SSNB Question

August 12, 2017 | Author: ms_ayeayenu | Category: Shock (Circulatory), Heart, Heart Failure, Cirrhosis, Wound
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SNB QUESTIONS (1) Melina is bleeding from (a) Esophagus (b) Stomach (c) Colon (2) Promote wound healing (a) Protein & vitB (b) Protein & vitC (c) Carbohydrate (d) Fat (3) A patient undergone spinal anesthesia should be nursed in (a) Prone position (b) Supine (c) Lateral (d) Semi-prone (4) Which organ is attacked by hypoxia? (a) Heart (b) Liver (c) Brain (b) kidney (5) Hepatitis B is transmitted by (a) Blood (b) Food (c) Saliva (6) Hepatitis A is transmitted by (a) Blood (b) Food (c) Saliva (7) Universal recipient (blood group) (a) A (b) O (c) B (d) AB (8) Universal donor (blood group) (a) A (b) C (c) AB (d) O

(9) Ascites is caused by (a) Fluids in the peritoneal cavity (b) Fluids in the pleural (c) Fluids in the pericardial (d) Fluids in the pelvic (10) Following abdominal surgery, abdominal distension is caused by (a) Excessive air in the intestine (b) Paralytic ileum (c) Constipation (d) Increased intestine movement (11) Na restricted in patient with CCF because to (a) Decrease circulatory volume (b) Detain blood in tissue (c) Cause irritation to the myocardium (d) Promote tubular absorption of water (12) A child with epilepsy is advised not to (a) Participate in exercise (a) Cycling alone (b) Take cold food / drinks (13) The amputated stump is bandaged with a pressure bandage for a week after surgery for a purpose of (a) Prevent infection (b) Prevent hemorrhage (c) Molding the stump for better prosthetic fit (14) The immediate action for a child with acute asthmatic attack is (a) Administer bronchodilator (b) Administer expectorant (15) In a leukemia child, skin become bruises is caused by (a) Absence of factor VIII (b) Low platelet count (N-200-500x10 /L) (c) Low Hb count (d) Raised WBC count (16) In severe gastroenteritis, NAHCO3 given via IV is to treat (a) Hyponatremia (b) Hypocalcaemia (c) Acidosis (d) Alkalosis (a)

(17) Massive edema in nephritis syndrome is partly due to (a) Too much fluid intake (b) Difficulty in passing urine (c) Decrease osmotic pressure in blood vessels (d) Hyperalbuminemia (18) The primary objective of drug therapy in the treatment of glaucoma is to (a) Dilate the pupil (b) Decrease intra ocular pressure (c) Increase convexity of the lens (19) The vitreous humor (a) Fills posterior four fifth of bulb of the eye (b) Is a nutrient of the lens (c) Serves to regulate intra ocular pressure (d) Circulates through the chamber of the eye (20) The early complication of tonsillectomy is (a) Infection (b) Pneumonia (c) Hemorrhage (21) Following tonsillectomy pt should be nursed in (a) Supine position (b) Semi prone (c) Fowler’s (d) Trendelenburg (22) The maintenance of flow in drainage system is done by (a) Ensuring adequate length in tubing (b) Close observation of nature of flow (c) Ensuring adequate vacuum in the bottle (23) The following can delay wound healing except (a) Steroid therapy (b) Anemia (c) Ambulation (d) Infection (24) The indicatives sign of hemorrhage following surgery (a) Increase in pulse rate and BP (b) Abdominal discomfort and pain (c) Pallor & warm skin (d) Progressive blood stained and drainage

(25) The following nursing care would be implemented for neonate except (a) Maintain body temperature (b) Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance (c) Promote early ambulation (d) Provide medical and surgical asepsis (26) Name with complication of intestinal obstruction (a) Peritonitis and nausea (b) Nausea and vomiting (c) Peritonitis and perforation (27) List a specific investigation for peritonitis (a) Abdominal X ray ,blood culture (b) WBC, chest X-ray (c) ECG, Hb (28) List 2 indicators for TURP (a) Prostate megaly and Ca prostate (b) Urinary incontinence and Ca bladder (c) Urethral stricture (d) Dribbling of urine (29) What is the most clinical feature of pleural effusion? (a) Dyspnea (b) Pain on exertion (c) CXR indicating air in the pleural space (30) What is the normal BP for 1 year child? (a) 70-100 / 50-70 (b) 60-90 /55-60 (c) 65-95 /55-65 (d) 65-60 /50-60 (31) Impacted gall stone in which area cause jaundice (a) Cystic duct (b) Hepatic duct (c) Common bile dust (d) Gall bladder (32) An elderly woman had cardiac arrhythmia during thyroidectomy, when she is returned to the word what is the priority (a) ECG monitoring (b) Monitoring of vital sign (c) Nurse in lateral position

(33) Causes of intestinal obstruction (a) Congenital hereditary (b) Hereditary abdominal injury (c) Ca stomach, Ca colon (34) Which is the best position to prevent increase intracranial pressure for a head injury patient also suffering from shock? (a) Flat with head lower than the baby (b) Elevate pt’s head (c) Flat with lower extremities higher than the body level (d) Line flat (35) What is the cause of hypoxia after subtotal throidectomy? (a) Damage to the parathyroid gland (b) Thyroid crisis (c) Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (d) Formation of haematoma leading to airway obstruction (36) Effective measure of stop bleeding palm (a) Direct pressure on the wound (b) Elevate the affected hand (37) Name the commonest type of micro organism in septicemia (a) Pseudomonas & Escherichia coli (b) Streptococcus & pseudomonas (c) Staphylococcus & streptococcus (d) Streptococcus & Escherichia coli (38) Before blood transfusion, we should start (a) 0.9%N/S (b) D/S (c) 5% D/W (d) R/L (39) Hypovolumic shock is due to except (a) Severe burn (b) Severe pain (c) Diarrhea (d) Bleeding (40) Giving sitz bath after haemorrhoridectomy is to reduce pain and (a) Reduce hemorrhage (b) Promote bowel movement (c) Promote healing

(41) To prevent unconscious patient from complication of respiratory tract (a) Side lying (b) Head tilt, chin lift (c) Head tilt (d) Jaw lift (42) Acute appendicitis emergency except (a) Obtain consent (b) Nothing by mouth (c) I/V drip (d) Enema (43) Appendectomy complication (a) Peritonitis (b) Bleeding (c) Chronic appendicitis (44) How to promote a patient to get comfortable sleep except (a) Give cold drink (b) Comfortable position (c) Bladder empty (d) Recommended sleeping drug (45) Long time bed rest for heart failure pt, the main objective is to (a) Reduce heart work load (b) Promote blood circulation (c) Increase cardiac contraction (46) How to prevent air not to go into baby’s stomach (a) Expel air by rubbing back (b) Teat of bottle filled with milk at all time (47) T tube is an after colostomy for drainage of (a) Bile (b) Blood (c) Pus (d) Lymph (48) Edematous pt should take (a) Low salt diet (b) Low protein diet (c) High residue diet (49) The drug which reduce temperature is call (a) Antipyretic (b) Antihypertensive (c) Antiematic

(50) In case of extreme poisoning of salicylate (a) Antiematic (b) Peritoneal dialysis (c) Haemodialysis (d) Vit K inj (51) The nurse highest priority for new born with cleft palate and cleft lip (a) To feed new born (b) To concern with parental anxiety (52) The appropriate time for surgery for child with cleft palate (a) 1-2months (b) First 4 days (c) 2-6month (d) After 1 year (53) Nutritional needs of child with cleft palate &cleft lip (a) Spoon feed in sitting position (b) Parental route (c) R/T feed (d) TPN (54) The most appropriate treatment for ventricle fibrillation (a) Compression of the heart (b) Digoxin (c) Defibrillators (55) CVP is established by (1) To assess hydration (2) Arterial pressure (3) Ventricle pressure (4) Ventricle function (a) (1)+(2) , (b) (1)+ (3), (c) (3)+(4), (d) (1)+(2)+(4) (56) Normal pressure of H2O manometer for CVP (a) 1-5 mmHg (b) 5-10 mmHg (c) 1-5 cm H2O (d) 5-10 cm H2O (57) Exact location of H2O manometers to assess CVP, (a) Atrium (midaxillary line) (b) Lower axillary (c) Upper axillary (d) Axillary’s line

(58) Asprin is not given in (a) Peptic ulcer (b) Infection (c) Inflammation (d) Fever (59) One of the initial symptoms of oesophogeal tumor (a) Difficulty in swallowing of solid food (b) Projectile vomiting (c) Bleeding (d) Hoarse voice (60) Nurse assessment in incompactable blood transfusion (a) Allergic reaction (b) Haemolytic reaction (c) Increase in temperature (61) Average female Hb% (a) 10-12 mg (b) 12-14 mg (c) 14-18 mg (62) Heat regulation centre (a) Cerebellum (b) Cerebrum (c) Hypothalamus (63) Which is not life threatening problem? (a) Arterial fibrillation (b) Ventricle fibrillation (c) Ventricle tachycardia (d) Sinus bradycardia & sinus tachycardia (64) For IV site pain, nurse will check (a) Allergic reaction (b) IV infiltration (c) IV drip calculation (d) Thrombosis (65) Nurse highest priority in burn pt (a) To check weight (b) To calculate IVfluid (c) To assess body surface area (66) In burn case, first 24 hour fluid loss due to (a) Increase permeability of capillaries (b) Decrease permeability of capillaries

(67) In burn case, fluid shift due to (a) Osmosis (b) Diffusion (c) Filtration (68) Pre meal blood sugar level (a) 2-4 mmol/l (b) 4-6 mmol/l (80-120 mol/dl) (c) 6-8 mmol/l (69) Rotation of insulin site to prevent (a) Thickening of skin (b) Skin infection (c) Effect of insulin (70) Increase ICP can cause in (a) Cerebral oedema (b) Confusion (71) Severe tissue damage needs (a) Primary management (b) Secondary management (c) Tertiary management (d) All of the above (72) Hemophilia can cause (a) brain tissue damage (b) GI bleeding (c) Bleeding in deeply lying structure muscle, joints (73) The best time for self breast examination (a) During ovulation time (b) One week after menstruation (c) One week before menstruation (74) The purpose of Pep smears (a) Primary prevention (b) Health promotion (c) Secondary prevention (d) Tertiary prevention (75) Most common cause of breast cancer (a) Cervical dysplasia (b) Ovarian carcinoma (c) Uterine cancer

(76) Moron’s reflex in new born present (a) Birth time( disappears at 3 months) (b) 3-4 month (c) 6-8 month (77) Cemitidine drug is used to (a) Inhibit gastric juice (b) Decrease gastric movement (78) Insulin is produced by (a) Pancreas (b) Islet of langerhans (79) Insulin is given s/c for (a) Fast effect (b) Slow and uniform absorption (c) Decrease side effect (80) Unconscious pt found on road after accident, highest priority of nurse (a) Assess of neck injury (b) Pt air way (c) Assess for bleeding (81) If unable to get IV line in collapse, epinephrine can be given (a) Intracaridic (b) Endotracheal tube (c) Intratracheal tube (82) Adult CPR total breath /min (a) 12 breath /min (b) 16 breath /min (c) 18 breath /min (83) Metabolic alkosis to give (a) NaCl (b) NaHCO3(acidosis) (c) K+ (d) Ca+ (84) Untreated hypertensions pt’s complication except (a) DM (b) Stroke (c) Heart failure (d) Renal failure

(85) Arm burn patient, need to do first (a) Immediate use cold water (b) Apply hydrocortisone cream (c) Apply antibiotic cream (86) Un conscious patient, coughing & chocking nursed in (a) Supine position (b) Sit up (c) Side lying (d) Small pillow under abdomen (87) CPR rescue, air blowing: compression (a) 1:5 (b) 1:10 (c) 2:30 (88) Gray matter consists of (a) Axons (b) Peripheral nerve (c) Neurogleal contraction tissue (d) Nerve cells (89) Intelligence, thought, reason and unconscious are provided by (a) Cerebral cortex (b) Hypothalamus (c) Thalamus (d) Basal ganglia (90) Cardiac asthma, paroxymal natural dyspnea is due to (a) Allergy (b) Ankle edema (c) Emphysema (d) Left ventricular failure (91) Iodine is the prime important in the formation of (a) Pyridoxine (b) Adrenalin (c) Bone (d) Thyroxin (92) The pain of coronary thrombosis differs from that of angina pectoris because of (a) May come on at rest (b) Radiates gradually both arms (c) Last for a shorter period of time

(93) Ketonurea does not result from (a) Starvation (b) DM (c) Nephritis (d) Vomiting (94) The urgent to pass urine every five minutes but only a few drops are passed with difficult as in uterine colic is called (a) Urgency (b) Incontinence (c) Strangury (d) Tenesmus (95) Highest concentration of potassium is found in (a) Cells (b) Plasma (c) Urine (d) CSF (96) Which one of the following does not cause hyprekalaemia? (a) Acute renal failure (b) Haemolysis of red blood cell (c) A high cellular potassium (d) Addison’s disease (97) Thiamine (B1) deficiency cause (a) Cardiac failure in Beri Beri (b) Night blindness (c) Rackets (vitD) (d) Hypothyroidism (Ca) (98) The drug of choice for bradycardia (a) Atropine (b) Morphine (c) Lidnocane (d) Phenytoin (99) Treatment for premature ventricular contraction (a) Lidnocane (xylocaine) (b) Dopamine (c) Isoproterend (d) Atropine (100) Hypoglycemia is due to (a) Too much insulin in the body (b) Little insulin in the body (c) Excessive exercise (d) Low rate of sugar in the body

(101) Nursing care for the relatives of a patient who die (a) Leave him alone (b) Refer to psychiatric (c) Listen and accept it as a part of the living process (a) (b) (c) (d)

(102) S/C injection, needle inserted 30’ 45’ 90’ 15’ (103) IM injection given on the thigh, which muscle (a) Ventrogluteal m/s (b) Deltoid m/s (c) Dersogluteal m/s (d) Vastus lateralis (104) If given more than 2ml of IM inj: which m/s should use (a) Gluteus medius (b) Deltoid m/s (c) Vastus lateralis (d) Dersogluteal m/s (105) Technique of cleaning a wound (a) From surrounding skin to the wound (b) From outer part to inner part of wound (c) From least contaminated to most contaminated area (106) Acid tends to (a) Contribute H+ ion (b) Liberate H+ ion (c) Add H+ion (107) Nurse must instruct a pt who undergoes colostomy and removal of polyp to (a) Wait for1 week to resume activity (b) Wait for 1 day to resume activity (c) After 48 hrs if there is no bleeding can resume activity (d) Increase dietary fiber and fluid intake (108)Which Ca could cause faster metastasis to the brain (a) Esophagus (b) Lungs (c) Kidney (d) Liver

(109) Pt who are at risk of cervical Ca (a) Active sexual activity with multiple sexual partners (b) Family history of cervical Ca (110) Cause of colorectal Ca (a) Smoking (b) Alcoholism (c) Low fiber & high fat consumption (111) Pre operation management of ruptured appendicitis (a) Administer antibiotics (b) Administer antipyretic (c) Administer analgesic (d) Administer I/V drip (112)Gall bladder dysfunction is evidence by (a) Carbohydrate intolerance (b) Fat intolerance (113) The reason for taking vital signs with observing color of post operation patient (a) Internal hemorrhage (b) Respiratory status (114) Management in tension pneumothorax (a) Chest insertion (b) Thoracotomy (115) Bone building and reabsorption (a) Remodeling (b) Haematoma (c) Callus (d) Cellular proliferation (116) Positioning after hip arthroplasty (a) Abduction of both legs (b) Adduction of both legs (c) Extended rotation of affected leg (117) Before putting the skeletal traction, pt must be assessed for (a) Muscle tone (b) Skin integrity (c) Mobility (d) Neurovascular

(118) Weights attached in traction must be (a) Hanging freely (b) Lie on bed (c) Touch to the floor (119) Pre medication for ETT (a) Atropine and Pethidine (120) Which drug can be given in epilepsy (a) Phenytoin sodium (b) Promotizine (121) What is the treatment for hyperkalemia (a) Glucose & insulin (b) Peritoneal dialysis (c) Haemodialysis (122) Ileal conduit is to (a) Drain faces (b) Drain urine (c) Drain bilirubin (123) LMP on 1st April 2001, EDD? (a) 1st Jan 2002 (b) 8th Jan 2002 (c) 1st Dec 2001 (d) 8th Dec 2001 (124) A baby with in perforate anus, nurse observe (a) Mucus with stool (b) Absence of muconium (125)Pt with closed head injury, watches for (a) Cerebral edema (b) Hypertension (c) Bleeding (d) Pain (126) Waste products excreted from blood dialysis are via (a) Diffusion (b) Filtration (c) Osmosis (d) Perfusion

(127)What is the early complication of pt with illeostomy? (a) Excoriation (b) Wound sepsis (c) Fluid &electrolyte imbalance (d) Necrosis (128) Healthy stoma (a) Pinky and moist (b) Pale skin (c) Blue skin (129) If the patient c/o pain after TURP, what action should be taken by nurse (a) Given analgesic (b) Inform Dr (c) Check patency of catheter (130) BCG is given for (a) TB (b) Polio (c) Whooping cough (d) DPT (131) Primary aim to psychiatric patient in the hospital (a) Discharge early (b) Promote institutional care (c) Ability to cope with life dependently (132) In a patient with shock body counteract by (a) Vasoconstriction (b) Vasodilatation (133) Pt with UTI diagnosis can be confirmed by (a) Excessive bacteria in urine, dysuria with fever (b) Haematuria (c) Anuria (d) Urine examination (134) Management of patient with paracetamol overdose (a) Charcoal (b) Saline lavage (135)While taking history of patient with hemorrhoid, nurse should ask for (a) Long standing (b) Diet habit (c) Bleeding, bowel and dietary habit

(136) Communicated # mean (a) #more than one piece of bone (137)In early period of pregnancy, what can cause congenital cataract for child (a) Rubella (b) DM (138) what is the side effect of Morphine giving pt with advance Ca (a) Drug addiction (b) Constipation (c) Vomiting (d) Respiratory distress (139)Sub Arachnoids hemorrhage (SAH) patient should avoid (a) Aggressive physiotherapy (b) Coughing (140)Asthma can be distinguished from COPD which is (a) Narrowing of air way (b) Bronchodilator (c) Can be cause by UTI (d) Hyper secretion (141)Viral pneumonia is treated by (a) Antibiotics (b) Steroids (c) Depends on symptoms (d) Sulphonides (142)The treatment of thorotoxicosis radioactive iodine is best prescribed for (a) Women below 40 year (b) Women above 40 year (c) Women child bearing age (d) Women who is pregnant (143) What is the action of Diamox? (a) Decreases intraocular pressure (b) Corrects closed angle glaucoma (c) Prevents the flow of aqueous humor (144) Hypovolumic shock, primary nursing (a) Hydrating with water (b) Prevent shock with colloid (c) Given vasodilatation

(145) S/S of cardiac failure (a) SOB (b) Periobital edema (c) Rebounding pulse (146) In bronchial asthma all these will be there except (a) Bronchial spasm (b) Bronchial secretion (c) Bronchial Dilation (147) Why giving Prednisalone in glomeular nephritis (a) Increase urine output (b) Reduce inflammation (148) Anemia in kidney failure is due to (a) RBC basing through the capillary membrane (b) Kidney unable to produce erythroprotin (c) RBC excrete through urine (d) Failure in the transporation of RBC in bone marrow (149)Why high BP in elderly patient? (a) Decrease electricity of arterial wall (150)Why insulin is refrigerated (a) To reduce bacterial growth (b) To keep its potency (c) To prevent cloudiness (151) All these medication can be given to epilepsy patient except (a) Promethazine (antihistamine) (b) D/Z (c) Dialaton (d) Carbimazepam (152)In haemolysis except (a) Basic and blood (b) Removal of waste product from blood (c) Decrease BUN and creatinine (d) Increase urine out put (153)In communication with elderly patient, nurse should stand (a) Face to face (b) Sitting in 45 (c) Sitting in 30 (d) Standing near to the side

(154) To prevent aspiration in NGT feeding (a) Check residual volume (b) Insert big tube (c) Give bolus feeding (d) Give continuous feeding (155) Neonate diaphragmatic hernia, observe for (a) Moro’s reflex (b) Respiratory distress (c) Sucking ability (a) (b)

(156) What is the advice for patient after inguinal hernia repair Apply hot compress for relief Avoid lifting heavy objects (157) In personal disorder all these will be there except (a) Mood change (b) Alteration of though (c) Alteration of memories (158) Management of acute retention of urine (a) Suprapubic tap (b) Catheterization (c) Diuretics (159) All these can be done for epilepsy patient except (a) Restrain arms (b) Turn pt’s head to the side (c) Safe environment (d) Maintain airway (160) If the pt’s prothrombin time is 30 sec, you need to watch (a) Insomnia (b) Haematuria (c) Articardia (d) Inflammation (161) How do you give cricoids pressure (ETT) (a) Upward & back ward (b) Down ward & back ward (c) Press on Adam’s apple (162) The patient was stabbed in chest and came to A&E ,BP 100/60 mmHg ,HR 96/min and RR 40/min. You must put him in (a) Foot end raised (b) Semi fowler’s position (c) Prone (d) Recumbent

(163) For above situation, first priority (a) Chest tube insertion (b) Lobotomy (c) O2 inhalation (d) CVP insertion (164)Above procedure should be concluded (a) Interments low suction (b) Under water seal (c) CVP reading (165) Patient’s blood chemistry result (K+ 30 mmol/l) means (a) Hypokalemia (b) Hypocalcemia (c) Hyperkalaemia (d) Hypercalcemia (166) Above patient main complaint (a) Numbness (b) Weak in lower limb muscle (c) Tremor severe cramp (167) Osteoporosis is due to (a) Decrease FHS& LH (b) Increase FHS& LH (c) Decrease oestrogen & progesterone (d) Increase oestrogen& progesterone (168) During peritoneal dialysis patient’s position (a) Prone (b) Semi recumbent (c) Supine (d) Upright (169) 3 year old nephritic syndrome what medication will be given (a) Corticosteroid (b) Furosemide (c) Solumendrol (d) Antiemetic (170) Above case investigation showing (a) Increase serum albumin (b) Proteinuria (c) Urine sugar (d) Decrease WBC

(171) Patient with decrease HR can be given (a) Digoxin (b) Propanalol (c) Niphedipine (172) increase ICP sign and symptom (a) Increase BP ,decrease pulse ,widening pulse pressure (b) Increase BP ,increase pulse , increase resp (c) Increase BP , increase temp, increase resp (d) decrease BP ,increase pulse, increase resp (173) UTI most common cause (a) E-coli (b) Salmonella Typhi (c) Streptococci (d) Staphytococci (174) In CVA patient the most first neuromuscular complication (a) Planter extension (b) Shoulder joint dislocation (c) Contracture upper limp (d) Knee jerk (175) Choose beta blocker for hypertension case (a) Propanolol (b) Nifedipine (c) Analaprial (d) Vasolid (176) During care, tracheotomy tube suddenly dislodged, 1st action is (a) Inform Dr (b) Cover with sterile gauze (c) Use thetracheodilator & open the tracheotomy (d) Prepare for tracheotomy tube insertion (177) Patient was prescribed beta blocker hypertensive, what need to remind him (a) Check pulse rate frequently (b) Not to stand up immediately (c) Suggest to stay lie down position (178) Pt’s K+ 3.8 and Ca+ 130 (a) Hypocalcaemia (b) Hypercalcaemia (c) Hyperkalemia (d) Hypokalemia

(179) 2 nurse rescue breathing (2 men CPR) (a) 12/min (b) 16/min (c) 18/min (d) 20/min (180) Long term Rx for child asthma (a) Prednisolone (b) Nebulizer (181) Cirrhosis of liver with ascites, what drug should be avoided (a) Asprin (b) Prednisolone (c) Diazepam (d) Antibiotic (182) Due to Cirrhosis of liver what changes in physiology (a) Portal hypertension (b) Anemia (c) Platelet count decrease (d) Water retention in peritoneal cavity (183) Late Cirrhosis of liver cause neurological pattern changes (a) Delusion (b) Coma (c) Schizophrenia (d) Illusion (184) Pt is prescribed MAO have to avoid (a) Tyramine yeast (b) Protein (c) Fat (d) Milk (185) Post loprotomy wound burst, 1st action (a) Inform Dr (b) Cover with sterile gauze with warm saline (c) Inform OT (d) Diathermy the bleeding point (186) Patient was given Phenargan (antihistamine) for which purpose (a) For sedation (b) For emesis (c) For secretion

(187) Patient was given Atropine inj: nurse recognized following complication (a) Pulse rate above 150/min (b) Unconscious (c) Disoriented (d) Increase BP (188) During operation following response occurs due to surgical stress (a) Increase heart rate (b) Decrease heart rate (c) Increase renal function (189) Post laboratory 6th day, patient’s wound burst when he cough, nurse notice (a) Serious fluid comes out from the edge of wound (b) Slight red blood comes out from the edge of wound (190) PU with acute bleeding, Dr ordered (a) Saline lavage (b) Antacid (c) Continue milk drink (d) Gastroscopy (191) 3rd day of post laboratory, nurse expect the following electrolyte loss (a) Na (b) K (c) Ca (192) Potassium sparing diuretic drugs (a) Lasix (b) Spirolectone (c) Mannyl (193) How to prepare the skin to give s/c insulin (a) Clean the skin using alcohol swab &ask pt to blow to dry skin (b) Gently pick the skin over the site of needle (194) why illeostomy whited (a) Circulation (b) Injection (c) Necrosis (195) Rx for TB, 2-3 drugs component using (a) Potentiated action

(196) The best time for teaching, coughing exercise before operation (a) 1 week before operation (b) Just before opt (c) In afternoon of opt: (197) Preoperation, 6 persons section is explained about procedure, for which reason (a) To manage in less time (b) To promote post operation recovery (c) For routine regulation (198) Post operation with general Anesthesia, position (a) Tredelenberg (b) Supine (c) Lateral (d) High fowler’s (199) Gastrectomy post opts: gradually increased food intake, why? (a) Dumping syndrome (200) KCL drip given slowly &consciously (a) Not to get cardiac arrest (201) Donor recipient incompatibility is caused by (a) Hemolytic reaction (b) Urticardia (202) Post operation patient transfer from OT to ward, 1st priority care (a) Check Dr’s post opts; order (b) Check gag reflex (air way patency) (c) Check wound (d) Check position (203) Complication of IM injection (a) Sciatic nerve injury (b) Wound abscess (204) Reason for pressure dressing after operation (a) To prevent edema & haematoma (b) To concell wound (c) To prevent infection (d) Protect from trauma (205) The best indications for renal failure & Glumerulo filtration are (a) BUN& Urine out put (b) Creatine & urine output

(206) Obese female pt; with cholescysitis, going for operation, Dr want to reduce her body weight, nurse tell her (a) You will feel better after you reduce body weight (b) Don’t worry after opt: you will be fine (c) If reduce weight, you will reduce getting post opt: discomfort (207) Prescribed Ranitidine dose of 225mg On hand, you have 150mg/tab, how many tab: should be given? (a) 0.5tab (b) 1 tab (c) 1.5 tab (d) 2 tab (208) The client is to receive 1l of I/V Dextrose & 2L of I/V N/S for 24 hour. But I/V set delivers 20 drop/min.The drip rate should be set at (a) 42 drop/min (b) 60 drop/min (c) 32 drop/min (d) 20 drop/min (209) Level of consciousness should be assessed by (a) Orientate time, place and person (b) Pain stimuli (c) Seeing pupil (210) Neonate diaphragram hernia, a nurse should observe (a) Moro’s reflex (b) Respiratory distress (c) Sucking ability (d) Cynosis (211) The nurse must access the client with severe vomiting for (a) Respiratory acidosis (b) Respiratory alkalosis (c) Metabolic acidosis (d) Respiratory alkalosis (212) To get consent valid for operation with solid mind (a) Pt with solid mind (b) Avnt with schizophrenia (c) Avnt of 3 years girl (213) Post operative complication can be minimized by (a) Daily dressing (b) Monitor vital sign (c) Early ambulation (d) Provide plenty of H2O

(214) The effective method for preventing and treating complication of post surgery is (a) Encourage pt to cough (b) Advice pt to inspire as be could (c) Advise pt to do deep breathing (215) Sign & Symptom of transfusion reaction include the following except (a) Fever (b) Tachycardia (c) Bradycardia (d) Breathlessness (216) S/S of hypovolumic shock include the following except (a) Warm skin (b) Tachycardia (c) Hypotension (d) Hemorrhage (217) Diabetic mellitus affects the metabolism of (a) Carbohydrate, fat and protein (b) Carbohydrate, fat and calcium (c) Protein, electrolyte and vitamin (d) Fat, mineral and electrolyte (218) Health education to the post operative hemorrhoid pt on discharge is (a) Advise to drink water 1L/day (b) Advise to change job (c) Advise to take 5 types of fruits & high fiber diet (219) For suctioning, you have to choose the size of the catheter is because (a) To remove secretion easily (b) To prevent hypoxia and trauma to mucosa (c) To fit the tracheotomy tube (d) To insert easily (220) During suction, how long will you insert the suction catheter (a) 5-6 cm (b) 6-10 cm (c) 10-15 cm (d) 15- 20 cm (221) Before suction through the tracheotomy tube, what the nurse doesn’t need to do (a) Position the pt (b) Elevate the head of the bed (c) Ask to cough vigorously (d) Hyperventilate the pt

(222) The post operative pt was given tab: Maxalon is for (a) Sedation (b) Pain (c) Secretion (d) Antiemetic (223) Pre opt: appendectomy, the following investigation is done. According to which result is need to do intervention (a) Hb% 1.5 (b) K= 2.3mmol/l (c) Partial prothrombin time 25 sec (d) Na+ 140 mmol/l (224) Which of the following electrolyte is the greatest amount in the extra cellular compartment? (a) Na+ (b) K+ (c) Ca+ (d) Chloride (225) CVP has to measure at 4th intercostals space and (a) Mid clavicle line (b) Mid axillary line (c) Lower axillary line (d) Lower clavicle line (226) What is the pulse deficit? (a) Different between the radial pulse and heart rate (b) Different between systolic and diastolic pressure (c) Pulse rate less than 160/min (d) Nurse can’t feel the radial pulse (227) What is the complication of long term use of portex airway? (a) Necrosis & stenosis (b) Aspiration (c) Haemorrhage (d) Swelling (228) Causes of diabetic ketoacisis (hyperglycemia) (a) Over eating (b) Insulin overdose (c) Infection (d) Omission of feed

(229) S/S of diabetic ketoacisis (a) Drowsiness , nausea , vomiting & dry skin (b) Double vision (c) Headache (230) for above case, the first nursing is (a) Withdrawal 24 hr food and fluids (b) Give concentrated calories (c) Put indwelling catheter &record I/O (d) Give I/V solution with insulin (231) Degeneration of cognitive disorder in aging is (a) Dementia (b) Delirium (c) Hallucination (d) Anger (232)Amikacin 250mg dilute with normal saline 100mls. The drop factor is 1ml=60drops ,during one hour has to finish. Calculate drops/min (a) 16/min (b) 50/min (c) 100/min (d) 250/min (233) Desired does 0.0625mg/l, in hand is 0.25mg/l, calculate the amount (a) 0.25 (b) 1.25 (c) 2.5 (d) 2.05 (234) TB drugs that cause side effects to 8th cranial nerve (a) Streptomycin (b) Erythromycin (c) Ethambutol (235) Side effect of 8th cranial nerve cause (a) Vertigo (b) Blur vision (c) Facial (d) Palsy (236) Patient receiving O2 at 3Lvia nasal prong is receiving (a) 10-21 % O2 (b) 20-30 (c) 40-45 (d) 50-60

(237) By giving humidified O2 (a) Loosen thick mucous (b) Maintain adequate humidity to respiratory passage (238) Instillation of Pilocarpine is to (a) Constrict the pupil (b) Lubricate eyeball (c) Dilate the pupil (239) In a burn pt, extensive tissue loss is healed by (a) Primary intervention (b) Secondary (c) Tertiary (d) All of the above (240) Applying pressure on the cricoids process during ETT insertion is to (a) Prevent the ETT to go out of place (b) Minimize bleeding (c) Avoid pneumothorax (d) Control spontaneous coughing (241) S/S of acute MI may cause except (a) Profuse sweating (b) Dyspnoea (c) Chest pain (d) Hypertension (242) Management of conscious MI pt may include except (a) Inotropic support (b) O2 therapy (c) Administer vasodilator (d) DC shock (243) When the person alter perception, first symptom will be (a) Illusion (b) Delusion (c) Audi (d) Auditory hallucination (e) Visual hallucination (244)Open or compound # (a) There is no communication between the site of # and the extension of the body (b) There is a wound on the skin surface break down at the site of # (c) Pathogen are introduced to # site

(245) One of the disadvantage of skeletal traction is (a) Potential for infection (b) Rotation of the limb (c) Mobility of the pt (d) Ability to withstand heavy weights (246) Weight applied to traction should be (a) Removed when procedure is being performed (b) Pulled at all time (c) Rested on bed and floor (247) S/S of internal bleeding (a) Tachycardia (b) Hypotension (c) Reduce urine out put (d) All of above (248) Patient with peritoneal dialysis, 1st pre assessment (a) Advise to empty bladder (b) Body weight (c) Catheter patency (d) S/S of peritonitis (249) During PD, pt’s position (a) Prone (b) Semi recumbent (c) Supine (d) Upright (250) In your stock inj: Heparin 5000IU. If you need to give 3000IU to pt, how much do you need to withdrawal? (a) 0.6 ml (b) 1 ml (c) 0.5 ml (d) 1.5 ml (251) Care of the curved tracheostomy, main purpose is (a) To prevent wound infection (b) To maintain patency of air way (c) To give O2 via tracheostomy tube (d) Thorough hand washing need to do care (252) Oedema can be caused by the following except (a) Excessive salt intake (b) Excessive fluid intake (c) Deficiency of K+ (d) Deficiency of plasma protein

(253) Untreated hypertension pt can be followed by complications except (a) Diabeties mellitus (b) Stroke (c) Heart failure (d) Renal failure (254) Highest concentration of K+ is found in (a) Cells (b) Urine (c) Plasma (d) CSF (255) Hyperthyroid person is observed to be (a) Restless & agitated (b) Anorexia& constipated (c) Cold & clammy skin (d) Slow moving &deliberate (256) 50 Kg weighted man has burn 36% body surface, how much plasma dose he loss (a) 660 (b) 900 (c) 960 (257) Tracheotomy done between which levels of tracheal rings? (a) 2nd & 3rd and 3rd & 4th (b) 3rd & 4th and 4th & 5th (c) 4th & 5th and 5th & 6th (d) 5th & 6th and 6th & 7th (258) What is the 1st line management for cholecystitis (a) Nasogastric suction, IV analgesis ,antibiotic (b) Cholecystectomy (c) Exploration of CBC (d) Insertion of T tube (259) During operation, the following response occurs due to surgical stress, (a) Decrease heart rate (b) Increase BP (c) Decrease renal perfusion (d) Increase fluid volume to prevent hypovolaemia (260) For S/C insulin inj to avoid (a) Buttock (b) Abdominal wall (c) Upper arm (d) Thigh

(261) Which of the following is use for cleaning of tracheostomy wound? (a) NaCl (b) Chlorhexidine (c) Antiseptic solution (d) Hydrogen perioxide (262) Tracheotomy done immediately after operation because of (a) Nasogastric feeding (b) Mechanical ventilation (b) Radiotherapy (c) To suck secretion easily (263) Mr. Roy, 20 M is admitted with fit and airway obstruction, put oral airway inappropriate nursing measure for this pt is (a) Remove airway when pt; got response (b) Fix oral airway with tape (c) Suction (d) Allow him to split out the airway when become conscious (264) Mr. Royya admitted with Peptic ulcer and acute bleeding, which one is immediate nursing measure? (a) Administer ranitidine (b) Administer antacid (c) Prepare for gastroscopy (d) Milk feeding should be continued (265) The PU pt is treated with Cimetidine, which is for (a) To reduce gastric motility (b) To inhibit gastric acid secretion (266) Post opt pt, what is the reason for giving pressure dressing? (a) Concelled incisional wound (b) Prevent outside infection contaminated to wound (c) Protect from trauma (d) Prevent edema and haematoma

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(267) The post opt: is passing frequency of urine with little amount. What the first action that the nurse should take? Check bladder distension Send urine for culture Inform Dr immediately Give diuretics (268) Position for infant CPR is (a) Supine with neutral neck position (b) Supine with hyper extended neck position (c) Lateral with slight extended neck position

(a) (b) (c)

(269) Pt is on 30% O2, will be nursed with Nasal canula Venti mask Trachy mask

(a) (b)

(270) which one is an effective coughing method? Deep breathing after coughing Hold incision wound and cough

(a) (b)

(271) Mr. Wu is admitted with dyspnea and severe chest pain. For 12leads ECG, you have to place V2 lead on 4th intercostals space, mid clavicle line in left sternal region 4th intercostals space ,mid clavicle line in right sternal region

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(272) When the sound is alarmed during Mr. is in ICU, your first priority to do is Silence the alarmed sound Elevated the head of pt Check the pt position Check the connection (dislodgement) of the electrodes

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(273) The first aid to stop nose bleeding is Press just above the nasal bone Press just below the nasal bone Plug with sterile gauze Block the nose (274) 14 year old, Wong was admitted for perforative tempanic membrane. Your advise for his discharge care should be (a) To blow the nose daily (b) To keep clean and dry (c) To sleep on the affected side (d) To do ear syringing daily (275) Contraindication to do central stimulation (neurological pain assessment) to check unconsciousness of the pt: who is suffering from severe facial injury is (a) Supraorbital pressure (b) Sternal rub (c) Trapezium muscle squeeze (276) The initial assessment before applying skeletal traction will be (a) Skin assessment (b) Neuromuscular assessment (c) Daily assessment of vital signs

(277) The advantage of percutaneous endoscopic feeding is (a) Save economically (b) Prevent frequent aspirations (c) Need to change every month only (d) Not easily dislodged (278) Glucose standard (normal blood glucose monitoring ) is met for Mr. Wong in Hospital setting.If he is resumed to day activities, the following will occur. (a)Hyperglycemia (b)Hypoglycemia (c)Normoglycemia (d)Dyspnea (279) Contraindicated site to give insulin is (a)Buttock (b)Thigh (c)Forearm (d)Abdomen wall (280) When performing eye care, you have to clean the eye from (a)Outer canthus to inner canthus (b)Inner canthus to outer canthus (c) Medial canthus to inner canthus (d) Upper lid to lower lid (281) Situation: Mr. Toh was admitted for acute asthmatic attack into your ward. Dr Ordered nebulization therapy and monitoring of peak flow meter. Which situation Will you use to dissolve the medication for the nebulization therapy? (a)Sodium chloride0.4% (b)Sodium chloride0.9% (c) Dextrose solution (d) Sterile water for injection (282) Cold and non-isotonic solution wed in nebulizer can cause (a) Bronchospasms (b) Vasodilatation (c) Bronchoconstriction (d) Hypotension (283) You have to instruct Mr. Toh during monitoring of flow meter is (a) To exhale slowly for 2-3 sec (b) To hold and seal the pipe with mouth tightly and blow (c) To place the meter the highest mark (284) Monitoring of peck flow meter means (a) Expiration of the air after maximum lung infection (b) Inspiration and exhalation of the lung (c) Expiration of the air after normal lung inflation

(285) Metered dose inhaler means giving medication inhale (a) The lung through penetration (b) Nasal congestion (286) Giving ventolin nebulization therapy, you will not see the following adverse effect. (a) Tremor (b) Palpitation (c) Tachycardia (d) Hypotension (287) Yeast infection is the common complication in the use of betamethasone inhaler, It can be prevented by except (a) Mouth wash (b) Use a spacer (c) Application of antifungal lotion (d) Brush teeth (288) After post op; management for the pt: who underwent above knee amputation will be (a) Nurse in elevation of the affected leg (b) Nurse in reversed trendelengburg position (c) Nurse in head elevation (289) If a pt; is suspected for increased intracranial pressure, the earliest signs and symptoms will be (a) Tachycardia, increase systolic pressure and widening of pulse (b) Bradycardia, increase systolic pressure and widening of pulse (c) Tachycardia, decrease pressure (290) The best place to do pulse oximetery for severe hypovolumic shock pt is (a) Ear lobe (b) Finger (c) Toe (291) The best indication for removal of chest tube will be confirmed by (a) Return of normal breathing (b) Absence of adventious sound (c) Absence of drainage in the tubing (d) Checking of serve of radiological results (292) Pt complained of chest pain having pericarditis. In which position you will nurse (a) Lying down (b) Lean forwarded position (c) Side lying position

(293) If I/v cannula failed, which medication can be given by intratracheal route? (a) Atropine, Lidocane and Adrenaline (b) Atropine, Sodium bicarbonate and Adrenaline (c) Lidocaine, Potassium chloride (d) Xylocaine, Sodium bicarbonate and Adrenaline (294) Following are fat soluble vitamins except (a) B (b) A (c) D (d) E (295)The earliest indication of complication in thrombolytic therapuy in acute stroke will be (a) Hypotension (b) Change in level of consciousness (c) Arrhythmia (296) Cold compress is compress is contraindicated in neonate because it can cause (cold stress in neonate can cause) (a) Arrhythmia (b) Hypertension (c) Increased oxygen consumption (d) Anemia (297) You have to avoid holding in the armpit of weaked side of paralyse pt: to prevent (a) Ease of transferring (b) Sub-laxation of the affected limb (c) Fracture of the affected limb (298) Banding of the ampatutated leg first several weeks is to help (a) To prevent bleeding (b) To mold for the fixation of artificial limb (299)To do oropharyngeal airway insertion, you have to measure the length from (a) Corner of the mouth to the angle of the jaw (b) Corner of the mouth to the tragus of the ear (c) Lip of the nose to the lobe of the ear (d) Centre of the mouth to the ear (300)Assessment for the neutropenia pt is (a) Gastrointestininal, skin and urine (b) Gastrointestininal, skin and lung (c) Urine, lung and mucous membrane (d) Urine, lung and skin

(301) Post ;op teaching in pt with sinus operation (a) Breathe through the mouth (b) Tell him to remove the nasal plug (302) Nursing action for Esophageal reflex disease is (a) Give antibiotic as ordered (b) Elevate the leg (c) Give milk before going to sleep (303) TURP irrigation purpose (a) To prevent blood clot blockage (304) Terminally ill pt, using action is (a) Dignity (b) Nutrition (305) Primary defense mechanism is (a) Intact skin and mucous membrane (b) Non-intact skin and mucous membrane (c) Bones and tons (306) For vomiting pt nurse will (a) Turn pt head (b) Turn pt to one side (c) Supine position (307) Post op, nurse noticed blood stained profuse, 1st action (a) apply direct pressure on surgical wound (b) inform Dr (c) Reinforce wound dressing with elastic plaster (d) Clean the wound and change dressing (308) Nurse reassured pt; who is on cardiac monitoring machine except (a) moving around reduced dislodgement of electrodes will alarm (b) Let him move freely in bed and out (309) Signs of breathlessness in severe burn pt; are following except (a)shallow breathing (b) hoarsening of voice (c) restless (d) Dyspnea (310) Abnormality of bone an accident of joint called (a) sprain (b) dislocation (c) strain

(311) Assessment by using GCS, the following will be there (a) Pupil size (b) blood pressure (c) Motor reflex of upper and lower extremities (d) Temperature (312) Complication of long term colostomy except (a) stenosis (b) protrusion (c) excoriation (d) Necrosis (313) Sterization is free from except (a) Bacteria (b) Spore (c) Micro virus (d) Fungus (314) Transferring pt is on chest tube from bed to chair, first action is (a) To place bottle higher than pt’s shoulder (b) To place bottle lower than tube site (c) To clamp the chest tube (d) To let move pt freely (315) Nurse will know sign of air leaking in chest tube pt by (a) No bubble in bottle (b) Water flatulence on inspiration and expiration (c) Bubble on inspiration (d) Bubble continuously on inspiration and expiration (316) The reason of applying backslap for pt who has # radius & ulna is (a) To immobile the hand (b) To stabilize and immobile the fracture site (c) To support the whole hand (317) Above pt will be reassured (a) Not to come out of bed (b) Not to let the cast wet the cast wet and keep it dry as possible (318) Nurse Pt above pt with backslaps to be completed with (a) Slang to support hand/affected (b) Put the affected hand on pillow all the time (c) Manual traction at the waist 1-2 hour per day

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