SSPC Pa - 2 2022

March 31, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SSPC-PA -  Approved April 1,   Approved

Procedure fo Detemining Confomance to Dy Coatng Thckness Requirements

©2022 Association fo Materials Protectio ad Peoace (AMPP. A igts eseved. eseved. No art of tis u b ication ay e oducd  oducd stod stod i a rr rriva ivall systm or trasittd trasittd i ay fom or by ay mans (lct (lctonic, onic, mcanical  photo photocopying copying rco rcordig, rdig, o otewise) witout te prior writte writte perission of AMPP. AMPP.

SSPCPA 


Procedure fo Detemining Confomance to Dy Coatng Thckness Requiements

s AMPP sadard epesens a consess of hose ndvdal mebes who have reviewed hs docmen, is scope, ad prov provisio isio s Is accepanc accepance e does o i any espect espect peclude peclude anyoe wheter he o se as adopted te sad sad ard or ot fro aufacung aufacung maeing pucasi g or si g prodcs processes o pocedures pocedures not i coforace w w tis sandad. Notin g conaned i hs APP APP sandad sandad is o be be construed construed as gratig any rigt, by imp icaio or ote wse o anufacue se o se n coecon wit any ehod appaaus or poduct coveed by Leers Paen or as ide mnfyn mnfyng g or po poec ecn ng g ayoe agai st lab lty fo ifrngemet of e eter ters s Patet is sandad rep repres resen ens s mi im m reqiremens ad so uld n o way be iterpreted iterpreted as a restrictio c tio on he se of bee bee pocedres pocedres o materia materia s. Nee is this sandard neded to appy n all cases reatg to te sbject np redictab redictabe e cicustaces cicustaces ay egae he se fess hs sadard   acceps specfc instaces. AMPP assumes esponsibily fo the i terpre terpretaio taioby o APP use of i tis sa dard by of ohe parties ad esposibiity for oy tose o ofcal AMPP nepeaons ssued acco dace w its goverig goverig proced procedes es and polcies wc precde te issance of iterpretations o ns by idivi da vo tees Uses of tis APP sandad ae esposibe fo evewng appopriate heat safety eviroenal ad regulaoy documents ad for deemnng te ir applcabiy i elaon to to hs stadad por to s se. Ths APP sanda sandad d may ot necessariy addess all potetia healh ad safety poblems o eviromenal azards associated wih te se of maeas e qupme t ad/or opeaons opeaons deailed or referre referred d to wi ths standad sers of tis APP stadard stadard ae aso esposibe fo estabishig appopae ealth safety and eviroenal protectio pacices i consutaton w appopae egatory atoies f necessary, o acieve complance wit any existing applicable egatory reqe ens po o the use of hs sandard CATIONA RY NO CE AMPP stadads stadads ae sbject sbject to perodc evew evew and may be revised or whdaw whdaw a any time i acco accordace rdace wh AMPP echnca echncall commi  ee ee procedes procedes APP req req ires tat actio be take to reafm reafm evse o wtdraw wtdra w hs sandard o lae han fve fve years years from from he date of i itia pb icatio ad subseqety fro he dae of eac eac reafiraon reaf iraon or evson  The use s caoned to oban te laes edi tio  Prcases of AMPP sandards may receve receve crret on aHouson, sandards and 77084-5 ote APP/NACE/SSPC pubcations by  cotacig APP Csome Sppo 1 5835 Pa Pnformatio a e Place, exas exas 45 (e (e  +1 2 8 -228-6200 em ai customespprt@am.org  customespprt@am.org  . Document Histor y 2022-0 202 2-04- 4- 2 Revised s ed by SSPC C3 2 201 5-01-26 Revised s ed by SSPC C3 2 201 2-05 2-05-0 -0  Revised by SSPC C3 2 2004-05-04 Revised by SSPC C32  996996-0606-0 0  Revised by SSPC C32 1 982-1 -0  Revsed Revsed by SSPC SSPC C.32 1 973-0 973-09-01 9-01 : Issued by SSPC SSPC C32 Fi  Tcess Tcess ea easeen seen AMPP values yo ur input. To provide feedback feedback on thi s standard, standard, please contact: contact: standards

SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 



Procedure fo Detemining Confomance to Dry Coang Thckness Requirements Seco 


Seco 2

Refeenced Sandads

Seco 3

Defios 

Seco 4

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M eas easu uem eme ett Proced edr re e ype 1 G age ages s                        8 8

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M eas easu uem eme ett Proced edr re e ype 2 G age ages s                        9 9

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Metod Met od fo fo easrng Dy Dy Film Thickness Thickness o Coated Coated Se See e Tes estt Paels Paels Non manda mandaory ory  . .. .  . .. .  .. .  9 A41

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A4  3

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SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 3


Appedx 5

ehod for Measuig Dry Fm cess of n Coai gs o Coaed Coaed See See es es Panes Panes at Have Bee Abrasive Bas Ceaned (omadatoy)  1 9

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ehod for Measuig he Dy Flm Ticness of of Coatngs on Edges with ype 2 G ages (omadaory 20  20

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ehod eh od fo forr Measuig Measuig Dry Dry Fm cess cess o Coa Coaed ed See Seell Pipe Pipe Exte Exteor or (o madato madatory ry          20

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Example Exa mples s of of h he e Ad Ads smen men of ype 2 Gage Gages s Usng Usng Shms (omadat (omadato oy) y)                     22

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A8  

S i g g le le-P o o t t A d d s s m m e e                                                                                                             22  22

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A8 3 3

S mo moo t t S  rf rface Adj s s m m e e    . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . . .    . . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . . .    . . . 23

Pec P ecao ao Rega Regadig dig s se e of the the Standad Standad fo Coang Coang Fai e  vestig vestigations ations Nonmandaory) Nonmandaory) ..   . .. .  23

Appedx 1 0 Pocedue Pocedue fo Obaii ng a Greaer Poplao of Thicness easremes o Large Fla Pae Beams and Ppe Spoos sig Type 2 Gage Conti Con tiuo uos-R s-Rea ead/ d/Sc Scannig annig Tec eco olog logy y (Non (Nonmand manda ao oy) y)                         24 Appedx 1 1

ehod eh od for Measuig he Ticess of lnt mescent Fepoo Fepoofing) fing) and Cryogenc S p Po Cryogenc Potec teco o Coatngs Apped to Load-B earig Strcral See Se e embe embes s Fe Fe Dvisions Dvisions Ppewo Ppework rk and Ve Vess ssels els//anks (onmada (onmadato toy y)) .. ..   .. ..   ..   .. ..   .. ..   29 A 1 . 1


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Refe e ec ed ed S a a da da ds ds    . . . .    . . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . .     . . . .     . . .     . . . .    . . . .     . . . .     . . .    . . . .     . . . .     . . . .    . . . 29


Def ni ni titi on on s . . .     . . .    . . . .     . . . .     . . . .     . .     . . . .     . . . .     . . .    . . . .     . . . .     . . . .   . . . .     . . . .     . . . .     . .     . . . .     . . . . 30

A1 4

Dry F Fm m  c c es ess s Sp Spec ecif ifc cat atio ion n Pa aa ame mee ers rs ..  ... . . ...  .. . .. ..  .. ..  .. .. . .. . . ...  .. .. . 3 

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Fig re A1 A1

US Cus Custo tom m Pa "A of S S c cu ue e                      1 4

Fig re A1 2 2

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Fig re A2

e Sfaces of a Steel Beam 1  1 6

Fig re A1 02

O b bai aing ng Scan Scang g Ba Bac c M eas easur urem eme es s o Plate                 25

Figre A10 3 1

Scang Sca ng Ba Bac c F F Mea Measr srem eme es s o a I-Bea I-Beam m  op V Vew ew . .. .  . .. .  . .  .. ..  . .. .  . .. . . .. .  . 26

Figre A 10 32 Figre A 033

Sca Sca ng ng B Bac ac F F Mea Measr srem eme es s o a I-Beam I-Beam P Pof ofie ie Vie View) w)   .. ..  . .. . . .. .  . .. .  . .. .  ..   . 26 Sca g Bac Bach h F Measuem Measuemets ets o a n  -Beam ( p Vew/Bo e w/Boom-Side om-Side e Measremes Measremes.. .. 26


Four evey spaced sca sca ng batc measure measuremets mets o a pipe diam ete ete p o o 30 30 cm cm 12 i) ad gre grea aer er t tan an 3 3 m (10 ) i leg legh h .. ..  ... . . . . .. . . ...  .. .. .. ..  . 28


Six evenly spaced scan scan i g bac measuements on a pipe d iam eter 36-60 3660 cm (4 o o 24 24 n) and and gea geate te ta tan n 3 m 0 f f  engt engt                  28

Figre A 10  03:

Eight evey spaced scang batc measuremes o a pipe diamete geate ha 60 cm 24 n) and greate ha 3 m 0 f)  n engt                                             28


O pe Pofie Steel  embes 34  34

Figre A1  2

Cose sed d Pr Prolle e S See ee  embe embes s                        34 34

Figre A1  3

S te tee P la lates                                                                                                                                      34

Figre A1  4

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SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 4


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Coaig hckess Restrco Levels

abe A2. 1

Daaseet fo fo Recordi Recordi ng Spot easu eme ements nts a nd Aveage Aveage OFT Vae fo he 2 Su Sufaces of of a Beam Beam o o G ider ider                      1 6

abe A22

 mbe of Spot easuements eeded on Each Su f fac ace e of a Beam fo a Fll fo Fll or a Re Rep pes esen ena ati tive ve OFT De Dete temi mia ao o                          1 7

abe A7

mbe ad Loca Loca os os of Sp Spot ot Me Meas asu uem eme ets ts  Pi Pipe pe Spo Spoos os                    2 

abe A0 .

 mbe of Scang Bac Bac Measr Measremes emes Needed o Eac S a ace ce of a Beam Beam fo fo a Ful o a Repr Repres ese eta ta ve ve OF OF De Dee emi minatio n ation n .  . .. .  .. ..   ..  . .. .  . .. .  . ..  . .. .  . 27

abe A 0.2

 mb e ad Locaos Locaos of Scan ng Batch ad Area Area easremes Pipe Spoos L oge Than -3 M (-  0 F )                                                                                         28

abe A 

Firep Fir epoofg c c es ess s Re Rest stri rico c o Le Leve vels ls                     3 

abe A  2

Dry Fim ckess easements on See embes  33

   . .     . . . .  

  . . . .     . . .  

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  . . .     . . . .  

SSPCPA  ©2022 Associatio for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 5

  . . .     . . . .   

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Section 1 : Scope 1.1

s stadard descrbes a pocedure fo deteming sop or field cofoance to a specfed coatig dry film tcess ( DF ange on feros feros a nd on-fe on-ferou rous s mea s bsr bsrate ates s usig two ypes of of nodestructive nodestructive coatig tcess tce ss gages (Type (Type   mageic pu-of pu-of and Type 2 elec elec oic oic descibed descibed i ASM D7091    


s standard defies a pocedure to detemi detemi e weher coatngs coatngs confor conform m o te mi  m m and te maxm m tcess specifed. See N o o e  1 . 1 fo fo a examp e of a poss be mod fca fcaton ton wen meas ng d ry flm hic ess on ovecoaed suaces


s docmet docmet co coai ai s te followig on-madaor on-madaory appedces. Appe Appedces dces 2 3 4, 5, 6 7  0 ad 1  become man datoy whe nvoked by he poec poec specificaio o r if the conracor o labo a atoy toy as agreed  n wring wri ng o compy wit heir povsos povsos


n ndix p dix 1

umerical Exaple of Average Ticness Measuremet and Illustaion of the Procedre for Determi Determi i g te M agnit de of a N onconf onconformng ormng Aea Aea

n ndix p dix 2

Mehods for for easug Dy Flm T icess o Seel Beams ( Girdes)

n ndix p dix 3

Mehods for for easng Dy Flm Thickness for a Laydow of Beams, Structral Steel and Miscella eos Par Pars s afe afe Sop Coating

n ndix p dix 4

Mehod fo easng Dy Flm Thicness o Coated See Tes Paels

n ndix p dix 5

Mehod fo Measng Dry Fl cness of n Coatigs on Coaed Steel Test Paels ha Have Been Abasve Abasve Blast Cl eaed

n ndix p dix 6

Mehod fo Measng the Dy Fi m hckess of Coatigs o Edges

n ndix p dix 7

Mehod fo Measng Dy Flm Thicness o Coate Coated d See P pe Exero Exero

n ndix p dix 8

Exampes of he Ad Adjustme justme of Type Type 2 Gage Gages s si g S ms

n ndix p dix 9

Prec Pr ecation ation Regardng Use of te Sta dard for Coatng Fal re Invesigaos

n ndix p dix 10

Procede fo Obtanig a Greater Popua Procede Popua o ofhckess Measremes on Pate Beas ad Pipe Spools Usng Type 2 Gage Connous Read/Scannig ecology

n ndix p dix 11

Mehod fo Measuig the hckess of lnescen (Fireproong) Coatngs Appied o Load-Beag Strcural Steel Membes Fe Dvs ions Ppewo and Vessels/ Vessels/ans ans

Units of Measure: s sandad makes se of both the AST S 0  nternationa System Unts (S ) ad U. S Cstoary ns Te measuremets ae ot exact exact equi valets; herefore herefore each system ust be used nde

pendely of he oe Aso a lde ( -  is used o indicae appoxmation

Section 2 Referenced Standards 2.1

e lates sse evso o aendet of he refereced sadads i efect o he dae of ivation o bd sal goven uness ohewse specified Sadards aked wh a astesk ( ) are refeeced oy i te Noes which are not eqiemens of is stadard *


f here s a conflic beween te requiremes of ay of he cted refeece sadads ad is standard te requiremes of hs sandad sha  peval


SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 6



APP/SSPC APP/SSP C Sa dard www.aog *PA Guide 11



AS Iteaoal Standards wwwastmog ASTM 0791

Sadard Pactice for ondestrucive Measemen of D Fm icness of onmagetc Coaigs Apped o Feros etals and Nonmagneic, oncodctve Coaigs Appled o on-Ferrous etals


Ameica aional Standad fo etc Pacice

Inenationa Ogazation fo Standardzaton Sandad  htt//www.so.og/ *SO 1984


Poecng Cores Edges Crevices ad rrega Steel Geomees by Sipe Coang

Pans ns ad va rshes  Coosion poteco o of stee stee sctues by potec potecv ve e pai  sys sys tems  Measureme  of, of, ad acceptance ctea ctea fo fo he hckess of dry fms fms on rough sfaces

U. S Mi ita itay y Specf Specfca caton ton tts://quickseac dla ml/qsSearcasx * ML-PRF23236

Coag Sysems for S p Strucres

Section 3: Definitions 3.1

Gage Reading A snge nstumen readg readg 


Spot Measurement he average average of hree gage readi readi gs made whi a 4-cm 4-cm (1 5-nc  diamete circle Discussion: Ac Acqs qs ition of moe ha ree gage eadngs wihn a spot is pemited. Any u sua ly gh o  ow gage eadings a are o epeated consistenty are are discade d The average of te accepabe gage readigs s te s po measreme


Scanning Batch Measurement The mea of a mn mm of 1 2 FT readi readi gs ad p o 24 eadng eadng s wou lfig lf ig he probe from from te coaed su ace defiton app ies to Apndix 0 only).


Area Measurement Te aveage of fve spot measremens obaied ove eac 0 m (00 coated srface or portio teeof


Scanning Area Measurement: Te sampe mean of fve (or as ohese defied i Appedx 1 0 scani g batch m easemens obtained over eac 1 0 m  (1 00 f) batch f) area of coate coated d suface suface o r portion teeof (defnition apples o Apdx 10 oy


Certified Standards Coated o plated meta plaes accompaied by an ucoated plate for zeo efeece wit assged vaes taceable o a aioal metrology istution Also ucoated shms of flat pasc see wit assigned vaes traceable to a aioal meoogy inston

f) area of

Section 4 Descrip Description tion o f Gages 4.1

Gage ypes e gage type type s detemied by he opeatig pi cpe e mployed n meas urig the coang hic ness ad s o deemined by te mode of data eadot e dgital or anaog


Type 1  Magnet Magnetic ic Pull-O Gages Gages Fo magnetic pl-of gages, a permanen magnet is brogh nto direc cotac w he coated srace The foce ecessay o pu te mage fom he suace is measued and nter peted as the coatng ticess vae on a analog dal scae) on te gage Less foce is eqied to emove he maget fom a hic coating Te gage scae is non-near.


SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 7



Type 2 Electronic Gages: An eectronc gage uses eectronc ccy to convert a eference sigal io coaig hicness Some electronic gages are are eqi pped wit scann ig ecnoogy -

Section 5 Calibration, Verification of Accuracy and Adjustment 5.1

ee operaoal steps are necessay necessay to to ens e accurate accurate coaig hicness meas reme: cabati on ve ification of accuracy and adjsme hese seps sall be compeed before takng coatig ticness mea semens to determe cofomace to a specfed coatg ticess age Vefcao of accacy sha be peormed sng ceified standards ype 2 gage ad smen o o compensae for for characeris characeriscs cs icl dn g bu o mited to substate meagy, geomey tcess ad rougess sal be perfomed usig ceified sm s Te measred s ms commony su ppled w Type 2 gages are also also acce acceptabl ptable fo gage gage adjustment


Gages sha  be cal bra braed ed by the the eqp ment ma nufac nufacure urer, r, heir ahorized aget o an accedited accedited caibation aboratoy A tes certifcate or other documenation sowng traceablty to a aonal metrology sution is required Tee s no standard time nteva for re-caibation nor is oe absoluey required Caibation ievals are saly estabse d based  pon experence experence ad te wo environme o wen specified by pro pro cemen documes or by e gage se s qua ly syste syste A oe-yea calibrao i erval s a ypical c al sartig pon t suggesed suggesed by gage ma fact facters. ers.


o gad agais measng wit a naccurae gage gage accuracy sha be veified at a mnimum of te beg ng ad ed of each wok shft shft according according to he procedues procedues descbed n AST 7091 o te gage manfacres nstrucios e ser is advsed to veify gage accacy dug measement acqsition eg whe areadig large nmber measuremets being If hecked gage is dopped o sspected of gviouy) g erroneous s du gofhe work shif sae accura accuracy cy obtained sha be rechecked reche


Record the seial  um umbe be of e gage, the refeece refeece stadad used, u sed, the stated stated tcness of e e eference eference standad as well as the meased ckness vale obtaed ad e method used o verfy gage accacy f the same gage refeece sandard ad mehod of veifcaton ae sed thougou a ob ey need to be recorded oly once he stated stated vaue of the stadad and the measu red value m s be ecoded ecoded each i me accuacy accuacy s verfied verfied


f he gage fai fai s he pos-measuremet accuacy accuacy verf verfcaio caion n check, a measuemets acqured si ce the as accuracy veificao ceck ae suspect  he even of physical damage wea, or high sage, o afe an esab es ab ished cali brao nterva nterva  te ga ge sal l be receced receced fo accu accuacy acy of measemen  f te gage i s o measng accraey accraey it shal n ot be sed n i  s repaired and/or ecalbrated ecalbrated usall y by e gage manufac manufac ter).


A ype  gage hat does no meet the mafacte's sated accuracy whe vefed o certfed sadards cannot be adsed o corre correc c fo te o-of o-of-t -tolerance olerance codio ad sall o be sed unti  is epared ad/ or e-calibraed e-calibraed typcally by the gage manfac manfacre. re. Any manua adustment of hese gages wll i m the OF range fo fo wch te gage w ll provde accate eadngs; here herefore fore adsmen of he he gage s o permtted Femore the app lcation of a snge "co "coeco econ n vaue epreseng te fll range of te gage to compe sae fo a gage that is not me asurig accuately is not appropiate sice t e gage scae  s on- liea

Section 6: Measurem Measurement ent Procedure Procedure - Type Type 1 Gages 6.1

Vefy yp ype e  gag e accacy s ng certed certed coaed mea paes havng at leas one tces s va e whi t e expecte exp ected d rang e of se Un ess explicily app ro roved ved by te ga ge man fac factre tre  cetified cetified sh ms of plastic or of on-magec meas ta ae accepabe for verfyig te accuracy of Type 2 (elecoic gages sall o be sed fo verf verfyi yi g he accacy of Type  gage s.


 orde o compensate fo ay efec of te sbstrae sef ad sface rougess oba one eadng from te bae pepaed subsate at each of a mnimum of ten 0) abitraiy spaced locaos ad calcuae te aveage vae s vae epreses he efect of the sbsate/sace rougness on a coatng ticness gage Tis aveage vae s te base meta eadng BMR)

SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 8



Mease te DF of he coating a he number of spos specified i Secton 8


Su btrac btrac te BM R from e gage readg o obai he hckness of te te coag 

Section 7 Measurem Measurement ent Procedure Procedure - Type Type 2 Gages 7.1

e manfacure ma nfacures s of ype 2 (electo ic  gages prescribe d ierent meods of adjs adjs ment to measure dy film tcess over ogheed saces Adjus te gage accordng accordng o te manfact manfacter's er's insrcos sng one of te mehods descbed descbed  ASM D 7091 o pdx 8 of ts standa standad d


Mease te DF of he coating a he number of spos ad areas specified i Seco 8 NOTE Gages ta employ place ad emove" ecol ecol ogy or scan g teco ogy may be sed  o cay cay ou te procede olned in Section 8

Section 8: Required Numbe of Measurements for Conformance to a Thickness Specification 8.1

Number of Measurements Repeated gage eadings eve a pons close ogeher, ofen difer due to small sface egularites of he coatig ad he substae Teefore a mnmm of hee gage eadngs sha be acquired fo eac spo measemen of the coatig Fo eac ew gage eadng move he probe o a ew ocation witn witn a 4-cm 4-cm (1 .5-n ) dameer cicle def def  i g te spot Wen scanni g echnoogy is used, move

te probe  a cicu cicu a moo moo witn a 4 4 cm  5 n d ame ameer er area area ta defies defies te spot wito witout ut lfi g te probe from from te surface surface Discad ay  us ally hg or low gage eadngs a ae not epeaed epeaed consisenty consisenty e aveage of the accepabe gage eadngs s the spo measremen 8.2

Uless oherwse specfed i he pocreme documens pojec specfcao), an aea measremen is ob taned by acq acq ng fve sepaa sepaae e spo measuremes average average of of e gage readi readi gs described n Section 8 1  randomly spaced tho gho  each each  0-m  00 f f aea o be measued ad repesenave of te coated coated sface sfa ce The five spot measemens measemens sha be made fo fo each  0-m ( 00 f aea as foows: 8.2.1

For aeas of coatig no exceeding 30 m 300  arbrarly select and measue eac 1 -m (100 f) area.


For aeas aeas of of coang greate ha ha 30 m (300 ) ) ad no exceedi g  1 00 m 1 000  arb ariy seect seect and mease tree  0-m  00   areas.


For areas of coaig exceedng   00 m ( 1 000 f, abtraly seec ad measue te fist 100 m  000 f f as sa sated ted n Section 82 2  For each each additiona 1 00 m (1 000  coae coaed d area o ncreme eeof) eeof) abitaiy seec ad measre o e addoal 1 -m -m   00  area. OE: Alerae coang icness measement feqeces fo plate beams ad ppe usig pndix 1 0  gages equpped wih coniou s ead/sc ead/scang ang ecnoogy are are provded 


Nonconforming Areas: If te te coati g tc ess for any 1 -m 1 00  aea s ot n comp i ance wih h te contrac contr ac docmes he procede descbed descbed ee s all be foowed foowed o assess assess e magni tde of te onco fomig ticess 8.3.1

Detemi Dete mi e the spo DFT at at  5-m 5-f) inervals n eig equa y spaced spaced decos radatig radatig otwad from otwad from he onconformng  1 -m ( 1 00   area If here here s no p ace o measre n a given di re reco co he o measuremet i n hat dection s ecessay ecessay Acqe Acqe spo measuremets n each direco p o te maxmm suface area coaed dring te work shft) l two consectve cofoming cof oming spot measemens measemens ae acq acq ed i ta decto or l no addoa measremes are possible Acceptabe spot measements ae dened by te mimum and maximum values n he contrac documens No alowace s made for vaia spo measuremets as is he pactice whenn detemi ng the are whe area a DF An An i  ustra ustrao o of his poc pocedre edre s show  n Fgure A 1 .2 .2 SSPC-PA - ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 9


O complex srcues srcues or in othe cases cases wee acquiri ng spot measremens at 1 .5m 5-) neals is o pactca  spo meas ements shall be peformed peformed on epeatng stucral uits o eemens of suctral is Ths method sal be used wen he agest age st dmesion of the i i s ess than 3 m  0  Acquire Acquire spot measremes measremes on repeaig srcua unts o eemens of sctua uns u wo cosecuive unts n each di reco eco a e confo conformig rmig o n  her here e ae o mo moe e s to est




No-complat areas sall be demacated usig removabe maig materals ad sall be doc meted. Al of the area whi 1 .5 m (5 ) of ay on-compi an spo measemen sha be des gnated as no-complia. For a give measreme dreco or  measuremet any compian aea o  precedig precedig a no-complat aea or n sal  be desgnaed desgnaed as sspect sspect ad as suc s subjec to e-ispec on afer correcv correcve e me asu res are perfomed perfomed (see No Noe e 1  2 2)) 

pndices 2 togh I ad pndices  0 and 1 pov povde de specfers specfers wit op tiona alternativ alternatives es fo defi defi g th e area sze sze as well as t e num ber ad feqency of spot measemens to icl de  n proect proect specificaios as appoprae fo e sze ad shape of he em o structre o be coaed

Section 9: Conformance to Specified Thickness 9.1

A mi i mum and a maxim um hckess are normally specfed specfed for eac eac lay laye e of coat coatng ng  If a snge t icness value is specified and te coatig mafacter does not provide a rec recommeded ommeded age of icness icness he te mi m m ad maxmm tcess fo fo each coaig laye sal l be ± 20% of te saed va va e


ab e  provides five thcness restrictio level s Leve  is te most escv escve e ad does o allow for for any any dev atio of spot o area measremens from he specified miimm ad maxmum hcness whle Leve 5 is te east escve Dependng on te coatig ype and te prevaiig sevce envonmet he spece selecs te dy flm tickess estcon eve fo a give poec If o esrcio level is specified, he Level 3 is te defat def at  t s poss ibe o specify a maxmm  hcness tresold fo Level 5 Spot o Area Area measuemets fo fo some genec poduct ypes ypes ad service envonme ts Table 1 Coating Thickness Restrction Levels


Miium Maxiu

Miium Maxiu Miium Maxiu

Miium Maxiu

Miium Maxiu


   

Gage Readig

Spot Measurement

As specified


Unesticted Un stic stictd td

As spcifid



  


I 


 

As spcifid %

of aximum

 (efalt) 8% of ii 


Unesticted Unstictd


of aximum





of mii of aximum


Unesticted Unesticted

 


of ii


  

 Area Measurement

As specified As spcifid


As spcifid

  

As specified

I 

As spcifid

 

As specified As spcifid

As specified

As specified Unesticted

Fo te pupose of fia l accepace of te toal dy film hic kness  te c m ave hicnes s of a  coang layes sal be o ess an he cmuatve mimm specifed ticness ad o geae ha the cmulative max mm specified tcess. 2-2022 © Associatio

SSPC-PA for Materials Protectio ad Peoance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 10





e following items sha be reported:


e type type of nstrme used icl dn g manfacre manfacre model n umber serial n mber and date date of calbra calbrao o 


e type of certified sadard sed to veify gage accracy, icluding mafacter mode nmber serial mbe, ad icness values


e tcess of he measued sim(s) sed o adust a ype 2 gage


e aveage aveage BM R if appropiate. appropiate.


e spo ad area measemens


e gage operato ad dae dae of measuremet acqusiti acqusiti on




Noes ae ot requiremes of his sadad.


Overcoating: Maieance panig ofe ivolves appicaio of a ew coang ove an exisng coag sys tem I ca be very dfc to accatey measue te OF of his ewy applied coating usig no-destuctive mehods mehod s First, access to he profle profle s not avaa avaa ble compom sig t he accac accacy of te te BM R or te adjsmen adjsmen of a ype 2 gage. Secod, uneveness n e OFT of te exisng coang ecessates careful mappng of te "before ad afer OF readigs Ts nevenness also adds o he statsical vaatio i rying o esabsh a base OFT eadng to be subtracted from te fal OF A pant ispecton gage (sometimes called a oke o PG gage  wll give acc acca ae e OFT measemens bu  requires hat an an n ciso be made ho gh e coating (ovec (ovecoa oa ony o oa oa sysem, sysem, so each measremen site wil eq e repair repair A pracca approach o montorg OFT wen ovecoatng s o compute e OF sg we lm hicness WFT readgs te percen volume solds of he coag beg applied, and ay ie addio as shown ee OF = Measued WF x % Volume Solds o OF = Measued Measued WF x % voume soids+ 1 00 00% % % thne added) added) f the OFT of the exsig exsig coa coatng tng is ot too uneve n o eoded te aveage aveage O F of e existng coa coaig ig ca be meased per ts sadard to esabls a base OF Tis base OFT ca the be sbtraced from e toa OF to soae te icness of he overcoats


Correcting for Low or High Thickness: he specfer sould specc speccaly aly stae stae he metodology o correc correc te applied and cured flm for ow o hg tcess If is infomao is o cotaned i te speccaton ten te coang mafacter's mafacter's nstrcos sou d be followed followed

SSPC-PA 2-2022 ©2022 Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 1


Appendix 1 Numerical Example of Average Thickness Measurement and Illustration of the Procedure for Determining the Magnitude of a Nonconforming Area (Nonmandatory) Appedx 1 s o a madaory par par of ts standad. Example Using SI Units:

e folowng nmeical example is peseed as an llsation of Secion 8. 8 . he example s based on a Leve 3 Re sction o n defat Suppose te coa coaed ed area s 30 m n area Dvde he aea nto hee hee eqal pa pas s eac beig 1 0 m Pat A - 1 O m Pat Pat Pa t B - 1 0 m Pat Pa t C - 1 0 m Fst measu re he he coating i cness o Par A Ti s volves a east  5 gage readi gs w a ype ype  or Type 2 device see igure A1  Assume e specfcaton cals fo 64 µm mimum hckness he coaig ticness fo area A s ten the average of of he fv fve e spo measemens made o aea A amey 67 µm Spot 1 64 m Spot 2 75 m Spot 3 53 m Spot 4 75 m Spot 5 66 m Average 67 m he average 67 µm exceeds the specified mnmm of 64 µm and hs satsfes he specifcation Next determe f the lowes spot measreme, 53 µm, s whi 80% of he speced mnimm hickness based on Coatig Ticness Restc Rest cio io eve 3 or he def defaut aut ). Eighty pecet pecet of of 64 µm is 51 m (0. 80 x 64 = 5 . Atoug a meas emen of of 53 µm s beow the specfe specfed d mi  mm   s sll witn 80% of of ta mi m m so the specfc specfcao ao is sasfie sasfied d Tee are id vda l gage eadn eadn gs of of 47 m at Spot Spot 5 and and 45 m a Spo Spo 3 boh of which are cleary cleary less less ha 51 µm  s is allowed because only the aveage aveage of the tee reading reading s  e.  the spo measement) must be greate greate ha or eqal o 5 m . Sce he stucte sed  ts exampe s 30 m te procede used to measue te fm hckness of par A ms be appled to bot pa B ad part C Te meased ticess of pa B ms exceed exceed te 64 m specfied mi imu m as must he thckess of pa C.  he hickness of tis enred30-m s cue at leas 45 ndfom ivdua gage eadngs bestrcure ae from fr om 1 o5 moio spot measuremets measureme ts are cacuate Te five fivscue e spo measremes fom each  0m parms of he str cure arewich are used to calcuae te hickness of hat pat.

SSPC-PA 2-2022 © Associatio

for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 12



St1 Sp t2

 90  9 0µm 



 4 mm

-2 M

B ��:

7 6

5  64µm

Spo t3 t3


4  po t 4  Spo 



m   6µm  6 6µ

Avg.  75µm

Par "B



8 79 ?µm 

S Figure A1 (metric): Part "A of Structure (area is -10 m2). Example Using U.S. Customay Units Suppose he coated area is 300 2 n area Dvide he area nto hree eqa pas eac beig 100 . Pat A -100 f2 Pat B 100 f2 Pat C 100 f2 -



Fst measure he coating icness o Par A. T is volves a east  5 gage readi gs w a yp ype e  or Type Type 2 device (see Fi gue A1   ) Assume te specfcao specfcao cals for 25 ml s mi i mum tcess he coang tcess for area A s the he average of he fve v e spo measemens made o aea A amey 2 6 m s  Spot 1 2.5 mis Spot 2 29 mis Spot 3 2 mis Spot 4 2.9 mis Spot 5 2.6 mis Averag Ave rage e 2 6 mi s he average, 2. 6 ml s, exceeds te specifed mn mm of 2.5 m ls and t s satsfes satsfes he specfcao specfcao Next determi e f the lowest spot measremet 2. mls, s withi 80% of te specfed miimm hcness (based o Coag ickess Resc Res con on Leve 3 o he def defa a t Eig ty pecen of 25 ms s 20 mis (080 x 25 = 20  Alhoug Alhoug 2 1 mls s beow beow te specfed spec fed min im m it is stll whn 80 percet of of that mii mum so e specifca specifcatio tio is satisfied satisfied The re ae id ivid a gage readngs of of  8 mls at Spot 3 and  8 mils a Spo 5, boh of of whch ae cleay cleay ess ta 2.0 mi s. i s is alowed becase only e aveage aveage of e tee readi readi gs ( i. e.  te spot measuemet) mst be greae greae an o equa o 2.0 m is .

SSPC-PA 2-2022 ©2022 Associatio for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 13





Spo t 

3.5 m  mililss

26 

• Avg 2.9 mils

-10 f

Spo 13 13

 B  2    � u:�



Spo  po t 4

ms 6 3. 31 29mils .



Avg H mis

- 1 0 f

Figure A1 (U.S. Custom): Part "A of Structure (area is -100 2). sate ates s te proce procede de descrbed n Secon 8.3 of hs sadard for deteming he magnitde of the Fg re A 1 .2 llu s oconformig hickness

Figure A1.2: Determin Determining ing Extent of Nonconform Nonconforming ing Aeas (all measure measurements ments are approximate approximate))

SSPC-PA SSPC-P A 2-2022 ©2022 Associatio for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 14


Appendix 2 Methods for Measuring Dry Film Thickness on Steel Beams (Girders) (Nonmandatory) Appedx 2 s o a mandaory pa of ths sadard b it provides two sample potocos for measrng DF on beams and g des Appedx 2 may be ivoked by coa coact ct documens documens and here herefo fore re s wtten wtten i madatoy ang age s Appedx becomes madaory whe it s nvoed by specification, o he coacto coacto has ageed ageed i wr ng to compy wih the provisions o ns eei A2.1

A callege for te pante in coating seel beams o gders s povidng te same nform hckess ove igh and low verca srfaces as ove oizona srfaces On a beam hee ae popooaey moe edges ta end o have low dy film tcess DFT) and isde cores that tend to have igh DFT compaed o te cener of he flat srfaces srfaces Each p aie sualy deveops a pa paern ern of wo fo a specific tas He ce te DFT on te derside of e op flage fo exampe may be cosstenly on te igh side or he low sde of te taget DF This ype of eor s easy o detec and correc Radom erros pose a more diffclt probem Goss eors eors where he pa t s obvousy oo tn or oo tck must be correc correced ed and ae beyod he scope of ts standard e numbe of spo spo measemens  hese potocos potocos may fa excee exceed d he "5 spo measuremet pe - 0 m -00 f) eqed i the standad he f DF detemao, descbed n Seco A22 povides a vey A3.4   allows fo fewe thorogh ispeco of the beam he sample DFT detemiaio described in Secio A3.4 fewe spot measuremets e user does not ave to require a full DF detemiao fo every beam i the src tue. Fo examp le he requ ireme  may be fo fo a full DF detemia o on oe beam o of en o a sample DFT deemination on oe beam o  offve or a combi aion of fu ad s ample DF detemiao s Note ta fo exsig srcures srcures te op sde of the top fange (Srface (Srface   may o be accessible fo measing coa coati ti g thckess A beam has tweve deet sfaces as shown n Figue A2 A2 Ay one of tese sfaces may ave a DF ouside he specified age and hence sha be measured If te hckness of of e fange s less ha 25 mm - i , te coacting coacting paties may coose coose not not o o mease the DFT o he toe i .e . suf sufaces aces 2, 6  8 and 1 2 of Figure A2 A2 As As an nforma  nt ial s rvey te i speco may wa to cec fo fo  nformty of DF acoss each suface sufa ce I s the DF of e fange ear he file he same as ear e toe? I s e DFT  for form m acoss the web? e nspecor must be sre to use a gage ta is no sscepbe o edge efects Follow e gage mafact e's nstuctions wen wen measui g he edges


Divide te beam or gder no five eqa  secos secos aong ts length I de seco Fo Fo tal beams where te egt of tfy tf y te 12 suace suacess of te bea m as show i  Fgre A2 for each seco the beam s -90 cm -36 n) or more, dvde te web n af alog he legh of te beam Fo the fu DF deermnation each alf of he web s consideed a separae surface ae one spo measuremet as defed i Seco Secon n 8  ) on s ra race ce   eac of te five secos secos he ocation of the sface sface 1 measuement whi a section s abtraly cose by the ispecor i each of the five secios The average of hese five spo mea suemens i s e DFT of s f face ace 1  Repea Repea for e oher   suface sufacess (7 s rfa rfaces ces if the oe oe s not meas ed; 1 4 sufaces suf aces for for a beams  The data ca b e reported reported i a format format shown  Table A2  

Full OFT Determination of a Beam:

©2022 Associatio

SSPC-PA SSPC-P A 2-2022 for Materials Protectio ad Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 15


Less than -91 cm (36 inches) in height 12 spots

91 cm (36 inches) n heght or geater 14 spots 2

12 11

 3 Toe Web 4




 3 4t






6 7

Bottom Flang

Figure A2: The Surfaces o a Steel Beam. Table A2.1 Datasheet for Recording Spot Measurements and Average OFT Values for the 12 Surfaces of a Beam or Girder Spot Measuremets of OFT on Beam # Surface

Secto 1


Seco 2

Secon 3

Secion 4

Sectio Secti o 5

 

3 

4t b

5 6 7 8 9  t b   (� 18

SSPC-PA © Associatio for Materials Protectio ad2-2022 Perfomance (AMPP) All ights eseved. 16



Table Tab le A2.2 Number of Spot Measurement Measurements s Needed On Each Surface of a Beam for a Full or a Representative FT Determination Nmbe r of Spo Spott Measurements per Surface
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