Statement of The Problem

October 11, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Statement of the Problem   This study deals with the ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________  __   __________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________  ______________________________   __________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________  ______________________________    Specifically, the feasibility study seeks answers to the following questions related to the different aspects of business operations: The Marketing Aspect


Wha Whatt are the opport opportuniti unities es and and th threat reatss of the busine business? ss?

2. What factors in the external environment are expected to affect business operations? 3.

Wh What at facto factors rs affec affectt the de deman mand d for the the produc product? t? 4. What factors affect the supply of the product? 5. How How mu much ch iiss th thee deman demand d and and sup supply ply gap? gap? 6. Wh Who o is the pro propos posed ed tar target get mar market ket?? 7. Wh What at is the the pr propo oponen nents’ ts’ produc product? t? 8. How How muc much h is tthe he pr produ oduct’ ct’ss sel sellin ling g price price?? 9. How How and wh where ere will will the the pr produ oduct ct be di distr stribu ibuted ted?? 10. Wha Whatt promotional promotional stra strategy tegy will will be implemented? implemented?

The Management Aspect

1. Who are the project originations and persons involved in managing the proposed business? 2. What are the schedules of the business activities pertaining to the putting up of the proposed business? 3.

What is the form o off owne ownership rship p plann lanned ed by the the business business propon proponents? ents? 4. Wha Whatt are th thee differ different ent pos posit ition ionss in the pro propos posed ed organi organizat zation ion and what what are the their ir qualif qualifica icatio tions, ns, duties duties and

5. 6.

responsibilities? How does the organ organizati izational onal stru structur cturee look look llike? ike? What What is the the pro propos posed ed compe compensa nsatio tion n sch scheme eme??

The Technical Aspect

1. What are the technical specifications of the product? 2. What are the raw materials to be used in manufacturing the product? 3. What are the steps in the manufacturing process? 4. What are the building and facilities required for production? 5. What machinery and equipment are required in production? 6. What are the labor requirements for production? 7. Where is the plant and office location? 8. How do the layouts for office and plant look like? 9. What is the production schedule? 10. What are the plans for utilities and waste disposal? 11. How much is the unit production cost? The Financial Aspect

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wha Whatt are the assumptio assumptions ns used in genera generating ting the pr projec ojected ted fina financia nciall statements? statements? How m much uch is tthe he tot total al pro project jected ed capital capital in investm vestment ent re require quirement? ment? Wh What at are the sou source rcess of capita capital? l? How do the fi financi nancial al stateme statements nts ap appear pear over over a 5-yea 5-yearr oper operating ating perio period? d? Wha Whatt is the company’s company’s ex expecte pected d perfor performance mance as sho shown wn by sele selected cted fin financia anciall ratios? ratios?

The Socio-Economic Aspect

1. 2.

Wha Whatt are the social social benef benefits its tha thatt the pr propose oposed d business business will will cont contribu ribute? te? Wha Whatt are the econom economic ic im implica plications tions of the the proposed proposed busin business? ess?

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