spm physics paper3 nota

April 30, 2017 | Author: nlweing | Category: N/A
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Diagram 3.1 shows the light from the wall producing a sharp image on the screen after passing through a glass filled with water.

Diagram 3.2 shows the light from a table lamp is passing through the same glass filled with the same amount of water. The lamp is not lighted. The sharp image is only obtained when the white screen is moved further from the glass.

inference : The image distance depends on object distance hypothesis : If the object distance is shorter / decreases, the image distance will be longer / increases aim of experiment : To investigate the relationship between the object distance, u and image distance, v of the convex lens.

variables : Manipulatd variable : object distance, u Responding variable : Image distance, v constant variable : Focal length, f of the convex lens list of apparatus and materials : Convex lens, bulb with holder, 12 V a.c power supply, white screen, cardboard with triangular hole fixed with cross wire, plasticine and meter rule arrangement of the apparatus :

method : 1. A convex lens with focal length, f = 10 cm is set up as shown in the diagram. 2. The distance between the cross wires and the convex lens, u (object distance) = 30.0 cm is measured (using metre rule) 3. The power supply is switched on. 4. The white screen is moved back and forth until a sharp image is formed on the screen . 5. The distance between the screen and lens, v ( image distance v) is measured 6. The experiment is repeated with u = 26.0cm, 22.0 cm, 18.0 cm and 14.0cm

Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show a driller. In Diagram 4.1, the 4.5 V batteries are used and the drill bit penetrated more into the wall. In Diagram 4.2, the 3.0 V batteries are used and the drill bit penetrated less into the wall.

inference : Penetration distance depends on potential difference,p.d // Force depends on potential difference,p.d /current hypothesis : As the p.d /current increases the penetration distance /force increases aim of the experiment : To investigate the relationship between the current /voltage and the distance travelled variable : Manipulated : electric current/ voltage Responding : distance travelled Constant variable : strength of the magnet // number of magnets List out apparatus and materials : magnadur magnets , U- shaped iron yoke , copper rod, d.c power supply, ammeter, metre ruler, bare copper wire, rheostat

arrangement of the apparatus :

method : 1. The magnets is set as shown in diagram. 2. The d.c. power supply is switched on. The rheostat is adjusted until the reading of ammeter is I = 0.5 A 3. The distance of copper rod moves on the bare copper wire from the initial position to final position, d is measured using a metre ruler 4. The experiment is repeated with I = 1.0 A, 1.5 A, 2.0 A, and 2.5 A

Inference: Hypothesis: Aim:





Diagram 3.1 shows two wooden tops. One of the tops is partly coated with tin. Both tops are the same size and are rotate with the same velocity,

Diagram 3.2 shows the top which is partly coated with tin able to spin longer.

Inference: The mass affected the motion of an object. Hypothesis: Mass increases period of oscillation (time for one oscillation) increases. Aim: To determine the relationship between mass and period of oscillation. Manipulated variable: Mass Responding variable: Period (time for one oscillation) Fixed/constant variable: Length of the saw. Apparatus: Saw, plasticine, stop watch and G clamp and ruler. Apparatus arrangement:

Saw (gergaji)

G clamp Plasticine

Procedure 1. 2.

The apparatus is set up as shown. 10 g plasticine is placed at the end of the saw. The plasticine is oscillated and time (t) for 20 oscillations is measured and recorded. The period of the oscillation is calculated as shown below:


t 20

3. Step 2 is repeated by using 20 g, 30 g, 40 g and 50 g plasticine.


Mass of plasticine, m (g)

Time for 20 oscillations, t (s)

Period, T (s)

T 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0

Data analysis:

Mass, m (g)

Period, T (s)

t 20

It is advisable not to throw empty aerosol can into a burning trash because explosion can occur. The picture below shows the condition of an empty aerosol can, after it was thrown into a burning trash.

The pressure of gas depend on its temperature / Temperature affects the pressure of a gas The pressure of gas increases as its temperature increases To investigate the relationship between the pressure of gas and its temperature. Manipulated : Temperature Responding : The pressure of gas Constant : Mass of gas/ Volume of gas apparatus and materials: Thermometer, Bourdon gauge, round bottom flask , large beaker, water, stirrer, bunsen burner, tripod stand with wire gauze

1. Apparatus is set as shown in the above diagram. 2. Water is heated slowly and stirred continuously to achieve θ equal to 30˚0C. 3. When the temperature is at 30˚0C, the pressure of the air, P is read from the Bourdon gauge 4. The experiment is repeated using the temperature 40 ˚C, 50˚0C, 60˚0C and 70˚0C. Temperature/˚C


Diagram 3.1 shows that Ahmad riding at higher gradient down hill and going faster. Diagram 3.2 shows that Ahmad riding at lower gradient down hill and going slower.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

Final velocity depend on gradient of the hill, Final velocity increase when the gradient increase. To investigate the relationship between final velocity and gradient of runway. Manipulated variable: gradient of runway Responding variable : final velocity Fixed variable

: mass of the trolley

Ticker timer, power supply, ticker tape, trolley, runway, ruler and blocks of wood. Trolley

Ticker tape

a.c power supply

Wooden block

1. 2. 3. 4.

Set up the apparatus. Height of trolley ,h is measured 20 .0 cm. Ticker tape is measured dan calculated the velocity using formula ,v = s / t . The experiment is repeat with the height . h = 25.0 cm, 30.0cm, 35.0 cm, and 40.0 cm. Height,h / cm

Velocity,v / cm s-1

20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0




Diagram 4.1 shows one eureka wire 10 cm long are connected across two points X and Y. Diagram 4.2 shows two eureka wire 10 cm long are connected across two points X and Y

Diagram 4.1 A

Diagram 4.2

Inference : The resistance of the constantans wire affec ted by the cross-sectional area of the wire Hypothesis : The resistance of the conductor decreases/smaller when the crosss-sectional area of the wire bigger.increases Aim of experiment: To investigate the relationship between the resistance of the conductor and its cross-sectional area at constant area. Manipulated - Cross-sectional area Responding - Resistance of the conductor Fixed - Temperature , length , type of conductor Ammeter, voltmeter, constantans wire(5 ) metre rule ,switch, batteries, Connecting wire,



i. The cross-sectional area of the conductor can be increased by connecting 2, 3,4,5 wires across the point X and Y. ii. The resistance is calculated by observing the reading of voltmeter and ammeter iii. The resistance is calculated from formula a. R = V I

Cross-sectional area ,A

V/ V

I / (A )

R / (Ω )

1 unit 2 unit 3 unit 4 unit 5 unit


1/R Ω-1

1/ R ( Ω -1 )

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