Spreadsheet Practice Exercises-2016F

November 3, 2018 | Author: DharneeshkarDandy | Category: Spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel, Mathematics, Physics & Mathematics, Science
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excel basic pratice. It helps in solving some simple sums in excel...


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B.Tech I Yea! "01#

E$ce% &ac'(ce a)* 'a+e h,-e e$ec(e

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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T,&(c E$ce% Pac'(ce E$ec(e La La Se(,) 1 Simp!e arithmetic Extending an operation b c!ic$ing and dragging &bso!te and 'e!ati(e referencing Simp!e statistica! fnctions Decision ma$ing sing *+, S-*+,C./T*+ etc, Ta$e home estions – Lab Session #1 E$ce% Pac'(ce E$ec(e La Se(,) " Logica! operations &/D operation .', 3.',/&/D and /.T Logic 4ates Light S5itch Sstem Text fnctions Loo$ p fnctions 7isa!i8ation sing charts Page referencing Ta$e home estions – Lab Se Session #2

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Pa/e N,

" % ) 10 12 ,1

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S(-&%e a('h-e'(c P,%e- 1: &dd t5o nmbers

S'e&: 1 .pen .pen a spre spread ad shee sheett and and tpe tpe in the the !abe !abe!s !s ca!! ca!!ed ed n nm mber ber 1 and and nmber 2 in the ce!!s &1 and :1 and add in the ce!! C1 This is ;st for  s to identif the (a!es and the are not in(o!(ed in acta! exection 2 *n &2 &2 and :2, :2, tpe in in the nmber nmberss to be added added " *n C2, C2, tpe tpe in 2A"3B" and press enter to disp!a the res!t *n exce! ca!c!ations are prefixed 5ith < sign fo!!o5ed b the operation on ce!!s % The ce!! nmber nmber represen represents ts the nmbers nmbers =+or =+or eg &2 &2 and :2 are sed 5hich denote " and ) respecti(e! 5ith a p!s sign in bet5een as in the case of norma! addition ) To add mo more re than than t5o n nmb mber ers, s, add add as man man co! co!mn mnss =nm =nmbe ber1 r1,, nmber2, nmber" etc, and extend the form!a as :2>C2>? :2>C2>?

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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E$'e)*()/ a) ,&ea'(,) 4 c%(c+()/ a)* *a//()/ P,%e- ": &dd ) sets of t5o nmbers


1 Tpe in as man man nmb nmber er of sets sets of nmb nmber erss o 5ant 5ant nde nderr the co!mns nmber1 and nmber2 and then c!ic$ on the ce!! C2 and mo(e or crsor to the bottom right corner of the ce!! 2 Th Thee crs crsor or chan change gess to > sign sign /o5 /o5 $eep $eepin ing g the the !eft !eft mose mose b btt tton on do5n drag the crsor ti!! the !ast set of nmbers and o can see that the ce!!s are fi!!ed 5ith the res!ts

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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A,%'e a)* Re%a'(6e e7ee)c()/ P,%e- 8: Consider the prob!em of preparing a stationar order for the month of  -arch The item description, @antit and cost per item are a(ai!ab!e The tota! cost per item is to be ca!c!ated and the fina! cost per item in(o!(es a sa!es tax of 2A o(er the tota! cost The gross tota! and the net tota! are to be disp!aed


1 Create Create an exce! exce! sheet 5ith 5ith the a(ai!ab a(ai!ab!e !e data as sho5n sho5n be!o5B be!o5B

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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2 &dd the co!mns tota! cost per item, 7& 7&T and Cost > 7& 7&T " +i!! in the the 7 7&T (a!e (a!e =2A in one of the the ce!!s sa 41 so as to not to affect the other ca!c!ations % -!tip! -!tip! @anti @antitco tcost st per item item to obtain obtain the tota! tota! cost cost ) -!tip -!tip! ! the 7 7&T (a!e (a!e 5ith 5ith the tota! tota! cost of each each item to obtain obtain 7&T co!mn a .bser( .bser(ee 5hat happen happenss 5hen o drag drag the ce!!s ce!!s after after o fi!! fi!! in the form!a for the first item  b The first item gets fi!!ed correct! bt the other other items sho5 8ero as sho5n be!o5B

c This is becase the form rm !a changes re!ati(e! for the sbse@ent ce!!s as D%42,D)4" etc here as the (a!e is  present on! in one ce!! 41 To pre(ent this atomatic changing CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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of ce!! (a!es =a!so ca!!ed re!ati(e referencing 5hich exce! does  b defa!t, anchor anchor the ce!! 41 as 4F1 4F1 The F infront infront of a ro5 or  or  co!mn pre(ents atomatic pdation of the ro5Gco!mn (a!e 5hen dragged Here 4 is stationar b defa!t bt ro5s change as 1,2,", etc so 5e anchor the ro5 as 4F1 and then drag the form!a 5hich pdates the ce!!s proper! as sho5n be!o5B

9 Ca!c!ate Ca!c!ate Cost > 7&T 6 Disp Disp!a !a  the the tota tota!! cost cost

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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Ta+e h,-e E$ec(e

1 Create Create an exce! exce! sheet to print print the m!tip! m!tip!ica icatio tion n tab!es tab!es from 1 to ) 5ith each tab!e ending at its10 th m!tip!ication !imit =ie, 1x10D

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

StepsB 1 +ind /.T b /.T C 2 To +ind _:>_C do the .' fnction =ie .'=/.T=: ,/.T=C " To +ind _:>_C>D se the form!a .'=/.T=: ,/.T=C,D

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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P,%e- 9: Consider the design of a !ight s5itch sstem that can trn the same !ight on or off in three different p!aces .ne s5itch =& is insta!!ed in the ha!! on the first f!oor ¬her s5itch =: is !ocated on the pstairs !anding and the third s5itch =C is !ocated on the grond f!oor as sho5n in the figre

Each of the s5itches has 2 states =on and off hen an odd nmber of  s5itches are on, the b!b remains off and in a!! other cases, the b!b g!o5s Design a trth tab!e and find the (arios states of the b!b for (arios combinations of the " s5itches S,%'(,):

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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S'e&: 1 rite rite the (arios combinations combinations of the three three s5itches in three co!mns 2 rite rite the trth trth (a!es (a!es for the conditi conditions ons 5here 5here the s5itch s5itch is on as 1 and others as 0 " Consider Consider the conditio conditions ns 5here the the s5itch is on and combine combine the three three s5itch states sing the !ogica! operators &/D,.' and /.T  +or eg, for combination 2 in the abo(e figre 5hen s5itch & and : are on and s5itch C is off 5e get the form!a as :2 =for s5itch &,C2 =for S5itch : and not D2=for s5itch c 5hich is 5ritten as the exce! form!a &/D=:2,C2, /.T=D2 % Li$e5ise Li$e5ise the form! form!aa is formed formed for a!! the condit conditions ions 5here 5here the s5itch s5itch is on and a!! sch on state state form!ae are combined combined sing .' operator  as fo!!o5sB 2OR?AN?B";C";NOT?";AN?B";NOT?C";";AN?NOT?B"; C";";AN?NOT?B";NOT?C";NOT?"D1

) This fina! fina! form!a form!a can be dragged dragged throgh throghot ot the state state co!mn to fi!! fi!! in the other states 9 The form form!a !a gi(es gi(es T'E T'E or +&LSE +&LSE res!ts res!ts 5hich 5hich can be con(ert con(erted ed into :oo!ean (a!es b m!tip!ing b 1 CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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Ta+e h,-e e$ec(e 1 &s a part part of his mathem mathemati atics cs home5or home5or$, $, Uohn is re@ired re@ired to create create a natre of roots indicator for @adratic e@ations 5hich 5i!! ta$e in the three (a!es a, b and c of some 20 @adratic e@ations and indicate the natre of  the roots as fo!!o5sB – *f a and b are 8ero then x1 and x2 dont exist

– *f a is 8ero, .n! x1 exits and there is no x2 – *f 5ithot rea! roots

is nega negati ti(e (e then then imag imagin inar ar  root rootss exis existt

– *n a!! other cases there are t5o roots x1 and x2 He!p ;ohn in creating this so!(er b creating a samp!e data sheet 5ith 20 a,b and c (a!es and the fo!!o5ing heads $1 a)* I-a/()a T>, $" $" 4 ,,' *(c(-()a *,)' *,e)' ,,' e$(' a  c )' e$(' e$(' e$('  &nd indicate nder each heading the existence of a partic!ar tpe of natre of roots sing :oo!ean (a!es

2. Three Three sens sensors ors are attac attached hed to a prin printi ting ng devi device ce,, with with three alarms attached to the sensors. The frst sensor, "A," detects i the device needs ink. The second sensor, "B," detects i the device needs repair. The third sensor, "C," detects i the device should am. ! the device ams or needs repair, alarm  sounds. ! the device ams or is short on ink, alarm 2 sounds. ! two or more pro#lems occur at once, alarm $ sounds. %esign a truth ta#le invo involv lvin ing g $ sens sensor ors s and and $ alar alarms ms and and fnd fnd out out the the various com#inations o sensor outputs that result in the ringing o the $ alarms.

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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Te$' Te $' F)c'(,) F) c'(,) P,%e- 18: 4i(en the be!o5 5or$sheet rite appropriate text fnctions in exce! to ca!c!ate first name, !ast name and emai! id



1 The form!a form!a for ca!c!atin ca!c!ating g !ast name is *a'a 7, 7(' a%e; Cea'e a %()e cha' a h,>) e%,>:

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

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H()': 1 4oto *nsert *nsert Chart Chart and choose choose !ine chart chart 2 Se!ect Se!ect the data data from from &2 to *1% *1% " 4i(e ne next next and finish to disp!a the chart 

P, P,%e %e- 1=: 1=: Ue Ue 'he 'he S'a' S'a'(, (,)a )a4 4 O O*e *e F, F, Th Thee M,)' M,)'h h O7 Mac Mach h &ea*hee' () P,%e- 8 ', cea'e 'he P(e Cha' e%,>.

H()': 1 4oto *nsert *nsert Chart Chart and and choose choose pie chart chart and choose choose a sb chart chart tpe tpe 5ith "D (isa! effect 2 Se!ect Se!ect the data data from from &" to :21 :21 " 4i(e ne next next and finish to disp!a the chart 

Ta+e H,-e E$ec(e 1 se the +rit +rit Sa!es Sa!es spreadsheet spreadsheet 4i(en 4i(en in the pre(io pre(ioss prob!em prob!em to create the Pie Chart be!o5 CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

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Create simi!ar Pie Charts for the other +rits, months, tota!, anna! tota! in this Spreadsheet HintB se the CT'L $e to high!ight or se!ect se!ect the ce!!s or  co!mns o need to create these charts 2 4i(en 4i(en the be!o5 spread spread sheet sheet for a fi88 drin$ drin$ sr(e sr(e,, create create the pie chart gi(en be!o5B

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

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&!so create simi!ar pie chart for 2 nd preference

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

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Pa/e Re7ee)c()/ P,%e- "0: C,)(*e 'he 7,%%,>()/ ce)a(,: 'he e-&%,4ee h,%4 a'e ,7 &a4 ae ',e* () ,)e &ea*hee'; a)* a %(' ,7 h, >,+e* *()/ 'he %a' -,)'h; ae ',e* () a ec,)* &ea*hee' a h,>) () 'he 7(/e e%,>: H,%4 Pa4: Sa%e Tea- H, J,+e*:

C,-&%e'e 'he @Sa%e Tea- H,@ &ea*hee'; , 'ha' (' h,> 'he &a4 ,>e* ', each a%e 'ea- -e-e; 4 %,,+()/ & each &e,) a'e ,7 &a4 7,- 'he @H,%4 Pa4@ &ea*hee'. S,%'(,): The fo!!o5ing figre sho5s the 7!oo$p fnction, in ce!!s C2C" of the KSa!es Team HorsK spreadsheet, sed to !oo$ p the hor! pa rates for  each each of the sa!es sa!es team team member members s hi!e hi!e 5ritin 5riting g the (!oo$ (!oo$p p fnct fnction ions s second (a!e name! Hor!Pa_&B:, Se!ect the sheet in 5hich the hor!  pa is present and se!ect that tab!e and press enter and exce! 5o!d fi!! the form!a in the Sa!es team hors sheet

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

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The res!ts of these 7!oo$p fnctions are sho5n in the spreadsheet be!o5 &s expected, each team memberVs hor! rate of pa has been inserted into the corresponding ce!! in co!mn C

+o!!o5ing the abo(e step ca!c!ate the pament de as a m!tip!ication of  hors 5or$ed and hor! rate Ta+e H,-e E$ec(e 1 Crea Create te an exce exce!! shee sheett ca!! ca!!ed ed orde orderr 5hic 5hich h cont contai ains ns prod prodc ctt *D and and @anti @antit t so!d so!d Create Create anothe anotherr 5or$ 5or$ sheet sheet ca!!ed ca!!ed in(ent in(entor or  5hich 5hich con onttain ains prod rodct ct*D and and nit nit pri price ce +i!! i!! the the t5o t5o shee sheets ts 5ith 5ith appropriate data and then in the order sheet fetch the price of the items ordered and create a tota! bi!! inc!ding taxes and disp!a the bi!! for  the cstomer

CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps

Department of CSE,

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