Spreadsheet Practice Exercises-2016F
Short Description
excel basic pratice. It helps in solving some simple sums in excel...
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B.Tech I Yea! "01#
E$ce% &ac'(ce a)* 'a+e h,-e e$ec(e
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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T,&(c E$ce% Pac'(ce E$ec(e La La Se(,) 1 Simp!e arithmetic Extending an operation b c!ic$ing and dragging &bso!te and 'e!ati(e referencing Simp!e statistica! fnctions Decision ma$ing sing *+, S-*+,C./T*+ etc, Ta$e home estions – Lab Session #1 E$ce% Pac'(ce E$ec(e La Se(,) " Logica! operations &/D operation .', 3.',/&/D and /.T Logic 4ates Light S5itch Sstem Text fnctions Loo$ p fnctions 7isa!i8ation sing charts Page referencing Ta$e home estions – Lab Se Session #2
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Pa/e N,
" % ) 10 12 ,1
2" 2" 2% 2) 26 "0 "1 "9 %0 26,"%,"6,%1
Department of CSE,
" | P a g e
S(-&%e a('h-e'(c P,%e- 1: &dd t5o nmbers
S'e&: 1 .pen .pen a spre spread ad shee sheett and and tpe tpe in the the !abe !abe!s !s ca!! ca!!ed ed n nm mber ber 1 and and nmber 2 in the ce!!s &1 and :1 and add in the ce!! C1 This is ;st for s to identif the (a!es and the are not in(o!(ed in acta! exection 2 *n &2 &2 and :2, :2, tpe in in the nmber nmberss to be added added " *n C2, C2, tpe tpe in 2A"3B" and press enter to disp!a the res!t *n exce! ca!c!ations are prefixed 5ith < sign fo!!o5ed b the operation on ce!!s % The ce!! nmber nmber represen represents ts the nmbers nmbers =+or =+or eg &2 &2 and :2 are sed 5hich denote " and ) respecti(e! 5ith a p!s sign in bet5een as in the case of norma! addition ) To add mo more re than than t5o n nmb mber ers, s, add add as man man co! co!mn mnss =nm =nmbe ber1 r1,, nmber2, nmber" etc, and extend the form!a as :2>C2>? :2>C2>?
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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E$'e)*()/ a) ,&ea'(,) 4 c%(c+()/ a)* *a//()/ P,%e- ": &dd ) sets of t5o nmbers
1 Tpe in as man man nmb nmber er of sets sets of nmb nmber erss o 5ant 5ant nde nderr the co!mns nmber1 and nmber2 and then c!ic$ on the ce!! C2 and mo(e or crsor to the bottom right corner of the ce!! 2 Th Thee crs crsor or chan change gess to > sign sign /o5 /o5 $eep $eepin ing g the the !eft !eft mose mose b btt tton on do5n drag the crsor ti!! the !ast set of nmbers and o can see that the ce!!s are fi!!ed 5ith the res!ts
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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A,%'e a)* Re%a'(6e e7ee)c()/ P,%e- 8: Consider the prob!em of preparing a stationar order for the month of -arch The item description, @antit and cost per item are a(ai!ab!e The tota! cost per item is to be ca!c!ated and the fina! cost per item in(o!(es a sa!es tax of 2A o(er the tota! cost The gross tota! and the net tota! are to be disp!aed
1 Create Create an exce! exce! sheet 5ith 5ith the a(ai!ab a(ai!ab!e !e data as sho5n sho5n be!o5B be!o5B
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
9 | P a g e
2 &dd the co!mns tota! cost per item, 7& 7&T and Cost > 7& 7&T " +i!! in the the 7 7&T (a!e (a!e =2A in one of the the ce!!s sa 41 so as to not to affect the other ca!c!ations % -!tip! -!tip! @anti @antitco tcost st per item item to obtain obtain the tota! tota! cost cost ) -!tip -!tip! ! the 7 7&T (a!e (a!e 5ith 5ith the tota! tota! cost of each each item to obtain obtain 7&T co!mn a .bser( .bser(ee 5hat happen happenss 5hen o drag drag the ce!!s ce!!s after after o fi!! fi!! in the form!a for the first item b The first item gets fi!!ed correct! bt the other other items sho5 8ero as sho5n be!o5B
c This is becase the form rm !a changes re!ati(e! for the sbse@ent ce!!s as D%42,D)4" etc here as the (a!e is present on! in one ce!! 41 To pre(ent this atomatic changing CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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of ce!! (a!es =a!so ca!!ed re!ati(e referencing 5hich exce! does b defa!t, anchor anchor the ce!! 41 as 4F1 4F1 The F infront infront of a ro5 or or co!mn pre(ents atomatic pdation of the ro5Gco!mn (a!e 5hen dragged Here 4 is stationar b defa!t bt ro5s change as 1,2,", etc so 5e anchor the ro5 as 4F1 and then drag the form!a 5hich pdates the ce!!s proper! as sho5n be!o5B
9 Ca!c!ate Ca!c!ate Cost > 7&T 6 Disp Disp!a !a the the tota tota!! cost cost
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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Ta+e h,-e E$ec(e
1 Create Create an exce! exce! sheet to print print the m!tip! m!tip!ica icatio tion n tab!es tab!es from 1 to ) 5ith each tab!e ending at its10 th m!tip!ication !imit =ie, 1x10D
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
StepsB 1 +ind /.T b /.T C 2 To +ind _:>_C do the .' fnction =ie .'=/.T=: ,/.T=C " To +ind _:>_C>D se the form!a .'=/.T=: ,/.T=C,D
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
29 | P a g e
P,%e- 9: Consider the design of a !ight s5itch sstem that can trn the same !ight on or off in three different p!aces .ne s5itch =& is insta!!ed in the ha!! on the first f!oor ¬her s5itch =: is !ocated on the pstairs !anding and the third s5itch =C is !ocated on the grond f!oor as sho5n in the figre
Each of the s5itches has 2 states =on and off hen an odd nmber of s5itches are on, the b!b remains off and in a!! other cases, the b!b g!o5s Design a trth tab!e and find the (arios states of the b!b for (arios combinations of the " s5itches S,%'(,):
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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S'e&: 1 rite rite the (arios combinations combinations of the three three s5itches in three co!mns 2 rite rite the trth trth (a!es (a!es for the conditi conditions ons 5here 5here the s5itch s5itch is on as 1 and others as 0 " Consider Consider the conditio conditions ns 5here the the s5itch is on and combine combine the three three s5itch states sing the !ogica! operators &/D,.' and /.T +or eg, for combination 2 in the abo(e figre 5hen s5itch & and : are on and s5itch C is off 5e get the form!a as :2 =for s5itch &,C2 =for S5itch : and not D2=for s5itch c 5hich is 5ritten as the exce! form!a &/D=:2,C2, /.T=D2 % Li$e5ise Li$e5ise the form! form!aa is formed formed for a!! the condit conditions ions 5here 5here the s5itch s5itch is on and a!! sch on state state form!ae are combined combined sing .' operator as fo!!o5sB 2OR?AN?B";C";NOT?";AN?B";NOT?C";";AN?NOT?B"; C";";AN?NOT?B";NOT?C";NOT?"D1
) This fina! fina! form!a form!a can be dragged dragged throgh throghot ot the state state co!mn to fi!! fi!! in the other states 9 The form form!a !a gi(es gi(es T'E T'E or +&LSE +&LSE res!ts res!ts 5hich 5hich can be con(ert con(erted ed into :oo!ean (a!es b m!tip!ing b 1 CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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Ta+e h,-e e$ec(e 1 &s a part part of his mathem mathemati atics cs home5or home5or$, $, Uohn is re@ired re@ired to create create a natre of roots indicator for @adratic e@ations 5hich 5i!! ta$e in the three (a!es a, b and c of some 20 @adratic e@ations and indicate the natre of the roots as fo!!o5sB – *f a and b are 8ero then x1 and x2 dont exist
– *f a is 8ero, .n! x1 exits and there is no x2 – *f 5ithot rea! roots
is nega negati ti(e (e then then imag imagin inar ar root rootss exis existt
– *n a!! other cases there are t5o roots x1 and x2 He!p ;ohn in creating this so!(er b creating a samp!e data sheet 5ith 20 a,b and c (a!es and the fo!!o5ing heads $1 a)* I-a/()a T>, $" $" 4 ,,' *(c(-()a *,)' *,e)' ,,' e$(' a c )' e$(' e$(' e$(' &nd indicate nder each heading the existence of a partic!ar tpe of natre of roots sing :oo!ean (a!es
2. Three Three sens sensors ors are attac attached hed to a prin printi ting ng devi device ce,, with with three alarms attached to the sensors. The frst sensor, "A," detects i the device needs ink. The second sensor, "B," detects i the device needs repair. The third sensor, "C," detects i the device should am. ! the device ams or needs repair, alarm sounds. ! the device ams or is short on ink, alarm 2 sounds. ! two or more pro#lems occur at once, alarm $ sounds. %esign a truth ta#le invo involv lvin ing g $ sens sensor ors s and and $ alar alarms ms and and fnd fnd out out the the various com#inations o sensor outputs that result in the ringing o the $ alarms.
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
2J | P a g e
Te$' Te $' F)c'(,) F) c'(,) P,%e- 18: 4i(en the be!o5 5or$sheet rite appropriate text fnctions in exce! to ca!c!ate first name, !ast name and emai! id
1 The form!a form!a for ca!c!atin ca!c!ating g !ast name is *a'a 7, 7(' a%e; Cea'e a %()e cha' a h,>) e%,>:
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
"9 | P a g e
H()': 1 4oto *nsert *nsert Chart Chart and choose choose !ine chart chart 2 Se!ect Se!ect the data data from from &2 to *1% *1% " 4i(e ne next next and finish to disp!a the chart
P, P,%e %e- 1=: 1=: Ue Ue 'he 'he S'a' S'a'(, (,)a )a4 4 O O*e *e F, F, Th Thee M,)' M,)'h h O7 Mac Mach h &ea*hee' () P,%e- 8 ', cea'e 'he P(e Cha' e%,>.
H()': 1 4oto *nsert *nsert Chart Chart and and choose choose pie chart chart and choose choose a sb chart chart tpe tpe 5ith "D (isa! effect 2 Se!ect Se!ect the data data from from &" to :21 :21 " 4i(e ne next next and finish to disp!a the chart
Ta+e H,-e E$ec(e 1 se the +rit +rit Sa!es Sa!es spreadsheet spreadsheet 4i(en 4i(en in the pre(io pre(ioss prob!em prob!em to create the Pie Chart be!o5 CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
"6 | P a g e
Create simi!ar Pie Charts for the other +rits, months, tota!, anna! tota! in this Spreadsheet HintB se the CT'L $e to high!ight or se!ect se!ect the ce!!s or co!mns o need to create these charts 2 4i(en 4i(en the be!o5 spread spread sheet sheet for a fi88 drin$ drin$ sr(e sr(e,, create create the pie chart gi(en be!o5B
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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&!so create simi!ar pie chart for 2 nd preference
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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Pa/e Re7ee)c()/ P,%e- "0: C,)(*e 'he 7,%%,>()/ ce)a(,: 'he e-&%,4ee h,%4 a'e ,7 &a4 ae ',e* () ,)e &ea*hee'; a)* a %(' ,7 h, >,+e* *()/ 'he %a' -,)'h; ae ',e* () a ec,)* &ea*hee' a h,>) () 'he 7(/e e%,>: H,%4 Pa4: Sa%e Tea- H, J,+e*:
C,-&%e'e 'he @Sa%e Tea- H,@ &ea*hee'; , 'ha' (' h,> 'he &a4 ,>e* ', each a%e 'ea- -e-e; 4 %,,+()/ & each &e,) a'e ,7 &a4 7,- 'he @H,%4 Pa4@ &ea*hee'. S,%'(,): The fo!!o5ing figre sho5s the 7!oo$p fnction, in ce!!s C2C" of the KSa!es Team HorsK spreadsheet, sed to !oo$ p the hor! pa rates for each each of the sa!es sa!es team team member members s hi!e hi!e 5ritin 5riting g the (!oo$ (!oo$p p fnct fnction ions s second (a!e name! Hor!Pa_&B:, Se!ect the sheet in 5hich the hor! pa is present and se!ect that tab!e and press enter and exce! 5o!d fi!! the form!a in the Sa!es team hors sheet
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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The res!ts of these 7!oo$p fnctions are sho5n in the spreadsheet be!o5 &s expected, each team memberVs hor! rate of pa has been inserted into the corresponding ce!! in co!mn C
+o!!o5ing the abo(e step ca!c!ate the pament de as a m!tip!ication of hors 5or$ed and hor! rate Ta+e H,-e E$ec(e 1 Crea Create te an exce exce!! shee sheett ca!! ca!!ed ed orde orderr 5hic 5hich h cont contai ains ns prod prodc ctt *D and and @anti @antit t so!d so!d Create Create anothe anotherr 5or$ 5or$ sheet sheet ca!!ed ca!!ed in(ent in(entor or 5hich 5hich con onttain ains prod rodct ct*D and and nit nit pri price ce +i!! i!! the the t5o t5o shee sheets ts 5ith 5ith appropriate data and then in the order sheet fetch the price of the items ordered and create a tota! bi!! inc!ding taxes and disp!a the bi!! for the cstomer
CTPS 201 Spreadsheet Practice Exercises –Lab Session #1 Ettimadai Camps
Department of CSE,
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