Storage Tank Calculation

May 10, 2017 | Author: Paijo Tejo | Category: N/A
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fuel storage calculation...


MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Process & Piping Specification

INPUT GENERAL DATA Design Code and Specification = API 650, 11th edition, add 1 Nov. Tank Nominal Capacity (Vnom) =

3000 kLiter

Location Site Design Pressure at top of tank Design Vacuum at top of tank Operating ratio (operating/design pressure) Design temperature of tank Roof Life Load

= East Kalimantan = Miang Besar = 1 = 0 = 0.4 = 10 100 =

Design Wind Velocity Seismic Condition, Group Site Classification Grounf Snow Load (S) Insulation thickness Insulation Density

= = III = D = = =

PRODUCT STORE Fluid Name Flash Point Temperature Fluid Class Specific Grafity

MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION Roof Plate Roof Plate Material SMYS roof of Tank Material (Fyr)

= =

Density (U) = Corrosion Allowance (CA) = Standard Plate Dimension = Widht = 1.828 m x Lenght = Shell Plate Shell Plate Material = SMYS Shell of Tank Material (Fys) =

kPa kPa °C kg/m 2

190 km/h

Density (U) = Corrosion Allowance (CA) = Standard Plate Dimension = Widht = 1.828 m x Lenght = Bottom Plate Bottom Plate Material = SMYS Bottom of Tank Material (Fyb) =

0 kg/m 2 0 mm 0 kg/m 3

Density (U) = Corrosion Allowance (CA) = Standard Plate Dimension = 1.828 m x Lenght = Widht = Roof Frame Frame Material = SMYS Frame of Roof Tank Material (F yt) =

= Diesel Oil 55 ° C = = II 0.835 =

TANK CONSTRUCTION Joint Efficiency = 0.85 Roof Type = Structurally Supported Conical Roof Yes Frangible Roof per API-650 = Bottom Type = Flat bottom non-Annular

Density (U) Corrosion Allowance (CA) TANK TEST Hydrostatic Test Radiograpic Test

ASTM A-36 250 MPa 7865 kg/m 3 1 mm 6.096


ASTM A-36 250 MPa 7865 kg/m 3 2 mm 6.096


ASTM A-36 250 MPa 7865 kg/m 3 2.5 mm 6.096


ASTM A-36 250 MPa

= =

7865 kg/m 3 0 mm

: Full Water (Design Liquid Level 1) : Per API 650 A5.3



Roof Plate Thickness Roof :



Shell Plate Thickness Course Qty (n) : Course #1 : Course #2 : Course #3 : Course #4 : Course #5 : Course #6 : Course #7 :

7 9 8 7 7 6 6 6

Nos mm mm mm mm mm mm mm


Course # n Course # (n-1) Height of Tank (H) 12.60 m

....... ....... Course #2 Coursel #1 Dia. Nominal (D)


18.29 m

Bottom Plate Thickness 9 mm Bottom : Annular Plate : 9 mm 800 mm Annular Width :

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Process & Piping Specification




RING #1 CENTER RAFTER SUMMARY Ring Radius Ring Name m #1 2.29 #2 4.57 #3 6.86 Shell 9.14

Number of Girder

Number of Rafter

8 16 16 0

8 16 32 32




1 2 3 4


Description #1 #2 #3 Shell

Type of Rafter C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5

Weight / Lenght kg/m 6.920 6.920 6.920 6.920




Nos 8 16 32 32

m 1798.56 1794.63 1345.98 1794.63 TOTAL

kg 99.57 198.70 298.05 397.40 993.73




Nos 8 16 16

m 1.75 1.78 2.67

kg 97.03 197.43 296.14






Nos 8 8 16 1

mm 13.17 12.98 12.79 13.36 TOTAL

kg 4530.77 4465.41 8799.81 574.55 18370.53


Description RING #1 RING #2 RING #3

Type of Girder C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 100x50x5

Weight / Lenght kg/m 6.920 6.920 6.920


Compression Ring Detail Stiffener Size Stiffener Material

= API-650 Fig F-2, Detail a = 70 x 70 x 7 mm = ASTM A-36

1 2 3

Description RING #1 RING #2 RING #3 CENTER

Type of Column 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe

Weight / Lenght kg/m 43.00 43.00 43.00 43.00

m x Lenght =


= = = = =



18.3 7 12.60 0.3 0.4

m Nos m m m

3206 kLiter




INPUT = = =

78.80 m3 105.07 m3 3000 m3

Maximum Fluid Hight for operation (Hmax)


12.12 m

= 3183.87 m3 SELECTION TANK CAPACITY CONCLUTION Vmax ≤ Vtank ,thus selected diameter and hight of tank is acceptable

Maximum Capacity (Vmax=Vmin+Voff+Vnom)

RESULT Minimum Operating Volume (Vmin) Overfill Protection Level Requirement (Voff) Tank Nominal Capacity (Vnom)


Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

API Standard 650, Table A-1a (SI) Typical size and corresponding Normal capacity (m 3) for tank with 1800-mm courses API Standard 650, Table A-1b (UCS) Typical size and corresponding Normal capacity (barrels) for tank with 72-in courses Capacity Tank Height (m)/Number of Course in completed tank Capacity Tank Height (m)/Number of Course in completed tank Tank Tank per m of per ft of 3.6 5.4 7.2 9 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 18 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 Diameter Remark Diameter Remark height height 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 m m m m m m m m m m m ft barrels ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 3 7.07 25 38 51 64 76 10 14 170 250 335 420 505 4.5 15.9 57 86 115 143 172 15 31.5 380 565 755 945 1130 6 18.3 102 153 204 254 305 356 407 20 56 670 1010 1340 1680 2010 2350 2690 7.5 44.2 159 239 318 398 477 557 636 716 795 25 87.4 1050 1570 2100 2620 3150 3670 4200 4720 5250 9 63.6 229 344 458 573 687 802 916 1031 1145 30 126 1510 2270 3020 3780 4530 5290 6040 6800 7550 10.5 86.6 312 468 623 779 935 1091 1247 1403 1559 35 171 2060 3080 4110 5140 6170 7200 8230 9250 10280 12 113 407 611 814 1018 1221 1425 1629 1832 2036 40 224 2690 4030 5370 6710 8060 9400 10740 12100 13430 13.5 143 515 773 1031 1288 1546 1804 2061 2319 2576 45 283 3400 5100 6800 8500 10200 11900 13600 15300 17000 15 177 636 954 1272 1590 1909 2227 2545 2863 3181 50 350 4200 6300 8400 10500 12600 14700 16800 18900 21000 18.288 254 916 1374 1832 2290 2748 3206 3664 4122 4580 60 504 6040 9060 12100 15110 18130 21150 24190 37220 28260 21 346 1247 1870 2494 3117 3741 4364 4988 5089 D=18 70 685 8230 12340 16450 20580 24700 28800 32930 30970 D=58 24 452 1629 2443 3257 4072 4886 5700 5474 D=20 80 895 10740 16120 21500 26880 32260 37600 35810 D=64 27 573 2061 3092 4122 5153 6184 6690 D=22 90 1133 13600 20400 27720 34030 40820 40510 D=73 30 707 2545 3817 5089 6362 7634 D=26 100 1399 16800 25200 33600 42000 48400 D=83 36 1018 3664 5497 7329 9161 D=30 120 2014 24190 36290 48380 58480 D=98 42 1385 4988 7481 9975 D=36 140 2742 32930 49350 65860 D=118 48 1810 6514 9772 11966 160 3581 43000 64510 74600 54 2290 8245 12367 D=46 180 4532 54430 81650 D=149 60 2828 10178 15268 200 5595 67200 100800 66 3421 12316 16303 220 6770 81310 102830 D=62 D=202

Selected Nominal Tank Diameter (D) Selected Course Quantity (n) Selected Hight of Tank (H) Minimum Liquid Level Difference Level between Normal Filling to Design Level

TANK DIMENSION SELECTION Selected Tank Capacity (Vtank)




Shell Plate Standard Plate Dimension



DATA Tank Nominal Capacity (Vnom)

Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification



MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Process & Piping Specification

INPUT ROOF DATA Roof Plate Material SMYS Roof of Tank Material (Fyr)

TOP STIFFENER Stiffener Material SMYS Stiffener Material (F) Compression Ring Detail Lenght of Angle Leg Parallel to the shell Distance from top of shell to angle Comp. Ring Joint Efficiency Stiffener Size Stiffener Area Modulus of Section

= ASTM A-36 = 250 MPa = 160 MPa = 7865 kg/m 3 = 1 mm = 1 kPa = 0 kPa 0.4 = = 100 kg/m 2 2 = 0 kg/m 2 = 20 kg/m = 0 mm = 0 kg/m 3 = 18.29 m

Allowable Design Strees (F) Density (U) Roof Corrosion Allowance (CA) Design Pressure at Top of Tank (Pi) Design Vacuum at Top of Tank Operating ratio (Oerating/Design Pressure) Live Load (Lr) Ground Snow Load (S) Additional Dead Load Roof Insulation thickness Roof Insulation Density Nominal Tank Diameter (D)

ROOF CONSTRUCTION Roof type of tank = Structurally Supported Conical Roof 4.76 Slope Roof = 1 / 12 or Roof Plate Weld Type = Lap-Welded Selected Roof Thickness = 6 mm

= ASTM A-36 = 250 Mpa = API-650 Fig F-2, Detail a = mm = mm = 0.85 = 70 x 70 x 7 931 mm 2 = = 8430 mm3


OUTPUT DESIGN THICKNESS OF ROOF (Ref. Paragraph, API 650-Supported Cone Roof) Supporting cone roofs shall conform to the following requirements ■ 9.5 ≤ q ≤ 37 degree ( 1/6 ≤ slope ≤ 3/4 ) ( Slope of the cone elements to the horizontal shall be m per m) Plate Weight , assumsing 1/2" roof plate = Added Dead Load =




Minimum Roof Live Load (Lr)


98.3 kg/m 2 20 kg/m 2 100 kg/m

Specific Snow Load (S)


2 0 kg/m

Specified external pressure (Pe)

= =

Dead Load (DL)

1 kPa 2 102.04 kg/m

= Insulation + Plate Weight + Added Dead Load = 0 x 0 + 98.3 + 20 2 = 118.313 kg/m

Nominal Shell Thickness (ts= t-CA) = mm 4 D/2 9.144 R2 = = = 110.1 m Sin T Sin 4.76 Rc = D/2 = 9.14 m From API-650 Figure F-2 Wc = 0.6 (Rcts)0.5

0.5 = 250t/Fy


= =


0.4* 102

Load combination (L2) L2 = DL + Pe +0.4*MAX (S,Lr) 102.04 +

= 260.35 kg/m Balance roof design Load (T) T = MAX (L1,L2)



2 459 mm

Contributing Area due to Roof plate



= Wh * tr

2 1113 mm

= 222.6 x 5 =

Actual part. Area of roof to shell juncture (per API 650) (A) A = Aa + Ashell + Aroof =

1/6 or 9.46 q Minimum Slope Roof for Self-Supported Cone roof = D x √T Nominal roof thickness (tr) = 4.8 x sin T x √2.2 18.29 x √ 2.55 = 4.8 x sin 9.46 x √2.2 = 24.96 mm Nominal roof thickness base on API Minimum roof thickness (trmin) = 5 mm ( exclude CA) =


= 931.00 mm 2 Contributing Area due to shell plate Ashell = Wc * ts = 114.7 x 4 =

0.4* MAX (0,100)


Maximum roof thickness (trmax)

110.68 mm

= Stiffener area - unstiffened area

L1 = DL + MAX (S,Lr)+0.4*Pe = 118.3 + MAX (0,100) = 259.13 kg/m 2


= MIN ( 222.6 , 300) = 222.60 mm Unstiffenesed length of angle bar (Le) Effective Stiffener Area (Aa)

= 118.3 +


Wh = MIN (0.3(R2tr)0.5, 300)

ROOF LOAD PER API-650 APPENDIX R Load combination (L1)


From API-650 Figure F-2

12.5 mm

Self-Supported roof type evaluation Because tr ≥ trmin & tr + CA > trmax , thus self- supported cone roof can not be constructed

( include CA)

931.0 +


+ 1113

= 2503.0 mm 2 SUMMERY OF ROOF WEIGHT t Calculated No.

t Selected


inc. CA

exc. CA

inc. CA

exc. CA


mm 6

mm 5

mm 6

mm 5


Weight New kg 12431.90

Corroded kg 10359.92

Weight of New Roof plates Wrnt = density x t x PI/4 x (D-tshell)^2 / cos T = 7865 x 0.006 x PI/4 = 12431.9 kg

x ( 18.29 - 0.005 ) /cos


Weight of Corroded Roof plates Wrct

= density x t x PI/4 x (D-tshell)^2 / cos T = 7865 x 0.005 x PI/4 = 10359.9 kg

x ( 18.29 - 0.005 ) /cos



CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification EVALUATION OF ROOF TO THE SHELL JOINT WITH APPENDIX F 2 Design Internal Pressure (Pi) = 1 kPa = 102 kg/m Roof plate Weight (corroded) (Wrct)

= 10359.92 kg

Roof Structure Weight (Wf)

= 18370.53 kg

Shell Weight (corroded )(Wsct) = 32204.56 kg UPLIFT FOR DESIGN PRESSURE (Fu) 2 2 = 102 x PI x 18.29 /4 = 26803.8 kg Fu = Pi x PI x D /4 • EVALUASION 1 (UPLIFT CASE PER API 650 1.1.1) Total Weight Resisting uplift Fr = Wrct = 10359.92 kg Because Fu > Fr ,then see evaluation 2 result • EVALUASION 2 (UPLIFT CASE PER API 650 F.1.2) Total Weight Resisting uplift Fr = Wrct + Wf+Wsct = 10359.92 + 18370.5 + 32204.56 = 60935.01 Because Fu ≤ Fr Design max. internal pressure as per F.1 through F.6 MINIMUM PARTICIPATING AREA PER API 650 F.5.1 SMYS Roof of Tank Material (Fyr) =

250 MPa

SMYS Shell of Tank Material (Fys)


250 MPa

SMYS Stiffener Material (Fyf)


250 MPa

Lowest Minimum specified Yield Strenght material in juction (Fy) Fy = MIN ( Fyr, Fys, Fyf) = MIN ( 250 , 250 , 250 ) = MPa 250 Minimum Participating Area per API 650 F.5.1 (Amin) Amin


200D2(Pi-0.00127DLR/D2) Fy tan T

200 x 18.29 2 ( 1 - 0.00127 x 101527.2 / 18.29 2 ) 250 x tan ( 4.76 ) = 1972.91 mm2 Actual part. Area of roof to shell juncture (per API 650) (A) Evaluation Because A ≥ Amin, thus Actual part. Area of roof to shell jucture is acceptable =

FRANGIBLE ROOF DESIGN PER API 650 Shell Weight (corroded )(Wsct) = 32204.56 kg


315604.69 N

Roof Structure Weight (Wf)

= 18370.53 kg


180031.21 N

SMYS Shell of Tank Material (Fys)



MPa =

Maximum Participating area for frengible joint (Afr) Wsct + Wf 495635.90 = = 3786.38 mm2 2*PI*Fy*tan T 2*PI* 250 * tan 4.76 Actual part. Area of roof to shell juncture (per API 650) (A) Evaluation Because A < Afr Afr =

thus Actual part. Area of roof to shell jucture is acceptable

Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Process & Piping Specification


GIRDER DATA Girder Material AlloAllowable Design Strees (Sd) Numbers of intermediate girder ring Intermedier Girder Ring

= Structurally Supported Conical Roof Roof Plate Material = ASTM A-36 SMYS Roof of Tank Material (Fy) = 250 MPa Allowable Design Strees (Sd)


Density (U) Roof Corrosion Allowance (CA) Design Pressure at Top of Tank (Pe) Design Vacuum at Top of Tank Operating ratio (Operating/Design Pressure) Live Load (Lr) Ground Snow Load (S) Additional Dead Load Roof Insulation thickness Roof Insulation Density Nominal Tank Diameter (D) Slope Roof

= = = = = = = = = = = =

RAFTER DATA Rafter Material Allowable Design Strees (Sd) Rafter Selection

= ASTM A-36 160 Mpa =

Ring Name

Type of Rafter

Z mm 3

#1 #2 #3 Shell

C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5

20080 20080 20080 20080

160 MPa 7865 1 1 0 0.4 100 0 20 0 0 18.288 1 / 12

R m 0.0292 0.0292 0.0292 0.0292

Ring Name

kg/m 3 mm kPa kPa

Number of Girder

Number of Rafter

8 16 16 0

8 16 32 32

m 2.29 4.57 6.86 9.14

#1 #2 #3 Shell

kg/m 2 2 kg/m kg/m 2 mm kg/m 3 m 4.76 or

Weight kg/m 6.92 6.92 6.92 6.92

Ring Radius

= ASTM A-36 = 160 Mpa 3 Nos =

Girder Selection Ring Name

Type of Girder

Z mm 3

#1 #2 #3

C 75x40x5 C 75x40x5 C 100x50x5

20080 20080 37600


Area m2

COLUMN DATA Column Material Allowable Design Strees (Sd) Modulus of Elasticity ( E ) Column Selection Ring Name

Type of Column

#1 #2 #3 Center

200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe

R m 0.0292 0.0292 0.0292

Weight kg/m 6.92 6.92 6.92

Area m2

= ASTM A-36 160 Mpa = 200 Gpa = Z mm 3 27562 27562 27562 27562

R m 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095 0.1095

Weight kg/m 43 43 43 43

Area mm 2 5303.01 5303.01 5303.01 5303.01

OUTPUT RAFTER DESIGN Nominal Roof Thickness Roof Plate Weight Added Dead Load Minimum Roof Live Load (Lr)

= = = =

Specific Snow Load (S) Specified external pressure (Pe)

= =

Dead Load (DL)

6 47.2 20 100

mm kg/m 2 kg/m 2 kg/m


0 kg/m 2 0 kPa

0.00 kg/m 2 = = Insulation + Plate Weight + Added Dead Load = 0 x 0 + 47.2 + 20 2 67.19 kg/m =

ROOF LOAD PER API-650 APPENDIX R Load combination (L1) L1 = DL + MAX (S,Lr)+0.4*Pe = 67.19 + MAX (0,100) 2 167.19 kg/m =




Load combination (L2)

MAXIMUM RAFTER SPACING PER API 650 Maximum Rafter Spacing (b) b = ( t - c ) * sqrt (1.5 * Fy / T) = ( 6 - 1 )* sqrt (1.5 * 2.50E+05 / 1.64 ) = 2392.03 mm SPACING OF RAFTERS Ring Radius ( R ) = 9.14 m b = 2392 mm since b > 2100 mm , then b = Minimum numbers of Rafter (N_min) N_min = 2*PI*R/b = 2 *PI* 9140 / 2100 = 27.35 Nos N_min must be a multiple of 16 , therefore N_min = Actual Numbers of Rafter = 32 Nos

= MAX (167.19,107.19) 2 = 167.19 kg/m = 1.64 kPa

0.4* MAX (0,100)

27.35 Nos

■ Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (t-calc) b = 1794.63 mm t-calc = b/ SQRT (1.5*Fy/T) + CA =

L2 = DL + Pe +0.4*MAX (S,Lr) 0.00 + = 67.19 + 2 = 107.19 kg/m Balance roof design Load (T) T = MAX (L1,L2)

2100 mm

1795 / SQRT(1.5 * 2.50E+05 /

1.64 ) + 1

= 4.75 mm ■ Maximum Roof Load based on actual rafter spacing (Rload_Max) RLoad_Max = 1.5*Fy*((t-CA )/b)^2 = 1.5 * 2.50E+08 *(( 6 - 1 )/ 1795 )^2 = 2.91 kPA = 297.03 kg/m2 = RLoad_Max ■ Vacuum Limited by actual rafter spacing (P_ext_1) P_ext_1 = -(MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load;Lr)) = - ( 297.0 - 67.19 - 0.4 * Max ( 0 , = -190 kg/m2 = -1.86 kPa Pa_rafter_4 = P_ext_1 2 = -190 kg/m = -1.86 kPa Let Max T1

100 )



Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification RAFTER DESIGN (CONT'd) SPACING OF RAFTERS (CONT'd) < FOR GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS = 6.855 m> < FOR GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS = 2.29 m> Numbers of Girder (N) = 16 Numbers of Girder (N) = 8 Ring Radius ( R ) = 6.855 m Ring Radius ( R ) = 2.29 m b = 2392 mm since b > 2100 mm , then b = b = 2392 mm since b > 2100 mm , then b = 2100 mm 2100 mm Minimum numbers of Rafter (N_min) Minimum numbers of Rafter (N_min) N_min = 2*PI*R/b = 2 *PI* 6855 / 2100 N_min = 2*PI*R/b = 2 *PI* 2290 / 2100 = 20.51 Nos = 6.852 Nos N_min must be a multiple of 16 , therefore N_min = 20.51 Nos N_min must be a multiple of 8 , therefore N_min = 6.852 Nos Actual Numbers of Rafter = Actual Numbers of Rafter = 32 Nos 8 Nos ■ Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (t-calc) ■ Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (t-calc) b = 1345.98 mm b = 1798.56 mm t-calc = b/ SQRT (1.5*Fy/T) + CA t-calc = b/ SQRT (1.5*Fy/T) + CA = 1346 /SQRT(1.5* 2.50E+05 / 1.64 ) + 1 = 1799 /SQRT(1.5* 2.50E+05 / 1.64 ) + 1 = = 3.81 mm 4.76 mm ■ Maximum Roof Load based on actual rafter spacing (Rload_Max) ■ Maximum Roof Load based on actual rafter spacing (Rload_Max) RLoad_Max = 1.5*Fy*((t-CA )/b)^2 RLoad_Max = 1.5*Fy*((t-CA )/b)^2 = 1.5 * 2.50E+08 *(( 6 - 1 )/ 1346 )^2 5.17 kPA = 528.04 kg/m2 = Let Max T1 = RLoad_Max ■ Vacuum Limited by actual rafter spacing (P_ext_1) P_ext_1 = -(MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load;Lr)) = - ( 528.0 - 67.19 - 0.4 * Max ( 0 , 100 ) 2 = -421 kg/m = -4.12 kPa Pa_rafter_3 = P_ext_1 2 = -421 kg/m = -4.12 kPa

= 1.5 * 2.50E+08 *(( 6 - 1 )/ 1799 )^2 2.90 kPA = = 295.73 kg/m2 Let Max T1 = RLoad_Max ■ Vacuum Limited by actual rafter spacing (P_ext_1) P_ext_1 = -(MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load;Lr)) = - ( 295.7 - 67.19 - 0.4 * Max ( 0 , 100 ) 2 = -189 kg/m = -1.85 kPa Pa_rafter_1 = P_ext_1 2 = -189 kg/m = -1.85 kPa

< FOR GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS = 4.57 m> Numbers of Girder (N) = 16 Ring Radius ( R ) = 4.57 m b = 2392 mm since b > 2100 mm , then b = 2100 mm Minimum numbers of Rafter (N_min) N_min = 2*PI*R/b = 2 *PI* 4570 / 2100 = 13.67 Nos N_min must be a multiple of 16 , therefore N_min = 13.67 Nos 16 Nos Actual Numbers of Rafter = ■ Minimum roof thickness based on actual rafter spacing (t-calc) b = 1794.63 mm t-calc = b/ SQRT (1.5*Fy/T) + CA = 1795 /SQRT(1.5* 2.50E+05 / 1.64 ) + 1 = 4.75 mm ■ Maximum Roof Load based on actual rafter spacing (Rload_Max) RLoad_Max = 1.5*Fy*((t-CA )/b)^2

TYPE OF RAFTERS < SPAN TO SHELL > Maximum Rafter Span = 2417 mm Average Rafter Spacing on inner Girders = 1346 mm Average Rafter Spacing on Shell = 1795 mm Average plate Width = 1570 mm Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Mmax = W*l^2/8 Where w = Uniform Load from Plate + Uniform Load from Rafter = 462.5 * 1.57 + 67.82 794.02 N/m = l = 2.42 m Mmax = 794.02 * 2.42 ^2 /8 = 579.69 N.m ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress 579.69 / 1.6E+08 = = 3.6E-06 m3 = 3623.05 mm3 3 C 75x40x5 Actual Z = 20080 mm ,using = ■ Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring shell W_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 = 2.01E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 2.42 ^2 = 4400.70 N/ m' ■ Maximum Load Allowed for each rafter in ring shell (Max_P) Max_P = (Wmax-Wrafter)/Average plate width = ( 4.40E+03 - 68 ) / 1.57 = 2759.26 N/m2 = 2.759 kPa ■ Vacuum limited by rafter type (P_ext_2) 281.56 Kg/m2 Let Max_T1 = P_ext_2 = -2.5 *(MaxT1-DL-MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) = -2.5*( 281.6 - 67.19 - Max ( 0 , 100 ) 2 = -286 kg/m = -2.8 kPa Pa2_rafter_4 = Max(P_ext_1,P_ext_2) = -1.86 kPA

= 1.5 * 2.50E+08 *(( 6 - 1 )/ 1795 )^2 2.91 kPA = 297.03 kg/m2 = Let Max T1 = RLoad_Max ■ Vacuum Limited by actual rafter spacing (P_ext_1) P_ext_1 = -(MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load;Lr)) = - ( 297.0 - 67.19 - 0.4 * Max ( 0 , 100 ) 2 = -190 kg/m = -1.86 kPa Pa_rafter_2 = P_ext_1 = -190 kg/m2 = -1.86 kPa

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification RAFTER DESIGN (CONT'd) TYPE OF RAFTERS TYPE OF RAFTERS < SPAN TO GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS < SPAN TO GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 6.855 m> 2.29 m> Maximum Rafter Span = 2285 mm Maximum Rafter Span = 2290 mm Average Rafter Spacing on inner Girders = 897.3 mm Average Rafter Spacing on inner Girders = 0 mm Average Rafter Spacing on Outter Girders = 1346 mm Average Rafter Spacing on Outter Girders = 2290 mm Average plate Width = 1122 mm Average plate Width = 1145 mm Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Mmax = w*l^2/8 Mmax = w*l^2/8 Where Where w = Uniform Load from Plate + Uniform Load from Rafter w = Uniform Load from Plate + Uniform Load from Rafter = 462.5 * 1.122 + 67.82 = 462.5 * 1.145 + 67.82 = 586.54 N/m' = 597.33 N/m' 2.29 m 2.29 m l = l = Mmax = Mmax = 586.54 * 2.29 ^2 /8 597.33 * 2.29 ^2 /8 = 382.80 N.m = 391.56 N.m ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress = = 382.80 / 1.6E+08 391.56 / 1.6E+08 = 2.4E-06 m 3 = 2392.52 mm3 = 2.4E-06 m 3 = 2447.25 mm3 Actual Z = 20080 mm 3 ,using = C 75x40x5 Actual Z = 20080 mm 3 ,using = C 75x40x5 ■ Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring shell ■ Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring shell w_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 w_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 = = 2E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 2.29 ^2 2E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 2.29 ^2 = 4.92E+03 N/ m' = 4.90E+03 N/ m' ■ Maximum Load Allowed for each rafter in ring shell (Max_P) ■ Maximum Load Allowed for each rafter in ring shell (Max_P) Max_P = (wmax-wrafter)/Average plate width Max_P = (Wmax-Wrafter)/Average plate width 1.12 1.15 = ( 4.92E+03 - 68 ) / = ( 4.90E+03 - 68 ) / = 4328.33 N/m2 = 4.328 kPa = 4221.3 N/m2 = 4.221 kPa ■ Vacuum limited by rafter type (P_ext_2) ■ Vacuum limited by rafter type (P_ext_2) Let Max_T1 = 441.7 kg/m 2 Let Max_T1 = 430.74 kg/m 2 P_ext_2 = (MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) P_ext_2 = (MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) = -( 0 , 100 ) = -( - 67.19 - Max ( 0 , 100 ) 441.7 - 67.19 - Max ( 430.7 = -334 kg/m 2 = -3.28 kPa = -324 kg/m 2 = -3.17 kPa Pa2_rafter_3 = Max(P_ext_1,P_ext_2) Pa2_rafter_1 = Max(P_ext_1,P_ext_2) = -3.28 kPa = -1.85 kPa < SPAN TO GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 4.57 m> Maximum Rafter Span = 2280 mm Average Rafter Spacing on inner Girders = 899.3 mm Average Rafter Spacing on Outter Girders = 1795 mm Average plate Width = 1347 mm Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Mmax = w*l^2/8 Where w = Uniform Load from Plate + Uniform Load from Rafter = 462.5 * 1.347 + 67.82 = 690.73 N/m' l = 2.28 m 690.73 * 2.28 ^2 /8 Mmax = = 448.84 N.m ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress 448.84 / 1.6E+08 = = 2.8E-06 m 3 = 2805.24 mm 3 Actual Z = 20080 mm 3 ,using C 75x40x5 ■ Maximum stress allowed for each rafter in ring shell W_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 2E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 2.28 ^2 = = 4.94E+03 N/ m' ■ Maximum Load Allowed for each rafter in ring shell (Max_P) Max_P = (Wmax-Wrafter)/Average plate width = ( 4.94E+03 - 68 ) / 1.35 2 = 3620.36 N/m = 3.62 kPa ■ Vacuum limited by rafter type (P_ext_2) Let Max_T1 = 369.4 kg/m 2 P_ext_2 = (MaxT1-DL-0.4*MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) = -( 0 , 100 ) 369.4 - 67.19 - Max ( = -262 kg/m 2 = -2.57 kPa Pa2_rafter_2 = Max(P_ext_1,P_ext_2) = -2.57 kPa


No. 1 2 3 4

Description RING #1 RING #2 RING #3 SHELL RING

Weight / Lenght kg/m 6.920 6.920 6.920 6.920




Nos 8 16 32 32

mm 1798.56 1794.63 1345.98 1794.63 TOTAL

kg 99.57 198.70 298.05 397.40 993.73



Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification GIRDER DESIGN < AT GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 6.855 m> < AT GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 4.57 m> Number of Girders = 16 Number of Girders = 16 Girder Length (l) = 2.675 Girder Length (l) = 1.783 Load due to inner rafters and roof (Wi) Load due to inner rafters and roof (Wi) Wi = (Rafter_Load_Inner) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) Wi = (Rafter_Load_Inner) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) 1.14 690.73 * 1.14 * = 586.54 * * 2 = 1 = 1340.23 N = 787.435 N Load due to outer rafters and roof (Wo) Load due to outer rafters and roof (Wo) Wo = (Rafter_Load_Outer) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) Wo = (Rafter_Load_Outer) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) = 794.02 * = 2 1.14 * 2 586.54 * 1.143 * = 1814.34 N = 1340.23 N W1 = (Wi + Wo)/L_gird W1 = (Wi + Wo)/L_gird = ( 1340.23 + 1814.34 ) / 2.675 = ( 787.44 + 1340.23 ) / 1.783 = 1179.42 N/m' = 1193.22 N/m Total Load including Weight of Girder (w) Total Load including Weight of Girder (w) 67.816 67.816 w = 1179.42 + w = 1193.22 + = 1247.23 N/m' = 1261.04 N/m ■ Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) ■ Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Mmax = w*l^2/8 Mmax = w*l^2/8 Mmax = 1247.23 * 2.67 ^2 /8 Mmax = 1261.04 * 1.78 ^2 /8 = 1115.33 N.m = 501.19 N.m ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress 501.19 / 1.6E+08 = 1115.33 / 1.6E+08 = 3 3 3 3 7E-06 m = 6970.82 mm = 3.1E-06 m = 3132.44 mm = Actual Z = 37600 mm 3 ,using C 100x50x5 Actual Z = 20080 mm 3 ,using C 75x40x5 ■ Maximum stress allowed for each Girder in ring shell ■ Maximum stress allowed for each Girder in ring shell w_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 w_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 = 3.8E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 2.67 ^2 = 2E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 1.78 ^2 = 6.73E+03 N/ m' = 8.08E+03 N/ m' Let_C1 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_inner/NumGird) Let_C1 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_inner/NumGird) = = 1.1425 * 2 1.14 * 1 = = 2.29 m 1.14 m Let_C2 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_outer/NumGird) Let_C2 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_outer/NumGird) = = 1.1425 * 2 1.1425 * 2 = = 2.29 m 2.29 m ■ Maximum Load allowed for each girder in ring 3 (F_Max) ■ Maximum Load allowed for each girder in ring 2 (F_Max) F_Max = w_max *GirdLengt F_Max = w_max *GirdLengt = 6727.47 * 2.67 = 8.08E+03 * 1.78 = 17993.87 N = 14414.24 N ■ Back calculate Max_P from F_Max, using ■ Back calculate Max_P from F_Max, using F_Max = (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Inner)*C1 F_Max = (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Inner)*C1 (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Outer)*C (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Outer)*C ■ Solving for Max_P ■ Solving for Max_P (F_Max - RWgt_Inner*C1 - RWgt_Outer*C2) (F_Max-RWgt_Inner*C1-RWgt_Outer*C2) Max_P = Max_P = RafterSpacing_Inner*C1 + RafterSpacing_Outter*C2 RafterSpacing_Inner*C1+RafterSpacing_Outter*C2 17993.87 - ( 67.82 * 2.29 )-( 67.82 * 2.29 ) 14414.24 - ( 67.82 * 1.14 )-( 67.82 * 2.29 ) Max_P = Max_P = 1.12 * 2.29 + 1.57 * 2.29 1.35 * 1.14 + 1.12 * 2.29 17684 14182 = = 6.15 4.09849 = 2874.92 Pa = 3460.29 Pa Let Max_T1 = Max_P = 293.4 kg/m 2 Let Max_T1 = Max_P = 353.1 kg/m 2 Vacuum limited by girder type (P_ext_4) Vacuum limited by girder type (P_ext_4) P_ext_4 = -2.5 * (MaxT1 - DL - MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) P_ext_4 = -2.5 * (MaxT1 - DL - MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) = -2.5*( 293.4 - 67.19 - Max ( 0 , 100 ) = -2.5*( 353.1 - 67.19 - Max ( 0 , 100 ) = -315 kg/m2 = -3.09 kPa = -465 kg/m2 = -4.55 kPa



Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification GIRDER DESIGN < AT GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 2.29 m> GIRDER WEIGHT SUMMARY Number of Girders = 8 Weight / Girder Length (l) = 1.753 No. Description Lenght Load due to inner rafters and roof (Wi) kg/m Wi = (Rafter_Load_Inner) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) 597.33 * 1.145 * 1 RING #1 6.920 = 1 2 RING #2 6.920 = 683.949 N Load due to outer rafters and roof (Wo) 3 RING #3 6.920 Wo = (Rafter_Load_Outer) (Rafter_Span) (NumberRaft/Numbergird) = 2 690.73 * 1.14 * = 1574.87 N W1 = (Wi + Wo)/L_gird = ( 683.949 + 1574.87 ) / 1.753 = 1288.77 N/m' Total Load including Weight of Girder (w) 67.816 w = 1288.77 + = 1356.59 N/m Maximum Bending Moment (Mmax) Mmax = w*l^2/8 Mmax = 1356.59 * 1.75 ^2 /8 = 520.92 N.m ■ Section of Modulus Required (Z_req'd) Z_req'd = Mmax / Allowable design stress = 520.92 / 1.6E+08 3 3 = 3.3E-06 m = 3255.73 mm Actual Z = 20080 mm3 ,using = C 75x40x5 ■ Maximum stress allowed for each Girder in ring shell w_max = Z*Sd*8/l^2 = 2E-05 * 1.60E+08 * 8 / 1.75 ^2 = 8.37E+03 N/ m' Let_C1 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_inner/NumGird) = 1.145 * 1 = 1.15 m Let_C2 = (RafterSpan) (NumRaft_outer/NumGird) = 1.14 * 2 = 2.28 m ■ Maximum Load allowed for each girder in ring 1 (F_Max) F_Max = w_max *GirdLengt = 8.37E+03 * 1.75 = 14664.54 N ■ Back calculate Max_P from F_Max, using F_Max = (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Inner)*C1 (Max_P*RafterSpacing_Inner)+RWgt_Outer)*C2 ■ Solving for Max_P (F_Max-RWgt_Inner*C1-RWgt_Outer*C2) Max_P = RafterSpacing_Inner*C1+RafterSpacing_Outter*C2 14664.54 - ( 67.82 * 1.15 )-( 67.82 * 2.28 ) Max_P = 1.145 * 1.15 + 1.347 * 2.28 14432.3 = 4.38209 = 3293.47 Pa Let Max_T1 = Max_P = 336.1 Kg/m 2 Vacuum limited by girder type (P_ext_4) P_ext_4 = -2.5 *(MaxT1-DL-MAX(Snow_Load, Lr)) = -2.5*( 336.1 - 67.19 - Max ( 0 , 100 ) = -422 kg/m 2 = -4.14 kPa




Nos 8 16 16

m 1.75 1.78 2.67

kg 97.03 197.43 296.14





Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification COLUMN DESIGN < AT GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 6.855 m> < AT GIRDER RING OUTER RADIUS 4.57 m> Number of Column = 16 Number of Column = 8 Column Length (l) = 12.79 Column Length (l) = 12.98 ■ Radius Gyration ( r ) ■ Radius Gyration ( r ) if l/r must be less than 180, then if l/r must be less than 180, then r_req'd = l/180 = 12.79 / 180 = 0.071 m r_req'd = l/180 = 12.98 / 180 = 0.072 m 0.11 m , using = 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe 0.11 m , using = 200mm 40sch 40 Pipe Actual_r = Actual_r = ■ Total Roof Load Supported by each column (P) ■ Total Roof Load Supported by each column (P) 2.67 P = 1247 x P = 1261 x 1.783 = 3335.96 N = 2248.59 N ■ Allowable Compressive Stress per API 650 (Fa) ■ Allowable Compressive Stress per API 650 (Fa) R = l/r = 116.8 (Actual) R = l/r = 118.5 (Actual) Column Selenderness ratio (Cc) Column Selenderness ratio (Cc) Cc = SQRT (2 PI ^2 E /Fy) Cc = SQRT (2 PI ^2 E /Fy) = SQRT (2*PI^2* 2.00E+11 / 3E+08 ) = SQRT (2*PI^2* 2.00E+11 / 3E+08 ) 125.66 125.66 = = Factor of Safety (FS) Factor of Safety (FS) FS = 5/4 + (3 * R /8 * CC)-(R^3 / 8*CC^3) FS = 5/4 + (3 * R /8 * CC)-(R^3 / 8*CC^3) = 5/4 + ( 3* 118.55 / (8 * 125.7 )) - ( 118.5 ^3 / ( 8* 125.7 ^3) = 5/4 + ( 3* 116.81 / (8 * 125.7 )) - ( 116.8 ^3 / ( 8* 125.7 ^3) = = 1.498 1.499 Since R Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 12.12 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x = 12.24 m Thickness of Shell

= ASTM A-36 = 2 = 0.85 = 160 MPa 171 MPa

= =


0.835 (per API 650)

x 0.835 )

4.9D(H'-0.3)*G + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 12.24 - 0.3) x 0.835 = + 2 160 x 0.85 = 8.571 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 12.12 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 1.000 ) = 12.22 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 12.22 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 7.351 mm tcalc =

Allowable Test Stress (St) DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 10.29 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x = 10.42 m Thickness of Shell

Weight New Corroded kg kg 7430.53 5779.93 6605.28 4954.50 5779.93 4128.98 5779.93 5779.93 4954.50 4954.50 4954.50 3303.36 4954.50 3303.36 40459.17 32204.56

= ASTM A-36 = 2 = 0.85 = 160 MPa 171 MPa

= =


0.835 (per API 650)

x 0.835 )

4.9D(H'-0.3)*G + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 10.42 - 0.3) x 0.835 = + 2 160 x 0.85 = 7.565 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 10.29 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 1.000 ) = 10.40 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 10.40 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 6.224 mm tcalc =

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL (CONT'd) THICKNESS OF SHELL COURSE #3 THICKNESS OF SHELL COURSE #5 Shell Plate Material = ASTM A-36 Shell Plate Material Corrosion Allowance (CA) = 2 Corrosion Allowance (CA) Joint Efficiency ( E) = 0.85 Joint Efficiency ( E) Allowable Design Strees (Sd) Allowable Design Strees (Sd) = 160 MPa

= ASTM A-36 = 2 = 0.85 = 160 MPa

Allowable Test Stress (St) = 171 MPa DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = 0.835 (per API 650) < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 8.46 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 0.835 ) = 8.59 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 8.59 - 0.3) x 0.835 = + 2 160 x 0.85 = 6.560 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 8.46 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 1.000 ) = 8.57 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 8.57 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 5.097 mm THICKNESS OF SHELL COURSE #4 Shell Plate Material = ASTM A-36 Corrosion Allowance (CA) = 2 Joint Efficiency ( E) = 0.85 Allowable Design Strees (Sd) = 160 MPa

Allowable Test Stress (St) = 171 MPa DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = 0.835 (per API 650) < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 4.81 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 0.835 ) = 4.93 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 4.93 - 0.3) x 0.835 = + 2 160 x 0.85 = 4.548 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 4.81 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 1.000 ) = 4.91 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 4.91 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 2.843 mm THICKNESS OF SHELL COURSE #6 Shell Plate Material = ASTM A-36 Corrosion Allowance (CA) = 2 Joint Efficiency ( E) = 0.85 Allowable Design Strees (Sd) = 160 MPa

Allowable Test Stress (St) = DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 6.64 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 6.76 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 6.76 - 0.3) x 0.835 = 160 x 0.85 = 5.554 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 6.64 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 6.74 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 6.74 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 3.970 mm

Allowable Test Stress (St) = DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 2.98 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 3.10 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 3.10 - 0.3) x 0.835 = 160 x 0.85 = 3.542 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 2.98 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 3.08 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 3.08 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 1.716 mm

171 MPa 0.835 (per API 650)

0.835 )

+ 2

1.000 )

171 MPa 0.835 (per API 650)

0.835 )

+ 2

1.000 )

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL (CONT'd) THICKNESS OF SHELL COURSE #7 SHELL COURSE #3 SUMMARY Shell Plate Material = ASTM A-36 Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m Corrosion Allowance (CA) = 2 t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) Joint Efficiency ( E) = 0.85 = MAX ( 6.560 , 0 ) Allowable Design Strees (Sd) = 160 MPa = 6.560 mm Allowable Test Stress (St) = DESIGN CONDITION Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = < Design Condition G = 0.835 > Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 1.15 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 1.28 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = + CA (Sd*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 1.28 - 0.3) x 0.835 = 160 x 0.85 = 2.537 mm HYDROSTATIC TEST CONDITION < Design Condition G = 1> = 1.15 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x = 1.26 m Thickness of Shell 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G tcalc = (St*E) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 1.26 - 0.3) x 1 = 171 x 0.85 = 0.589 mm

171 MPa


0.835 (per API 650) t.actual Weight 0.835 ) Weight

+ 2

1.000 )

SHELL COURSE #1 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 8.571 , 0 ) = 8.571 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 8.571 , 7.351 , 6 ) = 8.57 mm t.actual = 9.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.009 ) * 1.828 * = 7430.53 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.007 ) * 1.828 * = 5779.93 kg (CORRODED) SHELL COURSE #2 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 7.565 , 0 ) = 7.565 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 7.565 , 6.224 , 6 ) = 7.565 mm t.actual = 8.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.008 ) * 1.828 * = 6605.28 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.006 ) * 1.828 * = 4954.5 kg (CORRODED)





= = = = = = = = = =

MAX(, t.test, t.min650) MAX ( 6.560 , 5.097 , 6 ) 6.56 mm 7.00 mm Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.007 ) * 1.828 * 5779.93 kg (NEW) Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.005 ) * 1.828 * 4128.98 kg (CORRODED)

SHELL COURSE #4 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 5.554 , 0 ) = 5.554 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 5.554 , 3.970 , 6 = 6.000 mm t.actual = 7.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.007 = 5779.93 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.005 = 4128.98 kg (CORRODED) SHELL COURSE #5 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 4.548 , 0 ) = 4.548 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 4.548 , 2.843 , 6 = 6.000 mm t.actual = 6.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.006 = 4954.5 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.004 = 3303.36 kg (CORRODED)




) * 1.828 *


) * 1.828 *



) * 1.828 *


) * 1.828 *


SHELL COURSE #6 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 3.542 , 0 ) = 3.542 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 3.542 , 1.716 , 6 ) = 6.000 mm t.actual = 6.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.006 ) * 1.828 * = 4954.5 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.004 ) * 1.828 * = 3303.36 kg (CORRODED)



MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL DESIGN THICKNESS OF SHELL (CONT'd) SHELL COURSE #7 SUMMARY Widht of Shell plate = 1.828 m t-calc = MAX (t-calc_650,t.seismic) = MAX ( 2.537 , 0 ) = 2.537 mm t.required = MAX(, t.test, t.min650) = MAX ( 2.537 , 0.589 , 6 ) = 6.000 mm t.actual = 6.00 mm Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.006 ) * 1.828 * 0.006 = 4954.5 kg (NEW) Weight = Density*PI*(D-t)*Widht*t = 7865 x PI x( 18.3 - 0.004 ) * 1.828 * 0.004 = 3303.36 kg (CORRODED)


CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Reference spec.: INTERMADIATE WIND GIRDER PER API 5.9.7 Wind Velocity (V) Design Wind Velocity (Vd) Design Vacuum at top of tank Number of Intermediate Girder ■ Velocity Factor (Vf) Vf = ( Vd/V ) ^2 = ( TOP END STIFFENER Stiffener Size Actual Modulus of Section

60 /

Process & Piping Specification = = = =

190 ) ^2

= = =

190 km/h 60 km/h 0 kPa 0 0.100 70 x 70 x 8430 mm3


INTERMEDIATE STIFFENER CALCULATION PER API 650 5.9.7 Note : Using the thinnest shell course, t_thinnest instead of top shell course Subtracting corrosion allowance per user setting ■ Maximum Height of unstiffened Shell (Hu) The Ratio of the material's modulus of elasticity at maximum design temperature per API 650 M.6 ME = 199.00 / 199.00 = 1 (t-CA)_thinnest = 4 mm Nominal Tank Diameter (D) = 18.288 m Hu = (ME*9.47*(t-CA)_thinnest*SQRT((t-CA)_thinnest/D)^3)/V f = ( 1.00 * 9.47 * 4 * SQRT ( 4 / 18.29 ) ^ 3 / 0.100 = 38.86 m ■ Transposed widht of each shell course (Wtr) Wtr = W * ((t-CA)_top / (t-CA)_course)^2.5 Wtr (1) = 1.828 * ( 4 / 7 ) ^ 2.5 =

0.45121 m

Wtr (2)







) ^ 2.5 =

0.66336 m

Wtr (3)







) ^ 2.5 =

1.04641 m

Wtr (4)







) ^ 2.5 =

1.04641 m

Wtr (5)







) ^ 2.5 =



Wtr (6)







) ^ 2.5 =



Wtr (7)







) ^ 2.5 =



■ Height of the transformed shell (Hts) Hts = SUM (Wtr) = 8.69139 L_ 0 = Hts / Number of Intermediate stiffeners +1 = 8.691 / 1 = 8.69 m Because Hu ≥ L_ 0 , thus No intermediate Wind girder needed

Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo


Process & Piping Specification

INPUT WIND DATA Method Wind Velocity (V) Design Wind Velocity (Vd)

= API Method = 190 km/h = 60 km/h


Importance Factor (Iw)


ANCHOR DESIGN Number of Anchor Bolts or Legs (Na) Diameter of Anchor Circle Anchor Bolt Material Anchor Bolt Corrosion Allowance Bolt Diameter (d) Thread Pitch (p) Pitch Angle (Φ)

= 24 = = ASTM A 193 Gr.B7 = 1 mm = 38 = 4 = 60 q


Seismic Use Group Site Class

= API 650 11 th Ed -Non ASCE7 (Sp) = III = D

Design Level peak ground Acceleration = 0.22 paramater for sites ANCHOR CHAIRS Chair Material = ASTM A-36 Top Plate Type = Discrete Chair Style = Vert. Straight a = 100 mm c = 56 mm g = b = 100 mm e = 50 mm h = k = 100 mm f = 22.2 mm j = Repad t = 16 mm h = 200 mm w =

64 mm 300 mm 14 mm 200 mm

OUTPUT WIND CALCULATION WIND MOMENT PER API 650 5.11 Arae Resisting the compressive force (A) Lowest Minimum specified yield strenght (Fy) Slope Roof Nominal Weight of roof plate plus any

= = = =

attached structural (DLR) Nominal Diameter (D) Nominal Height of Tank (H) Design Liquid height (H_liq)

= = =

Design Internal Pressure at Top of Tank (Pe)


2502.97 250 1 / 12 or 101527.19

mm 2 Mpa 4.76 ° N

■ Moment Due to Wind Force on Roof (M_roof) M_roof = (P_uplift)*Ap*Xw = 0.1 * 262.7 * 9.14 = 344.9 N ■ Moment Arm of Wind Force on shell (Xs) Xs

18.29 m 12.60 m 12.12 m 1 kPa

= H/2 = 12.60 / 2 = 6.3 m ■ Projected Area of Shell (As) As

■ Velocity Factor (Vf) Vf = ( Vd/V ) ^2 = ( 60 / 190 ) ^2 = 0.100 ■ Wind Uplift (P_uplift) P_uplift = Iw * 1.44*Vf = 1 * 1.44 * 0.100 = 0.1436 kPa ■ API 650 5.2.1.k Uplift Check A*Fy tanT 0.00127 DLR P_F4.1 = + 200D2 D2 2502.97 * 250 * TAN 4.76 0.00127 * 101527.19 = + 200 * 18.29 ^2 18.29 ^ 2 = 1.17 kPa ■ Limit Wind Uplift + Internal Pressure to 1.6*P_F4.1 P_uplift + Pe = MIN (Wind_Uplift + Pe, 1.6*P_F4.1) P_uplift = MIN (Wind_Uplift , 1.6*P_F4.1-Pe) = MIN ( 0.1436 , 0.86415 ) = 0.1436 kPa ■ Vertical Projected Area of Roof (Ap_vert) Ap_vert = OD^2 TAN T = 18.29 ^2 * TAN 4.76

= H*D = 18.29 * 12.60 2 = 230.4 m

■ Moment due to wind force on shell (M_shell) M_shell = Iw * 0.86 * Vf * As * Xs = 1 * 0.86 * 0.100 * 230.4 * = 124.5 kN.m


= 124500.49 N.m ■ Wind Moment (Mw) Mw

= M_roof + M_shell = 344.9 + 124500 = 124845.41 N.m

RESISTANCE TO OVERTURNING PER API 650 5.11.2 Min. Specified Yield stress the bottom = 250 plate under the shell (Fby) An unanchored tank must these two criteria 1) 0.6*Mw+Mpi < MDL/1.5


2) Mw + 0.4Mpi < (MDL+MF)/2

2 = 27.87 m ■ Horizontal Projected Area of Roof Moment Arm of UPLIFT wind force on roof (Xw)

Where, Destabilizing Wind Moment (Mw) = 124845.41 N.m Destabilizing Moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from design Pressure



= 0.5*D = 0.5 * 18.29 = 9.14 m ■ Projected Area of roof for wind moment (Ap) Ap = PI * D^2/4 = PI * =

18.29 ^ 2 / 2 262.68 m


= Pe * PI *D^2/4 * D/2 = 1 * PI * 18.29 ^2/4* 18.29 / 2 = 2401.92 kN.m = 2401919.93 N.m Stabilizing Moment about the Shell-to-Bottom Joint from the Shell and Weight Supported by the Shell (MDL) MDL

= (W_shell + W_roof) * D/2 = ( 315604.7 + 10359.9 ) * 18.29 /2 = 2980620.33 N.m


CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Reference spec.: WIND CALCULATION Annular Bottom Ring Thickness Less CA (t b)

Process & Piping Specification =

6.5 mm

■ Minimum Bottom Annular Ring Width (Lb) Lb

= MAX ( 450 , 0.0291*tb*SQRT (Fby/H_liq) = MAX(0.450, 0.0291* 0 * SQRT ( 250 / 12.12 ) = 0.450 mm ■ Circumferential loading of contents along shell-top-bottom joint (w l) = 59 * tb * SQRT(Fby*H_liq) = 59 * 6.5 * SQRT ( 250 * 12.12 ) = 21110.7 N/m ■ Stabilizing Moment due to Bottom Plate and Liquid Weight (M F) wl


= (D/2)*wl*PI*D = ( 18.29 / 2 ) * 21110.7 * PI * 18.29 ) = 11090585.1 N.m 0.6*( 124845 ) + 2401920 < 2980620 / 1.5 Since 2476827.17 > 1987080.22 , Tank must be anchored 124845 + 0.4 * 2401919.93 < ( 2980620 + 11090585.1 ) /2 Since 1085613.38 ≤ 7035602.72 , Tank is self anchored RESISTANCE TO SLIDING PER API 650 5.11.4 F_wind = 0.86 * Vf * AS = 0.86 * 0.100 * 230.4 = 19.762 kN = 19762 N F_Friction = Maximum of 40% of weight of tank = 0.4 * ( W_roof Corroded + W_shell corroded + ( W_Btm_corroded + Roofstruct + W_min_liquid) = 0.4 * ( 101527 + 315605 + 133943 + 19954.86 + 65.80 ) = 228438 Kg = 2238695 N Because F_friction > F_wind , Thus Anchor is not needed ANCHORAGE REQUIREMENT Anchorage required since criteria 1, criteria 2, or sliding are NOT acceptable

Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 ■ Spectral Acceleration Coefficients (Ai) Method = Non ASCE 7 (Sp) Method Ai = MAX (2.5*Q*Fa*Sp*I/Rwi , 0.007)

WEIGHT Weight of Shell Incl. Shell Stiffners & Insul. (Ws)

= 40459.17 kg

= MAX ( 2.5 *

Weight of Floor (Incl. Annular Ring) (Wf)

= 18924.48 kg


Weight Fixed Roof, Framing and 10% of Design

= 32386.76 kg

Live Load & Insul. (Wr) SEISMIC VARIABLES Seismic use Group Site Class Design Level Peak ground acceleration parameter (Sp) Design Spectral Response Param. (5% damped) for short periods (Ss=2.5*Sp) for 1-Second periods(S1=1.25*Sp) Regional Dependent Transition period for Long Period Ground Motion (T_L) Vertical Earthquake Acceleration Coefficient (A v) =

= = =

III D 0.22






0.22 *



4 , 0.007 )


* 4 *

■ Confective Spectral Acceleration parameter (A c)




Velocity-based site coefficient (Fv)



Importance Factor defined by Seismic Use Group (III) Force Reduction Factor for the impulsive mode (Rwi)





Force Reduction Factor for Convective



mode (Rwc) Coefficient for impulsive period of tank system from API 650 Fig E-1 (Ci)



Equivalent uniform thickness of Tank shell (tu)


Density of tank product (U )

= = =

Wi = TANH (0.866D/H)/(0.866*D/H)*Wp = TANH (0.866 * 1.51 ) / ( 0.866 * 1.51 ) * 2653217.73 = 1753249.66 kg ■ Effective convective (Sloshing) Portion of the liquid Weight (Wc)

■ Effective Weight Contributing to Seismic Response (Weff) Weff

= Wi + Wc = 1753249.66 + 906636.864 = 2659886.52 kg ■ Roof Load Acting on Shell, Including 10% of Live Load (W rs)



15058.7 kg

DESIGN LOAD ■ Design base shear due to impulsive component from effective weight of

7 mm 3 833.33 kg/m 200 Gpa 1.5


= Q * Fa * Ss = 1 * 1.36 * 0.55 = 0.748 ■ The design spectral response acceleration param. At 1-second periods (Sd1) Sd1 = Q * Fv * S1 = 1 * 1.85 * 0.275 = 0.509 STRUCTURAL PERIOD OF VIBRATION ■ Impulsive Natural Period (Ti) Ti = (1/SQRT(2000))*(Ci*H/SQRT(tu/D))*SQRT(U/E) 0.007 /

1.51 2653217.73 kg

Wc = 0.23*D/H *TANH(3.67*H/D)*Wp = 0.23 * 1.51 * TANH (3.67 / 1.51 ) * 2653217.73 = 906636.86 kg

Elastic modulus of tank material ( E ) Coefficient to adjust spectral accleration from 5%-0.5% damping (K) ■ The design spectral response acceleration param. At short periods (Sds)

12.60 /SQRT (

= =

18.29 ))

tank and content (Vi) Vi = Ai * (Ws +Wr + Wf + Wi) = 0.281 * ( 40459.17 + 32386.76 + 18924.48 + 1753250 ) = 517528 kg ■ Design base sheare due to convective component of the effective weight of the effective sloshing weight (Vc) Vc = Ac * Wc = 0.114 * 906637 = 103545 kg ■ Total design base Shear (V) V = SQRT ( Vi^2 + Vc^2) = SQRT( 517528 ^2 + = 527785 kg

103545 ^2)

CENTER OF ACTION FOR RINGWALL OVERTURNING MOMENT ■ Height to the center of action of lateral seismic force related to impulsive liquid force for the ringwall moment (Xi) Xi = 0.375 * H = 0.375 * 12.12 = 4.55 m

* SQRT ( 833.3 / 2E+11 ) = 0.0057 sec ■ Convective (Sloshing) Period (Tc)

■ Height to the center of action of lateral seismic force related to

Ks = 0.578/SQRT(TANH(3.68H/D)) 18.29 ))


■ Effective Impulsive Portion of the liquid Weight (Wi)

0.1 =

= 0.578 / SQRT (TANH (3.68* 12.60 / = 0.58 sec Tc = 1.8 * Ks * SQRT (D) = 1.8 * 0.582 * SQRT ( 18.29 ) = 4.48 sec

1.36 *

2.5*K*Q*Fa*Sp*TS*T_L*I Tc^2 * Rwc 2.5 * 1.5 * 1 * 1.36 * 0.22 * = 4.48 ^ 2 * 2 = 0.114 EFFECTIVE WEIGHT OF PRODUCT Ratio of Tank Diameter to Design Liquid Level (D/H) Total Weight of Tank Content based on S.G. (Wp)

4 sec

Scalling Factor from the MCE to design level spectral acceleration (Q) Acceleration-based site coefficient (Fa)

6.13 *


Ac =

Design Spectral Response Param. (5% damped)

= (1/SQRT(2000))* (



convective liquid force for the ringwall moment (Xc) (COSH(3.67*H/D)-1) Xc = (1 )*H (3.67*H/D)*SINH(3.67*H/D) (COSH(3.67/ 1.51 ) - 1 = (1 3.67 / 1.51 * SINH (3.67 / 1.51 ) = 7.94 m

) * 12.12

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 CENTER OF ACTION FOR SLAB OVERTURNING MOMENT OVERTUNING MOMENT ■ Height to center of action of lateral seismic force related to the impulsive ■ Ringwall Moment-Portion of the total overtuning moment that acts at liquid force for the slab moment (Xis) the base of the tank shell perimeter (Mrw) Mrw

= ((Ai*(Wi*Xi+Ws*Xs+Wr*Xr))^2+(Ac*Wc*Xc)^2)^0.5 = (( 0.281 ( 2E+06 * 7.68 + 40459.17 * 6 + 12431.9007 * 12.85 )^2 +( 0.114 * 9E+05 * 7.94 )^2)^0.5 = 3977165.42 kg.m ■ Slab moment used for slab and pile cap design (Ms)

0.866*D/H - 1 )) *H TANH(0.866*D/H) 0.866 * 1.51 = 0.376 * ( 1 +1.333* ( -1))* 12.12 TANH (0.866 * 1.51 = 7.68 m

Xis = 0.376 * ( 1 +1.333* (

■ Height to center of action of lateral seismic force related to the convective liquid force for the slab moment (Xcs) COSH(3.67*H/D)-1.937 Xcs = (1) *H 3.67*H/D*SINH(3.67*H/D) COSH( 3.67 / 1.51 )- 1.937 = (1)* 12.12 3.67/ 1.51 *SINH (3.67/ 1.51 ) = 8.77 m


DYNAMIC LIQUID HOOP FORCES 0.75*D = 13.72 m Ratio of Tank Diameter to Design Liquid Level (D/H) Specific Grafity (G)

RESISTANCE TO DESIGN LOAD Minimum yield strenght of Bottom Annulus (Fy) = 250 Mpa ■ Effective specific grafity including vertical seismic effects (Ge)

Nominal Diameter (D) Design Liquid height (H) Vertical Earthquake Acceleration Coefficient (A v) For D/H ≥ 1.333

= =

1.51 0.835

= = =

18.29 m 12.12 m 0.1

Ge = S.G (1-0.4*Av) = 0.835 ( 1 - 0.4 * 0.1 ) = 0.802 ■ 201.1*H*D*Ge = 35733 N/m ■ Force resisting uplift in annular region (wa) wa = 99 ta*SQRT (Fy*H*Ge) = 99 * 6.5 * SQRT ( 250 * 12.12 * 0.802 ) = 31715 N/m ■ Shell and roof weight acting at base of the shell (wt)

For D/H < 1.333 and Y ■ Required Annular Ring Widht (L) L = 0.01723 * tb * SQRT (Fby/(H*Ge)) = 0.01723 * 6.5 * SQRT ( 250 / ( 12.12 * 0.802 ) = 0.5681 m L = MIN (0.035*D,L) = MIN ( 0.64 , 0.568 ) = 0.568 m








σ T-









■ Actual Annular Plate Width (Ls)

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5

1.828 1.828 1.828 1.828 1.828

9 8 7 7 6

12.12 10.29 8.46 6.64 4.81

201.69 191.72 174.49 149.99 118.23

10.22 10.92 13.11 17.10 23.42

743.88 561.51 404.06 316.80 196.75

106.57 95.20 83.38 67.29 53.15

58.74 45.18 32.07 23.22 12.44

Ls =

#6 #7

1.828 1.828

6 6

2.98 1.15

79.21 32.93

32.96 47.00

121.96 47.17

34.77 17.46

5.88 -1.73

yu = 12.10*Fby*L^2/tb = 12.10 * 250 * = 297.85 mm

800 mm

PIPING FLEXIBILITY < ESTIMATING TANK UPLIFT> ■ Estimating uplift displacement for self-anchored tank (yu) 0.8 ^ 2 / 6.5

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 SEISMIC CALCULATION PER API 650 11th ED. ADDENDUM 2 ANCHORAGE RATIO (J) wt = (Ws+ Wrs )/PI*D = ( 32205 + 15058.7 ) / ( PI * 18.29 ) = 822.64 kg/m = 8061.83 N/m ■ Anchorage Ratio (J) Mrw J = D^2*(wt*(1-0.4*Av)+wa-0.4*wint) 38976221.09 = 18.29 ^ 2 ( 8061.83 (1 - 0.4* 0.1 ) + 31715 -0.4 * 1829 ) = 3.00954 Because J > 1.54 , Tank is not stable and cannot be self-anchored for the design load. Modify the annular ring if L < 0.035D is not controlling or add mechanical anchorage. MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL SHELL_MEMBRANE COMPRESSIVE STRESS ■ Shell Compression in Self-Anchored Tanks Thickness of bottom shell course minus CA (ts_1) = 7 mm Maximum longitudinal shell compression stress (σc ) σc =


wt*(1+0.4*Av)+wa 0.607-0.18667*J^2.3

- wa )/(1000*ts_1)

8061.83 * (1+0.4* 0.1 ) + 31715 - 31715 )/(1000 * 7 ) 0.607-0.018667* 3.01 ^2.3 = 10.8809 Mpa ■ Allowable Longitudinal Shell-Membrane Compression Stress Minimum specified yield strenght of shell course (Fty) = 250 Mpa ■ G*H*D^2/ts_1^2 = 69.08 ■ Allowable longitudinal Shell-membrane compressive stress (Fc) =


Fc = 83 * ts /D = 83 * 7 / 18.29 = 31.77 MPa Because Fc ≤ Fty --------------->>



SHELL #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

σ T+ MPa 106.57 95.20 83.38 67.29 53.15 34.77 17.46

Sd*1.33 Fy*0.9*E Allowable Membrane MPa MPa Stress (MPa ) 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25 212.8 191.25 191.25

t-min mm 4.3 4.1 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.2


MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN (CONT'd) MECHANICALLY-ANCHORED PER API E. Number of Anchor (Na) = ■ Freeboard (δ_s) 24 Nos Maximum Spacing = 3m δ_s = 0.5*D*Af Actual Spacing = 2.39 m = 0.5 * 18.29 * 0.152 Minimum Numbers of Anchor (Nmin) = = 1.392 m 19 Nos Minimum specified yield strenght of shell course (Fty)


250 Mpa

■ Design Uplift on Anchores per unit circumferential length (wab)

0.7 * δ_s =

0.975 m

Per Table E-7


= (1.273*Mrw/D^2-wt(1-0.4Av) = ( 1.273 * 3.9E+07 / 18.29 ^2 - 4689 ( 1 - 0.4 * = 143851 N/m ■ Anchor Seismic design Load (Pab)

0.1 ))

= wab* PI*D/Na = 143851 * PI * 18.29 / 24 = 344364 N ■ Anchorage chair design load (Pa)

A freeboard equel to δ_s is required unless one of the following alternatives are provided : 1. Secondary contaminent is provided to control the product spill. 2. The Roof and tank shall are designed to contain the sloshing liquid.


SLIDING RESISTANCE PER API E.7.6 Friction Ceofficient (μ) Calculated seismic base shear (V)

Pa = 3 * Pab

= =

0.4 527785.03 kg

= 5172293.25 N

= 3 * 344364 N

■ Resistance to sliding (Vs)


Vs = μ*(Ws+Wr+Wf+Wp)*(1-0.4*Av) = 0.4 * ( 32204.56 + 10359.92 + ( 1 - 0.4 * 0.1 ) = 1042843.03 kg = 10219861.71 N

1033093 N

SHELL COMPRESSION IN MECHANICALLY-ANCHORED TANK PER API E. ■ Maximum Lognitudinal Shell compression stress (σc_anchored) 1.273*Mrw (wt*(1+0.4*Av)+ σc_anchored = )/1000*ts_1 D^2 1.273* 3.9E+07 = ( 4689.15 *(1+0.4* 0.1 ) + )/1000 *7 18.29 ^2 =

OK Because σc_anchored ≤ Fty ---->> ■ Longitudinal Shell-membrane compression stress (Fc) = Because Fc ≤ Fty --------------->> OK



DETAILING REQUIREMENT PER API E.7 Seismic use Group = III The design spectral response acceleration = 0.748 param. At short periods (Sds) Note : Butt-welded annular aplates are required. Annular plates exceeding 3/5 inch(9.5mm) thickness shall be butt-welded. The weld of the shell to annular plate shall be checked for the design uplift load. Minimum numbers of Anchors = OK FREEBOARD-SLOSHING PER API E.7.2 Regional Dependent Transition period for Long = 4 sec Period Ground Motion (T_L) Importance Factor defined by Seismic Use = 1.5 Group (III) Convective (Sloshing) Period (Tc) = 4.48 sec The design spectral response acceleration = 0.51 param. At 1-second periods (Sd1) Coefficient to adjust spectral accleration from = 1.5 5%-0.5% damping (K) ■ Acceleration coefficient for sloshing wave height calculation (Af) When, TC > 4 ,then 4/

4.48 ^ 2

Vs --------------->>

2653217.73 ) *



21.89 MPa

Af = K*Sd1*T_L/Tc^2 = 1.5 * 0.51 * = 0.152

Because V

19954.86 +

2 * V / (PI * D)

= 2 * 5172293 / (PI * 18.29 ) = 180051.63 N Tangential shear in flat-bottom steel tanks shall be transferred through the welded connection to the steel bottom. The shear stress in the weld shall not exceed 80% of the weld or base metal yield stress.

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN (CONT'd) Bolt Material = ASTM A 193 Gr.B7 Lowest Minimum specified yield strenght (Fy) = 723 MPa UPLIFT LOAD CASE PER API 650 TABLE 5-21a PWR = 0.144 kPa Tank Diameter (D) = 18.288 m PWS = 0.86 * Vf Design Pressure (P) = 1 kPa = 0.086 kPa Test Pressure (Pt) = 1 kPa MWH = PWS*(D+t_ins/500)*H^2 /2 Failure Pressure per F.6 (Pf) = = 0.086 * ( 18.29 + 0 / 500)* NA 12.60 ^2/2 Roof Plate Thickness (t_h) = 5 mm = 124.5 kN.m Wind Moment (Mw) = U = PWR*D^2*785+(4*MWH/D)-W2 124845.41 N.m Seismic Ringwall Moment (Mrw) = 38976221.09 N.m < FOR TANK WITH STRUCTURAL SUPPORTED ROOF> ■ Dead Load of Shell minus CA and Any Load Minus CA other than Roof plate Acting on Shell (W1) W1 = Corroded Shell + Shell Insulation = 32204.56 + 0 = 32204.56 kg ■ Dead Load of Shell minus CA and Any Load Minus CA other than Roof Plate minus CA Acting on Shell (W2) W2 = Corroded Shell + Shell Insulation + Corroded Roof Plate supported by Shell +Roof Dead Load Supported By shell = 32204.56 + 0 + 10359.9 + = 42564.48 kg ■Dead Load of New Shell and any Dead Load other than roof plate acting on shell (W3) W3 = New Shell + Shell Insulation = 40459.17 + 0 = 40459.17 kg UPLIFT CASE U = ((P-0.08*t_h)*D^2 *785)-W1 = (( 1 - 0.08 * 5 )* 18.29 ^2 * 785 ) = -158078.291 N bt = U / N = -6586.6 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 105 MPa A_s_r = N.A, Since Load per bolt is zero U = ((Pt-0.08*t_h)*D^2 *785)-W1 = (( 1 - 0.08 * 5 )* 18.29 ^2 * 785 ) = -158078.291 N bt = U / N = -6586.6 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 140 MPa A_s_r = N.A, Since Load per bolt is zero



Not Applicable since if there is knuckle on tank roof, or tank roof is not frangible Pf (Failure pressure per F.6) = N.A.

= 0.086 * 18.29 ^2 * 785+ (4* 124.5 / 18.29 ) = -394588.405 N bt = U / N = -16441.2 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 0.8 * Fy = 578.4 MPa A_s_r = N.A, Since Load per bolt is zero


U = (4 *Mrw/D) -W2*(1-0.4*Av) = ( 4 * 38976221.09 / 18.29 )- 42564.48 * ( 1 - 0.4 * = 8484120.84 N bt = U / N = 353505 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 0.8 * Fy = 578.4 MPa A_s_r = bt/Sd = 353505 / 578.4 2 = 611.177 mm

0.1 )

U = ((0.4P+PWR-0.008th)*D^2*785)+(4*MWH/D)-W1 = ((0.4* 1 + 0.144 - 0.08 * 5 ) * 18.29 ^2*785)+ ( 4* 124.5 / 18.29 )- 32204.56 = 5524.28 N bt = U / N = 230.178 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 0.8 * Fy = 578.4 MPa A_s_r = bt/Sd = 230.18 / 578.40 2 = 0.40 mm U = ((0.4P-0.08th)*D^2*785)+(4*Mrw/D)-W1(1-04Av) = ((0.4 * 1 - 0 .08 * 5 ) * 18.29 ^2 *785)+(4* 38976221.09 /18.29) 315604.69 ( 1 - 0.4* 0.1 ) = 8222002.24 N bt = U / N = 342583.43 N ■ Bolt Area Required (A_s_r) Allowable Design Stress (Sd) = 0.8 * Fy = 578.4 MPa A_s_r = bt/Sd = 342583 / 578.4 2 = 592.29 mm Not Applicable since if there is knuckle on tank roof, or tank roof is not frangible Pf (Failure pressure per F.6) = N.A.

MIANG BESAR COAL TERMINAL Doc. No. : Job. No. : CALCULATION FOR STORAGE TANK Rev. No. : Date : Reference spec.: Process & Piping Specification Engineer : Tjo ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN ANCHOR BOLT DESIGN (CONT'd) ANCHOR BOLT SUMMERY 2 Bolt Root area required = 611.177 mm Bolt Diameter (d) = 38 mm Thread Pitch = 4 mm Pitch Angle = 60 q Anchor Bolt Corrosion Allowance = 1 mm ■ Minimum Root Diameter ( d ) dmin = SQRT (A_s_r*4/PI) = SQRT( 611.177 * 4 / PI) = 27.9 mm ■ Actual Root Diameter (d_root) d_root = d - 2 * p *0.64952 = 38 - 2 * 4 * 0.64952 = 32.8 d_root + CA = 33.8 Because d_root + CA ≥ d_min , then Bolt diameter meets requirements



Process & Piping Specification

Doc. No. : Job. No. : Rev. No. : Date : Engineer : Tjo

INPUT BOTTOM DATA Bottom Plate Material SMYS Roof of Tank Material (Fyr) Allowable Design Strees (F) Density (U) Bottom Plate Corrosion Allowance Joint Coefficient Annular Ring Material Annular Ring Corrosion Allowance Maximum Liquid Level Design Pressure at Top of Tank (Pe)


= ASTM A-36 = 250 MPa = 160 MPa 3 = 7865 kg/m = 2.5 mm = 0.85 = ASTM A-36 = 2.5 mm = 12.12 m = 1 kPa

Flat bottom-Annular Bottom Plate Thickness = Flat Bottom Plate Outside Diameter (OD) = Annular Bottom Plate Thickness = Annular Ring Width = DATA Water Density (at Temp = Grafity (g)

10 ° C ) ( U)

= =

9 18.45 9 800

mm m mm mm

3 998 kg/m 2 9.8 m/s

OUTPUT BOTTOM CALCULATION CALCULATION OF STRESS PER API 650 5.5.1 Bottom 1st Shell Course Thickness (t_1) = 9 mm Shell Plate Corrosion Allowance (CA) = 1 mm Nominal Tank Diameter (D) = 18.29 m Design specific grafity of the liquid to be store = 0.835 Effective Liquid head at design Pressure (H') H' = H + 1000Pe/UgG = 12.12 + 1000 * 1 / ( 998 x 9.8 x 0.835 ) = 12.24 m Hydrostatic Test Stress in Bottom (1st) Shell Course (St) 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G St = t_1 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 12.24 - 0.3) x 0.835 = 9 = 101.79 MPa Product Design Stress in Bottom (1st) Shell Course 4.9D(H'-0.3)*G Sd = (t_1-CA) 4.9 x 18.29 x ( 12.24 - 0.3) x 1.000 = ( 9 - 1 ) = 137.14 MPa ■ Non Annular Bottom Plate t_min = 6 + CA = 6 + 2.5 = 8.5 mm (Per Section 5.4.1) t_Calc = 9 mm ■ Annular Bottom Plate per API 650 5.5.3 Table 5-1b t_min_annular_ring = 6 + CA = 6 + 3 = 8.5 mm t_actual_annular_ring = 9 mm MINIMUM ANNULAR BOTTOM PLATES PER API 650 5.5.2 Minimum Annular Ring Width (W_int) W_int = 215*t_min_annular_ring/SQRT(H*G) = 215 * 6.00 / SQRT ( 12.24 * 0.835 ) = 403.46 mm W_int = 600 mm minimum per API 650 section 5.5.2 W_int = 600.0 mm W_actual_internal = 799.8 mm

FLAT BOTTOM PLATE SUMMARY Bottom Plate Material = ASTM A-36 t_required = 8.5 mm t_actual = 9 mm Annular Bottom Plate Material = ASTM A-36 Minimum Annular Ring Thickness = 8.5 mm t_annular_ring = 9 mm Minimum Annular Ring Width = 600 mm W_annular_Ring = 800 mm ■ Weight of Bottom Plate Bottom Plate Area = PI / 4 * (D-2*t_1-2*W_actual)^2 = PI / 4 * ( 18.29 - 2 * 0.009 - 2 * 0.8 ) ^ 2 2 = 218.26 m Annular_Area = PI /4 * OD ^ 2 - Bottom Area = PI / 4 * 18.45 ^ 2 - 218.263 2 = 49.09 m New_Weight = Density*t_bottom*Bottom Area + Density*t_annular*Annular Area = 7865 * 0.009 * 218.26 + 7865 * 0.009 * 49.09 = 18924.5 kg Corr_Weigth = Density*t_bottom*Bottom Area + Density*t_annular*Annular Area = 7865 * 0.0065 * 218.26 + 7865 * 0.0065 * 49.09 = 13667.7 kg

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