Steps to Copy IDOC From One SAP System to Other SAP System2

November 29, 2017 | Author: Abid Sheik | Category: N/A
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Steps to Copy IDOC From One SAP System to Other SAP System2...


Copy IDOC from one SAP system to other SAP system

Here I am copying IDOC from Quality (QA) server to Development (DEV) server. This will be mainly used to replicate the production scenarios in quality server for better understanding and resolution of issues. Steps are as follows: 1. Go to transaction code WE19 in QA system and give the IDOC number and execute.

2. Click on the Inbound File option.

3. Remove the tick from checkbox ‘Start IDoc inbound processing of file immediately’ and enter the filename with directory to download the file. (e.g. /tmp/test_idoc_copy.txt)

4. File will be stored on application server in AL11 transaction at the path specified in above screen shot then download that file using CG3Y transaction code from QA sever directory to your desktop and upload the file in DEV server directory using CG3Z transaction code, this file can be viewed through AL11 transaction code.

5. Now file is placed in application server directory check transaction code AL11, so just pass the file directory (/local/data/interface/sample.txt) in transaction code WE19 against the radio button -- File as template. Note : - (Here I have used the /tmp directory while download so not necessary to upload the file again in DEV server, file is available so now we can process the file).

6. Go to transaction code WE19 in DEV server, select radio button ‘File as template’, specify the filename along with application server file path & execute.

7. Here we need to change the ports according to DEV system.

8. After changing the ports choose the direction of IDOC inbound or outbound & process accordingly with the standard options. You can check the newly created IDOC’s through transaction code WE02 or WE05.

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