C1:Introduction C1:Introduction to Physics C2: Forces and motion C3: Forces and pressure C4: Heat C5: Light
C1: Introduction to Chemistry C2: The Structure of Atom C3: Chemical Formulae & Equations C4: Periodic Table of elements C5: Chemical Bonds C6: Electrochemistry C7: Acid & Bases C8: Salts C9: Manufactured substances in industry
C1: Introduction of Biology C2:Cell Structure Struct ure & cell organization organizatio n C3: Movement of substances substan ces across the membrane C4: Chemical composition of the cell C5: Cell Division C6: Nutrition C7: Respiration Respir ation C8: Dynamic Ecosystem C9: Endangered Ecosystem
Form 5
Form 5
C10: Rate of Reaction C11: Carbon compounds C12: Oxidation & Reduction C13: Thermo chemistry C14: Chemicals for consumers
C10: Transport C11: Locomotion & Support C12: Coordination & Response C13: Reproduction & Growth C14: Inheritance Inheritan ce C15: Variation
C1: Kemunculan Tamadun Awal Manusia C2: Peningkatan Tamadun C3: Tamadun Awal Di Asia Tenggara C4:Kemunculan Tamadun Islam &« C5: Kerajaan Islam Di Madinah C6: Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam &« C7: Islam Di Asia Tenggara C8: Pembaharuan dan pengaruh« C9: Perkembangan Di Eropah C10: Dasar British & Kesannya terhadap «
C1: Standard Form C2: Quadratic Expressions & equations C3: Sets C4: Mathematical Reasoning C5: The Straight Line C6: Statistics C7: Probability I C8: Circles III C9: Trigonometry II C10: Angles of Elevation & Depression
C1: Kemunculan & perkembangan.. C2: Nasionalisme di Malaysia« C3: Kesedaran pembinaan bangsa« C4: Pembinaan negara & bangsa Malaysia C5: Pembinaan negara & bangsa yang« C6: Pengukuhan Negara & bangsa« C7: Sistem Pemerintahan & pentadbiran C8: Pembangunan & perpaduan untuk« C9: Malaysia dalam kerjasama«
Form 5
Form 5
C12: Number Bases C13: Graphs & Functions II C14: Transformation III C15: Matrices C16: Variations C17: Gradient &Area under a graph C18: Probability II C19: Bearing C20: Earth as a sphere C21: Plans & Elevation
C12: Progressions C13: Linear Law C14: Integration C15: Vectors C16: Trigonometric Functions C17: Permutations & Combinations C18: Probability C19: Probability Distributions C20: Motion along a straight line C21: Linear Programming
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