Steve G. Jones - Cinema Effect Report

April 26, 2017 | Author: craig007 | Category: N/A
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First off, thanks so much for downloading this report! I’m incredibly excited for you because what I’m going to share here will be nothing short of powerful. I’m going to come outright and say it. THIS can change your life. Especially how your future will play out. So pay attention because today, I’m going to share with you the Cinema Effect. Let’s start. Imagine for a second that you could watch a movie of your life. You’d see yourself on the big screen. You’d see yourself age, work, play, interact, and react to different scenarios. Here’s the best part though. If you don’t like what you see, you can rewrite the script, cast new actors, and change the plot. This isn’t just a movie though. This is your life. What you see in this Cinema translates directly to your waking current reality. So if you don’t like how your life story is playing out, with the Cinema Effect, you have the ability to change it!

SO HOW DO YOU GO ABOUT ACCESSING YOUR LIFE MOVIE? Well, crystal balls are not the solution. In order for you to look into the future to see what lies ahead so you can make the right decisions, you have to access a new dimension. This dimension is the Akashic Records. And how you get there is through Astral Projection. Let me illustrate the power of the Akashic Records by diving deeper into the Cinema Effect.


THERE ARE 3 REACTIONS TO THE CINEMA EFFECT: 1. You can sit back and watch the entire movie projected before you and take in the parts you like or don't like about it. You are a passive viewer. 2. Or you can watch the entire movie, mumble and grumble about the parts you hate, blame it on the actors, the cameraman or the weather, but do nothing to change it. This is a passive aggressive viewer. 3. Now, let's imagine another alternative. You walk into the theater with a remote control, press forward to save you time and have a quick preview of the whole story. And if you don't like a particular scene or dialogue, this remote control will allow you to rewrite the scene, redirect the movie, recast the actors, edit and change the story.



In many ways, the Akashic Records work the same way as the remote control in the Cinema Effect. These Records give you valuable information about your life before it happens in the real world. They allow you to preview the future that awaits you. But more importantly, accessing the Akashic Records lets you change your future. Like the three different options given above, you can either sit back and accept what life dishes out to you, you can go through life mumbling and grumbling without changing anything about it, or you can do something about it. You can pick up a remote control, access the Akashic Records, and fast forward into your future to see what awaits you there. And if you spot anything in your future that doesn't resonate with you, you can change the script or the direction of your life to produce the end results you want. Everything about your life and your soul can be found in the Akashic Records. Past, present, and future. And the only way to gain access to these records is through Astral Projection.

"It is relatively simple to traverse time while on the astral plane. All one needs to do is focus on a specified period of time in the "past" or "future", and he or she will be instantaneously transported there." Dr. Bruce Goldberg in his book Astral Voyages

YOUR LIFE’S HIDDEN LIBRARY OF THE PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE The Akashic Records are the ‘Hidden Library’ first referred to in the 2500-year old Sanskrit language. Beyond our physical world is a storage space that keeps the records of every soul that has existed or will exist. The Akashic Records are a universal filing system where every human thought, emotion, action and experience is recorded from the beginning of time. The records are written on a substance called 'akasha' or somniferous ether. This substance, which is combined with earth, water, air, and fire represent the five human senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste.


Now, imagine this library as a Universal Wide Web. It is a subconscious databank with information of every being that has ever lived. If you are able to access this memory bank, you'll be able to look into your past memories in this life and your lives before this. You can also access your future, the future of any living being, and of the planet. This library has been known throughout the centuries by the most intuitive minds and powerful psychics. This is why more enlightened beings are able to know the intimate details of a total stranger, understand the boundless wisdom of life as well as the world, and about the past and future of other beings.


CAN YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE WHEN IT HAS ALREADY BEEN WRITTEN IN THE AKASHIC RECORDS? Yes. Your future is not fixed in stone. Hence, the preview of your life changes according to the changes you make right now. Just like a movie, every change you make to the script will gradually change the entire plot of the movie. But if you change nothing in your life now, you can be certain without needing to watch the entire movie again that the ending will stay the same. In this sense, Astral Projection allows you to see the future if you change nothing in your present. But if you don't like the end results, you can start making changes that will inevitably change the entire story-line of your life. You can also go back and forth with each decision you make just to see how that decision will reflect on your future.


This is the reason why many astral projectors have acute foresight and spot-on intuition, which have helped them in areas such as investments, love, career, wealth, health and making fast and effective future calls.


WHAT IF THE FUTURE YOU SEE ISN'T THE FUTURE YOU WANT? Quite frankly, the future is not fixed. The reason you are reading this right now, clearly shows your belief that our fate is not sealed. In the greater theater that we call life, we are the directors of our own future and we can change it with the power of our thoughts, beliefs and intentions. “I believe each human being has the potential to change, to transform one’s own attitude, no matter how difficult the situation.” -Dalai Lama “There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them.” - Anthony De Mello

But 'What if I find myself with a totally different partner in the future?' Or 'What if I see my future self in a career that I have absolutely no passion for?'


While you may have some fears about looking into the future, remember that, ultimately, you are the director of your own life. Reality is created by thought projection into the physical world. In other words, your thoughts, beliefs and intentions create your reality. If you see yourself being stuck in a job you'll hate or losing the partner you have now, thank your lucky stars you were able to use Astral Projection to see it coming. You can then take the appropriate steps to act on or avoid certain mistakes you might have made if you never knew. Remember, whatever happens in ‘real’ time, happens in the astral world first. You have time to change it or stop it from happening. Once you take that lead, the rest will follow.


LEARN ASTRAL PROJECTION AND GET READY FOR ACTION As you learn Astral Projection, you can command your astral body to leave your physical one at will, then travel the astral worlds in search of answers. If you want a future that's smooth-flowing, successful and abundant, knowing how to read your Akashic Records can help you: 1) Sharpen your decision making abilities Imagine what your life would be like if you could access your private library of data and make incredibly successful decisions. No longer would you be living your life doubting your choices or regretting your actions. No longer would you spend hours or sleepless nights weighing the pros and cons of your decisions. Instead, you will be making clear, accurate and confident decisions within a second's notice. And you will astonish others with timely, smart moves in your career, love life, health, wealth and any other area because you possess intense foresight. 2) Increase spirituality Many who have experienced astral projection or out-of-body travel report profound insights into their spiritual nature with a stronger connection to their spiritual essence.


I WAS ABLE TO FLOAT OUT OF MY BODY ” I was able to float out of my body when I felt these sensations, by relaxing my body and focusing my mind. It was just a matter of falling asleep in a conscious way, to catch the moment when I naturally left my body. I also discovered that we can move around outside the body, fly, pass through walls and solid objects – I even passed through the planet once and came out on the other side! I found a whole new side to life, and sleep became a great adventure, a time for discovery and exploration. Now my nights are much more interesting – and I don’t leave the light on either. ~ Matthew, Perth, Australia

NOW WITH STEVE G JONES TECHNIQUE I CAN HAVE AN O.B.E ANYTIME I WANT “I want to thanks Steve G Jones for his Astral Projection techniques. O.B.E is natural for me but I didn’t have the right technique before to use and have successful O.B.E. Now with Steve G Jones technique I can have an O.B.E anytime I want. It works perfectly. Thanks again!” ~ Gerard Osando

! 3) Heighten ESP skills Imagine living life as a highly intuitive being. You'll be able to know things before they appear in real time. You'll be able to navigate your path with expert intuitive guidance. You'll also know how to make the right choices and take the right actions to sidestep future problems. In his book, Astral Projection and Psychic Empowerment, Dr. Joe H. Slate discussed a study he conducted to investigate ESP during out-of-body experiences. Through various tests, the subjects showed significant improvements in telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance when compared to pre-test, ESP performances. On average, the accuracy of ALL forms of ESP improved around 50% during the out-of-body state.

LEAD ME DEEPER AND DEEPER THROUGH LAYERS OF CONSCIOUSNESS “Steve G. Jones has the voice to lead me deeper and deeper through layers of consciousness - giving me my best opportunity for freedom in the astral planes.” ~ JoEllen LaVeigne


Your All-Access Ticket To The Hidden Library The timeless wisdom of the Akashic Records is yours for the taking when you learn Astral Projection. The good news is, mastering this fascinating skill is easier than you think. So if you're ready to awaken your intuition, make better decisions and finally be the director of your own life... Come and join me on an eye-opening journey that will change everything. You're invited to my FREE Astral Projection online training session! I've helped tens of thousands of people tap into the elusive Akashic Records through the art of Astral Projection. Now let me help YOU. Check your inbox tomorrow and find out more about this exclusive event. See you on the other side!

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