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a research proposal on spiral progression approach in Science...


CHALLENGES AND PRACTICES ON THE IMPLEMENT IMPLEMENTA ATION OF SPIRAL PROGRESSION IN SCIENCE Introduction The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a major education reform implemented in 2012

in the Philippines. It serves as a response to the urgent need to improve the qualit of Philippine  !asic education. The K"12 program aims at #decongesting and enhancing the !asic education curriculum for learners to master !asic competencies$ lengthening the ccle of !asic education to cover %indergarten through ear 12& '(E)*E+ '(E)*E+ I,,+TE-$ 2012/ 1 K"12 stands for universal %indergarten$ si ' ears of elementar and si ' ears of  second sec ondar ar educ educati ation. on. 3 all of 4hi 4hich ch are com compul pulsor sor . Pri Prior or to the imp implem lement entati ation on of K"1 K"12 2  program in 2012$ !asic education in the Philippines onl had four '5 ears of secondar education. +n top of the lengthening of the !asic education ccle$ the curricula of the su!jects in this ne4 program differ from those of the old one. )s a 4hole$ the Philippine K to 12 science curr cu rric icul ulum um is le lear arner ner"c "cent enter ered ed and in inqu quir ir" "!a !ase sed$ d$ em empha phasi si6i 6ing ng th thee us usee of ev evid idenc encee in constr con struct ucting ing epl eplanat anation ions. s. 7nl 7nli%e i%e in the old cur curric riculu ulum m 4he 4here re lea learni rning ng ten tended ded to !e mor moree focused on fragmented and disintegrated content$ K to 12 curriculum fosters the development of  critical thin%ing$ creative thin%ing$ pro!lem solving$ team"4or% and informational literac . The K"1 K"12 2 cur curric riculu ulum m fol follo4 lo4ss the spi spiral ral appr approac oach. h. )ccording to *artin '2008$ spiral curriculum is a design frame4or% 4hich 4ill help science teachers construct lessons$ activities or   projects that target the development of thin%ing s%ills and dispositions 4hich do not stop at identification. It involves progression and continuit in learning science. Progression descri!es  pupils& personal journes through education and 4as$ in 4hich the acquire$ appl and develop their s%ills$ %no4ledge and understanding in increasingl challenging situations. -ontinuit is concerned 4ith 4as in 4hich the education sstem structures eperience and provides sufficient

challenge and progress for learners in a recogni6a!le curricular landscape. Therefore$ spiral  progression approach is an approach or a 4a on ho4 to implement the spiral curriculum. )fter the master of the initial topic$ the student 9spirals up4ards: as the ne4 %no4ledge is introduced in the net lesson$ ena!ling him;her to reinforce 4hat is alread learned. In the end$ a rich !readth and depth of %no4ledge is achieved. ourth ear 4as Phsics. o4ever$ in ne4 secondar science curriculum implemented last 2012$ the concept of those four major areas are  !eing taught all at the same time. Each ear students are eposed to spiral progression approach$ 4herein the four areas are !eing taught per grading period. )side from that$ integrated science 4as changed into Earth (cience. Science education and scientific literacy are essential to the success of the nation. A scientifically literate nation can help assure a free and democratic society, an economically viable society, and a healthy society. *an pro!lems in life involve scientific eplanations and  processes. >or this reason$ an understanding of science and scientific approach is essential in ma%ing intelligent decisions '?ealuo$ 200. (cience su!ject diverge into separate disciplines

in secondar education.

This necessitates teachers 4ith %no4ledge in all these areas at a

sufficient level. Background of th Stud! The K to 12$ on top of its rationale for implementation$ aims to help graduates acquire

master of !asic competencies and !e glo!all competitive. 7ndenia!l$ the science curriculum has a !ig role to pla in achieving these aims. (cience education aims to develop scientific literac among students that 4ill prepare them to !e informed and participative citi6ens 4ho are a!le to ma%e judgments that ma have social$ health$ or environmental impact. B scientific literac 4e refer to 'a scientific %no4ledge and use of that %no4ledge to identif questions$ acquire ne4 %no4ledge$ eplain scientific phenomena and dra4 evidence"!ased conclusions a!out science"related issues@ '! understanding of the characteristic features of science as a form of human %no4ledge and inquir@ 'c a4areness of ho4 science and technolog shape our  material$ intellectual and cultural environments@ and$ 'd 4illingness to engage in science"related issues$ and 4ith the ideas of science$ as a reflective citi6en.
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