Dist Distil illa lati tion on flas flasks ks ,Ste ,Steam am Thermometer, Stop watch etc. :-
gene genera rato torr,
Meas Measur urin ing g
cyli cylind nder er,,
Beak Beaker ers, s,
itro!en"ene, water.
#. Take $%% ml of nitro!en"ene in distillation flask. &. 'ill up the water in steam generator. $. (rrange the assem!ly as shown in figure. ). Start the assem!ly as shown in figure. *. Start the condenser water flow as shown in figure. +. (fter (fter someti sometime me steam steam will generat generatee and will will enter into into the flask.
disti distilla llati tion on
. The distillation operation will start. -. The distil distillat latee water water vapor vapor of nitro! nitro!en" en"ene ene and steam steam will will go to condenser and finally the vapor miture is condensed.
/. 0ecord the distillation temperature.
CH 305: Mass Transfer Operations-I (P)
Density of water Density of nitro!en"ene
1 #g2cc 1 #.& g2cc
3apor pressure of water at distillation
1 4444444444 mmHg
3apor pressure of nitro!en"ene at distillation 1 44444444444 mmHg 3olume of water collected
1 44444444444 m5
3olume of nitro!en"ene collected
1 44444444444 m5
Boiling point of nitro!en"ene
1 4444444444444%6
Temperature of distillation
1 44444444444 %6
'igure; to operate the process at a different total pressure in the presence of li?uid water where the ratio of the vapour pressures of the su!stances may !e more favoura!le =&> to sparge the superheated steam through the miture in the a!sence of li?uid water and to vapourise the organic li?uid !y allowing it to saturate the steam.
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