SPM List of physics experiments

April 14, 2017 | Author: AnythingAlsoCanLah | Category: N/A
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Mass and volume of water displaced out I = Volume of water displaced depends on the weight of the load. H = When weight of the load increase, volume of water displaced increase

2. FORCES AND MOTION Acceleration and height of slope I = acceleration depends on the height of the slope. H = The higher the slope, the higher the acceleration

4. HEAT Pressure and Volume (Boyle’s Law) I = Volume depend on pressure H = When Volume decrease, pressure will in creased Mass and acceleration I = acceleration of lorry depends on its mass H = When mass increase, the acceleration will decrease

Rise in temperature and mass

3. FORCES AND PRESSURE Bouyant force and water displaced I = buoyant force depends on the volume of water displaced. H = When the volume of displaced water increased, the buoyant force will increase.

I = Rise in temperature depends on the mass of the water. H = the higher the mass, the lower rise in temperature

Temperature and volume (Charles law) I = Volume of the bottle depends on the temperature H = When temperature increase, volume of the bottle increase.

Distance between sources, a and distance between two consecutive constructive interference, (loud sound) x I = x depends on a H = the higher the a, the lower the x

5. LIGHT u and size of image (lens) I = size of image depends on the object distance H = When object distance increase, the size of image decrease

depth and wavelength, λ I = wavelength, λ depends on depth of water H = when depth of water increase, wavelength increase

6. WAVES Wavelength, λ and distance between two consecutive bright fringe, x I = distance between two consecutive bright fringe, x, depends on wavelength, λ H = when λ increased, x increase

7. ELECTRICITY I = Brightness of the bulb depends on the length of the wire. H = When length of the wire increases, the resistance will increase Distance between sources, a and distance between two consecutive constructive interference, x I = x depends on a H = when a increase, x will decrease

I = Resistance of the metal depend on its temperature H = When the temperature of the metal increases, its resistance will increase

8. ELECTROMAGNETISM Strength of the electromagnet and Current. I = Strength of electromagnet depends on the amount of current. H = when current increased, strength of electromagnet increase

Number of turn of secondary coil and output voltage I = output voltage depends on the number of turn of secondary coil H = when number of turn of secondary coil increase, output voltage will increase

I = The rotation speed of the motor depends on the number of the batteries. H = When the current increases, the speed of the rotation/force/displacement of the iron rod, X increases.


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