Statutory Claim PDF

March 25, 2017 | Author: Adafa Jabbari Eil | Category: N/A
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Statutorv Claim of: Adafa-Jabbari:Eil: in Accord with IRS MANUAL 1707 Cestui Oui Vie Trust Act I, Nicholas Arnarld Terry, now known as :Adafa-Jabbari:Eil, (See Statutory Declaration attached), Indigenous, Autochthonous Flesh and Blood Melaninite Man of Cherokee/Yamassee -Moors Descent, have Claimed I am Alive and not lost at sea via Statutory Clairn of 8/2112015 (lUtprl :rury=r911bd=sgllde C2]-l5ill2l lsra$\p!J: Declaratiq!). In Accord with:812112015- Statutory Claim of Appellation - publishedBl2ll20l5, IRS Mission Statement - , the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples (h(11//r,lyy-1:Lsrglllars{iaul6!/asplri-r.aspltu:AlBFll66lll2; ;Constitution of the :At-sik-hata: Nation of Lfftp/wwrv.un.orgies :Yamassee-Moors: htlp://rvr,vrv.sclibd.conridogLg269l_DlYeSrD(ltdorr : Presidential Proclamation 7500; HJR 194 - http://www.gpo.gqv/fdsys/pkg/BlllS- I l0hres I 94ehlpdf/BILLS- l l0hres l94eh.pdf ; S. Con Res. 26 lrttp:/& ll!l=S_l Llsconres26rth ; HJR-3; 1975 Interpeoples; 2 Stat. 153, Title 8 USC 876, IRS Mission Statement: American Declaration on the Right of Indigenous !r14:1ltri4y."1SgSv/pU_Uir i:trq54r_g! 5l4dl; I now claim the following: that I am not a decedent (IRS Manual,1 am alive and I am not dead (1540 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, 1666 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, 1707 C

estui Qu e V ie Tru st Act Lttp. /i ulrrr.Lgi.s,latrpLrS


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I want the record (IMF file/ BF file) held in your computer database which may list me as deceased to be changed to alive/living. According to IRS Manual 21.7 . : An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor. owner. trust. guardianship. receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN: [11p://u'n' l3r-hlnrl Declaration of assumptive death is a fiction: G.R. No.160258 Republic of The Phillipines w. Glorai Bermudex-Lorino: http://// contents&ap:j70100&gy. I, :Adafa-Jabbari:Eil, have a SSN Number, so by IRS Manual 21.7 . ,l am not a decedent: (Black's Law dictionary, p.g. 435 - decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has recently died). I am no longer liable for: a) Maritime Liens being enforced against me, b) securities being taken out of the estate. All maritime Liens currently being enforced against me I hereby claim invalid, null & void, ab anitio - pro tunc. See: Liber code Art.3, 31,33,38: L4tplgyllqtrJ4w-y4[9-ej{]9th:centru-v/licbgrllp and Art 45,46 & 55 of the Hague Convention _IV Oct 18, 1907 trustor of







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I, :Adafa-Jabbari:Eil, am the infant who does have a SSN number which makes me the beneficiary of this trust. The SSN and the Name vests within me: an autochthonous Flesh and Blood Melaninite Man of Cherokee-Moor and Yamassee-Moors descent. Being that the IRS works in Admiralty, the IRS according to its own code, can no longer enforce any maritime Liens against myself, as I have now claimed: I, :Adafa-Jabbari:Eil am not lost at sea, nor am I, :Adafa-Jabbari:Eil, a decedent/ vessel in commerce(1707 Cestui Qui Vie Trust Act, U.K.

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Jurat United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (http ://www.en.orgy'esa/socdev/unpfi i/documentsi DR I PS-en.pdO

UN Declaration onttre Rights of Indigenous Peoples. UN Convention on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; articles 55 & 56; Presidential Proclamation 7500, HJR-194, S Con. Res 26,5.1200, HJR-3. c1

Affirmed to and subscribed before me this 3 / '' day of August 201 By: ULL t-3
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