Stated Main Idea

January 24, 2019 | Author: iqaaz | Category: Bulimia Nervosa, Tsunami, Eating Disorder, Eating, Psychology & Cognitive Science
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Locating the Stated Main Idea Multiple-Choice Exercise (See related pages)


Read each paragraph. Mentally determine its topic. Then identiy its stated main idea sentence !y as"ing yoursel# $%hat is the one most important point the author &ants me to understand a!out the topic'$ The sentence that ans&ers that uestion is the  paragraphs stated main idea sentence.


Tsunamis# Tsunamis# large ocean &a*es caused !y under&ater earthua"es# can !e deadly de adly and destructi*e. +or example# in ,ecem!er /# an under&ater earthua"e triggered a massi*e tsunami throughout the Indian 0cean. The tsunami "illed more than #  people and caused !illions o dollars o damage to the coasts o numerous Southeast 1sian countries. The stated main idea sentence is tsunamis A)



Tsunamis# large ocean &a*es caused !y under&ater earthua"es# can !e deadly and destructi*e. The tsunami "illed more than # people and caused !illions o dollars o damage to the coasts o numerous Southeast 1sian countries.


E*en today# the 2.S. Supreme Court does not relect the 2.S. po pulation. It &as 3456  !eore the irst !lac" 7ustice &as appointed. It &as 3483 !eore the irst irst &oman &as appointed to the Court. It &as 3485 !eore the Court had its irst 7ustice o Italian descent. 9o person o :ispanic or 1sian descent has yet !een appointed app ointed as a mem!er o the Court. The stated main idea sentence is E*en today# the 2.S. Supreme Court does not relect the 2.S. population. A)

It &as 3456 !eore the irst !lac" 7ustice &as appointed. app ointed.



 9o person o :ispanic or 1sian descent has yet !een appointed as a mem!er o the Court.


In 1rica# music is usually perormed outdoors. There is spontaneous music ma"ing as &ell as perormances !y social and music groups at ceremonies and easts. There is no musical notation (&ritten music). 1rican music tradition# li"e ol"lore and history# is transmitted orally. Music is a social acti*ity in &hich almost e*eryone participates. Clearly# 1rican music has se*eral interesting characteristics. The stated main idea sentence is In 1rica# music is usually perormed outdoors. A)

There is no musical notation (&ritten music). B)

Clearly# 1rican music has se*eral interesting characteristics. C)


:igh achie*ement moti*ation aects peoples choice o occupation and 7o! success. (:igh achie*ement moti*ation reers to the psychological need or success in school# sports# occupations# or other competiti*e situations.) ;eople &ith high achie*ement moti*ation oten go into occupations that pro*ide re&ards or indi*idual achie*ement# such as sales# engineering# architecture# or la&. Moreo*er# people &ith high achie*ement moti*ation tend to go into occupations that realistically match their a!ilities. +or this reason# they ha*e little anxiety or ear o ailure. 1nd &hen success is achie*ed# they en7oy the ruit o their la!or more than the a*erage person. The stated main idea sentence is  High achievement motivation aects peoples choice o occupation and 7o! success.



Moreo*er# people &ith high achie*ement moti*ation tend to go into occupations that realistically match their a!ilities. +or this reason# they ha*e little anxiety or ear o ailure.



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