Spm Dear Mr Kilmer r

May 22, 2018 | Author: Thirumangai Pelanysamy | Category: Poetry
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Dear Mr. Kilmer Sing To The Dawn Captain  Nobody


Anne Schraff   Minfong Ho


Dean Pitchford

n the no!el that yo" ha!e h a!e #t"died$ do yo" li%e it# ending& 'i!e rea#on# for yo"r an#wer with clo#e reference to the te(t. )*+ mar%#,

• •

 Name of no!el #ynop#i#

SAMPLE ANSWER  The no!el that  ha!e #t"died i# Dear Mr Kilmer by Anne Schraff. The no!el i# #et d"ring the orld ar . t i# abo"t a boy named ichard Knight who li!e# in T"rtle /a%e$ owa$ in America. He li!e# with hi# father$ Pa$ hi# elder brother$ '"#$ and hi# #i#ter$ Angie. He goe# to #chool there a# well. ichard ha# a friend named Hannah Scherm Schermer$ er$ an Ameri American can girl girl from from 'erman 'erman de#cen de#cent. t. She become become## a !ictim !ictim to the local# pre0"dice pre0"dice and di#crimina di#crimination tion beca"#e America America wa# at war again#t 'ermany. ichard wa# al#o clo#e to her family #o he wa# crit critic ici# i#ed ed by hi# hi# fami family ly and frie friend nd#. #. Anoth nother er rea# rea#on on ich ichar ard d wa# wa# critici#ed by hi# family and friend# wa# hi# pa##ion toward# poetry. n an effort to p"r#"e thi# pa##ion$ ichard made contact# with a poet$ Mr  1oyce Kilmer$ thro"gh letter#. Sadly$ Mr Kilmer died while fighting in

the war. Do yo" li%e the ending& De#cribe the ending

I really enjoy reading the ending of the tory! n the no!el$ on a few occa#ion# Pa and '"# critici#ed ichard for hi# deep intere#t toward# poetry writing. Howe!er$ at the end of the #tory Pa #"pported him. ichard2# poem# ha!e become a reg"lar feat"re in 3The T"rtle /a%e ee%ly2. Pa help# ichard by correcting hi# poem# or gi!ing #"gge#tion# beca"#e ichard write# mainly abo"t farm life. ichard read# hi# poem# alo"d to Pa after dinner be#ide the fire. 4ften$ Pa  prai#e# hi# poem#.

ea#on *

There are three rea#on# why  li%e the ending of thi# no!el. "irt# it ho$ that %oet ha&e a role to %lay in the 'o(()nity! ichard2# #"cce## a# a poetry writer in a reg"lar col"mn in the local new#paper pro!e# that poetry writing i# an acceptable hobby in the comm"nity "nli%e the claim# made by the b"llie# from ichard2# cla##mate# that poem# are for 3Si##ie#2.

ea#on 5

Se'ond# I li*e the ending +e'a)e it %at'he the &oid in the relationhi% +et$een a on and hi father . Pa wa# initially cold and di#tant toward# ichard altho"gh they alway# wor% together at the farm. Howe!er$ thi# #it"ation changed. Their relation#hip wa# #trengthened after Mr Kilmer2# death in the war. The change happened after ichard wrote a poem to commemorate hi# death. n that poem$ ichard "#ed the #ame phra#e that went thro"gh Pa2# mind d"ring 6ncle oland2# f"neral. The phra#e wa# 3A world i# gone. A world i# dead and gone2. The poem wa# p"bli#hed in 3The T"rtle /a%e ee%ly2 and Pa wa# !ery impre##ed of ichard.

ea#on 7

Third# the ending in thi no&el ha an i(%ortant (oral &al)e $hi'h i %ere&eran'e . ichard wa# ridic"led by #ome of hi# cla##mate# for hi# poetry writing. Pa al#o #aid that poetry ha# p"t cra8y idea# in hi# mind. De#pite all the#e ob0ection#$ ichard fo"nd hi# #trength to p"r#"e hi# intere#t. He made contact# with Mr Kilmer who moti!ated him to write poetry. He al#o befriended the Schermer# who #"pported him. Mr Schermer e!en per#"aded him to #end hi# poem abo"t Mr Kilmer to be p"bli#hed in 3The T"rtle /a%e ee%ly2. Since then$ he i# a reg"lar poetry writer. 9rom thi# ending$ it i# clear that  per#e!erance i# important in achie!ing #"cce##.


 en0oyed reading the no!el. :a#ed "pon the rea#on# #tated abo!e$  e!en en0oyed reading it# ending. t end# well and thi# lea!e# a #weet memor y to all the reader#.

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