Stereochemistry in Pharmacy and Drug Therapy

June 26, 2016 | Author: klmnt | Category: Types, School Work
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Short Description

Brief highschool presentation on an introduction to stereochemistry and chiralty...


Stereochemistry Importance of Chirality in Pharmacy


(S)-(+)-Lactic acid

 

R/S notation E/Z notation

(R)-(-)-Lactic acid

Diastereomers D-Threoe


Racemate vs Enantiopure  

Racemate/ Racemic mi!t"re Enantiop"re/ Enantiomerically p"re

Racemate    

In a "r#ey of $%&' dr" $*, ere ynthetically o.tained &% contained one or more chiral center %%01 ere "ed a a racemate

Enantiomers in Biological Systems


Contergan  Thalidomide .ecame an over the counter dr" in 3ermany on $5 $6&,

Shortly after the dr" a old5 in 3ermany5 .eteen &5''' and ,5''' infant ere .orn ith phocomelia (malformation of the lim.)

 Thro"ho"t the orld5 a.o"t $'5''' cae ere reported of infant ith phocomelia d"e to thalidomide7 only &'1 of the $'5''' "r#i#ed

Contergan  Today5 thalidomide i .ein mar8eted .y Celene mainly a a treatment of certain cancer and of a complication of leproy

Enantiopure  To eparate "nanted e9ect if they reide e!cl"i#ely in one enantiomer Le dr" doae Eaier aement of dr"

 


Disadvantages Comple!ity of proce Cot  Thermodynamically "nta.le ca"in racemi:ation to occ"r

  

e Thalidomide "nderoe racemi:ation in a;"eo" media

Conclusion 

Enantiomerically p"re dr" are enarally preferred o#er racemate Diad#antae lie at the cot and the technoloy needed to eparate the enantiomer

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