Statements Citi

August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Citi Citiba bank nk Clie Client nt Ser Servi vice ces s 041  PO Box 6201 PO  Sioux Falls, SD 57117-6201 Sioux


Account  9797221915

Statement Period 


Jan 3 - Feb 2, 2022

16458 ECHO GLEN DR    16458

TYLER, TX 75757 

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CITIBANK ACCOUNT AS OF JANUARY 2, 2019 Relationship Summary: Checking Savings Investments  (not FDIC Insured) (not Loans Credit Cards

$ $ -------------

Checking Regular Checking

Balance $

Savings Citi® Savings


Total Checking and Savings at Citibank


When determining your fees for this statement period, Citibank considered your combined average monthly  balances during the prior month in all of your balances y our qualifying accounts that you asked us to combine. If you have  a Citibank secured credit card, then Citibank will also include the balance in your Collateral Holding  Account   or your Certificate Certificate of Deposit that secures your Citibank credit card. These balances may be in  accounts that are reported on other statements. accounts  *The Monthly Service Fee and non-Citibank ATM fees are waived with $10,00 $10,000 0 or more in combined average  a verage monthly balances from deposits, retirement accounts, and investments. Fees* Your Combined Balance Range  $0-$1,499 $0-$1,499 Monthly Service Fee $25.00(Waived)  All fees assessed in this this statement period, iincluding ncluding non-Citibank ATM fees, will appear as charges on on  your next Citibank monthly statement (to the account that is currently debited for y your your our monthly service fee). Please refer to your Client Manual-Consumer Accounts and Marketplace Addendum booklet for details on  how we determine your monthly fees and charges. how .

 


CHECKING ACTIVITY  Regular Checking  9797221915 9797221915


Beginning Balance:  Ending Balance: Ending





Page 2 of 4  Account 9797221915 Statement Period -  Jan 3 - Feb 2, 2022

SAVINGS ACTIVITY  Citi® Savings 9797221928

B  Beginning eginning Balance: Ending Balance:


 

The ba bala lanc nce e in your Money Market  Account is zero. Plea Please se note that if you ma main inta tain in a zero ba bala lanc nce e for 90 consecutive   days, we will co cons nsid ider er the ac acco coun untt in inac acti tive ve and wi will ll cl clos ose e it. We appr apprec ecia iate te your bu busi sine ness ss and we hope you wi will ll keep your   account open. To do so, simply make a deposit. account




Checking Savings / Money Market

888-248-4226 (For speech and hearing  impaired customers only impaired  TDD: 800-945-0258) TDD:

Citibank Client Services 100 Citibank Drive S  San an Antonio, TX 78245-9966

Please read the paragraphs below for important information on your accounts with us. Note that some of these products may not be available in all states or in all  packages. packages. Th e produc products ts report reported ed on th this is stat statemen ementt have have been been combined combined onto onto o n ne e monthly monthly statemen statementt at yo your ur req reques uest. t. Th The e ownership ownership and and title title of indi individua viduall pro produc ducts ts rep report orted ed here here may be different  d ifferent from the addressee(s) on the first page. CHECKING AND SAVINGS FDIC Insurance: Pro Produc ducts ts report reported ed in CHECKING CHECKING and and SAVIN SAVINGS GS are ins insure ured d by th e Federa Federall Deposi Depositt Ins Insura urance nce Corporatio Corporation. n. Ple Please ase con consul sultt yo your ur Citiba Citibank nk Customer Customer Manual Manual for full full det detail ails s and  limitations of FDIC coverage. limitations CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT Certific Cert ificates ates of Dep Deposi ositt (C (CD) D) info informat rmation ion may may show show dashes dashes in certai certain n fie fields lds if on the date date of your your stat statemen ementt yo your ur ne new w CD w a as s no nott ye yett funded funded or yo your ur existi existing ng CD renewed renewed but but is  still in its grace period. still IN CASE OF ERRORS In Case of Errors or Questions About Your Electronic Fund Transfers: If yo you u th thin ink k your your stat statemen ementt or reco record rd is wr wron ong g or if yo you u need need more more info informat rmation ion abo about ut a tra transf nsfer er on the the stat statemen ementt or rec record ord,, tele telephon phone e us or wr writ ite e to us at t he he add addres ress s sh show own n in  tthe he Cus Custom tomer er Ser Servic vice e Informat Information ion sec sectio tion n on your your statement statement as soon soon as possi possible. ble. We must must he hear ar from from yo you u no late laterr than than 60 da days ys after after we se sent nt yo you u the first stat statemen ementt on which  tthe he er erro rorr or proble problem m appeared. appeared. You  You a rre e entit entitled led to remedi remedies es fo r er erro rorr resolutio resolution n for an electroni electronic c fund fund tra transf nsfer er in accordance accordance with with t he he Elec Electroni tronic c Fu Fund nd Tra Transf nsfer er Act  Act and federal  Regulation E or in accordance with laws of the state where your account is located as may be applicable. See your Client Manual for details. Regulation Give Give us t h he e fol follow lowing ing information: (1) yo you ur na name me and accoun accountt number number,, (2) the dol dollar lar amount amount of th e sus suspec pected ted er erro ror, r, (3) des descri cribe be the er erro rorr or th e tra transf nsfer er you are unsure abou  a boutt and explai explain n as cle clearl arly y as you can why you bel believ ieve e th ther ere e is an er erro rorr or why you ne need ed more info informat rmation. ion. We will will inves investiga tigate te yo u urr complain complaintt and will will co corr rrec ectt any error  promptly. If we take promptly. take more more than than 10 busine business ss da days ys to do th this is we wi will ll recred recredit it yo your ur acc accoun ountt for t h he e amount amount yo u thi think nk is in er erro ror, r, so that that you wi will ll ha have ve u s se e of th e mone money y dur during ing the  time it takes us to complete our investigation. time Th e followin following g specia speciall procedure procedures s appl apply y to errors errors or ques questions tions abou aboutt inte internati rnational onal wire wire transfers transfers or internatio international nal Citi Citibank bank Global Global Trans Transfers fers to a recipient recipient locate located d in  a for foreig eign n countr country y on or afte afterr Octobe Octoberr 28 28,, 2013: 2013: Telephone Telephone us or wr writ ite e to us at th the e add addres ress s sho shown wn in the the Cus Custom tomer er Servic Service e Informati Information on sec sectio tion n on yo your ur stat statemen ementt as so soon on as  possible. We must possible. must hear hear fr from om yo you u withi within n 180 180 days days of th the e date date we indicated indicated to yo you u th that at th the e fun funds ds would would be made made available availableto to the the recipient recipient of that that trans transfer. fer. At  At the the time time yo you u contact  u us, s, we may a s sk k f or or the the followin following g information: information:1) 1) your your name, name, add addres ress s an and d accoun accountt numb number; er; 2) th the e name name of the the per person son recei receiving ving the the fun funds, ds, an and d if yo u kn know ow it, it, his his or he herr telephone  n umber and number and/or /or addres address; s; 3) the dol dollar lar am amoun ountt of th the e transfer; transfer; 4) th the e refere reference nce co code de f o orr th the e transfer; transfer; an and d 5) a descriptio description n of the the er erro rorr or why yo you u need need addit additiona ionall info informat rmation. ion. We  may al so so ask you to sele select ct a choi choice ce of re reme medy dy (cre (credi ditt to yo you u r acco accoun untt in an amount amount nec necess essary ary to re reso solv lve e the er erro rorr or alternati alternatively, vely, a re rese send nd of the tra transf nsfer er in an amount necess  n ecessary ary to resolv resolve e the the erro errorr f or or those those ca case ses s wh wher ere e bank bank er erro rorr is found). found). We wi will ll determine determine whether whether an er erro rorr ha has s occ occurr urred ed within within 90 days days aft after er yo you u con contac tactt us us.. If we determine  tthat hat an er erro rorr ha has s occurre occurred, d, we wil willl prompt promptly ly correc correctt th that at er erro rorr in accor accordance dance wi with th th the e er erro rorr resolutio resolution n proce procedures dures unde underr the the Electroni Electronic c Fund Fund Tra Transf nsfer er Act  Act an and d fed federa erall Regulation   or in accordance with the laws of the state where your account is located as may be applicable. See your Client Manual for details. E

Citibank is an Equal Housing Lender.

© 2019 Citigroup Inc. Citibank, N.A. Member Member FDIC.  Citibank credit cards are issued by Citibank, N.A. AAdvantage® is a registered trademark of American Airlines, Inc. Citibank  Citi, Citi and Arc Design and other marks used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, used and registered throughout the world. Citi,




Page 3 of 4  Account 9797221915 Statement Period -  Jan 3 - Feb 2, 2022 TO RECONCILE YOUR CHECKBOOK WITH THIS STATEMENT, FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES

1. List in your checkbook any deposits, withdrawal withdrawals s and service charges which are shown on  your statement, but not recorded in your checkbook. Adjust your checkbook accordingly. your

Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding ( (Made Made by you but not yet indicated as paid on your statement) Number or Date


2. Mark off in your checkbook all checks paid, withdrawals, or deposits listed on your statement. 3. List and total in the "Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding" column at the right all  issued checks that have not been paid by Citibank together with any applicable check charges issued  and all withdrawals made from your account since your last statement. and 4. Deduct from your checkbook balance any service or other charge (including pre-authorized  transfers or automatic deductions) that you have not already deducted. transfers 5. Add to your checkbook balance any interest-earned deposit shown on this statement. 6. Record Closing Balance here (as shown on statement). 7. Add deposits or transfers you recorded which are not shown  on thisstatement. on

8. Total (6 and 7 above). 9. Enter Total "Checks and Other Withdrawals Outstanding"(from right). BALANCE

Sum of check charges o  on n or above if applicable

 (8 less 9 should equal your checkbook balance). (8 Total



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