SPPID Remote Pipe Spec Access Quick Reference Rev 3

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Software Technical Notes SmartPlant P&ID Remote Pipe Spec Access Quick Reference Guide

Rev. 3 January 2011

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Introduction This document is a compilation of excerpts from the standard documentation delivered with SPP&ID 2007 and 2009, and SP3D 2009. Also included is a section with troubleshooting tips.

Contents Note 1: Below is the list of documents where Remote Pipe Spec Access is discussed. The order is consistent with the order in which a user will install and set up Remote Pipe Spec Access. Note 2: Version 2009 introduced a new feature: SmartPlant P&ID supports revisions of SmartPlant 3D pipe specs. This is noted in the excerpt from the 2009 Release Bulletin, on page 5. Version 2009 also includes an additional ProgID that must be entered in Data Dictionary Manager. You will see this in the table on page 13. The addition of this feature is the only difference between 2007 and 2009 Remote pipe Spec Access. SECTIONS & DOCUMENTS FROM WHICH EXCERPTS WERE TAKEN: Section/Document Name  System Setup  SPP&ID to SP3D Compatibility Table  SPP&ID Release Bulletin (Version 2009)  SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide  SmartPlant P&ID Users Guide  SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide  SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager users Guide  SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Managers Users Guide  SmartPlant Catalog Managers Users Guide  SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide*  Troubleshooting Tips

Page 4 5 5 6 7 12 16 19 19 20 33

*Please refer to this document for additional information regarding SP3D Installation and Integration.


System Setup There are 3 logical machines involved in the Piping Spec Remote Access feature – the last 2 below are sometimes on the same physical machine: 

The SPP&ID Client machine, which must include: – The SPP&ID software, including its pre-requisites (such as SmartPlant Engineering Manager) – The SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client software

The SP3D Catalog Database Server (this is where the actual piping specs reside)

The Piping Specification Remote Access Server

The machine acting as the Piping Specification Remote Access Server must include all the default SP3D components (Project Management, Piping Specification Remote Access Server, SmartPlant 3D Server Connectivity, Bulkload Reference Data, Catalog, Equipment, Systems and Specs, Electrical, Piping, etc). The only component which is not required for the feature to work is the Database Interference Detection Service. See below.


SPP&ID to SP3D Compatibility Use the table below to determine the compatibility between SPP&ID versions and SP3D versions, as well as the version of the Piping Specification Remote Access Client software. SP P&ID Version

SP3D Version

2007 to 2007 SP5 HF1

All 2007 versions

Piping Specification Remote Access Client Version 7.0.42

2007 SP5 HF2 and higher

All 2007 versions


2007 SP5 HF2 and higher

All 2009 versions


All 2009 versions

All 2007 versions


All 2009 versions

All 2009 versions


SmartPlant P&ID Release Bulletin New in Version 2009  SmartPlant P&ID supports revisions of SmartPlant 3D pipe specs. You can now create a custom validation program, which can be used to implement validation on any of the following events: creating, opening, closing, and deleting a drawing, editing drawing properties, and printing.


SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide Software Prerequisites SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client, Version 01.00. The Piping Specification Client software is required for using SmartPlant 3D specifications in the SmartPlant P&ID Piping Specification Utility and is available on the SmartPlant P&ID product CD.

Loading SmartPlant P&ID Prerequisite Software SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client, Version 01.00. The Piping Specification Client software is required for using SmartPlant 3D specifications in the SmartPlant P&ID Piping Specification Utility and is available on the SmartPlant P&ID Product CD.

Install SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client In order to use the Piping Specification utility with SmartPlant 3D, you must install the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. 1. Insert the SmartPlant P&ID CD into the CD-ROM drive. 2. On the SmartPlant P&ID Installation screen, click Prerequisite Software. 3. Click SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client Installation. 4. Follow the instructions to install the client software. 5. When the setup is complete, click Close to return to the list of prerequisite software.


SmartPlant P&ID Users Guide Using the PipeSpec Utility The Piping Specification utility works with PDS 3D or SmartPlant 3D to validate the piping materials class with the temperatures, pressures, and diameters assigned to the pipe run and to search commodity codes (in all 3D databases) and fabrication categories (in PDS 3D databases only) for piping components. The database tables and library files in the 3D product provide source information for the validation and search. The service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup can be disabled simultaneously using a switch in Options Manager. For more information about modifying the PipeSpec settings, see Options Manager Help. For more information about using the Piping Specification utility with SmartPlant 3D, refer to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide for details about installing SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. In Data Dictionary Manager, the ValidateNomDiam.ForeignCalc program ID, which is assigned to the Nominal Diameter property, starts the Piping Specification utility and triggers the commodity code and fabrication category lookups when a nominal diameter is changed. For more information about assigning program IDs, see Data Dictionary Manager Help. PDS 3D Files Used For PipeSpec  pd schema — pdtable_102 table  ra schema — pdtable_201 and pdtable_202 tables  library files — us_pjstb.l, us_pjstb.l.r, and us_pjstb.l.t  .dll files — PipeSpec.dll, pdpjs.dll, pdpjsx.dll, and ValidateServiceLimits.dll

Performing Service Limits Validation The Piping Specification utility verifies that the temperatures and pressures assigned to a pipe run comply with the service limits associated with the selected Piping Materials Class. In continuous validation mode, which is activated by assigned settings in Options Manager, this verification occurs each time that you modify either the Piping Materials Class or a temperature–pressure pair in the process case data of the pipe run. The Service Limits validation requires at least one complete temperature-pressure pair from among design, alternate design, operating, and alternate operating cases. If any temperaturepressure pair violates the service limits of the selected Piping Materials Class, a warning displays the appropriate pairs. This warning appears in the design software by appending an error string to the name of the PMC.

Performing Commodity Code and Fabrication Category Look Up The Piping Specification utility looks up the Commodity Code and Fabrication Category properties of inline piping components. In the continuous validation mode, this lookup occurs each time the Piping Materials Class or any of the four case Max 7

temperatures (Design, Alternate Design, Operating, and Alternate Operating) are modified on the pipe run. Validation also occurs each time the Option Code or Nominal Diameter of the component is modified. If the modification occurs on a property of a piping component, then the lookup is restricted to that particular component, but if the modification occurs on a property of a pipe run, then the lookup encompasses every piping component on that run. The minimum requirements to cause a lookup are that the piping component must be in a pipe run, that the PMC of the pipe run must be populated and comply with service limits, and that the nominal diameter of the piping component must be specified. If the PMC is assigned but does not comply with the service limits, then the Commodity Code property displays an error message. The PipeSpec utility uses process case temperatures of the run during the commodity code lookup only if the code for that component has a maximum temperature limit value in the 3D database. For example, in PDS 3D, a value of -9999 for maximum temperature in pdtable_202 indicates a null value, and the process case temperatures on the pipe run are ignored for the lookup. If a maximum temperature exists for that component, then the lookup insures this value is larger than all of the process case temperatures assigned to the pipe run in which the piping component resides.  The software performs the look-up on fabrication category for PDS 3D PipeSpec only; fabrication category is not supported for SmartPlant 3D.  The units for the PDS 3D maximum temperature are those specified in Options Manager. If any temperature values for the pipe run are unspecified, then a value of zero Deg-K is assumed for each of the unspecified temperatures. If multiple records are obtained in the lookup, then the utility returns a commodity code only if all of the records have the same code value. If not, an error is recorded in the error-log file with the appropriate message. The Fabrication Category property of inline piping components is a select-listed property in SmartPlant P&ID. A relationship between the fabrication category and the commodity name can be defined in the PDS 3D database. The Commodity Name is a unique name for every symbol. In PDS 3D, this unique name is the AABBCC Code property. SmartPlant symbols are assigned the same AABBCC Code properties in Catalog Manager.


Similarly, the Option Code property is a select list of text values in SmartPlant P&ID, while it is a set of code numbers or indices in PDS 3D. Short Value for the Option Code select list contains the PDS 3D indices corresponding to the appropriate Option Code text in SmartPlant P&ID. The PipeSpec utility uses the entries in the Short Value box of the Option Code list to obtain the Option Code used in the PDS 3D database tables. Log Files  Error messages are placed in the PipeSpecError.log file in the directory assigned to the TEMP environment variable. Error messages help you identify the cause of failure when the utility does not complete the tasks as expected. For example, if minimum requirements are not met for the lookup, the missing properties are listed in the log file.  The ServiceLimits.log file contains any errors encountered during the Service Limit Validation process, which runs as part of the PipeSpec Utility.

Piping Specifications Dialog Box Opens when you click the Calc button for the Piping Materials Class property (PMC) for a pipe run in the Properties window, and allows you to choose a PMC from a piping specification. This functionality is not available unless the proper settings are defined in Options Manager and the applicable Program IDs are assigned in Data Dictionary Manager. For more information about Piping Specification configuration, you can refer to the SmartPlant P&ID Installation Guide by clicking Help > Printable Guides. Piping Materials Class — Lists the PMCs in your piping specification. Choose one, and depending on the settings in Options Manager, property validation for piping segments and inline components is run. This can include checking service limits.

Assign a Piping Materials Class to a Pipe Run Using PipeSpec The PipeSpec utility is not available unless the appropriate settings and program IDs are assigned in Options Manager and Data Dictionary Manager, respectively. For more information, see those Help files. 1. Select the pipe run. 2. Select the Piping Materials Class property for the pipe run in the Properties window. 3. Click the Calc button . 4. On the Piping Specifications (see "Piping Specifications Dialog Box") dialog box, choose the appropriate PMC from the list and click OK.


Based on the chosen PMC and other assigned properties, such as Nominal Diameter, Maximum Design Pressure, Maximum Design Temperature, and so forth, the PipeSpec utility copies properties and checks limits in the entire run, including inline components.  If you subsequently assign nominal diameters to inline valves or other components, SmartPlant P&ID assigns commodity codes and fabrication categories to them that correspond to the PMC of the pipe run and the specifications in your 3D databases (fabrication category is not supported for SmartPlant 3D). If you choose a diameter, for instance, that does not exist for the assigned PMC, then the commodity code property becomes Not In Spec.  If you choose temperature- pressure limits for process cases that do not agree with the assigned PMC, then the error Service Limits Error is added to the PMC for the run.  Given the appropriate settings in Options Manager and Data Dictionary Manager, you can manually assign commodity codes to inline components, and the PipeSpec utility looks up accepted diameters and validates the assignment. For more information, see Assign a Commodity Code to a Piping Component Using PipeSpec.

Assign a Commodity Code to a Piping Component Using PipeSpec The PipeSpec utility is not available unless the appropriate settings and program IDs are assigned in Options Manager and Data Dictionary Manager, respectively. For more information, see the Help files for those managers. 1. Select an inline component that belongs to a pipe run whose piping material class has been defined. For more information on assigning a PMC, see Assign a Piping Materials Class to a Pipe Run Using PipeSpec. 2. In the Properties window, define the Nominal Piping Diameter property for the component. You can verify that a commodity code (in all 3D databases) and fabrication category (in PDS 3D databases only) have been assigned in the Properties window, or you can open the error log,PipeSpecError.log, if properties have not been assigned as expected. For more information about the error log, click Related Topics.

 If continuous validation is turned on for the PipeSpec utility, then a pipe run with temperature-pressure limits that do not agree with its PMC produces the error Error in PMC in the commodity code for an inline component. For information about the settings required for continuous service limits validation, see Options Manager Help.  With continuous validation, not only is the commodity code defined automatically, but for PDS 3D, so is the Fabrication Category property for the inline components, if the relationship is defined in your PDS 3D database. 10

 Adding or changing the option code can change the commodity code, if the relationship is defined in your PDS 3D database.  If continuous validation is not activated but other appropriate settings and program IDs are assigned, you can still click the Calc button for the Commodity Code property and choose a code. However this does not verify that the component agrees with a piping specification.


SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide Piping Specification Utility The Piping Specification Utility (PipeSpec) works with Intergraph PDS 3D or SmartPlant 3D to validate the piping materials class with the temperatures, pressures, and diameters assigned to the pipe run and to search commodity codes and fabrication categories for piping components. The database tables and library files in the 3D product provide source information for the validation and search. The service limits validation and automatic commodity code look- up can be disabled simultaneously using a switch in Options Manager. For more information about modifying the PipeSpec settings, see the Options Manager Help. In Data Dictionary Manager, the ValidateNomDiam.ForeignCalc program ID, which is assigned to the Nominal Diameter property, starts the Piping Specification Utility and triggers the commodity code and fabrication category look-ups when a nominal diameter is changed. For more information about assigning program IDs, see the Data Dictionary Help.

PDS 3D Files Used for PipeSpec  pd schema — pdtable_102 table  ra schema - pdtable_201 and pdtable_202 tables  library files — us_pjstb.l, us_pjstb.l.r, and us_pjstb.l.t (The library file locations are listed in pdtable_102.)  .dll files — PipeSpec.dll, pdpjs.dll, pdpjsx.dll, and ValidateServiceLimits.dll The Piping Specification utility allows separate logon for the ra and pd schemas in the PDS 3D database.  To use the Piping Specification Utility with SmartPlant 3D, you must install the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client, which is available on the SmartPlant P&ID product CD under Prerequisite Software.  The software performs the look-up on fabrication category for PDS 3D PipeSpec only; fabrication category is not supported for SmartPlant 3D.  All of the displayed text strings are maintained as Visual Basic resources in the PipeSpec.dll. These strings can be translated or modified as required using a resource file editor.  When performing piping materials class validations, commodity code lookup, or validation of nominal diameter for SmartPlant 3D, the Piping Specification Utility assigns the revision number from the SmartPlant 3D piping material class to the Piping Material Class Revision property.  Error messages are placed in the PipeSpecError.log file in the directory assigned to the TEMP environment variable. Error messages help you identify the cause of failure when the utility does not complete the tasks as expected. For example, if 12

minimum requirements are not met for the look-up, the missing properties are listed in the log file.  The ServiceLimits.log file contains any errors encountered during the Service Limit Validation process, which runs as part of the Piping Specification Utility. 1.

Enter Required ProgIDs 1. Click Start > SPEM > Data Dictionary Manager. 2. Click the Database Tables button. 3. Click each database table listed in the following table.

Database Table


Calculation ID

Validation ID

Case Process


PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator

Case Process


PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator

Inline Component

Nominal Diameter

ValidateNomDiam. ForeignCalc

Inline Component

Commodity Code

PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator

Pipe Run

Piping Materials Class

PipeSpec. PMCFinder

*Pipe Run

Nominal Diameter

PipeSpec. NPDFinder

*Pipe Run


*Piping Component

Option Code

PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator

PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator PipeSpec. OptionCodeFinder

PipeSpec. CommodityCode Validator

The Calculation IDs for the Nominal Diameter and SP_PipeSpecRevision properties in the Pipe Run table and the Option Code property in the Piping Component table (items marked with an (*) asterisk) are available only when the pipe specification source is SmartPlant 3D. These validations are not available when the piping specification source is PDS 3D. 13

4. Double-click each property to display the Modify Property dialog box (see example


5. Type the necessary information in the given fields; then click OK to save and close. 6. Repeat the steps 3 - 5 above to update each database table.

Enter Settings Area Data 1. Click Start > SmartPlant P&ID > Options Manager. 2. In Options Manager, click Settings. 3. To enable continuous service limit validation and automatic commodity code lookup,

choose Yes in the Enable Piping Specification Validation field and then choose either PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D in the Use Piping Specification field, depending on the type of 3D database to which you are connecting.  

When changing the Use Piping Specification setting from No to either PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D, validation occurs only for items modified after the change. If the Enable Piping Specification Validation setting is No and the Use Piping Specification setting is PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D, continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not available. However, the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility continues to provide other capabilities in SmartPlant P&ID. If you choose to set the Use Piping Specification field to No, the PipeSpec utility continues to provide other functionalities. You can enable the selection of piping material class by using the Calculation button in the PipeRun > Piping Material Class field. You can enable the manual look-up of commodity codes for the selected piping components by using the Calculation button in the Piping Component > Commodity Code field. If connecting to a SmartPlant 3D database, fill in the database information in the SmartPlant 3D Plant Name and SmartPlant 3D Server Name fields, and then skip the rest of this procedure. 14

 4. 5.





If connecting to a PDS 3D database, proceed with the remaining steps of this procedure. Select the PDS Database Type from the select list. Currently MSSQL and Oracle are supported. Type the value for PDS Database Server/Alias. For MSSQL, this is the server name for the MSSQL database. For Oracle, this is the Alias name on the Oracle client machine. Type the database name for PDS Database Name. The database name is not required for Oracle databases. The default value must be at least a blank space, not a null, for Oracle databases. Type the user name and password of the ra schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Name and PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Password respectively. Type the user name and password of the pd schema of a PDS 3D project under PDS Project Control Database Schema Name and PDS Project Control Database Schema Password respectively. In the Max-Temperature Unit in PDS3D list, select the unit of measurement used in PDS 3D for the maximum temperature limit for piping components.


SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager Users Guide Understanding Reference Data Settings The following reference data settings are defined using SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager to specify the location of particular types of data. You can specify various default settings used in creating P&IDs and sharing data with other applications, like PDS 3D. Display undefined as — Allows you to define how you want a null value to appear in the Properties window. When you select Display Null from the Properties window toolbar, you see this value for all properties that are null. Use the Null setting definition if you are using the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility. Enable piping specification validation — Invokes continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup if the Use piping specification setting is PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D and this setting is Yes. If the Use piping specification setting is PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D and this setting is No, service limits validation and commodity code lookup are not available. However, the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility continues to provide other capabilities in SmartPlant P&ID. If you enter the applicable program IDs in SmartPlant Data Dictionary Manager, you enable the Calc button in the Piping material class property for a pipe run and in the Commodity code property for a piping component. Max-temperature unit in PDS3D — Specifies the units used for maximum temperature in PDS 3D. You can select Deg-F, Deg-C, Deg-K, or Deg-R from the list for this setting. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting. PDS approved reference database schema name — Type the user name created for the ra schema of the PDS 3D project. PDS approved reference database schema password — Type the password for the user created for the ra schema of the PDS 3D project. PDS database name — Type the name of the PDS database. This field is required for Microsoft SQL Server databases. PDS database server/alias — Type the name of the PDS server or an alias. This server name is required for Microsoft SQL Server database. An Alias name on the client machine is required for an Oracle database. PDS database type — Select the type of database. Valid options include Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. PDS project control database schema name — Type the user name created for the pd schema of the PDS 3D project. PDS project control database schema password — Type the password for the user created for the pd schema of the PDS 3D project. This user must have access privileges in both the ra and pd database schemas. 16

SmartPlant 3D plant name — Specifies the name of the SmartPlant 3D plant. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting if SmartPlant 3D is specified in the Use piping specification option. SmartPlant 3D server name — Specifies the server name that contains the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server COM+ application. The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses this setting if SmartPlant 3D is specified in the Use piping specification option.

Use piping specification — Lists the choices for using the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility.  No — No type of calculation or validation for PipeSpec.  PDS3D — Specifies the PDS 3D database for piping specification. When specified, SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager checks corresponding settings to make sure that the PDS 3D database connections are defined.  SmartPlant 3D — SmartPlant 3D database is used for piping specification. Once specified, SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager checks corresponding settings to make sure that the server and plant name are defined.

Configure PipeSpec Settings 1. In SmartPlant P&ID Options Manager, click Settings. 2. In the Enable piping specification validation field, choose Yes. 3. In the Use piping specification field, select either the PDS3D or the SmartPlant 3D option, depending on the type of 3D database to which you are connected. 

These options enable continuous service limit validation and automatic commodity code lookup.  If the Use Piping Specification setting is PDS3D or SmartPlant 3D and the Enable Piping Specification Validation setting is No, continuous service limits validation and automatic commodity code lookup are not available. However, the PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility continues to provide other capabilities in SmartPlant P&ID. If you enter the applicable program IDs in SmartPlant Data Dictionary Manager, you enable the Calc button in the Piping Material Class property for a pipe run and in the Commodity Code property for a piping component. 4. If you connect to a SmartPlant 3D database, fill in the database information in the SmartPlant 3D Plant Name and SmartPlant 3D Server Name fields. If you connect to a PDS 3D database, proceed with the remaining steps of this procedure. 5. Enter the database name in the PDS Database Name field. The database name is not required for Oracle databases. The default value of a blank space, not a null, must be assigned for Oracle databases. 6. Select the database type from the PDS Database Type list. 17

7. Enter the user name and password of the pd schema of a PDS 3D project in the PDS Project Control Database Schema Name and PDS Project Control Database schema Password fields, respectively. 8. Type the user name and password of the ra schema of your PDS 3D project in the PDS Approved Reference Database Schema name and PDS Approved Reference Database Schema Password fields, respectively. 9. Type a value in the PDS Database Server/Alias field. This entry defines the server name for an Microsoft SQL Server database or the Alias name on the client machine for an Oracle database. 10. In the Max-temperature unit in PDS3D list, select the unit of measurement used in PDS 3D for the maximum temperature limit for piping components.

 For more information about changing reference data settings, see Change Reference Data Settings.  The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility uses these settings. For more information about using this utility, see Data Dictionary Manager Help and SmartPlant P&ID Help. Calculation and validation programs are assigned in SmartPlant Data Dictionary Manager, and the utility runs because of actions in SmartPlant P&ID.  The PipeSpec Commodity Code Lookup utility does not run on specialty piping components. If the IsspecialtyItem value is True, then the utility ignores the piping component. If the value is False, then the utility processes the properties for the component as usual. The IsspecialtyItem property is specified in SmartPlant Catalog Manager.


SmartPlant P&ID Drawing Managers Users Guide Global Validation Command (File Menu) Opens the Global Validation dialog box, from which you can implement changes to the plant's item tag configuration, 3D pipe specifications, or insulation specifications for the selected drawings.

Global Validation Dialog Box Allows you to implement changes to the plant's item tag configuration, 3D pipe specifications, or insulation specifications for the selected drawings. You can open this dialog box by selecting one or more drawings and then clicking File > Global Validation. Validation programs — Allows you to select the following programs for validation in the selected drawings:

 Pipe spec validation — Validates pipe spec data that was changed in SmartPlant 3D or PDS 3D databases Not available in this version; however, you can run this option using the Global Validation Utility. 

Any errors that occur for the item tag or insulation spec validations will appear in the AutomationError.log file. Errors in the pipe spec validation will appear in the PipeSpecError.log file. Both of these files are generated whether or not the process encounters an error, and they are located in the Temp folder.

SmartPlant Catalog Managers Users Guide Create Piping Symbols 1) When you create specialty piping items, you must change the Pipe Spec validation code. If the value in the IsSpecialtyItem column is True, the Pipe Spec lookup code will ignore this item. If value is False, the Pipe Spec lookup processing will proceed normally.


SmartPlant 3D Installation Guide Version 2009 Service Pack 1

February 2009


Integrating with SmartPlant P&ID To take advantage of the software's SmartPlant P&ID integration functionality, you must install the Piping Specification Remote Access Server and Client setups. The remote access server setup is available as an option in the SmartPlant 3D Installation setup for the workstation computer. The remote access client must be installed on a computer running SmartPlant P&ID and is an available option with the SmartPlant P&ID product. After both features are installed, you can use P&ID design basis information for correlation with SmartPlant 3D.  When installing the Piping Specification Remote Access Server component, you must also install the Bulkload Reference Data and the SmartPlant 3D Server Connectivity components as they are required for the Piping Specifications Remote Access Server to work.  In order to use SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access you must perform additional installation and configuration on the computers running SmartPlant P&ID. See the Installing SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client section in the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide for more information about installing the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. Also, see the Piping Specification Utility section in the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide for additional configuration information.  The "server" used by the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client and the SP3D P&ID Client Tester application is the computer on which the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server COM+ application has been installed and configured. This server can be different from the database server on which the Site database server and Site schema server reside. For more specific information about using the SmartPlant P&ID integration functionality included with the software, please contact Intergraph Support (http://www.intergraph.com/support). See Also Configure the Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service (XP Client Configure the Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service (Vista Client) Register the Site Database for P&ID Access

Enable Network Access in Windows Server 2003 The following procedures for enabling network access are required only if you are using Windows Server 2003 on the computer. 20

Enable Network COM+ Access 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs. 2. In the Add or Remove Programs window, click Add/Remove Windows Components. 3. On the Windows Components Wizard page, select Application Server in the Components list, and then click Details. 4. In the Subcomponents of Application Server list, click Enable network COM+ access and then click OK. 5. Click Next to complete the Windows Components Wizard. 6. Click Finish on the Configuring Components page. Enable Network DTC Access COM+ applications that use databases, and that you install on separate computers do not always perform optimally unless you enable network DTC access. Use the following procedure to enable network DTC access: 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click Add or Remove Programs. 2. In the Add or Remove Programs window, click Add/Remove Windows Components. 3. On the Windows Components Wizard page, select Application Server in the Components list, and then click Details. 4. In the Subcomponents of Application Server list, click Enable network DTC access and then click OK. 5. Click Next to complete the Windows Components Wizard. 6. Click Finish on the Configuring Components page. For the settings to take effect, you must stop and restart the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service. Stop and Restart MSDTC 1. Open the Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Services.


2. Right-click the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, and select Stop from

the shortcut menu.

3. Right-click the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service again, and select Start from the shortcut menu. If you have additional resource manager services that participate in the distributed transactions, you must stop and restart those services as well. See Also Instructions for Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Configure the Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service (XP Client) In order to use the SmartPlant P&ID integration tools available with the software, the Piping Specification Remote Access Server service must be installed and properly configured on the system on which SmartPlant 3D has been installed. Perform the following steps to verify and, if necessary, manually install and configure the COM+ application.  You must have administrator privileges on the workstation computer in order to perform this installation procedure.  The Piping Specification Remote Access Server service is installed as part of the SmartPlant 3D Installation setup. You must also install the Bulkload Reference Data and the SmartPlant 3D Server Connectivity components as they are required for the Piping Specifications Remote Access Server to work. For more information, see Install SmartPlant 3D Client Software.  The computer on which you have installed the Piping Specification Remote Access Server becomes a "server" for SmartPlant P&ID clients and therefore must be powered on and available whenever P&ID needs to access the catalog. For example, you could use the computer that is used for the Interference Checking service. 22

Verify SP3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service 1. Open the Control Panel and double-click Administrative Tools. 2. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Component Services to start the component services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in. The Component Services window appears as shown in the following illustration:

3. Expand the Component Services node under the Console Root, and then expand the Computers and My Computer nodes.

4. Expand the COM+ Applications node. 5. Verify the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer icon appears under COM+ Applications. If it exists, skip to step 15. If it does not exist, perform steps 6-14 to install and configure the COM+ application.


6. Select Com+ Applications under the My Computer node, and then click Action >New > Application on the horizontal toolbar. The COM+ Application Install Wizard displays. 7. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Application Install Wizard page. 8. Select Create an empty application on the Install or Create a New Application page. 9. On the Create an Empty Application page, type SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer in the Enter a name for the new application text box. 10. Select Server application in the Activation type field, and then click Next. 11. On the Set Application Identity page, verify that This user is selected, and enter the user name and password to set the proper identity under which the COM+ application will run on the computer. You must specify an account with Windows administrative privileges on the computer. 12. Click Next. 13. Click Finish to begin the installation.


When installation is complete, a SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer.1 node is placed under COM+ Applications.

14. In the left tree view, right-click SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer and select Properties. 15. On the Advanced tab of the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer Properties dialog box, change the Minutes until idle shutdown value to 0.


16. On the Security tab, disable Enforce access checks for this application and click OK.

17. Next, expand the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer and the Components nodes. 18. Under the Components node, verify that the SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.RefdataMiddle.1 component appears. If it does exist, you are finished with this procedure. If it does not exist, perform steps 19-22. 19. On the horizontal toolbar, click Action > New > Component. The COM Component Installation Wizard appears. 20. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Component Install Wizard. 21. On the Import or Install a Component page, select Install new component(s) and browse for SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll. The component SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll is located in [Product Folder]\RefData\Middle\Bin. 26

22. Click Next on the Install new components page, then click Finish to complete the installation procedure. 23. The Component Services window shows the SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.RefdataMiddle.1 component installed in the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer application.

See Also Integrating with SmartPlant P&ID

Configure the Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service (Vista Client) In order to use the SmartPlant P&ID integration tools available with the software, the Piping Specification Remote Access Server service must be installed and properly configured on the system on which SmartPlant 3D has been installed. Perform the following steps to verify and, if necessary, manually install and configure the COM+ application.  

You must have administrator privileges on the workstation computer in order to perform this installation procedure. The Piping Specification Remote Access Server service is installed as part of the SmartPlant 3D Installation setup. You must also install the Bulkload Reference Data and the SmartPlant 3D Server Connectivity components as they are required for the Piping Specifications Remote Access Server to work. For more information, see Install SmartPlant 3D Client Software. The computer on which you have installed the Piping Specification Remote Access Server becomes a "server" for SmartPlant P&ID clients and therefore must be 27

powered on and available whenever P&ID needs to access the catalog. For example, you could use the computer that is used for the Interference Checking service. Verify SP3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server Service 1. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run. 2. Key in dcomcnfg and click OK. The Component Services window appears as shown in the following illustration:

3. Expand the Component Services node under the Console Root, and then expand the Computer and My Computer nodes.

4. Expand the COM+ Applications node. 5. Verify the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer icon appears under COM+ Applications. If it exists, skip to step 17. If it does not exist, perform steps 6-14 to install and configure the COM+ application.


6. Select COM+ Applications under the My Computer node, and then click Action > New > Application on the horizontal toolbar. The COM+ Application Install Wizard displays. 7. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Application Install Wizard page. 8. Select Create an empty application on the Install or Create a New Application page. 9. On the Create an Empty Application page, type SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer in the Enter a name for the new application text box. 10. Select Server application in the Activation type field, and then click Next. 11. On the Set Application Identity page, verify that This user is selected, and enter user name and password to set the proper identity under which the COM+ application will run on the computer. You must specify an account with Windows administrative privileges on the computer. 12. Click Next. 13. Select CreatorOwner on the Add Application Roles page, and click Next. 14. On the Add Users to Roles page, add any additional users that may need access to this application, and click Next. 15. Click Finish to begin the installation.


When the installation is complete, a SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer node is placed under COM+ Applications.

16. In the left tree view, right-click SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer and select Properties. 17. On the Advanced tab of the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer dialog box, select Enable idle shutdown and change the Minutes value to 0.


18. On the Security tab, disable Enforce access checks for this application and click OK.

19. Next, expand the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer and the Components nodes. 20. Under the Components node, verify that the SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.RefdataMiddle.1 component appears. If it does exist, you are finished with this procedure. If it does not exist, perform steps 21-25. 21. On the horizontal toolbar, click Action > New > Component. The COM Component Installation Wizard appears. 22. Click Next on the Welcome to the COM Component Install Wizard. 23. On the Import or Install a Component page, select Install new component(s) and browse for SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll. The component SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll is located in [Product Folder]\RefData\Middle\Bin. 24. Click Next on the Install new components page, then click Finish to complete the installation procedure. 25. The Component Services window shows the SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.RefdataMiddle.1 component installed in the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer application.

Register the Site Database for P&ID Access Before you complete the steps in this procedure, you must install the SP3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server service and configure the COM+ application. For more information, see Install SmartPlant 3D Client Software. You must have administrator privileges on the computer in order to perform this installation procedure. 1. Click Start > Run, and then click Browse in the Run dialog box. 31

2. Navigate to [Product Folder]\RefData\Tools\Bin\SetSiteForSPP&IDAccess.exe, and click OK.

3. Click OK in the Run dialog box. 4. In the Set Site Database for Piping Spec Remote Access dialog box, enter the SmartPlant 3D Site and Site schema database names and servers in the appropriate fields.

5. Click OK. 

In order to use SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access you must perform additional installation and configuration on the computers running SmartPlant P&ID. See the Installing SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client section in the SmartPlant P&ID Installation and Upgrade Guide for more information about installing the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. Also, see the Piping Specification Utility section in the SmartPlant P&ID Utilities Guide for additional configuration information. The "server" used by the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client and the SP3D P&ID Client Tester application is the computer on which the SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Server COM+ application has been installed and configured. This server can be different from the database server on which the Site database server and Site schema server reside.


Troubleshooting Tips This is a list of issues seen by Intergraph Support. New tips will be added as they become available. If you discover anything that may benefit the SmartPlant user community, please contact SPP&ID Support by filing a Service Request. We will add your tip to this section.

GENERAL NOTES Refer to the compatibility matrix at the beginning of this document to check your configuration. 

SPP&ID 2009 must use version 1.0 of SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client. Version 01.00 is compatible with SP3D 2007 and SP3D 2009.

SPP&ID 2007.5 HF2 does work with SP3D 2009. Again, you must use version 1.0 of SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client, which is delivered on the DVD. It is a prerequisite on the load interface.

The most common problem on the SPP&ID side of Pipe Spec Access is the user does not have all the ProgID’s defined in Data Dictionary Manager. Check the section from the Utilities Guide to ensure all entries are complete and accurate. Many problems with Pipe Spec Access to SP3D are caused by SP3D not being configured correctly. Please review the SP3D Checklist in this section or file a Service Request with Intergraph. Pipe Spec Access uses two methods for finding the commodity code. 

In a configuration using SPP&ID and PDS3D, the AABBCC code from SPP&ID is correlated with the Commodity_Name in PDS3D PDTable_202.

In a configuration using SPP&ID and SP3D, the Value (column name) entry in the Piping Component Type select list is correlated with the Short Code in the SP3D spec.


TEST TOOL SmartPlant 3D Piping Specification Remote Access Client delivers a test tool for use in testing the connection between SPP&ID and SP3D. The test tool does not test connections between SPP&ID and PDS3D. The tool is available in the following location: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\3D\SPP&IDClient\Testing\Bin The tool name is SP3DSPP&IDClientTester.exe. Always run this test tool after you configure or modify the SPP&ID to SP3D connection. If the tool does not make the connection, your plant will not make the connection either. Error messages referring to the ―Suitcase‖, ―Instantiation‖ or ―Invalid Plant Error” generally point to a problem on the SP3D side of your configuration. The test tool works outside of the SPP&ID environment. The tool confirms only the connection between the Remote Pipe Spec Client and the Remote Pipe Spec Server. If the test tool successfully pulls a commodity code but you are not pulling commodity codes in your SPP&ID plant, the most likely reason is an incorrect entry in the setup on the SPP&ID side. Check each setting in Options Manager and each ProgID in Data Dictionary Manager.

Common Errors Reported by Test Tool Method of Object Failed The Bulkload Reference Data component is required for Piping Specification Remote Access Server to work; the bulkload component in turn needs 3D Server Connectivity to be installed as well. Project Management is not required. The bottom line is if these options are not selected with base options, and only Remote Piping Specification is chosen – the Remote Pipe Spec Test tool fails to communicate with the database giving an error. Failed to Instantiate The Server This error might occur due to any of the following reasons. 1. If COM service is not available on the SP3D server machine. 2. If project database on the SP3D server machine is not registered. 3. If the name of the SP3D server machine is passed incorrectly to the SetActivePlant API. 4. Sometimes it is observed that the COM+ service is not setup correctly and wrong dll was used for the creation of the COM + service. Please check 34

the dll ―\RefData\Middle\Bin\SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll‖ is used to create the COM + service. 5. Sometimes reinstalling the ―Piping Specification Remote Access Client‖ resolves this issue. 6. Check the system event log information logged on the SP3D server machine. One can access event log using the event viewer available at \WINDOWS\system32\eventvwr.msc. Invalid Plant Name Check and verify the following 1. What is the OS where the service is located? 2. If the OS is Windows Server 2003, have you verified the SPP&ID users are defined in the DCOM users group? All your users must exist in the DCOM Users group. 3. Check for Application or System logs on the Piping Specification Remote Access Server and on the client for additional information that may help spot the problem. 4. Verify on the Piping Specification Remote Access Server (SP3D) that the SP3D Site information defined at the main application level (modify database and schema location) is the same as the one set at the Piping Specification Remote Access level C:\Program Files\smartplant\3d\RefData\Tools\Bin\SetSiteForPipingSpecRemoteAcc ess.exe

SP3D CHECKLIST 1) On Windows Server 2003 All SPP&ID users that will be accessing the Piping Spec Remote Access Service need to be defined in the local Distributed COM Users group, unless the same server is used as a Name Generator server for SmartPlant 3D in which case 3D users must also be defined here. Make sure the correct Windows Components are configured on the machine running the service; check the following – – –

Add/Remove Windows Components Select Application Server -> Details Ensure both Enable Network COM+ Access and Enable Network DTC Access are checked


2) On Windows XP server 32-bit The Distributed COM app is not available in the same way it is seen on Windows Server 2003. – Go to COM+ properties. This can be selected by selecting Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Component Services, after Component Services window opens, select Computers and expand to show My Computer, right mouse click on my computer and choose Properties, choose the COM Security tab. – Edit limits for Launch and Activation Permissions. All SPP&ID users must be included here with remote launch and activation permissions checked – SP3D Users do not need to be here, unless the same server is used as a Name Generator server for SmartPlant 3D in which case SP3D users must be defined here. 3) On a Windows XP server 64-bit – –

All SPP&ID users that will be accessing the Piping Spec Remote Access Service need to be defined in local Distributed COM Users group. 3D Users do not need to be here, unless the same server is used as a Name Generator server for SmartPlant 3D in which case 3D users must be defined here.

4) Firewall on server and client If the firewall is turned ON: – Add MSDTC.exe to the Exceptions list – Open Port 135TCP (RCP) The steps for enabling these exceptions are included with the SmartPlant 3D Installation guide located under the Help folder. 5) Network problem preventing DTC transactions between Server and Client Use DTCPING.exe, available on the Microsoft web site 6) Stop and Restart the COM+ service Verify that no error message was received. 7) Check if the "SP3DRefDataMiddleTierService.dll" is registered 8) Completely recreate the SP3DPipingSpecRemoteAccessServer service If OS is Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP x64, make sure after recreating that you ―uncheck‖ the Enforce Access check for this application on the Security tab of the COM+ application.


9) Check the version of Remote Pipe Spec Access Client in Add and remove Programs Load or 1.0 depending on compatibility matrix at the start of this document. 10) Shut down COM+, Restart under an individual Administrators login If rights and permissions on a user group have changed, the group may no longer be allowed to run COM+ An indication of this type of problem is the service is stopped every time the user runs the Test Tool, or attempts to use Pipe Spec in a SPP&ID. 11) Ensure that the username configured to run the Remote Pipe Spec service is in the DCOM users group 12) If in the DCOM users group, is that same user in the Administrator group? Did they recently change their password? If possible (i.e., no violation of customer network rules) switch to Local System account and retry if error continues. 13) Switching to System account as identity for Piping Spec Remote Access Server COM+ application, will work so long as the Piping Spec Access Server and Database Server are on the same machine, otherwise make sure the account configured as identity for Piping Spec Remote Server COM+ application meets these database permission requirements on database engine where SmartPlant 3D catalog resides. – MS SQL Server: Account must have Sysadmin role. – Oracle Server: Account must have been created with script SP3DProjectAdministrator.sql delivered with SmartPlant 3D reference data installation. 14) Verify on the SP3D server that the modify database and schema location defined at the main application level is the same as the one set at the Program Files\smartplant\3d\RefData\Tools\Bin\SetSiteForPipingSpecRemoteAccess.exe level 15) If one SPP&ID user can get data across from a SPP&ID client, but another user cannot, check the following: – – –

Make sure the user is defined in the DCOM users group on the Piping Spec Access Server, or that it was included with remote launch and activation privilege under COM+ security if OS is Windows XP 32-bit. Make sure there is not a setup issue by having the user test by logging in from a different workstation and testing Make sure the Firewall (if enabled) has been appropriately configured in this workstation. 37

Check for Application or System logs of the client and Piping Spec Remote Access Server for additional details of the failure.

Minimum Required Piping Specification Data Question: What needs to be bulk loaded in SP3D in order for SPPID to be able to use Remote Piping Specification Access? The answer varies depending upon how much P&ID functionality is being used. The minimum required data that needs to be bulk loaded into the SP3D catalog database for SPPID to use remote pipe spec access: 1. DefaultProjectOptions: This sheet needs to have at least ―Piping Spec Version Management option‖ column with the value. 2. PipingMaterialsClassData: This is required. Optional data that needs to be bulk loaded: 1. PipingCommodityFilter: This is optional if user does not want to check the commodity codes. User can add only the required data to this sheet. For example user can include only the data related to the valves and exclude all other unusable data like flanges, elbows, etc. 

PipeNominalDiameters: This is optional and is required only if user wants to use the Allowable Nominal Piping Diameter data.

ServiceLimits: This is also optional

Revision History Rev. 0 1 2 3

Date October 30, 2010 July 20, 2010 August 11, 2010 January 7, 2011

Revised by AM AM AM AM

Description/Reason Initial release of new document Added Common Errors Reported by Test Tool Modified table on p.5 to state version 1 only in second row Corrected the definitions of SmartPlant 3D plant name and SmartPlant 3D server name on p.17


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