Standby OMU Replacement Guide

November 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Scenario: Old Old and  and New New  OMUs OMUs  Running Running the  the Same Operating System This section describes how to replace the standby OMU on BSC6900 configured with two OMUs when the OMU to be replaced and the new OMU have the same operating system.

Prerequisites  

 A new OMU board is ready, ready, and it is of the the same type as the the board to be replaced. NOTE: The OMUc board only runs the Dopra Linux OS.

Context CAUTION:  

To protect the OMU board from the Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), wear an ESD wrist strap and insert its connector into the ESD socket on the cabinet before replacing the board. For detailed operations, see Wearing an ESD Wrist Strap. Strap . If an ESD wrist strap or ground point is unavailable, wear a pair of ESD gloves instead.


1. Run the MML command STP DATASYNC DATASYNC to  to stop the synchronization between the active OMU and the standby one. OMU  to check the status to make sure the synchronization 2. Run the MML command DSP OMU between the active OMU and the standby one is stopped.

3. Go to standby OMU, choose Start Start >  > Run Run,, type cmd cmd and  and press Enter  to  to enter the command mode. Run net stop omud to omud to stop the omud serviece. ne w one. For detailed operations, see 4. Remove the OMU board to be replaced and insert the new Replacing an OM OMU U board that is configured with new ejector levers  levers or Replacing an OMU levers. bo boar ard d that is configured with old ejector levers. 1  based on the operating system. 5. Perform operations in Table 1 Table 1 Criteria for operations (1)

If... The OMU operating system is Dopra Linux or Suse Linux



Optional: Uninstall the OMU applications on the new OMU board. NOTE: If OMU applications have been installed on the new OMU board, perform this step to uninstall the OMU applications of an earlier version. If no OMU application is installed on the new OMU board, skip this step and proceed to b.


Table 1 Criteria for operations (1)





Log in to the standby OMU by using the fixed external IP address or the commissioning IP address. For details, see Logging In to the OMU OMU.. Enter the /etc/rc.d/o the /etc/rc.d/omud mud stop command stop command and press Enter  to  to stop the omud.


Enter uninstall_bam uninstall_bam in  in any directory of the OMU and press Enter .


The message Uninstall standby area. input Y to continue; input E to exit. is exit. is displayed. Enter Y Enter  Y to  to uninstall the OMU applications on the standby workspace of the standby OMU.


Enter the uninstall_bam uninstall_bam command  command and press Enter .


The message Uninstall main area. input Y to continue; input E to exit. is exit.  is displayed. Enter Y Enter  Y to  to uninstall the OMU applications on the active workspace of the standby OMU. b. Install OMU applications. For details, see  see  Install OMU applications. applications.  in Scenario: Ol Old d OMU OM U Ru Runn nnin ing g Su Suse se Li Linu nux x and New OMU OM U Runn Ru nnin ing g Dopra Linux Linux..


Change the IP addresses of the new OMU.


The OMU operating system is Suse Linux, refer to Change the IP addresses of the new OMU to those of the OMU to be replaced.


The OMU operating system is Dopra Linux


Enter the cd  /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam  /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/b am command  command and press Enter  to  to go to the directory where the omutool program is saved.

the OMU IP addresses by 2. referring to theChange IP addresses of the replaced OMU board. 

The ./omutool innercard IP address command address  command is used to change the fixed internal IP address. The ./omutool innervip IP address command address  command is used to change the virtual internal IP address. The ./omutool extercard IP address mask (gateway) command (gateway) command is used to change the fixed external IP address and mask. The ./omutool extervip IP address subnet mask (gateway) command (gateway)  command is used to change the virtual external IP address


Table 1 Criteria for operations (1)



and subnet mask. Use the command ./omutool backupcard IP address to address to change the backup channel IP address of the active and standby OMUs of the ETH3-UPDATE Ethernet adapter on an OMUa/OMUb board. The ./omutool debugcard IP address is address  is used to change the commissioning IP address. NOTE: Changing the debugging IP address immediately disconnects the LMT PC from the OMU board. Use the new debugging IP address to connect the LMT PC to the OMU board again.

Optional: Only when BSC6900 is configured with the GBFD-511701 Radio Measurement Data Interface for Navigation Navigation   feature and the BSC local IP address is used for communication between the OMU and VNP, you need to reconfigure the BSC local IP address, VLAN IDs for communication between the OMU and VNP, and VLAN IDs for communication between the OMU and EMS/LMT based on "OMU Ethernet Adapter Team IP Address Installation Information." For details, see Configuring Radio Measurement Data Interface for Navigation in Navigation  in GBSS Feature Activation Guide. Guide .


Install the operating system patch and upgrade Ethernet adapter driver when the operating system is Suse Linux. Log in to http://support.huaw and choose Software Center  >  > Version Software > Software > Wireless Product Line > Line > SingleRAN SingleRAN >  > SRAN O&M tools to tools to download the OMU Driver Upgrade CHS ***.rar  and  and get Upgrade Guide to OMU Linux Ethernet Adapter Driver  and  and OMU driver upgrade tool. Please refer to BSC6900 Upgrade Guide to OMU O&M Panel Adapter Driver  to  to upgrade the OMU adapter driver. NOTE: Suse Linux Operating System has no patch.

The OMU operating system is Windows


Optional: Uninstall the OMU applications on the new OMU board. NOTE: If OMU applications have been installed on the new OMU board, perform this step to uninstall the OMU applications of an earlier


Table 1 Criteria for operations (1)


Then... version. If no and OMUproceed application step to installed on the new OMU board, skip this


Log in to the standby OMU by using the fixed external IP address or the commissioning IP address. For OMU.. details, see Logging In to the OMU


Type the net stop omud command omud command and press Enter  to  to stop the omud.


Click Start Start >  > Run Run and  and the Run Run interface  interface is displayed.


In the Run Run interface,  interface, run the uninstall_bam uninstall_bam   command and click OK OK..


Type Y Type  Y,, and press Enter  until  until the Uninstall OMU succeed! message succeed!  message is displayed.


Go to 4 after uninstalling the OMU applications in the standby workspace. Perform to 5 to uninstall the OMU applications in the active workspace. This task is completed.


Install OMU applications. For details, see  see  Install OMU applications Old d OMU OM U Ru Runn nnin ing g Windows and New applications in  in Scenario: Ol Linux.. OMU OM U Runn Ru nnin ing g Dopra Linux


Change the IP addresses of the new OMU board. For details, see Change the IP addresses of the new OMU to those of the OMU to be replaced in replaced in  Scenario: Ol Old d OMU OM U Ru Runn nnin ing g Windows and New Ne w OM OMU U Ru Runn nnin ing g Dopra Linux.


Download and decpmpress the Upgrade Guide to OMU Windows Operating System and Ethernet Adapter Driver. rar file file from the release document. Decompress the package and obtain the Upgrade Guide to OMU Windows Operating System and Ethernet Adapter Driver .


OMU U Boar Bo ard d. Go to Common Operation for Replacing OM



Procedure as per Different Links in above Guide

Replacing an OMU board that is configured with new ejector levers  1. Unscrew the captive screws on the OMU board counterclockwise, as shown in part A of Figure 1. 1.  Figure 1 Removing an OMU board that is configured with new ejector levers


NOTE: The preceding figure takes an OMUa/OMUb OMUa/OMUb board as an example. The procedure for an OMUc board is similar. PWRBTN button.  button. 2. Optional: If the board is an OMUc board, gently press the PWRBTN

3. Press and hold the two locking buttons, flip outward the ejector levers on the OMU board panel to unlock them, as shown in part B of Figure 1. 1. 

4. Remove the Ethernet cable, mouse cable, keyboard cable, and monitor cable (if configured) from the OMU board after the OFFLINE LED flashes fast and then is steady blue.

5. Fully rotate the ejector levers outwards of the OMU board to separate it from the backplane. Remove the OMU board along the guide rails, as shown in part C of Figure 1. 1. 

6. Press and hold the two locking buttons of the new board, flip outward the ejector levers to separate them from the self-locking latch, and rotate them until they cannot be rotated, as 2..  shown in part A of  Figure 2 2.. 7. Slide the new board along the guide rails into the subrack, as shown in part B of Figure 2 Figure 2 Installing an OMU board that is configured with new ejector levers


NOTE: The preceding figure takes an OMUa/OMUb OMUa/OMUb board as an example. The procedure for an OMUc board is similar.




The OMUa/OMUb board can be installed in slots 0 to 3, slots 20 to 23, or slots 24 to 27 in the MPS at the bottom of the MPR. Slots 20 to 23 are recommended. The OMUc boards can be installed in slots 0 to 3, slots 20 to 23, or slots 24 to 27 in the MPS at the bottom of the MPR. Slots 24 to 25 are recommended.

8. Flip inward the ejector levers of the OMU board until they are in position, as shown in part 2.. C of Figure 2 2.  9. Secure the screws on the OMU board, as shown in part D of Figure 2. The new board automatically loads software and configuration data, and the RUN LED blinks 0.125 second on and 0.125 second off.

10. Connect the cables by referring to the labels.

Replacing an OMU board that is configured with old ejector levers  11. 11. Unscrew the captive screws on the OMU board counterclockwise, as shown in part A of Figure 3. 3. 


Figure 3 Removing an OMU board that is configured with old ejector levers

NOTE: The preceding figure takes an OMUa/OMUb OMUa/OMUb board as an example. The procedure for an OMUc board is similar.

12. Optional: If the board is an OMUc board, gently press the PWRBTN PWRBTN button.  button. 13. Flip outward the ejector levers of the OMU board, as shown in part B of Figure 3 3.. 14. Remove the Ethernet cable, mouse cable, keyboard cable, and monitor cable (if configured) from the OMU board after the OFFLINE LED flashes fast and then is steady blue.


15. Fully rotate the ejector levers outwards of the OMU board to separate it from the backplane. Remove the OMU board along the guide rails, as shown in part C of Figure 3. 3.  off Figure 4. 4. 16. Flip outward the ejector levers of the new OMU board, as shown in part A o

17. Slide the new board along the guide rails into the subrack, as shown in part B of Figure 4 4.. Figure 4 Installing an OMU board that is configured with old ejector levers

NOTE:  



The preceding figure takes an OMUa/OMUb OMUa/OMUb board as an example. The procedure for an OMUc board is similar. The OMUa/OMUb board can be installed in slots 0 to 3, slots 20 to 23, or slots 24 to 27 in the MPS at the bottom of the MPR. Slots 20 to 23 are recommended. The OMUc boards can be installed in slots 0 to 3, slots 20 to 23, or slots 24 to 27 in the MPS at the bottom of the MPR. Slots 24 to 25 are recommended.

18. Flip inward the ejector levers of the OMU board until they are in position, as shown in part C of Figure 4. 4. 4.  19. Secure the screws on the OMU board, as shown in part D of Figure 4. The new board automatically loads software and configuration data, and the RUN LED blinks 0.125 second on and 0.125 second off.

20. Connect the cables by referring to the labels.


Logging In to the OMU You can run the Secure Shell (SSH) terminal, for example, the PuTTY software, to log in to the OMU and perform operation and maintenance (OM) on the OMU.

Prerequisites The PC to be used to log in to the OMU is properly connected.

Procedure PuTTY, on the PC, and type the IP address of the OMU. 1. Run the SSH terminal, for example, PuTTY,






NOTE: Before starting OMU applications, type the fixed external IP address of the OMU.  After the OMU applications start, start, type the fixed fixed or virtual external external IP addr address. ess. The for former mer is preferred. If you are performing local commissioning, type the commissioning IP address of the OMU. If the PC cannot be connected to the OMU by using either the fixed or virtual external IP address, connect the PC to the commissioning Ethernet port on the OMU and type the commissioning IP address of the OMU. You You are advised to log in to the OMU using the external fixed IP address, address, external virtual IP address, address, and commissioning IP address in address in sequence.

2. Log in to the OMU as the root user, lgnusr user, or common user. NOTE:  




If the login fails, check whether the Disabling user root remote login function login function is enabled. If the function is enabled, log in to the OMU as a common user. u ser. For details, see SSH . Disabling root user login with SSH. Run the LST VER command VER command to query the OMU operating system version and log in to the OMU by using the corresponding password. For details, see Checklist for the OMU Software Factory Settings. Settings. It is recommended that you change the root user password upon your first login and change the password every three months. If the version of the OMU operating system is Doprax86DopraLinuxV Doprax86Do praLinuxV200R003C02SPC080 200R003C02SPC080,, change the root user password every 30  command. days. To query query the OMU operating system version, run the LST VER VER command. If you enter the password incorrectly for three times when logging in to the OMU, the operating system will be automatically locked for 5 minutes and then unlocked. When the operating system is locked, do not log in to the OMU.

su and press Enter . Then, enter the root user 3. For a common user or lgnusr user, enter su and password to switch to a root user account.

Example The following shows an example of logging in to the OMU as a s the root user.

login as: root


You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed. Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password: Last login: Fri Jul 13 12:14:11 2012 from Hello! Welcome to DOPRALINUX! omud215 ~ # The following shows an example of logging in to the OMU as a s the lgnusr user. The same is for a common user.

login as: lgnusr You are trying to access a restricted zone. Only Authorized Users allowed. Using keyboard-interactive authentication. Password: Last login: Mon Feb 4 09:58:11 2013 from Hello! Welcome to DOPRALINUX! omu ~ $ su Password: omu /home/lgnusr #

Install OMU applications.

1. Set the IP address of the local computer to the same network segment as the commissioning IP address of the OMU.

2. Connect to the debugging port of the OMU, and log in to the OMU through the commissioning address. Forupload details,path see is /BSC6000/dat Uploading the OMU Application Application Installation Package to the IP OMU OMU. . (The file is  /BSC6000/data/mbsc/upg a/mbsc/upgrade rade.) .)

3. Use the commissioning IP address to switch to the directory where the installation package is saved. For details, see Logging In to the OMU OMU..   

If the operating system is Dopra Linux, assume that OMU applications installation package is  is saved in  /mbsc/upgrade/VXXXR  /mbsc/upgr ade/VXXXRXXXCXX XXXCXX/install/setu /install/setup p. Enter the following command and press Enter .

cd /mbsc/upgrade/VXXXRXXXCXX/install/setup  

If the operating system is Suse Linux, assume that OMU applications installation package is  is saved in  /BSC6000/data/mbsc/upgr  /BSC6000/data/m bsc/upgrade/VXXXR ade/VXXXRXXXCXX/ XXXCXX/install/setup install/setup.. Enter the following command and press Enter .

cd /BSC6000/data/mbsc/upgrade/VXXXRXXXCXX/install/setup


./ command to acquire the authority to run the 4. Run the chmod +x ./ command ./ command. ./  command. ./ command  command and press Enter . The system prompts you to type 5. Enter the ./ the product mode, as shown:

6. [2011-05-03 10:12:32] software integrality verify begin... 7. [2011-05-03 10:12:42] software integrality verify end... 8.

9. # The run mode of the product 10. # GO:GSM only 11. 11. # UO:UMTS only 12. # GU:GSM and UMTS 13. # Please select one mode to install. Please input a valid run_mode : NOTE: The software integrity of the OMU applications is checked before b efore they are automatically installed. The OMU applications can be installed only if the check passes.

14. Enter the product running mode and press Enter . The system prompts you to type the office name, as shown:

15. # The name of office 16. # The name suggest range from 5 to 32 characters. 17. # The characters suggest be letters, digits, "-"or "_". Please input a valid office_name : p ress Enter . The system prompts you to type the language, as 18. Enter the office name and press shown:

19. # The OMU language version. eg: eng/chs Please input a valid version :

20. Enter the language and press Enter . The system prompts you to type the admin password, as shown:

21. # The "admin" user's password of OMU service. 22. # The password must range from 6 to 32 characters and consist of only letters and figures.

23. # Do not forget the password. 24. # You can change the password later, but this password should be provided first.

25. Please input a valid admin_password : NOTE: The admin password is the initial password for the administrator to log in to the LMT.

26. Enter the admin password and press Enter . The system prompts you to type the FTP password, as shown:

27. # The ftp user's password of OMU service 28. # The password must range from 6 to 32(characters) and consist of only letters and figures.

29. # Do not forget the password.


30. # You can change it later, but this password should be provided first.

31. Please input a valid ftp_password : NOTE: The FTP password is customized. After After the OMU applications are installed, you can access the FTP service with the FTP password.

32. Enter the FTP password and press Enter . The system prompts you to type the external virtual IP address, as shown:

33. # The extranet IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. 34. # example:; Please input a valid virtual_extranet_config : NOTE:  


If a fixed external network IP address has been configured for the OMU to be replaced, the entered external network virtual IP address must be in the same network segment as the fixed external network IP address for the OMU to be replaced. If a fixed external network IP address has not been configured for the OMU to be replaced, the entered external network virtual IP address address can be set based on the actual plan.

35. Enter the external virtual IP address and press Enter . The system prompts you to type the OMU system type, as shown:

36. # The OMU system type. eg: Single/Dual 37. # Single:Install stand-alone system 38. # Dual:Install dual-OMU system. 39. The dual-OMU system can effeciently increase the reliability of the OMU system. Please input a valid install_type : 1   40. Enter the OMU installation type based on the field configuration and press Enter . Table 1 describes the OMU installation types.

Table 1 Description Parameter



When the BSC6900 is configured with one OMU board, install the OMU applications on the board in single-OMU mode.


When the BSC6900 is configured with two OMU boards, install OMU applications on the board in dual-OMU mode.

41. The system asks you whether to continue with the installation, as shown: Please affirm input information. input Y to continue; input E to exit. ->


Enter Y  Y to  to install the OMU applications. When the messageInstall OMU succeed! is 42. Enter displayed, the OMU applications are successfully installed.

Uploading the OMU Application Installation Package to the OMU

Before installing the OMU applications, upload the OMU application package to the specified directory of the OMU.

Prerequisites  

Contact Huawei engineers who can obtain the tool by performing the following operation: You You have obtained the OMU application a pplication installation package including the patch installation package by accessing http://support.huawei. com/support/ and choosing Software Center  >  > Version Software > Software > Wireless Product Line > Line > Single RAN > RAN > MBSC MBSC >  > BSC6900 BSC6900..


The psftp has been obtained. For details about the psftp, see psftp Software. Software.

Context  



The OMU application installation package must be uploaded to the \mbsc\upg the \mbsc\upgrade rade directory  directory of the OMU. The OMU application installation package must be named after the version number. That is, after the OMU application installation package is uploaded to the OMU, the directory of the installation package on OMU is "\mbsc\upgrade\V900R014C00." If patches also need to be installed, you must check whether the original patch files exist in the patch folder patch  folder in the OMU application installation package before installing the OMU application. If yes, you must delete the original patch files in the patch patch folder  folder in the OMU application installation package and copy the patch installation package (for example, the V900R01XC0XSPCXXX  folder) saved on the local computer. NOTE: If you need to delete the patch files V900R01XC0XSPCXXX  in the patch  directory, navigate to patch directory, the \mbsc\upg the  \mbsc\upgrade\V900R015C00\ rade\V900R015C00\patch patch directory  directory and then run rm -r  \V900R01XC0XSPCXXX  \V900R01XC0XS PCXXX..


During the uploading process, if the root user cannot log in to the OMU, check with the equipment room operators to determine whether the Disabling root user login with SSH function SSH  function has been enabled on the BSC6900. If so, you must log in to the OMU as a common user, and then continue with the uploading task.

NOTE:  As an example, this task uploads tthe he V900R014C00 version version installation p package ackage to the \mbsc\upg the \mbsc\upgrade rade   directory of the OMU and downloads version files from /support/ to local d drive rive D.




Logging in to the OMU as a root user and uploading the OMU application install installation ation package to the OMU

1. Decompress the BSC6900 version installation package to the local D drive. b y using the psftp. For details, see psftp Software. Software. 2. Log in to the OMU as the root user by

3. Run the lcd D:\ command D:\ command to go to the directory on the local PC where the version files are saved. /mbsc/upgrade command to query whether there is an installation installation directory 4. Run the ls /mbsc/upgrade command on the OMU.  

If the /mbsc/upg the /mbsc/upgrade rade directory  directory does not exist, go to 5.


If the /mbsc/upg the /mbsc/upgrade rade directory  directory exists, go to 6.

5. Run the mkdir /mbsc/upgrade command /mbsc/upgrade command to create the installation directory on the OMU. NOTE: Run the commands mkdir /mbsc and /mbsc and mkdir /mbsc/upgrade in /mbsc/upgrade in sequence to create the  /mbsc/upgrade  /mbsc/upg rade directory  directory hierarchically hierarchically.. /mbsc/upgrade command to go to the OMU installation directory. 6. Run the cd /mbsc/upgrade command

7. Run the put -r V900R014C00 command to upload the OMU application installation package to the OMU. NOTE: If the package fails to be uploaded, check whether any file with the same name as the package name is in use. If there is such a file, release it. is complete, type type the exit exit command  command to exist e xist the psftp software. 8.  After the upload is

Change the IP addresses of the new OMUs to those of the replaced OMUs.

/BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/ ersion_a/bin/bam bam and  and press Enter   1. Type the command cd /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/v to navigate to the directory d irectory containing omutool.

2. Change the OMU IP addresses by referring to the IP addresses of the replaced OMU board..  board  




The ./omutool innercard IP address command address command is used to change the fixed internal IP address. The ./omutool innervip IP address command address command is used to change the virtual internal IP address. The ./omutool extercard IP address mask (gateway) command (gateway) command is used to change the fixed external IP address and mask. The ./omutool extervip IP address subnet mask (gateway) command (gateway) command is used to change the virtual external IP address and subnet mask.




Use the command ./omutool backupcard IP address to address to change the backup channel IP address of the active and standby OMUs of the ETH3-UPDATE Ethernet adapter on an OMUa/OMU OMUa/OMUb b board. The ./omutool debugcard IP address is address is used to change the commissioning IP address. NOTE: Changing the debugging IP address immediately disconnects the LMT PC from the OMU board. Use the new debugging IP address to connect the LMT PC to the OMU board again.


Optional: Only when BSC6900 is configured with the GBFD-511701 Radio Measurement Data Interface for Navigation Navigation feature  feature and the BSC local IP address is used for communication between the OMU and VNP, you need to reconfigure the BSC local IP address, VLAN IDs for communication between the OMU and VNP, and VLAN IDs for communication between the OMU and EMS/LMT based on "OMU Ethernet Adapter Team IP Address Installation Information." For details, see Configuring Radio Measurement Data Interface for Navigation Navigation in  in GBSS Feature  Activation Guide Guide.

command /etc/rc.d/omud ud start start and  and press Enter  to  to start the omud process. 3. Type the command /etc/rc.d/om

4. Remove the debugging Ethernet cable from the OMU board panel.

Common Operation for Replacing OMU Board This section describes the common operation after replacing OMU board, including querying the OMU working status, modifying the name of the OMU, setting the time information of the OMU, and setting the mode of the network adapter.


1. Optional: When the OMU runs the Dopra Linux operating system, set the OMU status to the same status as that before the replacement based on the result recorded in 1 and 2. For forwarding  and Disabling root user login with SSH. SSH . details, see Disabling OMU route forwarding LMT..  2. Log in to the LMT by referring to Log in to the LMT OMU to query such information as OMU running status, fixed IP 3. Run the MML command DSP OMU  addresses, virtual IP addresses, data synchronization state, internal network connection state, external network connection state, and backup channel connection state. If...  


Then... One OMU board is configured and its Operational Operation al state is Normal Two OMU boards are configured and their Operational Operation al state is Active

Perform operations described in 4.



Then... normal and Standby normal respectively

Operational state is Fault

Contact Huawei technical support.

state queried in 3, do as follows: 4. Based on Data-sync state queried If...


Data-sync state is not Data synchronization is successful 

Clear alarms by referring to ALM-20701 to ALM-20701 OMU Failure Switchover  and ALM-20704  and ALM-20704 OMU Data Synchronization Failure. Failure . Go to 5 after the alarms are cleared.

Data-sync state is Data synchronization is successful 

Perform operations described in 5.

 and  LST PATCHVER to VER and 5. Run the MML commands LST VER PATCHVER to query whether the OMU software version and patch version are correct. If...


They are correct

Perform operations described in 6.

They are incorrect

Obtain the OMU version software and patch software again and install them.

OMUMODULE to  to query the status of the OMU processes. 6. Run the MML command DSP OMUMODULE If...


State is Active or Stopped 

In dual-OMU mode, go to 7. In single-OMU mode, go to 8.


State is Abnormal

Contact Huawei technical support.

command CMP OMUDATA to OMUDATA to 7. (For OMU boards in dual-OMU mode only) Run the MML command  compare data about active and standby OMU boards. Check whether alarm data, performance data, and configuration data are consistent between the active and standby OMU boards. If... The data is inconsistent



Run the MML command STR DATASYNC to DATASYNC to start data synchronization. Perform operations described in 8.




The data is consistent

Perform operations described in 8.

LICENSE to  to check whether the running license on host boards is b. Run the MML command CMP LICENSE consistent with that on the OMU board. If...


The licenses are inconsisten inconsistentt



The licenses are consistent

Resolve the problem by referring to  to  ALM-20734 License Inconsistency Between OMU and Host Host.. Perform operations described in 9.

Perform operations described in 9.

c. Run the MML command CMP BRDVER BRDVER to  to check whether the running version on host boards is consistent with that on the OMU board. If...


The software versions are inconsistent



The software versions are consistent

Resolve the problem by referring to  to  ALM-20733 Software Version Inconsistency Between OMU and Host.. Host Perform operations described in 10 10..

10.. Perform operations described in 10

d. Run the MML command ACT CRC to CRC to check whether the configuration data on host boards is consistent with that on the OMU board. If... The configuration data is inconsistent

Then...  


The configuration data is consistent

Resolve the problem by referring to  to  ALM-20736 Data Inconsistency Between OMU and Host. Host . Perform operations described in 11 11..

Perform operations described in 11 11..

No. and Board Ty Type pe of  of the OMU board. BRD to query Slot No. and e. Run the MML command LST BRD  If... The board type is inconsistent before and after the OMU board replacement

Then...  


Run the MML command RMV BRD  BRD to remove configurations of the replaced OMU board. Run the MML command ADD BRD to BRD to add





The board type is consistent before and after the OMU board replacement


configurations of the new OMU board. Perform operations described in 12. 12.

Perform operations described in 12 12..

Enter the command omutool hostname OMU name to name to modify the name of the OMU.

g. Run the MML command LST TZ to TZ to query time zone and daylight saving time of time  of the OMU board. If...


The time zone and daylight saving time of the OMU is inconsistent with the local time

The zone and saving time time of the OMU is daylight consistent with the local time



Run the MML command SET TZ  TZ to set the time information of the OMU. Perform operations described in 14. 14.

14.. Perform operations described in 14

Time of  of the OMU board. TIME to query Time h. Run the MML command DSP TIME to If...


The time of the OMU is inconsistent with the local time



The time of the OMU is consistent with the local time



Run the MML command SET TIME TIME to  to set the time information of the OMU. 15.. Perform operations described in 15

Perform operations described in 15 15..

Set the mode of the network adapter according to the router combined with OMU. For the detailed setting method, please refer to Setting the Link Mode of the External OMU Ethernet  Adapter  when  when the OS is Dopra. Refer toSetting toSetting the Link Mode for External OMU Ethernet  Adapters when  Adapters  when the OS is Suse.Normally the default value is self-adaption. Set the OMU port as 100Mb/ Full Duplex only when the switchboard is forced to be 100Mb/full duplex. View the device panel on the LMT and check the status of all devices.



No abnormal device state is introduced introdu ced by the replacement

The replacement is complete.

An abnormal device state is

Contact Huawei technical support.




introduced introdu ced by the replacement

Follow-up Procedure Record thesuch name bar code the replaced board. Check there are obvious damages, asand the the distorted pin,ofbroken pin, or burnt board. If whether there is any damage, fill in physical BSC6900 Site Maintenance Record Form and Form and pack the replaced board. When packing a board, pay attention to the following points:  

Wear an ESD wrist strap or a pair of ESD gloves.


Ensure that each ESD bag or case holds only one board.


When packing multiple boards, isolate them with ESD materials.

Contact the local Huawei office to dispose of the replaced board. NOTE: You You may obtain the name and the PCB version from the panel or bottom of the faulty board.

Setting the Link Mode of the External OMU Ethernet Adapter(For Dopra Linux) This section describes how to set the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters so that it is the same as that of the LAN switch.

Prerequisites The link mode, duplex mode, and rate of the LAN switch have been acquired.

Context There are two link modes of the LAN switch: force mode and auto-negotiation mode. The link mode of the OMU external Ethernet adapter must be consistent with that of the LAN switch. If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU is inconsistent with that of the LAN switch, the network may be interrupted. If the link mode of the LAN switch is specified, the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter of the OMU should also be specified. If active and standby OMUs are a re configured, perform the following steps on both the active and standby OMUs: NOTE:  


The following procedure assumes that the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter is force mode and the adapter works at 100 Mbit/s in full duplex mode. The following procedure assumes that version_a version_a is  is the active workspace of the OMU. To query OMUAREA command.  command. the active workspace of the current OMU, run the the   LST OMUAREA



OMU. 1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to Logging In to the OMU. the /etc/rc.d/omud mud stop stop command  command and press Enter  to  to stop the omud. 2. Enter the /etc/rc.d/o

3. Enter the cd /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command /mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter  to  to go to the directory where the omutool program is saved.  command. 4. Run the ./omutool duplexmode 100 full off  command. NOTE: Querying the link mode of the external OMU network adapters, see Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters. Adapters. The fields in the ./omutool duplexmode 100 full off  command  command are described as follows:  



100 indicates 100  indicates that the rate of the Ethernet adapter is 100 Mbit/s. The value of this field can be 10, 100, or 1000. full indicates that the Ethernet adapter works in full duplex mode. The value of this field full indicates can be full or half. off  indicates  indicates that the link mode of the Ethernet adapter is force mode. The value of this field can be off or on. When the value of this field is on, the link mode is auto-negotiation mode.

the /etc/rc.d/omud mud start start command  command and press Enter  to  to start the omud. 5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/o

Setting the Link Mode for External OMU Ethernet Adapters (For Suse Linux) This section describes how to set the link mode of the external OMU Ethernet adapters so that it is the same as that of the LAN switch.

Prerequisites The link mode, duplex mode, and rate of the LAN switch have been acquired.

Context There are two link modes of the LAN switch: force mode and auto-negotiation mode. The link mode of the OMU external Ethernet adapter must be consistent with that of the LAN switch. If the link mode of the external Ethernet adapters of the OMU is inconsistent with that of the LAN switch, the network may be interrupted. If the link mode of the LAN switch is specified, the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter of the OMU should also be specified. If active and standby OMUs are a re configured, perform the following steps on both the active and standby OMUs: NOTE:  


The following procedure assumes that the link mode of the external Ethernet adapter is force mode and the adapter works at 100 Mbit/s in full duplex mode. The procedure that version_a is version_a  is the active workspace of the OMU. To query OMUAREA command.  command. thefollowing active workspace ofassumes the current OMU, run the the    LST OMUAREA


Procedure OMU. 1. Log in to the target OMU by referring to Logging In to the OMU.

2. Enter the /etc/rc.d/o the /etc/rc.d/omud mud stop stop command  command and press Enter  to  to stop the omud.  to go 3. Enter the cd /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command /BSC6000/data/mbsc/bam/version_a/bin/bam command and press Enter  to to the directory where the omutool program is saved.  command. 4. Run the ./omutool duplexmode 100 full off  command. NOTE: Querying the link mode of the external OMU network adapters, see Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters. Adapters. The fields in the ./omutool duplexmode 100 full off  command  command are described as follows:  



100 indicates that the rate of the Ethernet adapter is 100 Mbit/s. The value of this field 100 indicates can be 10, 100, or 1000. full indicates that the Ethernet adapter works in full duplex mode. The value of this field full indicates can be full or half. off  indicates  indicates that the link mode of the Ethernet adapter is force mode. The value of this field can be off or on. When the value of this field is on, the link mode is auto-negotiation mode.

the /etc/rc.d/omud mud start start command  command and press Enter  to  to start the omud. 5. Enter the /etc/rc.d/o

Querying the Link Mode of the External OMU Network Adapters This section describes how to query the link mode of the external OMU network adapters: duplex mode and adaptive mode.


1. Logging In to the OMU. OMU.  2. Query the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network adapters, as 1.. listed in  in Table 1

Table 1 Querying the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network adapters



OMUa/OMUb Board

Type /root/eth  /root/ and  and press Enter .

OMUc Board

Run the chmod +x ./ ./   command to obtain the permission to run the ./ command. ./  command. Type ./ and ./  and press Enter .




The OMUa or OMUb external network adapters are ETH0 and ETH1, respectively. The OMUc external network adapters are F_ETH0 and F_ETH1, respectively. The The objects of this task are the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network adapters. Mapping between physical OMU network adapters and logical network adapters can change. In normal cases, the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMUa or OMUb network adapters are eth4 and eth5, respectively; the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMUc network adapters are eth0 and eth1, respectively.



eth4  4. Query the effective link mode of the external OMU network adapters. Run the ethtool eth4  command to query the link mode of eth4. Run the ethtool eth5 command eth5 command to query eth5.



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NOTE: Check Speed, Duplex, and Auto-negotiation. Speed, Duplex, and Auto-negotiation Auto-negotiation indicate the rate, duplex mode, and auto-negotiation mode, respectively respectively.. The following example assumes that the logical network adapters corresponding to the external OMU network adapters are eth4 and eth5, respectively. The command output is as follows: Settings for eth4:   Supported ports: [ TP ]   Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full   1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full   Supports auto-negotiation: Yes   Advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full   100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full   1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full   Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes   Speed: 100Mb/s   Duplex: Full   Port: Twisted Pair   PHYAD: 1   Transceiver: internal


Auto-negotiation: on Supports Wake-on: g Wake-on: d Current message level: 0x000000ff (255) Link detected: yes

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