English Dot Work 2 Evidence 4 Consolidation Activity "My checklist"...
Learning activity 4 // Actividad Actividad de aprendizaje aprendizaje 4 Evidence: Consolidation activity / Evidencia: Actividad de consolidación “My checklist” / “Mi lista de chequeo”
Fuente: SENA
Fuente: SENA Fuente: SENA
Hey! My name is Mary. I’m an enthusiast about animals. I’m planning a trip to Kenya (Africa for a Safari eperience. Ha"e a loo# to the chec#list for my trip! Checklist: African safari / Lista de chequeo: Safari africano
Vaccination and !!uni"ation Apply the booster against yello$ fe"er. %a#e precautions against possible AI&S transmission. 'et a "accine certificate. Arrival Arri"e at Kilimanaro Airport an) $ait for the safari shuttle ser"ice. Clothes *uy a hat an) sunglasses. 'et comfortable tennis. 'et a ac#et. Money and #ay!ent %a#e the payment receipt for the safari. +in) a house for currency echange. ,arry the "isa cre)it car). Ani!al $ehavior ,hoose the best hours to see the animals. *e patient because animals )o not al$ays let themsel"es be seen.
No$- it is time to $rite your o$n chec#list. It $ill help you to recor) your au)io. Ahora es momento de escribir su propia lista de chequeo. Esta le ayudará en el momento de grabar su audio.
%cri#t / Guión
Hello e"eryone! I prepare for my first trip to Africa. %hen I/ll eplain my chec#list. +irst- I must "isit the )octor to apply the booster "accine against yello$ fe"er. I must as# the )octor for my immuni0ation certificate. %he company that offers the safari ser"ice a)"ises me to ta#e precautions against possible contagion of AI&S. I/m pac#ing my suitcase right no$. I must buy a hat an) sunglasses to protect me from the )esert sun. I also ha"e to buy a thic# ac#et because the $eather is "ery col) at )a$n. +or the $al#- I must get comfortable an) safe shoes. %he payment of the safari $as ma)e in a)"ance. I must present it upon arri"al at the hotel. I can’t tra"el $ithout cash so I must fin) a currency echange house. An)- if you ha"e any )oubts- ta#e my cre)it car). I $ill arri"e at Kilimanaro Airport. %here they $ill pic# me up an) I $ill be transferre) to my hotel locate) a short )istance from the center of Arusha. I $ill spen) the night at the Serena Mountain 1illage. 2nce $e arri"e at the reser"e- choose the best hours to see the animals an) be patient because the animals are not al$ays allo$e) to see. 1ery important- I must ta#e my camera to capture the best moments an) enoy the trip. %han# you "ery much.
riterios de evaluación
Describe la existencia y ubicación de algo o alguien con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos. Describe los preparativos para un viaje teniendo en cuenta la estructura, el vocabulario y contexto requeridos. Expresa deberes y obligaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos. Describe experiencias de vacaciones haciendo uso de la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos. Describe lugares, ciudades y personas con la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requeridos.
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