Statements That Imply Your Higher Value - Chateau Heartiste PDF

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The Th e Most Obnoxious Woman In

Tell You

The World? » World? »

Statements That Imply Your Higher Value March 29, 2010 by CH

Copyright © 2015. Chateau Heartiste. All rights reserved. Comments are a lunchroom

 “You’re very very brave to come over over to talk with me.”  me.” 

food fight and do not necessarily represent the

 “Your flirting is charming.”  charming.”   “As we’re sitting here talking I can tell you seem seem really happy.”  happy.” 

opinions of Chateau Heartiste proprietors or contributors.

 “Wow! Don’t get too excited.” excited.” [Note: Not Not to to be used sarcastically. sarcastically. That would be signaling lower value.] lower value.] Visit the Goodbye, America

 “Hmm. Your hands hands are shaking.” shaking.” [Doesn’t matter if they’re not shaking. Use as part of palm reading routine.]

photojournal website. website.

 “Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” long.” [Say after returning much later from talking with friends.]

P About

 “Your answers tell me that you you are drawn to men who break your heart.” heart.” [Use as part of love test routine.] routine.]

Alpha Assessment Submissions

 “You have have a… different… sense of humor/sense of style/way style/way of looking at the world.” 

Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions Dating Market Value Test

 “You have have a quirky personality. personality. I have a friend — he’s he’s been single a while; I guess he’s picky — who would totally get you.”   “You’re not not like most women. You You seem like you want to know know about me more than you want t o talk about yourself. yourself.”  ” 

For Men Dating Market Value Test For Women Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List

 “Your eyes eyes are dancing.” 

Shit Cuckservatives Say

 “I have a confession to make. I forgot your name.” name.” [You should say this to every girl at some point during the initial meet, regardless whether you remember her name. I have yet to experience a bad reaction from a girl when I said this.]  “A lot of girls in this city come on too strong strong with men. I’m glad you can talk with me without getting weird. weird.”  ” 

The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon

T U RT @Cernovich @Cernovich::

 “This is a pleasant surprise. You’re winning winning me over.”  over.”  Saying any of these things to a girl during the course of a pickup will artfully blog/bey…  4 hours ago blog/bey…

communicate your higher status relative to hers, which will in turn prepare her

RT @TheDonaldNews @TheDonaldNews:: HE

body for copulation.


PS: Try to use the word “girls” for women, and “men” for men, in your daily conversation.

HATER. Krauthammer admits  “I was wrong about Trump, Trump, Dems fear him,” joins Trump Train https://… https://…  4 hours ago

RT @dissidentusa @dissidentusa:: The negging of the shrew. @ChateauEmissary

Share this:… 






4 hours ago RT @FamesBlond @FamesBlond:: Best


articulation of Cuckservative I

One blogger likes this.

have ever read, by @ChateauEmissary ChateauEmissary (of  (of course it would be by him)


A Short List Of  Street Openers…

Reader Mailbag: Social Media

The Next Great Dismissive Alpha

4 hours ago RT @Mangan150 @Mangan150:: @chatrwing @chatrwing '



  here… 4 hours ago

Posted in Game Game |  | 303 Comments

RT @JamesGaius @JamesGaius:: @ChateauEmissary ChateauEmissary Anyone  Anyone

303 Responses the dude

really think that today's USA on March 29, 2010 at 11:35 am

could send a group of men to the moon AND back safely if 


they tried? 4 hours ago

R C Ponce du Lion on The


on March 29, 2010 at 11:37 am

Sexual Market Is The

zzzz norting out loud. The face you put when saying any of that is what


matters. Skip the dumb routine.

Ponce du Lion on The

Whenever anyone tries this they will be wondering “if it worked” and thats

Sexual Market Is The

precisely what you shouldnt be wondering out there.

Prime… Ponce du Lion on The

Sexual Market Is The Prime…


on March 29, 2010 at 12:09 pm

Ponce du Lion on The Sexual Market Is The

Also: be richer richer,, smarter, more interesting, better-traveled, better-


educated, and probably older than her. her. Don’t supplicate, and the rest will

Ponce du Lion on The

fall into place. (see SNL skit: “Be Don Draper. Draper.”)

Sexual Market Is The

Prime… Ponce du Lion on The Sexual Market Is The Prime…


on March 29, 2010 at 12:20 pm

omg lozlzzllzzl!

Moses on Another Battlefront Opens In T…

it is 2010!!

Moses on Another

i cannot believe you dc freakazoids are still talking to women?????

Battlefront Opens In T… Carlos Danger on

you know how many cocks they’ve had in their mouths?? lzozlzlz!!

Another Battlefront

you see that sperm dripping off her chin??

Opens In T…

and you’re worried about talking to her?? do you know how the federal reserve /neocon mac hine has reprogrammed them to become useless cum dumpsters? a lawyer chick is first and foremost loyal to her boss, who is loyal to a fiat currency.

Carlos Danger on Another Battlefront Opens In T…

T P Another Battlefront Opens In

of what use is she to you?

The Diversity Wars

so what if you neg her and pick her up and put some sperm on her/in her?

How To Get A Girl To Send

worst case scenario she’ll have a kid and bankrupt you.

Nudes Of Herself  The Sexual Market Is The

best case scenario you won’t have to kiss her too long and taste teh man that

Prime Market

came before you. get it? came before you.!!! lzozlzlzlzlzlzlzlzllzlzlzlzlzlzlz~!!!!

The Sixteen Commandments

any effort in strying to get cum dumpster to take your cum is wayyyyyyy too much effort.

Of Poon The Five Female Body Types (And One Is The Very Best)

i mean do you try to get dumpsters to take your garbage by talkng to them and

It's Easy To Identify A Slut

negging them?

Slut Eye

do you go up to a dumpster and say, You have a… different… sense of 

The Average Female Face Of 

humor/sense of style/way of looking at the world.” 

Different Countries

do you talk to t he dumpster out back and say, “You “You have a quirky p ersonality ersonality.. I have a friend — he’s been single a while; I guess he’s picky — who would totally get you.” before you throw the trash in it? do you talk you urinals before you relieve yourself in them? cumming is a biological function, like peeing. do you say this to a urinal, “This is a pleasant surprise. You’re winning me over?”  do you guys neg urinals so as to get them to accept your pee? lozlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzlzl!

Penis Size Around The World Why White Knights Are Bad For Women

C Select Category

C People of Walmart PostSecret


Stuff White People Like


The Daily Sarge

Things My Boyfriend Says xkcd


on March 29, 2010 at 12:22 pm


maurice’s reference: Don Draper’s Guide to Picking Up Women Women from  from Bollot Bollot on  on Vimeo Vimeo..

60 Years of Challenge Alpha Game

Cajun Krauser PUA

Vincent Ignatius

on March 29, 2010 at 12:33 pm

Rational Male Roosh V

After they buy me a beer, I like to use.


 “Don’t think you can get me drunk and take me home with you.”  you.” 

The G Manifesto The Rookie

or the more subtle

Treatise of Love

 “Are you trying to get me drunk?”  drunk?” 

VKs empire of dirt

S  S


on March 29, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Alternative Right

The lolzlzzlz guy is awesome! best troll ever (and I mean “troll” in a good



Anonymous Conservative

Arts & Letters Daily Audacious Epigone Deconstructing Leftism


on March 29, 2010 at 12:39 pm

Education Realist Evo and Proud

 “Let’s get married and make babies.”  babies.” 

Gene Expression Hail To You

hbd chick Human Biological Diversity Information Processing


on March 29, 2010 at 12:45 pm

Lion of the Blogosphere

And my favorite … “Don’t worry darling. I will not let those pesky Betas

Mangans Miscellany

change the Family Laws. Laws.”  ” 

OneSTDV Page For Men



Rogue Health and Fitness

Steve Sailer The Anti-Gnostic The Kakistocracy

Matt Savage

on March 29, 2010 at 12:45 pm

The Red Pill Review The Spearhead

I’ve always liked this one if she touches you:

Unqualified Reservations

 “Whoa, hands of the merchandise, this shit ain’t free.”  free.” 

Vox Popoli West Hunter


Whiskey's Place

 “Whoa, easy there tiger, tiger, what do I look like a piece of meat to you?”  you?” 

T H  M H


on March 29, 2010 at 12:46 pm

Alias Clio Dusk in Autumn

I use the “I have a confession to make” line all the time, because I really

Elysium Revisited

am terrible with names. I have never gotten a good reaction to it.

Feminine Beauty

Nowadays I usually just wait to number close and have them put their name and

Gucci Little Piggy

number into my phone.

Hawaiian Libertarian Hyperbole and a Half 

In Mala Fide Jack Goes Forth

Colin Bowel

on March 29, 2010 at 12:47 pm

 “greatbooksformen” gave me a good laugh with that that urinal comment. Thanks.

Overcoming Bias The Fourth Checkraise The Rawness Udolpho


on March 29, 2010 at 12:52 pm



  , naturally when there is a nice gap between my value and her lower value (age, height, income). If she’s a 4 or a 5 then most of the lines come to mind without prompt and my behavior falls in line. The lessons of Mystery and Roissy will take hold more effectively if the guy has had a comfortable environment to practice (gaming a 4 or 5) or has seen the real world practical results (attention, dates, sex) of correct behavior Obviously the target is a 7, 8, or 9 (I subscribe to the view no woman is a 10), but being seen with a woman will elevate your status in the eyes of the other high status people in the room. A positive side effect is although you won’t necessarily be seen as alpha (the goal) being in the presence of a marginally eligible woman then that at least elevates you above the omega muck into beta status.


on March 29, 2010 at 12:55 pm

lozlzlzl!! i just took a piss in a urinal and implied my higher value with these eloquent words, ““You’re not like most urinals. You seem like you want to know about me more than you want to talk about yourself.””  lozzlzlzlzlzl! the other dude taking a piss looked at me with fear in his eyes. haha i looked at him and said, “beta dude–you’re lucky to even have a urinal i peed in  just yesterday. yesterday. lzozzlzlzllzzl!”  lzozzlzlzllzzl!” 

Silver Fox

on March 29, 2010 at 12:56 pm

This magic line belies the real #s; some empirical research data. Some statistics off a recent Match membership. Caveat: Match, internet dating has always been plagued by the fact that the women you will ACTUALLY meet are average….and no better than what one finds at a TGIF….so why pay $50/mo. when you can get that for free at TGIF. For example, a recent search in NYC (5 miles radius of SoHo) w. Filtered search results: -Age: 22-32 -White -Slender -Never married -No Kids = 2015 women Now, I am stickler for no “non-short” women; so if you filter out women below 5’6”; the number drops in half to 1008. I dont think 5’6″ is tall but in match’s absurd eco-system it is. Also, if you take off the “slender” weight filter (which is widely abused, with tires/guts, fat-back viewed dates) the number doubles. So, in essence the majority of the women on match are either short/stocky and/or fat. Now lets drill down on those 1008 Slender/tall women. Well, only 10% are above “8”: defined as long hair hair,, pouty lips, large eyes; nonmasculine faces, no large noses, pear shapes, no brillo hair, bad complexion, or in general non-symetric features. So, if you cut and paste a standard witty email (not a wink). Example of real life email that got 10% it rate on 8+ rated NYC Match women:  “Hi, I understand women dont like winks and want real emails. Well this is real….. I am normal, apparently good looking, and funny. If you want to chat, or see a cute puppy then read my profile. Ok, bye.


 “Your Name”  ps, [if she is 9-10, then add some custom comment based on a quick scan of her profile like: “I love Russian food”; “I was in Tibet”; “I have an invite to a red carpet event on #/#, can u make it”  with your photo showing a relatively handsome male, with full head of hair, no gut, fit (six pack not req) with photos in: well cut suit, shorts, posh identifiable vacation spot, and 1-3 money shots (ie, photo with hot woman, Porsche or high end car, boat, Polo game, etc.) you can expect 10% replies, which is not far from premium mass marketing results. Of these 10 replies you will have to play teasing, tight game, interspersed with some back handed compliments to end up with 1-3 actual women you are not embarassed by on off-line dates. Now, scanning 1000 profiles is HARD work; it took 2 hours. Emailing took another 2 hours, esp. with comments. The other “grey area” is Match uses fuzzy logic or some random programming assignment as their are profiles that dont appear in the original 1008 line up but are recommended daily by matches search engine. Also, the result counts are often shifting and some large percent of match women dont pay, and are on for free to send free winks (and cant reply in text) or to stalk or spy on men, for unkown motives. The BIG positive. There are perfect 10s under 25 on Match that do exist, that you will never EVER meet in real life. To break thru their walls you have to have a secret combination of: -Statistical parsing to find them -Find an angle to draw them out -Offer a lure (event, obscure detail of their culture, etc) to intrigue them. -Seize the opportunity opportunity.. For basically $1.25/day I would say its worth it to have rolling access to 1-3, 8.5 rated women; and 1 rare 10. No back to those lines, testing lines/profile text on 100+ hot women definitely gives you feedback on what works~


on March 29, 2010 at 1:11 pm

omg! next time you want a urinal to accept your superiority and your piss too, try these lines on it:  “You’re very very brave to come over over and let me pee in you.”  you.”   “Your flushing is charming.”  charming.”   “As I’m standing here peeing I can tell you seem seem really happy.”  happy.”   “Wow! Don’t get too excited.” excited.” [Note: Not Not to be used sarcastically. That would would be signaling lower value to teh urinal.]  “Hmm. Your urinal urinal cake is shaking.” shaking.” [Doesn’t matter if it’s not shaking. Use as part of urinal cake reading routine.]  “Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” [Say after returning much later from talking with friends.]  “Your answers tell me that you you are drawn to men who pee on you.” you.” [Use as part of  love test routine.]  “You have a… different… sense of humor/sense of style/way style/way of looking at the world.”   “You have a quirky personality. personality. I have a friend — he’s he’s been single a while; I guess he’s picky — who would totally pee in you.”   “You’re not like like most urinals. You seem like like you want to know about about me more than you want to talk about yourself. yourself.”  ”   “Your urinal cake is dancing. or or it could just be my pee splish-splashin.”  splish-splashin.”   “I have a confession to make. I forgot your name.” name.” [You should say this this to every urinal at some point during the initial pee, regardless whether you remember her name. I have yet to experience a bad reaction from a urinal when I said this.]


lozlzlzl!  “A lot of urinals in this city come on too strong with men. I’m glad you can let me pee without getting weird.” omg rotfl!!!  “This is a pleasant surprise. You’re winning winning me over.”  over.”  lozlzlzlzlzlzlz!

Willy Wonka

on March 29, 2010 at 1:16 pm

 “PS: Try to use use the word “girls” for women, and “men” for men, in your daily conversation. conversation.”  ”  Wait, there are other ways to refer to girls and men?!? …. I wasn’t aware…


on March 29, 2010 at 1:21 pm

 “You’re not like like most women. You You seem like you want to know know about me more than you want to talk about yourself.”  yourself.”  Missing why this one implies higher value for the guy. Seems like it puts the girl on a pedestal instead.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:33 pm

What’s everyone’s problem with Barbabbs? A supremely rational being, he simply takes all the advice given on this site to its logical and natural conclusion. In this regard, he is a true pupil of the Chateaumaster. [editor: au contraire. my teachings do not rest on the premise that women are urinals.]


on March 29, 2010 at 1:34 pm

or should that be Chateaumeister? I’m really not sure.

Anonymouses Anonymous

on March 29, 2010 at 1:34 pm

I like Mystery’s, “So, what have you go going for you besides l ooks?” 


on March 29, 2010 at 1:37 pm

Sdaedelus, an extreme emotional reaction of disgust is hardly rational. Nor is a strictly utilitarian view of females rational. The use of females includes emotinal needs, therefore to be rational, one must be emotional. Wallowing in disgust is petty, churlish, childish, and a sign of a broken little boy spirit.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:38 pm

lozozlzl! i think i am growing on people… like gonoreah on a dc lawyer chick’s now useless fiat-funded twat. lzozlzlzlzl!



on March 29, 2010 at 1:39 pm

ChateauMunster? We’d need the cool theme music to go along with the site.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:40 pm

Meanwhile, here’s your comedy link of the day: I could pull plenty of choice quotes, but instead I’ll let y’all grab some brews and play the “spot the tell-tale signs of desperation” drinking game.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:40 pm

“I have a confession to make. I forgot your name.”  I can’t remember names for the life of it. Her repeating her name doesn’t help. One way out is to give her a nickname like “Muffin”. It will stick with her her.. If you #-close you can get her name by having her punch it into your phone together with the digits.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:44 pm

PS: Try to use the word “urinal” for toilet, and “bigcock” for bigcock, in your daily conversation. lozllzlz! you will find that never again will a urinal turn you down. respect yoyoyo9y yoyoyo9yoyo! oyo!


on March 29, 2010 at 1:48 pm

roissy writes, “[editor: au contraire. my teachings do not rest on the premise that women are urinals.]”  roissy also writes how he does married women up the ass. [editor: i’ve fucked many unmarried girls up the ass. does fucking a girl who likes it up the ass make her the equivalent of a urinal?]

roissy would never do a urinal up the ass, as he has more respect for urinals than for marriage and women. [marriage is a raw deal for men, and so i have no respect for it. women must earn my respect. urinals are inanimate objects incapable of eliciting any emotion from me.]

next thing you know roissy will be telling us that his teaching rest upn the premise that he his jesus f. christ. [my teachings identify more closely with the roman soldier gambling away christ’s clothes.]

lzozlzlzlz! [not a bad troll effort. funnier than chic noir, but not as sublime as david alexander.]


on March 29, 2010 at 1:50 pm

I can’t remember names for the life of it. Her repeating her name doesn’t help. One way out is to give her a nickname like  “Muffin”.. It will stick with her.  “Muffin” her.

I’m glad I’m not the only one with this deficit. I also have mild face blindness, and


find I can only remember a face that if I’ve developed some sort of emotional connection to the person. Wanting to fuck them doesn’t count. As for giving nicknames, this is something I make a point to do early on in dating. It’s a signal of marking territory. When a woman marries, changing her last name means she is now your care and concern. A nickname brands her as well.


on March 29, 2010 at 1:52 pm

Xsplat I think Chateau Munster would be eminently appropriate given that, whether or not the author of this site likes it or not, Barbabbs is just as much his creation as Frankenstein’s Monster was the creation of Dr Frankenstein. [editor: incorrect. while i do breathe life to the id, trollabbs is the degenerate aborted machinosibling of frankenstein, twisted in bitterness and fury, understanding nothing of the gift i give it.]


on March 29, 2010 at 1:54 pm

@aunt of Icarus- Chateaumaître, no? Not mixing languages. You were the one who posted that gruesome story set in the Franco-Prussian war, war, were you not? Apologies if the name is a Joyce reference, as it probably is. lolllz dude is strange, but in an entertaining way. Not least because he apparently fucks urinals. Wouldn’t it be funny to walk in on that some time.

The G Manifesto

on March 29, 2010 at 1:59 pm

 “As for giving nicknames, this is something I make a point point to do early on in dating. It’s a signal of marking territory. When a woman marries, changing her last name means she is now your care and concern. A nickname brands her as well. well.”  ”  That is part of Basic Pimping. – MPM


on March 29, 2010 at 1:59 pm

p.s. wrong about lollz. you have been posting and reading here long enough to know better – the level of discourse on this site is generally quite high. And your writing and thinking are good enough that you recognize this as well, or you wouldn’t show up every day. So that’s a cheap shot at the site which you know perfectly well is wrong and below you. For shame.


on March 29, 2010 at 2:02 pm

Bonjour Maurice!

Chateaumaître, no?
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