Spoken English Material
Short Description
command on english language...
5 Speaking Rules you need to know! 1.Don't study grammar too much it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. grammar. However, if you want to become uent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar. grammar. Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse you. You You will thin about the rules when creating sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence lie a native.
2. Learn and study phrases Don't translate !any students learn vocabulary and try to put many words together to create a proper sentence. It ama"es me how many words some of my students now, but they cannot create a proper sentence. #he reason is because they didn$t study phrases. %hen children learn a language, they learn both words and phrases together. together. &iewise, you need to study and learn phrases. %hen you want to create an English sentence, do not translate the words from your !other tongue. #he order of words is probably completely di'erent and you will be both slow and incorrect by doing this. Instead, learn phrases and sentences so you don$t have to thin th in about the words you are saying. It should be automatic. (nother problem with translating is that you will be trying to incorporate grammar rules that you have learned. #ranslating #ranslating and thining about the grammar to create English sentences is incorrect and should be avoided.
3. Reading and Listening is " enough. #ractice Speaking what you hear! )eading, )eading, listening, and speaing are the th e most important aspects of any language. #he same is true for English. However, speaing is the only re*uirement to be uent. It is normal for babies and children to learn speaing +rst, become uent, then start reading, then writing. So the natural order is listening, speaing, reading, then writing.
$. Su%merge yoursel& #his was achieved by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and spea your language constantly. constantly. You You will notice that many people who are good English speaers are the ones who studied in an English speaing school. #hey can spea English not because they went to an English speaing school, but because they had an environment where they can be around English speaing people constantly. constantly. #here are also some people who study abroad abroad and learn very little. #hat is because they went to an English speaing school, but found friends from their own country and didn$t practice English. You You don$t have to go anywhere to become a uent English speaer. You only need to surround yourself with English. You can do this by maing rules with your existing friends that you will only spea English.
5. Study correct material ( common phrase that is incorrect is, -ractice maes perfect. #his is far from the truth. -ractice only maes maes what you are practicing permanent. If you practice the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected per fected saying the th e sentence incorrectly. incorrectly. #herefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by most people.
3. Reading and Listening is " enough. #ractice Speaking what you hear! )eading, )eading, listening, and speaing are the th e most important aspects of any language. #he same is true for English. However, speaing is the only re*uirement to be uent. It is normal for babies and children to learn speaing +rst, become uent, then start reading, then writing. So the natural order is listening, speaing, reading, then writing.
$. Su%merge yoursel& #his was achieved by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and spea your language constantly. constantly. You You will notice that many people who are good English speaers are the ones who studied in an English speaing school. #hey can spea English not because they went to an English speaing school, but because they had an environment where they can be around English speaing people constantly. constantly. #here are also some people who study abroad abroad and learn very little. #hat is because they went to an English speaing school, but found friends from their own country and didn$t practice English. You You don$t have to go anywhere to become a uent English speaer. You only need to surround yourself with English. You can do this by maing rules with your existing friends that you will only spea English.
5. Study correct material ( common phrase that is incorrect is, -ractice maes perfect. #his is far from the truth. -ractice only maes maes what you are practicing permanent. If you practice the incorrect sentence, you will have perfected per fected saying the th e sentence incorrectly. incorrectly. #herefore, it is important that you study material that is commonly used by most people.
(L)S* S#+,)( -+S)S ) . Basic usage of 'I'm'
I$m I'm' is an abbreviation for the the word 'I AM.' It is used in combination with other words to tell someone about yourself or to describe something you are doing. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
so tired. tired. confused. confused. happy. happy. twenty three years old. old. hungry. hungry. nervous. nervous. excited. excited. leaving wor!. wor!. thirsty. thirsty. from "eattle. "eattle.
#ou can also add descriptive words with 'I'm' such as: I'm extremely tired. tired. I'm very happy. happy. I'm terribly hungry hungry.. I am super excited. excited. I'm very nervous. nervous.
)'m in/at/on $escribes an action you are doing. Most commonly% you you would use the word 'in' when entering a physical
location such as a room or a building. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
in in in in in
the shower. shower. the lobby. lobby. a car. car. a house. house. a school. school.
&sing the word 'at' helps tell someone where you currently are. he difference between 'at' and 'in' is that the physical location l ocation is general. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
at at at at at
the the the the the
grocery. grocery. mall. mall. doctor's office. office. par!. par!. airport. airport.
However% However% in some cases you can use 'at' and 'in' interchangeably. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
at the mall. mall. in the mall. mall. at the par!. par!. in the par!. par!. at the grocery. grocery. in the grocery g rocery..
&sing the word 'on' is referring to a non physical location such as your time being utili(ed by something else. Here are some examples: I'm on the phone. phone.
I'm on my computer. I'm on a bus.
)'m good at Again% 'I'm' is used here as 'I am.' ')ood at' informs someone what you excel at and are comfortable doing. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
good good good good good good good good good good
at at at at at at at at at at
drawing. video games. swimming. driving. reading. sports. writing. math. dancing. chess.
I$m / 0verb1 I'm' is a contraction of the words 'I am.' By adding a verb to 'I'm' this lets you express an action or occurrence about yourself. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
eating lunch. brushing my teeth. scared. driving to wor!. crying. typing an email. coo!ing dinner. combing my hair. hanging a picture.
am am am am am am
texting. dancing. interested in the *ob. exercising. sad. learning.
I$m getting +hen combining the words 'I am' and 'getting' you are telling someone 'you' are gaining possession% being affected by or have plans to see! out and obtain a particular thing. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
getting getting getting getting getting getting getting getting getting getting
better. ready for bed. a tooth ache. a cold. married. tired. good at reading. a new car. a *ob. a puppy.
)'m trying 0 er% I am trying' informs someone that you are attempting to accomplish something using bodily% mental% or spiritual strength. By adding a verb to 'I'm trying' you are pointing out exactly what it is you are attempting to do. Here are some examples: I'm trying to get a *ob. I'm trying to call my family.
I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
trying trying trying trying trying trying
to en*oy my dinner. to educate myself. to explain myself. new food. to eat healthy. to understand.
#ou may also hear the word 'trying' used to express a way someone is feeling. In this manner% it expresses strain or distress. Here are some examples: ,earning new things can be trying on you. hat marathon was very trying on me.
I$m gonna / 0verb1 he word 'gonna' is incorrect grammatically. he e-uivalent in proper grammar would be 'going to.' +hen using the word 'gonna' you are telling someone what you are planning to do at that moment or in the near future. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna gonna
have some coffee. go to wor!. eat some ca!e. send out my resume. run a marathon. as! her out for dinner. stop smo!ing. help my friends. ta!e swim lessons. read a boo!.
I have / 0noun1
By using the words 'I have' you are informing someone of something you have possession of or have ac-uired. Here are some examples: I I I I I
have have have have have
a a a a a
cat. nice car. house. computer. headache.
#ou may hear the words 'cannot' and 'won't' used with 'I have.' By adding these you can express what you will not put up with or allow. Here are some examples: I I I I
cannot have that behavior in my house. cannot have you over tonight. won't have anything to do with that. won't have it any other way.
I have / 0past participle1 Again% 'I have' shows possession or something ac-uired. By adding a past participle you are informing someone of a past or completed action done by you. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I
have have have have have have have have
done it. heard that before. driven a car. forgotten the words. read that boo!. eaten at that restaurant before. flown in an airplane. forgiven you.
I have seen you before. I have written a letter.
) used to 0 er% &sed to' expresses something that was done in the past% and is not usually done now. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I I I
used used used used used used used used used used
to to to to to to to to to to
develop websites. *og every day. paint. smo!e. wor! from home. live in alifornia. go to the beach every day. sing in a choir. li!e vegetables. start wor! at / o'cloc!.
) hae to 0 er% he words 'have to' describe something that needs to ta!e place soon. It expresses certainty% necessity% or obligation. Here are some examples: I I I I I
have have have have have
to to to to to
switch schools. use the telephone. go to the bathroom. leave. unpac! my bags.
#ou can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that someone is not re-uired to do something.
don't don't don't don't don't
have have have have have
to to to to to
switch schools. use the telephone. go to the bathroom. leave. unpac! my bags.
) wanna 0 er% he word 'wanna' is incorrect grammatically. It is e-uivalent to 'want to.' +hen combined with the word 'I' it helps communicate something you want to do. Here are some examples: I I I I I
wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna
tal!. search for a *ob. order some food. marry her. listen to that song.
By adding the word 'don't' you can change the meaning of what you are saying to something you 'want' to do to something you 'do not' want to do. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't don't don't don't don't
wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna
tal!. search for a *ob. marry her. listen to that song. order some food.
) gotta 0 er%
I gotta' is grammatically incorrect. It is more of a spo!en form. If you want to say this with proper grammar% the e-uivalent would be% 'I have got to' or 'I've got to'. In the spo!en form% 'got to' is shortened to 'gotta' and the word 'have' is dropped. Here are some examples: I I I I I
gotta gotta gotta gotta gotta
manage my money. obey the laws. move to a bigger house. impress my boss. brush my teeth.
By adding the word 'have' you can change what you are saying to express something that needs to be done in the near future. Here are some examples: I have got to be on time to wor!. I've gotta try harder at school. I've gotta tell my wife I'll be late. I've gotta learn more about the laws. I've gotta clean my house today.
) would like to 0 er% his sentence lets someone !now what you would be interested in doing. his can be a physical% mental or verbal action. Here are some examples: I I I I I I
would would would would would would
li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e
to to to to to to
answer that -uestion. compete in a coo!ing contest. explain myself. invite you over. practice. become a doctor.
I would li!e to see you more often. I would li!e to than! you. I would li!e to learn about animals. I would li!e to meet the 0resident.
) plan to 0 er% 0lan to' describes something that you would li!e to do in the near future. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I I I
plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan plan
to to to to to to to to to to
find a new apartment. relax on vacation. surprise my parents. wash my car. adopt a child. impress my boss. watch a movie. save more money. read a boo!. learn new things.
I$ve decided to / 0verb1 I've' is short for 'I have' and including the word 'decided' you are stating that you have made a decision or come to a conclusion. Here are some examples: I've I've I've I've I've I've I've
decided decided decided decided decided decided decided
to to to to to to to
accept the *ob. complete my degree. change my bad habits. extend my membership at the gym. form a chess club. hand over my responsibilities. help you move.
I've decided to interview for the *ob. I've decided to increase my wor! load. I've decided to manage a store.
) was a%out to 0 er% +hen stating 'I was about to' you are informing someone that you were going to do something% but another event prevented you from doing it. It is similar to 'I am about to' but the difference is that you will not do it any longer. "ince you will not do it any longer% it becomes a past event. hat is why we use 'was' instead of 'am' Here is an example conversionsation to help you understand. A: Hi Mi!e. I need to as! you a favor. B: Hey Bob. what do you need1 A: an you drive me to the convenient store1 My car is in the shop and we really need to get mil!. B: "ure. I can do that. A: +ere you in the middle of something1 I don't want to bother you. B: I was about to watch a movie% but that can wait. In this case% he cannot say% I am about to watch a movie because he will not be watching it because he has to drive his friend. #ou use I was about to when you will not be doing something immediately because of some other event. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I
was was was was was was was was
about about about about about about about about
to to to to to to to to
go out. go to dinner. go to bed. go to wor!. say the same thing. call you. send you an email. mow my grass.
I was about to order us some drin!s. I was about to watch television.
) didn't mean to 0 er% he word 'didn't' is a contraction of the words 'did not'. +hen using it in a sentence with the words 'mean to' you are informing someone that you did something you regret or are sorry for. his could have been a physical% mental or verbal action. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I I I
didn't mean to hurt your feelings. didn't mean to call you so late. didn't mean to lie about what happened. didn't mean to embarrass you. didn't mean to stay out so late. did not mean to say those things. did not mean to leave you out. did not mean to ma!e you confused. did not mean to thin! you were involved. did not mean to cause trouble.
) don't hae time to 0 er% he word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' +hen adding 'have time to' you are simply stating that you have other obligations and all other things considered must wait. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't don't don't don't don't
have have have have have
time time time time time
to to to to to
explain. eat. exercise. watch my favorite 2 show. tal!.
#ou can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not li!e% things you do not understand% or things you do not do. Here are some examples: I I I I I I
don't eat meat. don't li!e the rain. don't understand "panish. do not understand what you are saying. do not li!e scary movies. do not li!e sports.
) don't hae time to 0 er% he word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' +hen adding 'have time to' you are simply stating that you have other obligations and all other things considered must wait. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't don't don't don't don't
have have have have have
time time time time time
to to to to to
explain. eat. exercise. watch my favorite 2 show. tal!.
#ou can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not li!e% things you do not understand% or things you do not do. Here are some examples: I I I I
don't eat meat. don't li!e the rain. don't understand "panish. do not understand what you are saying.
I do not li!e scary movies. I do not li!e sports.
) don't hae time to 0 er% he word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' +hen adding 'have time to' you are simply stating that you have other obligations and all other things considered must wait. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't don't don't don't don't
have have have have have
time time time time time
to to to to to
explain. eat. exercise. watch my favorite 2 show. tal!.
#ou can also use the phrase 'I don't' to express things you do not li!e% things you do not understand% or things you do not do. Here are some examples: I I I I I I
don't eat meat. don't li!e the rain. don't understand "panish. do not understand what you are saying. do not li!e scary movies. do not li!e sports.
) promise not to 0 er% +hen using the word 'promise' you are giving your word that what you are saying is true. #ou might also be assuring someone a guarantee that you will follow thru on what you are saying to them. +hen using 'promise not to' you are stating you will not do a particular
thing. Here are some examples: I I I I I
promise promise promise promise promise
not not not not not
to to to to to
tell. leave without you. be so late. hurt your feelings. wa!e you up.
#ou can also *ust use the word 'promise' to assure someone of your intentions. Here are some examples: I I I I I
promise promise promise promise promise
I am telling the truth. to practice my math. to call you. I will tell you. I will come to your party.
I$d rather / 0verb1 I'd' is a contraction of the words 'I had' or 'I would.' +hen using it with the word 'rather' you are suggesting you would li!e to do or prefer one thing more than another. Here are some examples: I'd rather tal! about this later. I'd li!e to eat at home than go get fast food. I'd rather s!i than snowboard. I'd rather stay late than come in early tomorrow. I'd rather handle the problem myself. I had rather go home than stay out too late. I had rather listen to my parents or get in trouble. I would rather exercise than sit on the couch all day.
I would rather complete my tas! early. I would rather !now the answer.
) &eel like 0 er%4ing Here you are expressing to someone something you would en*oy doing. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I
feel feel feel feel feel feel feel
li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e
going for a bi!e ride. going to the beach. having a snac!. tal!ing. dancing. having friends over to my house. watching 2.
By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something you would not en*oy or express a concern about something. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't feel li!e leaving yet. don't feel li!e explaining. don't feel li!e going to bed. do not feel comfortable tal!ing about it. do not feel li!e we are going in the right direction.
) &eel like 0 er%4ing Here you are expressing to someone something you would en*oy doing. Here are some examples: I feel li!e going for a bi!e ride.
feel feel feel feel feel feel
li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e li!e
going to the beach. having a snac!. tal!ing. dancing. having friends over to my house. watching 2.
By adding 'don't' or 'do not' you can change what you are saying to express something you would not en*oy or express a concern about something. Here are some examples: I I I I I
don't feel li!e leaving yet. don't feel li!e explaining. don't feel li!e going to bed. do not feel comfortable tal!ing about it. do not feel li!e we are going in the right direction.
I can$t help / 0verb2ing1 he word 'can't' is contraction for 'cannot.' ombined with 'help' you are communicating something you are unable to control or having a hard time gaining a grasp for. his can be a physical or mental action. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I I I
can't help thin!ing about it. can't help shopping so much. can't help wor!ing all the time. can't help smiling when I see her. can't help eating so much. can't help loving you. can not help biting my nails when I am nervous. can not help smo!ing when I have been drin!ing. cannot help feeling so sad. cannot help remembering the things you did.
I was busy / 0verb2ing1 +hen using the word 'was'% you are referring to something in a past tense% or something that happened before. ombining it with the word 'busy' you can express something that was occupying you in a past time. Here are some examples:
was was was was was was was was was was
busy thin!ing. busy wor!ing. busy coo!ing dinner. busy tal!ing on the phone. busy cleaning the house. busy studying for my test. busy thin!ing of ideas for our website. busy entertaining our neighbors. busy completing my housewor!. busy learning new things.
By changing 'was' to 'am' you change your message from past tense to present tense and refer to something you are doing 'now.' Here are some examples: I I I I I
am busy am busy am busy am busy am busy
wor!ing. coo!ing dinner. studying for my test. completing housewor!. tal!ing on the phone.
I$m not used to / 0verb2ing1 Here you are using 'not used to' to inform someone that you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with a topic at hand. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
not not not not not not not not not
used used used used used used used used used
to tal!ing 3nglish. to studying so much. to being around new people. to tal!ing in front of groups of people. to having so much stress. to traveling so much. to wor!ing so early. to having so much responsibility. to drin!ing so much.
) want you to 0 er%
I want you to' is telling someone that you have a desire or would li!e for them to do something. Here are some examples: I I I I I
want want want want want
you you you you you
to to to to to
clean the dishes. come home right after school. call once you get there. explain yourself to me. educate me.
By using the word 'need' instead of 'want' you are expressing something that is re-uired or wanted. Here are some examples: I I I I I
need need need need need
you to study harder in school. you to stop and listen to me. you to greet our guests. you to introduce me to your family. to re-uest a refund.
I$m here to / 0verb1 #ou are informing someone that you are at a particular place to accomplish something. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
here here here here here here here here here here
to to to to to to to to to to
apply for the *ob. ta!e a test. receive my gift. support all your decisions. watch a movie. wor! on your computer. welcome you to the neighborhood. raise awareness for cancer. start the *ob. receive the award.
) hae something 0 er%
+hen using the expression 'I have something' you are communicating that you possess something or need to do something that is unspecified or undetermined. Here are some examples: I I I I I I I I I I I
have have have have have have have have have have have
something something something something something something something something something something something
to complete. to share with you. important to tell you. to encourage you. to explain to you. special planned for your birthday. else to consider. to apologi(e about. to attend tonight. to as! you. fun for us to do.
I$m looing forward to +hen telling someone that you are 'loo!ing forward to' you are saying that you are waiting or hoping for something% especially with pleasure. Here are some examples: I'm loo!ing forward to meeting you. I'm loo!ing forward to tal!ing with you. I'm loo!ing forward to going on vacation. I'm loo!ing forward to spending time with my family. I'm loo!ing forward to learning the 3nglish language. I am loo!ing forward to visiting another country. I am loo!ing forward to having a family. I am loo!ing forward to graduating from college. I am loo!ing forward to watching the baseball game. I am loo!ing forward to running in a race.
(L)S* S#+,)( -+S)S ))
I$m calling to / 0verb1 +hen using the words 'I'm calling' you are stating that you are actually using the phone to call and relay information. Here are some examples:
I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
calling calling calling calling calling calling calling calling calling calling
to to to to to to to to to to
tell you about my day. accept your invitation. answer your -uestion. boo! a reservation at your restaurant. complain about something. than! you. support your decision. remind you of our dinner plans. report a lost wallet. receive my pri(e.
I$m woring on / 0noun1 I'm' is a contraction for the words 'I am.' he phrase 'wor!ing on' relays a physical or mental effort towards an accomplishment. Here are some examples: I'm wor!ing on a big pro*ect. I'm wor!ing on training my dog. I'm wor!ing on ma!ing new friends. I'm wor!ing on educating myself. I'm wor!ing on my homewor!. I am wor!ing on painting a house. I am wor!ing on a new idea. I am wor!ing on my computer. I'm wor!ing on my website.
I$m sorry to / 0verb1 "aying you are 'sorry to' expresses a feeling of sympathy or regret. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
to to to to to to to
be so late. hear about your sic! mother. waste your time. ma!e you feel so sad. frighten you. disagree with your decision. call so late.
I'm sorry to admit what I did. I'm sorry to end this relationship.
I$m thining of / 0verb2ing1 hin!ing' refers to a process of thought% forming an opinion or *udgment. +hen expressing 'I am thin!ing of' you are letting someone !now what you are personally thin!ing. Here are some examples: I'm thin!ing of chec!ing out the new movie. I'm thin!ing of filming my vacation. I'm thin!ing of following a healthy diet. I'm thin!ing of handing out flyers describing our business. I'm thin!ing of increasing my wor! load. I am thin!ing of introducing myself to him. I am thin!ing of launching a new website. I am thin!ing of moving to a new city. I am thin!ing of offering her the position. I am thin!ing of opening up a store.
)'ll help you 0 er% his lets you inform someone that you are willing to provide assistance. his could refer to something physical or mental% li!e helping someone to 'thin!' or 'remember' something. Here are some examples: I'll help you coo! dinner tonight. I'll help you raise money for your charity. I'll help you register for your class online. I'll help you move to your new house. I'll help you prevent that from happening again. I will help you par! your car. I will help you provide all the information you need. I will help you reali(e your potential.
I will help you stop smo!ing. I will help you shop for groceries.
I$m dying to / 0verb1 +hen using the word 'dying' in this manner you are referring to wanting or desiring something greatly. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying dying
to to to to to to to to to to
relax on the beach. pic! some fresh fruit. order some desserts. find out if I got the *ob. move to a bigger house. loo! at all the wor! you've done. learn more about you. introduce you to my parents. expand my business. chec! my score on the test.
It$s my turn to / 0verb1 he word 'It's' is a contraction of the words 'it is.' +hen stating 'my turn' you are telling someone that it is time to change position or position focuses on to you. Here are some examples: It's my turn to wal! you home. It's my turn to do laundry. It's my turn to wor! late. It's my turn to ta!e out the trash. It's my turn to choose where we eat. It is my turn to pay for dinner. It is my turn to roll the dice. It is my turn to provide an answer. It is my turn to try and play the game. It is my turn to attempt solving the problem.
I$m having a hard time / 0verb2ing1 By stating you are having a hard time you are letting someone !now you are having difficulty with something. his could be something physical or mental and something that could be overcome with effort. Here are some examples: I'm having a hard time writing. I'm having a hard time understanding you. I'm having a hard time answering your -uestion. I'm having a hard time downloading songs to my i0od. I'm having a hard time agreeing to the terms.
)'m haing a hard time 0 er%4ing By stating you are having a hard time you are letting someone !now you are having difficulty with something. his could be something physical or mental and something that could be overcome with effort. Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
having having having having having
a a a a a
hard hard hard hard hard
time time time time time
writing. understanding you. answering your -uestion. downloading songs to my i0od. agreeing to the terms.
+ith the addition of an adverb you can express in more detail *ust how difficult something is for you.
Here are some examples: I'm I'm I'm I'm
having having having having
an extremely hard time trusting you. an extremely hard time with my wife. a very hard time finding a *ob. a very hard time finding parts for my car.
I thin I should / 0verb1 Here you are telling someone that you feel strongly about doing a particular action. Here are some examples: I thin! I should practice my reading. I thin! I should *oin a study group. I thin! I should handle this as soon as possible. I thin! I should earn my degree. I thin! I should explain myself. By adding the word 'don't' you have changed what you are conveying from something you are thin!ing of doing% to something you are against. Here are some examples: I do not thin! I should complain so much. I do not thin! I should attend that event. I do not thin! I should borrow more money. I do not thin! I should doubt you. I do not thin! I should decide until later.
I$ve heard that / 0sub3ect / verb1
#ou are letting someone !now that you are aware of something or that you have been informed of something that is ta!ing place. his could be something that has already happened or something happening in the near future. 'I've' is a contraction of the words 'I have.' Here are some examples: I've heard that you got a new *ob. I've heard that you want to leave your *ob. I've heard that you got a new car. I've heard that you li!e to *og. I've heard that you fix computers. I've heard that you've never been to anada. I've heard that you li!e to shop. I've heard that you and your boss don't get along. I've heard that there is no school next wee!. I've heard that your wife is a yoga instructor.
It occurred to me that 0sub3ect / verb1 he word 'occurred' informs someone that something has come to mind or has been found. #ou are letting someone !now that you suddenly have thought or remembered about something. Here are some examples: It occurred to me that I forgot your birthday. It occurred to me that we both belong to the same gym. It occurred to me that we en*oy a lot of the same things. It occurred to me the price for homes are more expensive here. It occurred to me that eating healthy ma!es me feel better. &sing the word 'had' or 'has' can change what you are saying to
represent something remembered in a past time. Here are some examples: It had occurred to me that I forgot something at the grocery. It had occurred to me I might need to change my email address. It has occurred to me I forgot my mom's birthday. It has occurred to me before.
&et me / 0verb1 ,et me' is suggesting that you are as!ing for permission or an opportunity to do something. Here are some examples: ,et me ma!e my own decisions. ,et me offer to help you. ,et me open the door for you. ,et me pause and thin! about what we are doing. ,et me welcome you to the neighborhood. ,et me save you the trouble. ,et me ma!e a suggestion. ,et me try and fix your car. ,et me taste the soup before you add more spices. ,et me treat you to some ice cream.
#han you for "aying 'than! you' is telling someone you appreciate what they have done. his can either be something they did for you or for someone else.
Here are some examples: han! you for inviting me. han! you for helping me move. han! you for informing me about the *ob opening. han! you for mailing that pac!age for me. han! you for wor!ing so hard. han! you for stopping by to visit. han! you for replying to my email. han! you for providing me with the answers. han! you for heating up dinner. han! you for hurrying to get here.
4an I / 0verb1 +hen ending a sentence with a -uestion mar! 415 you are as!ing the person or people you are tal!ing to a -uestion for which you would li!e an answer. Here you are as!ing permission to do a particular action. Here are some examples: an I answer your -uestion1 an I attend the event1 an I move to another spot1 an I call you tomorrow1 an I complete this later1 an I explain myself1 an I help you with your homewor!1 an I include you in our plans1 an I introduce you to my co6wor!ers1 an I inform you of some bad news1
4an I get / 0noun1 he phrase 'an I get' can be used in a couple different ways. #ou can use it to as! a -uestion. Here are some examples: an I get a cup of water1 an I get a dog1 an I get lunch1 an I get sugar in my coffee1 an I get popcorn at the movie1 #ou can also use it when offering to help someone or do something for them. Here are some examples: an I get you another drin!1 an I help you move that1 an I recommend a good place to eat1 an I ta!e you home1 an I help you finish your pro*ect1
I$m not sure if 0sub3ect / verb1 I'm not sure' expresses a feeling of uncertainty or lac! of confidence on a particular matter. Here are some examples: I am not sure if they will offer me the *ob. I'm not sure if she'll return my call. I'm not sure if my wife will understand. I'm not sure if we will go out tonight.
I'm not sure if I understand your -uestion. I am not sure if I can handle it. I am not sure if it will happen. I am not sure if it will matter. I am not sure if my mom will notice. I am not sure if they will permit us to par! there.
I$m not sure if 0sub3ect / verb1 I'm not sure' expresses a feeling of uncertainty or lac! of confidence on a particular matter. Here are some examples: I am not sure if they will offer me the *ob. I'm not sure if she'll return my call. I'm not sure if my wife will understand. I'm not sure if we will go out tonight. I'm not sure if I understand your -uestion. I am not sure if I can handle it. I am not sure if it will happen. I am not sure if it will matter. I am not sure if my mom will notice. I am not sure if they will permit us to par! there.
5o you mind if I / 0verb1 #ou are as!ing someone in present tense if they ob*ect to something you are as!ing. Here are some examples:
$o you mind if I excuse myself1 $o you mind if we left early1 $o you mind if I ta!e a nap1 $o you mind if I as! your mom1 $o you mind if it snows1 #ou could also use the word 'would' Here are some examples: +ould you mind if we went out to eat1 +ould you mind if I opened the window1 +ould you mind telling me what you're doing1 +ould you mind being -uiet for a minute1 +ould you mind if I changed the channel1
I don$t now what to / 0verb1 #ou are letting someone !now that you are not sure about what is being as!ed. #ou may also have no !nowledge or opinion on a topic. Here are some examples: I don't !now what to eat for dinner. I don't !now what to buy you for your birthday. I don't !now what to say. I don't !now what to do with my spare time. I don't !now what to do for vacation. I do not !now what to do to ma!e you happy. I do not !now what to do to help you understand. I do not !now what to thin!. I do not !now what to do to prevent this. I do not !now what to order.
) should hae 0 past participle "hould' is the past tense of the word 'shall.' +hen using the words 'should have' you are tal!ing about something in the past that you 'ought to' or 'might have' done. Here are some examples: I should have gone with you. I should have studied more for my test. I should have read the directions before starting. I should have eaten brea!fast this morning. I should have listened to your advice. I should have married her when I had the chance. '"hall' is something that will ta!e place or exist in the future. Here are some examples: I shall leave tomorrow. I shall finish the *ob next wee!. I shall see it tomorrow. I shall go outside if it's nice out. I shall pay for this later.
I wish I could / 0verb1 #ou are expressing a desire to do something. Here are some examples:
I wish I could sing better. I wish I could settle the argument. I wish I could sail around the world. I wish I could remain calm during all of this. I wish I could remember his name. I wish I could replace my old car with a new one. I wish I could play outside. I wish I could go to the game with you. I wish I could write better. I wish I could own my own business.
You$re supposed to / 0verb1 #ou're' is a contraction of the words 'you are.' +hen using '#ou're' with the words 'supposed to' you are ma!ing a suggestion that something you strongly believe ought to happen. Here are some examples: #ou're supposed to !eep that secret. #ou're supposed to let me !now when you leave. #ou're supposed to stop when at a red light. #ou're supposed to unpac! once you get there. #ou're supposed to return the movies you rent on time. #ou are supposed to remain calm. #ou are supposed to fasten your seat belt. #ou are supposed to invite all your friends. #ou are supposed to encourage one another. #ou are supposed to decide before next hursday.
ou seem 0 ad6ectie +hen stating 'you seem' you're referring to the person you are tal!ing to and expressing that they are giving the impression of or appear to be. Here are some examples: #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou #ou
seem seem seem seem seem seem seem seem seem seem
bored. unhappy with the results. eager to begin. easy to get along with. elated to hear the good news. deeply in love. afraid of roller coasters. confused about the rules of the game. embarrassed about what happened. decisive about your choice.
You$d better / 0verb1 #ou'd' is a contraction of 'you had' or 'you would.' #ou are ma!ing a suggestion to someone for a particular action. Here are some examples: #ou'd better exercise. #ou'd better help out. #ou'd better invite your brother. #ou'd better impress the *udges. #ou'd better listen to your parents. #ou had better not come home late. #ou had better hope for the best. #ou had better change your attitude. #ou would be good at teaching. #ou would do well at math.
(re you into / 0noun1 Here you are as!ing a -uestion about an interest they might have or something they might en*oy doing. Here are some examples: Are you into soccer1 Are you into trying new things1 Are you into wine tasting1 Are you into wor!ing out at home or at the gym1 Are you into scary movies1 Are you into playing games1 Are you into *ogging1 Are you into painting1 Are you into traveling1 Are you into fixing cars1
(re you trying to / 0verb1 #ou are as!ing someone if they are attempting to do something. his can be something mentally or physically. Here are some examples: Are you trying to ignore me1 Are you trying to manage your money1 Are you trying to memori(e that song1 Are you trying to offer your help1 Are you trying to program your new phone1 Are you trying to pretend li!e it never happened1 Are you trying to remain calm1 Are you trying to remember her name1
Are you trying to reflect on the past1 Are you trying to switch flights1
-lease / 0verb1 0lease' is generally used in a polite re-uest when as!ing someone to do something. Here are some examples: 0lease pass me the salt. 0lease order me the stea! and potatoes. 0lease stop bothering me. 0lease wash your hands before dinner. 0lease wait outside until we are ready. 0lease (ip up your coat before you go outside. 0lease stand bac!. he word 'please' can also mean to give en*oyment or satisfaction to. Here are some examples: he smell of the flowers was very pleasing. May it please the court to admit this into evidence1 I was very pleased with how the children behaved in class. #ou cannot please everyone all the time. "he was pleased with the dress.
Don't 0 er% he word 'don't' is a contraction of the words 'do not.' It is said to convey a message of what 78 should be done. Here are some examples: $on't try and fool me. $on't allow this to happen. $on't watch scary movies before you go to bed. $on't cause any more trouble. $on't chew gum in class. $o not concern yourself with other people's problems. $o not behave that way. $o not announce your decision until you're ready. $o not argue with me. $o not arrive late for your meeting.
5o you lie +ith this -uestion you are as!ing someone what they prefer or en*oy. Here are some examples: $o you li!e traveling on a plane1 $o you li!e watching baseball on 21 $o you li!e s!iing or snowboarding1 $o you li!e going to bed early1 $o you li!e spending time with me1 $o you li!e repeating the class1 $o you li!e playing video games1 $o you li!e listening to music1
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