SPOUSES OMAR & MOSHIERA LATIP LATIP v. ROSALIE CHUA GR No. 177809 16 October 16, 2009 By Kylie Dado The Complaint by Rosalie Rosalie respon!ent"# respon!ent"# Rosalie is the o$ner o% Ro%er&ane '(il!in) in 'aclaran. * year a%ter the commencement o% the lease, Rosalie, thro()h co(nsel, sent the spo(ses a latter !eman!in) payment o% bac+ rentals an! sho(l! they %ail to !o so to acate the lease! c(bicles. -hen spo(ses !i! not hee! Rosalies !eman!, she /le! a complaint %or (nla$%(l !etainer !ama)es a)ainst them. he attache! to the complaint a contract o% lease oer 2 c(bicles in Ro%er&ane 'l!). The *ns$er by po(ses atip atip petitioner"# The lease o% the 2 c(bicles ha! alrea!y alrea!y been pai! in %(ll as ei!ence! by receipts sho$in) payment to Rosalie Rosalie o% the total amo(nt o% 32,470,000. There $ere 5 receipts in Rosalies han!$ritin). 1. 32 2. 3400 5. 370 po(ses also aerre! that sometime in October 1999, Rosalie oere! %or sale lease ri)hts oer 2 c(bicles. ain) in min! the bris+ sale o% )oo!s !(rin) the Christmas season, they rea!ily accepte! Rosalies oer to p(rchase lease ri)hts. The imme!iate payment o% 32 $o(l! be (se! to /nish constr(ction o% the b(il!in) )iin) them /rst priority in the occ(pation o% the /nishe! c(bicles. *n! as soon as the 2 c(bicles $ere /nishe!, po(ses occ(pie! them. po(ses aerre! that the contract o% lease they si)ne! ha! been noate! by their p(rchase o% lease ri)hts o% the s(b:ect c(bicles. Th(s, they $ere s(rprise! to receie a !eman! letter %rom Rosalies co(nsel. ;TCs R(lin)#
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