Srotas - Channels of The Body

March 30, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The word srotas is derived from ‘sru’ gatau dhatu, which means movement. It is the path which helps for transportation of substances. Nutrient substances are supplied to cells and tissues via the process of transudation through path’s called srotases. Channels carry the transformed dhatus to different destinations through their mess of network to nourish the cells and tissues. Srotasas are defined as empty spaces spread in the entire body, which originates from root space except sira(veins) and dhamani(arteries). Synonyms are sira, srotamsi, marga, kha, dhamani. Srotasas are those in which manas, prana, anna, jala, dosa, dhatu, upadhatu, dhatumala, mutra, purisa are circulating. It is not possible to numerate all sortasas because these are innumerable. Sira and dhamani are the modifications of srotas only. Srotas, sira, dhamani resides closely and perform similar functions. STRUCTURE OF SROTAS Orifices of the srotas are minute, spread long and far away like lotus stalk. Through such channels ‘rasa’ circulates and nourishes cells and tissues. COLOUR OF THE SROTAS Srotasas attain the colour of the dhatu in which they circulate. These are circular, big, small, long and resembles like lines of a leaf. IMPORTANCE OF SROTAS IN PATHOGENESIS Improper foods, erratic behavior and such other things which are not conducive to the body brings abnormality in srotas leading to manifestation of disease. Adoptance of normal conducive foods and action leads to happiness and sound health. Injury to the srotas manifest incurable condition, that’s why such information should be given to the patient and to his attenders and then proceed to the treatment to remove foreign body. Bodily humors, vata, pitta and kapha moves inside the srotas to perform their


normal functions at different places. Similarly things which are beyond perception of sensory organs like mind etc. move inside the srotas and are located in sentinent portion of the body. Healthy srotasas perform their normal functions as a result body is free from diseases and unhealthy srotas become root cause for the development of pathogenesis. Once the empty spaces (srotas) become abnormal, it brings abnormality in normal dhatu by not transporting to required destination, this is because of the abnormality in srotas. Srotas vitiates other srotas, dhatus vitiates other dhatus, for all these happenings disturbed dosas are responsible. Dosas get aggravated by the disturbed function of agni. That’s why life span, health, strength and nourishment etc. depend on agni. Due to their pervasion in entire body, they become responsible for aggravation as well as alleviation of dosas inside the body. That’s why some Ayurveda authorities say that body is the conglomeration of srotas. SROTOVEDHA LAKSHANA : CLINICAL FEATURES DUE TO INJURY OF SROTAS Clinical features develop due to injury to srotas are unconsciousness, tremors, distention of abdomen, vomiting, fever, delirium, obstruction for urine should and stool, death. That’s why consideringpain, these points practitioner inform to the patient attender about its poor prognosis and then plan the treatment by removing the foreign body and manage the wounds as per wounds line of treatment. CLASSIFICATION OF SROTAS Mainly srotas is classified into two bahya(external) and abhyantara(internal) srotas.



According to Susruta – Bahya srotas or bahirmukha srotas in Male are 09 in number and in female 12 in number. According to Sarangadhara – Bahya srotas or bahirmukha srotas in Male are 10 number– and in female 13 inornumber. According toinCaraka Abhyantara srotas antarmukhi srotas are 13 in number and 11 pairs according to Susruta. Susruta does not include ashtivaha, majjavaha and svedavaha srotas. BAHYA SROTAS OR BAHIRMUKHA SROTAS : 02 02 02 01 01 01

Nasal cavities Ear cavities Eye path Genital path Anal canal Oral cavity



  Total 9 channels are described as bahirmukha channels i.e. channels having opening outside. Sarangadhara included one more to above nine i.e. Brain canal. In case of female 3 more srotas are included namely 02 Breast channels 01 Uterus path ABHYANTARA SROTAS : INTERNAL SROTAS 13 varieties of srotas are depicted as abhyantara srotas (inward opening channels). 1. Pranavaha srotas – Channels carrying pranavayu 2. Udakavaha srotas – Channels carrying Udaka (water) 3. Annavaha srotas – Channels carrying anna (food) 4. Rasavaha srotas – Channels carrying rasa (nutrient substances) 5. Raktavaha srotas – Channels carrying rakta (blood) 6. Mamsavaha srotas – Channels carrying mamsa (muscle) 7. Asthivaha srotas – Channels carrying asthi(bone) 8. Majjavaha srotas – Channels carrying majja (bone-marrow) 9. Sukravaha tissue) 10. Mutravahasrotas srotas––Channels Channelscarrying carrying sukra mutra(reproductive (urine) 11. Purisavaha srotas – Channels carrying purisa (stool) 12. Svedavaha srotas – Channels carrying sveda (sweat) ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS FOR SROTODUSTI : PATHOLOGY OF SROTAS Improper dietetics which aggravates dosas i.e., person who is not following the rules and regulations of eight fold diet principles. Erratic behavior or activities related to speech, body and mind aggravates the dosas. Diet and activities which are contrary to dhatus. For example day sleep and fatty food which aggravates meda dhatu and brings vitiation in them inspite of having identical properties. CLASSIFICATION OF SROTODUSTI: There are mainly four kinds of srotodusti explained. 1.  Ati pravrtti – Excessive actions 2.  Sangha – Complete or partial obstruction of srotas 3.  Sira granthi – nodules, tumours, new growths inside the srotas 4.  Vimargagamana – Leaving its own path and entering into other path Examples of each kind of srotodusti: Atipravrtti 1. Excessive urination in diabetes 2. Excessive watery stools in diarrhea 3. Excessive mucous secretions in asthma



`1. Constipation 2. Dysuria 3. Fever


1. Hemorrhoids 2. Ascitis 3. Keloids


1. a. b. c. d. e.

Entrance of mala into mutra path Fistula-in-ano Jaundice Bronchial Asthma Inflammation Injury

PRANAVAHA SROTAS Channels carrying pranavayu is called pranavaha srotas. RootHeart Gastro-intestinal tract. srotas are two in number andand they originate from heart andPranavaha arteries carrying rasa. Etiological factors – Depletion of dhatus, suppression of natural urges, intake of dry food and activities, heavy exercises during hunger and other factors which bring vitiation in srotas. Symptoms of vitiation in Pranavaha srotas:   Prolonged respiration   Obstructed respiration   Agitated respiration   Frequent respiration   Respiration associated with sound and pain ·





Injury to pranavaha srotas leads to groaning, bending down of the body, illusion, tremors or ultimately death. Diseases of Pranavaha Srotas:   Bronchitis   Asthma   Tuberculosis   Heart diseases   Hoarseness of voice   Coma   Nervous disorders ·








UDAKAVAHA SROTAS Channels srotas.








Root – Udakavaha srotas have their origin in palate and pancreas. Etiological factors – Udakavaha srotas gets vitiated by exposure to heat, indigestion, fear, excess intake of drinks, intake of dry food and who is suffering from excessive thirst. Symptoms of vitiation in Udakavaha srotas:   Dryness in tongue, palate, lips and pancreas along with excessive severe thirst   Injury to udakavaha srotas develops thirst and patient dies instantaneously within 7 days. ·


Disease of Udakavaha Srotas   Diabetes   Bronchial asthma   Thirst   Inflammation   Ascitis ·





ANNAVAHA SROTAS Channels carrying anna (food) is called annavaha srotas. Root – Annavaha srotas have their origin in stomach and flanks. Etiological factors – Annavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Excess intake of food   Eating during improper time   Consumption of unwholesome food   Due to impairment in agni   Injury ·





Symptoms of vitiation in Udakavaha srotas:   Lack of interest towards food   Anorexia   Indigestion   Vomiting ·




Disease of Udakavaha Srotas   Nausea   Diarrhea   Indigestion ·





· · · · ·

Lack of appetite Worm infestation Acidity Hemorrhoids Colic pain



RASAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries rasa (nutrient substances) is called rasavaha srotas. Root – Rasavaha srotas have their origin in heart and ten major rasa carrying vessels. Etiological factors – Rasavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Intake of heavy and cold substances   Excess intake of unctuous substances   Consumptions of excess   Intake of wholesome and food unwholesome food together   Excessive worry ·





Symptoms of vitiation in Rasavaha srotas:   Lack of interest towards food, anorexis, distaste in mouth etc.Consumption, other symptoms similar to pranavaha srotas and death. ·

Disease of Rasavaha Srotas   Heart diseases   Tuberculosis   Obesity   Fever ·






· · · · · ·

Diabetes Unconsciousness and coma Skin diseases Malarial fever Anemia Impotency Gout

RAKTAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carried blood is called raktavaha srotas. Root – Raktavaha srotas have their origin in liver and spleen.


  Etiological factors – Raktavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   All pitta aggravating factors   Excess intake of liquid, unctuous, hot, heavy foods   Sleeping during day time. ·




Excessive exposure to sun and heat    Excessive anger, exertion, eating during indigestion, eating antagonistic foods and taking food during digestion.   Injury



Symptoms of vitiation in Raktavaha srotas:   Bluish discoloration of body, fever, paleness, hemorrhages, redness in eye. ·



Disease of Raktavaha Srotas   Gout   Skin diseases   Leucoderma   Hemorrhoids ·




  Acne   Jaundice

· ·

MAMSAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the substances to nourish mamsa (muscle tissue) is called mamsavaha srotas. Root – Mamsavaha srotas have their origin in ligaments, skin and rakta carrying arteries. Etiological factors – Mamsavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Intake of food substances which induce moistureness in dosa, dhatu, srotas   Heavy food   Bulk promoting foods   Intake of food followed by day sleep   Injury ·





Symptoms of vitiation in Mamsavaha srotas:   Granulomas, tonsillitis, inflammation wasting, varicose veins and death. ·

Disease of Udakavaha Srotas   Diabetes   Tuberculosis   Skin diseases ·








· · · · ·

Erysipelas Hemorrhoids Gout Inflammation Chickenpox

MEDOVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the substances which nourishes meda (fat) is called medovaha srotas. Root – Medovaha srotas have their origin in Kidneys and Omentum Etiological factors – Medovaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Lack of physical exercises   Day sleep   Excess intake of fatty foods   Excess drinking of wine   Injury Symptoms of vitiation in Medovaha srotas:   Undesired constitution, diabetes, excessive perspiration, unctuousness or sliminess of body parts, dryness in palate, marked swelling and severe thirst. ·






Disease of Medovaha Srotas   Diabetes   Obesity   Leucoderma   Fever   Malarial Fever   Skin diseases ·








· · ·

Gout Filariasis Inflammation Ascitis

ASTHIVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the substances which nourishes asthi (bone) is called asthivaha srotas. Root – asthivaha srotas have their origin in meda (adipose tissue) and buttocks.


Etiological factors – Asthivaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Excessive physical exercises   Over strain to bones   Friction among bones in excess   Consumption of vata aggravating factors ·




Symptoms of vitiation in Asthivaha srotas:   Pain in bones and teeth, discoloration ·

Disease of Asthivaha Srotas   Arthritis   Osteo-arthritis   Skin diseases    Fever    Gout   Dental disorders   Malarial fever   Tuberculosis ·








MAJJAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the substances which nourishes majja is called majjavaha srotas. Root – Majjavaha srotas have their origin in bones and Joints. Etiological factors – Majjavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Excessive crushing, increased moisture, compression of bone and intake of incompatible dietetics. ·

Symptoms of vitiation in Majjavaha srotas:   Pain in joints   Giddiness

· ·

Disease of Majjavaha Srotas   Osteo-arthritis   Arthritis   Gout   Skin diseases   Tuberculosis   Diabetes   Malarial fevers   Hemiplegia ·









SUKRAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the substances which nourishes sukra is called sukravaha srotas. Root – Sukravaha srotas have their origin in testicles and penis in Male and in breasts in female. Etiological factors – Sukravaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Sexual intercourse without proper sexual arousal or having sexual intercourse with other animals like dog etc.   Suppression of sexual urge   Excess indulgence in sexual activities   Untimely sexual intercourse   Intake of food which are ununctous, bitter, astringent, salt, sour and hot.   Indulging in sexual intercourse with women who is not passionate   Old age, worry, grief and lack of confidence in partner   Fear, anger and application of black magic   Severe emaciation due to chronic diseases   Injury to dhatus   Injury by surgery, alkalies and cauterization ·











Symptoms of vitiation in Sukravaha srotas:   Impotency, delayed emission of sukra, sukra come out with rakta along with difficulty ·

Disease of Sukravaha Srotas   Impotency   Skin Diseases   Fever   Tuberculosis ·






· · ·

Sprue Urinary calculi Hemorrhoids Consumption

MUTRAVAHA SROTAS Channels srotas.








Root – Mutravaha srotas have their origin in urinary bladder and kidneys


Etiological factors – Mutravaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Intake of drinks and foods during urge for maturation   Indulging in sex during the urge for micturation   Suppression of urge of urination   One who is emaciated and injured ·






Symptoms of vitiation in Mutravaha srotas:   Excessive urination, complete obstruction for urination, urine comes out with difficulty, patient passes little quantity of urine frequently, patient passes large quantity of urine associated with pain. ·

Disease of Mutravaha Srotas   Diabetes   Obstruction of urine   Dysuria   Urinary calculi   Jaundice ·





  Anemia   Fever

· ·

PURISAVAHA SROTAS Channels srotas.







Root – Purisavaha srotas have their origin in Large intestine and rectum. Etiological factors – Purisavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Suppression of urge for stools   Consumption of large quantity of food   Eating during indigestion   Eating food before the digestion of previous meal   Whose agni is weak   Who is emaciated   injury ·







Symptoms of vitiation in Purisavaha srotas:   Patient passes stool with difficulty, passes little quantity of stool associated with pain and sound   Passing of excess watery stool or mucous with thread stool   Distension of abdomen   Foul smell stool ·





  Disease of Purisavaha Srotas   Diarrhea   Sprue   Jaundice ·





· · · · · ·

Acidity Arthritis Hemorrhoids Dysentery Ascitis Urinary calculi Indigestion

SVEDAVAHA SROTAS Channels srotas.








Root – Svedavaha srotas have their origin in meda(adipose tissue) and hair follicles Etiological factors – Svedavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Heavy exercises   Excessive exposure to sun and heat   Indulging or exposure to cold and heat simultaneously   Anger   Grief   Fear ·






Symptoms of vitiation in Svedavaha srotas:   Absence of perspiration   Excess perspiration   Excessive roughness   Excessive smoothness   Burning sensation all over the body   horripulation ·






Disease of Svedavaha Srotas   Skin diseases   Diabetes   Obesity   Fever   Ascitis ·








ARTAVAVAHA SROTAS Channels which carries the artava(menstrual blood) is called artavavaha srotas. Root – artavavaha srotas have their origin in uterus and artava carrying vessels Etiological factors – Arthavavaha srotas gets vitiated by;   Excessive consumption of salt, sour, heavy, pungent, burning, unctuous, meat of aquatic and marshy land animals   Excess intake of fatty, sweet preparations, curd and its products, fermented wine etc.   Agitated vata etc dosas bring abnormality in uterus and develops uterus related diseases. ·



Symptoms of vitiation in Arthavavaha srotas:   Colour of discharge becomes frothy, thin, ununctous, brownish black or pink. ·

Disease of Medovaha Srotas   20 types of uterus disorders   Menorrhagia   Leucorrhea ·




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