Steps in Land Registration Proceedings

July 23, 2018 | Author: Alexvi Christie Tumulak | Category: Deed, Civil Law (Common Law), Public Law, Social Institutions, Society
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Land Titles and Deeds...










Surve of Surve of the land by the LMB or a duly licensed private surveyor  F!"!#$ of F!"!#$  of the application by the applicant Setting of the initial date of hearing by the court Tr%#s&!tt%" of the applicat application ion and other  other  related documents attached by the clerk of  court to the LRA Pu'"!(%t!)# of Pu'"!(%t!)#  of the application and the date and place of initial hearing in the Official Gazett Gazette e and in a nespa nespaper per of genera generall circulation Serv Serv!( !(e e ' &%!" &%!"!# !#$ $ of notice to all occupants occupants as ell as contiguous contiguous oners and those ho may have an interest in the land sub!ect of the proceeding P)st!#$  P)st!#$   by the sheriff of the notice in a consp conspic icuo uous us plac place e in the the land land and and in a conspicuous place in the bulletin board of  the munici municipal pal or city city buildi building ng here here the land is situated F!"! F!"!#$ #$ )* %#s+ %#s+er  er  by pers person ons s havi having ng inte intere rest st in the the land land and and incl includ udes es thos those e hose names may not appear in the notice He%r!#$ of He%r!#$ of the case by the court Pr)&u"$%t!)# of Pr)&u"$%t!)#  of !udgment Issu%#(e )* %# )r,er  for   for the issuance of  the decree declaring the decision final and instructing the LRA to issue an order for the decree of confirmation or registration E#tr of E#tr of the decree of registration by the LRA Se#,!#$ of Se#,!#$  of the decree of registration to the R" Tr%#s(r!pt!)# of Tr%#s(r!pt!)#  of the decree of registration in the registration book and the issuance of  the duplicate of oner#s certificate of title by the R" upon payment of the prescribed fees

 Steps: CNN- FPF- H $% &he &hen in the opin pinion of the 'resident ent  public interest  so re(uires re(uires that title title to unr unregis gistered lands be settled and ad!udicated ad!udicated)) he may OR"*R and "+R*,the "+R*,-OR O. LA/"S to cause to be made a CADASTRAL CADASTRAL S/R0E of the the lands involved and the plans and technical description thereof prepared in due form% 0% "irec irecttor of Land Lands s shal hall giv give NOTICE TO PERSONS CLAIING AN INTEREST IN THE LANDS AS ELL AS THE GENERAL P/4LIC  P/4LIC  of the day on hich the survey ill begin%  'ublished once in the OG  ,opy of notice in *nglish or the /atl Langua Language ge posted posted in a conspi conspicuo cuous us place on the B%B% of the M%B  ,opy of notice shall also be sent to the Mayor as ell as the Brgy ,aptain and the Sangguniang 'anlalaigan and the Sangguniang Bayan concerned 1% NOTICE 4 THE GEODETIC ENGRS OR OTHER EPLOEES OF THE 4/REA/ OF LANDS on LANDS  on the date of survey of such lands is to begin  'osted in the B%B% of the M%B or barrio  Shall mark the boundaries by monuments 2% FILING OF PETITION FOR REGISTRATION 3% P/4LICATION 4% FILING OF ANSER 5% HEARING OF THE PETITION 6% /DGENT

CON0EANCES CON0EANCES AND TRANSFERS PROCED/RE ORDINAR CON0EA CON0E ANCES NCES ONL A PORTION OF LAND CON0EANCE Se(. 567 Se(. 57 $% -he oner oner ho ho desir desires es to convey convey the the land land $% PLAN of such land shoing the portion or  cove covere red d by his his titl title e to anot anothe herr shal shalll portions into hich it has been subdivided

LAND TITLES AND DEEDS – SBC LAW By Alexvi Christie G. Tumulak  E8EC/TE: te pr)per ,ee, )*   ()#ve%#(e !# pr)per *)r& %#, prese#t te s%&e t)$eter +!t )+#er;s ,up"!(%te (ert!*!(%te to the R" for entry  and registration. 0% R" shall ENTER  in the registration book the fact of conveyance and then prepare a ne certificate of title in the name of the grantee, the oner#s duplicate of hich shall be delivered to him% 1% R" shall NOTE upon the OR+G+/AL A/" "7'L+,A-* ,*R-+.+,A-* the8  "ate of conveyance  9olume and page of the Reg Book in hich the ne cert is registered: and  Reference by ; to the last preceding certificate% NOTE: -he Orig% and Oner#s "uplicate of  the grantor#s certificate shall be stamped (ept here such portion as purchased from the govt or any of its instrumentalities%

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