Qhl `lerblr aljibstretls ubalrstebaobc if dly kibklpts if rebaij veroem`ls eba primemo`oty aostromuibs. Qhl `lerblr os em`l ti epp`y eb eppriproetl rebaij veroem`l fir e covlb rle`-`ofl prim`lj (sukh es ob alkosoib jedobc eba cejls if khebkl). @lerbobc Kijpltlbky> o``ustretls e rebaij veroem`l (aoskrltl eba kibbuius). J55/5=[W-OOOe-5 aosbcuoshls mltwllb e aoskrltl eba e kibbuius rebaij veroem`l. J55/5=[W-OOOe-= @lerbobc Imnlkvls> 5. Albl rebaij veroem`l. Aosbc bcuo uosh sh ml mltwl twllb lb e aosk aoskrl rltl tl eb eba a e kib kibb bui uius us reba rebaij ij =. Aos
veroem`l. Ekvl`y perkopetls ti thl ekvols/tesds covlb
OO. KIBQLBQ OOO. OOO. @LE @LE]BO ]BOBC BC ]L[I\] ]L[I\]KL[ KL[ E. ]lflrlbkls 5. Qle Qlekhlr khlr‟s ‟s Cu Cuoa oal l =. @l @ler erbl blr‟ r‟ss J Jet etlr lroe oe`s `s ;. Qlxt Qlxtm miid iid pecl peclss 1. Ea Eaao aoi ibe be`` Je Jetl tlro roe` e`ss frij @lerbobc ]lsiurkl (@]) pirte` M. Ithl Ithlrr @l @ler erbo bobc bc ]ls ]lsiu iurkl rklss
OV. OV. W] W]IK IKLA LA\] \]L[ L[
E. ]lvo ]lvolw lw p prlv rlvoi oius us ``ls lssi sib b ir prlslbbc thl blw `lssib
Lste Lstem` m`os osho hobc bc e p pur urpi pisl sl fir fir thl `lssib
Wr Wrls lslb lbb bc c lxe lxejp jp`l `ls/ s/ obstebkls if thl blw
]lvolw prlvoius `lssib my `lbc thl stualbts ebswlr thl lxlrkosl. 5. Sh Shet et os eb lxpl lxplro rojl jlbt bt9 9 =. Shet het ai yiu ke` e``` th thl l slt if e`` piss issom` om`l iutk iutkij ijls ls ib e covlb ovlb lxplrojlbt9 ;. Hiw a ai i yiu `ost tthl hl pissom`l pissom`l iutk iutkijls ijls if e covlb lxplr lxplrojlb ojlbt9 t9 Qhl tlekhlr `lts thl stualbts rle`ozl thet thl kibklpt if primemo`oty os uslfu` eba e`si eb ojpirtebt esplkt ob thl kibklpt if alkosoib jedobc ob aolrlbt erles sukh es musoblss, laukeib, obsurebkl eba ithlr rle` `ofl sotueibs kibklrbobc e klrteob pipu`eib. Qhl tlekhlr aovoals thl stualbts ob twi criups. Qhl rst criup hevl thlj tiss e feor kiob 57 jls. Qhl slkiba criup `lt thlj ri`` e aokl 57 jls. @lt thlj
rlkira thlor rlsu`t ib thl tem`l fiuba ib thl miera. Ljphesozl thl aijeob eba rebcl if e rebaij lxplrojlbt. Frij ot es thl mesls, prlslbt thl k`essokeibs if rebaij veroem`ls woth ots lxejp`ls. 5. Hiw ai yiu fll` plrfirjobc thl ekvoty9 =. Shet erl yiur imslrveibs ib thl ekvoty9 ;. Os thl kiob ir aol feor9 Hiw ai yiu sey si9 1. Shet os thl socbokebkl if aiobc ot9 Qhl tlekhlr aoskussls woth thl stualbts thl priklss if errovobc et thl ebswlr if Ekvoty. Furthlrjirl, hl/shl feko`otetls feko`otetls thl arewobc if ebswlrs if thl qulsibs frij thl stualbts ob e jebblr thet ot os obtlrekvl. Qhos keb ml aibl my esdobc ithlr stualbts ti rlekt ib thl ebswlrs covlb my ibl stualbt. E rebaij veroem`l, usue``y
A. Aosk Aoskus usso sobc bc bl blw w kib kibkl klpt ptss eba prekkobc blw sdo``s #5
wrolb X wrolb X , os e veroem`l whisl pissom`l ve`uls erl bujlroke` iutkijls if e rebaij phlbijlbib. Qhlrl erl twi typls if rebaij veroem`ls, aoskrltl eba kibbuius. [uppisl eb lxplrojlbt os kibauktla ti altlrjobl thl aostebkl thet e klrteob typl if ker wo`` trevl` usobc 57 `olrs if cesi`obl ivlr e prlskromla tlst kiursl. Of aostebkl os e rebaij veroem`l, thlb wl hevl eb obbotl bujmlr if aostebkls thet kebbit ml lquetla ti thl bujmlr if whi`l bujmlrs. Qhos os eb lxejp`l if e kibbuius rebaij veroem`l.
Aosk Aoskus usso sobc bc bl blw w kkib ibkl klpt ptss eba prekkobc blw sdo``s #= Ob Obao aov voa oaue ue``.
Alvl Alvl`i `ipo pobc bc je jest stlr lry y ((`le `leas as ti firjevl esslssjlbt ;)
@ost @ost
sej sejp`l p`l
spe pekkl
fi``i i``iw wobc obc
lxpl lxplro roj jlbt btss.
Lxplrojlbt [ejp`l [pekl 5. Qissobc thrll kiobs =. ]i``obc e aol eba tissobc e kiob soju`teblius`y ;. Arewobc e speal frij e alkd if keras 1. Ar Arew ewob obc c e kera kera cr crle letl tlrr th theb eb 3 frij e alkd if keras
C. Foba Fobaob obc c pr prek ekk ke` e` epp`okeibs if kibklpts eba sdo``s ob aeo`y `ovobc H. Je Jedo dobc bc cl clbl blre re`oz `oze eib ibss eba emstrekibs emiut thl `lssib
E rebaij veroem`l, usue``y wrolb X wrolb X , os e veroem`l whisl pissom`l ve`uls erl bujlroke` iutkijls if e rebaij phlbijlbib. Qhlrl erl twi typls if rebaij veroem`ls, aoskrltl eba kibbuius.
Lv Lve e`ue `uebc bc @le @lerb rbob obc c
Qhl tlekhlr wo`` `lt thl stualbt ebswlr thl covlb firjevl tlst ob e 5 he`f krisswosl. [ll eekhjlbt.
Ea Eaao aoi ibe be`` ek ekvo vol lss i irr rljlaoeib ]LJE]D[
Bi Bi.. if `le `lerb rblr lrss wh whi i lerb lerbla la 87% 87% if thl lve`ueib Bi. if `lerblrs whi rlquorl eaaoibe` ekvols fir rljlaoeib rljlao eib whi skirl skirla a ml`iw
]llk ib yiur lekhobc eba esslss yiursl`f es e lekhlr. Qhobd emiu yiur sualbs‟ pricrlss. She wirds9 She l`sl bllas i ml aibl i hl`p hl pupo`s/sualbs `lerb9 Oalbtfy whe hl`p yiur obsruktibe` suplrvosirs keb privoal fir yiu si whlb yiu jll hlj, yiu keb esd hlj rl`lveb qulstibs.
A. L.
87% Ao Aoa a thl thl rlj ljla laooe` ` lss lssib ib wi wirrd9 Bi. if `lerblrs whi hevl keucht up woth thl `lssib. Bi Bi.. if `le `lerb rblr lrss whi whi ki kib bbu bul l ti rlquorl rljlaoeib Shok Shokh h if jy tl tlek ekho hobc bc str stret etlc lcol olss wird wirdla la wl`` wl``9 9 Sh Shy y ao aoa a th thls lsl l wird9 Shet Shet ao aoku ku` `ls ls aoa aoa O l lbk bkiu iubt btlr lr whokh jy probkope` ir suplrvosir keb hl`p jl si`vl9 Shet obbiveib ir `ike`oz l la a jetlr jet lroe oe`s `s aoa aoa O us usl/ l/ ao aosk skiv ivlr lr whokh O wosh ti sherl woth ithlr tlekhlrs
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