Starter Program For Catalyst Athletics Online Workouts by Greg Everett PDF

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Starter Program for Catalyst C atalyst Athletics Online On line Workouts by Greg Gre g Everett

Starter Program Program fo r Catalyst Catalyst Athletics Onli Online ne Workout s Greg Everet Everet t | Traini Training ng Programs | May 21 2012 The f ollowing is is a 4-week t raining raining pr program ogram that can be used to get st arted with the t raining raining program post ed on this website. websi te. This iis s a goo d cycle cycle t o st art with if you have not previously been doing the Olympic lifts frequently in your  t raini raining. ng. Ab work should be do ne every training day, along with any an y supplemental wo work, rk, e.g. e.g. back extensions, upper  body beach work, work, etc that you want t o do. IIff yo u plan plan to do the co nditioning p port ort ion of the program, add br brief  ief  conditioning workouts 2 t imes imes per week aft er the workout s below. Keep them to about 5 minutes or less and generally stay away from leg-intensive exercises.

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Please Please post questions and comments below to help other  readers. Week 1 Choose Choo se weights by f eel. Use a single single weight f or all prescr prescribed ibed sets. Weights Weights sho uld be challeng challenging ing this week, bu butt comfo rtably bel below ow max ef fo rts. Monday Clean & Jerk – 5 x 2+1 Clean Pull – 3 x 3 Back Bac k Squat – 3 x 5 Wednesday Snatch – 5 x 2 Snatch Pull – 3 x 3 Front Front Squat – 3 x 3 Thursday Power Snatch Snatch – 5 x 2 Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 2(1+1) Overhead Overhe ad Squat – 3 x 3 Saturday Snatch – heavy single Clean & Jerk – heavy single Front Squat – heavy single Week 2 Use same or similar similar weights as w eek 1 with t his increased increased volume. Monday Clean & Jerk – 5 x 3+1 Clean Pull – 4 x 3 Back Bac k Squat – 5 x 5 Wednesday Snatch – 5 x 3 Snatch Pull – 4 x 3 Front Front Squat – 5 x 3 Thursday Power Snatch Snatch – 5 x 3 Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 3(1+1) Overhead Overhe ad Squat – 5 x 3 Saturday

We are always int int erested in submissions submissi ons and new cont ri ributo buto rs for our websi website te and t he Performance Menu  journal. Submission Guidelines


Snatch – 6 x 1 Clean & Jerk – 6 x 1 Front Front Squat – 3 x 1 Week 3 Up the weights fro m la last st week as you’re able to. Monday Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 Clean Pull – 3 x 3 Back Bac k Squat – 5 x 3 Tuesday Power Snatch Snatch – 5 x 3 Hang Clean Clean – 5 x 2 Wednesday Snatch – 5 x 1 Snatch Pull – 3 x 3 Front Front Squat – 5 x 2 Thursday Hang Snatch – 5 x 3 Power Clean & Power Jerk – 5 x 1+1 Overhead Overhe ad Squat – 5 x 1 Saturday Snatch – heavy single Clean & Jerk – heavy single Front Squat – heavy single Week 4 Up the weights fro m la last st week as you’re able to. Monday Clean & Jerk – 5 x 1 Clean Pull – 3 x 2 Back Bac k Squat – 5 x 2 Tuesday Power Snatch Snatch – 5 x 2 Power Clean – 5 x 2 Wednesday Snatch – 5 x 1 Snatch Pull – 3 x 2 Front Front Squat – 3 x 2 Thursday Hang Snatch – 5 x 2 Power Clean & Power Jerk – 4 x 1+1 Overhead Overhe ad Squat – 3 x 1 Saturday Snatch – heavy single Clean & Jerk – heavy single Front Squat – heavy single Greg Greg Ever Everett ett is the o wner of Cataly Catalyst st Athletics, publ publishe isherr of The Performance Menu and Menu and author  of Olympic Weightlifting: A Complete Guide for Athletes & Coaches Coaches.. F Find ind him on Faceboo k at  and sign up fo r his free newsl newslett ett er here. here.   Si Sign gn up fo r our free newslett newslett er to get training training tips and stay up to dat e on Catalyst  At hletics, and get a FREE FREE issue of t he Per Perff ormance Menu journal.

76 Comments Robert   1 | 2012-05-21 Coach, thanks f or post ing this. Could y you ou clarify clarify what exactly shoul should d be done f or t he "+" prescriptions (2+1, 2(1+1), 1+1, etc.)? Thank you.


Greg Everet Everet t   2 | 2012-05-21 Tho se numbers represent, in order, the exercises in the set . For example, c clean lean and jerk 2+1 means 2 cleans followed by 1 jerk each set. 2(1+1) for CJ would mean each set is clean, jerk, clean, jerk - 1 of each but 2 times through. Jared ray   3 | 2012-05-21 Looks great, coach!! Just t o make sure, when you say "5x3", do do yo u mean 5 sets of 3 reps? reps ? That 's always always conf used me Greg Everet Everet t Jared - Yes, 5 x 3 is 5 set s of 3 reps.


4 | 2012-05-21

Danny   5 | 2012-05-21 thanks for posting. Yes 5x3 means 5 sets of 3 reps. You may also see it written 225x3x5. It means the exact same thing but it includes includes the load. That conf uses a lot lot people Matt   6 | 2012-05-21 Thanks Greg! Do you consider Pull ups to be "beach work" or supplemental? For a super  heavyweight, If I can knock out 5-7 strict pull ups, should that be a daily, 2x weekly, or  never supplem supplemental ental act ivi ivity? ty? Maybe its its worth genera generalilizing zing t hat once a lilift ft er can do "X" pull ups, its not that helpful helpful t o keep doing them, or do pull ups not co rr rrelate elate well to weightlif ting...done ting...done w/ my ADD rambling rambling semi quest ion. Greg Everet Everet t   7 | 2012-05-21 Matt - I llike ike pu pullll-ups -ups - I'd I'd say do t hem 2-3x/wk 2-3x/wk and jus justt knock out mayb maybe e 30 t ot al on one day, 40 to tal o n anot her day, stayi staying ng away f rom f ailed ailed reps. They're only beach work if  you do them as close-grip close-grip chins chins to fo cus on your guns. Confused   8 | 2012-05-21 I hope I don't sound like a total noob when I say this, but ummm, where is the conditioning part of this program program? ? Or is itit something that we have to add in ourselve ourselves? s? Thanks fo r  posting t his up Gr Greg. eg. Rikke   9 | 2012-05-21 Brilliant! I've tried some of your other workouts, but as I'm (obviously) new to o-lifting, I've had "issues" with t he loads, as I 1) don't really know my 1RMs, and 2) my technique (on f ull lifts) still lacks so much that the prescribed loading on fragment exercises doesn't really feel challengi challenging ng enough. Will Will try to stick with t his one and get my lilift ft s bett er developed! developed! Confused: I imagin imagine e you should manage the co nditioning stuff , yoursel yourselff ;) Greg Everet Everet t   10 | 10 | 2012-05-21 Confused - In In the intro, I m mean ean the conditioning portion of the site wo rkouts, not this program.. For program For t his pr program, ogram, y you ou need t o co ok up yo ur own. Trapp   11 | 11 | 2012-05-22 When you say use the same weight, weight, do you mean fo r the day or f or t he week? Thanks Billy   12 | 12 | 2012-05-23 I want to do this routine plus Mainpage CrossFit to get in some conditioning. I am also going to be doing some running for an upcoming half marathon and I have BJJ practice 4 thimes a week. Should I run it as written or scale it back some? Thanks! Greg Everet Everet t   13 | 13 | 2012-05-23 Trapp - Use the same weight for all sets of a given exercise, e.g. 5 sets of 3 snatch all at the same weight. Greg Everet Everet t   14 | 14 | 2012-05-23 Billy - You're not going to make much progress. Way too much shit going on. Why don't you st ick w BJJ BJJ and runni running ng f or your conditioning, and this fo r your strength/power work? Why add add CF CF on top o f it ? Billy   15 | 15 | 2012-05-23  A lot o f really strong guys I know do CrossFit.. .one of t hem has a 350# squat and cand deadlift almost 400# . I lilike ke your prog program ram because it doesn't do esn't have any bench... bench...I used to bench a lot lot (225) (225),, but it's no t very functional ri right? ght? Greg Everet Everet t   16 | 16 | 2012-05-23 Billy - Are they doing everything else you plan on doing in addition to CF? Is it the CF that made them or tbig he lilift ft s ing wei ghts t hat so metimes iis s done with CF that made them strong? Arestrong, 350/400# 350/400# lift lift foweights r strength athletes? Leon   Gr Greg, eg, Thanks for this and all all the great info yo u put o ut f or f ree.

17 | 17 | 2012-05-24


18 | 18 | 2012-05-24



I love this program and am just just about to go o ut fo r day 3. But I wonder iiff you could shar share e some tho ughts on so meone doing the power snatch when the f ull snatch is still still n not ot a well-engrained movement pattern. I'm pretty new to the Oly lifts and I still feel like about 50% of the t ime ime even if I ha have ve the intent of doing a snatch, I end up catching iitt above parallel in a power position (it's not a flexibility issue, my OHS position is very comfortable at rock bo tt om). Would it be more hel helpful pful f or someone like me me t o instead o f traini training ng power snatches, just just do more snatching snatching in order order to get the proper moto r pattern down f or  catching catchi ng iitt at the bot to m? Steve Pan Michael -


19 | 19 | 2012-05-24

You will be doing enough snatching and cleaning in the program that you will be okay doing the po wer ver versions sions on t he 3rd day. day. I believe believe the intent of that day is to have a slight slight back off duri during ng the week to recover a litt litt le for t he Saturday workout .  As fo rt orecei receiving ving the bar, you be hitand t inguse rockthe botrest t om yousquat lock out thabilize e bar. want recei receive ve the bar at itsshouldn't highest highest point res t o as f t hat t o stthe abil ize You the bar over head. head. You wil willl have to t ry to meet t he bar llower ower and lower as the weights go up. You will have to dial back the pull slightly on your warm ups so you won't be power  snatching the beginning beginning but meeting the bar high and squatt ing under it should be o kay. Just continue to wo rk on pulling pulling yoursel yourselff under into t hat squat. Michael Thanks Steve, t hat's helpful advice


20 | 20 | 2012-05-24

Greg Everet Everet t   21 | 21 | 2012-05-24 MIchael - What Steve said. If you're really struggling, instead of power snatches, you can do high or mid-hang snatches at t he same weight weight yo u'd be doing power snatches with, focusing on pulling down under the bar. This will keep things light on those days as desired and let you wo rk on one o f your weaknesses. weaknesses. That said said,, even wi with th po wer sna snatches, tches, you should be focusing on pulling down hard and punching under the bar the same way you do in the snatch. Billy   22 | 22 | 2012-05-26 Your are probably right...I right...I'm 'm doing t oo much. I wi willll di dial al the th e CF back to only f ive days a week. Mags   23 | 23 | 2012-05-28 5 metcons a week is still still probabl probably y t oo much -- just my t wo cent s. G Greg reg -- am I to understand under stand t hat o n week two we do 5 sets of 3 cleans cleans + 1 jerk jerk on Monday? Thanks. Thanks. Greg Everet Everet t Mags -


24 | 24 | 2012-05-28

Yes,, that 's correc Yes correct. t.  Alena   25 | 25 | 2012-05-28 Curious, I have programed back squats twice a week, and over head and front once a week. Are you front squatt ing twice a week to wo rk on the cleans catching iin n the ho le, or  the explosivenes explosiveness s t o catch and drive? drive? Why not the heavy back squats squats twice a week? * Bi Billlly y - still to o much? Greg Everet Everet t


26 | 26 | 2012-05-29

 Alena - More front squat s because typically peop people le new to weight lift ing don't have adequate quad and trunk strength strength t o squat upright as they need to . It's meant t o begin shi shift ft ing their strength t o be more in tune with weigh weightlift tlift ing rather rather t han more general general llift ift ing.  Aust in Is t he "heavy single" a 1RM?


27 | 27 | 2012-06-21

Steve Pan   28 | 28 | 2012-06-21 The Heavy Single will be a 1RM for the day. It will be the heaviest you can go on that given day. brandon green   29 | 29 | 2012-06-27 Nice article but i must be missing some things. Where's the conditioning program that goes with this ? Why abdominal work every day ? Brandon Green Kathleen   30 | 30 | 2012-07-04 Hi, I've been using Starting Strength since Feb and was able to follow a pretty strict schedule schedu le wi with th rest days. My job has changed and now am not able to schedule schedule days off  between wo rkouts. I'm I'm looking for a something new and was hoping to try t his pr program. ogram. Is this program still goo d if I have to schedule di diff ff erently? ((ie ie 2 on, 2 of f, 3 o n) Steve Pan Kathleen -


31 | 31 | 2012-07-04

The program is planned planned to give give you rest at certain times. times. Y You ou should be able to adju adjust st it as


needed but I would say say to lilisten sten t o yo ur body and see how you respond and adju adjust st f rom there. Guy   32 | 32 | 2012-07-05 Coach I have pain in my shoulders and drop the bar though the weight is low what can I do to improve? improve? Greg Everet Everet t   33 | 33 | 2012-07-06 Guy - You You need t o f igur igure e out what t he problem with your shoulder shoulders s is before you can figure figur e out how t o f ix it. Guy   34 | 34 | 2012-07-07 Ok than cause I used to shoulder press and work on shoulders no problem but ohs/snatchs hurt sometimes thanks you and guy is my name just saying Oskar    35 | 35 | 2012-07-07 Hi yea lilike ke guy said said I dr drop op t he weight at bot to m tho ugh its light light is iitt my flexabili flexability ty and wat could do I do  Amanda   36 | 36 | 2012-07-18 When there is is more than 1 rep p per er set are y you ou supposed to cont rol itit o n the way down then reset and do anot her rep rep or can you drop itit f rom the t op (guiding (guiding iitt do wn, nothing crazy)?  Alyssa Sulay Sulay  Amanda -


37 | 37 | 2012-07-19

When you are doing snatches, cleans and/or jerks dropping it from the top and guiding it down is ok. With pull pulls s and deadl deadlift ift s you should control it on t he way down. Mel   38 | 38 | 2012-07-24 Gr Greg, eg, about to ram ramp p on with t he above program prior prior t o f ollowing your main main si site te program program,, from my oly garage set up in a small town by the beach in Australia. Quick Q - would it be too much to program in a sand dune hill sprint sessions once or twice a week in addition to some chins et c. II'm 'm able to split sessions every t raining raining day when required. As per  previous comments thank you for making your programming available online. Greg Everet Everet t Mel -


39 | 39 | 2012-07-24

That should be fine. Patrick   40 | 40 | 2012-07-24 Gr Greg, eg, I am new to your si site, te, but lilike ke what I see. I am not so sure about what t o do with supplemental exercises or beach work. How How many exercises, what bo dy groups, what should the set/rep range range be? Also what is the benef it t o do ing this, is itit strength o r si size? ze? Greg Everet Everet t Patrick -


41 | 41 | 2012-07-26

 Add that th at st uf f as needed. IItt may not no t be. Def Def initely ab/l ab/lower ower back work each training day. If  you f eel llike ike you you need t o add some size t o yo ur upper body, add some lift lift s in that vei vein, n, 35 set s of 8-12 reps, 1-3 exercises. If you need ne ed lower bo body dy size, you can add some SLDL, SLDL, good mornings, weighted lunges and/or add extra higher volume squat sets (e.g. 2-4 sets of 8-10 reps reps)) aft er your norm normal al squ squats. ats. Tyler    42 | 42 | 2012-07-26 Deadlifts - Do you believe they are necessary with this program? - How can you incorporate incorporate t hem iinto nto the program? Jonathon   43 | 43 | 2012-08-03 Greg, I've just started weightlifting at 37 years old. I've had some coaching and plan to go back when f inances and time permits. In In t he meant ime, I have my garage set- up. Would you recommend for someone at my age- where learning curve is longer, recovery not as quick, quic k, to fo cus on just lear learning ning the snatch? Or is there a cr cross oss over benefit of working on the snat ch and clean/j clean/jerk erk at t he same time? time? If I should should fo cus jjust ust o n t he snatch, how would you modify t he starter program? James   44 | 44 | 2012-08-04 Gr Greg eg - T hanks for t he "intro" program. I've rec recently ently deci decided ded to transition t o the olympic olympic lift lift s from t he "power" llift ift s. At t his point st rength in the lilift ft s is not a concern of mine, only technique. I'm having difficulty with the receiving position of the clean (finding the groove without shattering a clavicle). Any suggestions? Also, any suggestions regarding improving the 2nd/3rd pulls in the lifts (I conventional DL 465lbs at 148lbs, but snatch with 185 puts me t o shame shame!). !). Thank you Joe


45 | 45 | 2012-08-05


Hey Greg Greg and thanks fo r this intro. I h have ave been doing crossfit crossfit fo r qui quite te some time but f or  the upcoming mont mont hs I want t o get a lot st ronger so so t hink hinking ing ab about out changi changing ng the workout s. Im thinkin thinking g about fo llllowing owing this program and then move o ver to the daily daily workout s. However I wonder if it is t oo much to also incorporate st ronglift ronglift 5x5 progra program m (one of the excercises excercises per day)? Would Would that be beneficial beneficial or is itit best t o just st ick to t he workout s posted here for best strength gains? Greg Everet Everet t Jonathan -


46 | 46 | 2012-08-06

You should be able able to manage this as-is. as-is. No need to only work on one lift at a time. Travis   47 | 47 | 2012-08-09 Thanks fo r all of this great info rmation rmation Gr Greg. eg. I was wondering, wondering, do yo u t hink itit is beneficial/necessary for a novice weightlifter who has never done Olympic lifts before, to focus on building strength with basic compound lifts (ie. Squats, Presses, Deadlifts) prior  to att empting this starter program? program? Jamie   48 | 48 | 2012-08-13 What wo uld you say the general rrest est period bet ween sets is? Par Particular ticularly ly on t he 5x1 etc. Program Program lloo oo ks gre great at i'm exci excited ted t o st art t omorrow. Steve Pan Jamie -


49 | 49 | 2012-08-13

You should rest rest at leas leastt 2 minutes between sets o r until you f eel fresh enough enough t o t ake the next lift. Try not t o go overboard and focus on maki making ng ever every y lilift ft goo d. Greg Everet Everet t Travis -


50 | 50 | 2012-08-15

It's goo d to have a reasonable reasonable base base wi with th t hat st uff but t here's here's no magi magic c threshold you need to reach. reach. You'll You'll be squ squatt att ing and puling puling anywa anyway y so it 's not as if you won't be doing strength work.  Ant on Viberg   51 | 51 | 2012-08-16 Hey!! First; Hey First; t hanks fo r the great routine f or us beginner beginners s and second, what do es Power  Cl Clean ean & Power Jerk – 5 x 2(1+1) mean? II'm 'm curi curious ous abo ut t he (1+1)  Alyssa Sulay Sulay  Ant on -


52 | 52 | 2012-08-16

The 1+1 means that you do 1 power clean + 1 power jerk. So when it says 5X2 (1+1) it  just means to do 5 set s of 1 power clean + 1 P Power ower Jerk at you yourr working wei weight ght . Johnny   53 | 53 | 2012-08-21 Thanks fo r this. I h have ave fo llllowed owed some o f your progra programs ms and hav have e worked up to a body weight snatch at 185 and a clean and jerk to 255. Would you say that I am still a beginner  and can I use this template but go by percentages or stay with it as is is.. I want t o st art o ver  and fo cus stri strictly ctly on f orm but no t go t o f ancy addi adding ng lilift ft s. I currently currently only snatch,fs,squat,snatch snatch,fs,squa t,snatch f rom t he hip, cl clean ean and jerk, jerk, jerk jerk f or t he hip. Thanks f or any input.  Also I t end to dive on all my lift lift s and it drives drives me crazy. crazy. My power snat ch is pushing 225 and I don't think it should be lilike ke that . Greg Everet Everet t Johnny -


54 | 54 | 2012-08-24

Yes I'd I'd st ill consider you a beginner. Y You ou can use t his templat e as-is, no %s nee needed. ded. You're You're bett er off going by feel at t his stage anyway. Just be careful careful with pulls pulls not to go t oo heavy - correct posture, balance and speed. Johnny Thanks Greg Greg f or t he response


55 | 55 | 2012-08-25

James S.   56 | 56 | 2012-08-27 Just want ed t o say thanks fo r posting t his gr great eat starter program. Aft er leavin leaving g CrossFit CrossFit programmi program ming ng to start your Oly cyc cycles les I'm I'm amazed amazed at the gains gains t hat can be made when you slow things down. I'm I'm itching itching to finish this la last st week up and get going with t he Strength by Feel cycle. Thanks! Miguel


57 | 57 | 2012-08-28

From Spain, thanks for the article. Shawn   58 | 58 | 2012-09-06 Coach, thanks for the programming! I've CFing since December with some exposure to oly lift lift s, can I jum jump p right right into the main main programming programming or sould I rrun un a mont h of intro t o t ighen ighen up technique? IfIf i'm havi having ng diff icu iculty lty with a movement should I post video in comments o r the fo rum portion o f t he si site? te? Cheers! Cheers! Shawn


Steve Pan Shawn -


59 | 59 | 2012-09-06

It wo uld be goo d to run through this starter program befo re you jump jump iinto nto the main programing. program ing. Posting in the f orum would al also so be t he best way t o get some feedback on your lift lift s. Tim   60 | 60 | 2012-09-08 Hey, just completed Week 1 of this program, and have to tell you I'm loving it so far. I've been a CrossFi CrossFitt athlete and co ach fo r 3 year years s or so no w and have been constantly frustrat ed by my plateau in Oly lift lift ing. Alr Already eady not iced a huge diff erence erence just by shi shift ft ing fo cus ont o O ly llift ift ing and fitt ing CF CF metco metco ns around my lilift ft ing. PR's PR's on bo th lilift ft s alr already eady at t he end of week 1 (76k (76kg g snatch 94kg c&j. c&j.) had plenty plenty more in the t ank but t rying rying to be patient and stick to a plan. Looking forward to posting some BIG pr's soon :) 1 question... can i post vid videos eos f or some o nline nline coaching? Steve Pan Tim -


61 | 61 | 2012-09-08

I would suggest suggest po sting vi videos deos in the f orum to get f eedback on your lilift ft s. Sean   62 | 62 | 2012-09-24 Hey Coach, I started doing Oly style couple of month ago, I have a severe pain in my right elbow everytime everytime I try t o Lock! I been off gym of 5 days now t ryi rying ng to fix it, any tips or  hints? (I iced, iced, I f lossed, I s stt retched, I to ok Ibuprof en, the there's re's still a sl slight ight pain if I squeeze my triceps near the elbow) Greg Everet Everet t Sean -


63 | 63 | 2012-09-24

See a good chi chiro ro or manual therapist therapist and get it f ixe ixed d right. right. Gregory L. Johnso n


64 | 64 | 2012-10-19

When moving moving from o ne cycl cycle e to the next should there be a res restt week. Aft er compl completing eting the St arter cycl cycle e can I jjust ust st art t he Strength by Feel cycle cycle? ? And af ter t hat cycle would I  just st art ano t her cycl cycle e or rest a week first ? Steve Pan Gregory -


65 | 65 | 2012-10-22

You should be able able to start anot her cy cycle cle ifif you f eel good. IfIf you are feeling a litt litt le beat up you can take a transition week and then get st arted on t he next cycl cycle. e. Zach   66 | 66 | 2012-10-25 Coach, thanks fo r post ing this! I'm I'm looking fo rwar rward d t o fo llllowing owing your program. I'm an exercis exer cise e scien science ce major, major, hoping to work in the st rength and conditioning field at t he collegiate level. The Olympic lifts are certainly something I need to get dialed in, and this program looks great. J Just ust a f ew questions. I need to cont inue to wo rk on my upper body due t o my sport (Jav (Javeli elin), n), both anterior and post erior. erior. Wha Whatt days would you recommend inserting bench, rows, pullovers? Or is that something I should play by feel? Would you recommend any supplement al hamstring work wo rk lilike ke RDL variations o r physio ball hamcurls? hamcurls?  And last, what t ypical ypically ly makes makes up your core rout ine? I usually will do a medball/KB medball/KB core, but I'm always interested in hear what other people are doing. Thanks a lot! Greg Everet Everet t   67 | 67 | 2012-10-26 zach Tuesdays/Thursday Tuesdays/ Thursdays s fo r that stuf f usually, usually, but it f it's really really heavy, heavy, iitt may be better o n Mon/Wed/Sat. Same Same w hamst ring work. Core work f or us is usually some heavy back w ork like SLDL SLDL,, RD RDL L or good go od mo rnings, llighter  ighter  back work like back extensions / hypers, and a variety of ab work from light high-volume stuf f like si sitt -ups, crunches, rever reverse se crunches, jacknives, jacknives, V-ups etc, plank varieties, and heavy stuff like weighted sit-ups. I typically have people do something different every day. Michelle   68 | 68 | 2012-11-01 This says its a goo d program fo r people who have not done much lilift ft ing before. What's a good "next program up" f rom t his? his? T he dail daily y programming? programming? Michelle   69 | 69 | 2012-11-01  Also, fo r core work, how much would be done? One f rom each heavy back, lilight ght b back ack and situp variety? variety? 3 sets o f 10-12 reps iish? sh? Steve Pan Michelle -


70 | 70 | 2012-11-01

The next program from this would be to st art on week one o f o ne of the daily cycl cycles. es. You can take a loo loo k at t he cycles cycles from t he Workouts tab. Core work is usually programmed programmed in, however you may add in abs and back work if it is not


listed listed and if it do esn't interefere with yo ur rec recovery. overy. Zach   71 | 71 | 2012-11-02 Coach, just curious when you say heavy singles how many sets should you do to lead up to your 1R 1RM M for t he day, and then once you reach that RM how many sets of that RM should you do? Thanks. Zach   72 | 72 | 2012-11-02 ^EDIT: Answered my f irst quest ion, by reading your Program Help & Info page. Last ^EDIT: Last question st ililll remains remains though, how many sets once we reach that RM for t he day should we do? T hanks. Steve Pan Zach -


73 | 73 | 2012-11-02

Once you hit your RM that will will be your llast ast set fo r that exer exercis cise. e. Jason   74 | 74 | 2012-11-21 I jjust ust lift ed in my first competit ion last week (100 + 110 f or a 210 t ot al). al). IItt was a blast, but it's time t o add so me structure to my traini training ng so I am starting t his. With conditioning I have have a few options at home. Between a skipping rope, kettle bell (60lb) and a c2 rower, I have a number of ways to get my hea heart rt rate up, but I'm wondering wondering if t he rower iis s going to be t oo leg intensive intensive to go along with t his program. program. I d don't on't usual usually ly go to o long (2000m at t he most) or I do 500m intervals. Thanks! Shawn Furbish   75 | 75 | 2012-11-25 I just finished week one of the starter program, well kind of. I still cant go heavy over head due t o a sho ulder impingment impingment issue which I'm I'm nursing nursing back t o healt hy. So on o n heavy single day I did did heavy front squat, heavy dead and some scap work. Any tho ughts o n modifications that would be beneficail to the program. I was thinking maybe Pendaly rows and good mornings but wasn't really sure on rep scheme. Thanks! Shawn Furbish


76 | 76 | 2012-11-25

Isquat. t hink itJust will loo loo k lik like eto heavy clean, jerk, snatch grip heavy dead and heavy f ront Jus t needed thinksingle logicly logiclycl fean, or a no moment .Thanks Leave a Comment

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Catalyst Athletics is a USA Weightlift Wei ghtlift ing team of competitive Olympic-st Olympic -st yle weightlift ers. We are currently recruting new lifters and offer sponsorship opportunities.

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