Sport Psychology: Sport test battery for diagnostics and training

June 1, 2016 | Author: Eddie | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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Sport Psychology: Sport test battery for diagnostics and training...


SPORT PSYCHOLOGY Sport test battery for diagnostics and training

Dr. Gernot Schuhfried Gesellschaft m.b.H. Hyrtlstraße 45, A-2340 Mödling, Tel. +43/2236/42315-0, Fax: +43/2236/46597 [email protected] Sitz: Mödling, FN 104661p Landesgericht Wr. Neustadt, UID Nr. ATU 19273809

Sport psychology Contents 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................3


SPORT DIAGNOSTICS – THE VIENNA TEST SYSTEM .........................................................4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26


SPORT TRAINING - REHACOM ...................................................................................................31 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


DAKT PERCEPTUAL SPEED AND ACCURACY TEST .......................................................................5 SMK SENSOMOTOR COORDINATION ...........................................................................................6 ISA INTELLIGENCE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS ...................................................................................7 AHA ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK ................................................................................................8 2HAND TWO-HAND COORDINATION ...........................................................................................9 STROOP INTERFERENCE TEST ................................................................................................10 PERSEV PERSEVERATION TEST ..............................................................................................11 MLS MOTOR PERFORMANCE SERIES ........................................................................................12 LVT VISUAL PURSUIT TEST ......................................................................................................13 CORSI CORSI-BLOCK- TAPPING-TEST .....................................................................................14 RT REACTION TEST .................................................................................................................15 DT DETERMINATION TEST ........................................................................................................16 VIGIL VIGILANCE .....................................................................................................................17 RA REACTION TIME ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................18 SIGNAL SIGNAL-DETECTION ...................................................................................................19 DAUF CONTINUOUS ATTENTION ...............................................................................................20 COG COGNITRONE ..................................................................................................................21 APM RAVEN’S ADVANCED PROGRESSIVE MATRICES .................................................................22 AMT ADAPTIVE MATRICES TEST ...............................................................................................23 VISGED VISUAL MEMORY TEST ...............................................................................................24 ZBA TIME-MOVEMENT ANTICIPATION ........................................................................................25 PP PERIPHERAL PERCEPTION...................................................................................................26 TQ CREATING YOUR OWN QUESTIONNAIRE TEST USING THE TEST GENERATOR ...........................27 GESTA GESTALT PERCEPTION TEST........................................................................................28 B19 DOUBLE LABYRINTH TEST .................................................................................................29 EPP6 EYSENCK- PERSONALITY-PROFILER-V6 ..........................................................................30 KONS VISUOCONSTRUCTIVE ABILITIES ......................................................................................32 MEMO TOPOLOGICAL MEMORY ................................................................................................33 RAUM SPATIAL OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................34 VIGI VIGILANCE ........................................................................................................................35 EXPL EXPLORATION ................................................................................................................36

BIOFEEDBACK .............................................................................................................................37 4.1 4.2 4.3

PHYSIORECORDER .....................................................................................................................37 SOFTWARE ................................................................................................................................38 PROGRAM MODULES...................................................................................................................39


Vienna Test System 1 Introduction The company Dr. Schuhfried looks back on over forty years of successful activity. It was mainly during the last decades that in collaboration with our scientific partners and customers we managed to reach a level of excellence in the field of computerized diagnostics, training and biofeedback. As a result of which the company was recently granted the right to use the Austrian coat of arms of the Republic of Austria. Our company policy is “Quality Through Competence”, a motto which stands behind all our activities in science, publishing and business. Traditionally the company has always been very global in its outlook. This is why we are represented in 24 countries around the world and our tests are available in up to 20 languages This sport cataloge is divided into 3 sections and each section consists of an introduction and description of the test and training programms. ƒ

Vienna Test System computerized psychological diagnostics


RehaCom computerized cognitive training


Biofeedback for Windows computerized biofeedback

At a time of constant change we feel that the cultural and social components of our endeavours are of great importance. Man, the human being as our partner, is therefore our main concern in spite of all necessary changes and adaptations. It is with this in mind that I would like to extend my thanks to all who have shown faith in us and express my hopes for a continued mutually satisfying collaboration.

Dr. Gernot Schuhfried


Vienna Test System 2 Sport Diagnostics – the Vienna Test System The Vienna Test System is fast becoming the worldwide standard: more than 5,000 systems are used daily and so we are the worldwide market leader in computerized psychological testing. Our Test System is a tool that has been specially developed for practical use aimed at addressing many of the questions involved in psychological testing. The Vienna Test System enables the computerized application of a large number of highly diverse psychodiagnostic tests and measuring procedures.

In developing the system much emphasis was placed on transparent structure and largely uniform design. It is therefore simple to operate and easy to understand and does not require any special computer skills. The Vienna Test System supports the administration of both single tests and test batteries. Many of the single tests are available in different test versions. When tests, test versions or a test battery have been selected, a respondent’s data are entered and the test programme is started. When a test or test battery has been completed it may be scored immediately. The computer summarizes the raw scores obtained and performs a comparison against norms. The respondent's results are compared against an overall sample or a selected subsample based on age, sex, or education level. The results may be displayed in summary form on the screen or printed out as a short score. More detailed test data are always provided in printed form. The print options feature enables the examiner to specify the volume of data to be printed so that only those data will be printed that are really required. This allows savings in time and paper. A powerful data management function provides an overview of respondents and tests completed. It allows selection and listing as well as copying and deleting of data records by search criteria. The Vienna Test System offers many functions making it a user-friendly and flexible instrument for the use in sport psychodiagnostics.


Tests 2.1

DAKT Perceptual Speed and Accuracy Test

Checking details fast and accurately Eva Hagman and Oswald Bratfisch © Dr. G. Schuhfried GmbH

The DAKT enables the reliable and valid measurement of ”Perceptual speed” and ”Accuracy/ Resistance to error” as basic elements of attention. Moreover, the test is suitable for the diagnosis of perceptual disorders, e.g. dyslexia. Application: The DAKT is primarily intended for personnel selection, career counseling, diagnosis and assessment. Additional areas of use are traffic psychology (especially railway and aviation psychology), military psychology as well as within clinical settings. Theoretical background: The DAKT measures Perceptual speed, defined as the capacity to recognize details rapidly in a distracting perceptual environment and to differentiate them from irrelevant material, and Accuracy, defined as the relation between the number of errors and the quantitative performance (error-percentage). Research on mental ability using factor-analysis, has unambiguously identified a perceptual factor which involves a major component of speed. The DAKT represents this factor, referred to as Perceptual Speed (P) in the psychological literature. Administration: The DAKT consists of three subtests differing in content (Numbers, Letters, and Figures). The task is to identify and mark critical items as fast and accurately as possible. Test forms: There are two parallel test forms: S1 and S2. It is possible to administer each of the subtests separately. Scoring: The number of correctly solved items constitutes the score for Perceptual Speed; the relation between errors and completed items constitutes the sore for Accuracy. The printout shows raw- and standard-scores for each subtest and for the total performance.

Reliability: The parallel-test reliability coefficients are rtt = 0.96 for Perceptual Speed and rtt = 0.84 for Accuracy. Validity: The face validity is evident – the respondents think immediately of “fast and accurate checking/attention and concentration”. The logical validity is given by the operational definition of Perceptual Speed and Accuracy. Content validity has been proven through factor analysis. Prognostic validity has been demonstrated for occupations demanding, amongst other prerequisites, a high degree of perceptual speed and accuracy. Criteria used were “completed occupational education without complications” and “poor performance on the job”. Norms/Comparative samples: Test-form S1: Norms for a sample of 109 Austrian and 1120 Swedish adults are available. The Swedish norm-group is also sub-divided according to educational level, gender and age. Test-form S2: Norms for a sample of 109 Austrian and 189 Swedish adults are available. When comparing the Austrian and Swedish samples no statistical differences were found. Thus, the samples can be regarded as parallel.

Testing time: The testing time for each subtest is three minutes. Add approximately four minutes for instructions and solving the practice items.


Tests 2.2

SMK Sensomotor Coordination

Tracking – test to assess sensomotor coordination ability Herbert Bauer, Giselher Guttmann, Michael Leodoter and Ulrich Leodolter © Dr. G. Schuhfried GmbH

An impressive test with a striking elegance and sophistication in pretending 3 dimensions. The joystick helps to assess the sensomotor coordination precisely. Application: This test assesses the coordination of eye-hand, handhand, or eye-hand-foot by maneuvering a circular segment that moves on its own about a 3-dimensional room. Main areas of application: performance-oriented aptitude diagnostics (especially for railway engine drivers, crane drivers etc., as well as for personnel of controlling and observation activities), traffic psychology, aviation psychology, medicine, clinical psychology (assessment of coordinative deficits in clinical groups). Theoretical background: The assumption is that movements are controlled by using sensor information coming from current activities. Occurring deviations between target value and actual value are revealed and corrected accordingly (the TOTE principle). The necessary time to coordinate one’s movements is essentially determined by the received and processed feedback information. Two completely separate constructs are assessed: the “Anticipative coordination ability“ refers to sensomotor coordination necessary to maneuver an element to a pre-set goal (target is known beforehand). The “Reactive coordination ability“ refers to sensomotor coordination necessary to react adequately to an element’s spontaneous, unpredictable changes of direction (and size) (ability to anticipate movements). Test forms: There are four test forms: S1: Short form (screening; 10 minutes) S2: Standard form (15 minutes) S3: Long form (higher measurement accuracy; 20 minutes) S4: Special form for foot pedals (10 minutes).

unpredictable directions (that remain the same for all respondents). All test forms include a preceding instruction and practice phase. Scoring: The following seven variables are assessed: “Time in ideal range“, Mean and dispersion of “Angle deviation“, “Horizontal deviation“, and “Vertical deviation “. Reliability: The internal consistency is situated above r=.90 in all scales. Validity: The results of statistical correlation analyses and intergroup comparisons (including other tests and various external criteria) back up the convergent and discriminant validity of the SMK. Extensive aviation psychological validations (pilot selection) have been conducted with the Austrian Federal Army. Norms/Comparative samples: Test forms S1-S3 are provided with age- and education-specific samples (n=239). Test form S4 can be compared to age-, gender-, and education-specific samples (n=189). Testing time: Instruction: about 5 minutes. S1: 10 minutes. S2: 15 minutes. S3: 20 minutes. S4: 10 minutes.

Administration: The element selected for this test is a geometrical shape (circular segment) that is easy to describe and is hardly influenced by any previous experiences. The screen depicts a room with a target position (green bars forming an upside-down “T”) and a maneuverable element (yellow circular segment). The circular segment starts moving about the room in


Tests 2.3

ISA Intelligence Structure Analysis

Test to assess intelligence ITB Institute for Testing and Talent Research GmbH, Bonn (managing director: E. Fay, G. Trost). G. Gittler, Institute for Psychology, University of Vienna © Dr. G. Schuhfried GmbH

Comprehensive intelligence test battery: the three test forms Standard, Simplified, and Advanced help to avoid overstrain or under-stimulation. Application: Assessment of the intelligence level and structure; applicable to people aged 14 years and over for all corresponding examinations. Main areas of application: decisions regarding school, college, and career, performance-oriented aptitude diagnostics (the test can be applied in all kinds of examinations linked to general intelligence), clinical psychology, educational psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, aviation psychology. Theoretical background: The aim of this test was to make a differentiated assessment of general abilities at a medium abstraction level. This test for the analysis of the intelligence structure consists of the following 9 item groups: Completing sentences, Finding similarities, Inferring relationships, Generic terms (=verbal intelligence functions); Practical calculations, Continuing numerical series (=numeric intelligence functions); Recognizing dice, Assembling figures =figural-spatial imagination), and Remembering products (=memory). Between the memorization phase and the questions of the Item group “Remembering products“ there are the item groups "Continuing numerical series" and " Inferring relationships". Administration: There is a time limit for all item groups. Each group starts with a standardized instruction and some sample items. The correct answer is embedded into the multiple-choice system. Individual items may be corrected several times. The respondent may also call up any item of a group again and modify the answer within the given time. Test forms: S1: Standard form; S2: Simplified form S3: Advanced form

Scoring: The sum of correct answers (raw scores) is recorded for the individual item groups, the corresponding cognitive abilities, as well as for the entire test. In addition, a norm comparison is conducted (percentile ranks, T-scores and IQ; confidence interval for the entire test and for item groups). The test protocol indicates the answers for each individual item (correct, incorrect, corrected, omitted) as well as the working time that was needed. Reliability: The internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha) of the item groups varies between r=.78 (Completing sentences) and r=.89 (Continuing numerical series). A value of r=.97 was calculated for the entire test. Validity: Correlations were shown in experiments with the Raven Matrices APM (Raven, Raven & Court, 1998) and SPM (Raven, Raven & Court, 1979). For the item groups they varied between r=.30 and r=.41 (APM, n=237), and between r=.42 and r=.52 (SPM, n= 256), respectively, and amounted to r=.52 and r=.66, respectively, for the entire test. The correlations to INKA (Heyde, 1995) varied between r=.36 and r=.47 and amounted to r=.54 for the entire test (n=320). Norms/Comparative samples: The norms were compiled between 1997 and 1999 with a sample of n=3813. They were mainly students at the end of secondary education, but also students in college and working people. These norms are available as an overall sample and as age- and educationspecific partial samples. The equivalence of the computerized and the paper-and-pencil versions was proven and confirmed empirically. Testing time: Test form S1: about 110 minutes (without breaks, instructions, etc.) Test form S2: about 65 minutes (without breaks, instructions, etc.) Test form S3: about 55 minutes (without breaks, instructions, etc.)


Tests 2.4

AHA Attitude towards Work

Objective personality test Klaus Kubinger and Hannes Ebenhöh © Dr. G. Schuhfried GmbH

Objective personality test to assess impulsiveness/reflexivity as well as aspiration level, performance motivation and frustration tolerance. This test cannot be manipulated. Application: Attitude towards work is an objective test battery to assess various personality dimensions by presenting simple tasks. Main areas of application: personality-based aptitude diagnostics, industrial and organizational psychology, decisions about school, college and career, sports psychology. Theoretical background: The test battery “Attitude towards Work“ provides objective tests following R.B. Cattell, which examine the cognitive aspect Impulsivity/Reflexivity as well as the motivational psychological constructs Aspiration level, Performance motivation and Frustration tolerance. The assessment of performance motivation follows the approaches by McClelland and Atkinson. Administration: The first subtest “Comparing surfaces“ assesses Impulsiveness/Reflexivity. The respondent may chose among three possible answers (right/left/no decision) for deciding about which one of two simultaneously presented surfaces is larger. The second subtest “Coding symbols“ assesses the aspiration level and the frustration tolerance of the respondents. They are to assign symbols to abstract shapes according to a pre-set code, and then they are asked to estimate their performance in the next task. In addition, they receive feedback messages. The third subtest “Differentiating figures“ assesses performance motivation. The respondent is asked to indicate which one out of various symbols does not belong. Test forms: There is one test form. Scoring: Three characteristic values are calculated in the subtest “Comparing surfaces“: “Exactitude “, “Decisiveness“ and “Impulsiveness/Reflexivity“. The subtest “Coding symbols“ provides the characteristic values “Performance level“, “Aspiration level“, “Frustration tolerance“, “Time of maximum performance“ and “Target discrepancy“. The last subtest “Differentiating figures“ calculates the characteristic value “Performance motivation”.

Reliability: The specification of a standardized assessment error seems not reasonable for the test Attitude towards Work. Validity: Due to the theoretically based derivation of the characteristic values, a content validity can be assumed. Ebenhöh (1994) and Kubinger (1995) showed in two studies that individual characteristic values differentiate significantly between successful and less successful co-workers. Corresponding to the theory, different characteristic values in the two studies proved to be advantageous. Moreover, Kubinger & Hofmann (1998) showed in a factor-analytical study that “Impulsiveness/ Reflexivity“ correlates with extroversion, whereas “Frustration tolerance“ correlates with conscientiousness. “Performance motivation“ on the other hand seems to be a factor on its own and is not covered by the “Big Five“. Norms/Comparative samples: A representative norm sample (n=326) is available. Furthermore, an evaluation sample (n=314) is also available which mainly encompasses students and employees and is thus not representative. In addition, there is a sample of job applicants of the enterprise NOKIA (n=498). Percentile ranks and T-scores are indicated, excluding for the moment of peak performance. Falsification: Various studies proved the test to be resistant against manipulation. Testing time: The administration time of the subtests “Comparing surfaces“ and “Coding symbols“ amounts to about 15 minutes altogether. Note that the subtest “ Differentiating figures“ will usually take at least 20 minutes (45 minutes maximum).


Tests 2.5

2HAND Two-Hand Coordination

Test for the check of visual-motor coordination G. Schuhfried © Dr. G. Schuhfried GmbH

The test 2HAND reliably assesses the eye-hand and hand-hand coordination. The layout of the track makes a comparison of the coordination performance possible for simple and more demanding tasks. Application: Check of visual-motor coordination (eye-hand and hand-hand coordination), by moving a dot on a track, through the coordination of both hands. Main areas of application: Aptitude diagnostics in the performance area, motor capacity diagnostics, organizational psychology, traffic psychology, sport psychology. Theoretical background: Two aptitude components lie at the center of the test requirement: sensory-motor coordination between eye and hand as well as that between both hands. The special difficulty in coordinating both hands lies in the capacity to visually assess left and right deviations between target and actual state and to position the hands accordingly. Additionally the capacity to anticipate the course of movement plays an important part. Administration: The task consists in moving a luminary dot on a set track, using two control knobs or two joysticks. This track consists of three sections, which make different demands on the coordination of left and right hand. The dot is moved from the right to the left. Test forms: Four test forms are available: S1: Administration with joysticks, 10 runs S2: Administration with joysticks, 4 runs S4: Administration with control knobs, 10 runs S5: Administration with joysticks (inverted direction assignment), 10 runs. Scoring: The following variables are scored: “Overall mean duration” “Overall mean error duration” “Overall percent error duration” (results from the ratio of overall error duration to overall duration) "Coordination difficulty” (time difference standardized to the length of the way between sections without or without need for coordination). This variable shows, with how much precision the coordination requirement is mastered. The value expresses, by which

factor the time requirement increases, if the same distance is mastered once with (semi-circle and Vshape) and once without sensory-motor coordination requirement (inverted L). The variable is therefore a measure for the respondent's coordination capacity. Reliability: The inner consistency (Cronbach‘s Alpha) varies between r=.85 and r=.97. Validity: The content validity of the test in the sense of logical validity is given. Karner and Neuwirth (2000) were able to show, that the performance in 2HAND is significantly connected to the assessment of driving performance, r=.50. Furthermore these authors were able to prove that persons with P
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