Srs of E- Book Shopping
February 2, 2017 | Author: mahanmalik | Category: N/A
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“E-BOOK SHOPPING” Master Of Computer Application (2007-2010) SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Shuchi Gupta
SUBMITTED BY: Mahan Malik (0712814023)
Sandeep Kumar (0712814035) MCA Final Year
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATIONS 1.Introduction :The Bookshop Automation System is to automate all operations in a bookshop. Generally it includes the Order Processing, Stock Management and Accounts Management. Before automating a bookshop we have to understand the concept of automation. In automation of any operation we make a system which do work automatically as the respective events occurs, for which it is meant. There are the some common examples of the automation like that auto pilot system in the aircraft, automatic home systems (electric system, water system, fire alarm system, doors system etc). These are best examples of the automation systems. Here we are try to develop such type system which is provide the automation on the any type of the bookshop. That means a shop which has the type system which provides the facility to the customers of the shop to purchase the books from the shop without any complexity. For example any customer want to purchase any book from the shop than first of all customer just choose the stream of the book than he/she can see the more then one type of books there and than he/she can choose the specific book from there. And then purchase it by paying price on bookshop cash counter and receives its invoice. 1.1Purpose :Almost every activity in the world today is controlled by computer driven software programs. His trend was first accommodated by engineering applications in the past. However, as the life style became more and more complex, every area of human interactions was invaded by various Software systems, such as real time, business, simulation, embedded, web based, personal and more recently, artificial intelligence software etc. 2
According to the above facts, managing and maintaining a book shop could also be controlled by efficient software. This project focuses attention on designing efficient and reliable software which controls the transactions of a bookshop. In real world, it tends to associate with automated systems as they provide many benefits than doing the same thing in manually. As above mentioned, here we have introduced a system which can be used to maintain a bookshop. When we are concerning the manual process of a bookshop, the major problem is the waste of time. A customer has to waste his/her valuable time when he needs to buy a book as all the events such as searching, purchasing are done by members of the staff .In briefly, the manual process is very slow. But automation will reduce the time taken in the whole process. In a bookshop we should deal with a large store. Then person (storekeeper) has to maintain it with documents which are recorded by him. Therefore, there may be defective reports. Also company has to appointed more persons to complete the maintenance of the stationery. Then the company has to have an additional cost. As we familiar with this type of system at instance we will be able to have the results that we want. Communication with suppliers, customers and other related organizations will be more successful as the system is so fast. When the bookshop issues an item to a customer, all the stages of the transaction procedure will be facilitated by the system & it will be more accurate. The purpose of this project is to provide easy shopping facility online and easy selling facility to the merchants of all categories.
1.2Scope :The name of the project is E- BOOK SHOPPING The software provides both the customer and the merchant his PIN number which is unique. The software provides the following facilities to the customers : Facilitates easy shopping online any where with free shipping (conditions apply) Provides information about the products in categories Can avail the facility of purchasing second hand products Can reserve or order if the particular product is not available Customers are provided with up to date information on the products available Provides email facility for future correspondence Provides backup facility Can add nearly ten products to their shopping cart at a time
The software will not provide the following facilities to the customers : Cannot reserve the product for more than two days Cannot reserve more than two products Responsibility of damages The product cannot be changeable when once confirmed The software provides the following facilities to the merchants : Facilitates easy bidding facility Provides complete information about the customers Provides complete information about their products Can avail the facility of email correspondence Can avail the brand catalog facility Provides on spot payment for the product at the time of delivery Can know the whereabouts of both the product and the customer who opted his product The software will not provide the following facilities to the merchants : Transport facility Legal arguments should be settled through the courts individually Settlement of miscalculations of the products as the database is filled with the consent of the merchant The objective of this software is to provide easy assistance to both the customer as well as the merchant with proper database and information.
1.3Definitions ,Acronyms and Abbreviations :1. Customer
: The person who purchases the product
2. Merchant
: The person/dealer/company who sell the product
3. PIN Number : The unique id given to either customer or merchant who access the data in the site
1.4References :-
Appendix for the online shopping security information. Foundation of E-commerce by “Ravi Kalakota”. Internet and many online e- book shopping websites.
1.5Overview :The following subsections provide the complete overview of the specifications requirements documentation for the product e-BOOK SHOPPING
The entire srs is documented in view of both customers and the merchant and the following sub sections are arranged to give a complete outlook of the software, its perspective, features, system requirements and users know how’s.
2.Overall description:In this module we define the overall description of the software e-BOOK SHOPPING Like the importance of the product, what are the user characteristics, what are the general constraints and assumptions and dependencies?
2.1Product perspective :This software is totally self contained and works relatively as efficient as other packages related to the subject. It provides simple database rather than complex ones for high requirements and it provides good and easy graphical user interface to both new, naive as well as experienced users of the computers.
2.2Product functions :The following use case diagram provides complete information regarding how the product works The bookshop system will perform the following function: User identification Select service Record purchases Record sales Search for existing books Calculate budgets Prepare stock evaluation Display stock details
Complete use case diagram of the product functionality
2.3.User characteristics : No pre knowledge of html No pre knowledge of database management Should be familiar with internet Should know English Should be able to use and do according to the graphical user interface The user (Book Shop Officer) should have a basic computer literacy to work with computer. The user of this software should be well trained and should given the relevant user documentation, reference material and instruction. The user should be able to follow simple instruction given by the system.
2.4.General Constraints : The browser should support java. The browser should be at least Netscape navigator v 4.0 or internet explorer. Data encoding scheme: ASCII character. Total available memory for programming, logic, tables etc as specified in this document should not be exceeded.
2.5.Assumptions and Dependencies :-
The product assumes that the users don’t opt for the same product number simultaneously. Cannot support multiple user interfaces.
The bookshop’s database should be accessible in real time. The bookshop’s database will be modified to identify accounts.
3.Specific Requirements:3.1External Interface Requirements:3.1.1.User Interfaces :The software provides good graphical interface for the front end of the database and a good informative interface for the rear end. The system users are: The bookshop management as system administrators. Bookshop cashiers as normal users. System Administrators The administrator log on to the system by inserting administrator name and password. Administrator can do any transaction as well as editing all details inside the database such as adding, editing, deleting a new user as well as adding, editing, deleting a new item.
System users System users are the ones who at the cashier and do transactions with customers. The users have to enter the user name and password and click on ‘Login’ button. If user makes any mistake the system will ask for the correct username and password until he enters the correct one. When the user wants to do any transaction user has to click on the menu icon on the main menu. Then the transaction window will open. User has to enter the Book No and press enter. Then user has to select the transaction type and the 21
quantity. Then click on the update button. Then the system will automatically update the database according to the transaction type. Hardware Interfaces The Book Shop System is having the following hardware: Book shop main computer Other pc’s
Software Interfaces System will interact with the system database to record all transaction data.
3.1.2.Hardware Interface :The system should have these hardware requirements : The processor should be at least Pentium 3 or above The processor speed should be greater than 400Mhz The video device should support graphics Ram should be or greater than 120 mb 3.1.3.Software Interfaces :The software requires the support of the following softwares for the database and other requirements HTML ,JDK and html editor for web interface MySql for database 22
Server(windows 2000,apache or…) 3.1.4.Communication Interfaces : Local intranet and internet protocols. Supports all HTTPS, SMTPS and POP3 services
3.2.Functional Requirements :Basically there are three modules in this system which are ,the source of input, for processing of input, to give out the relevant output. 3.2.1.Module 1: requirement:•
The source of input are:o Customers o Merchants o Database administrator
The processing is:-
Do shopping
Reserve products
o Merchants:
Bid their products
Manage transport facility and look after the payment method
Database administrator:-
Update information
Honest transactions
The output is based on the transactions, and the work done by the user like customer or merchants.
3.3.Performance Requirements :-
Good working pc with all the requirements as stated in the hardware interfaces Works for medium size information databases Should not be overloaded The response time for menu changes will not be more than 3 seconds. The time for search a book will not be more than 3 seconds. The time to print the stock evaluation will not be more than 3 seconds. The time taken to update the database or to get information from the database will not be more than 2 seconds. The time taken to prompt the massage box will not be more than 2 seconds.
3.4.Design Constraints:-
The browser should support java. The browser should be at least Netscape navigator v 4.0 or internet explorer. 24
Java programming environment has been used for secure transactions and protection from viruses, worms, and other threats like hacking of passwords by hackers. While designing this product fault tolerance and standard compliance are kept in mind. The system is based on menu driven interfaces. Menu selection will be done by using mouse or by keyboard. Confirmation messages on taken action, input acceptance and error condition will be displayed after each input. Error messages will be displayed at the time of detection of input errorand the system errors.
3.5.Attributes :Qualities of the product Reliability - The system is thoroughly tested at the time of delivery so that computational errors are minimized. Maintainability - To make ease of maintain the system to the Book shop administrators the user manual and the system manual is provided at the delivery. Each module is designed independently so that at any change of a request can be modified easily. Security - Only the administrators have the authority to edit details in Users and Items tables. No one can enter the system without a username and a password. Normal system users cannot access the Administrators login. All deleting actions are notified by a message box asking to confirm deletion.
3.6.Other requirements: Future aspects of the projects Changes in upcoming technologies Requirements needed in the expansion of the system
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