Star Wars - Force and Destiny - Nexus of Power (Force Worlds Sourcebook).pdf

March 27, 2017 | Author: Richard Loveday | Category: N/A
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INTERIOR ART CrisI 1 f3I. ~111111 Rimm, Stephen Sonierlc•1 Wibc.>rl, Ben Zweifel and the l.11casi1h11t111 cir chive:,



Michael S1gla1n

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rantasy f-l1ghl Garnes

199S West Count; Roao B2 Poscv1lle, rv11l55113 GAAf~iS USA -r., 2~ l S Luca~fif~ Lld. & TM. All rights reserved Fantasy rllght Games and the Fl G Lo~o are rt;g1~'te:red u~Je''la'; F. Fllghl Pub1Jsh1ng. Inc" Google. Play is a trademark or (,oogl£• Inc Ar,ple and thr~ /.I.opt~ iogr,, ar~ t:aaemaiils 01 registered 1n the U.S and other counlncs. App Store is a se:r11cr; rria'r ,.,. ! f>f/e n'

ISBN: 978 1 633Lt4 248 I

ProdlJCI Code: SWF29

Printed in China For more information about the Star Wars FoRcE AND D ESTINY line. f'ee do;a;r 021s. answers to rule queries. or just to ~i:l'.:.'. 01 ~-".'."' .. g,. ~1s1t us on ·r.'= CREDITS



CONTENTS Introduction Chapt~r I: Worlds of the Force

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Chapter II: Powerful Vergences 1110s(• on Dagobal1 and l.0L1111I. I ur11a~r. tlto rorLt' ronllllllCS l c.rPalrkJc, strr,r.g 1• •. ~ c 1 by provid ing legends and h1stonca1 t;,,1es Sf~t in thr~e:: FA~ They might also offer knowledge of otrer ;,iri \\ 11' :Sl)),, l'\,)\ ~ ~,,,,~,, l\)llllt.1 t.',lt'\ ,111lllrt' hh~n1.11, \\ht< h 1urnrd oul lt' l.H' tt'l,tll\tl'I\ 1\tS\ ll''l do1110st1< .Hi.'

(Jt)l gotlun~ ,lf 1'. Pt~r haps.

Lile n1ost fan1ous crcatu!l's 10 It\ 1' on fro, t'll ll111n The\ drc tndssl\ e non sent1l'nt, lhic~ -.K1nnl'd 1cpt1h,in < re,1tu1es '''11!1 long. PO\\t'rful ann~. short lt•iis .uid .11 ,\\Od IC~lSOll vVl1cl\ lh1s cll rdrgP •llt rrnal ">C'nc;or~ or passivt• l1gnt arr Jh~n~c :obrnoc Jlar-; u )'''fl Equipment: Be.. kecl niouur (B•awi' D~c.~~ on1 "'>llhou(;Lle 2 Ranc1. ,Erie,agecj]. E•1srare. 2) tna · age 12, Crrt1ra1 3 aee 4, Cnt•car .3, Rd nge IE;rgag;Ji~t~ claws2 [Braw1 Darr (Brawl, Darnagc' 8. Cnuca l 3 Rang ·E erce .:>). tail ~p·kcs · e 1 ngagedl. V1c1ou" 3J

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SOARING ACCIPIPTERO (RIVAL) The~e large, birdlike reptavians are o{ Dagobah's Jungle canopy Acci Lhe unchallenged kings Ives in lhe branches of Lhe gnant~rpteros spend their ent re warnps. They reast o11 bogwin s ees that cover the planet's c.hml)S or soars to the top of g ang any other creature tt1at Tre ac.cipipteros· lower ·i aws .eonrda ove. Lhe grasping trees. 111 a wicked hook h t hey use to snare prey they th · w rc.'1 . · en mane..iver the ha 1~ creatures into their mouths \\11th the small clawe P ess their wings. Once ensnared . tre prey is eaten hands on

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Skills: Athletics 2. Brawl 2 Talents: None Abilities: Flyer (soaring acclp1pteros can fly; see page 208 or the F ORCE AND DESTINY Core Ruleboek) Equipment: Hooked jaw (Brawl; Damage 6: Cnt1cal 3; Range !Engaged]. Ensnare 2). clawed hands (Brawl: Damage 4. Critical 3. Range [Engaged) Pierce 3).

SPADE-HEADED SMOOKA (MINION] A l•ny, vicious winged predator the spade-headed smooka is one of the fe\V species comfortable in both the canopy and the lovver swamps. Jrself popular prey for larger animals. 1t feasts on insects. eggs. and young rodents. Spade·headed smookas grow no more than ten centi· meters long, and their appearance. which many beings find adorable, means they are often underestimated Their large. 1 1 la head t



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WEll and auto compass l'J> II ~1ng t11r.m to tr.ivY mtJny narnes "light ltlr owe rs· Jf( Howc1;er rtd1rulou IL niay S(•r-rn user rrorri Weik Di'hr.vr; in lhes .Lo an oulstd(•r, n I o1c1., e ' d I l ~ r . rldl\ I l ' OC'pOlilflg lVJ1llll:> clll(I t'\I ' i 1r t ' • Ad.1111111• 101'lrr. 1\llll'rl' 1l •~ il1t1lOr7'1 ., rc•snttrl e~ 10 rcpt1tr ,l11d n1 The\ possess sec1el 11Luals that allO\v them to ·neat" ti1e durdtrete 1ncend11crs by smoothing c.rackc; c;hut "'th a toucti They also have the ab11itv to channel energy ,., 10 the rorg1ng process Metal 1n1plemcnts crafted l>y a cend ar\ rnest arc stronecr. sharpe1. and more durable tllar1 those crafted bv a con1mon blacksrn1t11

H01\e\ i::r. as pc1 I.he rules of lhelr order. cend1ary pnests must not use ttlell ab·i1t1C'~ for rnonetary ga1r Instead. they survive off a!.,.,s It 1s also (111 LHl\'Vrttlen tradition that any smithy grant a ceridlal"\ pnrst a ~vcek's stay for a 1'\'eek's work 1n the forge. THE SKYHOLME ASTROMANCERS

Tuts conclave of \'\'iz.ards do not actually operate in the n1ounta1ntop city or Skyholme. but merely meet there durrng \Ve1k's annual solar eclipse The rest of the lime these ant1soc1al and fiercely territorial arcane scholars remain 1n their respective domains. usually isolated crumbling towers or ominous villas on the outskirts of towns. Even their name 1s Jnoffic1al. but the group has never been agreeable enough to come up with a mutually acceptable moniker

The Skyholme Astromancers put great stoc~ in the posiuon of asLral bodies and being able to predict the future u1rough celestial portents. They are also pracuced ntuallsts~ and are convinced that they cannol. use the Force \•,•1thOUL ctlalK c1rc:lcs, personally crafted fetishes. and muttered \vords 1n dcncl languages They are almost universally an 1nc;ular and disagreeable bunch ~vho distrust each olher almosl as much as they distrust everyone else.

LUCITES An offshoot of the Skyholme Astromancers. the Lucites are of a decidedly darker bent than their brethren. In fact. they are reviled by other Astromancers. who go out of their way to hunt down Lucites whenever they become known Lucites claim to have seen "the truth" in rhe form of a star that fell from the heavens. This truth revealed that true pov.ier can only be unlocked through suffering and terror: ~refer­ ably inflicted on others through complex and arcane ntuals These 1nd1v1duals are. of course. dark side Force users of the worst stnpe They disguise therr true natures whenever possible. and it is likely that more than a few wizards wno travel to Skyholme each year for the Astromancer's conclave are secretly Lucites.



ven after being inhabited for thousands of years, sentients have only colonized a small fraction of Weik's surface. Much of the planet remains unexplored and uninhabited. though some points of civilization do exist.

VOSS PORT Self-styled center of civilization and bastion of culture, the free city of Vossport evolved out of the first settlements founded by colonists on the shores of the Rimesea. In the centuries since. rt grew into a major trading hub for the wind-ships that Pl ed Vveik's oceans. Today. its shining walls serve as a symbol of \vealth and povver. but also hide corruption and criminality.

THE GUILD HALL Vossport is ruled by the trade guilds that enable commerce across the Rimesea. and ar:-e thus fabulously wealthy. The most powerful guilds (generally those run by Duros sea-captains) control the fleets of wind-ships that travel across the Rimesea. trading with the various settlements along its shores. However. some. of the oldest guilds are those that forged the tract~ ro~tes with far-off Fume in the earliest days of Vossport s existence. The steady supply of iron and steel goods ensures those guilds constant wealth and steady influence.


Vossport is a huge city-for Weik-with almost 150.000 "!habitants. Most of the city exists behind white stone walls. although in the last hundred years. more and more commun1l es have sprung up outside their safety. The neighborhoods on t:tle h• Is overlooking the port tend to be the oldest and the nchest with houses and shops built from thick stone blocks arid, oc.c.a~1onally (in the case of the oldest and most expen~ ~e UJ11s11ucl1ons), durasteel plates. The neighborhoods ~lor g the inside or 1he cl Ly walls. on the other hand. tend to ""L' Po(Jr~r and consist of a Jumbled mesh of wooden dwellings L!lol lr.;,r 111 " ,, 1Jnr.rJ11ly against one another

fh(! di~·rrrts lrnn1ud1att•ly f.Urrounding Lhe c1Ly gates ancl Pl}rt a1 c bt 1 anrj il isl 111g co1nr11crc1a1 centers, frorn Lhe flsllrna1 ket 5 the C fdlsti11cuve odor to the lurr111t:es anu workshop'> or Prob~~! LS Quarter If 1L's not m~dr 1n Vosspon. one ra11 st Ill


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arr(! Jli)!;S 1g1 Wl\'iOf tire llll\11'1 y llltt'lltt• r 1nr- polllrrs and gr'11l Wl 1on surnn1on1no the Guar·c1 , , [ . ,· " < , 01 I t' L~lll nc vcr Jr 'lLllP WhPthor they II br ~l('lr>cd by .i stdl\ol/drl eri lorce1 ol Vos~po11 \ luws or cl COi lllpl LT1rn1nt1I h1c11np, behind fl bullHe> nl off Ill' ~


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11 ·• • .t 'r>l'fJI l'g po nt. ano vlo1e11cc Is ~11re: to en~ue What t11e hnr.11 out ornc ,.., be and \'who v,111 survive.\;> an1one's gucPll'allon 1S pnmar jf\ hun,~n. \\111• a '\ll1i''' e11n~1 or C'I 11t'I

stxi c>fa1 ng ell)( ti 10111 . cal t\ n1L3 I\ goC's ror 1 t~rgct s la1 i' 111 s1 1,.. , . ' i u\\11llP, at l'YPS and cl 111 Frangawl culture Their slr uctures still dot tht' l.inclsccJpl!, and their art1vork adorns museurns and publ•c spaces across tre planet A. te141 of their temples. massi"e structures 11ewn from sohd rock survive to this da\ Ruined chunks of beaull ful. soarrng Frangawl architecture and magn1hcent rrangawl anin1al sculptures ate valued as cornerstones and artvvo(k in rnode1 n Bardotlan buildings Tvvo thousand years ago. the Franga1 lhe Dagoyans viewed this act as kidnapping. To aver I a 1-10111 lCal cata5lrop11e, the Jedi returned tile children 1.o be raised 1n the Dagoyan Lraditlon Relations beJ werin Bardol la and the Jedi re1nalned rool up unlll U1c Clone Wars

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1l1e Ba•licllari Rovdl P(llace sits atop a massive stone spire. J d. t. rooms 1~ d spra1"' 1ng con1plex of living quarters. me rta ion .· Jrd the Bal1k toy Council Chamber. The elected monarchs 0111clCJI r~s1dence occupies the top levels of a square stone to1ve1 U1al protrudes rrom the top of the spire. The palace winds around several stories of its host sprre. ard some or 1ls hallways and rooms are carved into the rock itself Ong1nally constructed from vvood-1t 1¥as a der:ionstrat1on of strength to 11aul its massive timbers up the sp1re.1t has been expanded and remodeled several times over its thousand ·year lifespan. The palace functions as both a political and a religious seat ol power. ll is normally accessible only via a long. arduous chmb up the spire. This isn't intended to separate Lhe Dagoyan Masters from the rest of Bardottan society: instead. Lhe physical iourney mirrors the spiritual journey a BardotLan must undergo to become a master. A single landing plalform has been carved into the top of the spire. allowing offworld dignitaries to visit Lhe palace without the exerting climb Lo the top.

FRANGAWL CAVE This ancient Frangawl temple cave is nestled into the base of the same spire upon which the Bardottan Royal Palace was built. A winding path ends at the maw of the cave. which Bardottans still consider an important site. Most only know it as a senes of catacombs that has a mystical significance lost to time However. deep in its tunnels lies something far more sinister. The cave mouth opens into a complex labyrinth of natural tunnels that are exceedingly difficult to navigate without a guide or a map Occasional hints of the cave's original purpose dot its walls and floor: carved Frangawl symbols worri with age. peeling paintings, and the occasional discarded artifact. ,If a visitor knows where to go, the cave eventually opens in,o a vast cavern hewn from the spire. Th is is the Frangawl tern~le, an enormous complex devoted to the ancient relig10~ s ·one who r rnonaslic cornrnun 1tl· Any d " . decline n1onk is politely buL 1111111Y

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I tlO I o!:. were sc:altPred th1ougtio111 the sµacr>, p1ov1d1ne cornlortable placl•s lor rest, med1tat1on. a11cJ l•1cnr11y eat11cri11gs. rhe vast dornC:' of tile.· ccll1ng conLatnecl a SCiµt11r.t1cat1:d holoproJection su1Le progrorn1ncd to s11nu .itc anay 1.111c1 nlgltl c;ycle c.ur11plete witl1 sunrises, suns(>ts. Ul1Jt1;d clouds. and the 111et 1t :,k1es ol a hundred worlcJs.

lh( Room ol a l housancJ Fountains sc>rvc1u1 l11cl suflt•r0cl llt 1dVlly c.lurinr. lhe '>l('t~t' ol 1111 • J r ~dl liJ111plr·. Clono .1111111"; de~ 1 10v1•d 01OtLltpll'Cl111 ht't'k.

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tl'Je \ e·gt:rce, ~ "::' ::r-e ooo s exriavs:j · e 'ea· cheer s success-.. c ... ~ ge"erarec t..r;cance ec '"e PC S\J"e•s I stra r. ~· {~~ '"''"' ea·dlec1< fa s.. tlie PC g es r:o r»s 'ea·. Besides u-e '= ,..· e."ecrs th s may e"ge"de· 's:" ,, "g o. . r aga·ns;: the .. '2t ~ ... 1 or oihel"W se reac::"g ~c : as ; t s real ano • ' , J(; l r.g • as an I usion). d"e P( also ga rs 5 Conil.Ct. ,;- Jlld ':Ina I Conf' ct tor eYe ....1 aca tona Y gener· I'> ~ ~



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tows a pool of one • per

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ere~~ 1h1ct1 l'\:ere '::>et 1n tile larg~r of th(' lernple's l\\\) l(l\\1'l':l The ten pit

°'l 1vas quite 'inia" 1..0r1parcd to I ht' 111.i~

Sf\e Jedi Ten1p1es on Olller '"o ds I s ,,11r of d1ss1n11l,11 t\1 ,1\ ·.. : -s v.ere placed qu11.i: 1..'1..) t PenOd wl ~ lo train and to use lhe ver t D re ·to-e mind ano sp nt Charactef"'5 research·



A PC v.1•n a Fo~ce ratJng or I or ti ihr.r at th • rte can cnoose to med Ila Le tor c1n hour on the resil ence of lrfe made Slroni;er tH Lile Force ~.ften~arrt 1r""e per da .~n " a ., • .:tt1i 1n the PC may make " Hard (• • Discipline check The PC rna~ heal [WO "Ounds oer '# an. eahng. especia , . re,-. concen:rar1ng or . - 0 ,.. rare ~~,.3 'es1 ence. renewa. or strengch of sprrrt :; ~s foreseeing 1s enhanced

- -e pc1ter o' the l.Jv1ng Force is slowl~ dr. ing a rebirth ~-:culT)ard Plants 1eft behind

by the Jed. are chr va-:1 t"e J"gle advance 1s slo~·:ed no[ sropped "• -11.f· , io.r.d t d.fhculr to operate ir and around >- "'€E"ce f rs fl , • r !'J() n re < id rntnca~e '"11asoriry. t\ luch of the re1ntorce e·1t has .·." ·1 do1\n, aPd so ne reu into the 1vaters belO\'< it cenu.1r e:i ago Tr e ._. ·• "\. ) su• ·ace or the dome is adorned

" h Cf\ ptic svn1bo s c•id s· \ 1, ·.ed 1llustrauons ot For 1.e po\v e~ use Thout, 'l~':>f 111 the ..1bstractdd subiects are hu 11 ne d. some are ·il."•'. ,1·1~1 H I$ d1fncult to pinpoint €'\Jct ~pc es. In t>'.1 es t !~ cleat tt1.:it or igi11al 1vorks have been re.:i: Ced I'. th l ler pieces It ts dot ff cult to uet\~l llHlle Wllt"ltl ~ lht'. rep Lerr( nt were rntlcit) to conceal the eat lier t ~): lo rep! ce n turJI} oarr.!.lgl.'d po1 lions or tile dun ')' t ll:' ilClllg


The o,\nr po..-t101 or th1.> r level Re 'to l ChtH111l~1 \'lJll d1ou hls ergence from or~e slale lo anolher is more easily achieved during certam alignments or Auratera and its suns. Ancient S1th ant1 Jedi realized this and used it to their advantage, espec.1ally when trying lo wrest control from each other Even when Acablas is aligned wilh a user's Force mclina· lion. it is nol easy to withstand or work within 1ts bounds. While the effecl is greatest in the cenote. its outer edges extend beyond the rirn of Aca's Funnel [see page 80). The vergence is used primarily to Lest individuals. bul 1t can 3lso enhance roresighL and provide useful guidance These errects may happen at any Lime. but they aren't constant What'~ consistent is Lhe presence or a variety of lesser effects that skilled Force users can keep at bay or under control. but thJt overwhelm the senses of less talented or experienced user\

ACABLAS VERGENCE RULES When making Force power checks or using Force ta1ents within the Acablas vergence. add automatic 0 0 to :tie check if the vergence is aligned with the light. or add fl lO the check if the vergence is aligned to the cta1 k. The vergence's alignn1ent seen1s to S\\'1trh ill rJndo 01 lirnes (and should happen wl1en the Gtvl choosesl H '~\. a character may atten1pt to switch t11c al1gn111ent I Ile ntll 15 I the ~lJI' 0 vll) used st1ould focus on meditating 011 tt1C' pO~\ll:!f 11 natural ligl1\., and should only OCClll dlll lllG clfl tlll'P111;r 1r. 1', 1ev1s . t r111c sucl1 as a solar eclipse or WIH.~11 boll1 sui 11 , n11i1~r lh I I . lkt' I Flll'll I" 111 c s f co'~

IJIJmb'es a


Ile ~lte is not 1ust a s1mp l'"' 11 ru liO\\'C'\ c>r It ts a so t11e site of a po1verful re' ,, ,, u.: nd ) 111ddC'11 Jedi Tcrnple 1tl\> 1 r r'llti\'l: sol1r S\ c;ten1 rnJp





Jl~d1 p1lgr11ns passing lhrough the Outer Rin•

pped to construcl Lile Lothal Temple. The maiority of the T;;-"' " existed unde1 ground. built into a pre-ex1st1ng net' :t of caverns Corndors and chambers were vv1dened 'ld shored up 1'V1lh ornate stone pillars. Large caverns \\'ere embellished with stone and tile to create mediL3tlOl1 and study rooms. To make an entry hall, the J~dl ho:lo1ved oul the cen tral spire and built 1v1th1n it J broad circular room The spire was set back 1n place. and ;i grand entrance was built into it For added securi· t~. the spire was 1vorked in such a 1vay that 1t could screw 1tse1r into the ground ltke a bolt to seal off the entrance. The Jedi soon real ized that the vergence was concerned with explo11ng the nature of a Jedi's attachment to ot hers and ho1v those attachments related lo that Jedi's service to the Force. IL also became a place for Padawans to face their nrsr real challenge as fledgling Jedi, and it soon became representative of lhe bond between Master and student. With the fall of the Jedi Order. most of the scant infor· mat1on kept aboul Lothal was lost. Some old records make oblique mentions of the temple and its ordeal. but only someone who has a strong command of Jedi history would .inderstand their significance.


TH'E LOTHAL VERGENCE: THE ORDEAL '?lie trial 1n the temple at Lothal probes the nature of the re1ationsh1p between Jedi Master and Padawan. To enter. both lvlaster and student must commune with the stones to ra :>e •.he central spire from its bed and reveal the temple's ertrance Once inside, the Padawan enters the Ordeal while Master waits 1n the entrance hall in a deep meditative As the Padawan travels through the catacombs, he is ~t t>y pov,erful v1s1ons of his Master. friends. and family. l'leanwh1le, thr1 Master waits in the entrance hall , hoping the Par.i • . owdn r~n overcome Lhe v1s1ons and return.


LOTHAL VERGENCE RULES \Vt. 1e at · ra.. or W1th1n the Lothal TE>rnple. a character rnay spend

• Renerat"d h 1 . · f()rc - v~ I e rnak1ng Fo1ce rower checks 01 using e talt!lts lo add() lo one other c11arac1er's next check

during the current round (or Within the next five minutes in narrative time). The other character must also be within tile Lothal Temple. and must also have a close personal bond to the first character (such as that between Master and student). A Padawan embarking on the ordeal is subjected to visions of terrible fates befalling the Pada\-van's Master and those closest to the Padawan. The character must make a Vigilance check or Seek power check to disHard pel illusions. Success means the PC can dispel the illusions. and takes a step toward letting go of attachments. Failure means the PC lashes out in an attempt to affect the visions and suffers 5 strain. plus an additional I strain for every uncanceled ~§> .The PC can reattempt failed checks. but PCs who exceed their strain threshold have failed the trial and receive I 0 Conflict (or more, if the GM feels the circumstances or a PC's actions warrant it).

Ct. tJ

Successfully negotiating the Ordeal and locating the cen tra l 11all means that the PC has taken a step closer to lhro1v ing off his attach1nents to others. Failure 1neans lhal the PC was unable to overcon1e personal attachments throughout tl1e Ordeal. If a Player Character ge11erates any O or @ on t11e cl1eck. l11esc results can be spent to give llle PC au cfitional 111sigl1l into lhr nal urc of ,1ttacl1n1ent. For C\an1ple. a PC wl10 generates tJ tJ rnay learn ho\\' lo ca1e about ill05l' 11ei11 hy 1vil11out letting t11osc attachrnents cloud the PC i; 1ucJg111en t 01 1ule ltll' PC"s dt•c1sions.




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l1;g1.::nt1~•al-. o! a \\olld (1\· 1)1 I-. " '' te out~1Jethe~"'1ax\ t111dr11-;l\U('L'\l'll\llll 11' \ ·~~ "her,~ till' fDll.C' l Oll\1'lt!,llS llll\l (11\'cllrll





1.i ' , "e antas\ Tho\\' ' ... nt tht e 1 M vi ~1orus e\p@rtC'llt c n plcH e \\'l1t fl' 1lle •• r,, :s ~1e:u:ef\i• \1110 lllC hghl ll ,C'll l\l'C111~ to lll'.11 1Inv. 1

• •-.>u L~l lllu e ea~o l In a roihnP. land~i:.ape ol 1~1 ePn c111d b e anJ b own that seen'" to he tl1c "'ca1 nJllOll ol hll' 1lSl'll TJ:t o;; JI c.~:ing~s \\hen the night 1,,0111cs \\hen tre 11ght

u1 ·appears.

nla'1ts \\'1thcr, the lun11nous \Jn ,h, ana cl sc:ild1ne rain ffl ·., '·1. · 1 n si..y as blt1ck 3 end e~~ night An\ being stuck \\ 1thoul st1e1 let c1L 111ghl risks death from the ran. lhe beosls that ro::\n r-.1ort1s. 01 tioll1 Despite the aay night cyLle. there 1s no d1sLer111ble sun 1n tne sh.\ · t\ 1")ftlS. t11e light simply con1es At night. pin pricks of st irs "e thee~ es of stal"-1ng creatures stare d0\\111 at the un\\dr~ These stars conrorn1 to no kn0\\'11 constc lla t1on or ilrrangernenl Upon 1eavir1g ~ 1lortis. beings who spent days or ..,.,eeks inside find t11at only seconds have passed since they left

,,, llv 1 \\ ti Ir 1vt'li d 11c1ctt• r(J111r in 1\1-.. 'ldlt' 111 l 1 \l\ll 1l\11' 111111ph•l1'I\ ,11, 1'\Ct' ,.... 1lt' )ti k'll1:1•1 dll1•( l1•d lt\ pll\ -.11 .ii di .... 1.lllt 1'' I ( 111 1r1n1t·f~'hl \\flh 111:-. ph\,11.ll '.'t\lll1\ltll11111t''i 111 .1111111 sl111pl\ Di\ 1n ,1t1H' F,, 1' "1'''' t1\ 1• ll1'1l\t:''"' l'1"1'S 1111 1 I 11111• 11'1'1 t'\ 1tuall\ 11rc '"' '11' 1)111' '' 1t ll lll1' I,11 \1', .1 ... Ii. 1pp1'1\' \\1t l1 111ns1 1 be"~' 11110 .1 P0\\1't ul 1)11111'111011 '''!Ill' I 0111• t)111\ thnst' 1' ,,, n1.ii..1' 1111~ 11.ln:.it10111 .111 ltl1 l 1'1 t,1111


THE FIVE PRIESTESSES Si , lli:t' 111dt1'1du-il:. t'\ 1st \\'II I\ In 1l \\' \ \ 1•llsp t 11 lt~· 1111' 11 •1Pl\\~" 1 a 11 e n1.l\ '"'" dt1p1111d111g 1i11 \\ll1)1l\ lilt'\ ,1pp1'.11 11), .111d 11111\ n \ 011! b1' 1nlih 1duol~ .H 111 R.1tll1•1 lilt'\ 1 outd \llttpl\ 111 1 e' &l ()flS of till"' R)r 1' lilt'\ s1'1 1111 It' 1'\1st so1111'1\'lll'I 1' b1' tl\'een th!' L1\ "! ~1110 ~11111111• t os11H1 I 01(1' .1nd p1'1li.1ps 1.01 dtf'lht',,t' :>t> Hhl,\11011 i.''I tll.1111111-- 01. p1•1l1i1ps tll1'\ .ltl' .._" nrs111l1 1·011 c' tvln11• 111.111 .111y 111111·1 111.ils vergenre If it 1s a dark side vergence. a Force S\?ns1tive character adds an automatic • result tn\tc;)d Minor neutral vergences provide no mechanical bene 1 f but Force users w1Lh1n feel more confident and connected '.(, lflr- R:irrr;

Ma· us • Jor Vergence: When making Force power checks or . -


~ 1~ •ii


lo er cat c a verccnce. a GM must hr~t idenufy it as a site or oh1cct. Vergencc otJjects are typically only of m1nuf or rnoderate strength. bul unlike a sit~. they off'?r murJrhty Vcrgenccs also have associated alignments, s IJ,..' r ~ a" r, unique quallties CMs mighL select a quality rro1 Table 2- 1 or create their own.

" 'lf.• 1s .. ergence deepe'1s a pracuuoners cor riec'1r•r ·r 'he Fore::: ::.,;...c" - e"1:::11~ 1 ~. rz 1'ergence for a;: leasl an hour a character may make an A verage D"'isd p line c:ieck s;:cE: an: ":) tr all Force D(Mer checks tne character for the resr. of rr-1e sess1cr

Cosmic Force Vergence

\Vhen a character rreo1rates ar tr·s vergence. the Force car sl7o ..-,any tri11Jgs. ru:: ..:n:i~g a:·& ;:;ae; and the oast .A, Force user may add a number ofO rio greaier thari Force ratrg :D :.1= i:"lov:~ checK he rna~s ~ i.. eat this vergence f11m1ted to once per sess1onl - i"le ma ~ ) :r::: a:i~ tJ nr to the check. The character may also Lry and push the Force to r~vsal :,,r,g-f:irg:m;:i:i::~ althougr this veers ·ri rhe d rectron of the dark side The character r:1ay sp::rd ')')l).ard SJa ... Conflict to add @ :o -he check.

r+t J


ENHANCING VERGENCES All vergences strengthen a character's connec:ior to the Force. but some are particv lar _. useful for arrp,1f': ng spec "ic techniques. The natures o: tljese erha"cernen3 ar, "· de J . Force poV\ers might be amp '1ed or J • r~!e a~ rr e s re. or they might provide ar .rs,grt chat a 0 1.-s a ternporar, benef t for the rest of rhe sess or

USING A VERGENCE IN A CAMPAIGN Vergences a·e powerful toofs for cr..1s to Jse 1n a campaign. They c.;;n r.est a Force user's commltmer;: ro the Lghr side or ·ne car}: or grant v1s1ons that lead me PCs ro adventure \.'ergenc:es can even funGion as headQ1.Jarrers for a part P'"Ov1d1ng them v.1th a pov1erfuJ resource aga,:~st furure clla~~ enges f na ly. g.v1ng IJ!!rgenc:es a r ch h1srory provides a '.lavorful bao:ground. enhanctng 1mmer1'ton within a campaign

THE JEDI TRIALS Be'ore ttte dark umes \'•hen tre Jed Orde ic sub,ected Padawa~ to a se~ es of five ter st1 • strong Jedi Tnals before they could become Je Ksts knol\n as the




grrrs The fr\e

uaditional t ests \~ere of sk· 1• cot...rage sp:tr1.., -=-es~ 3~_: r. sight. \Nrile those 1earr rg tc .15£- tr ::: r:o:-c.= d..i"f!lg :1:-==of the Empir~ don't ar s ·•er iB ~ .... ~s Cc-.Jncc '?:>Jr'~--' trad tora J ed i Trials C1 15 :riZ 6'°' ,..[Bf(IC-"3:: ..,.. to lend a sense oi accomplis..,r;e": ara - ar- :."::. s:i grQ\-..t h tov.ard of .u~:: =ore:..




\l\'h1!e t;.nciergc rg a ifia shot.. d oe a s.g-' ~ca-: s.;: Force user's JO... rre _ :1il a: a c· o am ~:,T ttie :1-:,; • t(a does not ha.e LC De r,r=~:::t:m li :-!'.l - t£ :7s~ .f PCs \1oraliry offers a grea- .:pDC"TI.ffi-: } w aa:: a~ encounter at a +ra i=-~e-c2 -::o rhe s.::-s::; .:. .:."'~ --_

reucally iJSe a ergerce to cc.cour.i ~ oT'"y ::.., ......i lhe nrernall~ foc..,,s.ed mats 'il\l{)f• ties: 3! -ergc .:es cally the iJi1als of spirir a·11 ris: gnt




) .... Pt cu~ 111 1tH·

eala;\y I llOC,t \\1110 lll'31 (llld (Jfl~Wl'r llD v~hlt,p()f'j n ll:!V el fn1 fr on1 U1e11 tldllVP ~ystms to fulllll 1111'11 Gft>sltn11>•i 1111r. ~0c lion pr csent~ St'Vl.!1 al ~pcc1rs that f!n 11>1 at t r>xplortJt1011 or the wider gcilaxv.

__....LEENA The d111111111t1\ l'' Al Pena are enthusiastic explorers and lravel er..,, n1ak1ng tllern a cornrnon sight Lhroughout lhe galaxf Reno\vned f01 thcrr qu1c kness and adaptab1hty, Aleena 'ead1lv crnb1 ace advenlure. often in the form of compeli uve spot ts. 1nctud1ng Pod racing. Some use their natural ath t.l1c1sm t.o fund their travels, working as entertainers or ath'etes Others take on service with military groups Their sn1all stature makes them ideally suited Lo roles as explorers o .. scouts.

Physiology: Aleena are a reptilian species. Their skin is covered in scales thaL typically range 1n color from tan to blue or purple. Their elongated skulls house two large eyes. a broad nose. and a large, tooth-filled mouth The curvature of their mouth suggests a perpetual smile to many non-Aleena. Mature Aleena average about eighty centimeters in height Unlike many reptilian species, Aleena are \.varm-blooded. They maintain their body temperature in part through a particularly rapid digestive system, believed to be a by-product of the competitive nature of their homeworld. The ability to rapidly convert food into energy is tightly linked to the species' characteristic quickness. Aleena are omnivores who typically prefer very spicy cuisine. but there is no clear physiological basis for this preference. Visitors to their homes and world are often surprised by the food's intensity.


Wound Threshold: 8 +


Strain Threshold: J 0

WI powe·

Starting Experience: 95 XP

Special Abilities: A1eena beg r ·~e game • ~ ~ ra· 1n Coord1nat1on The:r st -r,a_ '"'Ot :re; il Coo·d~ ~ above rank 2 during characte" creatio" ~ ~-~ c.:. smaller than a 'erage ard co1.;rt as s i-.tJ...,=u= 'J

Sturdy Frame: Aleena begin rre ga,.....e i~ the Durable talent.




Society: Aleena are fiercely loyal to their families. In their native cultures. extended families dwell together. often sharing interlinked rooms within a larger structure. All Aleena within a village typically share blood ties. This strong connection continues when they travel beyond their worlds of origin. It is rare for an Aleena to travel alone. Instead. family members commonly travel together. In cases where a single Aleena travels as a performer, relatives join the performer as an entourage. They rejoice in their kin's success and offer comfort at times of disappointment. Homeworld: Aleen Minor is an Inner Rim world and the species' planet of origin. It held membership in the Galactic Senate for rn1llennia. The world's climate is unrelentingly harsh. a11d the planet is home to such vicious predators as sagcatcher:;. rrequenl travelers. Aleena have colonized other worlds.includ1ngAle
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