Chapter Learning Objectives 1. The changing face of U.S. business 1. The changing face of U.S. business 2. 2. The The scope scope of of the the international international marketing marketing task task 3. 3. The The increasing increasing importance importance of of global global awareness awareness 4. 4. The The progression progression of of becoming becoming aa global global marketer marketer 5. 5. The The importance importance of of the the self-reference self-reference criterion criterion (S!" (S!" in in international international marketing marketing
#$e%erbefore beforein in&merican &mericanhistor' histor'ha%e ha%eU.S. U.S. businesses businesses large large #$e%er an) an) small small been been so so )eepl' )eepl' in%ol%e) in%ol%e) in in an) an) affecte) affecte) b' b' international internationalbusiness. business.& &global globaleconomic economicboom boom unprece)ente) unprece)ente) in in mo)ern mo)ern economic economic histor' histor'has hasbeen beenun)er un)er wa' wa' as asthe the)ri%e )ri%e for for efficienc' efficienc' pro)ucti%it' pro)ucti%it' an) an) open open unregulate) unregulate) markets markets sweeps sweeps the theworl). worl). *owerful *owerful economic economic technological technological in)ustrial in)ustrial political political an) an) )emographic )emographic forces forces are are con%erging con%erging to to buil) buil) the the foun)ation foun)ation of of aa new new global global economic economic or)er or)er on on which which the the structure structure of of aa one-worl) one-worl) economic economic an) an) market market s'stem s'stem will will be be built+ built+ (!ateora (!ateoraan) an),raham" ,raham"
Global Perspective: ecent !vents Information technology Information technology boom technology boom technology boom boom of of the the late late 1990s 1990s
The bust The high-tech high-tech bust of bust of bust of of 2001 2001
Enron Enron and and WorldCom scandals scandals Enron and Enron and WorldCom WorldCom scandals WorldCom scandals
September Center September 11th 11th attacks attacks on on the the World World Trade Trade Center Center Center and and Pentagon Pentagon Wars Wars in in Wars in Wars in Afghanistan Afghanistan and and Iraq Iraq
Global Perspective: ecent !vents International conflict International conflict among conflict among conflict among among $hina $hina Tai%an Tai%an and and the the &nited &nited States States
2003 SARS SARS outbreak outbreak in Asia 2003 SARS SARS outbreak outbreak in Asia Global terrorism Global terrorism terrorism e!g! terrorism e!g! Indonesia Indonesia Israel Israel India India and and "orocco "orocco
Transcending Transcending Tr anscending these these e#ents e#ents international international commerce continued commerce continued commerce continued commerce continued
Global "#siness Trends 1. aappii)) g gr rroow oof hhee 1. TThhee rra rra g gr wtthh of off tth tth
2. 2. ,eneral ,eneral acceptance acceptance of of the the
orl) orl) Tra)e Tra)e rgani/ati rgani/ation rgani/ati rgani/ation on on an) an) regional regional free free tra)e tra)e areas areas e.g. e.g. $&0T& $&0T& an) an) the the uropean uropean Union Union
free free market market s'stem s'stem among among )e%eloping )e%eloping countries countries in in atin atin &merica & &merica &sia &sia &sia sia an) an) astern astern urope urope
3. 3. mpact mpact of of the the nternet nternet an) an) other other global global me)ia me)ia on on the the )issolution )issolution of of national national bor)ers bor)ers an) an)
4. 4. anaging anaging global global en%ironmental en%ironmental resources resources
Internationali$ation of %&S& "#siness
ncreasing globali/ation globali/ation of of ncreasing markets markets
an' an' U.S. U.S. companies companies are are now now foreign foreign controlle) controlle) !arnation !arnation(Swiss" (Swiss" 6aimler-!hr'sler 6aimler-!hr'sler 6aimler-!hr 'sler(,erman" (,erman"
0irms 0irms face face competition competition on on all fronts all fronts
U.S. U.S. firms firms seeking seeking foreign foreign markets markets to to increase increase profits profits
International Marketing: ' (efinition
nternational nternational marketing marketing is is )efine) )efine) as as the the performance of business acti%ities )esigne) performance of business acti%ities )esigne) to to plan plan price price promote promote an) an) )irect )irect the the flow flow of of aa compan'7s compan'7s goo)s goo)s an) an) ser%ices ser%ices to to consumers consumers or or users users in in more more than than one one nation nation for for aa profit profit arketing arketing concepts concepts processes processes an) an) principles principles are are uni%ersall' uni%ersall' applicable applicable all all o%er o%er the the worl) worl)
The International Marketing Task %oreign Environment &'ncontrollables( ). *tructure o$ istribution
&Controllables( 1. Competition Price Product 2. Technology Target +. Political, Environmental 8 Market -egal uncontrollables !. "eography and country Promotion Place or 2 .Technology #n$rastructure . Culture
market B
3. Economy
+. Political, -egal
3. Economy . Culture
Environmental uncontrollable s country market C
!nviron)ental 'daptation *eeded 6ifferences 6ifferences are are in in the the uncontrollable uncontrollable en%ironment en%ironment of of international international marketing marketing 0irms 0irms must must a)apt a)apt to to uncontrollable uncontrollable en%ironment en%ironment of of international international marketing marketing b' b' a)9usting a)9usting the the marketing marketing mi: mi: (pro)uct (pro)uct price price promotion promotion an) an) )istribution" )istribution"
Continuum A!aptation "o# Mar$eting Mi%&
'tan!ar!i(ation "o# Mar$eting Mi%&
I)*+)C 1 )I34)M)TA+ *ACT43'
Self+eference nce Criterion ,SCSelf+efere and !thnocentris):Major Obstacles '3C is an 6nconscio6s re#erence to one7s own c6lt6ral al6es, e%periences, an! $nowle!ge as a 8asis #or !ecisions thnocentrism re#ers to the notion that one7s own c6lt6re or compan9 $nows 8est how to !o things oth the '3C an! ethnocentrism impe!e the a8ilit9 to assess a #oreign mar$et in its tr6e light 3eactions to meanings, al6es, s9m8ols, an! 8ehaior releant to o6r own c6lt6re are !i##erent #rom those o# #oreign 3el9ing on one7s '3C co6l! pro!6ce an 6ns6ccess#6l mar$eting program
'voiding the Self eference Criterion To suggeste) te) Toa%oi) a%oi) the the S! S! the the following following steps steps are are sugges suggeste)
:; e#ine the 86siness pro8lem or goal in home-co6ntr9 c6lt6ral traits, ha8its, or norms 2; e#ine the 86siness pro8lem or goal in #oreign-co6ntr9 #oreign-co6ntr9 c6lt6ral traits, ha8its, or norms. Ma$e no al6e
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