Standards and Symbols Training Manual

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TRAINING MANUAL Course EXP-MN-SI010 Revision 0

Field Operations Training Instrumentation Maintenance Standards and Symbols

INSTRUMENTATION MAINTENANCE STANDARDS AND SYMBOLS CONTENTS 1. OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................5 2. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................6 3. STANDARD ANSI / ISA 5.1 and ANSI / ISA 5.3 ..............................................................8 3.1. LETTERS AND SYMBOLS .......................................................................................8 3.1.1. Extract from a PID .............................................................................................8 3.1.2. Letter identification ..........................................................................................10 3.1.3. Letter combinations .........................................................................................11 3.2. FUNCTIONS ...........................................................................................................12 3.2.1. Definition .........................................................................................................12 3.2.2. Example ..........................................................................................................13 3.3. INSTRUMENTATION..............................................................................................16 3.3.1. Local instrument symbols ................................................................................16 3.3.2. Remote instrument symbols ............................................................................17 3.3.3. Symbols for various instrumentation sensors ..................................................18 3.3.4. Various calculation functions ...........................................................................21 “Calculation function” symbols ...................................................................22 3.3.5. Instrumentation valve symbols ........................................................................23 3.3.6. Abbreviations on valves...................................................................................25 3.4. CONNECTIONS......................................................................................................26 3.4.1. Example ..........................................................................................................26 3.4.2. Representation of instrument connections ......................................................27 3.5. VALVES AND FITTINGS ........................................................................................29 3.5.1. Symbols for valves and fittings ........................................................................29 3.6. PIPING ....................................................................................................................32 3.6.1. Piping symbols ................................................................................................32 3.7. EQUIPMENT ...........................................................................................................34 3.7.1. Pump symbols.................................................................................................34 3.7.2. Heat exchanger symbols .................................................................................36 3.7.3. Tank symbols ..................................................................................................37 3.8. UTILITIES ...............................................................................................................38 3.8.1. Symbols for miscellaneous equipment ............................................................38 3.8.2. Miscellaneous symbols....................................................................................40 3.8.3. Special Abbreviations ......................................................................................42 3.9. SAFETY EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................43 3.9.1. Safety equipment symbols ..............................................................................43 4. CLASSIFICATION .........................................................................................................44 4.1. PIPING ....................................................................................................................44 4.1.1. Pipelines..........................................................................................................44 Line numbering ..........................................................................................45 5. LIST OF TOTAL GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS............................................................52 5.1. INSTRUMENTATION..............................................................................................52 5.2. PIPING ....................................................................................................................53 Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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6. STANDARD ANSI / ISA 5.4 ...........................................................................................54 6.1. DCS LOOP DIAGRAM ............................................................................................54 6.2. LOCAL LOOP DIAGRAM........................................................................................54 7. EUROPEAN STANDARDS............................................................................................55 7.1. PED.........................................................................................................................55 7.1.1. Definition .........................................................................................................55 7.1.2. Classification ...................................................................................................55 7.1.3. Category I to IV equipment..............................................................................56 7.1.4. Conclusion.......................................................................................................57 7.2. ATEX STANDARD ..................................................................................................58 7.2.1. Definition .........................................................................................................58 7.2.2. Classification ...................................................................................................58 7.2.3. Directive compliance .......................................................................................59 Marking ......................................................................................................59 Validation ...................................................................................................60 8. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS ..............................................................................................61 8.1. CONTACTS ............................................................................................................61 8.1.1. Representation rules: ......................................................................................61 8.1.2. Other representations......................................................................................62 8.2. CONTROL ELEMENTS ..........................................................................................63 8.2.1. Protective elements .........................................................................................65 Isolator .......................................................................................................66 Power switch ..............................................................................................66 Breaker.......................................................................................................67 8.2.2. Separation devices ..........................................................................................68 8.3. MEASURING AND SIGNALLING DEVICES...........................................................70 8.4. CONDUCTORS.......................................................................................................72 8.5. ELECTRIC MOTORS..............................................................................................74 8.6. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ...............................................................................75 8.7. ENERGY SOURCES ..............................................................................................77 8.7.1. Transformers ...................................................................................................77 8.7.2. Generators and current sources......................................................................78 8.8. NAMING STANDARDS...........................................................................................79 8.8.1. Markings – general points ...............................................................................79 8.8.2. Electrical equipment marking letters................................................................80 8.8.3. North American Standards ..............................................................................81 8.8.4. North American Standards (b).........................................................................83 9. PNEUMATIC SYMBOLS ...............................................................................................88 9.1. SYMBOLS...............................................................................................................88 9.1.1. General symbols .............................................................................................88 9.1.2. Instruments and accessories...........................................................................89 9.1.3. Pneumatic valves / relays................................................................................90 9.1.4. Technical lines.................................................................................................91 9.1.5. Energy and fluid storage..................................................................................92 9.1.6. Fluid conditioner ..............................................................................................93 9.1.7. Linear movement vessels................................................................................94 9.2. TYPES OF SYMBOL IN PNEUMATICS..................................................................95 9.3. IDENTIFICATION OF CONTROL ELEMENTS .......................................................96 Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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9.4. RELAY/VALVE SYMBOL CREATION.....................................................................97 10. HYDRAULIC SYMBOLS..............................................................................................99 10.1. FLUID LINES ......................................................................................................100 10.2. RESTRICTORS...................................................................................................101 10.3. QUICK-RELEASE CONNECTIONS....................................................................101 10.4. HYDRAULIC PUMPS..........................................................................................102 10.5. HYDRAULIC MOTORS.......................................................................................103 10.6. CYLINDERS........................................................................................................104 10.7. HYDRAULIC (DISTRIBUTION) RELAYS............................................................105 10.8. SERVO-MOTORS...............................................................................................106 10.9. SAFETY VALVE (PSV) .......................................................................................107 10.10. FLOW REGULATOR VALVES..........................................................................107 10.11. TANKS ..............................................................................................................108 10.12. MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC DEVICES .....................................................108 11. LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................111 12. LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................112

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1. OBJECTIVES The purpose of this course is to enable a future instrument technician to understand the bases of instrumentation on a predominantly oil-producing industrial site. By the end of the course, in the field of instrumentation standards and symbols, the participant must: Be familiar with the various instrumentation symbols. Be familiar with the various instrumentation standards. Be able to recognise the various instruments on a diagram, and their functionalities.

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2. INTRODUCTION What is this diagram?

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You must be saying to yourself that it’s crazy to start this course with a diagram that is completely incomprehensible. This diagram, known as a “P&ID” (Piping & Instrumentation Diagram) is not out of place, as in your profession as an instrument technician you will have to use one practically every day. This is a “Standards and symbols” course, so why are we talking about diagrams? First of all, all the instrumentation and process diagrams that you will meet throughout your career are represented in schematic form according to standardised American standards. I do stress the term “standardised standards” since I have noticed on other, non-oil production, sites that P&IDs have been modified, with everyone adding their own “special touch”, making them incomprehensible. The Americans had the superb idea of drawing up standards for instrumentation and process diagrams, since they are international. A PID originating from any country can be understood without asking any questions. Finally, the most commonly used standards in the field of instrumentation are: Standard ANSI / ISA 5.1 Standard ANSI / ISA 5.3 Standard ANSI / ISA 5.4 PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) ATEX Standard

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3. STANDARD ANSI / ISA 5.1 and ANSI / ISA 5.3 Standard ISA 5.1 defines instrumentation identification and symbols. Standard ISA 5.3 defines all instrumentation graphic symbols.

3.1. LETTERS AND SYMBOLS 3.1.1. Extract from a PID As an example, we will take the extract from the PID that I outlined on the general PID.

Figure 1: Extract from general PID

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On this part I can see the following very interesting instruments:

What can you see? To begin with, we are going to focus on what is inside the bubble: To do so we need to decode the letters inside the bubbles; a maximum of 4 letters can be found in a bubble on an instrumentation diagram. We can see the meaning of the first letter below in the table “Table of letter meanings” and the combination with other letters in the table “Table of letter combinations”.

st 1 letter

1st letter

1st letter


1 letter


Temperature Transmitter


Flow Transmitter


Pressure Transmitter


Pressure Valve

2nd letter

2nd letter

2nd letter

2nd letter

Table 1: Example of letter identification

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3.1.2. Letter identification Here is a summary table of all the letters that can be found on an instrumentation diagram:






Burner: Flame detector






Electrical voltage




Gas: explosivity, toxicity


(Hand) Manual


Electrical intensity








User’s choice


Fire Detection


User’s choice






Remote control








Vibration, Stage Movement, Accelerometer






User’s choice


End of travel position - Axial Position Table 2: Table of letter meanings

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3.1.3. Letter combinations

Table 3: Table of letter combinations Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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3.2. FUNCTIONS 3.2.1. Definition In the previous section, we identified the letters and letter combinations inside the “bubbles”. Now we are going to define what the various bubbles that can be found on diagrams represent. You can observe that in the table “Table of letter combinations”, a measuring instrument can perform more than one role: Controllers Readout devices Switches and alarm devices Transmitters

Figure 2: Extract from “table of letter combinations” For each different role, the ISA standard tells us that there are different bubbles with a variety of functions. We will see what this means below with some examples.

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3.2.2. Example

Figure 3: PID extract Now we will study the meaning of the different bubbles, as well as the triangles and squares. What is this?

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After letters inside bubbles, here are a variety of figures whose meaning varies according to the ISA standard. Looking at the table “local representation of functions”, we find the symbols with their meaning, and in the table “representation of functions connected to DCS”, we can also find the other bubbles from the example above:

Local Temperature Transmitter Pressure controller, with measurement indicator accessible to the operator on DCS screen Level process safety system, not accessible to operator (software)

Shutdown process safety system (triconex)

Table 4: Example of instrument functionality identification Summary: Letters: simply express the type of quantity measured (e.g.: pressure, flow, temperature, etc.). Combination of several letters: designate the functionalities of the measured quantity (e.g.: regulation, indication, safety thresholds, etc.). Figures (graphic symbols): These provide an automatic response to the question that we ask when looking at a PID (what do we do with the measurement?); we know with the various figures whether the measurement is locally displayed, retransmitted via a DCS control system or shutdown system (DCS), and whether or it is operator accessible. NB: Any measurement can also have thresholds associated with it. Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Examples: The letters H and L in this case mean that we have a High threshold and a Low threshold for the measurement, which enables an alarm for the DCS. In this example, we can see that it is a process interlock not accessible to the operator, with a very high level threshold (HH) and a very low level threshold (LL). In this case, the thresholds are sent to a Triconex shutdown system: which will shut down a pump, close valves, etc.

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3.3. INSTRUMENTATION 3.3.1. Local instrument symbols

Local Instrument Instrument installed in control room or front panel of machinery room cabinet Instrument installed in rear of control room or in machinery room Instrument installed on local panel Instrument installed on rear of local panel

Console indicator

Jointly mounted instruments Electric tracing Table 5: Local instrument symbols These measurement instruments are only local. They are often used for measurement indication (e.g.: thermometer, pressure gauge, gauge glass, etc.), but we can also find local regulators (e.g.: pneumatic regulator), or local servo-controls (e.g.: relayed servocontrol, etc.).

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3.3.2. Remote instrument symbols

Operator accessible process control Process control not accessible to operator (software) Process safety system accessible to operator Process safety system not accessible to operator (software) Logic interlock

Safety interlock

Table 6: Remote instrument symbols The difference with local measurement instruments (seen in the previous chapter) is that all these instruments are wired to control systems (DCS) and safety systems (TRICONEX) via machinery rooms. This enables operators to have all the measurements, regulations, safety systems, etc. in the control room, so as to improve production efficiency When we talk about symbols that indicate “not accessible to operator”, it means that the quantities measured or safety systems are software programmed, without operator access.

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3.3.3. Symbols for various instrumentation sensors

Symbols of a Vortex flowmeter

Figure 4: Example of sensor symbols I have taken this example, which I thought was interesting: we can note that for flow measurement we have symbols that represent each flow measurement principle. Each flowmeter is represented by a symbol, as we have several operating principles to measure a flow (see “SENSORS AND TRANSMITTERS” course). NB: You can observe that the temperature probe has been simplified (total standard), as under the ISA standard we should have had the primary element to represent (TE + TT) (see table under ISA “letter combinations”).

Diaphragm flowmeter

Built-in orifice flowmeter

Flowmeter with orifice support (facilitating removal of the orifice)

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Spiral / turbine flowmeter

Electromagnetic flowmeter

Ultrasound flowmeter

Vortex effect flowmeter

Vortex effect flowmeter (insertion type)

Coriolis effect flowmeter


Target flowmeter

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Thermal effect flowmeter T°

Positive displacement flowmeter

Pitot tube flowmeter






Pressure gauge with separator

Table 7: Instrumentation sensor symbols

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3.3.4. Various calculation functions

Figure 5: Example of calculation functions In this example, we have the now-familiar symbols, but with a special feature. You can note that we have a symbol with a small square which is added above: This small square means there is a simple calculation with a measurement So in this example, we are taking two flow measurements (FT), and finding the difference (-) between the two flows.

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Field Operations Training Instrumentation Maintenance Standards and Symbols “Calculation function” symbols






Square root extraction




Specific Function


Time Function

High Selection

Low Selection

Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Inverse Proportional

Speed Limit



Table 8: Calculation function symbols

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3.3.5. Instrumentation valve symbols As with measurement instruments, control parts also have their own standardised representation.

Valve with membrane actuator

Manual valve

Valve with membrane actuator and manual control

Valve with membrane actuator and positioner

Valve with piston actuator

Valve with electric actuator

Valve with solenoid

Valve with solenoid and manual control

3-way valve with solenoid

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Expansion valve

Spill valve


Thermal expansion valve

Vacuum – relief valve

Pilot operated safety valve

Pressure and vacuum relief valve

Rupture disc Fire water valve Deluge spray nozzle Sprinkler spray nozzle Table 9: Valve symbols

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3.3.6. Abbreviations on valves On instrumentation diagrams you will generally find abbreviations just below the valves, to indicate their safety position.

In this example, the valves are in FC (Fail Closed) position, i.e. they are closed in the event of a failure. Figure 6: Example of abbreviations on valves For all other cases that you might encounter in the oil world, see the table below.




Car Sealed Closed


Car Sealed Open


Normally Open


Normally Closed


Fail Open


Fail Closed


Locked Open


Locked Closed


Fail Closed Table 10: Abbreviations for valves

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3.4. CONNECTIONS 3.4.1. Example You will of course have observed that all the measurement instruments represented on the general PID are connected by a variety of lines. Of course, these various lines represented also have a meaning. For ease of comprehension, I have put 3 examples in the table below.

Process line

In this case we have a physical connection, The instrument is connected after the valve.

A continuous line with two small crosslines designates a pneumatic connection

Electronic connection

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A broken line between two instruments designates an electronic connection

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3.4.2. Representation of instrument connections Analogue pneumatic signal

Electronic, analogue or logic signal

Digital signal Hydraulic signal Capillary tube Process line or supply connection Electromagnetic signal Binary pneumatic signal Binary electrical signal Mechanical connection Table 11: Symbols for various instrument connections

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Air Supply


Instrument Air


Plant Air


Electrical Supply


Gas Supply


Hydrogen Supply


Nitrogen Supply


Steam Supply


Water Supply

Table 12: Abbreviations for Instrumentation Supplies

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3.5. VALVES AND FITTINGS 3.5.1. Symbols for valves and fittings

Needle valve

Ball valve Spherical ball valve Butterfly valve Angle valve

3-way ball valve

4-way valve

Manually operated choke

Pig valve

Minimum flow rate

Remotely operated choke

Minimum flow valve

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Spectacle blind (open)

Spectacle blind (closed)

Diaphragm valve


Compact double block and bleed, for process line


Graylock fitting

Reduction Reduction Tee Welded cap Female plug Male plug Quick coupling

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Insulating seal Corrosion sleeve Expansion bellows Flexible hose



Vent or air inlet Noise reduction cartridge Flow limiter Pressure limiter Air or condensate trap Barred tee F / F Union Table 13: Symbols for valves and fittings

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3.6. PIPING 3.6.1. Piping symbols Main pipe Secondary pipe Direction of fluid circulation 10 %

Gradient Lagged pipe Double jacket

Concentric reduction 50 / 40

80 / 50

100 / 80

Decanting liquid

Degassing liquid

80 / 50

Eccentric reduction

Reduction flange

Caps DN 150

DN 80

Set of flanges


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Symmetrical coupling

Union coupling


Loading arm

Table 14: Piping symbols

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3.7. EQUIPMENT 3.7.1. Pump symbols

Compressor (general representation)

ROOTS compressor

Centrifuge pump

Positive rotary pump

Vacuum pump

Reciprocating pump

Dosing pump

Screw pump

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Vertical pump

Manual pump


Centrifugal compressor

Screw compressor

Motorised agitator

Cargo pump

Table 15: Pump symbols

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3.7.2. Heat exchanger symbols

Electrical exchangers

Tubular exchanger

Process exchanger

Double tube exchanger

Plate exchanger

Cooling tower

Tubular exchanger

Table 16: Heat exchanger symbols

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3.7.3. Tank symbols

Horizontal vessel

Vertical vessel

Packed vessel

Free standing tank

Integrated tank

Drains tank


Table 17: Tank symbols

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3.8. UTILITIES 3.8.1. Symbols for miscellaneous equipment Pig trap

Cartridge filter

Basket filter

Strainer filter

Tee strainer Temporary filter

Air filter

Pulse damper

Calibration bottle

Ejector and injector


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Flame arrester

Anti vortex


Propane cylinder

Mixer static

Bird screen


Dechlorination filter

UV sterilizer

Coarse filter

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Container for chemical product drainage

Table 18: Miscellaneous equipment symbols

3.8.2. Miscellaneous symbols Sloping line with xx Gravity line without low points Gravity line with acceptable low points

Construction skid

Pipe insulation Personal protection

Pipe insulation heat conservation

Optical fibre

Electric tracing

Vendor package tie-in

Inter-PID connections

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Sample point

System boundary

Class limits or zone limits

Speciality piping

Equipment upper nozzle Equipment nozzle and blind flange Equipment blind flange


Flange Table 19: Miscellaneous symbols

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3.8.3. Special Abbreviations You may also encounter other abbreviations on plans, which are as follows:






Battery Limit






High Point


Low Point


Internal Diameter






Normally No Flow


Reducing Flange


Tangent Line


Utility Connections


Utility Station




Vendor Supply


Line Number Limit


Spool Piece


Electrical Resistance Probe


Corrosion Coupon Vital (Valve Classification) Important (Valve Classification) Table 20: Special abbreviations

This type of abbreviations are not very common, but may be used for information purposes on a diagram. Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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3.9. SAFETY EQUIPMENT 3.9.1. Safety equipment symbols

Safety eye washer

Safety shower

Fire nozzle monitor

Water foam nozzle monitor

Foam positioner

Deluge valve

Hose reel

Table 21: Safety equipment symbols

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4. CLASSIFICATION 4.1. PIPING 4.1.1. Pipelines On every PID that you will use, the pipelines are numbered in TOTAL’s General Specifications. We will see how decoding works, with an example below.

Figure 7: Example for pipeline explanation The pipelines are ringed in red on the example above.

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Field Operations Training Instrumentation Maintenance Standards and Symbols Line numbering The line numbering can be broken down into 5 elements, as follows:

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Diameters 1, 2, or 3 digits to express the diameter in inches or nominal diameter (ND), according to the pipe class This table below goes up to 24 inches:

Table 22: Table of piping diameters Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Nature of Fluid Every fluid is identified by two letters, which are generally the initials of the name in English. In the table below you will find all the abbreviations that you will come across in your career in the oil industry: AM
















































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HYDRANT Table 23: Table of fluid abbreviations

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Area: This is a definition of the position of all the equipment, instruments and utilities that can be found in each well-defined factory part. A part corresponds to a number - in our example we are in part no.4 of a factory. As for the section numbers and sequence numbers, we need to go on the standard used for the construction of the factory. Note that in other countries, every factory has its own specific standards, which do not necessarily correspond to the TOTAL reference standards. Piping classes: Piping classes are determined according to the nature of the fluids (hazardous or nonhazardous, corrosive or non-corrosive, inflammable or non-inflammable, hot or cold, etc.), the calculation conditions (minimum or maximum service pressures and temperatures), as well as the cleanliness and purity conditions imposed by the process. The class identifier contains an identification letter for the series, followed by two index digits, indicating the sequence digit of the class in this series Example:

B 06 (N) B: series identification letter; in this example it means that is in series 150. See table below:

06: These two digits correspond to the piping material; in this example it means that we have a carbon steel pipe. Here is the list of the material corresponding to the series of the two digits: Digits


from 0 to 30

Carbon Steel (digit “X” 1 to “X” 6 indicates the corrosion tolerance for carbon steel, which varies from 1.27 to 6 mm

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From 31 to 44

Steel alloy

From 45 to 70

Stainless steel

From 71 to 85

Special alloy (Monel, Hastelloy, etc.)

From 86 to 99

Other materials

suffix (optional) N: Indicates all the service conditions

For more information on piping classes, check out the TOTAL general specifications GS EP PVV 112.

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Figure 8: Example of piping class

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Instrumentation engineering, supply and construction general requirements


Instrumentation identification


Design of the generation of instrument air or gas


Design and installation of instrumentation links


Instrumentation for the design of plant rooms and control rooms


Instrumentation for package units


Design and supply of liquid custody transfer metering units


Design and supply of gas custody transfer metering units


Design and supply of integrated control and safety system


Cyber Security requirements for design and supply of ICSS and Package Systems


Design and supply of on/off valve control panels


Design of generation and distribution of hydraulic energy


Design and supply of wellhead control panels


Design method for system configuration - standard functions


Input and Output Standard Functions


Process Standard Functions


Safety and Fire & Gas Standard Functions


Instrument hook-up diagrams Table 24: List of instrumentation general specifications

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General Specification catalogue (PVV)


Correspondence between Elf and Total Piping material classes


List of piping documents to be supplied to Total


Flexibility analysis


Allowable loads on static equipment (flanges and nozzles)


Piping design specification


Piping material classes


Block models


Design models


3D electronic models


Model review check list


Metallic piping support design




Metallic pipes






Bolting for piping


Gaskets for piping and vessels Table 25: List of piping general specifications

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6. STANDARD ANSI / ISA 5.4 6.1. DCS LOOP DIAGRAM See course on instrumentation diagrams.

6.2. LOCAL LOOP DIAGRAM See course on instrumentation diagrams.

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7. EUROPEAN STANDARDS 7.1. PED 7.1.1. Definition The "Pressure Equipment Directive" was adopted under reference 97/23/EC on 29 May 1997, and since 30 May 2002 has been obligatory for European Union member states. The harmonisation of Member States’ national legislations concerns the design, manufacture, testing and compliance evaluation, and aims to promote free circulation of merchandise in the European Economic Area. This directive applies to new equipment subjected to a maximum permissible pressure (PS) of over 0.5 bar (pressure regulators, safety valves, plugs, filters, pipes, assemblies, etc.)

7.1.2. Classification The requirements of the directive establish a graduation according to the risk level posed by the equipment. This classification depends on the equipment type (vessel, pipe, safety accessory), the fluid (liquid or gas), the fluid hazard level (group 1 or 2), the pressure and the volume (or ND for pipes).

Figure 9: PED categories (for equipment) Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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According to these parameters, the equipment is classed in categories I to IV. In this case, the category of group 1 for gas accessories is determined as per the graph below: Similarly, the classification of group 1 for gas pipes corresponds to the graph below:

Figure 10: PED categories (for gas pipes)

7.1.3. Category I to IV equipment Category I to IV equipment must satisfy the essential safety requirements of the directive. The compliance with these requirements is evaluated under the procedures (or modules) according to the equipment category (13 possible procedures or "modules"). It is validated by a Notified Body for category II to IV equipment.

Figure 11: Example of marking on an instrument Aside: Similarly, when you buy a toy for your children, it too bears the CE mark. Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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The marking on the equipment includes the symbol "CE" and, for pressure equipment posing a medium or high risk, the number of the body.

7.1.4. Conclusion I mention this directive so that you won’t be surprised if you see a European measurement instrument with the CE marking and category (I to IV).

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7.2. ATEX STANDARD 7.2.1. Definition The European “Explosive ATmosphere” directive, known as ATEX, was adopted under reference 94/9/EC on 23 March 1994, and has been obligatory for European Union Member States since 1 July 2003. It is applicable to electrical and non-electrical devices intended for use in explosive atmospheres (explosive atmosphere due to the presence of (inflammable) gas or dust). This directive is applicable to: Protective devices and systems intended for use in explosive atmospheres. Safety, control and setting devices intended for use in nonexplosive atmospheres, but which are necessary for explosion safety measures.

7.2.2. Classification Relation between zones and categories for group II devices (in gas zone “G”): Protection level

GR II category

Directive 1999/92/EEC zone

Very high



Constantly or frequently present




Liable to form occasionally




Little chance of forming, and of short duration

Explosive atmosphere

Table 26: ATEX standard Group and Category Devices are classed in 2 groups, and each group is subdivided into several categories: Group I comprises devices intended for use in mines. It is divided into categories M1 and M2. Group II comprises devices intended for use on other sites liable to be endangered by explosive atmospheres. It is divided into categories 1, 2 and 3. The choice of category depends on the place (zone) where the product is to be used. (See figure “ATEX standard Group and Category”).

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7.2.3. Directive compliance The directive sets out essential health and safety requirements, ensuring a high level of protection. Compliance with these requirements is evaluated under procedures (or modules) according to the equipment category, and can be validated by a notified body. Marking Here is the marking under directive 94/9/EC: Note 5 Note 3

Note 4 Note 2

Note 1

Figure 12: ATEX standard marking Note 1: The "CE" symbol (and the number of the notified body if applicable). Note 2: The hexagon, the specific symbol for explosion risk protection. Note 3: The group (I or II), category (1, 2, 3, etc.) and type of risk (gas (G) or dust (D)) Note 4: The additional marking, according to the standards satisfied by the device (for example "EEx d IIC" as per EN 50-014). Note 5: The ATEX certificate number

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8. ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS Even if you do not understand all the terms and therefore their associations with symbols, don’t worry; here you will find a (more or less) complete list. You can come back to it later when you try to ‘decrypt’ them, or even draw up an electrical diagram.

8.1. CONTACTS Establishing contact (in electricity) means closing an electric circuit, establishing a bridge between two parts of a circuit in order to enable the electric current to flow.

8.1.1. Representation rules: Diagrams are drawn at zero voltage, and at ambient temperature and pressure. Action on the contacts is manifested by movement of the contact to the right (or upward movement). A contact is represented in its ‘rest’ position, i.e. with no voltage or action, with two possible positions: NO for Normally Open NC for Normally Closed

operating contact make contact NO contact

rest contact break contact NC contact

two-way contact without overlap

passing contact closing momentarily when its control element is engaged

passing contact closing momentarily when its control element is released

passing contact closing momentarily when its control element is engaged or released

Anticipated make contact (closes before the other contacts in the same assembly)

Anticipated break contact (opens before the other contacts in the same assembly)

two-way contact with middle opening position

Delayed make contact (opens after the other contacts in the same assembly)

Delayed break contact (opens after the other contacts in the same assembly)

Table 27: Types of contacts Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Passing contact: contact establishing or opening the circuit ‘fleetingly’ (also known as fleeting contact), i.e. for a short time. This ‘passing time’, depending on the manufactures, is generally not adjustable, and lasts a few tenths of a second. (In the “software” version, with automatic controllers, it is easier to set) Anticipated make / break contact: for a group of contacts, i.e. certain contacts in a make / break relay, this type of contact “reacts” quicker (at least, we can be sure that it acts before the others). Upon excitation of the relay coil, the contact acts immediately, before the others. May be used if we require locking in motor starting sequences. Delayed make / break contact: the contact opens or closes after the others, and after excitation of the relay coil controlling the group of contacts. Not to be confused with the time-lag contact, which we will look at below under control elements

8.1.2. Other representations The symbols above are for official representation of the ‘new’ international system. There are many other symbol systems, which may be old or even specific to certain manufacturers. You will inevitably encounter unknown or even bizarre symbols. Often a little common sense is required to recognise the functions of these symbols.

Figure 13: Other contact representation principles This representation above was commonly employed on ‘old’ French diagrams. Control elements were added along the same principle as described in the paragraph below. Figure 14: representation of automatic controller contacts “Internal contacts” (software) in automatic controllers will have the uniform representation, as opposite. But “external” contacts (hardware) connected to the input blocks (generally) have a ‘classic’ representation. See PLC / Automatic controller course.

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8.2. CONTROL ELEMENTS To contacts in isolation, we can now add the “principle” for controlling this contact. The added symbol is (theoretically) a logical schematic representation of the control action. operating contact with closing delay (on) = NO ‘on’ delay

operating contact with opening delay (off) = NO ‘off’ delay

operating contact with opening and closing delay = NO ‘on & off’ delay

rest contact with opening delay (on) = NC ‘on’ delay

rest contact with closing delay (off) = NC ‘off’ delay

rest contact with opening and closing delay = NC ‘on & off’ delay

manual mechanical control (without automatic return)

rotary switch (without automatic return)

draw-bar control (with automatic return)

pushbutton (with automatic return)

thermal system control

palm button switch

NO + NC flip-flop pushbutton (with automatic return to NC)

emergency shutdown held down (with ‘latch’)

hold-down emergency shutdown, unlocked by key

proximity control

feather-touch control

manual control with restricted access (for example behind a window)

pedal control

lever control

steering wheel control

crank control

roller control (travel limiter contact)

key control

electric motor control

cam control

clock control

rotation speed control

linear speed control

pressure control

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liquid level control

flow presence control

temperature effect control (‘θ’ may be replaced by its switching value)

degree of humidity control

event number control

Table 28: Contact control elements NB: all the contacts represented in the table above (except the time-lags at the start and the emergency shutdowns) are ‘NO’. The same of course applies to ‘NC’ contacts, with the control element associated with a contact closed in the rest position. And while a contact in isolation is something ‘subjective’, a contact with its control element is something very concrete, that we can realise, name and represent in diagrams.

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8.2.1. Protective elements With control elements now (more or less) defined, let’s see what they control, and add the ‘lines’ between the two.




Single-pole fuse overcurrent breaker. 25 A base and 16 A fuse.

Single-pole fuse overcurrent breaker

Single-pole fuse overcurrent breaker with neutral isolator

Fuse whose end remains live after blowing

Striker fuse

Striker fuse with signalling circuit

Single-pole fuse overcurrent breaker with neutral isolator (one-line)

Three-pole fuse overcurrent breaker with neutral isolator (multiple-line)

Three-pole fuse overcurrent breaker with neutral isolator (one-line)

Single-pole isolator

Three-pole isolator

Three-pole isolator, one-line representation

Isolator with fuse

Load switch with fuse

30 mA differential switch


Automatic switch or breaker **

30mA 25A




Residual current circuit breaker *, sensitivity 30 mA; Current In = 25 A

Three-phase magneto-thermal relay actuating an NC auxiliary contact

Breaker, rated current 20 A

Three-phase magneto-thermal breaker, one-line representation


Thermal relay

Overcurrent breaker with fuse, three-pole base with 40 A fuses

Three-phase thermal relay

Three-phase thermal relay actuating an NC contact

Distinctive symbols


automatic trigger function

breaker function

isolator function

switch function

isolator switch function

contactor function

Table 29: Protection elements

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NB, a switch may serve as an isolator, but an isolator can never be a switch - switch = cutout (isolation…) capability - isolator = 0 (zero) capability An RCCB (Residual Current Circuit Breaker) can also be represented in this form Figure 15: “classic” symbol for RCCB

30mA 25A

** Circuit breakers (residual or not) are automatic cut-out switches. They both (breakers and switches) have a cut-out capability, but breakers are additionally equipped with an “automatic” thermal and/or magnetic trigger system. Isolator

Figure 16: four-pole isolator This isolator has 3 phases + neutral, and can be equipped with a fuse: (NB fuses are not mounted on neutral). The representation shows the power contacts (3 + 1), 2 NO auxiliary contacts and the manual lever control Power switch

1 2

Figure 17: four-pole switch Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Example of 2-position four-pole switch, with its diagram representation symbol

Figure 18: Four-pole isolator switch Example of four-pole safety load break isolator switch with visible isolation, and positive contact action. Double phase break. Contacts self-cleaning on engagement; Device can be equipped with auxiliary contacts Figure 19: fused three-pole switch The switch can be operated under full load, it is not an isolator. It is also fused Now draw the diagram symbol representation for the latter 2 types of switch. Breaker There will be a course exclusively on breakers, but let’s start by making the connection between the device (its image) and the symbol.




Q1 I

I 2

I 4


Figure 20: three-pole breaker and diagram representations

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Note the diagram on the front panel of the devices, which is offered by nearly all manufacturers. For breakers with ‘differential block’, represented here, there is a ‘test’ button that creates an artificial fault Figure 21: RCCB - two-pole breaker with differential block Auxiliary position and triggering contacts on a breaker can be associated (physically and on the diagram), for nearly all types of breaker

8.2.2. Separation devices Certain protection devices can also have a separation (control / cut-out) function, e.g. remote control breaker. Below are the symbols for electrically controlled cut-out devices, relays (in principle on control circuits) and contactors (power circuits) in isolation. Relays and contactors Relay / contactor, general symbol

2-coil relay, simple diagram

2-coil relay, optional diagram

Time delay on relay

Time delay off relay

Time delay on and off relay

Flasher relay

Passing (fleeting) relay

Quick acting coil relay

Mechanical locking relay

Retentive relay

Stepper relay

Polarised relay

Relay insensitive to alternating current

Alternating current relay

Table 30: Relays and contactors

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Represented without coil on the diagram opposite – it aligns with the axis line on the complete diagram

Figure 22: Three-pole contactor with 2 auxiliary contacts

A contactor can be two-, three- or four-pole (or even six-pole); its symbol (representation) is always the same, whether it is 10 Amps or 2000 Amps Polarised relay for printed circuit with changeover contact (double contact) for use in communication and data technology, medical technology, regulation and setting in machine regulation. Figure 23: Example of time-lag relay When we think of a relay, we imagine a small contactor, which is not wrong … Relays are for control circuits, non-power, low-current circuits. Relays always actuate at least 1 (one) contact, up to ‘x’ contacts. Relays on “lamp test” circuits have a number of NO contacts. ‘Auxiliary’ or ‘additional’ contacts can be of the following types: NO, NC, time-lag, passing, etc. NB: do not confuse the particularity of a contact with the particularity of the relay (coil): as in the figure below the delay is on the contact itself, not on the relay Below some examples of auxiliary contacts to be mounted on a relay or contactor



Figure 24: Example of multi-contact relay and auxiliary contacts

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8.3. MEASURING AND SIGNALLING DEVICES I.e. measurement devices, and signalling lamps and systems. Indicators, recorders and meters Indicating device

Integrating device (e.g.: electrical energy meter)

Recording device

Indicating and recording devices: The device symbol is supplemented in its centre by one of the markings below, in letter or sign form


Ampere meter

Cos φ

Cos φ meter


Torque meter




Frequency meter







Wave meter


Phase meter






Thermometer, Pyrometer




Varmeter (reactive power)


Volt-ampere meter




Watt meter


Watthour Differential voltmeter


Galvanometer Angular position or pressure indicator: - direct current / - induction

Multimeter Integrating devices, meters Timer, time meter

Ampere-hour meter

Active energy meter measuring one-way energy flow

Var-hour meter, reactive energy meter

Watt-hour meter, Active energy meter

Counting devices: function of counting a number of events Distinctive symbol

Electrical impulse counter with manual n-set function (reset if n = 0)

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Electrical impulse counter

Electrical impulse counter with digital display Electrical impulse counter with electrical reset

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Electric clocks Clock, general symbol Secondary clock

Master clock

Contact clock

Lamps and signalling devices Lamp, general symbol

Flashing light system

Tube lamp (neon = red)

Audible signal device, horn




Bell – as above, but at 90°

Mechanical indicator

Table 31: Symbols for measuring and signalling devices

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8.4. CONDUCTORS I.e. the lines, the wires connecting the various symbols. Though simply ‘lines’, they are not insignificant … They are used for drawing electrical diagrams – here we will look at the representation standards General symbols for function blocks: A function block is represented by a rectangle or square containing the symbol for the codified function. Converter (of any nature): e.g. rectifier, AC/DC

Function block, general symbol

Variable quantity: e.g. speed controller

Direction of energy or signal propagation Connections between function blocks and electrical devices – Connection lines

Electrical connections

Three-phase, n-way line

Electrical contact: !!!: obligatory in case of contact between 2 wires ┴

Crossover, without contact.

Mechanical connection


50 Hz

3-phase – 50 Hz

Alternating current

Direct current

Single-phase current

Multiple-phase current (m phases)

Low frequency

Medium frequency

High frequency

Ground / earth

Frame connection

PE – connection point

Rectified current

Variability Linear extrinsic variability

Non-linear extrinsic variability

Linear intrinsic variability

Non-linear intrinsic variability

Predetermined correction

Automatic regulation

extrinsic: the variable depends on an external device. E.g.: resistor set by an actuator intrinsic: the variable depends on the properties of the device itself. E.g.: temperature-dependent resistor) Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Step variability

Continuous variability

Main conductor – Power circuit for diagram – very thick, single-digit marker

Secondary conductor – Control circuit for diagram – thin line, single-digit marker

Naming / Marking: L1, L2, L3, N, PE: three-phase network, Neutral, Ground connection Q*: isolator (* = no.) S*: switch, commutator, pushbutton F*: protection (fuse, breaker,…) T*: transformer KM*: main contactor KA*: auxiliary contactor M*: motor n: device number Conductors and connection devices: Male plug

Female plug

Socket and plug

Male plug – in control circuit

Female plug – in control circuit

Assembled socket and plug

Assembled connector 1) male mobile part 2) female mobile part

Closed connection bar (jumper)

Multi-plug, multi-socket connector

Open connection bar

Picot, test point

Table 32: Conductors and connections between devices for diagrams

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8.5. ELECTRIC MOTORS Electric motor symbols for diagrams single-phase asynchronous motor (rotor shortcircuited)

series single-phase commutator motor

single-phase synchronous motor

direct current motor (general symbol)

series direct current motor

shunt direct current motor

Permanent magnet stepper motor

Single-phase commutator motor

Or Direct current motor

asynchronous three-phase motor with short-circuited rotor, with 6 stator terminals 1 speed U1, V1,W1 + U2, V2, W2 2 speeds 1U, 1V, 1W + 2U, 2V, 2W

asynchronous three-phase motor with short-circuited rotor (U, V, W) Or Three-phase motor, short-circuited rotor (squirrel cage)

three-phase slip-ring induction motor (U, V, W + K, L, M)

Or Three-phase motor with wound rotor

Functional symbols for motor starters

Starter, general symbol

Stepping starter

Regulating starter (variable control)

Starter with automatic shutdown

Direct contactor starter for two-way running

Star-delta starter

Auto-transformer starter

Thyristor regulating starter

Automatic starter, general symbol

Semi-auto starter, general symbol

Rheostat starter

Series-parallel starter

Table 33: Electric motor and motor accessory symbols Of course there may be other diagram representation styles, but they will always be similar to those shown above: again it is all a question of applying a bit of logic to understand a symbol’s meaning. Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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8.6. ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS There are other “elements” to be added to diagrams, which may be: Electrical component symbols for diagrams resistor (purely resistive)

impedance Variant for resistor

inductor Variant for variable resistor

Varistor (general symbol)


Inductor with core

non-linear variability thermistor (can also be denoted - θ) with negative temperature coefficient

polarised electrolytic capacitor

continuous variation resistor

non-linear variability thermistor (can also be denoted + θ) with positive temperature coefficient

variable capacitor

stepped variation resistor

non-linear variability thermistor, can also be denoted U, voltagedependent

Photoelectric resistor


Coil (inductance)

Coil with core

Piezoelectric crystal

Semi-conductor diodes Schottky diode

Zener diode


PN junction diode

Light-emitting diode

Laser diode

Thyristors thyristor

GTO (gate turn-off thyristor

Diac (diode) and Triac

Transistors Bipolar transistor PNP

Bipolar transistor NPN

Transistors, Darlington circuit NPN

Transistors, Darlington circuit PNP

N-channel field effect junction transistor

P-channel field effect junction transistor

P-channel MOS enhancement transistor

N-channel MOS enhancement transistor

N-channel MOS depletion transistor

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P-channel MOS depletion transistor Photosensitive & magneto-sensitive devices photoresistor


Photovoltaic cell


Phototransistor optocoupler

Phototriac optocoupler

Hall effect device

Magneto resistor

Table 34: Electrical / electronic component symbols

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8.7. ENERGY SOURCES 8.7.1. Transformers Transformers and auto-transformers Triple-wound transformer

Double-wound transformer

single-phase transformer (either symbol)

three-phase transformer (e.g. stardelta)

single-phase transformer with adjustable coupling



Shielded transformer

Three-phase transformer, star-delta coupling

single-phase autotransformer

graduated adjustment singlephase autotransformer

current transformer (KL primary, kl secondary; k input, l output).

Current transformer, general symbol

Potential transformer, general symbol

3-phase transformer with 4 connection terminals

3-phase transformer with voltage adjustment (tap changer) offline

3-phase transformer with voltage adjustment (tap changer) online (live)

3-phase transformer – 3 windings and indication of couplings

Table 35: Transformer and auto-transformer symbols

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8.7.2. Generators and current sources Current sources and generation voltage source (ideal)

current source (ideal)

problem source (fault marking)

battery or accumulator element (on this symbol: + on left and – on right)


photovoltaic cell

Alternating current generator (alternator). General symbol

Direct current generator

Direct current generator (other symbol)

Power converters Converter, general symbol

DC-DC converter

Adjustable direct voltage rectifier



Graetz bridge coupling rectifier

Rectifier / Inverter

Thyristor variable power control

Table 36: Generator and current source symbols

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8.8. NAMING STANDARDS 8.8.1. Markings – general points This relates to the marking letters on electrical equipment, with the marking as per standard DIN EN 61346-2:2000-12 (IEC 61346-2:2000). There are a number of normalisations / symbol systems that we should try to “standardise” on ‘our’ diagrams. With the standard mentioned above, unlike the markings previously used, the marking letters are now predominantly determined by the function of the electrical equipment in the diagram. This creates a certain freedom in the choice of letter allocated to the equipment. Example for a resistor: Normal current limiter: R Heating resistor: E Measurement resistor: B We may for example adopt certain specific rules that partially deviate from the standard. Names of connection terminals cannot be read from the right. The second letter, used for identifying the electrical equipment’s purpose, is not indicated, e.g.: time lag relay K1T becomes K1. Breakers with a primarily protective protection continue to be marked Q. They are numbered continuously from 1 to 10, starting with the top-left one. Contactors are presently marked with a Q and numbered continuously from 11 to nn, e.g.: K91M becomes Q21. Auxiliary contactors remain as K, and are numbered continuously from 1 to n. The marking appears in an appropriate location in the immediate vicinity of the symbol. It determines the relationship between the equipment in the installation and the various file documents (circuit diagrams, parts lists, functional connection diagrams, instructions). For ease of maintenance, the marking can also be applied in part or in full on the equipment or in the vicinity. Correspondences between old and new marking letters in general use, for a selection of equipment, are represented below, along with an example of schematic representation. The new letters have already been in use for some time on ‘our’ diagrams. Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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8.8.2. Electrical equipment marking letters Standards DIN EN 61346-2:2000-12 (IEC 61346-2:2000). Old marking B C D E F F F G G G G H H H K K K K K L N Q Q Q Q Q R R R S S S T T

Example of electrical equipment Measuring transductors Capacitors Storage devices Electric filters Thermal triggers Pressure switches Fuses (thin, HH, signal) Frequency converters Generators Progressive starters UPS Lamps Optic and acoustic signalling devices Indicator lights Auxiliary relays Auxiliary contactors Semi-conductor contactors Power contactors Time-lag relays Inductors Separation amplifiers, inverter amplifiers Load break isolators protection breakers Breakers for motors Star – delta breakers Isolator switch Setting resistors Measuring resistors Heating resistors Control auxiliaries Pushbutton Position switches Voltage transformers Current transformer

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New marking T C C V F B F T G T G E P P K K T Q K R T Q Q Q Q Q R B E S S B T T Page 80 / 113

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Transformers Frequency converters Diodes Rectifier Transistors ECM filters Anti-interference and attenuation devices


Table 37: Marking Letters as per DIN EN 61346-2:2000-12 (IEC 61346-2:2000)

8.8.3. North American Standards Marking of devices in the United States and Canada as per NEMA ICS 1-2001, ICS 1.11984, ICS 1.3-1986 Many diagrams are of American origin, and in the oil industry, references for instrumentation and P&IDs are also of the same origin. So it is worthwhile knowing the US symbols and their meanings. To distinguish devices with analogous functions, we can add three digits or letters to the marker letters in the table below. If we use two or more marker letters, it is useful to indicate the function identification letter first. Example: The auxiliary contactor triggering the first jog function is marked by “1 JCR”. The meaning of the marking is as follows: 1 = sequence number J = Jog – equipment function CR = Control relay (auxiliary contactor) – equipment type Marking A AM B C or CAP CB CR CT DM D DS or DISC

Device or Function Accelerating Ammeter Braking Capacitor, capacitance Circuit-breaker Control relay Current transformer Demand meter Diode Disconnect switch

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French equivalent Accélération Ampèremètre Freinage Condensateur, capacité Disjoncteur Contacteur auxiliaire, contacteur commande Transformateur de courant Compteur de consommation Diode Interrupteur - sectionneur Page 81 / 113

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Dynamic braking Field accelerating Field contactor Field decelerating Field-loss Forward Frequency meter Fuse Ground protective Hoist Jog Limit switch Lower Main contactor Master control relay Master switch Overcurrent Overload Plugging, potentiometer Power factor meter Pushbutton Pressure switch Rectifier Resistor, resistance Reverse Rheostat Selector switch Silicon controlled rectifier Solenoid valve Squirrel cage Starting contactor Suppressor Tachometer generator Terminal block, board Time-delay relay Transistor Undervoltage Voltmeter

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Freinage dynamique Accélération de champ Contacteur de champ Diminution du champ (décélération) Perte de champ Marche avant Fréquencemètre Fusible Terre de protection Levage Pianotage Interrupteur de position Diminuer Contacteur principal Contacteur de commande principal Interrupteur maître Surintensité Surcharge Potentiomètre ou connecteur Appareil de mesure du facteur de puissance Bouton-poussoir Manostat Redresseur Résistance Marche arrière Rhéostat Sélecteur Thyristor Électrovanne Rotor à cage (d’écureuil) Contacteur de démarrage Suppresseur Génératrice tachymétrique Bornier, bloc de jonction Relais temporisé Transistor Sous-tension (sous le seuil) Voltmètre Page 82 / 113

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Watthour meter Wattmeter Reactor, reactance

Wattheuremètre Wattmètre Inductance, réactance

Table 38: Marking letters for devices or function under NEMA ICS 1-2001,

8.8.4. North American Standards (b) The regulations also permit a marking by apparatus class (class designation), instead of a letter device marking (device designation), as per NEMA ICS 1-2001, ICS 1.1-1984, ICS 1.3-1986. This marking method aims to facilitate harmonisation with international standards. The marker letters used here are (in part) compliant with standard IEC 61346-1 (1996-03). Marking by device class, as per NEMA ICS 19-2002 Marker A B

Device or function Separate Assembly Induction Machine, Squirrel Cage Induction Motor Synchro, Genera Control Transformer Control Transmitter Control Receiver Differential Receiver Differential Transmitter Receiver Torque Receiver Torque Transmitter Synchronous Motor Wound-Rotor Induction Motor or Induction Frequency Convertor


Battery Capacitor Capacitor, General Polarized Capacitor Shielded Capacitor Circuit-Breaker (all)


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Translation Montage séparé Machine asynchrone, rotor à cage Moteur asynchrone Synchro transmetteur en général Transformateur de commande Émetteur de commande Récepteur de commande Récepteur différentiel Émetteur différentiel Récepteur Récepteur de couple Transmetteur de couple Moteur synchrone Moteur à induction à rotor bobiné ou convertisseur de fréquence à induction Batterie Condensateur Condensateur en général Condensateur polarisé Condensateur blindé Disjoncteurs (tous)

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Diode Bidirectional Breakdown Diode Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Metallic Rectifier Semiconductor Photosensitive Cell Semiconductor Rectifier Tunnel Diode Unidirectional Breakdown Diode Zener Diode Annunciator Light Emitting Diode Lamp Fluorescent Lamp Incandescent Lamp Indicating Lamp Armature (Commutor and Brushes) Lightning Arrester Contact Electrical Contact Fixed Contact Momentary Contact Core Magnetic Core Horn Gap Permanent Magnet Terminal Not Connected Conductor Fuse Rotary Amplifier (all) A.C. Generator Induction Machine, Squirrel Cage Induction Generator Thermal Element Actuating Device Female Disconnecting Device Female Receptacle Contactor, Relay

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Diode Diode Zener bidirectionnelle Redresseur pleine onde Redresseur sec Cellule photoélectrique à semi-conducteurs Redresseur à semi-conducteurs Diode tunnel Diode Zener unidirectionnelle Diode Zener Avertisseur Diode électroluminescente Lampe Tube fluorescent Lampe à incandescence Voyant lumineux Armature (collecteur et balais) Protection contre la foudre Contact Contact électrique Contact fixe Contact de passage Conducteur, âme Noyau magnétique Éclateur cornu Aimant permanent Borne Conducteur non raccordé Fusible Amplificateur rotatif (tous types) Alternateur Machine asynchrone, rotor à cage Alternateur asynchrone Interrupteur à bilame Dispositif de déconnexion femelle Connecteur femelle Contacteur, contacteur auxiliaire

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Coil Blowout Coil Brake Coil Operating Coil Field Commutating Field Compensating Field Generator or Motor Field Separately Excited Field Series Field Shunt Field Inductor Saturable Core Reactor Winding, General Audible Signal Device Bell Buzzer Horn Meter, Instrument Male Disconnecting Device Male Receptacle Thyristor NPN Transistor PNP Transistor Resistor Adjustable Resistor Heating Resistor Tapped Resistor Rheostat Shunt Instrumental Shunt Relay Shunt

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Bobine Bobine de soufflage Bobine de freinage Bobine d'excitation Champ Champ de commutation Champ de compensation Champ générateur et moteur Champ à excitation séparée Champ série Champ shunt Inducteur Self à fer Enroulement en général Avertisseur sonore Sonnerie Ronfleur Klaxon Instrument de mesure Dispositif de déconnexion mâle Connecteur mâle Thyristor NPN Transistor PNP Transistor Résistance Résistance réglable Résistance de chauffage Résistance à prise Rhéostat Dérivation Résistance en dérivation pour appareils de mesure Résistance en dérivation pour relais

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Contact Time Closing Contact Time Opening Contact Time Sequence Contact Transfer Contact Basic Contact Assembly Flasher Switch Combination Locking and Nonlocking switch Disconnect switch Double Throw Switch Drum Switch Flow-Actuated Switch Foot Operated Switch Key-Type Switch Knife Switch Limit switch Liquid-Level Actuated Switch Locking Switch Master switch Mushroom Head Operated Switch Pressure or Vacuum Pushbutton Switch Pushbutton Illuminated Switch, Rotary Switch Selector switch Single-Throw Switch Speed Switch Stepping Switch Temperature-Actuated Switch Time Delay Switch Toggle Switch Transfer Switch Wobble Stick Switch Thermostat Transformer Current Transformer Transformer, General Polyphase Transformer Potential Transformer Terminal Board Thermocouple

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Contact Contact retardé à la fermeture Contact retardé à l'ouverture Contact à séquences Contact de commutation Rangée de contacts Signal clignotant Interrupteur Interrupteur avec et sans verrouillage Sectionneur Interrupteur à deux leviers Interrupteur à tambour Interrupteur commandé par le débit Interrupteur à pédale Interrupteur à clé Interrupteur à couteau Interrupteur de position Interrupteur à flotteur Interrupteur de verrouillage Interrupteur maître Interrupteur champignon Interrupteur actionné par la pression ou le vide Bouton-poussoir Bouton-poussoir lumineux Commutateur rotatif, commutateur à cames Sélecteur Interrupteur à un levier Inverseur de pôle Commutateur à gradins Contrôleur de température Minuterie – contact temporisé Interrupteur à bascule Inverseur Interrupteur à levier Thermostat Transformateur Transformateur de courant Transformateur en général Transformateur polyphasé Transformateur de tension Tablette à bornes – Bornier Thermocouple

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Inseparable Assembly


Pentode, Equipotential Cathode Phototube, Single Unit, Vacuum Type Triode Tube, Mercury Pool


Conductor Associated Multiconductor Shielded Conductor, General Tube Socket


Ensemble à montage et à raccordement fixe Pentode, cathode équipotentielle Tube photoélectrique, monolithique, Type à vide Triode Tube, cathode à bain de mercure Câble, conducteur Câble normalisé Multiconducteur Blindé Conducteur en général Douille de tube

Table 39: Marking letters by apparatus class, as per NEMA ICS 19-2002

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9. PNEUMATIC SYMBOLS We often use the term electro-pneumatic to mean an association between electrical and pneumatic systems. Although on-site it is often the instrument technician who handles pneumatic systems, electricians must be able to lend a hand, and at least interpret electro-pneumatic symbols and diagrams. In maintenance, with the mechanic, instrument technician and electrician working together in this field (pneumatics), it is hard to define the borders between the specificities of each trade. It is not smart to say “it’s not my problem” when confronted with an interface, an electric + pneumatic (or hydraulic) assembly. On-site, we count on everyone, particularly the electrician, to be able to do any job: so you need to learn the pneumatic symbols (and the hydraulic symbols in the following chapter). You will also need them for P&IDs (which you also need to be able to read).

9.1. SYMBOLS 9.1.1. General symbols


Hydraulic oscillator

Pneumatic oscillator

Electric motor

Internal combustion engine

Table 40: General symbols for pneumatic systems

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9.1.2. Instruments and accessories

Pressure gauge



Flowmeter z z z z

Float switch

Temperature gauges z


Diaphragm (orifice plate)

Pitot tube



Integrating flowmeter

Pressure switch


Table 41: Pneumatic instrument and accessory symbols

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9.1.3. Pneumatic valves / relays

Internally locked ports

Internally opened passages, infinite positioning

Two-position onoff, with transition

Pressure limiter (PSV)


Pressure reducer (Regulator)

Distributor, threeway

Distributor, fourway

Adjustable flow regulator, noncompensated

Adjustable pressure flow regulator, by-pass compensation

Adjustable pressure and temperature flow regulator, by-pass compensation

Table 42: Pneumatic valve and relay symbols

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9.1.4. Technical lines Vessel contour

Pneumatic line

Line cross-over

Line junction

Direction of hydraulic flow


Nonconnectable orifice





Direction of pneumatic flow Connectable orifice

Table 43: Symbols for pneumatic technical lines

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9.1.5. Energy and fluid storage Open-air tank

Pressurised tank

Open-air/pressurised tank with connection lines above the fluid level

Tank with connection lines underneath the fluid level. Lines enter or exit under the tank when necessary for circuit operation


Accumulator, elementary symbol

Accumulator, springloaded

Accumulator, hydro-pneumatic

Weight loaded accumulator

Vessel for air or other gases

Hydraulic energy source

Pneumatic energy source

Table 44: Energy and fluid storage symbols in pneumatics

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9.1.6. Fluid conditioner

Basic symbol

Heater, elementary symbol

Heater, liquid heating

Heater, gas heating


Cooler, basic symbols

Cooler, liquid cooling

Cooler, gas cooling

Filter strainer

Separator, manual drain

Separator, automatic drain

Separator with filter, manual drain

Separator with filter, automatic drain

Desiccator (chemical drying)

Lubricator, without drain

Lubricator, manual drain

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Lubricator, automatic drain

Table 45: Fluid conditioner symbols in pneumatics

9.1.7. Linear movement vessels Double-action cylinder, forwards and backwards, with fixed attenuator

Double-action cylinder, with adjustable attenuator Double-action cylinder in which the ratio of rod diameter to bore diameter is significant for circuit operation

Amplified pressure

Pneumatic servopositioner

Hydraulic servopositioner

‘Discrete’ positioner Di


Table 46: Linear device symbols in pneumatics

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9.2. TYPES OF SYMBOL IN PNEUMATICS Two main types of symbol are used in diagrams - basic symbols and composite symbols. (See figure below.) They are easily distinguished. The basic symbol originates from the tables of symbols (tables above). Composite symbols are put together by attaching some of these symbols, to form a single one, known as a composite symbol. Composite symbols represent several elementary components that work together to execute a function, as represented on the figure below.

Figure 25: Composite symbol made from elementary symbols This figure has four different basic symbols, each representing part of a manually actuated relay. The symbol for orifice in closed position, the symbol for orifice in open position, the symbol for return spring and the symbol for manual control lever. These are combined in a single composite symbol for the manually-actuated relay represented at the top of the figure. Composite symbols are frequently used in pneumatic and hydraulic system diagrams. A number of design & engineering office diagrams/plans contain an area in a corner or a list on one of the sheets representing a key. A key represents the meaning of the symbols. The symbols used in this diagram are represented in the key as a reminder of the meaning. This approach is very useful when the operator uses slightly different symbols; symbols generally differ very little.

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9.3. IDENTIFICATION OF CONTROL ELEMENTS Don’t forget that this training course is aimed at oil production site operators and technicians. The study of diagrams needs to be based on an approach you use for operating, controlling and trouble-shooting systems and processes You need to be able not only to start and stop a pneumatic system, but also know all the operating procedures of a system. You need to know how a system works when running correctly. You also need to know what happens when the system is not running smoothly, so that you can be alerted and perform the trouble-shooting and/or repair operations. These elements can be learned by working on particular pneumatic and hydraulic systems on-site. This course will teach you the bases of pneumatic / hydraulic systems and how they work. On your site, you need to make an effort to collect all the diagrams and go to the unit to see how it works.

Figure 26: Example of pneumatic slide (distributor) operation

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9.4. RELAY/VALVE SYMBOL CREATION One of the best ways to learn the meaning of pneumatic (or hydraulic as the same applies) relay/valve symbols is to draw them. If you want to represent a relay with a diagram symbol, you can draw the whole diagram yourself. Start with a blank symbol for a relay, and then add the positions of the elements of this relay. Then add the operating mechanism. Finish the diagram by grouping together all the parts in a single symbol (see example above). Start with a blank symbol for a relay or valve. Add the orifices (ports) to the symbol, even if the valve/relay itself has three orifices on top. The symbol always has 2 ports at the top and 2 ports at the bottom.

Indicate the direction of flow for all relay positions.

Add the operating mechanism to the symbol. This relay is actuated manually with a spring return to closed position.

Group together all the elements in a single symbol.

Figure 27: Creating a relay symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic) You have developed a symbol for a 4/3 relay (4 ports, 3 positions) The common symbols for types of cylinder are represented in the diagrams below.

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Figure 28: Single-action cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic)

Figure 29: Double-action cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic)

Figure 30: Double-ended cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic)

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10. HYDRAULIC SYMBOLS We have already looked at a number of principles with the symbols for pneumatic systems. This part deals with the complements specific to hydraulic installations. Symbols were developed for hydraulic fluid driven systems by the International Standardisation Organisation (ISO). As with pneumatic symbols, as a site technician, you need to know these symbols. The most common symbols are illustrated in this chapter. Keep these documents for subsequent use. As you may know, several symbols used in pneumatic and hydraulic systems are identical or near-identical. The differences are set out here, but at the same time look back at the symbols from the preceding paragraphs: in fact pneumatic and hydraulic diagrams are read in the same way. By the end of this chapter, interpretation of the following diagrams should no longer hold any secrets for you. Figure 31: Typical hydraulic diagram This paragraph also introduces symbols for a number of hydraulic devices. Operators and technicians need to be able to identify representations in isolation, but also work with a set of symbols on a system’s diagram. A hydraulic system may contain a single energy generation source and a single instrument using this energy, but a system may contain multiple instruments. To understand a (relatively substantial) hydraulic circuit diagram, it is important to consider portions of the diagram, and determine the energy flows in this section. Once these different circuit sections (or portions) are understood, the diagram as a whole (overview) will be easier to follow.

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10.1. FLUID LINES A hydraulic symbol consists of hydraulic devices interconnected by pipes or tubes. The “pipes” and “tubes” are sometimes called working conductors or lines, but most commonly fluid lines. For simplicity’s sake we shall call them “lines”. Working lines form the main fluid lines in hydraulic systems. They are represented by solid lines in diagrams. Pilot lines are usually much smaller than working lines. They generally withstand the same pressure as working lines. A pilot line transmits a fluid under pressure to an internal device. When the internal pilot device is working, it enables the main device to work. Pilot lines are represented by broken lines. Vent or purge lines are generally small. They can only withstand low pressures. They are represented by broken lines, but the dashes are shorter than those of a pilot line.

Working line

Pilot line

Purge line

Line crossover

Line joint


Electrical line

Energy flow

Table 47: Hydraulic fluid line symbols

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10.2. RESTRICTORS In hydraulic symbols, we use restrictors for: Directing energy flow Controlling energy flow Measuring energy flow

Fixed restrictor

Diaphragm (orifice plate)

Diaphragm with impulse lines

Pitot tube


Table 48: Restriction device symbols in hydraulics

10.3. QUICK-RELEASE CONNECTIONS A number of hydraulic lines need to be frequently connected and disconnected. An example is the hydraulic brake line between tractor and trailer. A quick-release connector is used on each line section. These connectors have mechanical locks that can be easily engaged and released. A hose is used with this system.

Quick-release connectors

Quick-release connector with nonreturn valve

Table 49: Symbols for quick-release connectors in hydraulics Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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10.4. HYDRAULIC PUMPS The basic symbol for a pump is a circle. The lines outside the circle are not part of the symbol; these are the connection lines. Dark triangles indicate the direction of energy flow. In hydraulic systems, fluid flow is not as important as energy flow. Energy flows when the compression pressure is transmitted in the system.

Basic pump

Shaft turns one way

Shaft turns both ways

Fixed displacement pump. Energy circulates one way

Fixed displacement pump. Energy circulates both ways

Variable displacement pump. Energy circulates one way

Variable displacement pump. Energy circulates both ways

Table 50: Hydraulic pump symbols

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10.5. HYDRAULIC MOTORS The basic circle used for pumps is also used for rotary hydraulic motors. Again, dark triangles indicate the direction of energy flow. The triangles are on the opposite side of the circle, unlike with pumps. The energy flow is away from the pump, towards the motor.

Fixed displacement motor. Energy circulates one way

Fixed displacement motor. Energy circulates both ways

Variable displacement motor. Energy circulates one way

Variable displacement motor. Energy circulates both ways

Motor flow one way and pump flow the other way

Motor or pump flow same way

Shaft turns one way

Shaft turns both ways

Limited rotation motor

Table 51: Hydraulic motor symbols

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10.6. CYLINDERS A cylinder and piston can sometimes be used as a linear action motor. It receives energy to drive the piston rod in a straight line to do work. An energy generation source may also be involved if the piston rod is driven by external mechanical means. The piston determines the pressure on the fluid inside the cylinder. This pressure is transmitted as energy inside the system. Single-action cylinder

Double-action one-rod cylinder

Double-action tworod cylinder

Single-action cylinder with one-way pressure and return spring. Could be referred to as ‘double-action’: 1st fluid and 2nd spring

Cylinder with fixed attenuator

Cylinder with adjustable attenuator

Single-action telescoping (or telescopic system)

Double-action telescoping

Pressure intensifier

Air / oil pressure transformer

Table 52: Hydraulic cylinder symbols

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10.7. HYDRAULIC (DISTRIBUTION) RELAYS The basic symbol for a hydraulic relay is a rectangle known as a relay (or valve) envelope. The envelope is the relay body. The lines inside the envelope indicate the direction of energy flow from inlets to outlets. Ports are what we call the inlet and outlet orifices. In a diagram, relays are always represented as they are found on the shelf: i.e. in the position in which they are found before installation, as if they were free-standing on a shelf. The reason for this is that they can be represented as they are before use. In this way you can clearly see what happens when the power is applied to the relay in the form of electricity, pneumatic pressure, hydraulic pressure or a mechanical force. If the relay is equipped with springs, they will not be compressed, so that anything connected to a spring will be in the position it is in when the spring is not compressed: which means that relays are represented in their initial or rest position. A relay in a system is represented with internal channels connected as in the shelf position.

Normally closed ports

Normally open ports Reminder: the left-hand side (area or symbol) is the “no supply” position for a 2-position relay, and the middle area is the “no supply” position for a 3-position relay

Table 53: Hydraulic relay symbols

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10.8. SERVO-MOTORS A control device such as a servo-motor is a device that puts a valve in a determined position. Actuators or servo-motors may be electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, motorised, spring-operated or manual. Sometimes a combination of different actuator types is used on a valve.


Electric solenoid








Hydraulic, return spring

Reversible motor

Electric solenoid, manual priority and return spring

Table 54: Hydraulic relay actuator symbols

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10.9. SAFETY VALVE (PSV) All pressurised systems have a means of preventing overpressure. A safety valve (PSV) is used to correct these overpressure states. In pneumatic systems, the gas is generally vented to the atmosphere. In hydraulic systems, the liquid is evacuated into a storage vessel, or returns to the tank

Pressure safety valve (PSV)

Safety valve (external control)

Table 55: Safety valve symbols in hydraulics

10.10. FLOW REGULATOR VALVES Hydraulic systems use different types of valve to condition flow. Lock valves are used to control the direction of flow or start/stop. Regulation valves allow a specified quantity of fluid to pass. Regulators control the hydraulic fluid pressure. Manual isolation valve

Pressure controlled isolation valve

Non-return valve

Fixed flow adjustment valve

Variable flow adjustment valve

Pilot control pressure regulator

Table 56: Hydraulic flow conditioning valve symbols

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10.11. TANKS There are three types of thanks used in hydraulic systems, namely: Open-air tanks Pressurised vessels Non-pressurised vessels The purge lines in hydraulic systems generally flow into tanks in contact with the atmosphere. An example of a pressurised vessel is its use with actuators (servo-motors) on process valves. Safety valves (PSV) may be used for evacuation in a non-pressurised vessel.

Open-air tank with connection line

Pressurised vessel

Vent air line in openair tank

Table 57: Tank symbols in hydraulics

10.12. MISCELLANEOUS HYDRAULIC DEVICES Other devices used in hydraulic systems depend on the system utility and architecture. Operators and technicians also need to know these symbols. Accumulators Conditioner, fluid regulator Motor equipment (prime mover) Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Basic accumulator

Spring loaded accumulator

Hydro-pneumatic accumulator

Weight loaded accumulator

Table 58: Accumulator symbols in hydraulics

Basic envelope


Heat exchanger

Temperature controller

Filter strainer

Separator with manual purge

Separator with automatic purge

Separator and filter with manual purge

Filter separator with automatic purge


Lubricator without drain

Lubricator with drain

Table 59: Hydraulic fluid conditioner symbols

Electric motor

Internal combustion engine

Table 60: Motor device symbols in hydraulics

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Pressure gauge


Integrating flowmeter

Table 61: Indicator symbols in hydraulics

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11. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Extract from general PID ......................................................................................8 Figure 2: Extract from “table of letter combinations” ..........................................................12 Figure 3: PID extract ..........................................................................................................13 Figure 4: Example of sensor symbols ................................................................................18 Figure 5: Example of calculation functions.........................................................................21 Figure 6: Example of abbreviations on valves ...................................................................25 Figure 7: Example for pipeline explanation ........................................................................44 Figure 8: Example of piping class ......................................................................................51 Figure 9: PED categories (for equipment)..........................................................................55 Figure 10: PED categories (for gas pipes) .........................................................................56 Figure 11: Example of marking on an instrument ..............................................................56 Figure 12: ATEX standard marking....................................................................................59 Figure 13: Other contact representation principles ............................................................62 Figure 14: representation of automatic controller contacts ................................................62 Figure 15: “classic” symbol for RCCB ................................................................................66 Figure 16: four-pole isolator ...............................................................................................66 Figure 17: four-pole switch.................................................................................................66 Figure 18: Four-pole isolator switch...................................................................................67 Figure 19: fused three-pole switch.....................................................................................67 Figure 20: three-pole breaker and diagram representations ..............................................67 Figure 21: RCCB - two-pole breaker with differential block...............................................68 Figure 22: Three-pole contactor with 2 auxiliary contacts ..................................................69 Figure 23: Example of time-lag relay .................................................................................69 Figure 24: Example of multi-contact relay and auxiliary contacts ......................................69 Figure 25: Composite symbol made from elementary symbols .........................................95 Figure 26: Example of pneumatic slide (distributor) operation ...........................................96 Figure 27: Creating a relay symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic).............................................97 Figure 28: Single-action cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic) ....................................98 Figure 29: Double-action cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic)...................................98 Figure 30: Double-ended cylinder symbol (pneumatic or hydraulic) ..................................98 Figure 31: Typical hydraulic diagram .................................................................................99

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12. LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Example of letter identification ...............................................................................9 Table 2: Table of letter meanings ......................................................................................10 Table 3: Table of letter combinations .................................................................................11 Table 4: Example of instrument functionality identification.................................................14 Table 5: Local instrument symbols ....................................................................................16 Table 6: Remote instrument symbols ................................................................................17 Table 7: Instrumentation sensor symbols ..........................................................................20 Table 8: Calculation function symbols ...............................................................................22 Table 9: Valve symbols......................................................................................................24 Table 10: Abbreviations for valves.....................................................................................25 Table 11: Symbols for various instrument connections......................................................27 Table 12: Abbreviations for Instrumentation Supplies........................................................28 Table 13: Symbols for valves and fittings...........................................................................31 Table 14: Piping symbols...................................................................................................33 Table 15: Pump symbols ...................................................................................................35 Table 16: Heat exchanger symbols ...................................................................................36 Table 17: Tank symbols.....................................................................................................37 Table 18: Miscellaneous equipment symbols ....................................................................40 Table 19: Miscellaneous symbols ......................................................................................41 Table 20: Special abbreviations.........................................................................................42 Table 21: Safety equipment symbols .................................................................................43 Table 22: Table of piping diameters...................................................................................46 Table 23: Table of fluid abbreviations ................................................................................48 Table 24: List of instrumentation general specifications ....................................................52 Table 25: List of piping general specifications ...................................................................53 Table 26: ATEX standard Group and Category .................................................................58 Table 27: Types of contacts...............................................................................................61 Table 28: Contact control elements ...................................................................................64 Table 29: Protection elements ...........................................................................................65 Table 30: Relays and contactors .......................................................................................68 Table 31: Symbols for measuring and signalling devices ..................................................71 Table 32: Conductors and connections between devices for diagrams .............................73 Table 33: Electric motor and motor accessory symbols.....................................................74 Table 34: Electrical / electronic component symbols .........................................................76 Table 35: Transformer and auto-transformer symbols .......................................................77 Table 36: Generator and current source symbols..............................................................78 Table 37: Marking Letters as per DIN EN 61346-2:2000-12 (IEC 61346-2:2000)..............81 Table 38: Marking letters for devices or function under NEMA ICS 1-2001, ......................83 Table 39: Marking letters by apparatus class, as per NEMA ICS 19-2002 ........................87 Table 40: General symbols for pneumatic systems ...........................................................88 Table 41: Pneumatic instrument and accessory symbols ..................................................89 Table 42: Pneumatic valve and relay symbols...................................................................90 Table 43: Symbols for pneumatic technical lines ...............................................................91 Table 44: Energy and fluid storage symbols in pneumatics ...............................................92 Table 45: Fluid conditioner symbols in pneumatics ...........................................................94 Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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Field Operations Training Instrumentation Maintenance Standards and Symbols

Table 46: Linear device symbols in pneumatics ................................................................94 Table 47: Hydraulic fluid line symbols..............................................................................100 Table 48: Restriction device symbols in hydraulics..........................................................101 Table 49: Symbols for quick-release connectors in hydraulics ........................................101 Table 50: Hydraulic pump symbols ..................................................................................102 Table 51: Hydraulic motor symbols..................................................................................103 Table 52: Hydraulic cylinder symbols ..............................................................................104 Table 53: Hydraulic relay symbols ...................................................................................105 Table 54: Hydraulic relay actuator symbols .....................................................................106 Table 55: Safety valve symbols in hydraulics ..................................................................107 Table 56: Hydraulic flow conditioning valve symbols .......................................................107 Table 57: Tank symbols in hydraulics ..............................................................................108 Table 58: Accumulator symbols in hydraulics ..................................................................109 Table 59: Hydraulic fluid conditioner symbols..................................................................109 Table 60: Motor device symbols in hydraulics .................................................................109 Table 61: Indicator symbols in hydraulics ........................................................................110

Training Manual EXP-MN-SI010-EN Last updated: 24/03/2008

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