Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 2

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Canto 1 Chapter 2   Divinity and Divine Services BREAKDOWN SECTION 1 (1.2.1 – 1.2.5)   — — Çréla Süta Gosvämé’s reply begins with obeisances  SECTION 2 (1.2.6 – 1.2.7) —  Çréla  Çréla Süta Gosvämé’s answers, Çaunaka Åñi’s first and second questions SECTION 3 (1.2.8 – 1.2.15) — Only Bhakti is to be gained through performance performance of one’s work   SECTION 4 (1.2.16 – 1.2.21) — Bhakti progresses  SECTION 5 (1.2.22 – 1.2.29)  — The conclusion is that Hari, Väsudeva, Lord Kåñëa is the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and only He should be served (1.2.22) – Çréla Süta Gosvämé concludes 1.2.16 – 1.2.21 (1.2.23 – 1.2.25) – The worship of Brahmä, Viñëu & Çiva (1.2.26 – 1.2.27) – Worship of the other demigods (1.2.28 – 1.2.29)  –  Väsudeva  Väsudeva is the actual object of worship  SECTION 6 (1.2.30 – 1.2.34)   —  Väsudeva, Kåñëa manifests the material worlds in His 3 Viñëu  puruña -avatärs ) features ( puruña (1.2.30 – 1.2.33) – Answer to question 4 raised by the sages in SB 1.1.17 (1.2.34) – Answer to ques question tion 3 (from SB 1.1.12)

S E C T I O N I (1.2.1  — 1.2.5) 1 Çréla Süta Gosvämé attempts to reply  –  – Srila Vyasadeva reports that Çréla Süta Gosvämé perfectly satisfied by the questions, thanked and attempted to reply Qualifications of Çréla   Çukadeva Gosvämé (text 2 & 3)  – Çréla Süta Gosvämé offers obeisances to his spiritual master, Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé and acknowledges spiritual master’s grace by enumerating his qualifications qualifications 2A Çukadeva Gosvämé ccan an enter the heart of all – Therefore Çréla Süta Gosvämé begs his grace so that this message can satisfy the hearts of all kinds of audience  (Para 3 ) •  Power of a Vaiñëava to elevate all kind of people, even a low born to the highest platform (kiräta-hüëändhra , Ref: SB 2.4.18) 2B Çréla Çukadeva Gosvä Gosvämé mé is beyond the need of ref reformatory ormatory ceremonies   Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé being a Vaiñëava fulfils the ultimate aim of varëäçrama training (another example: Srila Haridas Thakur) o  Study the process of varëäçrama as prescribed for one willing to study Vedas (para 1 & •

Lesson I :  Anyone, therefore, who becomes a Vaiñëava accepted by the first-class Vaiñëava, or uttama-adhikäré Vaiñëava, is already considered a brähmaëa, regardless of his birth or past deeds   Lesson II :  Any lowborn person—be he a Kiräta, Hüëa, Ändhra, Pulinda, Pulkaça, Äbhéra, Çumbha, Yavana, Khasa or even lower—can be delivered to the highest transcendental position by the mercy of Vaiñëavas

2) LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.2 & 1.2.3 Srila Çukadeva Gosvämé who is described as having power to deliver all living entities spoke this most confidential supplement to Vedänta-sütra out of great compassion for struggling conditioned souls Bhakti Vaibhava   Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


In Text 3 Çréla Süta Gosvämé practically summarizes the complete introduction of ÇrémadBhägavatam 3A   Position of Srila Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé as the spiritual master of all the sages –  “spoke  “spoke this most confidential supplement to the cream of Vedic knowledge, after having personally assimilated assimilat ed it by experience”[Translation]    Srila Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé is a thoroughly realize master, both on Vedänta-sütra and its commentary (para 1) •  To avoid of the misuse of Vedänta-sütra by unscrupulous men, Vyasadev gave a natural commentary, Çrémad-Bhägavatam (para 2)   Çrémad-Bhägavatam – unrivaled commentery ; Sankracarya did not even touch ÇrémadBhägavatam ; avoid mayavadis misleading opinion (para 3)   Çrémad-Bhägavatam as a literature for Paramahaàsa and transcendental torchlight to see the  Absolute truth as Brahman, Paramätmä, and Bhagavän; in the darkest region of creation (para 3) •

3B Great compassion of Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé in the form of Çrémad-Bhägavatam   •

• •

  Çréla Çukadeva Gosvämé’s Gosvämé’s mood of reciting – boundless mercy upon bewildered conditioned        

souls Status of conditioned living entities – bewildered in the darkest region of creation. Material world as darkest region of creation o  Still one can get out simply by desiring  Why do they the y not get out? thorns” rns” o   Analogy of a “foolish camel and tho Karmis Vs. intelligent jïänés – Vedänta-sütra is meant for jïänés

4 Setting the way of chanting Puräëas (To be follow by all preachers) – Çréla Süta Gosvämé continues offering obeisances feeling unqualified and begging for mercy. Thus he sets the way of chanting  Puräëas  by offering obeisances to 4 personalities  5 Acknowledging the audience – Çréla Süta Gosvämé offers respects to the sages of Naimiñäraëya for asking questions which have three characte characteristics ristics – •  kåñëa-sampraçno  –  – They are about Kåñëa o  Questions of the sages are perfect – They are the sum and substance of the Vedic inquiries (Ref Bg 15.15 vedaiç ca sarvair..) in line with the theme of Çrémad-Bhägavatam, that is, focus on Absolute truth (Ref: SB 1.1.1) (Para 1) •  Loka-maìgalam – for the welfare of the world wo rld is full of question questionss - bi rds, beasts, humans (Para 2) o   Whole world !

But no one is satisfied pleasing to the self •  Ätmä  suprasédati    !  ! completely

  Complete satisfaction satisfaction of soul only by questions about Kåñëa (Para 3) 


Lesson I : Satisfaction of the soul can only be obtained by questions and answers on the subject of Kåñëa, which is possible by hearing and reading Çrémad-Bhä Çrémad-Bhägavatam gavatam Lesson II :  One should learn the Çrémad-Bhägavatam and make an all-around solution to all problems pertaining to social, political or religious matters. Çrémad-Bhägavatam and Kåñëa are the sum total of all things

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


S E C T I O N I I (1.2.6  — 1.2.7)  Text 6 & 7 present th thee standard o off first class, transcenden transcendental tal religi religion on 6A   Answers the first question of the sages – The supreme occupatio occupation n [dharma] for all humanity  is  is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord •  Two types of occupations prescribed by the Vedas (para 1) –  pravåtti-märg  pravåtti-märga  a , or the path of nivåtti-märga, sense enjoyment, and the other is called the the path of sacrifice •  Superior quality of occupation – The path of sacrifice for supreme cause (devotional service )

is the superior outdiseased of the two o  Material lifepath is the life because – Temporary, illusory and full of misery o   Actual life is the spir spiritual itual existe existence nce – Ete Eternal rnal blissful and full of happiness •  Devotional service is the eternal occupation (para 2) Dharma implies “that which sustains one’s existence” o  o  Living being’s sustenance of existence is to coordinate his activity with the all attractive Supreme Lord Krsna – in a relationship of servant and the served o  Realize the intimacy – This relationship of servant and the served is the most congenial form of intimacy o  It’s a new experience, have patience – This relationship is transcendental and is completely distinct from our experience in material existence. One can realize it as devotional service progresses Lesson :  Everyone should engag engagee himself in that transcendental transcendental lovin lovingg service of the Lord, even in the present conditional state of material existence. That will gradually give one the clue to actual life and please him to complete satisfaction 6B Must be pure in quality  – Such devotion devotional al service must be unmotivate unmotivated d and uninterrupte uninterrupted d to completely satisfy the self (Ahaituki apratihata)   •   Any mixture of mat material erial enjoyment aggravates the material disease and increases its duration (para 1) 7   Answer to the second question  of the sages about the essence of all scriptures – All scriptures ultimately point out bhakti as the supreme most occupation •   As a process (para 1) o  Bhakti is topmost transcendental activity and not material emotional affairs – Fulfills all purposes and processes of revealed scriptures Process: Sublime for pure devotee and easy for neophytes o  o  Qualification: Qualificat ion: Open for all (top to bottom) – Ref Bg 9.32, 33. o

Includes all other processes as corollary factors

•  In  terms of expected results (para 2)

  Pure devotional service gives all good qualities o  Gives perfect knowledge and real detachment by the grace of almighty o

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


S E C T I O N I I I (1.2.8 — 1.2.15) LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.7 & 1.2.8 Çréla Süta Gosvämé now adds emphasis to his assertion of the importance of Bhakti, by speaking the same truth of SB 1.2.6, but in negative terms

Occupational duties and Kåñëa consciousness (Text 8-11) 8 Devotional service as the ultimate need –   without which there is no satisfaction of the spirit soul in any occupational duty •  Three  different kind of occupational duties are defined according to man’s different conceptions of life – bodily level, mental level and spiritual level (para 1) •  No satisfaction without fulfilling the needs of the soul (para 2) o   Analogy: Cleaning C leaning cage of the bir bird d •  Need of spirit soul is to get out of limited sphere of material bondage and fulfill the desire of complete freedom, only possible in devotional service (para 3) Failure of even Salvationists to pickup the fountainhea fountainhead d of all liberties o  Lesson I : Without knowing the need of the dormant soul, one cannot be happy simply with emolument of the body and mind Lesson II :  There is a dormant affection for God within everyone; spiritual existence is manifested through the gross body and mind in the form of perverted affection for gross and

subtle matter. Therefore we have to engage ourselves in occupational engagements that will evoke our divine consciousnes consciousness s

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.8 & 1.2.9 One may ask, “Its wonderful to think that goal of my work is loving Kåñëa, but practically speaking, isn’t the first objective of my work is to provide an income to ensure to security and comfort of me and my family?” 9 Material gain iiss ne never ver the goal –   Definitely “No”. Main purpose of occupational duty is liberation from material life and any material gain achieved should not be used for sense gratification   Material gain is the usual motivating factor in any occupational duty including those of religion, for any ordinary man   Pure devotional service is automatically followed by “perfect knowledge” and “detachment” •

from material world – thus material gain is not emphasized LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.9 & 1.2.10 Then how do we use material gain for? 10 Search for tthe he Absolute Truth must be the ultimate eend nd –  Material  Material gain should be used only for self preservation and healthy life, not for sense gratification; purpose of human life is to inquire about Absolute truth and one should be overwhelmed with such research work    Misdirected material civilization has sense gratification as ultimate end in all spheres of life (political field to Salvationists)   Correct direction for real happiness – engage in seeking the Absolute truth •

Lesson : Seekers of the Absolute Truth are never allured by unnecessary engagements in sense gratification because the serious students seeking the Absolute Truth are always overwhelmed  with the work of rese researching arching the Truth   Bhakti Vaibhava   Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.10 & 1.2.11  What is the Absolute T Truth? ruth? 11 Absolute Truth defined –   Çréla Süta Gosvämé defines the Absolute truth as one non-dual substance perceived differently as Brahman, Paramätmä and Bhagavän   Less intelligent arguers Vs. perfect seers of Absolute Truth (Para 1)   In the Absolute, there is no sense of relativity, because knower is non-different from known o  Cause of relativity in material world – Living entities identifies with inferior energy •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.11 & 1.2.12 How can we realize Absolute Truth in full?

Importance of hearing SB as a process to achieve perfection (Text 12-22) 12 Devotional se service rvice as the means to realize –  By   By rendering devotional service according to  what has been heard from Vedänta-çruti Vedänta-çruti,, and thus based on foreground of full knowledge and detachment form material association   Bhaktas as the best of four classes of humans and the three classes of transcendentalists   Three kinds of devotee (bhaktas) based on degree of knowledge and detachment   Path of realization by proper reception form the right source (Para 2) o   Avoid nondevotee non devotee re reciters citers – An Analogy alogy of se serpant rpant and mil milkk    Without proper pro per hearing, there is no actual progre progress. ss. (Ref: çru çrutiti småti… ) •

Lesson :  A sincere devotee must, therefore, be prepared to hear the Vedic literature like the Upaniñads, Vedänta and other literatures left by the previous authorities or Gosvämés, for the benefit of his progress. Without hearing such literatures, one cannot make actual progress. And  without hearing an and d follow following ing the instruction instructions, s, the show of devotion devotional al service becomes w worthless orthless and therefore a sort of disturbance in the path of devotional service 13 Devotional service as the only purpose of Varëäçrama –   Everyone’s aim, regardless of external situation(varëa situation(varëa or äçrama), should be to please the Personality of Godhead   Cause of artificial predominance in Varëäçrama – because aim of life is missed by too much sense gratification    Actual purpose purp ose of divisons of Varëäçrama – Smooth social in intercourse tercourse and high thinking selfrealization   Highest perfection of Varëäçrama – Cooperate jointly for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.13 & 1.2.14  Accepting the th e preemine preeminence nce of Bhakti Bhakti,, how sho should uld we ac act? t? 14 By any means, focus on devotional service –   With one pointed attention, hear, glorify, remember, and worship Personality of Godhead, the protector of devotees. Carry out this goal by any means (Çréla Prabhupäda says)   Four general occupations in any varëa and äçrama, which usually brings no good for anyone   “One pointed attention” - Redirect these 4 tendencies (to glorify etc) to the real object of glorification, the Supreme being. That is the way to real happiness. (Essence of Purport) •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.14 & 1.2.15 But how can I remove the karmic reactions that bind me to the world and cause me to value things other than Kåñëa?

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


15 Remembering Kåñëa overpowers all ka karmic rmic condit conditionings ionings  Sharp sword of remembering Kåñëa slashes through these knots and thus cuts through our material existence, therefore practice such remembrance   Kåñëa’s activities are beyond the modes, transcendental and thus spiritualizes the condition soul   Liberation (cutting the knot of fruitive bondage) is the byproduct of devotional service Pure jïäna without coating of Bhakti cannot give liberation o  o  Bhakti yoga is independent of karma and jïäna   Text 15 presents “the perfect way, that is, devotional service” to cut through material knots Role of guidance of Gosvämés literatures, to practice devotional service for all varëa and o  äçrama •

Lesson :  Therefore, any sensible man who is above the average man with a poor fund of knowledge must constantly remember the Personality of Godhead by hearing about Him, by glorifying Him, by remembering Him and by worshiping Him always, without cessation. That is the perfect way of devotional service

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.15 & 1.2.16 One may honestly ask, “What can I do? As easy and important as the process may be, I simply have not acquired the taste either for chanting or hearing Kåñëa katha ? -   Answered in i n 1.2.21 mo more re thorough thoroughly  ly  

SECTION IV (1.2.16 — 1.2.21)


P r o g r e s s e s 

16A Serve great souls –  Perform service to those devotees who are free form all vices   “Mercy of great souls” as the only hope for hopelessly destined demoniac souls who are discussed here base based d on B Bgg 16.19-20   “Punya tirtha nisevänat” – Serve great souls on the platform of God, but they are not God   o  They are called mahätmäs, or térthas – they preach according to particular time and place, to urge people to become devotees    They never tolerate being called God – e.g Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu Mahäprabhu o •

Lesson I : The servants of God come to propagate God consciousness, and intelligent people should cooperate with them in every respect Lesson II :  The Lord is more pleased when He sees that His servants are properly respected because such servants risk everything for the service of the Lord and so are very dear to the Lord 16B Such service gives tast tastee for he hearing aring    Gain the quality by serving them, especially the foremost qualification for going back to Godhead – “EAGERNESS TO HEAR”  •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.16 & 1.2.17  What next? 17 Lord helps the sincere soul and cleanses the heart –  Kåñëa,   Kåñëa, the Supersoul in the heart is pleased. And cleanses the desire for material enjoyment. Lord is reciprocally respondent and helps devotees in all respects, when He sees the sincerity    punya – sravana – kirtana ) (para 1)   Transcenden Transcendental tal sound is non-differen non-differentt form Kåñëa. ( punya •

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


• •

  Lord is more anxious and eager to help, responds to even a slight sincerity of a few

interested men (para 2)   Lord’s help has great power to help us cross over any kind of sins (para 3)   Grace of God gives “sufficient strength” and eliminates “all disturbing elements”. (especially  women and wealth) (para 4)

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.17 & 1.2.18  What occurs after we become eager to hear, which begins the clearing of material desires from the heart?

Text 18 gives two effects of Bhägavata sevä (Text 18A & 18B) 18A Bhägavata sevä dest destroys roys all  anarthas  –  All  All troublesome to the heart is completely destroyed •  Thus, Çréla Prabhupäda establishes Bhägavata sevä as the remedy for eliminating all inauspiciousness from the heart – “Person and Book Bhägavataas”   Human reason fails to understand the power of Bhägavata-sevä Potency of Bhägavata sevä – e.g Närada Muni o    Conclusion: Receive book Bhägavata from person Bhägavata – Their combination will help one to make on going progress •

18B Gradually loving service is established as an ir irrevocable revocable fact LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.18 & 1.2.19  What happens after a devotee reaches nishtä as indicated by the word naiñöhiké in Text

1.2.18? 19 Effect of lower modes disappear –   Effects of passion and ignorance (like lust, desire and hankering) disappear from heart. Thus established in goodness, there is complete happiness Text 1.2.19 indicates, it is difficult to advance in Bhakti under passion (which causes destruction) and ignorance (which causes sleepiness)   Satisfaction/ happiness – devotees’ satisfaction in transcendental state ( brahma-bhüta/ ätmänandé ) Vs. satisfaction of inactive fool in ignorance    Activity – devotional service iiss unalloyed activity of the soul an and d not a stat statee of inactiv inactivity ity o  Frees one from all diseased activity and fixes one in çuddha-sattva / vasudev state – one sees Kåñëa eye to eye   Qualities – Devotee is qualified with all good qualities of God, and is never harmful, foolish or passionate •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.19 & 1.2.20  What does a progressive soul exper experience ience after Bhakti?

Text 20 gives two effects effects after being est established ablished in pure goodne goodness ss (Text 20A & 20B) 20A Mind is eenlivened nlivened by de devotional votional servic servicee 20B Gains positive scie scientific ntific knowledge of the Per Personality sonality of Godhead •  Thus Çréla Prabhupäda establishes how Text 1.2.20 explains the qualification necessary for us to know the Supreme Personality of Godhead – one qualifies to attain such knowledge only after complete freedom from all material association (modes) •  Çréla Prabhupäda establishes establishes the rarity of such knowledge (Ref Bg 7.3 & 18.55) 21  Describes the liberation and reiterates the effects already described –   Liberation from fruitive bondage and perfect enlightenment is thus a byproduct of “Scientific knowledge of

Personality of Godhead” Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


•  Perfect enlightenment – Attaining “scientific knowledge of Personality of Godhead” means

seeing ones own self simultaneously (para 1) o   Analogy : Kåñëa is like sun; all misgivings about self which are like darkness are destroyed o  Ref Bg 10.11, Lord personally enlightens and eradicates all the misgivings in the heart of sincere devotee •  Perfect way of receiving enlightenment – Submissive aural reception by service and surrender and non challenging attitude (para 2) •  Result of enlightenment by devotional service (para 3) o  Knot of ahankara  is  is untied and freedom from chain of karma

Lesson I : One cannot challenge the authority of the Supreme and know Him also at the same time. He reserves the right of not being exposed to such a challenging spirit of an insignificant spark of the whole, a spark subjected to the control of illusory energy

S E C T I O N V (1.2.22  — 1.2.29) 22 Conclusion of texts 16 to 21 – Speciality of devotional service is described  as providing great delight to all the transcendentalis transcendentalists ts because it is enlivening to the self   Speciality of forms of Kåñëa as compared to other forms of personality of Godhead – Original form and more attractive to the higher transcendentalist   Forms of Kåñëa and Balaräm provides more facility for intimate personal contact   Lord’s pastimes are eternal but are manifested in due course, one’s in a day of Brahma o   Analogy: Eternal E ternal pastime pastimess are compare compared d to rising of sun on the eastern horizon o  Thus refutes that pastimes of Kåñëa are something newly accepted •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.22 & 1.2.23  What about Brahmä, Viñëu and Çiva? They are creator, maintainer and destroyer of the universe. Aren’t these powerful deities the natural recipients of devotional offerings? – One may ask. Thus Çréla Süta Gosvämé explains the relationship between the deities and Kåñëa in ÇrémadBhägavatam 1.2.23 – 25

Kåñëa in relation relation to His va various rious expan expansions sions (Text 23-29) 23 Ultimate benefit comes from Viñëu worship – Transcendental personality of Godhead is

indirectly associated modes and of accept 3 qualitative ultimate benefit is fromwith Viñëu, the form quality of goodnessforms – Brahmä, Viñëu and Çiva, but Thus this confirms that Kåñëa, by His plenary parts should be rendered devotional service, as explained in previous verses. Focus on following points in the purport –    Various Viñëu-tattvas Viñë u-tattvas and Kñérodakaçäyé Viñëu  as the deity of quality of goodness   Manifestation Manifestationss of Viñëu as integrated forms (Godhead) and separated forms (jévas) o   Viñëu forms are always b beyond eyond mater material ial energy, unlike the jévas   To continue prison life worship demigods/ to be released, worship Viñëu •

24 Come to the mode of goodness to worship  Viñëu   – One has to rise to the platform of goodness (sattva) to be eligible to perform devotional service and to realize the Absolute Truth    Analogy of fire wood : for how Goodness is better than Passion, which is better than Ignorance (see translation)   Bonafide spiritual master can expertly elevate anyone from tamas   to sattva   and further irrespective of any impediments •

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


  Forms of material energy (E.g: demigods) cannot help any one to raise to sattva guëä   and

get out of material existence existence;; only Viñëu-tattva  can  can help   Mode of passion can can only give a slight clue of rrealization ealization of A Absolute bsolute Truth

Lesson :  Sincere candidates must, therefore, approach an expert spiritual master for such a progressive march, and the bona fide, expert spiritual master is competent to direct a disciple from any stage of life: tamas, rajas or sattva   25 Mahäjanas reveal the goal of rreligion eligion – Thus great sages in the past have set the purpose of all religion and whom to worship to achieve that ultimate aim   Purpose of religion - release oneself from material bondage and regain the life of freedom in the transcendental world   Conclusion: Follow 12 Mahäjanas and know the purpose of religion to attain supreme benefit •

26 Respect demigods but reject demigod worship –   One may respect demigods but never equalize Viñëu-tattva  and  and  jiva-tattva ; thus this verse rejects demigod worship   Difference between Viñëu-tattva and jiva-tattva  by  by power (para 2) o  One who puts them in same category is called päñaëòé     Choice of worship is based on different modes (para 3 )   Serious seekers of liberation worship only Viñëu-tattva  (only   (only Viñëu is mukti-päda , not even Brahmä etc)  •

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.26 & 1.2.27  Why people still worship demigods if Viñëu can provide all – because of the effect of lower modes 27   Worship of de demigods migods (and any  jiva-tattvas ) is motivated by material desires under effect of lower modes    Less intelligent men worship demigod (Ref: Bg 7.20-23)   Ultimate provider of all material gain is Viñëu Himself and not the demigods   Material gain is entangling – Aim of life is to end miseries and not to increase material gain (Para 1)   Demigod worship condemned – examples Demigod worship rejected by Kåñëa in Vrindavana o  o  SB 1.1.2 (kaitava dharma ) condemns demigod worship for material gain as cheating religion •

Lesson : One should work hard and worship the Supreme Lord by the fruits of one's hard labor for existence, and that should be the motto of life LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.27 & 1.2.28 There is only one religion in the world to be followed by one and all, and that is the Bhägavata-dharma, or the religion which teaches one to worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead and no one else. This is explained in next verse 28 In Conclusion Väsudev  Väsudev /Sri Kåñëa is th thee only o object bject of wo worship rship and tthe he goal of all religio religion n   References from BG used in purport to support these points o   Väsudev as goal g oal of Vedas – Establish Established ed in para 1 based on Bg 15.15 & 77.19 .19 o   Väsudev as goal g oal of Sacrific Sacrifices es – Establi Established shed in p para ara 2 based o on n Bg 3.9 g oal of Yoga – Establish Established ed in para 2 based on Bg 6.15 & 6. 6.40 40 o   Väsudev as goal o   Väsudev as goal of Knowledg Knowledgee – Established in para 3 based on Bg 13.11 (18 point of knowledge) o   Väsudev as goal of Austerities – Established in para 4 based on Bg 16.17 (austerity in mode of goodness)   Para 5 – Aim of all sacrifices/yoga/ knowledge/ austerities and aim of everything life is Bhakti Vaibhava   Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2  •


  To change the quality of energy influencing us – material or spiritual o  Constantly engage in devotional service to remain under the shelter of divine energy o

(Ref: BG 9.13) •  Lord is always transcendental to material energy o   Analogy – K King ing Vs. m managers anagers & pri prisoners soners with respect to law (Lord is transcenden transcendental tal tto o prisoners and managers, that is jévas and demigods) Lesson :  No one should bother himself with fruitive activities or dry speculation about transcendental knowledge. Everyone should at once engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. Nor should one worship different demigods who work as different hands of the Lord for creation, maintenance or destruction of the material world

LINK BETWEEN TEXTS 1.2.29 & 1.2.30 In Texts 30-34, Çukadeva Gosvämé answers fourth question of Çréla Süta Gosvämé. Now Çréla Süta Gosvämé described that the same Vasudeva, who is the goal of all worship, acts as Viñëu feature to create the material world 30  Lord begins as Käraëodakaçäyé Viñëu –   Lord creates all causal and effectual energies for material world, but remains transcendental and spiritual (this is accepted by Çaìkaräcärya) 31 Then Lord expands as Garbhodakaçäyé Viñëu and then Kñérodakaçäyé Viñëu –  Lord  Lord enters the material substance to help the living entities, but remains transcen transcendental dental (Ref. sruti – Analogy of two birds)  32 Analogy: Lord supersoul soul pervade pervadess all , like fire permeates wood, but remains absolute one  without a second   as super    Appear to be of many varieties – Matter, anti matter, proton etc., are all different effects of Paramätmä’s features of the Lord   How to perceive that Absolute one without a second? – By the process of legitimate hearing and chanting of transcendental subject matters    Analogy: Fire in wood can be kindled by fire – need of divine grace of spiritual master by receptive ear to kindle the spiritual consciousness   Humanity Vs. Animality – A human being can hear properly, whereas an animal cannot •

33 Supersoul he helps lps the living entity   to to fulfill their desires of material happiness and He also tries to convert them to real happiness    Analogy: father fath er is not d directly irectly bu butt indirectl indirectlyy affected b byy suffering and enjoyme enjoyment nt of the ssons ons •

34 Answers to the third question of Çaunaka Åñi, “Lord descends as incarnations to reclaim those in the mode of pure goodness”    deva-tiryaì-narädiñu  –   – Lord incarnates in every living society (demigods and other species) to create a desire for back to Godhead   lokän vai loka-bhävanaù  –   – Lord appears differently in time place and circumstances but not change His transcendental position   Lélävatäränurato – Lord may appear Himself as incarnation or through representative •

-----------------------------------------------End of Chapter two-------------------------------------------------

1.2 DIVINITY AND DIVINE SERVICE  Important questions for memorization   Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 



1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 

Define dvija, vipra & Vaiñëava. (2) Explain the terms pravåtti-märga & nivåtti-märga (6) Identify 3 levels of occupationa occupationall duties (8)  What is the first qualifi qualification cation of a d devotee evotee eli eligible gible for eentering ntering th thee kingdom o off God? (16) List some of the results of serving the servant of God. (16) List the two very difficult problems for the devotee on the path back to Godhead. (17)  What is the remedy for eeliminating liminating all inauspi inauspicious cious thing thingss within tthe he heart? (18 (18)) Explain how a devotee Bhägavata is as good as the book Bhägavata. (18) Describe the specialty of devotional service unto Lord Çré Kåñëa (22) Describe the development of consciousness resulting from hearing about Krsna. (17-22) Explain the term Bhägavata-dharma (27) Briefly analyze the role of the Paramätmä. (31-34)

List of essay questions

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. 

Qualifications of Srila Çukadeva Gosvämé (2-3) Supreme occupational duty (6-7) Occupational duty and Kåñëa consciousness (8-11) Three feature of Absolute Truth (11) Importance of hearing SB as the process to achieve perfection (12-22) Kåñëa in relation to various expansions (23-29)

 Analogi es:  Analogies: 1.2.8: Without knowing the need of the dormant soul, one cannot be happy simply with emolument of the body and mind. The body and the mind are but superfluous outer coverings of the spirit soul. The spirit soul's needs must be fulfilled. Simply by cleansing the cage of the bird, one does not satisfy the bird. One must actually know the needs of the bird himself. 1.2.23: as maintenance of the prison house is concerned, it is done by Viñëu, as much as the state prison house is maintained by the state. Anyone, therefore, who wishes to get out of this prison house of material existence existence,, which is full of miseries like repetition of birth, death, disease and old age, must please Lord Viñëu for such liberation. 1.2.28-29: In the prison house there are the prisoners and the managers of the prison house. Both the managers and the prisoners are bound by the laws of the king. But even though the king sometimes comes in the prison, he is not bound by the laws of the prison house. The king is therefore always transcendental to the laws of the prison house, as the Lord is always transcendental to the laws of the material world. 1.2.33:The sufferings and enjoyments of the sons are indirectly the sufferings and enjoyments of the father. Still the father is not in any way affected directly by the suffering and enjoyment of the sons.

Bhakti Vaibhava  

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1, Chapter 2 


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