Start Up Routine OVF10
May 9, 2017 | Author: ihwisso | Category: N/A
Short Description
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2
Start up routine
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OVF10 Start up routine
Authorization Date D1:
Running on PCB:
GBA 26800 AH
Software Version:
GAA 30157 CAB
Document Revision : Date 01-Mar-1996 22-Aug-1996 19-Nov-1996
Author G. Priebe G. Priebe G. Priebe
Page 1 - 13 1 - 11 1 - 12
Comment Original Document replace replace
Copyright 1996, OTIS GmbH Berlin. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of OTIS GmbH.
OTIS European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
2 / 12
Table of contents 1 Starting up conditions................................................................................ 3 2 First Inspection run .................................................................................... 3 2.1 Setting of contract specified parameters ............................................................... 3 2.1.1 Contract parameters ................................................... 3 2.1.2 Speed profile parameters ........................................... 4 2.1.3 LCB II parameters .............................................................................................. 5 2.2 Checking of OP signal .............................................................................................. 5 2.3 Checking of Run direction ....................................................................................... 5 2.4 Check of inspektion run ........................................................................................... 6
3 Adjustment of magnets and switches....................................................... 6 3.1 New Position reference system (PRS2) .................................................................. 6 3.2 Initiation of deceleration with IP signal................................................................... 7 3.3 Distance of deceleration........................................................................................... 8 3.3.1 Controller with LB or LCB................................................................................... 8 3.3.2 Relay controller with electronic selector ............................................................. 8
4 Final adjustment ......................................................................................... 9 4.1 Calibration ................................................................................................................. 9 4.1.1 Automatically Calibration.................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Manually Adjustment of load compensation..................................................... 10 4.1.3 Manually adjustment of TDEC times................................................................ 11 4.2 Floor level adjustment ............................................................................................ 11 4.3 Hints to prevent drive overload shut downs ........................................................ 12 4.4 Store of parameters ................................................................................................ 12
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2
Start up routine
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1 Starting up conditions The starting up of the OVF10 drive can only be done by authorisized personal !!
Warning ! The opening of the inverter may be done after switching off of the main switch and after a wait time of 3 minutes. You must measured the voltage value of the DC-link (terminal PO and NO). The voltage has to be under 60 Vdc before carrying out further works. The mounting of hoistway and car as also the installation of machine room and hoistway have to be finished, to ensure a safe inspection run. • • • •
All electrical connections have to be final installed and checked. The motor cable has to be laied separatly from all other cables. The guide rail have to be cleaned and lubricated. Flywheel inertia have to be reduced as far as possible at the motor (at modernisation).
Warning! No safety devices, hoistway or car door switches are subject to not jump out. WORK SAFE, BE SAFE.
2 First Inspection run 2.1 Setting of contract specified parameters Switch the unit to ERO-operations. Switch on the main switch. By setting of Contract ( ) and Speed profile ( ) parameters significant parameters will be set for starting and in order to conform the speed profil at the actual hoistway situation. 2.1.1 Contract parameters NOM FREQ CON SPE DDP RELAY CONTROLLER
Nominal frequency of the motor , 500 = 50Hz, 600 = 60Hz Contract specified speed (depends on mechanic), will be evaluated automatically DDP-time (calculated from given contract speed and max. floor distance) 0 = standard MCS controller 1 = Contoller with hoistway switches* (mechanic deceleration distance), with load compensation 2 = Relay Controller with electronic selector 3 = Controller with hoistway switches*, without load compensation, but U and D adjustable separately 4 = CMOS (only for engineering) 0 = standard elevator motor 4 - 8% slip
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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1 = 13VTR NE 2 = spare (13VTR NE with Software GAA30157CAA) 3 = 140VAT NE 4 = spare (140VAT NE with Software GAA30157CAA) 5 = high slippage motor with > 8% of slip distance between magnet switches LV1 and LV2 LV DISTANCE Lenght of LV magnet LV MAGNET Number of TOP floor TOP FLOOR Floor distance between bottom floor and floor 1 FDIST 00-01** ⇓ ⇓ FDIST 14-(TOP FLOOR)** Floor distance between floor 14 and top floor # Is the slipage of the motor unknown, use motor type = 5. * Floor counter blocked ** The accuracy of measured floor distances does not differ more then ± 10 mm Following values are depending on motor type: Motortype 0 1 2 3 4 5
Ustart 80 25 40 40 20 80
Uacc 1200 1100 1100 1100 1200 1200
Uend 80 60 80 60 85 80
Uload 100 80 100 80 95 100
Udec 12 12 12 12 12 12
Cre Spe 10 15 15 10 10 10
Note! The calibration is set invalid (the calibration routine should carry out once more), if the motor type or one of following parameters is changed: NOM FREQ, CON SPE, MOTOR TYPE, NOM SPE, CRE SPE, ACC, DEC, Ustart, Uacc, Uend, Uload, Udec. Calculation of the parameter CON SPE: sheave diameter x 50 Hz * x π CON SPE = roping x pairs of poles x gear ratio 2.1.2 Speed profile parameters INS SPE NOM SPE CRE SPE ACC *
Speed for inspection run, e.g. 20 = 0,2 m/s Speed for nominal speed, e.g. 100 = 1,0 m/s Creep speed, e.g. 10 = 0,1m/s Rate of acceleration, e.g. 50 = 0,5 m/s2
* Nominal frequency of the motor (50 Hz or 60 Hz)
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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Rate of deceleration, e.g. 50 = 0,5 m/s2
* With entering of contract speed (CON (ACC or DEC) will set automatically: CON SPE = 0,64 up to 1,20 m/s CON SPE = 0,41 up to 0,63 m/s CON SPE ≤ 0,40
SPE) the values for acceleration or deceleration
⇒ ⇒ ⇒
ACC/DEC = 0,5 m/s² ACC/DEC = 0,3 m/s² ACC/DEC = 0,2 m/s²
2.1.3 LCB II parameters By using of a MCS220(M) controller take care that following parameters are set in the Setup menu of the LCB II: 1.)
Drive parameter :
= 18
Pos. Reference parameter
: LV-MOD = 0 DZ-TYP = 0 DZ-DLY = 0
2.2 Checking of OP signal The unit is still in ERO operation. Check the power supplies according to the diagram. After switch on the readiness of the inverter can be checked via Service Tool. On the SVT-display ( ) the status WT_F_SF IDLE is shown. If not and their is shown immediately an error (Shut down) then you can try to set the contract and speed profil parameters ( or ) to start the inverter.The setup menus are hidden. To enable these submenus use the key sequence ( ). In case after this will not shown WT_F_SF you can find out the reason for the Shut down in the error logging ( ). Otherwise the inverter have to be change. If the display stays dark you must check wether the power supply for the drive control board (DCB) is guaranteed [P6 PIN 7 (L1), 220Vac against PE]. The output signals should be have following status: active (high) : OP inactive (low): all other signals Through switch off and switch on of the main switch or set back of the error logging ( ) the blocking can break.
2.3 Checking of Run direction After setting of contract and speed profil parameters the run direction of the car has to be checked with the ERO-box. For INS- or ERO- operation the input signals U or D have to be active and T have to be inactive. By pushing of UP- and DOWN-button of the ERO-box the motor have to be set in movement and with checking of the run direction. If the run direction doesn’t correspond with the pushed direction keys two phases of the motor cable have to be changed.
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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2.4 Check of inspektion run It has to be checked that inspection run stops in the terminal landings. At MCS220(M) controller the inspection speed has to decrease to creepspeed at reaching of 1LS or 2LS switches and has to stop in the door zone of terminal landing. At all other controllers the inspection run has to stop at reaching of 5LS or 6LS switches. Check the input signals LV1 and LV2 simulteanously during overrun of LV magnet, also that they come in the correct sequence! If the creep speed set higher then 20 (0,2 m/s) during adjusting, you have to respect that this parameter (INS SPE) set to the default value again before leaving the unit.
3 Adjustment of magnets and switches General the magnets have to be mounted with a tolerance of ± 10mm related to the floor accuracy before calibration!
3.1 New Position reference system (PRS2) Requirements: Floating tape and sensor head have to mounted according instructions and the magnets are to be located at the same level in each landing (to related to the hoistway door sill) Lenght of magnet: - 150 mm (1LV, 2LV) - as stop distance (1LS, 2LS)
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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LV1/LV2/DZI Floor level
Sensor unit 12 mm
only for REM
Floor level LV2
lacquered Floor level
Southern magnet non laquered
Northern magnet
3.2 Initiation of deceleration with IP signal The deceleration is activated with IP signal on all microprocessor controls (NE/MS300, MCS310, MCS220), i.e. that the IP signal is generated after leaving of the door zone by OVF10 and the T signal will inactivated (low) by control, when the car should stop at the next floor. The real time point to initiate the deceleration is adjusting with help of the „vane“parameters separate for floor to floor runs and for multifloor runs.
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2
Start up routine
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Multifloor speed
Floor to Floor speed
DZ 50ms
IP 250ms
The selection of the requiered profil (floor to floor run or multifloor run) is made by the falling edge of the T-input, which appears before the point of time ts
3.3 Distance of deceleration 3.3.1 Controller with LB or LCB For activation of deceleration in terminal landings at NE/MS300-, MCS310- and MCS220(M)- controllers following deceleration distances are have to be kept. Take care, that the lenght of LS magnet is large enought to do not leave the magnet up to limit switch 7 or 8LS (LS signal has to be activ). With help of these values you can place the limit switches 1/2LS. Rate of acc / dec [m/s2] 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,5 0,5 0,5
Nominal speed [m/s] 0,25 0,4 0,5 0,63 0,8 1,0 1,2
Distance of deceleration [mm] 550 800 1000 1200 1400 1800 2200
3.3.2 Relay controller with electronic selector In order to activate a floor to floor run with reduced speed (falling T-signal during acceleration) in terminal landings at relay controller with electronic selector (FAA 21400 A) the deceleration distances have to be adjust in this way, that the magnets for 1LS or 2LS switches are beginning 20 mm up to 100 mm behind the last doorzone before top or bottom landing.
OTIS European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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4 Final adjustment 4.1 Calibration The calibration is necessary to realize an „Open loop“-operation without encoder independs on loadsituation as far as possible. Add to this the pretended creep speed will increased or decreased depends on evaluated load (load compensation). Before calibration: - the guidelines have to be cleaned and lubricated, - the balance of the elevator has to be checked before calibration, it has to be ad justed to 45% up to 50%, - the floor distances have to be determined exactly and according entered. The calibration has to carried out with empty car. Note: Were all parameters set to Default values before calibration, than you have to mind the parameter TOP POSITION has to be adjusted to the actual value. Although it is possible that OVF10 has non position. Then the car has to run to bottom floor, to find the actual position. At MCS220 (LCB II) the release of normal runs have to be due to SVT menu „DCS-Run“ ( ) before realization of calibration! Commands can also given to TOP or BOT position by CCTL/BL switch on LCB II during calibration. The calibration will performed in 2 steps: 1.) Calibration of frequence compensation (control parameter) for exact creep speed under each load situations together with the adjustment of TDEC times of multifloor runs (TDEC mul U, TDEC mul D parameters) for the distance to top and bottom landing. These times are subsequently copied for all other (middle) floor distances. 2.) Adjustment of TDEC times of floor to floor runs (TDEC ftf U, TDEC ftf D parameters) for all floor distances. 4.1.1 Automatically Calibration Switch back to normal. After a correction run the car stands in the bottom landing. In the SVT main menu ( = Module) the submenu Calib = 4 has to choose. After twice press of -button, enter of commands will be expected. Important:
Add to this run has to carry out over several floors (Multifloor runs) (suitable commands are CCBL and CCTL, if existing).
After minimum 3 runs in each direction and deviation of determined creep speed of maximum 2% against nominal creep speed the message „Calibration OK ! Press GoOn to start TDEC ftf Calibration“ will indicates on SVT display. The calibration and the adjustment of TDEC times for mulifloor runs (TDEC mul) is finished with it.
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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By entering of only the „Control“-Parameter (Load compensation) are stored. t. By entering of the learned TDEC mul times are copied at the first calibration (after „Set Default“). Caused by about equal values of currents at constant run in up and down direction, the error message „ERROR_delta_Idc“ will indicates and the calibration routine will break. The currents have to be different more then 10% (related to nom. current). Otherwise „DRV: Failed Cal“ will indicated as error message. This has to be garanteed by qualified actions (counterwight)! You can check the currents Icon [%] in the submenu Datalog ( ). For adjustment of TDEC times of floor to floor runs (TDEC ftf) go further with . Now the entering of commands will be expected. 3 runs between TOP and BUTTOM have to carry out respective in up and down direction. Note: Was already calibrate to „zero“ after 1 or 2 runs in the same direction (indication „tune max ftf = 0“),the cabin runs in this direction to the terminal landing without stops! In case of a miss calibration the routine will break after 10 runs with determinded values at last, unless these values carry to a worse result as the default adjustment. A worse result do not change the default adjustment. On the end of calibration (after display of „Calibration OK !“) exit with MODULE. Then check the creep times at multifloor runs for all middle floor distances (see 4.1.3) to keep these times. Important: General you can leave the calibration routine with entering of module . With it no new adjusted values are accepted. 4.1.2 Manually Adjustment of load compensation Are there any problems during the automatically calibration ( e.g. standstill during creep run) you can fall back on manually adjustment of load compensation. By it the compensation parameters have to be entered directly ( ). Name of control parameter Icon U [%In] Icon D [%In] Fc U [.01%fn] Fc D [.01%fn] You have to carry out several multiple floor runs (at best through the whole hoistway) in direction up and down. The values Icon U and Icon D of the last run are indicated on SVTdisplay (above right) depends on direction. This value can use for the concerned parameter. A possibly stand still during the creep run is unimportant for determination of Icon - values and you take no notice of that. For determination of the concerned values of frequency compensation in direction up and down Fc U and Fc D the reaching of end landing is necessary (no stand still). Stay the car stand still the value of frequency for concerned direction of run has to be increase.
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2
Start up routine
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After end of run the line in the DataLog menu „Vcr Fcmp Ico Tcr“ has to be check ( . The values of compensation Fc U and Fc D have to be adapt in this way that a value for Vcr [mm/s] of 100 (at CRE SPE = 10 cm/s) is reached approximately. Is the elevator too fast in direction up (Vcr > 100) you have to be pretend negative values of Fc U. Negative values can consider for Icon U and Fc U by pressing of . The negative sign appear in the display after entering of the first value. For manually adjustment of load compensation with fully car (load = 100%) you have to be use Icon D and Fc D for direction up and Icon U and Fc U for direction down for this reason the load propotions are changed. 4.1.3 Manually adjustment of TDEC times After automatically adjustment of TDEC times of several floor distances, you can check in the SVT menu „DataLog“ ( ) whether the calculated values lead to optimumly creep times. In the setup menu „vane“ ( ) you can adjust the values of TDEC times therefore, that the value of correction (indicated on the SVT display right above) is between 0 and 3 (positiv value) in each case. The value which is internal evaluated after a run (rihgt above) is done the pretended (OLD) value, i.e. a positiv value is added and a negativ value is subtracted. Nominal creep time at 250mm length of magnet: about 2s Nominal creep time at150mm length of magnet: about 1,5s Tdec mul 02 U 111 OLD: 222 NEW: 333
111: value internal evalueted after a run [10ms] 222: old, pretended value 333: new, entered value (sum i.e. difference from 111 and 222)
4.2 Floor level adjustment The exact floor level in up and down direction in each landing has to adjust by running that way from both directions. The determined difference has to correct with the help of parameter LV DLY UP (up direction) and LV DLY DOWN (down direction). If the elevator stops before floor level the corresponding parameter has to increase by the determined value of the difference in [mm]. If the elevator stops after floor level the value of the parameter has to reduce. The maximum deviation of default value should not exceed ± 15 mm. For example: door zone (LV) magnet = 150 mm (default delay = 60 mm) ⇒ value after delay correction = 45 mm / 75 mm (min. / max.) That means, the better positioning of LV magnet the smaller deviation of default value. Note:
European and Transcontinental Operations
4 - AA3
GAA 26800 AH II
Vintage: 01 / 2 Start up routine
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If the leveling accuracy sometimes is not correct although the calibration routine was carried out and the TDEC times were adjusted, check if the Voltage boost was occured (see Error logging). This boost occures depending on the calculated DDP time. To prevent this occurence set the DDP time of a higher value.
4.3 Hints to prevent drive overload shut downs In case of overload messages in the error logging ( ) do the following checks: 1.) INV: Overload : This is a warning only. The software reduces the speed profil automatically. After the overload run check in the Datalogging ( ) the overload counter Ocnt [10 ms]. Only if this number is close to 50 (500 ms) change the U/f- parameter ( ) Ustart and Uload depending on motor type or reduce Uacc. 2.) DRV: OverLd>0.5s : This is a fatal error followed by drive shut down. Change acceleration. Change the U/f- parameter Ustart and Uload depending on motor type or reduce Uacc. 3.) DRV: Jerkin OVL : This is a warning which is related in most cases to a wrong Ustart value. Change Ustart.
4.4 Store of parameters With help of the function „STORE“ ( ) the complete parameter set can store. After this it is possible to change any parameters. If the changes not lead to better travel comfort, you can load the stored parameter set. All of changes are canceled. Notice! At modernisation of 1 or 2 speed units you should attend to the adjustment of the brake because it is used only to hold the car. Attention ! At end the adjusted parameters will noted and deposit in machine room, to have it available in case of requirement.
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