Steps to Create Tree Control

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Steps to create Tree control 1. Creation of basic ALV tree (using objects) 2. Add user defined buttons to ALV tree toolbar 3.

Process other user interaction (i.e. double click)

Main Steps to create ALV Tree (Using Objects) The ALV tree report produces uses OBJECT METHOD functionality in-order to produce a Tree structured ALV output. The creation of an ALV tree report first requires the creation of a simple program to build the ALV Details such as the field catalog and to call a screen which will be used to display the ALV Tree. The screen should be created with a 'custom control' where you wish the ALV tree report to appear. For the following example it will have the name 'SCREEN_CONTAINER'. Creation of Main Program code, Data declaration and screen call Creation of 'INCLUDES' to store ALV tree code Create Screen along with PBO and PAI modules for screen Define OK CODE (SY-UCOMM) variable Add screen control to PAI module (INCLUDE Z......I01) Create pf-status Once you have the main program code in place to call the screen which will display the ALV tree, you now need to setup the actual ALV tree and populate it. As this is screen Based (dialog) the display coding will be performed within the PBO screen module. Therefore you need to add the following processes to the PBO (STATUS_0100) module Of the screen. Create Custom control Create Container Create Object in Container Build report header Set ALV tree table for first display Create ALV Tree Hierarchy ABAP code listing of PBO (...O01) and FORM (...F01) includes should now look like this


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Example Output from ALV tree display

Creation of Main Program code, Data declaration and screen call

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDEMO_ALVTREE * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& * *& Example of a simple ALV Grid Report * *& ................................... * *& * *& The basic requirement for this demo is to display a number of



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*& fields from the EKPO and EKKO table in a tree structure. *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Amendment History * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdemo_alvgrid . *Data Declaration *---------------TABLES: ekko. TYPE-POOLS: slis.


"ALV Declarations

TYPES: BEGIN OF t_ekko, ebeln TYPE ekpo-ebeln, ebelp TYPE ekpo-ebelp, statu TYPE ekpo-statu, aedat TYPE ekpo-aedat, matnr TYPE ekpo-matnr, menge TYPE ekpo-menge, meins TYPE ekpo-meins, netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr, peinh TYPE ekpo-peinh, END OF t_ekko. DATA: it_ekko TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, it_ekpo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, it_emptytab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_ekko INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_ekko TYPE t_ekko, wa_ekpo TYPE t_ekko. DATA: ok_code like sy-ucomm, save_ok like sy-ucomm.


*ALV data declarations DATA: fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_t_fcat WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: gd_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, gd_tab_group TYPE slis_t_sp_group_alv, gd_layout TYPE slis_layout_alv. *ALVtree data declarations CLASS cl_gui_column_tree DEFINITION LOAD. CLASS cl_gui_cfw DEFINITION LOAD. DATA: gd_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_tree, gd_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr, gd_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader, gd_logo TYPE sdydo_value, gd_variant TYPE disvariant. *Create container for alv-tree DATA: gd_tree_container_name(30) TYPE c, gd_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.


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************************************************************************ *Includes *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEO01. "Screen PBO Modules *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEI01. "Screen PAI Modules *INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEF01. "ABAP Subroutines(FORMS) ************************************************************************ *Start-of-selection. START-OF-SELECTION. * ALVtree setup data PERFORM data_retrieval. PERFORM build_fieldcatalog. PERFORM build_layout. PERFORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING gd_hierarchy_header. PERFORM build_report_title USING gd_report_title gd_logo. PERFORM build_variant. * Display ALVtree report call screen 100. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form DATA_RETRIEVAL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Retrieve data into Internal tables *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM data_retrieval. SELECT ebeln UP TO 10 ROWS FROM ekko INTO corresponding fields of TABLE it_ekko. loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. SELECT ebeln ebelp statu aedat matnr menge meins netpr peinh FROM ekpo appending TABLE it_ekpo where ebeln eq wa_ekko-ebeln. endloop. ENDFORM. " DATA_RETRIEVAL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build Fieldcatalog for ALV Report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_fieldcatalog. * Please not there are a number of differences between the structure of * ALVtree fieldcatalogs and ALVgrid fieldcatalogs. * For example the field seltext_m is replace by scrtext_m in ALVtree. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELN'.

"Field name in itab


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fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Purchase Order'. "Column text fieldcatalog-col_pos = 0. "Column position fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. "Column width fieldcatalog-emphasize = 'X'. "Emphasize (X or SPACE) fieldcatalog-key = 'X'. "Key Field? (X or SPACE) * fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'. "Sum Column? * fieldcatalog-no_zero = 'X'. "Don't display if zero APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'EBELP'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'PO Iten'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 1. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'STATU'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Status'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 2. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'AEDAT'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Item change date'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 3. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MATNR'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Material Number'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 4. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MENGE'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'PO quantity'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 5. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'MEINS'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Order Unit'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 6. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'NETPR'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Net Price'.


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fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 7. fieldcatalog-datatype = 'CURR'. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. fieldcatalog-fieldname = 'PEINH'. fieldcatalog-scrtext_m = 'Price Unit'. fieldcatalog-outputlen = 15. fieldcatalog-col_pos = 8. APPEND fieldcatalog TO gd_fieldcat.. CLEAR fieldcatalog. ENDFORM. " BUILD_FIELDCATALOG *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build layout for ALV grid report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_layout. gd_layout-no_input = 'X'. gd_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'. gd_layout-totals_text = 'Totals'(201). * gd_layout-totals_only = 'X'. * gd_layout-f2code = 'DISP'. "Sets fcode for when double * "click(press f2) * gd_layout-zebra = 'X'. * gd_layout-group_change_edit = 'X'. * gd_layout-header_text = 'helllllo'. ENDFORM. " BUILD_LAYOUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form build_hierarchy_header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * build hierarchy-header-information *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_L_HIERARCHY_HEADER structure for hierarchy-header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING p_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr. p_hierarchy_header-heading = 'Hierarchy Header'(013). p_hierarchy_header-tooltip = 'This is the Hierarchy Header !'(014). p_hierarchy_header-width = 30. p_hierarchy_header-width_pix = ''. ENDFORM. " build_hierarchy_header *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_REPORT_TITLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build table for ALVtree header *----------------------------------------------------------------------*


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* p1 Header details * p2 Logo value *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_report_title CHANGING pt_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader pa_logo TYPE sdydo_value. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader, ld_date(10) TYPE c. * List Heading Line(TYPE H) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'H'. * ls_line-key "Not Used For This Type(H) ls_line-info = 'PO ALVTree Display'. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Status Line(TYPE S) ld_date(2) = sy-datum+6(2). ld_date+2(1) = '/'. ld_date+3(2) = sy-datum+4(2). ld_date+5(1) = '/'. ld_date+6(4) = sy-datum(4). ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-key = 'Date'. ls_line-info = ld_date. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Action Line(TYPE A) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'A'. CONCATENATE 'Report: ' sy-repid INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY space. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. ENDFORM. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_VARIANT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build variant *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form build_variant. * Set repid for storing variants gd_variant-report = sy-repid. endform. " BUILD_VARIANT

Creation of 'INCLUDES' to store ALV tree code Three includes need to be created in-order to store the ABAP code required for the ALVtree report.


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Typically these will be one for the PBO modules, one for PAI modules and one for the subroutines(FORMs): *Includes include zdemo_alvtreeo01. "Screen PBO Modules include zdemo_alvtreei01. "Screen PAI Modules include zdemo_alvtreef01. "ABAP Subroutines (FORMS) If you are using the code provide within the ALV tree section of this web site simply create the includes by un-commenting the 'Includes' section within the code (see below) and double clicking on the name i.e. 'zdemo_alvtreeo01'. Obviously these can be renamed. ************************************************************************ *Includes *include zdemo_alvtreeo01. "Screen PBO Modules *include zdemo_alvtreei01. "Screen PAI Modules *include zdemo_alvtreef01. "ABAP Subroutines(FORMS) ************************************************************************ *Start-of-selection. start-of-selection.

Create Screen along with PBO and PAI modules for screen The next step is to create screen 100, to do this double click on the '100' within the call screen command (Call screen 100.). Enter short description and select 'Normal' as screen type. To create the PBO and PAI modules insert that code below into the screen's flow logic. Much of this code should automatically have been inserted during screen creation but with the module lines commented out. Simple remove the comments and double click the module name(STATUS_0100 and USER_COMMAND_0100) in-order to create them, this will display the perform/module creation screen. The MODULES are usually created within two includes one ending in 'O01' for PBO modules and One ending in 'I01' for PAI modules (See code below). Please note in order for these includes to be displayed on the creation screen they need to have be created along with the following lines of code added to the main prog(see previous step): INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEO01. "Screen PBO Modules INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEI01. "Screen PAI Modules Otherwise use the 'New Include' entry and SAP will add the necessary line for you. * Screen flow logic code


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PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. MODULE STATUS_0100. * PROCESS AFTER INPUT. MODULE USER_COMMAND_0100. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE Z......O01 . *-------------------------------------------------------------------* *&------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT *&------------------------------------------------------------------* * PBO Module *-------------------------------------------------------------------* module status_0100 output. * SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'. * SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'. endmodule.


*-------------------------------------------------------------------* ***INCLUDE Z......I01 . *-------------------------------------------------------------------* *&------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT *&------------------------------------------------------------------* * PAI Module *-------------------------------------------------------------------* module user_command_0100 input. endmodule.



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Module creation screen

Define OK CODE (SY-UCOMM) variable In order to define the OK CODE you must fist declare a variable of type SY-UCOM and then insert this variable into the OK code declaration within the element list (see screen shot below). If you have used the code contained on the website the ok code should already have been declared as OK_CODE. i.e. OK_CODE like sy-ucomm. Note: there is also a variable called SAVE_OK, it is good practice to store the returned ok code into a work area as soon as you enter the PAI processing.


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Add screen control to PAI module (INCLUDE Z......I01) The following code adds simple screen control to the report and whenever the user presses the cancel, exit or back icon they will exit from the report. It also processes the ALV tree user interactions within the 'others' case statement *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE Z......I01 * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* module user_command_0100 input. DATA return TYPE REF TO cl_gui_event. save_ok = ok_code. case ok_code. when 'EXIT' or 'BACK' or 'CANC'. * Exit program leave to screen 0. * Process ALVtree user actions when others. call method cl_gui_cfw=>get_current_event_object


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receiving event_object = return. call method cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch. endcase. endmodule.


Create Pf-status (screen menu functionality) In order to created the pf-status for the screen you need to un-comment '* SET PFSTATUS ‘xxxxxxxx’ and give it a name. i.e. SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS1'. Step 1

Now double click on 'STATUS1' in-order to create the pf-status. Enter short text, select status type as 'Online status' and click save. Step2

You should now be presented with the status creation screen. Choose 'Adjust template' from the Extras menu (4.6 onwards only). Step 3

Now select 'List status' and click the green tick (see below).

Step 4


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All the basic menu bars/buttons should now have been entered. Now click save then activate. The Pf-status has now been completed.

Create Custom control Via screen painter insert 'custom control' on to screen and give it the name 'SCREEN_CONTROL'. This is where the ALV tree will appear so align appropriately.


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Create Container * Add following code to 'STATUS_0100'(PBO module) *-----------------------------------------------* * Create container for alv-tree PERFORM create_alvtree_container.

* Add following code to 'Z......F01' INCLUDE *-------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_ALVTREE_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create container for alv-tree *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_alvtree_container. l_tree_container_name = 'TREE1'. create object l_custom_container exporting container_name = l_tree_container_name exceptions cntl_error =1 cntl_system_error =2 create_error =3 lifetime_error =4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5. if sy-subrc 0. message x208(00) with 'ERROR'. endif. ENDFORM.

Create Object in Container * Add following code to 'STATUS_0100'(PBO module) *-----------------------------------------------* * Create tree control PERFORM create_object_in_container. * Add following code to 'Z......F01' INCLUDE *-------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_OBJECT_IN_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create ALV tree control *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_object_in_container. create object gd_tree


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exporting parent = gd_custom_container node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single item_selection = 'X' no_html_header = '' no_toolbar = '' exceptions cntl_error =1 cntl_system_error =2 create_error =3 lifetime_error =4 illegal_node_selection_mode = 5 failed =6 illegal_column_name = 7. if sy-subrc 0. message x208(00) with 'ERROR'. endif. ENDFORM.

Build Report Header (Title) ----Add to START-OF-SELECTION Event * Create Report Title PERFORM build_report_title USING gd_report_title gd_logo. ----Add to main prog after START-OF-SELECTION Event *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_REPORT_TITLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build table for ALV tree header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * p1 Header details * p2 Logo value *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_report_title CHANGING pt_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader pa_logo TYPE sdydo_value. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader, ld_date(10) TYPE c. * List Heading Line(TYPE H) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'H'. * ls_line-key "Not Used For This Type(H) ls_line-info = 'PO ALVTree Display'. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Status Line(TYPE S) ld_date(2) = sy-datum+6(2). ld_date+2(1) = '/'. ld_date+3(2) = sy-datum+4(2). ld_date+5(1) = '/'.


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ld_date+6(4) = sy-datum(4). ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-key = 'Date'. ls_line-info = ld_date. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Action Line(TYPE A) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'A'. CONCATENATE 'Report: ' sy-repid INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY space. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. ENDFORM.


Set ALV tree table for first display * Add following code to 'STATUS_0100'(PBO module) *------------------------------------------------* * Create empty ALV tree control ready for first display PERFORM create_empty_alvtree_control. * Add following code to 'Z......F01' INCLUDE *-------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_EMPTY_ALVTREE_CONTROL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create empty tree control *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_empty_alvtree_control. * Create emty tree-control CLEAR: it_emptytab. REFRESH: it_emptytab. CALL METHOD gd_tree->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_hierarchy_header = gd_hierarchy_header it_list_commentary = gd_report_title i_logo = gd_logo * i_background_id = 'ALV_BACKGROUND' i_save = 'A' * is_variant = ls_variant CHANGING it_outtab = it_emptytab "Must be empty it_fieldcatalog = gd_fieldcat. ENDFORM.



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Create ALV tree Hierarchy * Add following code to 'STATUS_0100'(PBO module) *-----------------------------------------------* * Create ALV tree Hierarchy PERFORM create_alvtree_hierarchy. * Add following code to 'Z......F01' INCLUDE *--------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_ALVTREE_HIERARCHY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Builds ALV tree display, (inserts nodes, subnodes etc) *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_alvtree_hierarchy. data: ls_sflight type sflight, lt_sflight type sflight occurs 0. data: ld_ebeln_key type lvc_nkey, ld_ebelp_key type lvc_nkey. loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. perform add_ekko_node using wa_ekko '' changing ld_ebeln_key. loop at it_ekpo into wa_ekpo where ebeln eq wa_ekko-ebeln. perform add_ekpo_line using wa_ekpo ld_ebeln_key changing ld_ebelp_key. endloop. endloop. * calculate totals call method gd_tree->update_calculations. * this method must be called to send the data to the frontend call method gd_tree->frontend_update. endform. " CREATE_ALVTREE_HIERARCHY

ABAP code listing of PBO (...O01) and FORM (...F01) includes should now look like this The following code allows the easy creation of the example ALVtree report. Simply copy and past it into the appropriate includes (PBO and FORM). *----------------------------------------------------------------------*


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***INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEO01. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS 'STATUS1'. * SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'. * If ALV tree already exists then it mush not be re-created as this * will cause a runtime error. IF gd_tree IS INITIAL. * Create ALV tree (must be performed within screen PBO module) PERFORM create_alvtree_container. PERFORM create_object_in_container. PERFORM build_report_title USING gd_report_title gd_logo. PERFORM create_empty_alvtree_control. PERFORM create_alvtree_hierarchy. ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush. ENDMODULE.


*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE ZDEMO_ALVTREEF01 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_ALVTREE_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create container for ALV tree report *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_alvtree_container. * Create container for alv-tree gd_tree_container_name = 'SCREEN_CONTAINER'. create object gd_custom_container exporting container_name = gd_tree_container_name exceptions cntl_error =1 cntl_system_error =2 create_error =3 lifetime_error =4 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5. if sy-subrc 0.



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message x208(00) with 'ERROR'. endif. endform. " CREATE_ALVTREE_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_OBJECT_IN_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create ALV tree object in container *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_object_in_container. * Create tree control create object gd_tree exporting parent = gd_custom_container node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single item_selection = 'X' no_html_header = '' no_toolbar = '' exceptions cntl_error =1 cntl_system_error =2 create_error =3 lifetime_error =4 illegal_node_selection_mode = 5 failed =6 illegal_column_name = 7. if sy-subrc 0. message x208(00) with 'ERROR'. endif. endform. " CREATE_OBJECT_IN_CONTAINER *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form BUILD_REPORT_TITLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build table for ALVtree header *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * p1 Header details * p2 Logo value *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM build_report_title CHANGING pt_report_title TYPE slis_t_listheader pa_logo TYPE sdydo_value. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader, ld_date(10) TYPE c. * List Heading Line(TYPE H) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'H'. * ls_line-key "Not Used For This Type(H) ls_line-info = 'PO ALVTree Display'.


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APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Status Line(TYPE S) ld_date(2) = sy-datum+6(2). ld_date+2(1) = '/'. ld_date+3(2) = sy-datum+4(2). ld_date+5(1) = '/'. ld_date+6(4) = sy-datum(4). ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-key = 'Date'. ls_line-info = ld_date. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. * Action Line(TYPE A) CLEAR ls_line. ls_line-typ = 'A'. CONCATENATE 'Report: ' sy-repid INTO ls_line-info SEPARATED BY space. APPEND ls_line TO pt_report_title. ENDFORM. " BUILD_REPORT_TITLE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_EMPTY_ALVTREE_CONTROL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Create empty tree control *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_empty_alvtree_control. * Create emty tree-control CLEAR: it_emptytab. REFRESH: it_emptytab. CALL METHOD gd_tree->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_hierarchy_header = gd_hierarchy_header it_list_commentary = gd_report_title i_logo = gd_logo * i_background_id = 'ALV_BACKGROUND' i_save = 'A' is_variant = gd_variant CHANGING it_outtab = it_emptytab "Must be empty it_fieldcatalog = gd_fieldcat. ENDFORM. " CREATE_EMPTY_ALVTREE_CONTROL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_ALVTREE_HIERARCHY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Builds ALV tree display, (inserts nodes, subnodes etc) *----------------------------------------------------------------------* form create_alvtree_hierarchy. data: ls_sflight type sflight,


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lt_sflight type sflight occurs 0. data: ld_ebeln_key type lvc_nkey, ld_ebelp_key type lvc_nkey. loop at it_ekko into wa_ekko. perform add_ekko_node using wa_ekko '' changing ld_ebeln_key. loop at it_ekpo into wa_ekpo where ebeln eq wa_ekko-ebeln. perform add_ekpo_line using wa_ekpo ld_ebeln_key changing ld_ebelp_key. endloop. endloop. * calculate totals call method gd_tree->update_calculations. * this method must be called to send the data to the frontend call method gd_tree->frontend_update. endform. " CREATE_ALVTREE_HIERARCHY *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form ADD_EKKO_NODE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_WA_EKPO text * -->P_0553 text * c_hierarchy_column_name. ls_item_layout-style = cl_gui_column_tree=>style_default. ld_node_text = ps_ekko-ebeln. append ls_item_layout to lt_item_layout. * Add node call method gd_tree->add_node exporting i_relat_node_key = p_relate_key


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i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child i_node_text = ld_node_text is_outtab_line = ps_ekko it_item_layout = lt_item_layout importing e_new_node_key = p_node_key. endform. " ADD_EKKO_NODE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form ADD_EKPO_LINE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_WA_EKPO text * -->P_LD_EBELN_KEY text * c_hierarchy_column_name. ls_item_layout-style = cl_gui_column_tree=>style_default. ld_node_text = ps_ekpo-ebelp. append ls_item_layout to lt_item_layout. * Add node call method gd_tree->add_node exporting i_relat_node_key = p_relate_key i_relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child i_node_text = ld_node_text is_outtab_line = ps_ekpo it_item_layout = lt_item_layout importing e_new_node_key = p_node_key. endform. " ADD_EKPO_LINE

2. Add user defined buttons to ALV tree toolbar

Implement user defined buttons to ALV tree toolbar


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In order to add additional buttons onto the ALV tree report the following sections of code need implementing: Creation of toolbar event receiver class Add statement 'include .' to data declaration section Code to insert button(s) onto toolbar

Creation of toolbar event receiver class Define class to handle user defined ALV tree toolbar buttons. Insert at end of DATA declaration section but before any ABAP processing. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE ZTEST_TOOLBAR_EVENT_RECEIVER *----------------------------------------------------------------------* data mr_toolbar type ref to cl_gui_toolbar. "Add to top include CLASS lcl_toolbar_event_receiver DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: on_function_selected FOR EVENT function_selected OF cl_gui_toolbar IMPORTING fcode, on_toolbar_dropdown FOR EVENT dropdown_clicked OF cl_gui_toolbar IMPORTING fcode posx posy.



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ENDCLASS. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_toolbar_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_toolbar_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD on_function_selected. DATA: ls_sflight TYPE sflight. DATA: lt_list_commentary TYPE slis_t_listheader, l_logo TYPE sdydo_value. * Processing for user defined tollbar button goes here CASE fcode. WHEN 'NEXT'. WHEN 'DELETE'. DATA: lt_selected_node TYPE lvc_t_nkey. DATA: e_selected_node TYPE lvc_nkey, e_fieldname TYPE lvc_fname. DATA: lt_outtab_line(100) TYPE c, lt_node_text TYPE lvc_value. CALL METHOD gd_tree->get_selected_nodes CHANGING ct_selected_nodes = lt_selected_node. * * * * *

WHEN 'INSERT_LC'. Code for function code WHEN 'INSERT_FC'. Code for function code WHEN 'INSERT_FS'. Code for function code WHEN 'INSERT_LS'. Code for function code WHEN 'INSERT_NS'. Code for function code ENDCASE.

INSERT_LC goes here INSERT_FC goes here INSERT_FS goes here INSERT_LS goes here INSERT_NS goes here

* update frontend CALL METHOD gd_tree->frontend_update. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_toolbar_dropdown. * create contextmenu DATA: l_menu TYPE REF TO cl_ctmenu, l_fc_handled TYPE as4flag. CREATE OBJECT l_menu. CLEAR l_fc_handled. * Setup Insert button so options are displayed as drop down menu







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CASE fcode. WHEN 'INSERT_LC'. l_fc_handled = 'X'. insert as last child CALL METHOD l_menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'INSERT_LC' text = 'Insert New Line as Last Child'. "#EC NOTEXT insert as first child CALL METHOD l_menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'INSERT_FC' text = 'Insert New Line as First Child'. "#EC NOTEXT insert as next sibling CALL METHOD l_menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'INSERT_NS' text = 'Insert New Line as Next Sibling'."#EC NOTEXT insert as last sibling CALL METHOD l_menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'INSERT_LS' text = 'Insert New Line as Last Sibling'."#EC NOTEXT insert as first sibling CALL METHOD l_menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'INSERT_FS' text = 'Insert New Line as First Sibling'. "#EC NOTEXT ENDCASE.

* show dropdownbox IF l_fc_handled = 'X'. CALL METHOD mr_toolbar->track_context_menu EXPORTING context_menu = l_menu posx = posx posy = posy. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

Code to insert button(s) onto toolbar Insert the following code into the PBO of the screen after the ALV tree has been created. I.e. after 'CALL METHOD gd_tree->set_table_for_first_display' has been executed. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& CHANGE_TOOLBAR *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * get toolbar control call method gd_tree->get_toolbar_object importing er_toolbar = mr_toolbar. check not mr_toolbar is initial. * add separator to toolbar

9171748.doc call method mr_toolbar->add_button exporting fcode = '' icon = '' butn_type = cntb_btype_sep text = '' quickinfo = 'This is a Separator'.

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* add Standard Button to toolbar (for Delete Subtree) call method mr_toolbar->add_button exporting fcode = 'DELETE' "Function code of button icon = '@18@' "Icon ID (see ) butn_type = cntb_btype_button "Button type text = '' "Button text quickinfo = 'Delete subtree'. "Quick info text * add Dropdown Button to toolbar (for Insert Line) call method mr_toolbar->add_button exporting fcode = 'INSERT_LC' "Function code of button icon = '@17@' "Icon ID (see ) butn_type = cntb_btype_dropdown "Button type text = '' "Button text quickinfo = 'Insert Line'. "Quick info text * set event-handler for toolbar-control data: toolbar_event_receiver type ref to lcl_toolbar_event_receiver. create object toolbar_event_receiver. set handler toolbar_event_receiver->on_function_selected for mr_toolbar. set handler toolbar_event_receiver->on_toolbar_dropdown for mr_toolbar.

3. Process other user interaction (i.e. double click) Implement ALV tree user interaction processing In order to add additional buttons onto the ALV tree report the following sections of code need Implementing: Creation of tree event receiver class Code to activate User interaction events (i.e. double click)


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Creation of tree event receiver class Define class to handle user interaction other than via toolbar buttons. Insert at end of DATA declaration section but before any ABAP processing *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE BCALV_TREE_EVENT_RECEIVER *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS handle_node_ctmenu_request FOR EVENT node_context_menu_request OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key menu. METHODS handle_node_ctmenu_selected FOR EVENT node_context_menu_selected OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fcode. METHODS handle_item_ctmenu_request FOR EVENT item_context_menu_request OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fieldname menu. METHODS handle_item_ctmenu_selected FOR EVENT item_context_menu_selected OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fieldname fcode. METHODS handle_item_double_click FOR EVENT item_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fieldname. METHODS handle_button_click FOR EVENT button_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fieldname.



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METHODS handle_link_click FOR EVENT link_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING node_key fieldname. METHODS handle_header_click FOR EVENT header_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING fieldname. ENDCLASS. *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * ........ * *---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD handle_node_ctmenu_request. * append own functions CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER1' text = 'Usercmd 1'. CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER2' text = 'Usercmd 2'. CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER3' text = 'Usercmd 3'. ENDMETHOD.


METHOD handle_node_ctmenu_selected. CASE fcode. WHEN 'USER1' OR 'USER2' OR 'USER3'. MESSAGE i000(0h) WITH 'Node-Context-Menu on Node ' node_key 'fcode : ' fcode. "#EC NOTEXT ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_item_ctmenu_request . * append own functions CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER1' text = 'Usercmd 1'. CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER2' text = 'Usercmd 2'. CALL METHOD menu->add_function EXPORTING fcode = 'USER3' text = 'Usercmd 3'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_item_ctmenu_selected. CASE fcode.


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WHEN 'USER1' OR 'USER2' OR 'USER3'. MESSAGE i000(0h) WITH 'Item-Context-Menu on Node ' node_key 'Fieldname : ' fieldname. "#EC NOTEXT ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_item_double_click. * Processing for when user double clicks on ALVtree ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_button_click. * Processing when user clicks button ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_link_click. * ?? ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_header_click. * Processing for when user clicks on ALVtree column headers ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

Code to activate User interaction events (i.e. double click) Insert the following code into the PBO of the screen after the ALV tree has been created. I.e. after 'CALL METHOD gd_tree->set_table_for_first_display' has been executed. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& REGISTER_EVENTS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * define the events which will be passed to the backend data: lt_events type cntl_simple_events, l_event type cntl_simple_event. * define the events which will be passed to the backend l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_expand_no_children. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_checkbox_change. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_header_context_men_req. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_context_menu_req. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_context_menu_req. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_double_click. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_header_click. append l_event to lt_events. l_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_keypress.


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append l_event to lt_events. call method gd_tree->set_registered_events exporting events = lt_events exceptions cntl_error =1 cntl_system_error =2 illegal_event_combination = 3. if sy-subrc 0. message x208(00) with 'ERROR'. endif.


* set Handler data: l_event_receiver type ref to lcl_tree_event_receiver. create object l_event_receiver. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_node_ctmenu_request for gd_tree. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_node_ctmenu_selected for gd_tree. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_item_ctmenu_request for gd_tree. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_item_ctmenu_selected for gd_tree. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_item_double_click for gd_tree. set handler l_event_receiver->handle_header_click for gd_tree.

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