SRS For Work Monitoring System

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Software Requirements Specification


Work Monitoring System

 Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by -

Sr.N NAME o 1 Smriti Murali 2 V.K V.Kri rish shnap napri riy  y  a

ROLL NUMBER  13CO246 13CO153

COURSE – Software Engineering

DATE – 17/01/2015

Table of Contents


Table of Contents.. Contents.............. ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ................................... .......................ii ii 1. Introduction........ Introduction.................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ..................... .........1 1 1.1 Purpose. Purpose................... ..................................... ...................................... ...................................... ....................................... .................... 1 1.2 Document Co Conventions nventions................. .................................... ....................................................... ....................................1 1 1.3 Intended Au Audience dience and Reading Reading Suggestions.... Suggestions...................... ................................... .................1 1 1.4 Product Sco Scope............... pe.................................. ...................................... .................................................... .................................1 1 1.5 References References................... ..................................... ............................................................ ...................................................... ............ 1 2. 2.1 Overall Description........... Description ........................ ......................... ........................ ........................ ............................... ...................2 2 Product Perspective.............. Perspective................................. ..................................... ..................................... ........................... ........2 2 2.2 Product Fu Functions. nctions.................... ...................................... ............................................................ .........................................2 2 2.3 User Classes and Charact Characteristics.. eristics..................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................2 2 2.4 Operatin Operating g Environment.......... Environment............................. ...................................... ...................................... ........................ .....2 2 2.5 Design a and nd Implementa Implementation tion Constraint Constraints............................... s.............................................. ...............2 2 2.6 User Documentation... Documentation...................... ...................................... .................................. .............................. .................... .....2 2 2.7 Assumpt Assumptions ions an and d Depend Dependencies....... encies.......................... ........................................ ................................. ............3 3 3. External Interface Requirements...... Requirements.................. ......................... ......................... ........................... ...............3 3 3.1 User Inter Interfaces........ faces........................... ...................................... .......................................................... ....................................... 3 3.2 Hardwa Hardware re Interfac Interfaces.............. es................................. ...................................... ...................................... ......................... ......3 3 3.3 Softwar Software e Inter Interfaces...... faces......................... ...................................... ............................................. .................................. ........3 3 3.4 Communi Communications cations Interfaces........ Interfaces........................... ...................................... ....................................... ....................3 3 4. System Features............... Features........................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................... ........4 4 4.1 System Feature Feature 1 1.................. ..................................... ............................................... .......................................... ................ ..4 4 System F Feature eature 2 (and so on)............................... on)............................................ ............................ .................. ...4 4 5. 4.2 Other Nonfunctional Nonfunctiona l Requirements................. Requirements..... ................................................ ....................................4 4 5.1 Perform Performance ance Requirements......... Requirements........................... ......................................................... .......................................4 4 5.2 Safety Requirem Requirements....... ents.......................... ..................................... ........................................ ................................ ..........5 5 5.3 Security Requirem Requirements....... ents......................... ..................................... ....................................... ............................. .........5 5 5.4 Softwar Software e Quality Attributes. Attributes.................... ...................................... ..................................... ........................... .........5 5  Appendix A: Glossar Glossary.......... y...................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ................................. .....................5 5  A 






The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Web application for NITK tender allocation system. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system, what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the stakeholders and the developers of the system and will be proposed to the concerned Project Head for it's approval.


Do Doccumen umentt Conv nven enttion onss

In general this document follows the IEEE formatting requirements. Use Arial font size 11, or 12 throughout the document for text. Use italics for comments. Document text should be single spaced and maintain the 1” margins found in this template. 1.3 Intended Audience 2. The intended readers of this document are the developer of the website, testers, NITK administrators, managers and coordinators as well as businesses intending with provision of goods/services to the institute 1.4 Product Scope This software system will be a Tender Allocation Application for NITkSurathkal. This system will be designed to simplify the tender allocation process of the institute by providing tools to assist in automating the task,  which would would otherwise otherwise have have to be performe performed d manually. manually. By maximizing maximizing the  work efficiency efficiency and productio production n the system system will meet meet the institute' institute'ss needs while remaining easy to understand and use. More specifically, this system is designed to allow an institute communicate  with a group of interested interested busines businesses. ses. This process involves :  → displaying notices for tenders issued by various departments of the institute →  submission of tenders by service providers → opening of the tenders on the specified date →

 selection of a suitable tender by the institute.offices of the institute and correspondance between the administrative


concerned service provider.  Pre-formatted forms are used in every stage of the tender allocation process through the system to provide a uniform task management process. The system also contains a database containing a list of projects and tenders issued. 1.2 References [1] IEEE. IEEE Std 830-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications. IEEE Computer Society, 1998. [2] Ian Somerville, “Software Engineering”, New York, Princeton Hall India Publishing, 2005. 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective This product/ application aims to replace the tedious manual tender allocation process, which is currently followed, with online web application enhancing efficiency,transparency, data storage and retrieval systems. Hence it improves the larger system which outsources development / renovation projects undertaken by the institute to interested companies.

2.2 Product Functions   It provides a platform for various departments of the institute to :  → Publish notices of proposed requests for tenders  → Advertis  Advertise e request for tenders tenders →   Send notifications to registered businesses about new opportunities  → Provide access to tender documentation and other detailed information  → Issue updates and adjustments regarding tenders  → Receive electronic tender documents  → Report contract information to the market It also provides a convenient mechanism by which various companies can: →  Search and browse tender advertisements and invitations   → Access tender tender documents documents and and other other specific informatio information n   → Lodge tenders onlin → Learn about the tendering process, rules and guidelines 2.3 User Classes and Characteristics There are essentially two classes of users for the OTA : → the institute who wishes to create/assign tenders for the projects, →

  the companies interested in providing the required goods/services to the institute. The company needs to know the exact nature of the proposed project, such as the deadline as well as resources required, and must possess the technical know-how to use the interface for submitting e-tenders. The institute administrators must be fully qualified in using OTA application as well. 2.4 *Operating Environment The OTA web application shall operate on all popular browsers. 2.5 *Design and Implementation Constraints The mobile application is constrained by the system hardware and software resources available on the user's device. The communication interface is dependent on the speed of the Internet connection within the device. Since there are several companies who provides internet, the communication speed of may vary. Since the application fetches data from the database over the Internet, it is crucial that there is an Internet connection for the application to function.  The mobile application will be constrained also by the capacity of the


database. 2.6 User Documentation  A user manual manual intended intended for for first time time users users of the software software has been been designed and will be provided to all companies/organisations who wish to use the application at the time of download/purchase. 2.7 *Assumptions and Dependencies One assumption about the product is that it will always be used on browsers or machines that have enough performance and support the latest frameworks. 3.

Ex Extterna nall Int nter erfa face ce Re Req quir uirem emen ents ts


User Interfaces

This section provides a detailed description of all inputs into and outputs from the system. It also gives a description of the hardware, software and communication interfaces and provides basic prototypes of the user interface. 3.2

Hardware Inter terfa facces

Si Since nce nei neith ther er th the e mo mobil bile e ap appli plicat cation ion no norr the the se serve rverr have have an any y desig designat nated ed hard ha rdwar ware, e, it do does es not ha have ve any direc directt ha hard rdwar ware e int interf erface aces. s. The The ha hard rdwa ware re connection to the database server is managed by the underlying operating system on the mobile phone. 3.3

Softwa ftwarre Int nter erfface cess

The mobile application c+ommunicates through internet. The communication between the database and mobile application consists of operation concerning both reading and writing the data by the owner ,employee and supervisor. The owner has maximum privileges while the employee and user have limited privileges . 3.4 3.4 Co Comm mmun unic icat atio ions ns Int nter erfa face cess The communication between the different parts of the system such as owner ,employee and supervisor is important since they depend on each other for efficient allotment of resources. However, in what way the communication is achie ac hieved ved is not import importan antt for the WMS and is ther therefo efore re handl handled ed by the the underlying operating systems for the application. 4.

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTs  ID: FR1 TITLE: Download mobile application


 DESC: A user should b bee able to download tthe he mobile application through either an application store or similar service on the mobile phone. The application should be free to download.  RAT: In order order for a user to download the mobile application.  DEP: None None  ID: FR2 TITLE: Download and notify users of new releases  DESC: When When a new/ new/updated updated versio version n or release of the soft software ware is rele released, ased, the user should check for these manually. The download of the new release should be done through the mobile phone in the same way as downloading the mobile application.  RAT: In order order for a user to download a new/updat new/updated ed release.  DEP: FR1  ID: FR3 TITLE: User registration - Mobile application a pplication  DESC: Given Given that a u user ser has downl downloaded oaded the mobile mobile applic application, ation, then the user should be able to register through the mobile application. The user must provide user-name, password and e-mail address. The user can choose to provide a regularly used phone number. The user should also be able to register as a user and add employees and supervisors to his circle.  RAT: In order order for a user to register on on the mob mobile ile applicatio application. n.  DEP: FR1  ID: FR4 TITLE: User log-in - Mobile application  DESC: Given Given that a u user ser has registe registered, red, then tthe he user should be able tto o log in to the mobile application. The log-in information will be stored on the phone and in the future the user should be logged in automatically.  RAT: In order order for a user to register on on the mob mobile ile applicatio application. n.  DEP: FR1, FR3  ID: FR5 TITLE: Mobile application – Project Feed  DESC: Given Given that a u user ser is logge logged d in to th thee mobile a application, pplication, then the first  page that is is shown shoul should d be the projec projectt feed page. T The he user should be able to see the recent updates made to his/her current projects. A user


 should also be be able to post his ow own n updates reg regarding arding the projects. This feed varies with the type of user- employee, owner owner or supervisor.  RAT : In order order for the vari various ous users to saty updated on on the ong ongoing oing projec projects ts and modify them.  DEP: FR1,FR3,FR4 FR1,FR3,FR4


Other Non onfu fun ncti ctiona nall Req equ uirem iremen ents ts

5.1 5.1

Pe Perf rfor orma manc nce e Re Requ quir irem emen ents ts

5.1. 5. 1.1 1 Res Respo pons nse e time The maximum response time for the submission of a job will be 0.5 minutes. 5.1. 5. 1.2 2 Ca Capac pacity  ity  The maximum number of projects schedulable is limited only by the capacity  of the nodes to fulfill the jobs’ deadlines; there is no upper limit inherent in the WMS as such. 5.1.3 5.1 .3 Dead Deadline line sensi sensitivit tivity  y   Assuming submitt  Assuming submitted ed statistics statistics for jobs are accurate, the WMS will ensure that all jobs are completed with a 10% error allowance. 5.1.4 5.1 .4 Cos Costt sensi sensitivi tivity  ty  Under all Under all cir circu cums msta tance nces, s, the the ma maxi ximu mum m cos costt pa payab yable le as sub submi mitt tted ed by th the e developer will be the maximum cost charged to the owner of the application. 5.2

Safety fety Requir quire ement ntss

 As it is stated stated with many warnin warnings gs in the program, data loss is a serious serious  posiibility. Backup all data and/or use the progr  posiibility. program am with ex extreme treme cautio caution. n. WMS comes with absolutely no warranty and cannot be made responsible for any loss of data.



Sec ecu uri rity ty Requi quirement ntss

5.3. 5. 3.1 1 Da Data ta Tra Trans nsfer fer The system shall use secure sockets in all transactions that include any confidential customer information. The system shall confirm all transactions with user's web browser. The system shall not leave any cookies on the customer’s computer containing the user’s password. The system shall not leave any cookies on the customer’s computer containing any of the user’s confidential information. 5.3. 5. 3.2 2 Da Data ta St Stor orage age The user's web browser shall never display a user's password. It shall always be echoed with special characters representing typed characters. The system’s back-end servers shall never display a user's password. The user's password may be reset but never shown. The system’s back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated administrators. The system’s back-end databases shall be encrypted. 5.4 5.4

So Soft ftwa warre Q Qua uali lity ty At Attr trib ibut utes es

The application provides a quite friendly user-friendly interface with it's operations accessible from the menu bar and the main toolbar. An average or casual user should not face any problems using the application. Currently this software runs only on the Android Operating System and cannot be exported to other platforms.

 Appendix A: A: Glossary  Glossary  Term User

Defination Someone wh who iin nteracts w wiith tth he mo mobile p ph hone ap application. There are three types1.Owner - He/she is responsible for adding and managing all projects and employees. 2. Supervisor – is responsible for monitoring the completion


of the projects assigned to their respective workstations. 3.Employee – can view the projects assigned to him/her and the deadlines.  Application Store

 An installed application application on mobile phone which helps user to find new compa com patib tible le app applic licati ation onss with with mo mobil bile e phone phone platfo platform rm and download them  from Internet

Stakeholder Stakeh older

Any person who has interaction interaction with the system who is not a developer.




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