Storyteller Tactics PDF

February 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Storyteller Stor yteller actics actics © 2021 Steve Rawling. Rawling. All rights reserved. Storyteller  actic  ac ticss and Pip Decks Decks are are regi regist ster ered ed trad tradem emar arks ks of Chxrl Chxrles es Ltd. Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in any database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Chxrles Ltd. If you need permission, permission, you’ll have to ask. Ask, Ask, because you never know (we may say yes).  Te infor informa mati tion on in th this is docu docume ment nt is accu accurat ratee to the the best best of our our kno knowl wled edge ge at the time of writing. As a reader you need to accept full responsibility for your actions and should consult with a professional about your own circumstances before following anything in the deck. Results are not guaranteed (Heck, nothing in life is guaranteed). Further, the author and publisher have used their best efforts Further, efforts to proof and confirm the content of the files, but you should proof and confirm information such as dates, measurements, measurements, and any other content for  your  yo urse self lf..  Te auth author or and publ publish isher er make make no wa warra rrant nties ies of any kind, express or implied, with regard to that content or its accuracy. For more information, please write to: Chxrles Ltd, 3 orquay Grove, Stockport, SK2 7BB E-mail: [email protected]  Web  W ebsit site: e: pipd pipdeck ecks.c om | Fac Faceb eboo ook: k: @pipd @pipdeck eckss | Insta Instagr gram am:: PipDe PipDecks cksHQ   HQ    Tiss PDF  Ti PDF vers versio ion n of of Storyte Storytellller er acti actics cs was was P Pub ublis lishe hedd in the UK UK..


© Steve Rawling, 2021. Published by Pip Decks.

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