Stem Cell Research Handout

June 6, 2016 | Author: myrentistoodamnhigh | Category: Types, School Work
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Group Four Theology 210  

Stem cells possess unique properties which allow them to multiply indefinitely. There are two basic types of stem cells, which have different empirical properties and ethical implications.

Making adult stem cells

Embryonic Stem Cells:    

Differentiate into any cell type Large numbers can be harvested May cause immune rejection Rejection of ES cells by recipient has not been shown yet (“National”, 2001)

Adult Stem Cells:   

Differentiation into some cell types, limited outcomes Limited numbers, more difficult to isolate Less likely to cause immune rejection, since the patient’s own cells can be used

The process of stem cell research enables damaged organs and tissues to heal themselves with the help of implanted stem cells matching the organ. For Embryonic Stem Cell Research:  Fertilized eggs are single cells, like blood cells or other parts of the body.  Embryos are only potential life. Most do not result in births.  Proponents of human embryonic stem cell research say that embryos from IVF are going to be discarded and, so, should be used for research. Against Embryonic Stem  Going against will of God  Destroying human life is immoral and inhumane  No real successful evidence, only evidence comes from adult stem cell research  Concept is not fully developed

Against Embryonic Stem Continued:   

US & Japan experiment 2007 found that mice developed tumors from altered cells Takes funding away from more beneficial (and positively proven) research Cost and risk is too high for human applications

Solutions:  

There may never be a solution to the religious argument because you cannot change God’s will and his followers will stand by him. Altered Nuclear Transfer is a technique that uses the technology of standard nuclear transfer but with an alteration that assures that no embryo is created (Hulbert, 2005)

Use adult stem cells because they are derived from adult tissues

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