Surname 1 Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Introduction This document creates a set of the requirements necessary to the development of B&B management system The system !ill "e used in trac#ing customer reservations and payments for $ane and $ohn%s esta"lishment esta"lishment Features of the system system The B&B management system shall contain the follo!ing features:
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Search for availa"le rooms using a date range Input customer%s information llocate reservations to customers llocate reservations over a date range Input payments for reservations Display the total payments for all reservations 'uarantee rooms for a period Chec# that payments are made "y the date guaranteed Drop unpaid reservation after e(piry of guarantee date Save reservations Drop reservations Save guest information Delete guest information
part from the a"ove guest management manage ment features) the system !ill provide the follo!ing independent functions
ct as a calendar application
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ct as a calculator for financial aspects of $ane and $ohn%s "usiness ct as an information storage
Objectives of the system B&B management system is designed for the operations of a small "usiness Therefore) its intended functionality shall "e #ept small and co ncrete to the client%s pro"lem Their "usiness management shall "e made effective "y the provision of the a"ove feature and function The system shall help its users trace vacancies from a calendar loo#up ) determine availa"le vacancies and !hether they are guaranteed for a particular period Expected constraints of the system Based on the requirements aspects financial trac#ing and efficient !or#flo! for a small "usiness such as $ane and $ohn%s Bed and "rea#fast esta"lishment) the constraints are close to none Expected performance of the system +erformance of the B&B management system is optimal !hen the follo!ing assumptions hold:
The esta"lishment has a !or#station onto !hich the system shall "e installed The esta"lishment has telephone services to provide co mmunication !ith guest
and provide an entry point for guest and management data into the system The esta"lishment has access to the required infrastructures li#e po!er for the
system to function CD
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Figure 1: Architectural context diagram for B&B management system -evel . Data /lo! Diagram 0D/D
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-evel 1 Data /lo! Diagram
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Surname 4 B&B 5ntity 6elationship Diagram 056D
7sers and use cases for B&B 8anagement system se case: 6eceptionist searches the system for a vacant room The receptionist loo#s up for a vacant room "ased on the guest%s preferences !re"condition: The receptionist should have access to the running system !ost"condition: The system should then sho! a menu !ith an option to display a calendar Actor !rofile: The receptionist is consulting !ith the guest !ho is loo#ing to ma#e a reservation Events se#uence:
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The receptionist receives a call from an interested guest The receptionist as#s for dates of the intended reservation The receptionist then opens the calendar from the system%s menu The receptionist enters the date range given "y the guest The receptionist verifies the availa"le vacancies for the given date range
$cenario 1: ser Opens %alendar 1 The user selects the calendar from the menu options * The system displays the calendar $cenario : 'ate range search 1 The user enters start date into the calendar * The user enters end date into the calendar , The system displays vacant rooms availa"le for the entered date range se case: (eceptionist reserves a room !re"condition: The system must "e on and displaying va cancy search result results for a given date range) and at least one valid vacancy e(ists !ost"condition: The soft!are is ready to ma#e a reservation Actor profile: 6eceptionist is interacting !ith a !illing guest e;she has selected the guarantee date for the customer Events se#uence: 1 6eceptionist gets the information from the guest * e;she then enter the information into the system , e;she then confirms the reservation $cenario 1: Entering guest information) 1 The receptionist selects the guest registration option * e;she enters the guest%s name , e;she then enters the guest%s contact information
Surname < 2 The guest%s address is entered $cenario : A room is guaranteed 1 * , 2 3
6eservation option is selected 6eceptionist enters guest%s payment information The system processes the payment reservation is flagged as guaranteed if payment is valid The reservation is flagged not guaranteed if payment is invalid 6eservation State diagram
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>or#s Cited I555 ?6ecommended +ractice for Soft!are 6equirements Specifications? *nstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 0*.1,
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