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Stop thief!
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Stop thief!
Exercise 1 Complete the captions for the story with suitable verbs in the past simple tense. a. It was pour pouriing with with rra ain one day and Penny was bor bored. ed. She ................................... to bake some cakes but ................................... t tha hat her cupboard w wa as empty, so she
................................... to go to the store. b. She ................................... into her car and ................................... to the store. c. She ................................... the car and ................................... into the store, but she
................................... to lock the car door. d. As she was waiting to pay for her groceries, she ................................... out of the window. Someone was trying to steal her car! e. She ................................... out of the store but her car was already disappearing down the road. f. She ................................... for her groceries and ................................... to the police station. g. She was waiting to talk to a policeman at the desk and she was looking out of the window, when she ................................... her car arrive. h. A policeman ................................... into the station with a young man and said: 'I almost cra cr ash shed ed into him whil while eh he e was dri driving ving at ni ninety nety thr throug ough the middl iddle e of to town! wn! I tthink hink it it's 's a stolen car!'
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Stop thief!
Exercise 2 The captio ptions ns are in the c cor orrrect or orde derr, bu butt tthe he pictur pictures es aren en’t. ’t. Ma Match tch the p pict ictures ures to tthe he captio ptions ns.. a b c d e f g h
Exercise 3 Read the story captions again and underline all the verbs in the past continuous tense (wa was s… ing ing).
Exercise 4 The completed story shows different uses of the past simple and the past continuous. Complete the chart like the examples given. examples
Sequen Se quence ce o off events iin n tthe he past
got, drove
Background information to a narrative
was pouring
past simple
past continuous
An action which interrupts another
An action which is interrupted by another
Two Tw o action ions taking place at the same ti tim me
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Stop thief!
Exercise 5 Complete the sentences with a suitable verb in either the past simple or the past continuous. 1. Jane ................................... t the he dishes when she ................................... the news. 2. Jo Joh hn ................................... his work for the evening and then he ................................... to bed. 3. It was a typical winter's day: snow ................................... and people ................................... their hats and gloves. 4. He ................................... his leg while he ................................... to catch the bus. 5. Th The ey ................................... t the he game o off c chess hess they ................................... , then then they
................................... the house house and ................................... to the local restaurant, where they ................................... their friends. 6. W hile h he e ................................... to the conference centre, he ................................... the the spee speech ch again.
Exercise 6 Join the two halves of the sentences below.
a They were listening to music
as she was stroking it.
b As As he was rrea eading the paper
when they noticed the thief.
c They drove to the station
and the cat was sitti ting ng on tthe he rrug ug.
d The fire was burning brightly
he was eati ting ng his ttoast oast and d drrinki nking ng his ttea ea. 4
e The dog bit the child's hand
then they left the car and took the train.
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Stop thief!
Exercise 7 W or ork k in p pa airs, irs, A an and d B to tell a stor story y fr from om pro prom mpts. Be carefu efull The pro prom mpts are not in the correct order. Student A: look at the prompts 1 to 3. Student B: look at the prompts 4 to 6. Make Ma ke s sen entence tences s about your pr prom ompts pts in or orde derr to be able to ttell ell pa parrts of a s sto torry. Tell your partner your par parts of tthe he sto storry – you are the person who se sees es the fir fire e and call calls s the fir fire e servi ervice. ce. Toge ogether ther,, put your sentences in the correct order to tell the full story. Student A prompts // =new sentence 1. 7:30 in the morning / sun shine / leave home to go to work 2. sta stand nd & wa watch tch fir fire e / wa wait it for fir fire e dep depa artm tment ent to arrive // people run out of apartm tment ent b buil uilding ding // smoke pour fr from om windows 3. he hea ar sh shout out from above // wom woma an stand at top-fl top-floo oorr window // shout shout ‘Help’ // not able to get out Student B prompts /4/. =pa new ss asentence n apartme tment nt bu buililding ding near ho hous use e / noti notice ce smoke // see man at ground-fl ound-floo oorr w window indow // shout shout ‘fir ‘fire’ e’ // call fi firre de depa partm tmen entt on c cell ell ph phone one 5. later tha that day / coo cook k dinne dinnerr / do door orbell bell rring ing // woman fr from om apartme tment nt bu buililding ding sta stand nd at doo doorr // thank me & give me hu hug ge box o off choco chocollates 6. fir fire e engine arrive / fi firremen put la ladde dderr up to wi window ndow // rescue escue wom woma an & car carry her down // then put out fire
Exercise 8 Complete the sentences below with the verbs in brackets, using either the past simple or the past continuous tense. 1. Th The e tele lev vision ................................... a strange noise all evening while I ................................... it. (make, watch) 2. Th The e Ch Chin inese vase ................................... off the table and ................................... as it hit the hard floor. (fall, break) 3.
She ................................... the road when the car ................................... her. (cross, hit)
4. Th The e sun ................................... and the birds ................................... in the trees. (rise, sing) 5.
I ................................... a really good sleep until you ................................... me. (have, wake)
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Stop thief! TEACHER’S NOTES & KEY Aim: To distinguish between the past simple and past continuous tenses, particularly with Aim: To reference to interrupted actions, and particularly in order to be able to build a narrative. Topics: N Topics: Na arrati tive ves s about a car theft and a fir fire. e. Lesson phases: Exer Exerci cises ses 1 1--4 20 mins; Exer Exerci cises ses 5 & 6 1 10 0 mins; Exer Exerci cise se 7 1 15 5 mins; Exer Exerci cise se 8 10 mins. Total 55 mins. Exercise 1 The Th e pic ictture stor ory y is a pictor oria ial rep repre res sentati tio on which ich shows a simple narrative. Th The e students have enough information in the gapped story to be able to supply the verbs and order the pictures. You Yo u might find it useful to ask the students to cut out the pic ictu tures res and captio ion ns, once they have filled in the gaps, to make the ordering easier and to get a better sense of the continuity of the story. stor y. This is obviously de depe pend nden entt on y your our rres esour ources ces. Allllow ow a about bout ten minutes for the first ttwo wo exercises so that there is plenty of time for the analysis. 5 6 7 8
1 sta starrted / decided decided,, noti noticed ced / saw, de decided cided 2 got ot,, dr drove ove 3 parked, ran / wen went, t, for forg got 4 looked Exercise 2 a b c d e f g h
ran paid, went saw / noti noticed ced came / walked
3 8 5 2 6 1 7 4
Exercise 3 The Th e answers are in the capti tio ons. Exercise 4 exampl ples es Sequence Sequen ce o off events iin n tthe he past Background information to a narrative An action which interrupts another An action which is interrupted by another Two Tw o action ions taking place at the same ti tim me
got, drove was pouring looked out was waiting to pay was waiting, was looking out
past simple
past continuous
W hich wor word d can intr introduce oduce an inter interrrup upted ted action? ction?a as W hich wor word d ca can n intr introduce oduce an inter interrrup upti ting ng actio ction? n?when when Note: An Note: An interrupted action can also be introduced by As, when or or while : As / Whe When n / While I was looking out of the window, I noticed ... You Yo ur students may use diff ifferen rent examples from rom the ones above in their analysis. Al Allo low w any that are cor corrrect. It migh ightt be ne necess cessary to do tthis his analysis wit with h the s students tudents as it iis sq quit uite e compli plica cated ted if they find it difficult.
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Stop thief! Exercise 5 Key The Th e verbs rbs here are only suggestion ions. Allo Allow w any suita itable verbs rbs. 1 was doi doing ng, h hea eard 2 fini finish shed, ed, went 3 was fall falliing, were wearing 4 br bro oke, was running 5 fini finish shed, ed, we werre p play laying ing,, left left,, wen went, t, m met et 6 was dr driiving, was reading (co (could uld a also lso be read if if referring to a completed action) Exercise 6 a2 b 4 c 5 d 3 e l Exercise 7 This Th is exerc rcis ise gives practice ice in the tw two o ten tenses examine ined here and practic tice in formin ing g a narrativ tive using past tens tenses. The s students tudents wor work k iin n pair irs s wit with h a number o off pr prom ompts pts tel telliling ng half a sto torry each, which they they h ha ave to pu putt ttog ogethe etherr or ora ally. lly. Fol Follo low w this pro proced cedure: ure: tell the students to divide into pairs, A and B each student looks at the relevant prompts and writes them into correct sentences. Ensure that they are aware of the need to use the two past tenses and the fact that the prompts are not in •
the correct order each student tells his/her part of the story to his/her partner in narrative form. Monitor for use of the tenses and for narrative form. Ensure that they are using the pronounI pronoun I the pairs decide the correct order for the story. They then retell the story as a complete narrative ask one or two pairs to tell their stories to the class: the other students correct the students could write up the story, or write a similar story, for homework. Key The Th e cor orre rec ct ord rde er is 1, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5. •
Exercise 8 1 was maki king ng, was watchi watching ng 2 fell, bro broke ke 3 wa was s crossing crossing, hit 4 was risi ising ng, were s siinging 5 was having, wo woke ke
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