a certain kinship. A savant of heart and mind begins play with three 1stlevel recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind. At each new truenamer level, a savant of heart and mind gains two recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind for which he meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of Artifice: A savant of heart and mind never gains access to the Codex of Artifice. Codex of Farflung Spheres: A savant of heart and mind never gains access to the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres. Codex of the Realized Vision: A savant of heart and mind never gains access to the Codex of the Realized Vision. This modifies truemagic. The Pulse of Life: A savant of heart and mind may choose to learn a recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind a second time. If he does so, the Law of Finite Malleability only applies a +1 modifier to the truenaming DC of that recitation whenever it is recited. Further, in direct contradiction with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric, he may have up to two separate instances of the recitation in effect at any given time, not just one instance. Finally, the savant of heart and mind halves the Malleability DC Modifier of any inflection applied to a recitation he has learned twice, rounded up. This ability replaces sympathetic link.
Hugh Grant, human savant of heart and mind
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truescribe (Archetype) The truenamer concerns himself with the spoken word. This is understandable, as commanding the universe through the First Language is a totally oral tradition. Still, as is the case with anything that attracts the eccentric scholar, some individuals seek to learn and apply themselves via different means. Sometimes, this is done to complement their particular genius, though it is ofttimes done explicitly for the sake of being different. The truescribe seeks to translate the First Language to a written form, ultimately making the transformation of the universe a possibility for everyone. Author: Bradley Crouch. Truescribes have the following class features: Scribe Recitation (Sp): At 1st level, the truescribe has devised a system of notation that can record all of the subtle linguistic qualities of the First Language. Whenever the truescribe spends an hour apologizing to the universe each day as part of the Law of Finite Malleability, she may also produce written recitations, otherwise known as recitation scrolls. Recitation scrolls are just like arcane or divine scrolls, save they record a recitation rather than a spell, have no cost to manufacture, must be a scroll of a recitation the truescribe knows how to recite herself, and are too obscure in nature to sell to the mass market. A truescribe can prepare a recitation scroll for each codex she knows, but can only have one recitation scroll per codex at any one time. As such, if the truescribe already has a recitation scroll from the Codex of Heart and Mind, she cannot produce another one from the Codex of Heart and Mind, but can produce one from the Codex of Artifice with no issues. The truescribe has the option to destroy an old recitation scroll in order to allow herself to produce a new one now. Recitations scribed in this manner must be at least one recitation level lower than the highest recitation level the truescribe can recite, or be of the lowest recitation level possible for that codex. Further, the truenaming DC of the recitation to be recorded must be low enough that taking a 10 on the truenaming check results in a success. A truescribe always takes 10 on her truenaming checks when producing recitation scrolls, even if she would not normally be entitled to take 10 on the check. A recitation scroll can be used by the truescribe in the same way a standard arcane or divine scroll is used. Like standard scrolls, a recitation scroll is consumed on use. Neither the production of nor the use of a recitation scroll triggers the Law of Finite Malleability. As what is said in Truespeech can vary widely depending on what the target is, the truescribe's notation system is ridiculously complicated by necessity and recitation scrolls produced in this manner cannot be used by anyone other than the manufacturer herself.
Truenamer Archetypes
Illuminating Manuscripts (Sp): Starting at 2nd level, a truescribe becomes more adept at the production of recitation scrolls. In addition to the recitation scrolls granted by the scribe recitation class feature, the truescribe can prepare a 1st-level recitation scroll from the Codex of Heart and Mind whenever she prepares recitation scrolls. The same production and scroll reading guidelines apply. A truescribe can only have one recitation scroll produced in this manner at any one time. Like recitation scrolls produced using the scribe recitation class feature, the truescribe has the option to destroy an old recitation scroll in order to allow herself to produce a new one now. Scrolls produced using illuminating manuscripts do not count against the truescribe for the purpose of the scribe recitation class feature. In other words, if the truescribe has a 1st-level recitation scroll from the Codex of Heart and Mind that she made using the illuminating manuscripts class feature, the fact that it is from the Codex of Heart and Mind does not hinder her ability to produce a scroll from the Codex of Heart and Mind using the scribe recitation class feature. The two scroll pools are totally separate. Recitation scrolls produced in this manner share the same ridiculous notation system as recitation scrolls producted using the scribe recitation class feature. As a result, only the truescribe who made them can use them. At 4th level and every two levels thereafter, the truescribe can prepare an additional 1st-level scroll in this fashion whenever she prepares recitation scrolls, to a maximum of 10 recitation scrolls at 20th level. Similarly, the number of recitation scrolls she can have produced in this manner at any one time increases by +1, to a maximum of 10 concurrent recitation scrolls at 20th level. This ability replaces master of tongues. Written Erudite (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a truescribe's mastery of the written word makes her resistant to abilities that rely upon it. She gets a +1 bonus to saving throws made against spells and abilities with a writing motif, such as sepia snake sigil, symbol of pain (and all like symbol spells), and explosive runes. This bonus to saving throws increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 17th level. This ability replaces linguistic familiarity. Written Inflection (Sp): Starting at 7th level, the truescribe can apply a single inflection to each of her recitation scrolls made with the scribe recitation or illuminating manuscript class features. This increases the truenaming DC of the recitation to be recorded, but still does not trigger the Law of Finite Malleability. The terse inflection cannot be applied to a recitation scroll.
This ability replaces sympathetic link.
Strange Magic
Read That Before (Ex): At 9th level, the truescribe is entitled to a Reflex saving throw to negate damage from the explosive runes spell. Truespeech Shorthand (Ex): At 12th level, a truescribe has invented a shorthand methodology that makes her recitation scrolls significantly easier to read. If the truescribe shares her system with a willing creature, a process that requires 8 hours of instruction, that creature gains the ability to use the truescribe's recitation scrolls. An instructed creature must make a DC 20 + recitation level Use Magic Device check in order to activate a recitation scroll. The inclusion of an inflection increases the DC of the Use Magic Device check by an amount equal to the Truenaming DC Modifier of the inflection. Instructed creatures with the ability to recite recitations of their own get +4 to this check. If this check is failed by any amount, the scroll is lost. This ability replaces overtone chanting.
Interjection Games
Tuneful Inflectionist (Archetype) Born with the vocal gifts that make a star of an opera singer, tuneful inflectionists learn early on in their careers that the hardships other truenamers experience when they perform inflections simply do not apply to them. They are effectively hardwired for stressing and tonality, and even the most difficult of inflections have a musical quality when uttered from their throats. "It's over when I sing." Brynhild, tuneful inflectionist Kickstarter Backer: Morgan Boehringer. Tuneful Author: Bradley Crouch. Inflectioni Tuneful inflectionists have the following class features: Inflections A tuneful inflectionist gains a new inflection at 7th level, 13th level, and 19th level. These are in addition to the normal inflections she receives at 3rd level, 6th level, and so on. In addition, the tuneful inflectionist may select from the following inflections in place of a standard inflection. Clear Truenaming DC Modifier: +12 Malleability DC Modifier: -1 A recitation with this inflection is loud, clear, and easy for the universe to interpret, effectively slowing the rate at which the Law of Finite Malleability builds up resistance to particular requests. Given the focus on producing perfectly-tuned content, the Law of Familiar Phrases does not apply to recitations which have this inflection applied to them. This inflection may only be applied to recitations whose recitation level is three or more lower than the highest recitation level the tuneful inflectionist can recite. A tuneful inflectionist must be at least 13th level to select this inflection. Delayed Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection does not take effect the moment the recitation is recited. Instead, the recitation's effects begin, with complete remaining duration, at the beginning of the tuneful inflectionist's next turn.
Sulema, human truescribe
Melodious Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection may be dismissed at will by the reciter. Recitations that elicit an effect when their duration expires do not elicit an effect when dismissed. A tuneful inflectionist must be at least 7th level to select this inflection. This ability replaces linguistic familiarity, master of tongues, and sympathetic link.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Verminspeaker (Archetype) Observing that their colleagues enjoy enhanced success when they understand how the mind of their target functions, some truenamers take this to the next level and seek to understand those who operate on pure instinct. As such creatures have no codified language of their own, verminspeakers tend to have less linguistic expertise than standard truenamers. Author: Bradley Crouch. Verminspeakers have the following class features: Skills A verminspeaker loses Linguistics (Int) and Knowledge (planes) (Int) as class skills; instead, she gains Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (nature) (Int), and Survival (Wis) as class skills. Influence Instinct (Ex): At 1st level, a verminspeaker has begun to learn the various impulses that dictate the behavior of creatures of pure instinct. When reciting a recitation that targets a creature, the verminspeaker gets +2 to her truenaming check if that creature is mindless. When targeting multiple creatures with a single recitation, all creatures affected must be mindless in order to gain this bonus.
Truenamer Archetypes
Inflections: At 6th level, the verminkeeper gains the following inflection. Instinctive Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 If a recitation with this inflection is mind-affecting, then it affects living, mindless creatures even though they are normally immune to mind-affecting abilities. Creatures that are not mindless are immune to any mind-affecting recitation with this inflection. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 6th level.
Istel, elf verminspeaker
This ability replaces sympathetic link. Bonded Vermin (Su): At 2nd level, the verminspeaker has gained the service of a particularly strong vermin. The creature must be a mindless vermin that is available to druids as an animal companion. This creature functions as a druid's animal companion, using the verminspeaker's level as her effective druid level, with the exception that the verminspeaker's animal companion does not get the share spells ability.
Mr. Pinchy
Vermin companions have no Intelligence score and possess the mindless trait. In spite of this, the verminspeaker's vermin companion may learn one trick, plus additional bonus tricks as noted on Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics. When a vermin animal companion gains an ability score increase (at 4 Hit Dice, 8 Hit Dice, and so on), the verminkeeper can apply this increase to the companion's Intelligence, changing it from — to 1, at which point the companion loses the mindless quality and is able to know up to 3 tricks per point of Intelligence, plus the aforementioned additional bonus tricks. Vermin companions have no skill points or feats as long as they have the mindless quality. This ability replaces master of tongues and linguistic familiarity.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Class Level
The character's effective druid level. The verminkeeper's class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to an animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion's statistics.
This is the animal companion's base attack bonus. An animal companion's base attack bonus is the same as that of a druid of a level equal to the animal's HD. Animal companions do not gain additional attacks using their natural weapons for a high base attack bonus.
HD This is the total number of eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice the animal companion possesses, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal.
Fort/Ref/Will These are the animal companion's base saving throw bonuses. An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves.
Table: Verminspeaker Animal Companion
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truenamer Archetypes
Evasion (Ex)
This lists the animal's total skill ranks. Animal companions can assign skill ranks to any skill listed under Animal Skills. If an animal companion increases its Intelligence to 10 or higher, it gains bonus skill ranks as normal. An animal companion cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice.
If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
Animal companions can have ranks in any of the following skills: Acrobatics* (Dex), Climb* (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly* (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception* (Wis), Stealth* (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim* (Str). All of the skills marked with an (*) are class skills for animal companions. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can put ranks into any skill. Feats This is the total number of feats possessed by an animal companion. Animal companions should select their feats from those listed under Animal Feats. Animal companions can select other feats, although they are unable to utilize some feats (such as Martial Weapon Proficiency). Note that animal companions cannot select a feat with a requirement of base attack bonus +1 until they gain their second feat at 3 Hit Dice. Animal companions can select from the following feats:
Devotion An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects. Ability Score Increase (Ex) The animal companion adds +1 to any one of its ability scores. Multiattack An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty. Improved Evasion (Ex) When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.
Acrobatic, Agile Maneuvers, Armor Proficiency (light, medium, and heavy), Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Power Attack, Run, Skill Focus, Spring Attack, Stealthy, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, and Weapon Focus. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. GMs might expand this list to include feats from other sources. Special: This includes a number of abilities gained by all animal compansions as they increase in power. Each of these bonuses is described below. Link (Ex) A verminkeeper can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The verminspeaker gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Scion of Discordia Language shapes reality. The gender applied to the moon or whether a people calls its homeland the motherland or the fatherland says something important about them. By the same token, the harsh accents used in the First Language to describe the platypus says something important about how the universe views it. This structuring element of language determines the very thoughts of those who speak that language, for languages without the words for a concept make it difficult to think about that concept. Though the revelation is one that would upset many truenamers, the First Language is incomplete. There are ideas and concepts that the universe itself dislikes and has made anathema by not including them in its syntax, or by making it fiendishly difficult to say if it must exist. Some few among the truenamers seek these black spots out. They prod at the universe to see how it reacts, twisting and breaking the most primal of tongues, then measure and control the universe’s enraged backlash, simply because they can. These individuals are known as the scions of discordia. Author: Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf. Role: Like a truenamer, a scion of dicordia leverages her substantial editorial control over the universe through her talents in Truespeech. A scion's focus on tearing apart established norms makes her less flexible than her peers, but the ability to actively direct the thrashings of an enraged universe is too powerful to discount. Alignment: Any. Though scions of discordia poke at the universe to see what enrages it, the motivation for doing so varies from scientific curiosity to sadism and from the love of a practical joke to the love of control. Hit Die: d6 Starting Wealth: 2d6 × 10 gp (average 70 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Class Skills The scion of discordia’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Craft (any) (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (any non instrumentbased), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier. Class Features All of the following are class features of the scion of discordia base class. Weapon Proficiency: Scions proficient with simple weapons.
Armor and Shield Proficiency: Scions of discordia are not proficient with any form of armor or shield. The Truenaming DC of any recitation recited by a scion of discordia is increased by the armor check penalty of any armor and shield the scion is wearing. For example, a scion wearing a suit of armor with an armor check penalty of -4 and a shield with an armor check penalty of -1 would increase all truenaming DCs by +5. If a suit of armor or a shield has no armor check penalty, it increases the truenaming DC by +1 instead. Armor or shields that are weightless or animated to take care of themselves do not penalize the scion's ability to recite in any way. Truemagic A scion of discordia's source of power is her encyclopedic, or rather dictionary-like, knowledge of the First Language, also known as Truespeech. Containing all things and concepts that will ever be, perfect knowledge of Truespeech would effectively mean perfect control over the universe itself. Though this is quite impossible for the limited mind of a mortal, there are those who devote their lives to learning even the tiniest fragment of what it has to offer and are capable of temporarily shifting the universe by reciting dozens of words and phrases on a daily basis. A scion of discordia exercises her power over Truespeech through the use of recitations. Recitations resemble spells and represent knowledge of hundreds of variants of a core concept within the language. Through precise knowledge of her surroundings, the scion knows to recite the precise variant required to elicit an effect in a particular situation. It is this complication that makes learning the First Language a lifelong pursuit. Recitations are broken into four codices based on the sort of noun they represent. Codex of Heart and Mind: The Codex of Heart and Mind concerns itself with living creatures. Though life is a very complex phenomenon in the universe, it also tends to have fairly static names in the First Language. The resulting ease of recitation makes the Codex of Heart and Mind a primary source of a scion of discordia's power. Its recitations have two effects - one regular and one reverse. A scion of discordia begins play with three 1st-level recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind. At each new scion of discordia level that is not divisible by 3, a scion gains one recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind for which she meets all of the prerequisites. There are some who jest that, to be a scion of discordia, one requires an unsound, if regimented, mind. There may be a grain of truth to this. Whenever a scion of discordia successfully recites a recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind, she rolls 1d8. On a natural 1, the opposite variant of the recitation takes effect. In other words, if she was trying to recite the normal variant, she actually got the reverse variant, and vice versa. When this occurs, the scion may immediately change the target of her recitation as a free action.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Codex of Artifice: The Codex of Artifice concerns itself with material things. Though the individual words used to describe material things are simple, small nicks and scratches, which are permanent and of excessive import from the point of view of that which cannot heal itself, can totally change the word that must be used. The Codex of Artifice makes up less of a scion of discordia's power than the Codex of Heart and Mind, but still represents a large portion of a scion's vocabulary. Its recitations have two effects - one regular and one reverse.
The Scion of Discordia
Table: Scion Recitations Known by Level
A scion of discordia gains access to the Codex of Artifice at 4th level. At 4th level, 6th level, and every three levels beyond 6th, she gains one recitation from the Codex of Artifice for which she meets all of the prerequisites. There are some who jest that, to be a scion of discordia, one requires an scratched and chipped mind, that, while still a beautiful vessel, doesn't hold water as well as it once did. There may be a grain of truth to this. Whenever a scion of discordia successfully recites a recitation from the Codex of Artifice, she rolls 1d8. On a natural 1, the opposite variant of the recitation takes effect. In other words, if she was trying to recite the normal variant, she actually got the reverse variant, and vice versa. When this occurs, the scion may immediately change the target of her recitation as a free action. Codex of FarFlung Spheres: The Codex of Far-Flung Spheres concerns itself with places. As places are combinations of things with a set location with respect to other things, this codex requires a great deal of prior knowledge in order to begin studying it to any useful extent. As such, scions of discordia learn relatively few recitations from it and begin learning late in their careers. A scion of discordia gains access to the Codex of FarFlung Spheres at 8th level. At 8th level, 11th level, and every four levels beyond 11th, she gains one recitation from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres for which she meets all of the prerequisites. Codex of the Realized Vision: The Codex of the Realized Vision concerns itself with ideas. As ideas have the least form of all nouns, they are also the hardest to pin down with a concrete description in the First Language. Even the most accomplished scions of discordia learn very few recitations from this codex.
Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level
A scion of discordia gains access to the Codex of the Realized Vision at 10th level. At 10th level and every four levels beyond 10th, she gains one recitation from the Codex of the Realized Vision for which she meets all of the prerequisites.
Strange Magic
Recitations (Sp): A scion of discordia can recite a recitation as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. In order for her recitation to be successful, she must succeed on a DC 7 + 3 x the recitation's recitation level truenaming check. (See Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level) To make a truenaming check, roll 1d20 + the scion of discordia's class level + the scion of discordia's Intelligence modifier. On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the scion of discordia's action is wasted, and she incurs the penalties described by the Law of Croaking Failure. A scion of discordia can choose to recite "on the defensive". When reciting on the defensive, the scion of discordia does not provoke an attack of opportunity, but the truenaming DC is increased by +5 to reflect the enhanced difficulty of the task. (See Table: Truenaming DCs by Recitation Level) On a failed truenaming check, the recitation is not recited, the scion of discordia's action is wasted, she incurs the penalties described in the Law of Croaking Failure, and she provokes an attack of opportunity. All recitations have verbal components. To learn or recite a recitation, a scion of discordia must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the recitation level. The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against a scion of discordia's recitation is 10 + the recitation level + the scion of discordia's Intelligence modifier. All recitations have a recitation level, which represents just how accomplished a scion of discordia must be to have the vocabulary to use it in the first place. A scion of discordia begins play able to recite 1st-level recitations. At 4th level, a scion of discordia can recite 2nd-level recitations. At 7th level she can recite 3rd-level recitations. For every three scion of discordia levels beyond 7th, the highest recitation level she can recite increases by +1, to a maximum of 6th-level recitations at 16th level. As pedestrian magic is a subset of truemagic, the proper application of pedestrian magic can counter a recitation. Each recitation has a "similar school" listing. Any spell of that school whose spell level is greater than or equal to the recitation level of the attempted recitation can be used to counterspell that recitation. This can be particularly devastating for the scion of discordia, as counterspelling triggers The Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Treat the scion's class level as her caster level for the purpose of dispel magic and other such effects. Similarly, spells, feats, and abilities that interact with the school of magic listed in a recitation's similar school listing affect that recitation as though it were a spell. For example, a scion of discordia can take the Spell Focus (evocation) feat and have it apply to all of her recitations that have evocation listed as the similar school.
Interjection Games
If a spell or ability affecting the scion of discordia increases concentration DCs, then her truenaming DCs increase by half that amount. Further, spells and abilities that trigger when a spell is cast, such as the Spellbreaker feat, trigger when a recitation is recited. When dealt damage before a recitation is completed, the truenaming DC increases by the amount of damage taken. A scion of discordia's recitations have a 20% failure chance when she is deafened, but other situations that require concentration checks of standard spellcasters do not affect a scion of discordia. Unlike truenamers, scions of discordia never retrain recitations. There's simply too much work invested in learning the proper insults for each one. Recitations follow four universal laws. The Law of Croaking Failure The Law of Croaking Failure is the backlash of the universe upon those who draw its attention, then fail to clearly state what it is they want. Whenever the reciter fails a truenaming check, she takes a penalty to truenaming checks equal to the level of the recitation failed for 5 rounds. This penalty does not stack. While afflicted in this manner, the reciter cannot speak above a whisper. The Law of Familiar Phrases The Law of Familiar Phrases is one of the primary reasons why attempting to learn small fragments of such a complex language is viable at all. Whenever the reciter recites a recitation whose recitation level is at least one lower than the highest recitation level she can recite, the reciter can take 10 on her truenaming check. The Law of Flowing Rhetoric The Law of Flowing Rhetoric forbids a scion of discordia from having two instances of a particular recitation in effect at one time. In other words, if the scion of discordia recites alter blade, which has a duration of 5 rounds, she cannot recite alter blade again until those 5 rounds have passed. If a recitation is negated by a saving throw, counterspelled, or dispelled by any means, the scion of discordia still cannot attempt to recite the recitation again until a period of time equal to the recitation's duration has elapsed between attempts. If a recitation is not successfully recited, the Law of Flowing Rhetoric is not triggered. The Law of Finite Malleability The Law of Finite Malleability is a measure of the patience of the universe. As a scion of discordia runs around demanding the same thing of the universe over and over, it tends to get a bit fed up with her. Each time the scion of discordia successfully recites a recitation, the truenaming DC of that recitation increases by +2. The scion of discordia may spend an hour apologizing to the universe each morning, much like how typical spellcasters study their spellbooks, in order to reset the Law of Finite Malleability to its starting state, +0.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Discordant Zone (Sp): At 1st level, a scion of discordia can choose to insert a choice insult directed at the universe into any recitation she recites. She must decide to do so before rolling the truenaming check for that recitation. If she succeeds on her truenaming check, the universe, which had been listening for instructions regarding how the local area should be changed, reacts violently. Rather than produce the recitation's normal effects, the enraged universe produces a Discordant Zone centered upon the scion of discordia. The radius of this Discordant Zone is equal to 10 feet + 5 feet per recitation level of the recitation used to insult the universe. This Zone persists for recitation level + Charisma modifier rounds, and the scion of discordia is considered under the effects of the Law of Croaking Failure for the duration. Additionally, the Law of Finite Malleability treats the creation of a Discordant Zone as though it were a successful use of that recitation and the Law of Flowing Rhetoric disallows the reciting of the recitation used to spawn a Discordant Zone for as long as the Zone persists. If the recitation level of the recitation used to produce the Discordant Zone is not the highest recitation level the scion can recite, an additional +2 Malleability DC Modifier is applied to the recitation, for a total of +4. A scion of discordia can only have one Discordant Zone at any one time.
The Scion of Discordia
Arcane Backlash Discordance Point Cost: 1 Arcane spells with a verbal component cast within the area of the Discordant Zone require a DC 10 + the recitation level of the recitation used to generate the Discordant Zone concentration check to cast. On a failed concentration check, the spell is lost. Communication Breakdown Discordance Point Cost: 1 Creatures within the area of the Discordant Zone take a penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device skill checks equal to the recitation level of the recitation used to generate the Discordant Zone. Linguistic checks made regarding the spoken word, not the written word, as well as Perception checks made to listen, are also penalized in this fashion.
A scion of discordia may dismiss her Discordant Zone as a standard action. The universe does not forgive easily and prematurely dismissing the Discordant Zone adds a further +2 Malleability DC Modifier to the recitation used to establish it. A dispelled Discordant Zone imposes no such penalty. A Discordant Zone is invisible to the naked eye, but projects a palpable sense of malice and wrongness that tingles up the spine of anyone within its area of effect. Discordant Zones have a magical aura that can be detected with spells such as detect magic, but they do not register as belonging to any school of magic. Despite this lack of a school, dispel magic and other such abilities can remove a Discordant Zone. Treat the scion of discordia's class level as her caster level for the purpose of such effects. Prestige classes that contribute to the scion of discordia's class level for the purpose of determining the highest recitation level she can recite also contribute to her class level for the purpose of determining how difficult her Discordant Zones are to dispel. A Discordant Zone cannot be counterspelled. When the scion of discordia establishes a Discordant Zone, she receives discordance points, representing her ability to direct the power of the universe's backlash rather than letting it rip her apart, equal to twice the recitation level of the recitation used to generate the Discordant Zone. She must expend all of these points immediately to modify the Discordant Zone. Each modification has a discordance point cost. The Discordant Zone can be modified in the following ways:
Strange Magic
Condition Dispersal Discordance Point Cost: X; see text When establishing her Discordant Zone, the scion of discordia may expend discordance points to attempt to transfer a temporary condition from one creature within the area of the Zone to another creature within the area of the Zone. The new recipient gains the chosen temporary condition with a DC 10 + 1/2 the scion's class level + the scion's Charisma modifier Will save to negate the transfer. This ability cannot be used multiple times per Discordant Zone and conditions that do not call for saving throws cannot be transferred in this fashion. At 1st level, a scion of discordia can move the following conditions to a new subject. She must expend 1 discordance point to do so. Dazzled, Fatigued, or Shaken. At 7th level, a scion of discordia can move the following conditions to a new subject. She must expend 2 discordance points to do so. Blinded, Deafened, Frightened, or Sickened.
Interjection Games
At 13th level, a scion of discordia can move the following conditions to a new subject. She must expend 3 discordance points to do so. Cowering, Exhausted, Nauseated, or Panicked. At 17th level, a scion of discordia can move the following condition to a new subject. She must expend 4 discordance points to do so. Feebleminded.
Sidebar: Exotic Magic and Scion Backlashes If your home campaign includes psionics, ethermagic, or some another form of nonstandard magic, feel free to add a system-specific Backlash ability to the Discordant Pool abilities granted at 1st level, as well as associated talents.
Table: The Scion of Discordia
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Counterspell Pool Discordance Point Cost: X; see text When establishing her Discordant Zone, the scion of discordia may expend any number of discordance points. For each discordance point spent in this manner, the scion gains a counterspell point. Counterspell points last for the duration of the Discordant Zone and are lost when the Zone ceases to be. As an immediate action, the scion may counter any spell with a verbal component whose caster, target, or area of effect is at least partially within the area of the Discordant Zone by expending a number of counterspell points that meets or exceeds the spell level of that spell. If a caster is within the area of her Discordant Zone, the scion innately knows how many counterspell points it would require to counter any spell the caster attempts to cast; otherwise, she must either guess or identity the spell through some other means. If she expends less counterspell points than the spell level of the spell she wanted to counter, the spell is unhindered and her counterspell points are lost. Starting at 4th level, the scion of discordia's gains 1 counterspell point at the beginning of her turn, to a maximum of the number of discordance points originally invested in this ability. At 10th and 16th level, she gains an additional counterspell point at the beginning of her turn, to a maximum of 3 counterspell points at 16th level.
The Scion of Discordia
Inflections: Starting at 3rd level, a scion of discordia gains the ability to stress the syllables of a recitation in a specific manner, a process known as inflecting. Doing so increases the recital time of the recitation to a fullround action that provokes attacks of opportunity, but adds an effect to that recitation depending on the inflection used. A scion may only apply a single inflection to any individual recitation. Select an inflection from the list below. At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the scion of discordia selects an additional inflection from this list. Not all inflections are created equal. Some inflections are simply harder for a scion of discordia to perform than others, if only because of the particular way the vocal cords must be used. Each inflection has a line labeled "Truenaming DC Modifier". The value listed on this line is how much the truenaming DC of a recitation is increased if that inflection is applied to the recitation. Most inflections are frowned upon by the universe itself, if only because the universe gets annoyed when somebody demands something specific of it. Each inflection has a line labeled "Malleability DC Modifier". This value is applied to the Law of Finite Malleability. For example, as the DC of a recitation normally increases by +2 every time it is successfully recited, an inflection with a Malleability DC Modifier of +2 would make the DC of the recitation increase by a total of +4.
Divine Backlash Discordance Point Cost: 1
Kinetic Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2
Divine spells with a verbal component cast within the area of the Discordant Zone require a DC 10 + the recitation level of the recitation used to generate the Discordant Zone concentration check to cast. On a failed concentration check, the spell is lost.
When selecting this inflection, choose one of the family of inflections listed below. A recitation with the chosen inflection that normally deals acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic damage deals damage of the chosen inflection's type instead.
Truenaming Backlash Discordance Point Cost: 1
The energy type and name of each member of this family of inflections is listed below.
The DC of truenaming checks made within the Discordant Zone is increased by an amount equal to half the penalty currently imposed upon the scion by the Law of Croaking Failure, rounded up.
Acid = Oxykinetic Cold = Cryokinetic Electric = Electrokinetic Fire = Pyrokinetic Sonic = Sonukinetic
Talents of Discordia: As a scion of discordia gains experience, she learns new ways to channel the power of the universe's backlash. Starting at 2nd level, a scion of discordia gains one talent of discordia. She gains gains an additional talent of discordia for every two levels of scion of discordia attained after 2nd level. A scion cannot select an individual talent more than once. Talents with the zone descriptor or talents with an associated cost that modify another talent are optional the scion must choose to add it to the Discordant Zone. All other talents are passive and always apply, if applicable. A talent with a plus (+) in the discordant point cost modifies the cost of another talent with the zone descriptor. Talents that modify other Discordant Zone abilities state so in the Modifies: line item. A full listing of talents of discordia begins on page 27.
Amplified Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection is treated as though all variable, numeric effects are increased by half, including bonuses to those dice rolls. Booming Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection has its range increased by +30 feet.
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Caterwauling Truenaming DC Modifier: +3 Malleability DC Modifier: +3
Omnipresent Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +3
A recitation with this inflection is treated as though all variable, numeric effects are maximized. Saving throws and opposed rolls are not affected, nor are recitations without random variables. A scion of discordia must be at least 13th level to select this inflection.
A recitation with this inflection affects any three valid targets within range. If combined with the stereo inflection using overtone chanting, they affect a total of four valid targets within range. A scion of discordia must be at least 13th level to select this inflection.
Cheery Truenaming DC Modifier: +0 Malleability DC Modifier: +1
Penetrating Truenaming DC Modifier: +0 Malleability DC Modifier: +0
A recitation with this inflection dazzles those it targets for 1d4 rounds with no saving throw allowed. The recitation must normally affect a single creature or object, not an area, in order for this inflection to have any effect, and even then most objects can't be dazzled.
A recitation with this inflection gets a +2 bonus to caster level checks made to penetrate spell resistance and other effects that negate magic on a failed caster level check, such as a clay golem's cursed wound ability; however, the Difficulty Class of any saving throw called for by a recitation with this inflection takes a -2 penalty.
Complementary Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +1 A recitation with this inflection increases the remaining duration of the reciter's other ongoing recitations that were recited with this inflection applied by +1 round. Disruptive Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +1
Resonant Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection affects all valid targets within 10 feet of a primary target. The recitation must normally affect a single creature or object, not an area, in order for this inflection to have any effect. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level to select this inflection.
A recitation with this inflection reduces the remaining duration of the reciter's other ongoing recitations that were recited with this inflection applied -1 round. Echoing Truenaming DC Modifier: +6 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection takes a -2 penalty to the Difficulty Class of any saving throw it calls for, but affected creatures must roll twice and take the worse result. A scion of discordia must be at least 13th level to select this inflection. Menacing Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection deals 1d6 points of damage per recitation level to the subject if the subject succeeds on its saving throw. This is a force effect. Only recitations whose effects are totally negated on a successful saving throw can use this inflection. Muffled Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier +2 A recitation with this inflection can only be countered by a spell whose spell level is greater than or equal to two more than the recitation's recitation level. A scion of discordia must be at least 18th level to select this inflection.
Stereo Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 A recitation with this inflection affects any two valid targets within range. If combined with the omnipresent inflection using overtone chanting, they affect a total of four valid targets within range. Terse Truenaming DC Modifier: +6 Malleability DC Modifier: +4 A recitation with this inflection is not recited as a fullround action. Instead, it is recited as a swift action. This inflection cannot be used with the overtone chanting class feature. A scion of discordia must be at least 13th level to select this inflection. Trailing Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +2 The duration of a recitation with this inflection is doubled.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truncated Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 Only recitations that have no effect until their duration ends can use this inflection. A recitation with this inflection has a duration of instantaneous; however, once recited in this fashion, a corollary of the Law of Flowing Rhetoric makes it so that recitation cannot be recited again for 1 minute. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level to select this inflection. Vengeful Truenaming DC Modifier: +4 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 If the target of a recitation with this inflection makes its saving throw against the recitation, then the target takes a -2 penalty to its next saving throw against a recitation. This effect lasts for 5 rounds or until used. Whispering Truenaming DC Modifier: +2 Malleability DC Modifier: +0 A recitation with this inflection has its range reduced by -30 feet, but the Difficulty Class of any saving throw called for by the recitation is increased by +2. Mobile Discordia (Su): At 6th level, the scion of discordia’s Discordant Zone becomes mobile. Once per round as a move action, she may direct it to move up to 30 feet in any given direction, provided she has line of sight to the target area. The Discordant Zone can move with perfect maneuverability in three dimensions and ignores all magical and non-magical obstructions, save those with the force descriptor, such as a wall of force. When not directed by the scion, the Discordant Zone simply stays in place. The movement rate of the Discordant Zone increases by +10 feet at 9th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 60 feet at 15th level. At 19th level, the scion of discordia may actively direct her Discordant Zone as a swift action; however, this hasty direction only allows her to move the Zone 20 ft. in any given direction rather than its normal speed. If she directs her Discordant Zone as a swift action, she may not direct it as a move action that round. Variable Recitation (Sp): At 5th level, a scion of discordia gains a 1st-level variable recitation slot. Whenever she apologizes to the universe to reset the Law of Finite Malleability each day, she chooses a 1stlevel recitation she does not know whose prerequisites she meets. She now knows the chosen recitation. The next time she apologizes to the universe to reset the Law of Finite Malleability, she loses all knowledge of the chosen recitation. At 11th level, a scion of discordia gains a 2nd-level variable recitation slot, and, at 17th level, she gains a 3rd-level variable recitation slot. These function just like a 1st-level slot, save they let the scion learn recitations of a higher level.
The Scion of Discordia
Avatar of Discordia (Su): At 20th level, a scion of discordia becomes one with the forces of dissension and distortion - all the insults thrown to the multiverse, all the curveballs and near-death encounters finally pay off in one final power of true refutation, one ultimate metaphysical expletive. Choose one ability from the list below. Death of Magic: Treat the scion of discordia’s Discordant Zone as an antimagic field with an effective caster level of 20th that affects all creatures save the scion herself. Rewind: The scion of discordia may reject reality and substitute her own. Once per day as a move action, the scion of discordia may shatter reality itself and reassemble it largely as it was a few moments in the past. She “replays” the previous round of activity. The scion’s denial regresses time to the beginning of the previous round. Small transcription errors should be expected when reality is shattered and reassembled, particularly when the universe would love it if it could just erase you, and the Game Master does not have to remember exactly what happened on the previous round (but should play it fairly close). Discrepancies of position, the actions of other PCs and NPCs, die rolls, and exact hit point total may vary slightly from the last time this all went down. When the scion rewinds time in this manner, she retains knowledge of the next round of activity and can attempt to communicate that knowledge to anyone around her or otherwise act on knowledge of the immediate future. Based on her actions, the round could play out completely differently. Teleporting Zone: The scion of discordia's Discordant Zone no longer floats to its destination when directed to move by the mobile discordia class feature. It teleports. While teleporting, the Discordant Zone ignores all spells and effects that normally prohibit teleportation and can be placed in the midst of all magical and non-magical obstructions, save those with the force descriptor, such as a wall of force. The Zone may, however, be teleported behind such obstructions. In addition, the Zone's directed movement rate increases by +20 feet, to a base rate of 80 feet when directed as a move action and 40 feet as a swift action. True KaTet: The cost of talents of discordia with "selective" in their name is reduced by -1, to a minimum of 0. Wild Card: Once per day, the scion of discordia can learn two bonus talents of discordia as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. She retains knowledge of the chosen two talents until the next time she uses this ability, at which point she promptly forgets them before choosing two new bonus talents to replace them. In effect, the scion of discordia loses the bonus talents this ability granted her in exchange for the new ones. She still has to meet all prerequisites for the talents of discordia chosen.
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Talents of Discordia Additional Discordance Whenever the scion of discordia establishes a Discordant Zone using a recitation of the highest level she can recite, she receives an additional discordance point. A scion of discordia must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Advanced Discordance Whenever the scion of discordia establishes a Discordant Zone, she recieves an additional discordance point. This does not stack with additional discordance. A scion of discordia be at least 10th level and know the additional discordance talent to select this talent. Antimagic Bulwark (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 6 The scion of discordia insults the nature of magic itself and snubs the forces of arcane and divine magic within her Zone. All creatures within the Discordant Zone gain spell resistance equal to 11 + the scion's class level. For example, an 8th level scion of discordia grants all creatures within her Zone spell resistance 19. This spell resistance cannot be voluntarily lowered. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level and know the spell resistance erosion talent to select this talent. Antimagic Bulwark, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Antimagic bulwark The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the anti-magic bulwark talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the anti-magic bulwark talent to select this talent. Apprentice Embargo (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 2 All 1st-level spells or spell-like abilities cast within a Discordant Zone automatically fail as if the caster had failed a concentration check. Ongoing effects of 1st-level spells that come in contact with the Discordant Zone are immediately dispelled. A scion of discordia must know the cantrip embargo talent and be at least 8th level to take this talent. Cantrip Embargo (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1 All cantrips, orisons, and other 0th-level spells or spelllike abilities cast within a Discordant Zone automatically fail as if the caster had failed a concentration check. Ongoing effects of 0th-level spells that come in contact with the Discordant Zone are immediately dispelled.
Interjection Games
Chaotic Dispersion (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 4 The scion of discordia insults the universe so viciously that the universe deems those nearby guilty by association. Whenever an enemy spellcaster casts a single-target spell or spell-like ability targeting one of the scion's allies within the Discordant Zone, and if there is a foe within 30 feet, then the foe nearest the spell's target is also affected. Chaotic dispersion can only be triggered once per round. A scion of discordia has to be at least 10th level and know the anti-magic bulwark talent to select this talent. Continual Counterspelling Modifies: Counterspell pool class feature Whenever the scion of discordia expends counterspell points, but fails to successfully counterspell a spell, she gains counterspell points equal to the number expended in this fashion. A scion of discordia must be at least 6th level to select this talent. Counterspelling Specialist Modifies: Counterspell pool class feature Whenever the scion of discordia expends discordance points on the counterspell pool class feature, she receives 1 additional counterspell point, increasing her starting pool size. This talent may be taken multiple times. Each time, the required class levels in the scion of discordia base class increases by +4. A scion of discordia must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Deflect Missiles (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 3 Discordant Zones that have this talent applied sport a distortion field that makes hitting targets with ranged weapons difficult. All creatures within the Discordant Zone gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrows feat, with the exception that a free hand is not required to deflect projectiles. Exceptional projectiles, such as bolts fired by siege weaponry or hurled boulders, cannot be deflected in this manner. A scion of discordia must be at least 6th level to select this talent. Deflect Missiles, Improved Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Deflect missiles When the scion of discordia adds the deflect missiles talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance the effects of that talent, allowing it to deflect exceptional projectiles, such as bolts fired by siege weaponry or hurled boulders. Ammunition that cannot physically move out of the way of the target, such as a boulder thrown down a pit, cannot be deflected. In addition, all creatures that benefit from the deflect missiles talent receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against rays. A scion of discordia must know the deflect missiles talent and be at least 10th level to select this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
The Scion of Discordia
Dimensional Fixture (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 2
Fate Damper (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1
Scions of discordia can selectively lock down certain kinds of magic rather than all of it at once. All creatures within the area of the Discordant Zone are subject to the effects of the dimensional anchor spell. A scion of discordia must be at least 6th level to take this talent.
Some scions of discordia know how to manipulate the threads of fate that make those incredibly lucky strikes, the sort that fell dragons and allow kobolds to kill legendary heroes, work. All weapons wielded by creatures within the Discordant Zone have their threat range decreased by -1. For example, a rapier with a critical threat range of 18-20 becomes 19-20 instead. A critical threat range of 20 remains 20. This penalty is applied after multiplicative effects, such as the keen weapon ability, have been applied. Projectile weapon attacks are subject to this penalty if the either the firer or the target is within the Discordant Zone.
Dimensional Fixture, Improved Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Dimensional fixture When the scion of discordia adds the dimensional fixture talent to her Discordant Zone, she may work to make those effects sticky. Creatures that leave the Discordant Zone remain subject to the effects of the dimensional anchor spell for 1 round. A scion of discordia must know the dimensional fixture talent to take this talent. Dismissing Zone (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 4 A Discordant Zone modified by this talent forces any creature summoned by a conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (calling) spell or spell-like ability that comes into contact with the Zone back to its proper plane with a DC 10 + the recitation level of the recitation used to establish the Discordant Zone + the scion's Charisma modifier Will save to negate. A creature that successfully saves against this talent is immune to the scion’s dismissing zone for 24 hours. A scion of discordia must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Dismissing Zone, Improved Discordance Point Cost: +4 Modifies: Dismissing zone When the scion of discordia adds the dismissing zone talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance the effects of that talent, forcing any extraplanar creature that comes into contact with it back to its proper plane, not just those summoned or called by conjuration (summoning) or conjuration (calling) spells or spell-like abilities. This otherwise follows all rules for the dismissing zone talent. A scion of discordia must know the dismissing zone talent to select this talent. Effective Counterspell Modifies: Counterspell pool class feature Whenever the scion of discordia successfully counters a spell with the counterspell pool class feature, she gains 1 counterspell point. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level to select this talent. Expanded Zone (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: Number of times taken The radius of the scion of discordia's Discordant Zone increases by +5 feet. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level to choose this talent. This talent may be taken multiple times. Each time, the required levels in the scion of discordia class increases by +6.
Fate Damper, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Fate damper The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the fate damper talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the fate damper talent to select this talent. Indiscriminate Backlash (Su) Modifies: All "backlash" talents Whenever the scion of discordia adds the arcane backlash, divine backlash, or truenaming backlash talent (or any of the backlashes added to the talents list to address the inclusion of exotic magic systems, such as psionics) to her Discordant Zone, she adds ALL other known backlashes to her Discordant Zone without paying their discordant point cost. By extension if she adds any talents that improve these backlashes, she adds all corresponding talents that she knows to her Discordant Zone without paying their discordant point cost. She may no longer add these abilities separately. A scion of discordia must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Inertia (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 2 The scion of discordia insults the part of the First Language responsible for land and sky. All movement (including flight through air, swimming, etc.) within the Discordant Zone is treated as moving through difficult terrain. Inertia, Improved Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Inertia When the scion of discordia adds the inertia talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. Creatures within the Discordant Zone that attempt to perform a readied action must succeed on a DC 10 + the recitation level of the recitation used to establish the Discordant Zone + the scion's Charisma modifier Reflex save or lose that action. A scion of discordia must be at least 6th level and know the inertia talent to select this talent.
Strange Magic
Inertia, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Inertia
Interjection Games
Regeneration Erosion (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 2
The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the inertia talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the inertia talent to select this talent.
Creatures within the scion's Discordant Zone have their fast healing and regeneration reduced by an amount equal to the scion's Charisma modifier, minimum 0. Creatures whose regeneration is set to 0 in this manner die normally as though they did not have regeneration. A scion of discordia must be at least 8th level and know the memento mori talent to select this talent.
Immunity Erosion (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 4
Resistance Erosion (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1
When adding this talent to a Discordant Zone, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. All creatures within the Discordant Zone that are normally immune to the chosen damage type are no longer immune, but have resistance 50 against that energy type instead. Spells and abilities that prevent a set amount of energy damage, such as the protection from energy spell, are suppressed while in the Discordant Zone. Immunity is removed before resistance reduction applies. A scion of discordia must know the resistance erosion, improved talent and be at least 12th level to select this talent.
When adding this talent to a Discordant Zone, choose acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. Creatures within the Discordant Zone have their energy resistance against the chosen energy type decreased by 10.
Memento Mori (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 3 A sense of finality and death pervades the Discordant Zone. Creatures damaged while standing within the Discordant Zone are wounded in a way that baffles mundane medicine. Until healed to maximum hit points, all those who make a Heal check to perform first aid on a target wounded in the Zone take a -5 penalty to do so. Furthermore, all magical and supernatural healing effects, including, but not restricted to potions, spells, channel energy, etc., cast while within the Zone or upon a creature within the Discordant Zone heal for only half their normal hit points if the recipient fails a DC 10 + 1/2 the scion of discordia's class level + the scion's Charisma modifier Fortitude save. A scion of discordia must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Memento Mori, Improved Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Memento mori When the scion of discordia adds the memento mori talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. Creatures damaged while standing within the Discordant Zone are wounded in a way that baffles mundane medicine. Until healed to maximum hit points, all those who make a Heal check to perform first aid on a target wounded in the Zone take a -10 penalty to do so. Furthermore, all magical and supernatural healing effects cast while within the one or upon a creature within the Discordant Zone heal for the minimum amount possible, or half the amount rolled, whichever is lower. A DC 10 + 1/2 the scion of discordia's class level + the scion's Charisma modifier Fortitude save negates. The effects of this talent alter the memento mori talent and do not stack with it. A scion of discordia must know the memento mori talent and be at least 10th level to select this talent.
Resistance Erosion, Flexible Discordance Point Cost: +0 Modifies: Resistance erosion When the scion of discordia adds the energy erosion talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. When adding the resistance erosion talent to the Discordant Zone, the scion does not choose a single energy type. Instead, she distributes the reduction to energy resistance imposed by the talent in increments of 5 among the energy types offered by the resistance erosion talent. For example, if the scion expends two discordance points on the resistance erosion, improved talent, for a total of 20 points of resistance reduction (10 from improved, 10 base), she can apply 10 of that to acid and 10 of that to fire, or 5 to each of acid, cold, fire, and sonic, among other possible combinations. A scion of discordia must know the resistance erosion talent and be at least 10th level to select this talent. Resistance Erosion, Improved Discordance Point Cost: X; see text Modifies: Resistance erosion When the scion of discordia adds the energy erosion talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it, expending additional discordance points not to exceed one quarter her class level in the process. For each discordance point expended in this manner, those within the Discordant Zone have their resistance against the chosen energy type decreased by an additional 5. A scion of discordia must know the resistance erosion talent and be at least 6th level to select this talent. Resistance Erosion, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Resistance erosion The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the resisance erosion talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the resistance erosion talent to select this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Saboteur's Tirade (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 2 The scion of discordia can confuse her enemies with a combination of eldritch utterances; crude, biological humor; truename magic; and yo' mama jokes. All attacks made by creatures within the Discordant Zone are made at a -1 penalty. At 5th level and every six levels beyond 5th, this penalty increases by -1, to a maximum of -4 at 17th level.
The Scion of Discordia
Spell Resistance Erosion, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Spell resistance erosion The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the spell resistance erosion talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the spell resistance erosion talent to select this talent.
Saboteur's Tirade, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Saboteur's tirade
Twisted Arcane Backlash Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Arcane backlash class feature
The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the saboteur's tirade talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the saboteur's tirade talent to select this talent.
When the scion of discordia adds the arcane backlash class feature to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. The DC of the concentration check required to cast arcane spells with verbal components within her Discordant Zone increases by an amount equal to her Charisma modifier.
Spelllike Bane Modifies: Counterspell pool class feature
If the scion of discordia has the indiscriminate backlash talent, then adding one twisted backlash talent to her Discordant Zone adds all other twisted backlash talents she knows to the Zone at no additional discordance point cost.
The scion of discordia may use counterspell points to counterspell spell-like abilities as though they were regular spells. A scion of discordia must be at least 10th level to select this talent. Spell Rebound Discordance Point Cost: +3 Modifies: Antimagic bulwark When the scion of discordia adds the antimagic bulwark talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. Whenever a targeted spell fails to penetrate the spell resistance granted by the anti-magic bulwark talent, the spell rebounds on the originator as if affected by spell turning. A scion of discordia must be at least 16th level and know the anti-magic bulwark talent to select this talent. Spell Resistance Erosion (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1 Creatures within the Discordant Zone have their spell resistance lowered by 2, minimum 0. Spell Resistance Erosion, Improved Discordance Point Cost: X; see text Modifies: Spell resistance erosion When the scion of discordia adds the spell resistance erosion talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it, expending additional discordance points not to exceed one quarter her class level in the process. For each discordance point expended in this manner, those within the Discordant Zone have their spell resistance lowered by an additional 1. A scion of discordia must know the spell resistance erosion talent and be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Twisted Divine Backlash Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Divine backlash class feature When the scion of discordia adds the divine backlash class feature to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. The DC of the concentration check required to cast divine spells with verbal components within her Discordant Zone increases by an amount equal to her Charisma modifier. If the scion of discordia has the indiscriminate backlash talent, then adding one twisted backlash talent to her Discordant Zone adds all other twisted backlash talents she knows to the Zone at no additional discordance point cost. Twisted Truenaming Backlash Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Truenaming backlash class feature When the scion of discordia adds the truenaming backlash class feature to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. The DC of truenaming checks made within the Discordant Zone is now increased by an amount equal to the penalty currently imposed upon the scion by the Law of Croaking Failure. Zone of Decay (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1 All attacks made against creatures within the Discordant Zone ignore 3 points of hardness or damage reduction.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Zone of Decay, Improved Discordance Point Cost: X; see text Modifies: Zone of decay
Zone of Dispersion Discordance Point Cost: +4 Modifies: Chaotic dispersion
When the scion of discordia adds the zone of decay talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it, expending additional discordance points not to exceed one quarter her class level in the process. For each discordance point expended in this manner, attacks made against those within the Discordant Zone ignore an additional 2 points of hardness or damage reduction. A scion of discordia must know the zone of decay talent and be at least 4th level to select this talent.
When the scion of discordia adds the chaotic dispersion talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it. Whenever an enemy spellcaster casts a harmful spell or spell-like ability with an area of effect that overlaps or partially overlaps with the Discordant Zone, all foes within the Discordant Zone are treated as though they were within the spell's area of effect. This talent can only be triggered once per round. A scion of discordia has to be at least 16th level and know the chaotic dispersion talent to select this talent.
Zone of Decay, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Zone of decay The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the zone of decay talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the zone of decay talent to select this talent.
Zone of Viciousness Discordance Point Cost: 4 Weapons wielded by creatures within the Discordant Zone have the vicious weapon special ability. A scion of discordia must know the memento mori talent and be at least 8th level to select this talent. Zone of Viciousness, Selective Discordance Points: +2 Modifies: Zone of viciousness The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the zone of viciousness talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the zone of viciousness talent to select this talent
Zone of Destruction (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: 1
Zone of Wounding Discordance Point Cost: 4
All attacks made by creatures within the Discordant Zone ignore 3 points of hardness or damage reduction.
Weapons wielded by creatures within the Discordant Zone have the wounding weapon special ability. A scion of discordia must know the memento mori talent and be at least 12th level to select this talent.
Zone of Destruction, Improved Discordance Point Cost: X; see text Modifies: Zone of destruction When the scion of discordia adds the zone of destruction talent to her Discordant Zone, she may enhance it, expending additional discordance points not to exceed one quarter her class level in the process. For each discordance point expended in this manner, those within the Discordant Zone ignore an additional 2 points of hardness or damage reduction with their attacks. A scion of discordia must know the zone of destruction talent and be at least 4th level to select this talent. Zone of Destruction, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +1 Modifies: Zone of destruction
Zone of Wounding, Selective Discordance Point Cost: +2 Modifies: Zone of wounding
The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the zone of destruction talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the zone of destruction talent to select this talent.
The scion of discordia may exclude a number of target creatures not to exceed her Charisma modifier from the effects of the zone of wounding talent. A creature need only be in the scion's line of sight to be targeted. A scion of discordia must know the zone of wounding talent to select this talent.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Favored Class Bonuses Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a Favored Class, some races have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their Favored Classes. The following options are available to the listed race who have scions of discordia as their Favored Class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed Favored Class reward. Aasimar: If a recitation heals, add +1/4 to the amount healed. In addition, every five times this favored class bonus is selected, select a recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind or the Codex of Artifice. Whenever the scion of discordia recites a chosen recitation, if that recitation heals, the scion cannot accidentally recite the opposite variant. Drow: While in total or magical darkness, increase the radius of the Discordant Zone by +1 ft. (+5 ft. for every five times this favored class bonus has been selected). Dwarf: Every three times this favored class bonus is selected, select a recitation from the Codex of Artifice. The scion cannot accidentally recite the opposite variant of a chosen recitation. Elf: While out in the open under the stars, increase the radius of the Discordant Zone by +1 ft. (+5 ft. for every five times this favored class bonus has been selected). Gnome: Whenever the scion’s Discordant Zone is dispelled, she gets a +1/3 bonus to her next truenaming check, to a maximum of the recitation level of the recitation that was used in establishing the Discordant Zone. This bonus lasts for 2 rounds or until used. Halfelf: Decrease the discordance point cost of the condition dispersal class feature by -1/7, to a minimum of 1. Halfling: Every four times this favored class bonus has been selected, the scion of discordia ignores the first time she would accidentally recite the opposite variant of a recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind or the Codex of Artifice each day. (Taken eight times, this favored class bonus ignores the first two times she would accidentally recite the opposie variant, and so on.) Halforc: Whenever the scion of discordia invests discordance points in the counterspell pool class feature, she gains an additional counterspell point for every six times she has taken this favored class bonus, to a maximum of the recitation level of the recitation used to establish the Discordant Zone.
The Scion of Discordia
Kitsune: Whenever either the cantrip embargo talent or the apprentice embargo talent prevents a spell from being cast, the scion of discordia gains the ability to cast that spell once as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to her scion of discordia class level. The scion can only have the ability to cast one spell in this fashion at any one time. As such, whenever the scion of discordia gains the ability to cast a new spell as a spell-like ability in this manner, she loses the ability to cast any spells previously gained in this manner. If not cast within 1 minute, the spell is lost and cannot be reclaimed. This ability may trigger once per day for every two times this favored class bonus has been taken. Kobolds: Add +1/4 to the Difficulty Class of all saving throws called for by the scion of discordia's Discordant Zone if all hostile targets in the Discordant Zone are gnomes. Orc: The zone of decay and zone of destruction talents ignore an additional +1/3 point of hardness. Puddling: Every three times this favored class bonus is selected, select a recitation. The first time a selected recitation is used to establish a Discordant Zone each day, the standard +2 Malleability DC Modifier imposed upon a recitation for being used to establish a Discordant Zone does not apply. This results in a net malleability modifier of +2 rather than +4. Tengu: Every three times this favored class bonus is selected, the movement rate of the scion's Discordant Zone increases by +5 feet. Tiefling: If any target is dealt ability score damage while in a Discordant Zone modified by the memento mori or improved memento mori talents, it receives an additional +1/6 ability score damage. Vanara: Whenever the scion of discordia moves her Discordant Zone via the mobile discordia class feature, the Difficulty Class of all saving throws called for by the Zone increases by +1/6 for 1 round. Vishkanya: At the beginning of the scion's turn, if a foe whose total number of Hit Dice is at least half the scion's character level is dying within her Discordant Zone, she gains temporary hit points equal to 1 + 1/4 the number of times this favored class bonus has been taken, minimum 1. These temporary hit points last for 1 round. A scion of discordia receives no benefit from this favored class bonus until she takes it at least once.
Hobgoblin: Discordant Zones created via recitations of the Codex of Artifice have their duration extended by +1/4 round. Human: Add +1/6 of a talent of discordia.
Strange Magic
Scion of Discordia Archetypes Comedians and rabblerousers who are particularly serious about their craft tend to be fairly individualistic, and these quirks have the capacity to alter the very way they work with the object of their study. Being a bit of both, the same is true for the scions of discordia. They all have their own style. Disciple of Discordia (Archetype) "Internal harmony, external chaos." Kaleb Loki, disciple of discordia Disciple of Discordia (Archetype) Kickstarter Backer: Brandon F. Author: Bradley Crouch. Disciples of discordia have the following class features: Attracting Discord (Ex): At 1st level, a disciple of discordia's Discordant Zone becomes attracted to its creator. At the beginning of the disciple's turn, if the disciple is not perfectly centered upon his Discordant Zone, the Zone moves up to 30 feet directly toward its master, ignoring all magical, supernatural, non-magical, or just plain weird obstructions, stopping only if its master is perfectly centered upon it. This ability replaces mobile discordia. Polarity Shift (Su): At 1st level, a disciple of discordia becomes attuned to a rapid change in local entropy. Whenever the disciple is within his Discordant Zone, but he did not end his last turn within his Discordant zone, he gains a +1 armor bonus to AC. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, this armor bonus to AC increases by +1, to a maximum of +7 at 19th level. Talents of Discordia: The disciple of discordia can choose from the following talents in place of a talent of discordia. Rapid Discord (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: X; see text When the disciple of discordia adds this ability to his Discordant Zone, he may expend discordance points not to exceed one quarter his class level. For each discordance point expended in this way, the Discordant Zone's speed as detailed in the attracting discord class feature increases by +5 feet. For every two discordance points expended in this manner, the polarity shift class feature grants a +1 dodge bonus to AC in addition to its other effects. A disciple of discordia must be at least 4th level to select this talent.
Interjection Games
Sluggish Discord (Zone) Discordance Point Cost: X; see text When the disciple of discordia adds this ability to his Discordant Zone, he may expend discordance points not to exceed one quarter his class level. For each discordance point expended in this way, the Discordant Zone's speed as detailed in the attracting discord class feature decreases by -5 feet. For every two discordance points expended in this manner, the polarity shift class feature grants a +1 luck bonus to Fortitude and Will saves in addition to its other effects. A disciple of discordia must be at least 4th level to select this talent. Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a disciple of discordia gains a +10-foot enhancement bonus to his land speed. At 6th level and every three levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +10 feet, to a maximum of +60 feet at 18th level. A disciple in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed. Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, a disciple of discordia gains immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases. This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 5th level. Diamond Body (Su): At 11th level, a disciple of discordia gains immunity to poisons of all kinds. This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 11th level. Timeless Body (Ex): At 17th level, a disciple of discordia no longer takes penalties to his ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that he has already taken, however, remain in place. Age bonuses still accrue, and the disciple of discordia still dies of old age when his time is up. This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 17th level.
Kaleb Loki, disciple of discordia
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Scion of Discordia Archetypes
Discordant Instigator (Archetype)
Discordant instigators have the following class features:
Some people learn just enough of a foreign language to be fluent in the swears. The First Language is no exception, varying only in that the swears are actually useful.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Discordant instigators are proficient with the blowgun, crossbow (hand, light, or heavy), dagger (any type), dart, rapier, sap, shortbow (normal and composite), and short sword. They are also proficient with light armor.
Author: Thilo "Endzeitgeist" Graf. Class Skills The discordant instigator's class skills (and the key ability for each) are Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable Device (int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex) Spellcraft (Int), Stealth (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha). These class skills replace those normally available to the scion of discordia. Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Cursing at the Universe (Su): At 1st level, a discordant instigator gains a pool of expletive points, a measure of how effectively he can anger the universe. The number of points in a discordant instigator's expletive pool is equal to three times his discordant instigator level + his Charisma modifier. The expletive pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. This ability replaces truemagic and recitations.
Table: The Discordant Instigator
Strange Magic
Discordant Blows (Su): At 1st level, whenever the discordant instigator is within his Discordant Zone, weapons he wields deal an additional 1d3 points of sonic damage on a successful hit. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, this sonic damage increases by +1d3, to a maximum of 7d3 points of additional sonic damage at 19th level. This ability replaces the talents of discordia gained at 4th, 10th, and 16th level. Discordant Zone (Sp): At 1st level, a discordant instigator may expend 1 expletive point as a standard action to let loose with a horrible tirade of insults directed at the universe itself. Given that it's being insulted, and by some fool whose deplorable accent makes him speak through his nose, the universe, quite understandably, responds quite violently. The enraged universe produces a Discordant Zone centered upon the discordant instigator. The radius of this Discordant Zone is equal to 10 feet + 5 feet per expletive point spent to insult the universe. This Zone persists for expletive points spent + Charisma modifier rounds. A discordant instigator may dismiss his Discordant Zone as a standard action, though this expends an additional expletive point. At 4th level and every three levels beyond 4th, the maximum number of expletive points a discordant instigator may expend when insulting the universe increases by +1, to a maximum of 6 expletive points at 16th level, though he may always expend fewer expletive points than the maximum allowed should he wish to do so. A Discordant Zone is invisible to the naked eye, but projects a palpable sense of malice and wrongness that tingles up the spine of anyone within its area of effect. Discordant Zones have a magical aura that can be detected with spells such as detect magic, but they do not register as belonging to any school of magic. Despite this lack of a school, dispel magic and other such abilities can remove a Discordant Zone. Treat the discordant instigator's class level as his caster level for the purpose of such effects. A Discordant Zone cannot be counterspelled. When the discordant instigator establishes a Discordant Zone, he receives discordance points, representing his ability to direct the power of the universe's backlash rather than letting it rip him apart, equal to twice the number of expletive points used to generate the Discordant Zone. He must expend all of these points immediately to modify the Discordant Zone. Each modification has a discordance point cost.
Interjection Games
The Discordant Zone can be modified in the following ways: Arcane Backlash Discordance Point Cost: 1 Arcane spells with a verbal component cast within the area of the Discordant Zone require a DC 10 + the number of expletive points used to generate the Discordant Zone concentration check to cast. On a failed concentration check, the spell is lost. Communication Breakdown Discordance Point Cost: 1 Creatures within the area of the Discordant Zone take a penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device skill checks equal to the number of expletive points used to generate the Discordant Zone. Linguistic checks made regarding the spoken word, not the written word, as well as Perception checks made to listen, are also penalized in this fashion. Disquieting Phantoms Discordance Point Cost: X; see text When establishing his Discordant Zone, the discordant instigator may expend any number of discordance points. For each discordance point spent in this manner, the discordant instigator receives a phantom point. Whenever the instigator makes an attack against a creature that is within the Discordant Zone, he may expend 1 phantom point as a free action. If he does that creature is treated as though the instigator were flanking it for that one attack. A discordant instigator may flank with a ranged attack in this manner. Starting at 4th level, the discordant instigator gains 1 phantom point at the beginning of his turn, to a maximum of the number of discordance points originally invested in this ability. At 10th and 16th level, he gains an additional phantom point at the beginning of his turn, to a maximum of 3 phantom points at 16th level. Divine Backlash Discordance Point Cost: 1 Arcane spells with a verbal component cast within the area of the Discordant Zone require a DC 10 + the number of expletive points used to generate the Discordant Zone concentration check to cast. On a failed concentration check, the spell is lost. This ability modifies discordant zone. Talents of Discordia: The discordant instigator may choose a rogue talent or ninja trick in place of a talent of discordia. He treats his discordant instigator class level as his rogue or ninja class level for the purpose of these talents and tricks, including meeting their prerequisites. This ability modifies talents of discordia.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Scion of Discordia Archetypes
Source Material (Ex): At 3rd level, whenever the discordant instigator reduces a creature to 0 or fewer hit points while both he and his victim are within the Discordant Zone, he regains 1 expletive point. Reducing a creature that has fewer Hit Dice than half the instigator’s character level to 0 or fewer hit points does not restore any expletive points.
Rulebreaker (Archetype) Rulebreaker (Archetype)
This ability replaces the inflection gained at 3rd level.
Author: Bradley Crouch.
Discordant Evasion (Su): At 5th level, the discordant instigator can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. While within the area of his Discordant Zone, if he makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. A helpless discordant instigator does not gain the benefit of discordant evasion.
Rulebreakers have the following class features:
This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 5th level.
Declare Loophole (Su): At 1st level, a rulebreaker gains a pool of loophole points, a measure of the linguistic mastery she has over those parts of the First Language that describe how the various universal laws function. By describing these laws as something other than what they are, she is capable of changing the fundamental laws of the universe itself, if only for an instant and only in a local area. The number of points in a rulebreaker's loophole pool is equal to 1/2 her rulebreaker level + her Intelligence modifier.
Palpable Insults (Su): At 8th level, while within the area of his Discordant Zone, creatures hit by the discordant instigator are shaken for 1 round with no saving throw allowed. This shaken condition doesn’t stack with other shaken conditions to make an affected creature frightened. Given the source of these insults is one that can insult the universe itself, creatures that are immune to mind-affecting abilities, including mindless creatures, can be shaken in this fashion. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 8th level. Improved Discordant Evasion (Su): At 11th level, a discordant instigator's discordant evasion ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks while within his Discordant Zone, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save. This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 11th level. Insult to Injury (Su): While his target is shaken, the discordant instigator treats all 1s rolled on discordant blow damage dice as 2s instead. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 13th level. The Unswattable Fly (Su): At 17th level, while within his Discordant Zone, the discordant instigator has moderate fortification and all attacks made against him have a 20% miss chance. This ability replaces the variable recitation gained at 17th level. Killer Insults (Su): At 18th level, shaken creatures that begin their turn within the discordant instigator’s Discordant Zone take 5d6 points of sonic damage with a DC 10 + 1/2 the instigator’s class level + the instigator’s Charisma modifier Fortitude save for half damage. This ability replaces the inflection gained at 18th level.
The First Language contains language that describes itself, including descriptions of the various universal laws. By using the correct language, it is possible to shift these laws slightly, if only for a moment. The universe, of course, is not happy about this discovery.
Skills A rulebreaker loses Appraise (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha) as class skills; instead, she gains Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), and Sense Motive (Wis) as class skills.
At 1st level, a rulebreaker may spend 1 loophole point to ignore the Law of Croaking Failure the next time she triggers it that round. At 4th level, a rulebreaker may spend 1 loophole point to ignore the Law of Finite Malleability the next time she triggers it with a recitation of 2nd-level or lower that round. At 7th level, a rulebreaker may spend 2 loophole points to ignore the Law of Finite Malleability the next time she triggers it with a recitation of 4th-level or lower that round. At 10th level, a rulebreaker may spend 2 loophole points to cause the Law of Croaking Failure to cause any other creature within 60 feet who successfully recites a recitation to trigger the Law of Croaking Failure. This lasts for 1 round. At 13th level, a rulebreaker may spend 3 loophole points to ignore the Law of Finite Malleability the next time she triggers it that round. At 16th level, a rulebreaker may spend 2 loophole points to ignore the Law of Flowing Rhetoric the next time she triggers it that round. At 19th level, a rulebreaker may spend 2 loophole points to cause all other creatures within 60 feet to ignore the Law of Familiar Phrases for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. The loophole pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or consultation of various tomes and pronunciation guides; these hours do not have to be consecutive. This ability replaces counterspell pool and the talents of discordia gained at 4th, 10th, and 16th level.
Strange Magic
Truemagic Feats Counter-recitation Adept You are trained in the tactics necessary to render a truenamer increasingly helpless each time you counter one of his recitations. Prerequisites: Counter-recitation Trainee Benefit: Whenever you counterspell a recitation, the Law of Finite Malleability is triggered as though the recitation were successfully recited. Normal: Whenever you counterspell a recitation, the Law of Finite Malleability is not triggered. Counter-recitation Trainee You have learned the telltale signs of a truenamer and are better prepared to detect his workings. Prerequisites: Spellcraft 3 ranks Benefit: You get a +4 bonus to Spellcraft checks made to identify recitations being recited.
Sidebar: Identifying Recitations A recitation can be identified as it is being recited with a DC 15 + the recitation's recitation level Spellcraft check. Identifying a recitation as it is being recited requires no action, but you must be able to clearly see the recitation as it is being recited, and this incurs the same penalties as a Perception skill check due to distance, poor conditions, and other factors. When a recitation is identified, the name and general effects of the recitation, the name of the recitation's codex, and the recitation's similar school are reported to the identifying party. If you wish to counterspell a recitation, you do not necessarily need to succeed on a Spellcraft check to identify the similar school of the recitation being recited. Though it may be a longshot, making an educated guess as to what the similar school is can give you a fairly good chance of being successful. Best of luck! Discordant Voice (Truemagic) The very laws of the universe do not apply to those who study how to break them. Prerequisites: Discordant zone class feature, ability to recite 2nd-level recitations Benefit: When reciting a 1st-level recitation, you ignore any and all penalties imposed by the Law of Croaking Failure.
Interjection Games
Eternal Discord (Truemagic) From the obvious failure of repeated attempts at destroying you in retribution for that awful mouth of yours, the universe begins to change its tactics. As with any monolith attempting to take down a small, agile annoyance, you adapt far faster than it can take a swing at you. Prerequisites: Discordant zone class feature, mobile discordia class feature Benefit: Whenever you create a Discordant Zone, you also create a secondary Discordant Zone that occupies the space you occupy, as well as all spaces adjacent to those you occupy. All talents and other abilities applied to your primary Discordant Zone are automatically applied to your secondary Discordant Zone, and vice versa. Extra Inflection (Truemagic) Realizing the importance of a large library of inflections to support your vocabulary, you spend a great deal of time training your vocal cords. Prerequisites: Inflections class feature Benefit: You learn one additional inflection. You must meet all of the prerequisites for this inflection. Special: You can gain Extra Inflection multiple times. Each time, select a new inflection. Favored Focus Added focus on your favored recitations makes them more difficult to resist. Prerequisites: Favored Recitation Benefit: Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws made against your favored recitations. In addition, you get a +1 bonus on caster level checks (1d20 + caster level) made to overcome a creature's spell resistance when using a favored recitation. Favored Recitation You have taken a single recitation as your favored recitation. You practice it every morning, debate the stressings on its more difficult syllables, and have otherwise made it your brain baby. Needless to say, you are very, very adept in its use. Prerequisites: Recitations class feature Benefit: Choose a single recitation you know. You get +3 to truenaming checks made to recite that recitation. Special: You can gain Favored Recitation multiple times. Each time, select a different recitation.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Truemagic Feats
Greater Discordant Voice (Truemagic)
Recite without Thought (Truemagic)
Your lawbreaking tendencies intensify.
You are so familiar with your favored recitations that you can recite them on the defensive with no ill effects.
Prerequisites: Discordant zone class feature, ability to recite 5th-level recitations Benefit: When reciting a 2nd-level recitation, you ignore any and all penalties imposed by the Law of Croaking Failure. Inflection Specialization (Truemagic) Your practice at the use of a particular inflection makes it easier to recite again and again. Prerequisites: Any five inflections Benefit: The Truenaming DC Modifier and Malleability DC Modifier of a single inflection of your choice are reduced by -1, to a minimum of +0. Special: You can gain Inflection Specialization multiple times. Each time, it applies to a new inflection. Learn by Extrapolation (Truemagic) Though lesser languages are usually learned to improve understanding of the First Language, it does go both ways. By studying the First Language, you have extrapolated the nature of a language that is typically thought of as secret.
Prerequisites: Linguistic familiarity class feature, Favored Recitation Benefit: When reciting a favored recitation on the defensive, the truenaming DC is not increased for doing so. Normal: When reciting a recitation on the defensive, the truenaming DC is increased by +5. Study of Artifice (Truemagic) Your studies focus upon mastery of the Codex of Artifice. Prerequisites: Ability to recite 3rd-level recitations from the Codex of Artifice Benefit: You immediately learn an additional recitation from the Codex of Artifice whose recitation level is at least 1 lower than the highest recitation level you can recite. Study of Heart and Mind (Truemagic) Your studies focus upon mastery of the Codex of Heart and Mind.
Prerequisites: Master of tongues class feature, Linguistics 7 ranks
Prerequisites: Ability to recite 2nd-level recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind
Benefit: You learn a language that is described as "secret", such as druidic or drow sign language. You do not need a mentor to learn the language in this fashion, as you have extrapolated the nature of this language from close inspection of the First Language itself.
Benefit: You immediately learn an additional recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind whose recitation level is at least 1 lower than the highest recitation level you can recite.
March to Oblivion (Truemagic) Though declawed and bent to your will, the universe's wrath does like to rush you when it can.
Study of the Realized Vision (Truemagic) Your studies focus upon mastery of the Codex of the Realized Vision.
Prerequisites: Mobile discordia class feature
Prerequisites: Ability to recite 5th-level recitations from the Codex of the Realized Vision.
Benefit: Whenever you direct your Discordant Zone to move via the mobile discordia class feature, its movement speed is doubled if you would be within the Zone at the end of its movement.
Benefit: You immediately learn an additional recitation from the Codex of the Realized Vision whose recitation level is at least 1 lower than the highest recitation level you can recite.
Master Rulebreaker (Truemagic)
Study of the Spheres (Truemagic)
Those who learn to break the Laws tend to do so often.
Your studies focus on the Codex of FarFlung Spheres.
Prerequisites: Declare loophole class feature
Prerequisites: Ability to recite 4th-level recitations from the Codex of Far-flung Spheres
Benefit: The number of points in your loophole pool increases by +3. Special: You can gain Master Rulebreaker multiple times. Its effects stack.
Benefit: You immediately learn an additional recitation from the Codex of far-Flung Spheres whose recitation level is at least 1 lower than the highest recitation level you can recite.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Truemagic Prestige Classes Though the First Language's fiendishly difficultto learn nature does make specialization by necessity very common, not all such specialization occurs right away. Some discover the First Language and its implications after years of training in another field (Don't say unrelated Truespeech encompasses all things!), while others hit the wall when attempting to master the most advanced of codices. Once again, by necessity, those who wield Truespeech are forced to specialize, but with so much experience behind them, the specializations tend to be significantly more dramatic. Polycosmic Theurge Polycosmic Theurge
Verenos Calogiac, human polycosmic theurge
If, as the ethermage posits, there are an infinite number of universes, then each of them must contain new glorious examples of the First Language at work. The polycosmic theurge uses his access to the ether to learn the true names of things that do not exist in his native universe and applies these insights to the world around him. "Come. See what I have seen." Author: Jason Linker. Role: The polycosmic theurge is a powerful addition to any adventuring party. With access to two brands of exotic magic that each cover a broader range of possibilities than the universe itself, the polycosmic theurge can, by definition, overcome any obstacle. Alignment: The motivations of a polycosmic theurge usually center upon the acquisition of knowledge. As knowledge is desirous to individuals of all moral inclinations, a polycosmic theurge can be of any alignment. That said, given the almost single-minded focus many polycosmic theurges have regarding the acquisition of knowledge, most tend to dissociate themselves from the ideas of good and evil and become decidedly Neutral. Hit Die: d6
Table: The Polycosmic Theurge
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Requirements To qualify to become a polycosmic theurge, a character must fulfill the following criteria. Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 8 ranks, Linguistics 8 ranks Spells: Able to recite 2nd-level recitations and cast etherspells containing 2nd-level manifestations. Class Skills The polycosmic theurge's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Craft (any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha) Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. Class Features All of the following are class features of the polycosmic theurge prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Polycosmic theurges gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Truemagic Prestige Classes
Purity of Energy (Su): At 1st level, the polycosmnic theurge learns an inflection of his choice from the -kinetic family of inflections. He may apply an inflection from the -kinetic family of inflections to a lesser blast or greater blast etherspell as though it were a 1st-level manifestation with an EP cost of 1. A polycosmic theurge cannot apply more than one inflection to a blast etherspell in this manner At 4th level, the polycosmic theurge learns an additional inflection of his choice from the -kinetic family of inflections. Further, an inflection from the -kinetic family of inflections added to a blast etherspell no longer counts toward the maximum number of manifestations that can be added to a blast etherspell. Ethereal Rhetoric (Sp): At 2nd level, a polycosmic theurge may expend 3 EP as a move action to imbue his voice with the extrauniversal force of the ether, granting him a +2 circumstance bonus to all truenaming checks he makes this round. Pierce the Veil (Su): At 3rd level, the polycosmic theurge learns how to manipulate the rate of diffusion of the ether by insisting that it is doing so in the First Language. As a swift action, he gains a number of EP equal to his Intelligence modifier. This ability may be used once per day.
Ethermagic and Truemagic Progression A polycosmic theurge's levels in the polycosmic theurge prestige class stack with the levels of a reciting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class for the purpose of determining his effective caster level against dispel attempts, determining access to various codices as dictated by his reciting class, determining the number of recitations he knows, and determining the highest level recitation he can recite. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, such as new inflections known. In addition, a polycosmic theurge's levels in the polycosmic theurge prestige class stack with the levels of an ethermagic-using class he belonged to before adding this prestige class for the purpose of determining his caster level and manifestations known, determining access to various etherhearts as dictated by his ethermagic-using class, determining the highest level recitation he can recite, and determining the size of his ether point pool and his EP regeneration rate. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, such as new multiuniversal philosophies known. If a character had more than one reciting class or more than one ethermagic-using class before he became a polycosmic theurge, he must decide to which classes he adds his levels of polycosmic theurge.
Strange Magic
Incompatible with Life (Sp): At 5th level, the polycosmic theurge learns the following recitation as a bonus recitation. Incompatible with Life Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - necromancy; reverse - abjuration Duration: normal - 3 rounds; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: It matters not whether the quarry is a zombie or a man; the universe contains such horrors that can rend both asunder with equal ease. The subject becomes surrounded by a haze of gases and radiation that is not merely hazardous to lifeforms, but matter itself. The subject can attempt to resist this recitation’s effects with a Fortitude save - if he succeeds, he is merely staggered for 1 round as he gasps for breath. If the subject fails, he immediately begins to suffocate. On the subject's next turn, he falls unconscious and is reduced to 0 hit points. One round later, the subject drops to -1 hit points and is dying. One round after that, the subject dies. Each round, the subject can delay that round's effects from occurring by making a successful Fortitude save, but the recitation continues for 3 rounds, and each time a subject fails his Fortitude save, he moves one step further along the track to suffocation. This recitation only affects living creatures that must breathe. It is impossible to defeat the effects of this recitation by simply holding one's breath - if the victim fails the initial saving throw, the air in his lungs is extracted, changed, or otherwise tainted. Reverse: Conversely, life enjoys being comfortable, and those who know how to rip apart matter tend to know how to make it all comfortable. The subject's body becomes wrapped in a bubble that clings tightly to his body. The bubble instantly removes airborne pollutants, including volcanic ash, inhaled poisons, airborne diseases, cloud spells like cloudkill or incendiary cloud, and so on. Any airborne objects larger than a particulate, such as stone in a rockslide, snow in an avalanche, projectile lava, or a thrown boulder, are unaffected by the bubble, though it does try its hardest.
Interjection Games
Speaker of the Word Speaker of the Word Many religions predicated on the notion of a creator god have little good to say of truenamers, mainly because their studies directly contradict their gospel. Normally, such a problem can be swept under the rug, but the fact that truenamers can subtly shift the universe itself makes dealing with them a bit more difficult than a standard challenge to religious dogma. In an effort to discredit their blasphemous claims, a number of major religions each enrolled several of their best scholars in various institutions of higher linguistic learning to get to the bottom of this "First Language" nonsense once and for all. Few returned to their respective churches, the others having started a religion of their own after being exposed to what they believe is the tongue of creation itself. Shunned by their parent religions, speakers of the word are clerics and paladins whose studies into the First Language have brought them to accept this tongue as an integral part of their belief system. Though they still cling to the notion of their god as the original speaker of this miraculous language, their former church's doctrine regarding the creation of the world is no longer palatable. Much to the chagrin of the churches that kicked these individuals out, their gods are still happy to supply them with divine magic and recitations powered by their divine will. To the established ecclesiarchy, the possibility that these individuals may actually be right is utterly terrifying. Author: Bradley Crouch. Role: Speakers of the word combine divine magic and the First Language, both aspects of their god's will, into a single, cohesive whole. Their channeled energy carries the will to change the universe itself, making them particularly terrifying opponents at close quarters. Alignment: A speaker of the word's alignment must be within one step of her deity's, along either the law/chaos axis or the good/evil axis. Hit Die: d6 Requirements To qualify to become a speaker of the word, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Linguistics 6 ranks. Spells: Able to recite from the Codex of Artifice and cast 2nd-level divine spells. Special: Channel energy class feature; must worship a deity and not an ideal or concept. Class Skills The speaker of the word's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Linguistics (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Class Features All of the following are class features of the speaker of the word prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Speakers of the word gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Spells and Recitations per Day When a new speaker of the word level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in any one divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class and any one reciting class he belonged to previously. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that he adds the level of speaker of the word to the level of whatever other reciting class and divine spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day, spells known, recitations known, access to the various codices, and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one reciting class or more than one divine spellcasting class before he became a speaker of the word, he must decide to which class he adds each level of speaker of the word for the purpose of determining spells and recitations per day. Divine Recitation (Su): At 1st level, a speaker of the word has had his conceptual linkage of religion and the First Language validated by the most authoritative of sources: his god. The speaker gains a 1st-level recitation slot. Whenever the speaker prepares divine spells for the day, he may also prepare a 1st-level recitation as though it were a non-spontaneous divine spell. No inflections may be added to this recitation. This recitation may be cast as though it were a divine spell whose spell level is equal to its recitation level and whose school is the same as the recitation's similar school. At 3rd level, the speaker gains a 2nd-level recitation slot that can be used in the same manner. At 5th level, the speaker gains a 3rd-level recitation slot.
Truemagic Prestige Classes
Religious Scholar (Ex): At 1st level, a speaker of the word gains a sacred bonus to truenaming checks equal to half of the class level of the divine spellcasting class that was chosen to have its spells progress as he levels in this prestige class, rounded down, minimum 1. Channel the Word: At 2nd level, a speaker of the word gains the ability to add a recitation to his channeled energy. Whenever the speaker channels energy, he may simultaneously recite a 1st-level recitation from the Codex of Heart and Mind. Doing so increases the activation time of the channel energy class feature to a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity and makes the ability spell-like instead of supernatural. As the activation time is already a fullround action, no inflection may be added. If the truenaming check for the recitation is successful, then all creatures affected by the channeled energy are also affected by the recitation. If the truenaming check is not successful, then nothing happens and the use of the channel energy class feature is wasted. If the recitation is counterspelled, then the entire channel energy is countered. At 4th level, the speaker gains the ability to recite 2ndlevel recitations from the Codex of Heart and Mind in the same manner.
Divine Inflection (Su): At 5th level, the speaker of the word's bond with his deity strengthens to the point that he can add a single inflection to each of his recitation slots granted by the divine recitation class feature.
Table: The Speaker of the Word
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Recitations per Day
The First Language can do anything the speaker knows how to demand, but the breadth of sensations for which the average sapient must account simply overwhelms even the finest of minds. By purposefully limiting their vision to filter out the noise and allow them to focus on their immediate surroundings, trueshapers achieve unparalleled control of their own little world.
A trueshaper's levels in the trueshaper prestige class stack with the levels of a reciting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class for the purpose of determining his effective caster level against dispel attempts, as well as for determining the highest level recitation he can recite. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, such as new recitations known. Instead, at each new trueshaper level, a trueshaper learns a single recitation from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres for which he meets all of the prerequisites.
Kickstarter Backer: Brandon F. Author: Bradley Crouch. Role: Trueshapers are masters of the Codex of FarFlung Spheres, and can temporarily transform their immediate surroundings into anything they desire. Alignment: Trueshapers can be of any alignment, but tend to be megalomaniacal. Hit Die: d6 Requirements To qualify to become a trueshaper, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Perception 7 ranks. Spells: Able to recite from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres.
Clouded Curse (Ex): At 1st level, the trueshaper gains the clouded vision oracle curse. For the purpose of this curse, his effective oracle level is equal to his effective caster level against dispel attempts made against his trueshaper recitations. If the trueshaper already has the clouded vision oracle curse from another source, then he adds his levels from that other source to his effective caster level; if the curse's other source would result in a higher effective oracle level, then he uses that instead. Coalescing Spheres (Sp): At 1st level, a trueshaper's recitations begin to manifest in a slightly different manner. All recitations from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres have the following characteristics. This overrides their normal behavior.
Class Skills
Range: 30 feet Area: 20-foot radius centered on you Special: All recitations from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres remain centered on the trueshaper as he moves.
The trueshaper's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Knowledge (local) (Int), Linguistics (Int), and Perception (Wis).
At 3rd level and 5th level, the radius of recitations from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres increases by +5 feet, to a maximum of 30 feet at 5th level.
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Inflections: At 2nd level and 4th level, the trueshaper gains an inflection for which he meets all of the prerequisites. This inflection may only be applied to recitations from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres.
Class Features All of the following are class features of the trueshaper prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Trueshapers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Table: The Trueshaper
Eye of the Storm (Sp): At 3rd level, whenever the trueshaper recites a recitation from the Codex of FarFlung Spheres, he may choose not to include himself in its effects, though it still follows him as he moves. Master of Spheres: At 5th level, both of the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres-exclusive inflections the trueshaper chose at 2nd and 4th level have their Malleability DC Modifier reduced by -1, to a minimum of +0.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Willshackler "To know the true name of a man is to know all of his secrets. To know the true name of an outsider is to own it." Phineas Larch, master truenamer
Truemagic Prestige Classes
Alignment: Any. Though the desire to assert dominance over other creatures is typically the realm of the Lawful individual, there have been cases of agents of chaos who had the discipline to learn the craft simply because of its sheer potential for shenanigans.
Just as a strong vocabulary of the fundamentals of the universe grants control over how the universe is shaped using those fundamentals, knowledge of a creature's true name results in a measure of control over that creature. In the case of outsiders, such as devas, demons, and devils, knowledge of a true name nearly equates to outright ownership. Though most creatures that a researcher would consider to be high value hide their true names in some way, shape, or form, some are ignorant or cocky and can be ensnared with but a single word.
Hit Die: d6
Willshacklers are truenamers who have proceeded down the path of proper nouns in the First Language. Though knowledge of one or two proper nouns is indeed powerful, willshacklers posit that learning the speech patterns for the proper nouns of entire races is much more powerful. Though the control willshacklers have over each individual is necessarily quite slight, blurting the most common syllables used for the proper names of a particular race does indeed allow for the formation of weak bonds between the reciter and the victim.
Class Skills
Author: Bradley Crouch Role: Collecting common proper noun syllables in the same manner their unspecialized colleagues collect recitations, willshacklers resemble truenamers in form and function. Though their growth of understanding of the various codices is somewhat retarded, they bring to bear a number of potent command words that affect specific races and creature subtypes.
Requirements To qualify to become a willshackler, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Linguistics 10 ranks. Spells: Able to recite from the Codex of the Realized Vision Feats: Skill Focus (Linguistics)
The willshackler's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Linguistics (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. Class Features All of the following are class features of the willshackler prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Willshacklers gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Table: The Willshackler
Strange Magic
Recitations per Day At the indicated levels, a willshackler gains new recitations as if he had also gained a level in a reciting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for recitations known, access to the various codices, and an increased effective level of reciting. If a character had more than one reciting class before becoming a willshackler, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining recitation progression. Command Word (Su): Starting at 1st level, a willshackler begins to devise sets of instructions to the universe that feed off of his study of proper names within the First Language. These are known as command words. Command words can be used as a standard action and generally follow the rules for recitations, meaning that though their use is a supernatural ability, they provoke attacks of opportunity unless spoken on the defensive. As they are supernatural, they cannot be counterspelled, dispelled, or dismissed. Command words have a range of 60 feet and affect a single creature whose creature type has been selected as one of the willshackler's nomenclature studies. Inflections can be applied to command words, with all of the usual effects. As they are treated like recitations, command words are also subject to all of the Laws of the universe. Command words have no recitation level. To that end, the truenaming DC of each command word is listed in its entry. The DC of a saving throw called for by a command word is equal to 10 + the speaker's willshackler class level + the speaker's Intelligence modifier. The willshackler gains a command word from the list below at 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th level. Though many command words appear as though they are mind-affecting abilities, they are not. The universe is forcing the behavior to occur by narrowing future possibility to allow only the desired behavior. To that end, creatures that are generally immune to conditions imposed by or bonus types granted by a command word are affected by them instead. Skeletons with a morale bonus and sickened oozes can indeed happen, that is, if the universe wills it. Similarly, this direct imposition by the universe makes it so command words do not have a similar school that can be manipulated by outside forces. Ameliorate Duration: instantaneous Truenaming DC: 13 The remaining duration of a chosen condition affecting the subject is reduced by 5 rounds. If the willshackler does not know the conditions to which a creature is already subject, he may try to guess, but there is no effect if he names a condition the creature does not have. A successful Will save negates this effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Interjection Games
Debilitate Duration: 5 rounds Truenaming DC: 19 Each round at the beginning of the subject's turn, it is both staggered and sickened for 1 round unless it makes a successful Fortitude save. Undead subjects must make a Will save instead. A willshackler must be at least 6th level to select this command word. Exacerbate Duration: instantaneous Truenaming DC: 13 The remaining duration of a condition of the willshackler's choice affecting the subject is doubled. If the willshackler does not know the conditions to which a creature is already subject, he may try to guess, but there is no effect if he names a condition the creature does not have. A successful Will save negates this effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Germinate Duration: 5 rounds Truenaming DC: 16 The subject is rendered incapable of movement unless it makes a successful Reflex save. Creatures stuck in this fashion may attempt to break free as a standard action. This requires a DC 20 Strength check. Creatures that make their Reflex save or Strength check are entangled for the remainder of the command word's duration. Incorporeal creatures and creatures that are not adjacent to a suitable anchor are completely immune to this command word. Incapacitate Duration: instantaneous Truenaming DC: 16 With but a single word, a creature can be frozen in its tracks. The subject is stunned for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate. Undead subjects must make a Will save instead. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Invigorate Duration: 5 rounds Truenaming DC: 19 Your command gives a creature a mighty burst of energy. The subject gains a +4 morale bonus to both Strength and Constitution. A willshacker must be at least 4th level to select this command word.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Lacerate Duration: instantaneous Truenaming DC: 19 The subject takes bleed damage equal to 10% of its maximum hit points, rounded down. A successful Reflex save negates the damage. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. A willshackler must be at least 6th level to select this command word. Mutilate Duration: instantaneous Truenaming DC: 16 This command word is spoken as a move action rather than as a standard action. The affected creature immediately makes an attack against itself with its most deadly wielded weapon or natural weapon unless it makes a successful Will save. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Truemagic Prestige Classes
True Name: At 5nd level, a willshackler has randomly stumbled across the full true name of a creature whose creature type is one of his nomenclature studies. He gains the true name arcane discovery. Command Word: Annihilate (Su): At 10th level, a willshackler learns how to order the universe to utterly eliminate a creature. Treat this as a command word with a duration of instantaneous and a truenaming DC of 25. The subject must make a Fortitude save or fold in upon itself before vanishing utterly from the universe. Undead subjects must instead make a Will save. The wish and miracle spells can return to life those who have been eliminated in this fashion. This command word can only be used once per day per nomenclature study the willshackler has. That is to say, if the willshackler selected humans as his nomenclature study twice, he can use this command word on humans twice per day. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this command word is spoken, it cannot be spoken again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Table: Nomenclature Study Creature Types
Obfuscate Duration: 5 rounds Truenaming DC: 13 A creature affected by this command word has its judgement impaired. The subject takes a penalty to its Sense Motive checks equal to your Intelligence modifier. A successful Will save negates. Substantiate Duration: 5 rounds Truenaming DC: 16 A creature affected by this command word is compelled to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The subject must clearly and truthfully respond to all queries posed to it. A successful Will save negates. Nomenclature Study: At 1st level, select a single creature type from Table: Nomenclature Study Creature Types. The willshackler can now target creatures of that creature type with his command words. At 3rd level and every two levels beyond 3rd, the willshackler selects another creature type. He may choose the same creature type multiple times. The Difficulty Class of his command words increases by +1 against that specific creature type for each time it has been selected beyond the first. If the willshackler chooses humanoids or outsiders as his nomenclature study, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table below. (Note that the listed subtypes are not exhaustive.) If a specific creature falls into more than one category of nomenclature study, the willshackler's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Wordsworn Defender
Class Skills
Martial champions attached to various institutions of the study of truenaming, wordsworn defenders are the muscle that repel those who would do harm to the scholars of the First Language. Defensive rather than offensive martial specialists, they are capable of wielding tower shields with astounding alacrity and are known to scrawl various notations on the back of their shields as a truenaming aid.
The speaker of the word's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Ride (Str), Spellcraft (Int), and Swim (Str).
Author: Bradley Crouch.
All of the following are class features of the wordsworn defender prestige class.
Role: Wordsworn defenders are frontline fighters who are also capable of fairly potent truemagic. This gives them a distinct advantage against other martial specialists. Alignment: Wordsworn defenders can be of any alignment; however, mastering both the use of martial techniques and truenaming tends to attract only the most disciplined, and usually Lawful, personalities. Hit Die: d10 Requirements To qualify to become a wordsworn defender, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria. Skills: Linguistics 5 ranks. Spells: Able to recite from the Codex of Far-Flung Spheres. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all martial weapons and tower shields.
Table: The Wordsworn Defender
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier. Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wordsworn defenders gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor. Recitations per Day At the indicated levels, a wordsworn defender gains new recitations as if he had also gained a level in a reciting class he belonged to before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, except for recitations known, access to the various codices, and an increased effective level of reciting. If a character had more than one reciting class before becoming a wordsworn defender, he must decide to which class he adds the new level for the purpose of determining recitation progression. Encumbered Recitation Specialization (Ex): At 1st level, a wordsworn defender's extensive training with tower shields has made him particularly adept in their use while simultaneously reciting. The armor check penalty of any tower shield he wields is halved, rounded down, for the purpose of determining truenaming DCs.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Rapid Setup (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a wordsworn defender can use a tower shield to grant himself total cover as a move action rather than as a standard action. Scribbled Notes: Starting at 2nd level, a wordsworn defender begins to affix random notes on proper pronunciation and the like to the back of his tower shield. Whenever he spends an hour apologizing to the universe each day to reset the Law of Finite Malleability, the wordsworn defender can also scribe various notes on the back of a single tower shield. As which notes are most pertinent to his needs are always changing, a wordsworn defender only receives benefit from the most recent set of notes he produces. As such, producing a new set of notes renders previous sets of notes obsolete. Whenever the wordsworn defender is granted total cover by his scribed tower shield, he gains the benefits of the notes placed upon it. At 2nd level, the wordsworn defender's notes grant him a +1 bonus to truenaming checks made when reciting from a single codex. This codex must be one from which he can recite, must be different from the codex chosen for any other set of notes, and can change each time he scribes notes on a tower shield. At 5th level, the wordsworn defender's notes grant him a +1 bonus to truenaming checks made when reciting from a single codex. This codex must be one from which he can recite, must be different from the codex chosen for any other set of notes, and can change each time he scribes notes on a tower shield. At 7th level, the wordsworn defender's notes grant him a +1 bonus to the Difficulty Class of all saving throws called for by his recitations, as well as +2 to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance when reciting. At 10th level, notes that grant a +1 bonus to truenaming checks grant a +2 bonus instead. Bonus Combat Feat: At 3rd level, a wordsworn defender may choose a bonus combat feat. This is in addition to the feats that a character of any class normally gets from advancing levels. The character must still meet any prerequisites for these bonus feats. A wordsworn defender gains an additional bonus combat feat at 6th level and 9th level. Tower Shield Specialization (Ex): At 4th level, the wordsworn defender's penalty to attack rolls while wielding a tower shield is reduced by -1. He also receives a +1 bonus to truenaming checks made while wielding a tower shield. At 8th level, the penalty is reduced by a further -1 and his bonus to truenaming checks is increased by a further +1.
Truemagic Prestige Classes
Sidebar: A Brute in the Truenamers' Court The wordsworn defender, being the only martial prestige class available to practitioners of truename magic, is also the best candidate for highlighting the relationship between the truemages and warriors of your campaign world. Relationship 1: Honored Colleagues The most positive relationship possible between truemages and wordsworn defenders is that of the colleague in equal standing. Though wordsworn defenders may not have the sheer truenaming capacity that a truenamer or scion of discordia enjoys, they have still taken the time to learn a significant portion of the First Language, and their particular insight into the nuances of combat makes it so they may very well be the authorities when it comes to the syllabic stressing of recitations involving weapons and battlegrounds. Though it may be a fairly narrow specialty, even among a bunch of scholars prone to hyperspecialization, the trade's tendency to hyperspecialize leads them to value and respect the talents of their peers, no matter how narrow. Relationship 2: The Guards Less positive than the relationship described above, wordsworn defenders may simply be thought of as the guardians, individuals to protect the primary practitioners as they go about their day-to-day business. This does not mean they're not respected, but rather there is a distinct role that these individuals are meant to fulfill, and it is this role that defines them. Relationship 3: The Hierarchy If the relationship between primary truemages and martial truemages is meant to be a primary plot point, then it's a good idea to make conflict. Easily the least positive relationship presented here, truemages believe that the First Language is all that matters, as perfect control over it would create an individual who can handily defeat the gods at their own game. To spend a moment doing anything else is insanity, thus making everyone from wordsworn defenders to speakers of the word second-class citizens in the eyes of the truemages.
Favorite Word (Sp): At 10th level, whenever a wordsworn defender recites a recitation from the Codex of Artifice, he may target his scribed tower shield in addition to the recitation's normal targets. His tower shield must be a legal target; however, when using this ability, a scribed tower shield may count as any piece of non-weapon, non-armor equipment in addition to being a shield.
Strange Magic
Codex of Heart and Mind Summary Level 1
Attraction normal - Subject is pulled 10 feet toward you and provokes attacks of opportunity with movement reverse - Subject is pushed 10 feet away from you and provokes attacks of opportunity with movement Bolstering Chant normal - Subject gets a stacking DR 2/reverse - Subject's DR is reduced by 2 Graphic Description normal - Subject is sickened with a save to negate each round for that round reverse - Subject gets a +2 alchemical bonus to saves against sickening and nauseating effects Hasty Intonation normal - Subject gets +20 feet to base land speed reverse - Subject's base land speed is reduced by half Instruct the Freshly Dead normal - Subject, a fresh corpse whose zombie would have 2 HD or less, is raised as a zombie under your control for a short time reverse - Subject, a mindless undead with 2 HD or less, is destroyed after a 2 round wait Mindbite normal - Subject gains a +2 alchemical bonus to saves against poison reverse - Subject takes 2 points of Intelligence damage after a 2 round wait. Poison Piercing Proclamation normal - Subject takes 1d8 sonic damage reverse - Mute creature can speak Snapping Sinew, Lesser normal - Subject gets a +3 bonus to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage reverse - Subject takes a -3 penalty to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage Stimulate Body, Lesser normal - Subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to your choice of physical ability score reverse - Subject takes a -2 penalty to your choice of physical ability score Stimulate Mind, Lesser normal - Subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to your choice of mental ability score reverse - Subject takes a -2 penalty to your choice of mental ability score Venomous Tongue normal - Subject gains a +2 alchemical bonus to saves against poison reverse - Subject takes 2 points of Constitution damage after a 2 round wait. Poison
Interjection Games
Verbal Alchemy, Lesser normal - Subject can spit acid twice as a flask of acid reverse - Subject can spit flames once as a flask of alchemist's fire Wholeness Locution, Lesser normal - Subject gains fast healing 1 reverse - Subject takes 2 damage, then 1 damage each round Level 2 Building Vitality, Lesser normal - Each round, subject gains 1 + rounds elapsed temporary hit points, max 3 reverse - Each round, subject takes 1 + rounds elapsed damage, max 3 Declaration of Combustion normal - Subject explodes after a 2 round wait, taking 4d6 fire damage and dealing 3d6 fire damage to nearby creatures reverse - Subject loses the ability to explode on death Disdain for the Derivative normal - Subject takes a -2 penalty to DCs to all spells he casts of a chosen school reverse - Subject gets a +1 bonus to DCs to all spells he casts of a chosen school Energetic Buffer, Lesser normal - Subject gains temporary immunity to a chosen energy type reverse - Subject takes double damage from a chosen energy type Incendiary Remarks normal - Subject takes 4d6 points of fire damage and lights on fire reverse - Creatures attacking subject take 1d4+1 fire damage; if maximum damage is rolled, attack takes a -2 penalty to AC Lament of the Platypus normal - Subject take a -2 penalty to his next saving throw reverse - Subject gets a +2 insight bonus to his next saving throw Mending Verse normal - Subject is healed for 3d6 points of damage after a 2 round wait. Damages undead reverse - Subject takes 3d6 points of damage after a 2 round wait. Heals undead Runoncitation normal - Remaining duration of a recitation increases by +1 round reverse - Remaining duration of a recitation decreases by 1 round Stir Fears normal - Subject is shaken reverse - Subject gets a +4 morale bonus to saves against fear
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind Summary
Uttered Portents normal - Subject gets a +4 insight bonus to his next attack roll reverse - Subject takes a -4 penalty to his next attack roll
Snapping Sinew normal - Subject gets a +7 bonus to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage reverse - Subject takes a -7 penalty to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage
Verbal Alchemy normal - Subject can spit acid five times as a flask of acid; swift action to spit reverse - Subject can spit flames three times as a flask of alchemist's fire; swift action to spit
Stimulate Body normal - Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to your choice of physical ability score reverse - Subject takes a -4 penalty to your choice of physical ability score
Word of Resilience, Lesser normal - Subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to natural armor reverse - Subject takes a -2 penalty to natural armor; if subject has no natural armor, -1 AC instead
Stimulate Mind normal - Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to your choice of mental ability score reverse - Subject takes a -4 penalty to your choice of mental ability score
Level 3
Swift Intonation normal - Subject makes an additional attack at his highest attack modifier when making a full-attack action reverse - Subject cannot make a full-attack action
Boastful Oratory normal - Roll choice of die from d4 to d12 and store result; when subject rolls stored result for weapon damage, deal maximum damage instead reverse - Roll choice of die from d4 to d12 and store result; when subject rolls stored result for weapon damage, deal minimum damage instead Building Vitality normal - Each round, subject gains 3 + rounds elapsed temporary hit points, max 5 reverse - Each round, subject takes 3 + rounds elapsed damage, max 5 Corrosive Remarks normal - Subject takes 6d6 acid damage and takes a -2 penalty to AC reverse - Creatures attacking subject take 1d4+3 acid damage; if maximum damage is rolled, attacker takes a -2 penalty to AC Graceful Withdrawal normal - If the subject deals damage in melee, his movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity that round reverse - If the subject misses a creature in melee, he provokes an attack of opportunity from the creature he missed
Transmogrify normal - Subject gains a bite attack reverse - Subject loses a natural attack of your choice Waste Away normal - Subject takes 2d6 points of damage and is sickened each round reverse - Subject gains an additional saving throw to end a mundane poison, mundane disease, sickening, or nauseating effect Whispers of Glastiglaroth normal - Subject receives +10 competence bonus to chosen skill if totally untrained in that skill; can perform skill untrained reverse - Subject's ranks in chosen skill are set to 0; cannot perform chosen skill untrained if mental in nature Wholeness Locution normal - Subject gains fast healing 3 reverse - Subject takes 4 damage, then 3 damage each round
Gravity's Bane normal - Subject gains a 30-ft. fly speed with perfect maneuverability reverse - Subject loses the ability to use mechanical means of flight Ode to the Porcupine normal - Creatures that attack the subject in melee take damage. Damage increases as the bodily contact of the attack becomes more intimate reverse - If the subject has abilities that return damage to melee attackers, the damage dealt by these abilities is halved
Strange Magic
Level 4 Creation's Enmity normal - Subject takes 1d4+1 temporary negative levels after a 3 round wait reverse - Subject is warded against death and negative energy effects Crushing Insults normal - Subject's morale bonuses are suppressed reverse - Subject is immune to mind-affecting abilities that do not grant a morale bonus Fatal Attraction normal - Subject is pulled 30 feet toward you, taking damage if it strikes an obstruction reverse - Subject is pushed 30 feet away from you, taking damage if it strikes an obstruction Imminent Danger normal - Subject has a +4 bonus to AC when denied his Dexterity bonus to AC and receives a +2 insight bonus to saves against traps reverse - Subject takes a -4 penalty to AC when denied his Dexterity bonus to AC and takes a -2 penalty to saves against traps Impending Doom normal - Subject takes 1d10 points of damage to a chosen ability score after a 2 round wait reverse - Subject is cured of 1d10 points of damage to a chosen ability score after a 2 round wait Intonation of the Luchadore normal - Subject does not provoke attacks of opportunity when making combat maneuvers associated with wrestling reverse - Subject provokes attacks of opportunity when making combat maneuvers associated with wrestling, even if he has feats or abilities that say he does not Peristaltic Chain Reaction normal - Subject is nauseated with a save to negate each round for that round reverse - Subject gets a +5 alchemical bonus to saves against sickening and nauseating effects Shocking Remarks normal - Subject takes 9d6 points of damage and is staggered reverse - Creatures attacking subject take 1d4+5 electric damage. Functions at range Vampiric Intonation normal - Subject takes 5d6 damage and you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt reverse - You take 5d6 damage and subject gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. Verbal Alchemy, Greater normal - Subject gains acid resistance and can spit acid five times as a flask of acid; free action 1/round to spit reverse - Subject gains fire resistance and can spit flames three times as a flask of alchemist's fire; free action 1/round to spit
Interjection Games
Word of Resilience normal - Subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor reverse - Subject takes a -4 penalty to natural armor; if subject has no natural armor, -2 AC instead Wrestler's Motto normal - Subject has a +3 enhancement bonus to combat maneuver checks made in melee combat reverse - Subject takes a -3 penalty to combat maneuver checks made in melee combat
Sidebar: Roleplaying Recitations Truename magic, being the use of the most primal of tongues, is defined by its dependence on the verbal. For the roleplay-conscious player, this makes creating a nonsense language to represent Truespeech a great way to define both his character and his craft. When developing this nonsense language, the roleplayer must decide whether or not to add discernable patterns. Patterns generally require that a roleplayer put more work into developing his "First Language", but the First Language can be utterly transformed in the process. No Patterns A recitation that makes an orc vanish may sound harsh and guttural, while the exact same recitation sounds bright and lilting when targeting a human. Making the First Language a random jumble of syllables is very, very easy to roleplay, and some fairly amusing sounds can be totally justified in the name of roleplaying a character to its fullest. When operating with a chaotic First Language, expect derision from wizards and other scholars, who view Truespeech as the rote memorization of thousands of random exceptions rather than as the pursuit of a cohesive craft. Similarly, clerics of Lawful deities may be personally affronted. Patterns Though recitations may vary greatly over the tiniest things, such as a simple scratch on a sword, there is a core to each recitation, and a truenamer's party eventually clues in on these core groupings. This gives the truenamer's player significant freedom in adding random syllables before and after these core words, while retaining a nugget for others. When operating with the First Language as a system of patterns, expect a greater rapport with wizards and other scholars, who see Truespeech as another worthy magical craft, but also expect clerics of Chaotic deities to believe that the First Language goes against the entropic principles of the universe. Of course, martial characters will treat the truenamer as they would any spellcaster: cautiously.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind Summary
Level 5
Level 6
Chilling Remarks normal - Subject takes 12d6 cold damage and has its speed reduced by half for 5 rounds reverse - Creatures attacking subject take 1d4+7 cold damage; if maximum damage is rolled, attacker's speed is reduced by half
Building Vitality, Greater normal - Each round, subject gains 3 + twice rounds elapsed temporary hit points, max 9 reverse - Each round, subject takes 3 + twice rounds elapsed damage, max 9
Command the Freshly Dead normal - Subject, a fresh corpse whose zombie would have 12 HD or less, is raised as a zombie for a short time reverse - Subject, a mindless undead with 12 HD or less, is destroyed after a 2 round wait Energetic Buffer normal - Subject gains temporary immunity to a chosen energy type reverse - Subject takes double damage from a chosen energy type Muddling Invective normal - Subject takes 2 points of damage to all mental ability scores each round. Poison reverse - Subject has a +5 alchemical bonus against poisons that damage mental ability scores Piercing Proclamation, Greater normal - Subject takes 10d8 sonic damage reverse - Subject is unaffected by magical silence Proclamation of Intervention normal - Whenever you or the subject are charged, you and subject switch places before charge is resolved reverse - Whenever you or the subject charge a creature, you and subject switch places before charge is resolved Runoncitation, Greater normal - Remaining duration of a recitation increases by +2 rounds reverse - Remaining duration of a recitation decreases by 2 rounds Stimulate Body, Greater normal - Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to your choice of physical ability score reverse - Subject takes a -6 penalty to your choice of physical ability score Stimulate Mind, Greater normal - Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to your choice of mental ability score reverse - Subject takes a -6 penalty to your choice of mental ability score Toxic Invective normal - Subject takes 2 points of damage to all physical ability scores each round. Poison reverse - Subject has a +5 alchemical bonus against poisons that damage physical ability scores Wholeness Locution, Greater normal - Subject gains fast healing 5 reverse - Subject takes 6 damage, then 5 damage each round
Creation's Rebuke normal - Subject takes 1 temporary negative level each round for 5 rounds reverse - A temporary negative level is removed from the subject each round for 5 rounds Declaration of Mass Combustion normal - Subject is marked as a bomb. Each round on your turn, marked individuals explode, dealing fire damage and marking those damaged, which then explode on your next turn (and so on) reverse - Subject gains resistance to all energy types that increases whenever he takes damage from an energy type Disconnect the Derivative normal - All magical equipment worn by subject becomes nonmagical reverse - All magical equipment worn by subject becomes immune to antimagic fields Mending Verse normal - Subject is healed for 12d6 points of damage after a 2 round wait. Damages undead reverse - Subject takes 12d6 points of damage after a 2 round wait. Heals undead Snapping Sinew, Greater normal - Subject gets a +20 bonus to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage reverse - Subject takes a -20 penalty to his next damage roll with a weapon that applies Strength to damage Terrifying Invocation normal - Subject is panicked reverse - Subject is immune to fear Translocate normal - Subject and up to 100 pounds of equipment teleport from current position to a square in range that you can see reverse - Subject finds it absolutely impossible to move from current position Vampiric Intonation, Greater normal - Subject takes 10d6 damage and you gain temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt reverse - You take 10d6 damage and subject gains temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. Word of Resilience, Greater normal - Subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to natural armor reverse - Subject takes a -6 penalty to natural armor; if subject has no natural armor, -3 AC instead
Strange Magic
Codex of Heart and Mind: A Primer The first codex from which a truemage learns to recite, the Codex of Heart and Mind makes up the bulk of any truemage's vocabulary. Concerning itself with living things, the Codex of Heart and Mind is the easiest of all codices for the average truemage to understand because the average truemage understands what it means to be alive. Of course, the definition the universe uses for life is far more liberal than what we use, thus making the codex encompass everything from humans and elves to elementals and undead. The Codex of Heart and Mind features reversible recitations. That is to say, whenever a practitioner of truename magic recites a recitation from this codex, he gets to choose to produce one of two effects. All targets affected by the recitation are subject to the chosen effect. Both the normal and reverse variants of a recitation count as the same recitation for the purpose of the Law of Finite Malleability. If the spell descriptors, duration, saving throw, or similar school of the normal and reverse variants of a recitation differ in any way, then that line in a recitation's description will clearly show the difference between the two variants. All recitations within the Codex of Heart and Mind share the following characteristics unless otherwise noted. Range: 60 feet Target: A creature within range Spell Resistance: Yes
Tyrorin Aeraelon, halfelf dualcursed oracle and trueshaper
Interjection Games
Codex of Heart and Mind list Codex of Heart and Mind List Attraction Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [force] Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Normal: Your recitation defines the subject in three dimensional space as a function of its distance to you. In this instance, you claim that the subject is closer than it actually is. Your target is jerked toward you. The subject moves 10 feet toward you in a straight line drawn from the reciter to the subject. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but the subject gets a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made during this movement. If the subject would collide with a solid obstruction, another creature that is one size category smaller than it or larger, or the reciter, then its movement stops immediately in a square adjacent to that which stopped it. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: The much more popular reverse variant of this recitation defines the subject as being further away from you than it actually is. Your target is thrust away from you. The subject moves 10 feet away from you in a straight line drawn from the reciter to the subject. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity, but the subject gets a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity made during this movement. If the subject would collide with a solid obstruction, another creature that is one size category smaller than it or larger, or the reciter, then its movement stops immediately in a square adjacent to that which stopped it. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Boastful Oratory Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: As with most things said in the First Language, your proclamations of improbable efficacy on the part of the subject have a propensity to become true. Roll your choice of a d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12 and record the result of the roll. Whenever a weapon damage die rolled by the subject matches the recorded result, it is treated as though it were the maximum possible result of that die instead. For example, if the recorded result is a 3 and a greatsword wielder rolls a natural '3' and a natural '4' for weapon damage, then he is treated as though he had rolled a '6' and a '4', as 6 is the highest possible result on a d6. Reverse: Conversely, if your proclamations say the subject is a pathetic worm, that also tends to come true for a time. Roll your choice of a d4, d6, d8, d10, or d12 and record the result of the roll. Whenever a weapon damage die rolled by the subject matches the recorded result, it is treated as though it were the minimum possible result of that die instead. For example, if the recorded result is a 3 and a greatsword wielder rolls a natural '3' and a natural '4' for weapon damage, then he is treated as though he had rolled a '1' and a '4', as 1 is the lowest possible result on a d6.
Heart and Mind List
Bolstering Chant Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: abjuration Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: none Normal: By equating an individual and superior resilience, you make the subject of your recitation as tough as any barbarian. Your target becomes difficult to wound by physical means. The subject gains DR 2/-. If the subject already has damage reduction from any other source, then the greatest source of damage reduction present on the subject has its magnitude increase by +2. For example, a fighter wearing adamantine full plate normally has DR 3/-. With this recitation, it is increased to DR 5/-. Reverse: Your recitation equates the subject and the concept of squishing like a bug. Your target becomes very easy to wound by physical means. If the subject has damage reduction, then the greatest source of damage reduction present on the subject has its magnitude decrease by -2. For example, a fighter wearing adamantine full plate normally has DR 3/-. With this recitation, it is decreased to DR 1/-. Building Vitality Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Vitality flows into your subject, and as the universe gets used to doing so, it becomes more effective. The subject gains 3 temporary hit points. At the beginning of your turn, the subject gains temporary hit points equal to the number of temporary hit points it gained from this recitation last round +1 (max 5 total). These temporary hit points last for 1 round. Reverse: Vitality is ripped from your subject, and becomes more pronounced as time goes on. The subject takes 3 point of damage. At the beginning of your turn, the subject takes damage equal to the amount of damage it took from this recitation last round +1 (max 5 total).
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Building Vitality, Greater Recitation Level: 6 Similar School: necromancy Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Vitality flows into your subject, and as the universe gets used to doing so, it becomes more effective. The subject gains 3 temporary hit points. At the beginning of your turn, the subject gains temporary hit points equal to the number of temporary hit points it gained from this recitation last round +2 (max 9 total). These temporary hit points last for 1 round. Reverse: Vitality is ripped from your subject, and becomes more pronounced as time goes on. The subject takes 3 point of damage. At the beginning of your turn, the subject takes damage equal to the amount of damage it took from this recitation last round +2 (max 9 total). Damage dealt in this manner is returned to you as temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 round.
Building Vitality, Lesser Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Vitality flows into your subject, and as the universe gets used to doing so, it becomes more effective. The subject gains 1 temporary hit point. At the beginning of your turn, the subject gains temporary hit points equal to the number of temporary hit points it gained from this recitation last round +1 (max 3 total). These temporary hit points last for 1 round. Reverse: Vitality is ripped from your subject, and becomes more pronounced as time goes on. The subject takes 1 point of damage. At the beginning of your turn, the subject takes damage equal to the amount of damage it took from this recitation last round +1 (max 3 total).
Chilling Remarks Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [cold] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: You spit words that can freeze the very lifeblood of your subject. Your target begins to freeze from the inside out. The subject takes 12d6 points of cold damage and has its burrow, swim, fly, climb, and base land speeds reduced by half for 5 rounds. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the slow effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Your words ward the subject, causing a malevolent cold to lash out upon attackers. Your target is covered in a rime of icy cold. Whenever the subject is struck in melee, the subject's attacker takes 1d4+7 cold damage. If maximum cold damage is rolled, the attacker must make a Fortitude save or have its burrow, swim, fly, climb, and base land speeds reduced by half for 1 round.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Command the Freshly Dead Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: normal - 5 rounds; reverse - 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - none; reverse - Will negates Normal: The universe has a name for everything, and that name changes whenever its condition changes. When it comes to organic life, however, the universe has learned to wait a few minutes before declaring a living being a corpse. Life has this interesting habit of starting back up, even in the most ridiculous of circumstances. Your recitation takes advantage of this loophole. Unlike other recitations in the Codex of Heart and Mind, the target of your recitation is the corpse of a creature that has died within the last minute. The subject is temporarily raised as a zombie under your control, but only if the resulting zombie would have 12 HD or less. Templates, such as fast zombie, cannot be applied. If the resulting zombie would have more than 12 HD, the recitation has no effect and is wasted. A creature that is temporarily raised in this manner can be temporarily raised again by a second use of this recitation if the corpse is still fresh enough. A creature raised multiple times in this manner retains its current hit points from the last time it was raised. If a creature raised by this recitation is reduced to 0 hit points, then the creature's body is wholly ruined and cannot be raised again, whether by necromantic means that animate the body or by spells that return life to a largely-intact body, such as raise dead. Spells and abilities that raise creatures as incorporeal undead still function, as only the body is ruined. If the body is not ruined, a creature that is temporarily raised in this manner can later be raised permanently by such means as the animate dead spell and other like abilities. Reverse: Conversely, reminding the universe that a dead organic being isn't supposed to be animated at all can do wonders for solving a zombie infestation. Unlike other recitations in the Codex of Heart and Mind, the target of your recitation is a mindless undead creature. If the subject of this recitation has 12 HD or less, it is destroyed when the recitation's duration expires. A successful Will save negates.
Heart and Mind List
Corrosive Remarks Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [acid] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your words melt skin, denature sinew, and turn bone to mush. Your target's body begins to liquefy. The subject takes 6d6 points of acid damage and a -2 penalty to AC for 5 rounds. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the AC penalty. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Rather than lash out and cause the subject to melt, your recitation surrounds the subject with acid that attacks that which attacks him. Your target is covered in a film of corrosive goo that somehow does not burn unless agitated. Whenever the subject is struck in melee, the subject's attacker takes 1d4+3 acid damage. If maximum acid damage is rolled, the attacker must make a Fortitude save or take a -2 penalty to AC for 1 round. Creation's Enmity Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: normal - 3 rounds; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation describes the subject as a creature whose very existence threatens the universe. Your target becomes somewhat subject to mechanisms built into the universe itself that deal with paradoxes by crushing the problem utterly. When the recitation's duration expires, the subject takes 1d4+1 temporary negative levels. On a successful Fortitude save, the subject takes only 1 temporary negative level. If the subject is killed by this recitation, its body is reduced to dust, making it impossible to raise or animate using spells that require that the body be whole. Reverse: Your recitation describes the subject as a champion of the spacetime continuum and a protector of the universe itself. Your target momentarily gains the favor of the universe. The subject gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against all death spells and magical death effects. The subject is granted a save to negate such effects even if one is not normally allowed, and is immune to energy drain and any negative energy effects, including channeled negative energy.
Strange Magic
Creation's Rebuke Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - none; reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation agitates the universe, causing it to reach out and begin the subject on the path to oblivion. Your target begins to fade out as if the universe is attempting to erase it. Each round at the beginning of your turn, the subject takes 1 temporary negative level. If the subject is killed by this recitation, it is erased from the universe and cannot be resurrected save by wish or miracle. Reverse: Your recitation expounds upon how important the subject is to the universe as a whole. Your target becomes more solid, more vibrant, more... real. Each round at the beginning of your turn, a temporary negative level is removed from the subject.
Interjection Games
Declaration of Combustion Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [fire] Duration: normal - 2 rounds; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: none (see text) Normal: Your recitation compares the subject to some form of explosive that is known to you. The result is really fun to watch. Your target becomes a living bomb! When the recitation's duration expires, the subject explodes, taking 4d6 points of fire damage with no saving throw allowed and dealing 3d6 points of fire damage to all other creatures within 10 feet with a Reflex save for half damage. If the recitation is stopped early by artificial means, such as by dispel magic or an antimagic field, then the subject does not explode. As soon as the recitation begins, the subject understands that something very bad is about to happen. Subjects with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher instinctively understand the implications of the recitation and may attempt to influence collateral damage by charging toward the reciter's allies or running far from his own allies. Reverse: Your recitation compares the subject to a unit of explosive that refuses to explode like the others, a dud. If the subject is one of those creatures that explodes to protect the rest of the colony or whatnot, the result is, again, really fun to watch.
Crushing Insults Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: enchantment [mind-affecting] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: Sentient creatures tend to crave the approval of their peers, and even the most stoic of zen masters is positively flighty when compared to a rock. When an insult's potency is enhanced by the First Language, no ego is safe. All morale bonuses in effect on the subject are suppressed. Reverse: That said, comparing an individual to said rock can make an ego all but impenetrable to outside forces. The subject becomes immune to all mind-affecting abilities, save those that provide a morale bonus.
Your target becomes incapable of violent ejaculations of power. For the duration of this recitation, the subject cannot use abilities that kill itself in the process. If it tries, nothing happens and the action used to attempt the ability is wasted. Further, if the subject has an ability that is triggered by the subject's death, then this ability cannot trigger over the course of the duration of the recitation.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Declaration of Mass Combustion Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [fire] Duration: normal - 4 rounds; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: none (see text) Normal: Your recitation is quite incendiary in the literal sense. Your target is marked as a living bomb! Each round at the beginning of your turn, all creatures that are marked as "living bombs" explode, taking 4d6 points of fire damage with no saving throw allowed and dealing 3d6 points of fire damage to all other creatures within 10 feet with a Reflex save for half damage. Creatures that fail their Reflex save are themselves marked as living bombs, while creatures that explode cease to be marked as living bombs. A creature can be marked as a living bomb only once over the duration of the recitation. Successful use of the dispel magic spell or entry into an antimagic field removes the living bomb designation without triggering an explosion. When the recitation's duration expires, all creatures currently marked as living bombs are unmarked without exploding. Creatures marked as living bombs understand that something very bad is about to happen. Marked creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher instinctively understand the implications of the recitation and may attempt to influence collateral damage by charging toward the reciter's allies or running far from his own allies. Reverse: Your recitation digs deep into seldomused vocabulary to evoke images of ablative materials, electrical insulators, flame retardants, materials meant to preserve warmth, and so on. Your target becomes coated in a smear of gritty, ablative goo. Each time the subject takes acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic damage, he gains resistance 5 against that energy type. This bonus stacks with itself to a maximum of resistance 30 against each energy type.
Heart and Mind List
Disconnect the Derivative Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 1 round Saving Throw: normal - Will negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: The First Language encompasses all things, including all disciplines of magic that have been and ever will be. With but a word, the most powerful relics made by these magical disciplines can be shut down for a time. All magical equipment worn, wielded, or carried by the subject have their magical properties suppressed. Potions are consumed without effect, wands are just twigs, magic weapons and armor are merely masterwork, ioun stones fall out of the air, and so on. This recitation is unaffected by spells and abilities that disrupt magic, such as an antimagic field or dispel magic. Reverse: Similarly, the right protestation to the universe can make some parts of derivative magic stand up to other parts of derivative magic. All magical equipment worn, wielded, or carried by the subject ignores the effects of the antimagic field spell. This recitation is unaffected by spells and abilities that disrupt magic, such as an antimagic field or dispel magic. Disdain for the Derivative Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: none Normal: Truespeech, by definition, encompasses everything that has been, is, and will be. To that end, many practitioners of truemagic look down upon the more cosmopolitan practitioners of the world's mysteries. Your target becomes less adept at a particular school of magic. Select a school of magic. The subject takes a -2 penalty to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws called for by spells he casts from the school of magic you select. Reverse: Conversely, a practitioner of Truespeech can praise that which came after. Though modern magic may not be as flexible, and usually exists in a finite form, each of these systems is a reflection of truemagic in some, way, shape or form. Your target becomes more adept at a particular school of magic. Select a school of magic. The subject gets a +1 insight bonus to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws called for by spells he casts from the school of magic you select.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Energetic Buffer Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - abjuration [acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic]; reverse - evocation [acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will partial (see text)
Energetic Buffer, Lesser Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - abjuration [acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic]; reverse - evocation [acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will partial (see text)
Normal: Your recitation includes some embellishments regarding the subject's ability to swim in lava, survive extreme cold, live through being struck by lightning, and withstand the cacophonic wailing of an angry motherinlaw. For a short period of time, the subject is indeed the described individual.
Normal: Your recitation includes some embellishments regarding the subject's ability to swim in lava, survive extreme cold, live through being struck by lightning, and withstand the cacophonic wailing of an angry motherinlaw. For a short period of time, the subject is indeed the described individual.
Choose acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. This recitation grants your target immunity to damage from the chosen energy type for the recitation's duration or until 50 points of energy damage is prevented in this fashion.
Choose acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. This recitation grants your target immunity to damage from the chosen energy type for the recitation's duration or until 20 points of energy damage is prevented in this fashion.
Reverse: Your recitation includes some embellishments regarding the subject's amusing propensity to be subject to hypothermia simply by touching an ice cube, its ability to draw lightning like a rod, and descriptions of how the subject's ear drums scream out in pain when any sound is louder than a whisper. For a short period of time, the subject is indeed this pathetic creature.
Reverse: Your recitation includes some embellishments regarding the subject's amusing propensity to be subject to hypothermia simply by touching an ice cube, its ability to draw lightning like a rod, and descriptions of how the subject's ear drums scream out in pain when any sound is louder than a whisper. For a short period of time, the subject is indeed this pathetic creature.
Choose acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. Whenever the subject of this recitation takes damage from the chosen energy type, it takes double that much damage instead. This effect lasts for the recitation's duration or until 50 points of energy damage is doubled in this fashion. On a successful Will save, the effect lasts for the recitation's duration or until 20 points of energy damage is doubled in this fashion.
Choose acid, cold, electric, fire, or sonic. Whenever the subject of this recitation takes damage from the chosen energy type, it takes double that much damage instead. This effect lasts for the recitation's duration or until 20 points of energy damage is doubled in this fashion. On a successful Will save, the effect lasts for the recitation's duration or until 8 points of energy damage is doubled in this fashion.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Fatal Attraction Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [force] Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates Normal: Your recitation defines the subject in three dimensional space as a function of its distance to you. In this instance, you claim that the subject is closer than it actually is. Your target is jerked toward you. The subject moves 30 feet toward you in a straight line drawn from the reciter to the subject. This movement is so fast and so violent that it does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the subject would collide with a solid obstruction, another creature that is one size category smaller than it or larger, or the reciter, then its movement stops immediately in a square adjacent to that which stopped it. The subject takes 1d6 points of force damage for every 5 feet of movement remaining when it stops moving due to an obstruction. No damage is dealt to that with which the subject collides. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Heart and Mind List
Graceful Withdrawal Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: Like a deer, the hunters say. Like an excellent street acrobat, the cityfolk eagerly intone. Whatever the simile a bystander concocts, your recitation inspires an almost supernatural grace in the subject. Your target becomes possessed of an unearthly grace. If the subject deals damage to a creature in melee, then the subject's movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that creature until the beginning of that creature's next turn. Reverse: Like a groggy bear, the hunters say. Like the town drunk, the cityfolk spit. Whatever the simile, your recitation inspires the subject to become a bumbling oaf for a short time. Your target becomes possessed of an incredible clumsiness. If the subject misses a creature in melee, then the subject provokes an attack of opportunity from the creature missed.
Reverse: The much more popular reverse variant of this recitation defines the subject as being further away from you than it actually is. Your target is thrust away from you. The subject moves 30 feet away from you in a straight line drawn from the reciter to the subject. This movement is so fast and so violent that it does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the subject would collide with a solid obstruction, another creature that is one size category smaller than it or larger, or the reciter, then its movement stops immediately in a square adjacent to that which stopped it. The subject takes 1d6 points of force damage for every 5 feet of movement remaining when it stops moving due to an obstruction. No damage is dealt to that with which the subject collides. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Graphic Description Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - enchantment [mind-affecting]; reverse - transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation is a lost list of things that make organics feel nauseous. Your target is assaulted by disgusting visions. Each round at the beginning of the subject's turn, it is sickened for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Reverse: Your recitation goes on and on about that one time your subject ate a live grub and nothing bad happened. Your target becomes capable of keeping his lunch down in most circumstances. The subject gains a +2 alchemical bonus to saving throws made against spells and abilities that cause the sickened or nauseated conditions, as well as against food-borne disease and poison.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Gravity's Bane Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: normal - 1 minute; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - none
Imminent Danger Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: enchantment [mind-affecting] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates
Normal: Gravity's influence is merely an adjective. Leaving it out creates all sorts of wonderful situations.
Normal: Your recitation describes the subject in a particularly tense mood, watching every shadow for assailants and treating every imperfection in his surroundings as a possible trap.
The subject gains a fly speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability. Reverse: As gravity is an adjective, stressing it more than normal enhances its effect. Each round, the subject must make a DC 17 Strength check or be unable to use non-magical modes of flight, such as wings, for 1 round.
Your target becomes nervous and high-strung. This recitation grants the subject a +4 bonus to AC when denied his Dexterity bonus to AC. In addition, the subject has a +2 insight bonus to saving throws made against traps. Reverse: Your recitation describes the subject as calm and carefree. Possible dangers are simply ignored as the subject frolics about without a care in the world. Your target becomes relaxed and carefree. Whenever the subject is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, he takes an additional -4 penalty to AC. In addition, the subject has a -2 penalty to saving throws made against traps.
Hasty Intonation Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: You recite in a hasty, sharp tongue. The subject's legs quickly get into the notion of "doubletime". Your target's legs become energized and ready to go. The subject's base land speed is increased by +20 feet. Reverse: You recite in a monotonic voice and draw out your syllables for as long as possible. Your target becomes tired and lethargic. The subject's base land speed is reduced by half.
Impending Doom Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - necromancy; reverse - conjuration (healing) Duration: 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: You describe how the subject will shrivel up and die after exposure to this recitation. Your target's body is primed with necromantic energy, then torn asunder. Choose an ability score. When the duration of this recitation expires, the subject takes 1d10 points of damage to the chosen ability score with a Fortitude save to negate. Reverse: Your recitation focuses on the ideas of the recuperative benefits of waiting out an illness in bed. Your target's body is made whole once again with invigorating energy. Choose an ability score. When the duration of this recitation expires, the subject is cured of 1d10 points of damage to the chosen ability score.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Incendiary Remarks Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [fire] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: You proclaim that the subject is hot, hot, hot! Your target's body erupts in a momentary burst of flame. The subject takes 4d6 points of fire damage and lights on fire as per the rules for alchemist's fire. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates lighting on fire. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Your words wreathe your target in an obsessively protective cloak of flame. Your target is covered in a cloak of flame that lashes out at those who attack him. Whenever the subject is struck in melee, the subject's attacker takes 1d4+1 fire damage. If maximum fire damage is rolled, the attacker must make a Fortitude save or light on fire as per the rules for alchemist's fire.
Heart and Mind List
Instruct the Freshly Dead Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: normal - 5 rounds; reverse - 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - none; reverse - Will negates Normal: The universe has a name for everything, and that name changes whenever its condition changes. When it comes to organic life, however, the universe has learned to wait a few minutes before declaring a living being a corpse. Life has this interesting habit of starting back up, even in the most ridiculous of circumstances. Your recitation takes advantage of this loophole. Unlike other recitations in the Codex of Heart and Mind, the target of your recitation is the corpse of a creature that has died within the last minute. The subject is temporarily raised as a zombie under the control of the reciter, but only if the resulting zombie would have 2 HD or less. Templates, such as fast zombie, cannot be applied. If the resulting zombie would have more than 2 HD, the recitation has no effect and is wasted. A creature that is temporarily raised in this manner can be temporarily raised again by a second use of this recitation if the corpse is still fresh enough. A creature raised multiple times in this manner retains its current hit points from the last time it was raised. If a creature raised by this recitation is reduced to 0 hit points, then the creature's body is wholly ruined and cannot be raised again, whether by necromantic means that animate the body or by spells that return life to a largely-intact body, such as raise dead. Spells and abilities that raise creatures as incorporeal undead still function, as only the body is ruined. If the body is not ruined, a creature that is temporarily raised in this manner can later be raised permanently by such means as the animate dead spell and other like abilities. Reverse: Conversely, reminding the universe that a dead organic being isn't supposed to be animated at all can do wonders for solving a zombie infestation. Unlike other recitations in the Codex of Heart and Mind, the target of your recitation is a mindless undead creature. If the subject of this recitation has 2 HD or less, it is destroyed when the recitation's duration expires. A successful Will save negates.
Strange Magic
Intonation of the Luchadore Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: enchantment [mind-affecting] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: Your recitation compares the subject to a mighty, masked wrestler. Your target becomes adept at the art of wrestling. Whenever the subject makes a bull rush, grapple, sunder, or trip combat maneuver, it does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Reverse: Your recitation describes what would happen if a regular person were to impersonate a mighty, masked wrestler near the subject. Your target becomes clumsy and leaves itself open to reprisal when attempting to wrestle. Whenever the subject makes a bull rush, grapple, sunder, or trip combat maneuver, it provokes attacks of opportunity even if it is possessed of abilities that would normally negate this occurrence.
Lament of the Platypus Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: divination Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged Saving Throw: none Normal: Truespeech puts a great emphasis on tonality, syllable length, and inflection. It makes sense in a fashion, as a language meant to encompass everything ever needs to have as many variables as possible. Still, those who study Truespeech find that certain words are designed to have a sort of acid to them, as if the universe itself is ashamed of how they came out. The platypus is the textbook example. As such, when something is compared to a platypus, the universe reacts in a very specific fashion: shame and a desire to remove the object of this shame in a quiet manner. Your target becomes an object of shame in the eyes of the universe. The subject takes a -2 penalty to his next saving throw. Reverse: Conversely, when something is said to be nothing at all like a platypus, the universe almost seems to well up with pride. Here's something that wasn't a total failure! Your target becomes an object of pride in the eyes of the universe. The subject gets a +2 insight bonus to his next saving throw.
Interjection Games
Mending Verse Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - conjuration (healing); reverse - necromancy Duration: 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will halves (harmless); reverse - Will halves Normal: Fervently denying the presence of wounds actually makes them go away when spoken in Truespeech. Your target's wounds close after a short duration. When the recitation's duration expires, you channel positive energy that cures 3d6 points of damage to the subject. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this recitation deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. Those harmed by this recitation are entitled to a Will save for half damage. This recitation is not considered harmless to the undead. Reverse: Similarly, claiming that an individual is covered in sores and cuts can make them appear when spoken in the first tongue. Your target's body spontaneously becomes wounded after a short duration. When the recitation's duration expires, you channel negative energy that deals 3d6 points of damage to the subject. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this recitation cures their wounds instead of dealing damage to them. Those harmed by this recitation are entitled to a Will save for half damage. This recitation is considered harmless to the undead.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind List
Mending Verse, Greater Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - conjuration (healing); reverse - necromancy Duration: 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will halves (harmless); reverse - Will halves
Muddling Invective Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - conjuration; reverse - transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - see text; reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless)
Normal: Fervently denying the presence of wounds actually makes them go away when spoken in the first tongue.
Normal: Your recitation carries a venomous tone. With the universe following along, even a tone can kill.
Your target's wounds close after a short duration. When the recitation's duration expires, you channel positive energy that cures 12d6 points of damage to the subject. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this recitation deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. Those harmed by this recitation are entitled to a Will save for half damage. This recitation is not considered harmless to the undead. Reverse: Similarly, claiming that an individual is covered in sores and cuts can make them appear when spoken in the first tongue. Your target's body spontaneously becomes wounded after a short duration. When the recitation's duration expires, you channel negative energy that deals 12d6 points of damage to the subject. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this recitation cures their wounds instead of dealing damage to them. Those harmed by this recitation are entitled to a Will save for half damage. This recitation is considered harmless to the undead. Mindbite Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - transmutation; reverse - conjuration Duration: normal - 5 rounds; reverse - 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Your recitation focuses on serpentine imagery and the venom held within such creatures. Much in the same way as antivenom is produced from venom, a limited resistance to such toxins can be elicited from this truemagic. Your target becomes slightly resistant to poisons. The subject gains a +2 alchemical bonus to saving throws made against poisons. Reverse: Your recitation focuses on serpents and the act of biting down on a victim. A pair of puncture wounds appear on the subject's forehead. When the recitation's duration expires, the subject takes 2 points of Intelligence damage with a Fortitude save to negate. This is a poison effect.
A pair of puncture wounds appear on the target's body. Each round at the beginning of your turn, the subject takes 2 points of Intelligence damage, 2 points of Wisdom damage, and 2 points of Charisma damage with a Fortitude save to negate. This is a poison effect. Reverse: Your recitation protects its subject's mind from harm by toxins. Your target becomes resistant to physical poisons. The subject gains a +5 alchemical bonus to saving throws against poisons that deal Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage or drain. If a poison affects multiple ability scores, this recitation provides protection if any one of those ability scores are among those listed. Ode to the Porcupine Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: Normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Certain words in Truespeech are... difficult to pronounce for reasons beyond the ken of those studying it. It's almost as though the universe decided to play favorites at the beginning of time. Whenever your subject is compared to a porcupine, for example, the universe takes immediate notice. Your target bristles with spurs of bone that burst forth from the skin like the spears of a phalanx. Creatures that strike the subject in melee take 1 point of bleed damage. Creatures that strike the subject in melee with a natural weapon or with an unarmed strike take 1d6 points of piercing damage, as well as the aforementioned 1 point of bleed damage. Creatures that grapple the subject take an additional 1d6 points of piercing damage, for a total of 2d6 points of piercing damage, plus the aforementioned 1 point of bleed damage. Reverse: Conversely, when a recitation posits that a creature is most definitely NOT a porcupine, the universe takes notice. The backlash almost suggests a tinge of irritation that anything would dare not to be like a porcupine in any way, shape, or form. Your target's bristles or other defensive mechanisms blunt significantly or simply vanish. Creatures that deal "retributive" damage to those who strike them in melee deal half damage in this fashion.
Strange Magic
Peristaltic Chain Reaction Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - enchantment [mind-affecting]; reverse - transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation calls up visions of rot, suppurating wounds, and other distasteful things. Your target is assaulted by visions of disgusting things. Each round at the beginning of the subject's turn, the subject is nauseated for 1 round with a Will save to negate. Reverse: Your recitation compares your target's stomach to a mighty iron cauldron. It can take anything and remain intact! Your target becomes capable of keeping his lunch down in all but the most dire of circumstances. The subject gains a +5 alchemical bonus to saving throws made against spells and abilities that cause the sickened or nauseated conditions, as well as against food-borne disease.
Interjection Games
Piercing Proclamation, Greater Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [sonic] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: Those who specialize in this recitation remark that inflection and tonality is harder when screaming. A blast of sound strikes the subject, dealing 10d8 points of sonic damage. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Not surprisingly, a recitation that must be screamed helps others scream. The subject may speak and otherwise produce sound normally while under the effects of a magical silence effect, and sound the subject produces within the bounds of an area of magical silence travels unhindered to those outside of that area of magical silence. Proclamation of Intervention Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: conjuration (teleportation) Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - none; reverse - Will negates
Piercing Proclamation Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [sonic] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: Raising one's voice in the First Language is significantly more deadly than in most other languages. A blast of sound strikes the subject, dealing 1d8 points of sonic damage. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: By the same token, the First Language can be used to help others raise their voices. A strange humming sound emanates from the throat of the subject, allowing it to speak in a high-pitched, airy voice even if it could not physically do so. Any magical silence effects preventing the subject from speaking normally also prevent the subject from speaking with the aid of this recitation.
Normal: You speak of the bond between two individuals and how nothing can ever keep them apart. You and your target become linked. Whenever you or the subject are charged, if you are within 60 feet of the subject, then you and the subject spontaneously change places. This effect happens so quickly that the charging creature does not have a chance to realize its target has changed and must follow through with its charge. If the charging creature has an ability that grants the ability to make a full attack as part of another action, such as pounce, then the charging creature may stop attacking after its first attack. Creatures linked with the reciter understand that there are terrible consequences for charging the reciter. Linked creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher instinctively understand the implications of the recitation. Reverse: "Joined at the hip" has nothing on what this recitation can do. You and your target become linked. Whenever you or the subject charge a creature, if you are within 60 feet of the subject at the end of the charge, then you and the subject spontaneously change places. This effect happens so quickly that the charger is still treated as having charged if there is a viable target within range after changing places.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind List
Runoncitation Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: none
Runoncitation, Greater Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: none
Normal: All truenamers have been there. Despite all of their training, all of the hours spent making sure that diphthong is being represented absolutely perfectly, the universe seems to be in a hurry to get back to normal whenever the First Language is leveraged to bring about change. The truenamer who finally realized that describing an ongoing recitation as something the universe wanted to keep around actually works eventually became the closest thing truenamers have to a deity. To this day, a statuette of this woman can be found in any First Language library worth its salt.
Normal: Putting more belief behind the assertion that the universe wants to keep a certain recitation around actually works!
The remaining duration of a single ongoing recitation of your choice affecting the subject increases by +1 round. If you are not the reciter of the chosen recitation, then you must make a caster level check against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the reciter. If you are successful, then the duration increases as normal. If you are not, this recitation has no effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
The remaining duration of a single ongoing recitation of your choice affecting the subject increases by +2 rounds. If you are not the reciter of the chosen recitation, then you must make a caster level check against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the reciter. If you are successful, then the duration increases as normal. If you are not, this recitation has no effect. Reverse: The reverse is still true. The remaining duration of a single ongoing recitation of your choice affecting the subject decreases by -2 rounds. If you are not the reciter of the chosen recitation, then you must make a caster level check against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the reciter. If you are successful, then the duration decreases as normal. If you are not, this recitation has no effect.
Reverse: Of course, the reverse operation is also true. The remaining duration of a single ongoing recitation of your choice affecting the subject decreases by -1 round. If you are not the reciter of the chosen recitation, then you must make a caster level check against a DC of 11 + the caster level of the reciter. If you are successful, then the duration decreases as normal. If you are not, this recitation has no effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Shocking Remarks Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: evocation [electricity] Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Crackling with the energy that exists everywhere in creation, your words bring the thunder. Your target's body is blasted by lightning from the inside. The subject takes 9d6 points of electric damage and is staggered for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the staggered effect. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Your subject is protected by a spherical shell of electricity for a short time. Your target is covered in a shell of electricity that lashes out at attackers. Whenever the subject is struck in melee or by a physical ranged attack, the subject's attacker takes 1d4+5 electric damage.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Snapping Sinew Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Fortitude negates
Snapping Sinew, Lesser Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Fortitude negates
Normal: Your recitation expounds upon the subject's great feats of strength. For just a moment, these feats can readily be a reality.
Normal: Your recitation expounds upon the subject's great feats of strength. For just a moment, these feats can readily be a reality.
Your target becomes mighty! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he gets a +7 bonus to the subsequent damage roll.
Your target becomes mighty! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he gets a +3 bonus to the subsequent damage roll.
Reverse: Your recitation mocks the subject's complete lack of muscle strength and openly wonders how that individual can drag that ohsoheavy carcass out of bed in the morning. Amazingly, truenaming has a single word for all of that. For just a moment, the subject resembles the recitation.
Reverse: Your recitation mocks the subject's complete lack of muscle strength and openly wonders how that individual can drag that ohsoheavy carcass out of bed in the morning. Amazingly, truenaming has a single word for all of that. For just a moment, the subject resembles the recitation.
Your target becomes puny! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he takes a -7 penalty to the subsequent damage roll.
Your target becomes puny! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he gets a -3 penalty to the subsequent damage roll.
Snapping Sinew, Greater Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates; reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Your recitation expounds upon the subject's great feats of strength. For just a moment, these feats can readily be a reality. Your target becomes mighty! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he gets a +20 bonus to the subsequent damage roll. Reverse: Your recitation mocks the subject's complete lack of muscle strength and openly wonders how that individual can drag that ohsoheavy carcass out of bed in the morning. Amazingly, truenaming has a single word for all of that. For just a moment, the subject resembles the recitation. Your target becomes puny! The next time the subject successfully hits a creature with a weapon that deals additional damage based on the wielder's Strength, he gets a -20 penalty to the subsequent damage roll.
Stimulate Body Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates. Normal: Your recitation embellishes the physical prowess of the subject. Your target becomes more physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Reverse: Your recitation downplays the physical prowess of the subject. Your target becomes less physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject takes a -4 penalty to the selected ability score.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind List
Stimulate Body, Greater Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates
Stimulate Mind, Greater Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates
Normal: Your recitation embellishes the physical prowess of the subject.
Normal: Your recitation embellishes the mental acuity of the subject.
Your target becomes more physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score.
Your target benefits from enhanced mental function. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject gains a +6 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score.
Reverse: Your recitation downplays the physical prowess of the subject. Your target becomes less physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject takes a -6 penalty to the selected ability score. Stimulate Body, Lesser Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Your recitation embellishes the physical prowess of the subject. Your target becomes more physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Reverse: Your recitation mocks the subject's prowess. Your target becomes less physically able. Choose Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The subject takes a -2 penalty to the selected ability score. Stimulate Mind Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: Your recitation embellishes the mental acuity of the subject. Your target benefits from enhanced mental function. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject gains a +4 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Reverse: Your recitation downplays the mental acuity of the subject. Your target begins to resemble a blithering idiot. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject takes a -4 penalty to the selected ability score.
Reverse: Your recitation downplays the mental acuity of the subject. Your target begins to resemble a blithering idiot. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject takes a -6 penalty to the selected ability score. Stimulate Mind, Lesser Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: Your recitation embellishes the mental acuity of the subject. Your target benefits from enhanced mental function. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject gains a +2 enhancement bonus to the selected ability score. Reverse: Your recitation downplays the mental acuity of the subject. Your target begins to resemble a blithering idiot. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. The subject takes a -2 penalty to the selected ability score. Stir Fears Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - necromancy [mind-affecting]; reverse - enchantment [mind-affecting] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation invokes disturbing images. Your target is assaulted with terrifying images. The subject is shaken with a Will save to negate. Reverse: You applaud the subject's great bravery. Your target becomes a fearless and peerless warrior. The subject has a +4 morale bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
Strange Magic
Swift Intonation Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates Normal: Your recitation speaks of the subject's amazing alacrity with his choice of weapon. Your target becomes a blur of graceful motion. Whenever the subject makes a full attack action, he gains an additional attack at his highest attack bonus. Reverse: Your recitation speaks of way the subject simply cannot make his blows flow from one to another. Your target's balance becomes hideous. The subject cannot make a full attack action. If the subject has an ability that grants the ability to make a full attack as part of another action, such as pounce, then that ability does not function.
Terrifying Invocation Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - necromancy [mind-affecting]; reverse - enchantment [mind-affecting] Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Will negates; reverse - Will negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation describes a series of things that most find quite terrifying. Your target is assaulted with terrifying images. The subject is panicked with a Will save to negate. Reverse: Your recitation compares the subject to your average paladin: that is to say, a fearless smiting machine. Your target becomes a fearless and peerless warrior. The subject has immunity to fear and gains a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Interjection Games
Toxic Invective Recitation Level: 5 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - transmutation; reverse - conjuration Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude partial (see text); reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation carries a venomous tone. With the universe following along, even a tone can kill. A pair of puncture wounds appear on the target's body. Each round at the beginning of your turn, the subject takes 2 points of Strength damage, 2 points of Dexterity damage, and 2 points of Constitution damage with a Fortitude save to negate. This is a poison effect. Reverse: Your recitation protects its subject's body from harm by toxins. Your target becomes resistant to physical poisons. The subject gains a +5 alchemical bonus to saving throws against poisons that deal Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution damage or drain. If a poison affects multiple ability scores, this recitation provides protection if any one of those ability scores are among those listed.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind List
Translocate Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - conjuration (teleportation); reverse - abjuration Duration: normal - instantaneous; reverse - 5 rounds Saving Throw: Will negates
Transmogrify Recitation Level: 3 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates
Normal: Your recitation details the location of the subject to the minutest of details. Of course, in order to elicit some useful response from the universe, your recitation is a complete fabrication. The goal, of course, is to get the universe to do the moving for you.
Normal: In a riot of jammedtogether syllables that would make a scribe of tongue twisters well up with pride, you recite a compound trueword. The first half describes the subject, while the second half describes a beast with a huge, sharp fangs.
The subject and up to 100 pounds of equipment vanishes in a puff of smoke and reappears in an unoccupied square in range of the reciter. The reciter must be able to see this square. If the subject has too much equipment, the reciter's choice of equipment clatters to the ground in the square in which the subject started. Equipment whose natural response to being dropped is not clattering to the ground does whatever it is that it usually does.
Your target temporarily takes on the maw of a predatory beast. The subject gains a bite attack as a primary natural weapon. If the subject already has a bite attack, then that natural weapon gains a +3 enhancement bonus.
Reverse: Your recitation describes the location of the subject to the minutest of details. The location detailed is the truth, thus prompting the universe to take notice and ensure that this remains the truth for a short while. The subject is rendered completely incapable of moving from where it currently is. It cannot move under its own power; move under the power of any other creature, including a mount; be subject to any combat maneuvers that force movement or trip the target; use or be the target of spells and abilities that change its location, such as dimension door, gust of wind, teleport and plane shift; or otherwise change its coordinates in threedimensional space by any conceivable means known to its or any other race. It is stuck, period. If any spells that would move the subject are cast by or on it, the spell is wasted and nothing happens. Even if the spell can affect multiple targets, if the subject is one of those targets or is affected by sheer happenstance, the entire spell simply fails because the universe is NOT putting up with that right now. On the plus side, if the subject was flying, it no longer needs to use its form of locomotion to simply hover in the air because gravity has decided to take a vacation for a few moments.
Reverse: You recite a detailed description of the subject, but leave out one important detail. The universe, peeking up from whatever it is it normally does, notices that the trueword recited and the creature itself are at odds. Truemagic being what it is, the creature begins to change... Your target finds one of its natural weapons atrophied to the point of uselessness, or even utterly removed. Choose one of the subject's natural weapons, such as bite, claw, tail slap, or wings. This natural weapon shrinks or vanishes utterly; the subject cannot make attacks with that particular natural weapon. If the natural weapon is also a form of locomotion, such as a dragon's wings, which provide flight, then that form of locomotion is unavailable for the duration of this recitation. If the subject loses its last natural attack to this recitation, then the subject gains a slam attack. A slam attack granted in this fashion cannot be taken away by an additional casting of this recitation.
Strange Magic
Interjection Games
Uttered Portents Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: divination Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged Saving Throw: normal - Will negates (harmless); reverse - Will negates
Vampiric Intonation, Greater Recitation Level: 6 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude halves; reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless)
Normal: Your recitation states what the future will be, and it shall be a triumphant future! The universe shifts slightly to make as much of your recitation a reality as is physically possible.
Normal: Your recitation speaks of the rending of the soul in minute detail.
Your target's actions become an axis upon which the universe revolves for a short period of time. The subject's gains a +4 insight bonus to his next attack roll. Reverse: Your recitation states what the future will be, but rather than predict victory, you predict hardship and defeat at the hands of the enemy. Your target's actions become hindered by an alternate future that becomes all too real at just the wrong time. The subject takes a -4 penalty to his next attack roll.
Vampiric Intonation Recitation Level: 4 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: necromancy Duration: instantaneous Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude halves; reverse - Fortitude negates (harmless) Normal: Your recitation speaks of theft and larceny on the spiritual level. Your target's life force is drained for your own use. The subject takes 5d6 points of damage with a Fortitude save for half. You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary hit points persist for 1 hour. Temporary hit points gained from damaging separate creatures with this recitation do not stack. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Your recitation speaks of the incredible donation you are making. Your life force is drained for the target's use. You take 5d6 points of damage and your subject gains temporary hit points equal to the damage you took. These temporary hit points persist for 1 minute. If this recitation has multiple targets, they all gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you took. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric.
Your target's life force is drained for your own use. The subject takes 10d6 points of damage with a Fortitude save for half. You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. These temporary hit points persist for 1 hour. Temporary hit points gained from damaging separate creatures with this recitation do not stack. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Reverse: Your recitation makes grandiose claims regarding the potency of your life force and how there's plenty to go around. Your life force is drained for the target's use. You take 10d6 points of damage and your subject gains temporary hit points equal to the damage you took. These temporary hit points persist for 1 minute. If this recitation has multiple targets, they all gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you took. Though this effect is instantaneous, once this recitation is recited, it cannot be recited again for 5 rounds in accordance with the Law of Flowing Rhetoric. Venomous Tongue Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: normal - transmutation; reverse - conjuration Duration: normal - 5 rounds; reverse - 2 rounds Saving Throw: normal - Fortitude negates (harmless); reverse - Fortitude negates Normal: Your recitation focuses on serpentine imagery and the venom held within such creatures. Much in the same way as antivenom is produced from venom, a limited resistance to such toxins can be elicited from this truemagic. Your target becomes slightly resistant to poisons. The subject gains a +2 alchemical bonus to saving throws made against poisons. Reverse: Your recitation focuses on serpents and the act of biting down on a victim. A pair of puncture wounds appear on the subject's body. When the recitation's duration expires, the subject takes 2 points of Constitution damage with a Fortitude save to negate. This is a poison effect.
Bradley Crouch, Thilo Graf, Jason Linker
Heart and Mind List
Verbal Alchemy Recitation Level: 2 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged (see text) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Verbal Alchemy, Lesser Recitation Level: 1 Codex: Heart and Mind Similar School: transmutation Duration: 5 rounds or until discharged (see text) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Normal: Combining the syllables for "acid tongue" with that of a snake's tongue makes the resulting spitting much more efficient.
Normal: The First Language takes the phrase "acid tongue" quite literally.
The subject's salivary glands fill with alchemical acid. As a swift action, the subject may spit this acid at a creature within 30 feet, dealing damage as though the target had been directly hit with a flask of acid on a successful ranged touch. Once the subject has spit five times in this manner, the recitation ends immediately. Reverse: Apparently, snakes can also spit fire. The subject's salivary glands fill with alchemist's fire. As a swift action, the subject may spit this fire at a creature within 30 feet, dealing damage as though the target had been directly hit with a flask of alchemist's fire on a successful ranged touch. Once the subject has spit three times in