Stamina Secret, Last Longer in Bed Manual PDF | Not a BS Review!

March 28, 2017 | Author: TurbulenceTrainer | Category: N/A
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Stamina Secret



Last Longer In Bed Using The Same Methods As Porn Stars….

Table of Contents I.

INTRODUCTION ______________________________________________________________7

Preface ___________________________________________________________________________ 8 How to Use this Book____________________________________________________________ 9 General Disclaimer

_____________________________________________________________ 11

Copyright Information__________________________________________________________ 12 II.

PREMATURE EJACULATION ____________________________________ 13

What is the Solution?

__________________________________________________________ 16

The Reasons behind PE _________________________________________________________ 17 Setting your Targets ____________________________________________________________ 22 A Working Knowledge __________________________________________________________ 25 Our Responsive Nervous System ______________________________________________ 30 III.

GETTING AROUSED ___________________________________________________ 45

Knowing How to Control It _____________________________________________________ 49 Relaxation Techniques

_________________________________________________________ 55

Knowing More about Arousal and Its Effects _________________________________ 58

Can Pornography Help? ________________________________________________________ 64


___________________________________________ 62


Following Your Partner’s Reactions

The Difference between Perceiving and Thinking ____________________________ 65 Foreplay Rules __________________________________________________________________ 67 Your Heart’s Role _______________________________________________________________ 70 Controlling Your Arousal Levels ________________________________________________ 70 IV.

THE POWER OF YOUR MIND ___________________________________ 73

The Main Players _______________________________________________________________ 73 Just a Part of Your Life__________________________________________________________ 75 Confidence Issues _______________________________________________________________ 76 More on Serotonin _____________________________________________________________ 79 The Factors Related to Placebo Effect _________________________________________ 83 Controlling Serotonin and Dopamine Levels Simultaneously ________________ 85 The Powers of Meditation _____________________________________________________ 86 The Power of Your Mind _______________________________________________________ 90 Your Confidence Levels _______________________________________________________ 91 Relaxed and Calm Mindset___________________________________________________ 91 Devoid of Thoughts___________________________________________________________ 92 V.



Using the Breathing Techniques ______________________________________________ 102


The Right Way to Breathe ______________________________________________________ 94 The Diaphragm _______________________________________________________________ 95 The Right Ways to Go for It __________________________________________________ 96 Don’t Forget to Breathe! ____________________________________________________ 101



Locating your PM Muscle? ____________________________________________________ 106 Some Techniques to Follow ___________________________________________________ 107 Safety and Precautions ______________________________________________________ 109 A Workout You Can Try _______________________________________________________ 110 How to Strengthen Your Erection ___________________________________________ 122 VII.


Learning the Right Stuff _______________________________________________________ 129 When Do You Cross the Final Line? ___________________________________________ 132 The First Method to Try Out __________________________________________________ 135 The Second Method ___________________________________________________________ 137 VIII.

BEING GOOD AT SEX _____________________________________________ 142

Playing Stealth! ________________________________________________________________ 144 The Role of Sex ________________________________________________________________ 146 Effectively Communicating__________________________________________________ 147 The Best Sex Positions _______________________________________________________ 148 Adapting to Your Partner ___________________________________________________ 149

Driving Her to Her Threshold _________________________________________________ 153 The Art of Foreplay __________________________________________________________ 154 Communicating Correctly ___________________________________________________ 154 Getting Her Emotional ______________________________________________________ 154 Perceiving ____________________________________________________________________ 155





Individuality __________________________________________________________________ 155 Once You Begin Sex__________________________________________________________ 156 Learning Women ______________________________________________________________ 157 The Right Knowledge ________________________________________________________ 158 The Right Experience ________________________________________________________ 158 X.

MORE THAN 1 ORGASM? __________________________________________ 159

Does Ejaculation Differ from Orgasm? _______________________________________ 159 Some More Information_____________________________________________________ 164

SOME NICE AND EASY STEPS FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES _________________________________________________________________________ 166 XI.


SUMMARY __________________________________________________________________ 168



I. Introduction Who wouldn’t want to enjoy life fully? Who wouldn’t want to walk on every road of their lifetime? Or do everything that a person is meant to do throughout their lives? Use their bodies and minds in the way they were designed to be utilized? How about caring for the people you love the most? How about keeping them happy and maintaining the right relationships? And who wouldn’t want to enjoy SEX? Or be the man their partners have



always dreamt of being with?

Preface Discussing sex is not a very comfortable topic for all of us. And yet most of us would want to enjoy it in the best possible way, ideally with our partners. There are a number of points that play an important role in us becoming good at our sex skills, both for the satisfaction of our partners and ourselves. Take for example the issue that a lot of us have with Premature Ejaculation or PE. The very fact that PE is not an illness or a disease is something most of us don’t understand. When you are able to ejaculate almost immediately, you can actually be sure that you have a great reproductive system which is doing its job in the best possible way, and probably better than the others who don’t see premature ejaculation naturally. We will talk about this in a chapter a bit later on. But first let us look at some information related to being able to use this




How to Use this Book This book has been designed specifically to help you get rid of your issues and problems with premature ejaculation. The tips, information, exercises and workouts mentioned in this book are all tried and tested. They have been able to show the most desirable results for many people who wanted to get rid of their problems with PE and improve their sex life. All the instructions for exercises and workouts provided in this book are based on real life results, and yet we are not doctors or medical experts who can certify their effectiveness. This book is a result of thorough practical research and theoretical studies. The best way to make your efforts more effective is by adding a good deal of confidence in yourself. The rest will follow with paying attention to the instructions provided through this book. You have to display a good deal of patience and perseverance, as the results may not be immediate, and might take some time to show. One of the most important things to learn through this book is how you can understand your body better, and read the responses in the correct way to make them work for you. You will notice that there are a number of exercises, workouts and practice sessions mentioned in this book. However, the idea is to learn more about your body (the concerned parts of your body) and understand how


show you great results, and improve your abilities in sex.


everything works and how you can control it better. This will undoubtedly

This is why I have provided a huge deal of information about the whole reproductive system and how everything behaves and adapts to the changes seen in the conditions. Again, the results are not something that you can hope to achieve in a couple of days. You need to be able to understand everything with relation to how your mind behaves, and how your body reacts to the sensory responses. If you want long term and stable results, the timeframe we are looking at is around 8 weeks. However, the results can be seen within a single week as well, depending on your abilities. To see the best results, you will have to maintain a positive attitude at all times, and confidence is your strongest weapon. Never think about PE as a problem. It is nothing but your body being extra fine tuned for reproduction. You have a better reproductive system that most of the others around you. Finally, make sure to start with the first chapter, go through each chapter closely, in proper sequence. And at the same time, taking notes while going through each of the chapters is also a good practice. Take clear notes, and go over the whole book a few times to ensure you are aware of everything that has been mentioned in this book. Take it as a course, and try to check



on yourself whether you have followed the instructions clearly.

General Disclaimer This book and the information it contains for the readers has been seen to be very effective. However, there are a few things that need important consideration here. First of all, you should not expect the results to present themselves over a couple of days. For the best results, one must go on with the exercises and tips for around 8 weeks. The success solely depends on the efforts the reader has put in, and also on the constitution of their body systems to a great deal of time. At the same time, we are no doctors or medical experts who can vouch for the results. The information provided here should not be considered as a treatment for any sort of disease or physical problem. It is solely to be tried out as an exercise which may or may not show the results you are after (although the success rate has been seen to be very high). It is highly recommended that you consult your doctor or physician regarding your health and whether it will be safe for you to try out the exercises provided in this book. If your body is not suitable for the exercises or the information provided in this book, you might face injury and problems. Under such circumstances, we are not going to be responsible for the health



issues that may arise.



II. Premature Ejaculation The most vital part of this book is understanding what premature ejaculation is, which is where we will start. To be able to understand clearly how everything works and whether you are doing things the right way, you need to go through some basic information with relation to your body and the ejaculation process. The most important thing to understand here is that you must be aware of how things work, and why they work that way. Only then will you be able to completely understand PE and see the best results in sorting this issue out. This chapter is what the whole book is built on, and it therefore becomes very important for you to go through each and every point discussed here in the best possible way.

A Look into Premature Ejaculation You might be surprised to hear this, but premature ejaculation is something that a lot of us are seen to suffer from. It is almost 20 to 40% of the male population who think they suffer from PE at some point in their lives. And



this is nothing strange. Most of us have a very wrong concept about PE. In

the real sense of it, when your reproductive system is extra fine tuned, you tend to be able to ejaculate very easily, over very little time. Thus, this only means that you enjoy a sound reproductive system, and should not be ashamed of your issues with PE at any point of time. There is nothing that is wrong medically with PE. It has a lot to do with your state of mind, and what you think about it. Quite a bit depends on the conditions and the situations that you are in as well. And the fact that you think you might experience PE may not be true at all, as people have different ideas about this. Since you are reading this book, let’s make sure you have a clear idea on this so that we can approach it in a much better way. There are diverse ideas on what PE is, and these ideas vary a lot with respect to people who have these ideas on their minds. Some people would consider the amount of time they can last before they come to judge whether PE might be a problem for them. Others might check on how many strokes would exactly make them ejaculate. And there are a number of definitions and views on PE as well. However, consider a simple fact. The whole point of considering PE is to satisfy your partner, isn’t it? It is ideally not about masturbation, but about real penetration and sex. So, why not consider PE with whether you are able to ejaculate after you have satisfied your partner or not? Thus, it


you ejaculate.


ultimately comes down to whether your partner gets to see orgasm before

In other words means that you would want to cure PE based on the sexual satisfaction levels of your particular partner. So now you know whether you were on the right track. In fact, the time required to for a female orgasm and satisfaction may vary from person to person. Some of the ladies may be satisfied over a pretty short period of time, while some of the others might require quite a good deal of time to feel the same. And there is more to it! We have spoken to a number of women and we have come across a broad view on how women feel and what they have to say about their satisfaction in sex. Consider the fact that some women can never experience orgasm through simple penetration and might need other means of arousals and techniques to be satisfied. So no matter how long you are able to last, you will always ejaculate before they do, and face PE. However, the overall survey pointed out that around 5 to 15 minutes of normal penetration during sex should be enough for most women to climax. Hence, if you are able to hold on for more than 15 minutes, you are doing just great! And if you are able to ejaculate before the 15 minute time frame, all you need to do is fine tune your body against it, as you have a highly efficient reproductive system that takes very little time to show the



results, even though it might not be the best for you or your partner.

What is the Solution? The most important thing to understand is that you are not looking for a cure or some sort of treatment here. All you need is information on how to be able to hold your ejaculation for a longer period of time. Now if you are thinking about consulting a physician, I would say that it is a great idea. Again, this is not for medical treatment for your PE, as there is nothing wrong with your systems or your body. What you need to concentrate on over here is whether it is just PE or if there is some other form of illness that your body is experiencing. To be frank, our sex drives depend on a lot of things, including the nervous system, prostrate issues, sensory issues, and so on. And if you have a problem with any of these (and of course a number of other factors), it might affect your sex life. This is precisely why you need to be sure that your body is doing well and you really need to concentrate on the information provided here. Often, the reason might be something totally different, which health check-ups might reveal. For example, if it is a problem with your nervous system or some prostrate issue, medicine is more important, as it has nothing to do PE. So definitely consult a doctor before you start to ensure that you are on the



right track.

The Reasons behind PE We humans are mammals, just like a number of other animals. Researches have shown that an average human being takes around 2 to 6 minutes to ejaculate once they have engaged in penetrative sex and entered the vagina. This is obviously extendable if a person takes some effort in the correct way to stop himself from ejaculating. Now if you thought that 2 to 6 minutes was too less, then consider the 3 to 15 seconds that most of the other mammals would take normally to ejaculate during procreation. Men do fairly better here!

So What Are The Main Reasons Behind PE? You must understand that the process of sex has the main objective to let animals and living things reproduce. Therefore, the sole aim behind ejaculating is reproduction. Thus, to aid this cause, men would climax much before a woman would do. In other words, the male orgasm happens quicker than the female orgasm as the male partner has to transfer the seed into the female so that reproduction can take place.

system is working great. This is precisely why you would see even


problem, in reality, it is something that proves that your reproductive


So even if you thought that it was something that is posing to be a

quicker ejaculation if you are younger. PE is a common issue that most young males find a problem with. However, this issue has always been there, since the very beginning of mankind, according to experts. This never came into view till women actually voiced their dissatisfaction over the last couple of centuries about what they expected and sex can be better for them as well. This is not something that could be discussed before the liberation of women, and the idea of equal rights being given to everybody. With time, women have pointed out their desire to feel and experience good sex from their partners, experience orgasms (and even multiple orgasms), and basically a good feeling out of their whole sex life. This is something that men never had the opportunity to think about or know over the previous thousands of years since the origin of mankind. Hence demanding such a change over such a short period time may be a bit tough for the male members of the society, especially when they have been adapted to it for over 30,000 years! So if you thought that you ejaculated before time, and hence were a poor performer, the truth is quite contrary to it. If you go for sex in the most natural way, as it was designed to be, you will ejaculate within

go against this, and try to come up with enough self restraint and


But if you are serious about satisfying your partner, you will have to


the first 6 minutes.

control, so that you can hold yourself till you can satisfy your lady(s). This doesn’t happen automatically! It is not too tough to be able to go for this, and yet it may not be overly easy. It is but very natural for most of us to reach that situation where we cannot hold on to it any longer, when one is passionately making love to their partners. However, practice makes a man perfect, and it will fine tune your long lasting love making sessions to suit your partner as well.

With more and more practice and commitment, this will be as easy as the natural thing, and both you and your partner will be satisfied at the end of the day!

Consider the theory of evolution. This will loudly point out at the same fact. Ejaculation was meant for procreation, and the sooner, the better. However, in men, there are a lot of other factors involved as well. For example, the responsiveness of the nervous system varies from man to man. And the nervous system is something that controls sex drive and ejaculation to a great extent. The saddest part is, the more responsive your nervous system is, the

simply because of the responsiveness of the nervous system of the


that young males are more likely to see PE than older males. This is


quicker are you going to experience ejaculation. Consider the fact

younger males. The ability to last longer comes with age, naturally, as the nervous system loses its efficiency gradually. Thus, the quicker you ejaculate, the better your nervous system is, and this comes with your DNA, which is hereditary. However, this can easily be controlled according to your requirements if your approach is correct and you know how the systems work to understand how to use them better. Masturbation can be another reason for you to see PE. Many of us treat masturbating as a regular habit on reaching adolescence. However, the whole idea of masturbation is to reach the state of orgasm. The quicker, the better. This is where things may become a bit difficult for us in the later years. While masturbating with the sole aim to see orgasm, you are actually telling your body to learn to ejaculate as fast as possible (under normal circumstances). This is fine tuning your nervous system to be able to see PE, which it will carry on with when you are engaged with penetrative sex with your partner, making things dissatisfying at times. So how do you control this? Do you give up masturbation? That is not the answer. Masturbation is good, provided you learn how to go for prolonged masturbation sessions. Hence, you need to retrain your nervous system to take more time

length for a good session of love making, making you forget about


the best way to tune your body and nerves to understand the right


during masturbation (and while having sex with your partner). This is

your PE issues, and be able to hold back. Once your nerves get acquainted to this and are able to control urge to simply ejaculate, PE will be history for you. One of the other reasons why you might be seeing PE issues is the low serotonin content in your system. Most people who experience from severe PE see their bodies devoid of the right quantity of serotonin, which disables them of being able to control their urge to ejaculate. This can be understood when you consider the drugs and medicines that contain serotonin and how they affect your sex drive. For example, consider the anti depressants (SSRIs). Over consumption, and even a regular course of such medicine, will make it quite a tough task for you to feel the urge to ejaculate. This is exactly why anti depressants often lower down your sex drive and make you lose interest in love making.

There is much more to discuss on this issue, which is why we will look at this in details in a section we will go through later on in this book. We will see how serotonin can be used positively to enhance your sex




Setting your Targets We all visualize sex as what we see on screen. Thanks to pornography and Hollywood, most of us feel that a good session of sex should be what we aim for, the good session of sex being what we see on screen. However, the reality is quite a bit different if you want to know the truth. Sex is not what it is portrayed to be on screen. Any normal person will not be able to engage himself and his partner in a great passionate session of sex for up to an hour at a stretch. There has to be breaks in between if they manage to. This is the fact that complies with around 95% of our male population. Either they will see ejaculation within an hour, or it will not be a continuous session of love making. And the people who can actually manage this are most likely to be suffering from some sort of dysfunction, either sensory or nervous! Yes, you are doing fine if you can’t carry on for an hour, as your body is doing great, just as it was designed to do. People who can go on with hardcore sex for an hour either have nervous systems that are unresponsive, or there may be some hormonal disorder.

And the fact is that they don’t enjoy love making as the rest of the 95% of the male population are able to do! The more responsive your systems are,



the more enjoyable sex becomes for you.

But if you are think that this means you will not be able to be good at sex if you want to enjoy it, this is not so. You can very well see great sex come your way and that of your partner if you know the right way to go for it. May be you will not be able to feel the peak excitement right throughout, as it will only result in your “perfect systems” to make you ejaculate. But you will be able to enjoy sex the same way once your partner has peaked, which is the sole idea. If you are able to take it slow on your part, and instead of getting aroused right from the start you tend to concentrate more on satisfying and arousing her, things will work better. Build your excitement slowly and gradually, so that you only reach your peak after your partner has climaxed. In other words, don’t aim for immediate arousal, but take your time, building on it in slow baby steps.

By the end of the love making, you will be well heated up to enjoy it better than you have been doing with your quick arousals! And believe me, this is much better than what you might have experienced till date.

It is important to understand here that you must be very clear about your original targets. So let me tell you again, it is not the on screen stuff that

composition of a huge number of scenes and shots. It is not a single session


life if you want to enjoy it. For example, a pornographic movie is a


you should aim for, as they are acts and movies, not what happens in real

of sex that the actors act out in the movie. It may be made up of a huge number of breaks and pauses. And you must also consider the fact that the people acting in these movies are professionals who are paid exactly for doing this. Therefore, they need to be good at it if they want to earn the money. They have been through every information that they could lay their hands on (like this book for example), and have practiced over and over again to be perfect at it. It is their livelihood and their job profile. If you show such commitment, you can be where they are too. One of the most important points to understand is that you should never expect to see the results over a period of a couple of days. This might take you a good number of days, even weeks. And unless you are good with your commitments and practices, chances are you might face the same issues again in the future. And there is no need to be frustrated with this. Always remember that the more you practice, the better you are going to be at it. And don’t stop once you think that you are there. This is a constant process, and you need to keep the instructions on your mind to be able to see the best results out of it. Always remember, don’t be impatient, angry or frustrated with the things. Consistent efforts, patience and the right mentality, along with confidence is what you should aim for.


sure you are going to be able to meet the challenges, so don’t make it too


Set your targets accordingly, and enjoy the best results over time. Make

tough to achieve. Your confidence, commitments and efforts are what will get you there in the right time.

A Working Knowledge One of the most important points to understand here is that unless you are truly aware of how your reproductive systems work, you are not going to be able to make it work according to your requirements. I have tried to provide all the necessary information related to this so that you get a clear understanding on this point, which you may find omitted in most other books and manuals.

So how do ejaculation, and more importantly erection, work? Let us start with a close look at erection and then move on to the other topics gradually.

Now when you consider erection and the causes of it, there are two ways in which a person may experience it. Being able to understand both these causes and using them accordingly will help you overcome PE. And the converse is very true as well! Erection can be caused either due to mental



or physical responses, or a combination of both.

The Physical Side of It When you consider the condition where you get an erection purely due to physical reasons, it is caused due to no other reason but the parasympathetic nervous system instructing the circulatory system to pump in more blood into the erectile tissue and your penis. This is when you achieve an erection here. Your mind or thoughts have no roles to play in such circumstances, and it is merely physical responses that stimulate the nervous systems to work this way.

The Power of Your Mind On the other hand, when you are talking about the erection that is caused chiefly due to the power of your mind, the cerebral cortex and your thoughts come into play here. The cerebral cortex, which constitutes almost 2/3 of the whole brain, is solely responsible here to tell your body and your circulatory system to pump in blood into the penis and the erectile tissue, and hence result in an erection. The cerebral cortex needs a closer look here. Not only is it the largest part of the brain, it is that part which is responsible for all thought processes like comprehension, logic, analysis, observation, and more. It is that part of


face, letting you think logically on it and reach out to your conclusions.


the brain that will prepare your body for almost every type of situation you

This is that part of the brain which will tell you to sit tight in your seat on a rollercoaster when it starts to roll. At the same time, when you perceive something scary, you will be frightened and alert at all times, like while you are in a haunted house or some other similar place. And it is exactly the same how it acts with respect to sex. When you are thinking about love making with your partner, or when you are about to masturbate and are trying to visualize porn or thinking about something else that might arouse you sexually, your brain will instruct your body to get ready for sex, and therefore the circulatory system will pump blood into your erectile tissue to provide you with an erection. Now don’t think that you can achieve mental stimulation only through thinking about porn, or only when other such thoughts come into your mind. Another person (like your partner) can stimulate you mentally as well through her actions and approach. All your brain needs to know is that there is a possibility of sex and therefore prepare your body for it. It might be the conversation between you and your partner, or her touch, or anything else that points towards sex. So now we know about the two ways to get aroused and erected. Now you may find it very hard to distinguish between these two in practical terms, as we generally use both these stimulants to work our way towards a good erection. And yet they are very different. Simply consider the process of


penis, while in his mind, he might be visualizing something vividly.


masturbation. A person is most likely to be feeling himself and stroking his

This is reaching the erection using both mental and physical stimulation.

It is exactly the same in the case of love making with your partner. People would generally feel the physical stimulation through their partner’s touch and fondling, while they might also be visualizing mentally about what is about to happen next. These two factors will get you to your erection under such circumstances, working together. Now while how you control these two stimulants has a lot to do with getting your PE under control, it might be quite a tough task to do so while you make love with your partner. Controlling your physical and mental stimulants is one of the primary ways to get better of your PE. This is where you can differentiate when you are getting aroused and when you are about to ejaculate, which only leads you to be able to control your urge to ejaculate till you actually want to. While your mental stimulants are much responsible to show you ejaculation, being able to control this will help you to hold on longer. If you are using a lot of mental stimulation, it might be one of the reasons to see PE. Physical stimulation is very important as well. However it will take much longer to show you erection. If you try it out, you will find that it is much easier to get aroused when you apply mental stimulation that it is when

you don’t think about anything that might help you with sexually arousing


At the same time, physical stimulation can preserve your erection even if


you are simply stroking and playing with yourself.

thoughts. And some people even try working their PC or PM muscles to drive blood into the penis in order to reach an erection. It has been found out that this does work. But if you leave your PC muscles relaxed, the effects are much better, as blood flows in more freely under such circumstances and you get there quickly. Now there is again some more information to look at with regards to this, which is why we will take it up in a chapter later on. At the moment, let us move on to ejaculation and some more information on it to help you with overcoming PE. First of all, we need to know about the Emission and Ejaculatory phases with relation to ejaculation.

The Phase of Emission You have to understand that this phase is the first phase of ejaculation, and is chiefly dependent on your mental state or the sympathetic nervous system. This phase is seen to start with the point of no return, where the testes have already released the sperms which have already entered into the ejaculatory ducts. Here, the sperms are seen to mix with the other important fluids that are released from the prostrate and the seminal vesicles. This is where semen is produced. Here the semen enters the



urethra bulb.

The Phase of Ejaculation The semen starts building up in the bulb of the urethra and once it is filled up, it is pumped out of it and out of the penis. The Perineal Muscles are responsible for this movement of the sperms, and produce the contractions that drive the semen out of the penis. These contractions are what results in the orgasm that we feel before you ejaculate. Now the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for the second phase. It is only the pudendal nerve that controls this phase. This nerve is present in the lower spinal area and the perineum. This is why this phase is not dependant on the sympathetic nervous system but parasympathetic system. Now it is very important that you are fully aware of how both the processes of ejaculation and erection work if you want to enjoy sex the most. The clearer you are how your nervous system works, the better you are going to be at controlling your urge to ejaculate.

Our Responsive Nervous System You need to understand that one of the most important factors that affect

Therefore, a closer look at this system may be worth our time.


the responses it gets, either physically or mentally.


you to experience PE is a nervous system that works in great tandem with

The peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system are the two main parts that constitute the whole system in our bodies. While the brain, along with the spinal cord, forms the central nervous system (or CNS), the peripheral part is what ties all the nerves present in our body to the CNS, as well as the brain and the spinal cord. The PNS is the nerve network which connects all the organs and the limbs throughout our bodies. Now if you consider the sole purpose of the nervous system that we are seen to possess, you will see that it is responsible for letting our bodies know what to do in the situation that we are in. In other words, a good nervous system will tell your body how to react to the surroundings by transmitting electrical impulses from the various parts of the body to the brain. For example, consider what happens when you touch a hot object with your hand. The hot sensation is converted into electrical impulses, which are then transmitted to the brain. The brain then instructs your body (your hand in this case) to get away from the hot object to prevent any burns. This is exactly how every other sensation is transmitted to the brain, be it something you see, something you get to hear, something you feel or something you smell. So you should understand that it is the nervous system that tells your body exactly how to react under each and every condition your body is in. Now

nervous system and the autonomic system.


it is made up of two different systems or sub-systems, namely the somatic


if you look at the peripheral nervous system more closely, you will see that

The autonomic system can be broken down further into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems that we have already talked about earlier. Let us look into these two systems, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems, to start with our study on how to control your ejaculation and forget about PE. These two systems are what are seen to be the most responsible for your body to experience any sort of sexual response and see ejaculation.

The Two Systems So how are these two systems (sympathetic and parasympathetic) similar and how are they different? Looking at the sympathetic system, we see that it is that part of the nervous system that prepares the body to face any sort of condition that it may be subjected to. For example, under stress, the sympathetic system may get your body ready for a fight, put your body on alert, and get ready for a number of responses to situations that it is likely to face. If you consider the results of the sympathetic nervous system, you will see that the most common features of this system is to get the body ready for some sort of excitement or stress, and generally involves providing the


the situation. The sympathetic system is most likely to help your body face


body with energy and getting it ready for some sort of action depending on

excitement, frustration, fear and stress, and even signs of a possible sexual encounter!

Check Out The Various Results Of The Sympathetic System Acting On Your Body.  Results in excitement  Ideally will provide energy to the body  Performance of the body systems increase, like your heart beat, breathing, alertness, and other vital functions to support any stressful situation  Circulation of blood is enhanced  The effects can be due to both positive and negative causes  This system is responsible for the body to go on with the phase of emission with respect to ejaculating and orgasm There are a number of other effects of the sympathetic nervous system on our bodies, like our muscles becoming tensed and well prepared for action, the pupils of the eyes dilating, your body experiencing stress, as if preparing


the nervous system getting activated may be because of some negative


for something that is going to happen, and so on. The causes of this part of

reasons like anger, frustration, fear, jealousy, etc while it can also be for some of the positive reasons like hope, happiness, and even orgasm. Therefore, simply put, this system is solely responsible for the body receiving energy and preparing for a condition it is about to face. On the other hand, the parasympathetic system is exactly the opposite of this. Here, the body actually experiences relaxation and rest. This is only seen to work when your brain is not preoccupied with something else, and can concentrate solely on something definite.

Check Out The Various Results Of The Parasympathetic System Acting On Your Body.  Relaxes breathing and the heart rate  Your body becomes relaxed and your mind feels calm  Normal body processes like digestion, sleep circulation are seen to be back to their normal rates  Your body gets ready to sleep  One of the main reasons that results in an erection

which you can hope to see the parasympathetic system working in the best


results? The answer is simple. You need to relax your mind and body, after


So how do you get this system to work for you to show you the best

possible way. One of the ways to go for this is through meditation. Meditation can trigger your parasympathetic system to work for you in the best possible way. Now according to most experts, the two systems mentioned above are seen to work only when the other is not working. So if you feel that your sympathetic nervous system is working at some point of time, you may be sure that your parasympathetic system may not be working at the same time. These two systems can never work together, but sex is obviously an exception. It is only during sex that your parasympathetic and your sympathetic systems are seen to work in tandem to result in ejaculation and sexual satisfaction. These two processes are probably concerned with anything to do with sex, especially with respect to getting yourself aroused, experiencing an erection, or being able to control your ejaculation to last longer. Now if you consider the process of sex, the parasympathetic system comes into play initially. This system helps with making your body relaxed and well prepared for the sexual encounter that is probably coming on. The blood vessels are relaxed, and therefore there is more blood that is seen to flow into the erectile tissue of the penis to help you achieve an erection. This is like building the base for arousal, ejaculation and the whole process



of sex.

The parasympathetic system is associated with relaxing the whole pelvic region, including the blood vessels to help with achieving an erection. However, the sympathetic system begins to take over the control once the body starts to get excited. This is done to prepare the body for a sexual encounter, where the sympathetic system increases the body functions of breathing, heart beats, and hence acts exactly in the opposite way to what the parasympathetic system did. The sympathetic system is fully in control of your body at the time or orgasm.

So, How Does It Work? Your body is stimulated physically through the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes an erection While this is happening, the nerves in your pelvic region informs your brain about the sensations and the stimulation that your body is receiving This message tells your brain to bring forward the chemical reactions that go with preparing your body for sex. This will cause you to be aroused even more.


more energy and excitement into your body to enhance heart beat


This is where the sympathetic system comes into play, and injects

rates, breathing, and overall prepare your body for sex. The parasympathetic system starts to subside from this point. This carries on till your brain understands its time to prepare your body to ejaculate and instructs the body similarly with the help of the sympathetic system. This point is also known as the TIPPING POINT. The final result of the whole process is ejaculation.

Depending on how the brain perceives the situation, it can either speed up or slow down the process and hence the building up of the excitement and other body conditions for sex. In other words, the cerebral cortex will decide how fast your body needs to reach to the TIPPING POINT based on the external stimulation the body has received and how the parasympathetic system has signaled the brain. Therefore it is pretty clear that it is the sympathetic system that can actually cause an ejaculation for you. So if you are able to hold on to the parasympathetic phase longer, you will be able to go on longer. This is the whole idea. Try to use your parasympathetic system only till you are at that point where your partner is satisfied and you can think of satisfying yourself. Let the sympathetic system take over the controls here, and go for an ejaculation likewise!

longer. The better you are at controlling these two systems in the right


to understand how to control your sexual stimulations and how to hold on


So throughout this book you will be required to consider these two systems

way, the better are you going to be able to hold on for longer, and yet be able to enjoy sex as you would want to.

Dopamine – The Chemical Factor A lot depends on this chemical as to how we feel at times and how our bodies might react to our feelings. In fact, dopamine is highly responsible for a person becoming positive and looking to achieve success with the maximum confidence. On the other hand, dopamine might bring a person’s morale down severely, and show signs of depression and other things that are negative. This is the chemical that will make you feel great after you have done something that you believe is important, like completing a very tough training, climbing up a mountain, and even after you have a good session of sex! The good feeling you get after you have a good meal can also be an example of the effects of dopamine on your body. Now, the effects of this chemical is not something that we can control to make us happy. In other words, we cannot expect to control how the chemical is being released so that we can enjoy that feel good factor at all times. The way dopamine acts is completely involuntary, and depends how

be happy, and probably lose motivation to succeed in life for real!


actually control the levels of this chemical in your body, you would always


the brain takes the responses that are seen by our bodies. If you could

There is an interesting experiment that we should look at with respect to dopamine here. A number of mice were observed in a cage where they were present this chemical on a level that they could access. Whenever the mice touched the lever, they would get a shot of this chemical. Now it was observed that the mice that were provided with this chemical lost interest in everything else but approaching for that chemical every once in a while. In other words, they didn’t want to feed on the food provided, didn’t want to drink water, didn’t want to mate, or do anything else. All they did was approach the lever provided once in a while for the chemical. The rest of the time they just sat there and enjoyed the effects. This could have led them to starve to death, even though there was ample amount of food and drink that was provided. This is why dopamine is released involuntarily in the body, and is something that you cannot control. Do something worth a reward, and get a shot of dopamine as your prize. And this is exactly how it behaves once you have sex. This chemical was designed to induce the body to go for all the survival functions that a living thing should go for, and sex is one of the major functions of the body, like eating, defense, meeting challenges to improve yourself, and so on. Dopamine is one of the most important stimulants that make a person ejaculate, even if they were not looking to just then. This chemical is


that good feeling that drives it towards getting more of the chemical. Now


released into your body when you get aroused, and your body experiences

the more aroused your body gets, the more dopamine is released in the system, peaking when you ejaculate. This drives almost any person towards ejaculation, even when they are looking to hold on for much longer, as the body actually craves for this chemical. Now this is where you need to draw the line. You must understand that you can’t be addicted to this chemical (this addiction is quite natural) if you are looking to overcome PE. In fact, dopamine is related to every single addiction that you may see in life. This may be fast cars, money, success, sports, and sex. It depends on where you get your dose of dopamine from. That is what you will generally be addicted to. And this doesn’t mean that you are not how you should have been, and should improve yourself as a person. Being someone who craves for dopamine is not being a bad person at all. Most successful men, like billionaires, scientists and researchers, are influenced by dopamine, in a positive way! And they are not people you would consider to be bad or someone undesirable. It is just how they get their daily dose of this chemical. And this affects sex as well. Any person who is addicted to dopamine in some way will also be looking to get their favorite chemical while having sex too. So dopamine addiction can make you do more to get to that point where you peak with this chemical, rather than concentrating on sex and your

through sex with your partner, you may not want to go for sex at all, which


partner as well. If you are not getting your daily requirement of dopamine


partner. And dopamine can be crucial for your relationship with your

will only result in making your relationship weak. This is often a cause for divorces, all around the world, although many of us are completely unaware of the actual cause of it! However, here we need to understand you shouldn’t consider this chemical as something vicious. In fact, it is all that drives us towards our success and happiness. It is very necessary for us if we want our bodies to perform in the way they were designed to work. The important part over here is to understand where you need to draw the line and ensure that you are in no way addicted to this chemical, through any action that you do. It may be food, it may be your work, or some drugs, and a lot of other things. You just need to understand where to stop with that particular action so that you ultimately can tame it!

Consider these points for example:  Do you feel great when others approve to your ideas and thoughts, which make you seek others’ approvals at all times?  Are you always after proving your point and improving your profile?  Are you always thinking of making more money and getting stronger financially?


masturbation as well.


 Do you have any addiction? This can be drugs, drinking, sex and

 Do you easily get aggressive and angry?  Are you always looking to participate in competitions and risky shows?

These, and a number of other factors, can be clear signs of dopamine addiction. On the other hand, do you experience these:  Depression and general disinterest  Not motivated or ambitious  Lack of interest in sex or masturbation  Not at all social – not loving and caring  No interest in evaluating yourself

If you do, you may be lacking the required amount of dopamine in your systems. If things are perfectly alright with your dopamine requirements, you are most likely to see these signs:


 A positive and calm attitude


 Satisfaction and overall happiness

 Being able to judge yourself and your targets logically and take the right decisions  Proper motivation and confidence levels  Socially very acceptable and good with relationships  Being good at making love and sex

So this can be a clear indication that a person who experiences PE may be addicted to the idea of ejaculation, and hence may be under the effects of dopamine. This however doesn’t mean that this chemical is the sole cause of PE, but one of the main causes. It is very important that you realize that dopamine is not there to create problems for you, and hence it is in no way bad for you. It is your ticket to success and improvement, and your survival. However, being able to use it in the right way is the key to happiness. And being able to get rid of any negative activities immediately that may offer your dopamine is of prime importance. This chemical can also take you towards crime and other such negative factors. So what you need to do is be able to use your dopamine in the right way, to be positive and see success. And yet, you must always be able to control your urge for this chemical.

body is under stress, or expecting it. So if you are able to stay calm, relaxed


Remember, the sympathetic nervous system comes into play when your


A great way to go for controlling your addiction is through relaxation.

and contended with your life, the dopamine effect may be reduced to a great extent. This should not be mistaken with living life casually, not thinking about your goals and ambitions. It is just about being able to control your urge to go for these. Such restraint and relaxation will offer you with the right levels of dopamine in your body, helping you live a more stable life. And the results extend to your sex life and PE as well. You will be able to control your urge to ejaculate and therefore hold it longer for your partner to get the maximum out of the love making as well. In simpler words, you will enjoy the whole session of sex instead of enjoying only the ejaculation, which will satisfy both you and your partner. And the fact is, the longer you can hold on and remain aroused, the more dopamine is secreted in your body throughout the session, making you feel much better than just one point of time when you ejaculate. Even though it is not something that is very easy to go for and achieve overnight, you can definitely control your dopamine addiction once you have put in the efforts for a month or two. The dopamine release in your body is related to the amount of arousal your body experiences. Hence, by controlling arousal, you can control the dopamine release. At the same time, practice relaxation and be contented with your life, without being indifferent. This can also show very good



results for you on the long run!

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