Statoil Forged Components Specification TR1831
February 26, 2017 | Author: supercooljt | Category: N/A
Short Description
Statoil Forged Components Specification TR1831...
Governing document
Classification: Internal
Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Concept development and engineering (CD&E) Technical and professional requirement, TR1831, Final Ver. 1.03, valid from 2010-03-16 Owner:
Chief Engineer
Validity area: Statoil/All locations/All value chains/On- and offshore
Governing document
Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Objective, target group and warrant........................................................................................................................ 3
Requirements...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Design.................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 General requirements............................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Steelmaking ........................................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Chemical composition ............................................................................................................ 5 2.5 Forging .................................................................................................................................. 6 2.6 Hot forming ........................................................................................................................... 6 2.7 Heat treatment ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.8 Sour service requirements ...................................................................................................... 6 2.9 Mechanical testing – test sampling and extent of testing ....................................................... 6 2.10 Mechanical testing – required properties ................................................................................ 8 2.11 Retesting and corrective/remedial actions.............................................................................. 8 2.12 Non-destructive testing ......................................................................................................... 8 2.13 Tolerances ............................................................................................................................. 8 2.14 Certification ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.15 Marking.................................................................................................................................. 9
Documents to be forwarded to Company.............................................................................................................. 9
Additional information ................................................................................................................................................... 9 4.1 Definitions and abbreviations................................................................................................. 9 4.2 Changes from previous version .............................................................................................. 9 4.3 References ............................................................................................................................. 9
Concept development and engineering (CD&E), Technical and professional requirement, TR1831, Final Ver. 1.03, valid from 2010-03-16 Page 2 of 10 Validity area:
Statoil/All locations/All value chains/On- and offshore
Governing document
Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Objective, target group and warrant
This Technical Requirement (TR) describes the minimum requirements for manufacturing of forged or hot formed components made of low alloy C-Mn steel (i.e. grades F60, F65 or WPHY 60, WPHY 65) for use in pipeline systems. The document is applicable for components intended for both sour and non-sour service conditions. This document is warranted in “Facilities, concept development and engineering” (FR02)
The components shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the following standards and codes. Component 90o Tee Y-pieces Elbow Insulating joints End cap
Specification/Code ASME B.31.8 ASME B.31.8 ASME B.31.8 ASME B.31.8 ASME B.31.8
Note If a component is subjected to loads or geometry other than covered by ASME B.31.8 (including hydrostatic testing), design is to be by an FE analysis according to ASME VIII, Div. 2, App. 4 or an equivalent recognised standard.
The transition between a component and other items (e.g. connecting linepipe) where the material thickness or yield strength is unequal shall be according to ASME B31.8 Appendix 1 or an equally recognised code. For piggable components, the internal diameter shall be given in the purchase order. The purchase order shall specify if the components shall be equipped with pup-pieces (of line pipe- or similar material) or if rings for welding procedure qualification shall be provided.
Pressure testing
Strength- and leak testing shall be the most stringent of the requirements of ASME B.31.8 and chapter 2.9.3 “Testing of Manifold System” in TR1230 Subsea Structures and Manifolds. 2.2
General requirements
All production shall be based on a qualified and accepted Manufacturing Procedure Specification (MPS). A Quality Plan (QP) describing relevant QA/QC activities shall be established. Components made to this document can be either forged or hot formed. Forgings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A694 and of this document. Hot formed products shall comply with the requirements of ASTM A860 and of this document. Welding shall be performed according to the design standard.
Concept development and engineering (CD&E), Technical and professional requirement, TR1831, Final Ver. 1.03, valid from 2010-03-16 Page 3 of 10 Validity area:
Statoil/All locations/All value chains/On- and offshore
Governing document
Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Welding shall be to the requirements in the relevant design codes or equivalent recognized standard. When joining materials with different specified minimum yield strength (SMYS), the mechanical properties of the weld metal shall meet that specified for the material with the higher yield strength. Weld repair of base material is not acceptable. End caps shall not be manufactured from bar stock 2.3
The steel shall be fully killed and made to a fine grain melting practise. The material shall be produced by using basic oxygen furnace, electric arc furnace, vacuum arc re-melting furnace (VAR) or electro slag re-melting furnace (ESR). The steel melt shall be vacuum degassed.
Concept development and engineering (CD&E), Technical and professional requirement, TR1831, Final Ver. 1.03, valid from 2010-03-16 Page 4 of 10 Validity area:
Statoil/All locations/All value chains/On- and offshore
Governing document
Classification: Internal
Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Chemical composition
The chemical composition shall be within the limits given in the table below. C Min % Max 0.12 % * For sour
Mn* Si 1.0 0.2 1.5
Ni Cr 0.7 0.1
Mo V Cu Al 0.2 0.02 0.1 0.02
CE** 0.44
0.4 0.015 0.003 1.0 0.25 0.4 0.05 0.4 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.012 0.001 0.006 0.50
service: Mn max 1.4
** CE C
Mn Cr Mo V Cu Ni 6 5 15
An alternative chemical composition may be accepted by Company, provided it can be documented that the mechanical properties will be met. Product analysis shall be conducted for components from each heat.
Concept development and engineering (CD&E), Technical and professional requirement, TR1831, Final Ver. 1.03, valid from 2010-03-16 Page 5 of 10 Validity area:
Statoil/All locations/All value chains/On- and offshore
Governing document Specification for Manufacturing of Forged and Hot Formed Components in Low Alloy Steel
Classification: Internal
Each forged product shall be hot worked as close as practical to the final shape and size with a minimum reduction ratio of 4:1. The principal forging directions shall be given by the manufacturer in a sketch. 2.6
Hot forming
Hot forming, including extrusion of branches shall be done within a temperature range of 800– 1000oC. Adequate temperature control shall be performed during the forming operation and the component shall be allowed to cool in still air after forming. 2.7
Heat treatment
All forged components shall be supplied in the Quenched and Tempered condition. Hot formed components shall be supplied in the Quenched and Tempered or Normalized condition. For components intended for welding, the tempering temperature shall be minimum 620°C. The ∆T between tempering and any PWHT shall be minimum 30°C. The furnace temperature shall be controlled within ± 14oC. Thermocouples shall be attached to one component for the entire heat treatment process for each heat treatment batch. Dummy components with representative shape, weight and wall thickness may be used. The thermocouple shall record temperature during the entire heat treatment process. The supplier shall establish procedures for stacking of components during heat treatment, and transfer time from furnace to complete immersion in the quench bath shall be specified and not exceed 90 seconds. The temperature shall under no circumstances drop into the two phase region (
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