Spiritual Psychic Self Defense Course Notes John v Ladalski

April 30, 2017 | Author: MasterYogi1 | Category: N/A
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How Do You Know if You Need Psychic Protection? Spiritual PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE Course Notes By Sri Jnanadev Yogi Aka John v. Ladalski What defines a Psychic Attack? It is the debilitating influence on the mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual processes of an individual or group due to the conscious or unconscious negative thought or energy processes of outside forces, human or otherwise. But 90% of psychic attacks are actually the result of the negative, paranoid thought processes of the individual him/herself who believes themselves to be the recipient of an attack from outside. In all cases of psychic attack, it happens because of an opening on the part of the victim. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHIC ATTACK? The symptoms or affects of a psychic attack are very individual. Where and how the attack will affect the intended victim is individually programmed by the aggressor. There are, however, some general warning signs that may be an indicator of a possible attack. Remember, any one of these warnings alone may or may not indicate a psychic attack in progress. If you are fortunate, the aggressor may be foolish enough or confident enough to make their intentions very clear. This is generally not the case. Lacking any formal notification from the aggressor, the individual is left to use reason and intuition to determine the presence of such intent. General warning signs might include, but are not limited to: 1.) A feeling of weight pressing down on your while you are asleep or dreaming. 2.) A continuous and intensifying sense of oppression or fear while awake. 3.) Nervous exhaustion or wasting away to "skin and bone" when there is no medically diagnosable physical cause. 4.) Being terrified of going to sleep due to constant, repetitive nightmares, particularly where you are constantly being chased or assaulted. 5.) The feeling of being stalked by someone other than a physical person. 6.) Obnoxious odors that come and go with no apparent physical cause. (These odors will be noticed by anyone who is around when they are present.) 7.) A sudden and inexplicable desire not be alone. (This is not the ordinary aversion to loneliness, but an obsession not to be left alone for even the slightest moment.)


8.) Inexplicable outbreaks of fire or fever. (This is often associated with elemental activity.) This affect is often associated with someone practicing ancient culture-specific magick, in this case, ancient Egyptian. 9.) The intuitive or visible presence of a manifest thought form. (similar to a ghost, but manmade.) 10.) An inexplicable numbing, followed by paralysis, beginning at the feet and extending gradually up the body. 11.) The rapid and inexplicable onset of constant choking or suffocation. 12.) Sudden and inexplicable losses. This may be by financial down-turn or mysterious theft. 13.) Sudden and inexplicable pestilence, such as flies, spiders, snakes or other undesirable insects and creatures 14) Sudden obsessive interest in spirituality or drop of interest in spirituality in a person who has previously been devoted WHO IS AT RISK? Psychics and counselors because they are often involved with troubled people who can leave behind negative energy after a session. Ill people because the are already low energy and can be susceptible to negative energy. Beginning occultists due to their naivety and experimentation with techniques beyond their expertise. Alcoholics/drug addicts because their lifestyle leaves them open to strange people and places - their judgment can be questionable. People with strong negative emotions - fear, guilt, anger, frustration - because they are surrounding themselves with negativity and like attracts like. Remember like attracts like - if you are generating negative energy, you will attract negative energy. It is necessary to understand “Psychic Self Defense” and the various phenomena related to psychic attack or energetic drain. Light workers, Star-seeds, Healers and the sincere Spiritual Seeker, it is this group that will find this of greatest value as we are becoming increasingly and exponentially Multi-dimensional. We are developing mastery of our energy fields and energy bodies in order to attain the self realization of our Multidimensional God Nature in this cycle of Ascension. When we are fully in our power and we comprehend our Multidimensional nature this issue will cease to exist. However in this transitory phase into accepting and living with our true 2

nature, we find ourselves at an interesting crossroads of this evolutionary growth cycle. Understanding these energy dynamics are a powerful evolution tool and will assist your navigation through these energies much easier if you have a basic comprehension that these forces do indeed exist. The energies and Auric fields in varied degree of the still sleeping human, those humans operating their consciousness at the material plane level with an awareness of only their five physical senses. Also I observe the higher vibrating consciousness field of Multi-dimensional humans mutating through their Spiritual -Ascension. In the still sleeping human I observe in their Auric field what I call “old” patterns of energetic debris, emotional trauma and the garden variety “entity” attached to clumps of astral debris. In the awakening human, especially our particular group of World Healers, all kinds of new energetic phenomena with much more complexity. Viewed various structures and devices from Alien origination (other life form) and what I would refer to as “Super-impositional” forces draining or creating discordance in a person’s energy field. Super-impositional means the person is not consciously aware of this energetic or alien attachment and it has been “imposed” upon them in an area of their consciousness that they have not yet cultivated. This energy is uninvited and parasitic in nature and utilizes the power source of a particular human energy body that the human may not even be aware he has as an aspect of “himself”. When your energy is being drained or utilized by another source, even if you are not aware of it, it depletes YOU. It becomes a negative interference in your energy body creating blockages such as illness or difficulties in manifestation. In accelerated cases it can result in a full or partial “possession”. This is why it is important to begin to use your own higher sensory perception so that you can become aware of these energies and then take charge.. In this way you, as a Multidimensional energy being, become very difficult to be manipulated or controlled by these negative forces. As you have greater comprehension of how these forces work, you will gain greater self mastery and awareness creating liberation from these lower forces. We can then become purposeful in our power as we are divinely guided by our higher selves to achieve and direct our soul’s desires. We can consciously interact with these higher forces to create more accurate manifestations and experience more joy in our daily lives. As we hold these higher vibrating patterns of self awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult for these negative energies to super-impose upon your energy field and take advantage of your life force. Further, as you become self aware you begin to heal these lost aspects of the shadow self and these energies become dissolved into the unification of the balanced light you really are. Psychic Self Defense Further as most of us are gaining self-mastery and personal power into 3

becoming a prototype of a “New Energy” Spiritual Warrior we will become increasingly exposed to such forces. IF IT'S OUTSIDE YOURSELF Most cases are not conscious cases of attack. Usually they are unconscious, "evil eye" encounters from negative, jealous people who direct those feelings toward you but not in a deliberate fashion. These people might be what are called Psychic Vampires - you always feel tired, depressed and/or guilty after interacting with them. You may have a feeling of nausea, or a headache, a sore stomach, pains in the back of your neck or the small of your back, dizziness, mental or emotional confusion, unusual irritability. This is typically an unconscious action on the part of the Psychic Vampire. They tend to be negative, whiny, complaining people who always have something going wrong in their lives, people mad at them, don't often feel good, need to borrow money all the time, a messed up car.....and unconsciously attack others to absorb more energy. If it is purposeful, in other words, someone is deliberately sending you negative energy or curses: Keep in mind that people who indulge in this type of time and energy wasting are sad, powerless people. They can only steal your power by stirring up fear in you. Don't give it to them. If they were truly powerful, wouldn't they be living happy, productive lives, winning the lottery and enjoying the romance of their lifetime instead of wasting your time and theirs try to intimidate others? First step is to rid yourself of everything that they have given you if you have objects of theirs, yes, even things you like. It has their energy and even if you neutralize it, you will always think of them when you see it, thus keeping the connection. The Dark Brotherhood The dark brother does not care if he causes suffering. He does not care what agony of mind he brings upon an opponent; he persists even if it hurts man, woman or child, provided that his own ends are furthered. Expect absolutely no mercy from these dark ones. The dark forces operate on the physical and astral (emotional) planes and, there, appear to have more power than the Brothers of the Light. Too often the Dark Brother masquerades as an agent of the light. He often poses as a messenger of the gods, but one who is clearly a disciple or adept for the Brothers of Light and by definition in touch with his Higher Self will escape deception. In recent times, their power seems quite mighty and frightening. Why? Because many aspects of today's human personality still respond to their evil vibrations making it is easy for them to affect 4

the bodies of men. So few of the races have built in the higher vibration that responds to the Brotherhood of Light. The power of the Dark Brotherhood is dominant on the physical and emotional astral planes. They have no power on the mental planes, where the Brothers of the Light work. Some, strong dark magicians locate on the lower mental levels, but on the higher, the White Brothers dominate. ATTACHING SPIRITS, Discarnate’s Entities, That Attach to one backside spine (spinal back nerves) suck your life forces unknowingly HAUNTINGS: Discarnates Ghosts are people who no longer have bodies. They are trapped between the physical and astral worlds through fear, guilt, anger or desire. They may have died in the house, lived in the house a long time or have intensely liked or disliked the people who lived there before you. You have the advantage - you have a physical body as well as an astral body and they have only an astral body. They cannot hurt you - only if you feed them with fear and so get distracted and clumsy to where you hurt yourself can you be harmed. You can counsel them and advise them to go; you can discover that they don't bother you and leave them alone; you can exorcise them by doing the Cleansing and Purification procedures with expelling them as your focus. Poltergeists are constructed from excess, uncontrolled emotions. Many times houses with teenagers can have this phenomenon. They are not ghosts, just constructions of emotional energy. Set out bowls of salt and lemons to trap the energy and do a thorough Cleansing and Purification. If your teenagers are constructing them, this may be an ongoing process. Thoughtforms are typically constructed from unpleasant events, leftover residue from beginning occultists who are not grounding their energies properly and emotions from divorcing couples. Possession is usually a gradual progress and requires the consent of the possessed. It is insidious and they may not be totally aware of what they are agreeing to. It will seem to them that by interacting with and receiving the "gifts"(ability to write poetry, to attract sexual partners....) of the would-be possessor that they are gaining in power, ability and self understanding. At times they will appear normal looking but when the possessor is in control their facial features will change, sometimes appearing taut and luminescent, their voice will become lower and sometimes menacing, their musculature will change oftentimes producing a limp or appearance of disfigurement. They might also exude a strong odor of feces or rotting food. The entity which possesses will be in tune with the cultural & spiritual beliefs of the individual. A Christian demon will not possess a person not of that faith in other words. It is in part due to the beliefs that the person holds and gaps or weaknesses in those beliefs that the possession can take place. Occasionally a place will contain an entity that has been built up from a thoughtform which can take advantage of a weakened person. Certainly playing with occult practices without sufficient knowledge can lead to possession. The Exorcism should only be done by an experienced practitioner in good physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health according to the cultural & spiritual belief system of the individual affected. 5

ALIENS Races outside our Planets Dacro etc The DARK FORCES EVIL FORCES Lucifer. Archetype of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold. Antichrist. Luciferians, Satanists or sons of Belial (after their various lieutenants) SATAN, AHRIMAN (darker more evil than Lucifer), Asuras, Rakashas, Yakshas DARK FORCES of other Nature Lucifer. Archetype of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold. Antichrist. The angels who followed this arch deceiver, named by Jesus "the father of lies" and "a murderer from the beginning," are the fallen ones, also called Luciferians, Satanists or sons of Belial (after their various lieutenants) SATAN, AHRIMAN (darker more evil than Lucifer), Asuras, Rakashas, Yakshas TECHNIQUES For all kinds of psychic attacks, from all kinds from personal emotional traumas thought attraction to outsides attack from negatives entities , attaching spirits, ascentors spirit causing negative karma AND POSSESIONS AND CAN DO EXORCISM YOU MUST KNOW according to the Ascended Master said via their official trained Messenger Godfrey Ray King of the “I AM !” Activity THAT 97% OF ALL ACCIDENTS AND NEGATIVES FROM DISCARNATE ENTITIES Decrees from Ascended Masters for Protection and Exorcism Make calls and decrees: Archangel Lord Michael, Elohim Mighty Astrea Mantras from Hinduism Mantras are a powerful force that I use daily in my healing practice. Their vibrations are protective for both the healer and the client. Mantras can effectively release attached entities, ghosts and dark force energies which are preying on everyone on the Earth plane at this time. PANDURANGA Mantra to Panduranga, OM NAMO BHAGAVATE PANDURANGAYA To bring in a lot of white light for protection and to begin breaking up and dissolving negative energies. Panduranga is Heavenly Father and the aspect of God that relieves the agony of the soul and illuminates the mind from all darkness HANUMAN The second selection is to Hanuman, 6

OM HAMS HANUMATAE RUDRATMAKAYA HUM PHAT SWAHA. Hanuman is the perfect servant of the Lord and will remove astral entities and negative energies. He is very devoted to the protection of children and will respond quickly when called. DURGA Invoke the help and protection of Durga, OM DUM DURGAYAE NAMAHA. Durga is a very powerful warrior aspect of Divine Mother. Durga protects the universe and imparts knowledge, creative power and will power. Repeating the Durga mantra will strengthen your personal power and help you endure difficult situations SHIVA The fourth selection invokes the help of Shiva, OM NAMO VEE RA BHA DRA YA, RUDRA BHAI RA VAYA, HUM PHAT, SWAHA Lord Shiva destroys and dissolves the cosmos as part of the evolutionary drama. To the spiritual aspirant, He destroys the ego and awakens divine knowledge. Veerabhadraya and Bhairavaya are the two most ferocious aspects of Shiva. Invoke them with this mantra when very powerful negative forces are working against you or your loved ones. These first four mantras will effectively release and clear negative energies OTHER VERSIONS: A popular mantra to Durga, japa is 500,000 times: DURGA Om Aing Hring Kleeng Chamundaye Vichchey, Om. Also: Om Dum Durgaye Namaha, Om. The Shri Durga Mantra is: Om Hrim Dhum Durga Devyai namaha A mantra for Kali, Kring is the seed of the Kali mantra. Japa is 500,000 for mantra siddha: Om Kring Kalikaye Namaha, Om. Buddhism methods Japanese Esoteric Buddhism called Shingon-shu: The mantra and grid Tibetan Vajrayana mantras Others

Blue Light Protection 7


72 NAMES OF GOD, Genesis Prayer

Higher Adi-Buddha Teachings And the Powerful Methods from Ryuho Okawa EL CANTARE Light and Cross methods Exorcism Maintain clean energy with Cleansing and Purification of self and home. Protection Amulets Some items to obtain from proper sources. : Stones to wear or carry: • • •

Clearing: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Bloodstone, Amber Grounding: Hematite, Onyx, Jet Strengthening: Tiger's Eye, Black Tourmaline (especially of aura)

Oils to wear: • • •

Clearing: White Sandalwood, Lavender, Frankincense, Lemon Grounding: Myrrh, Cypress, Moss Strengthening: Myrrh, Frankincense,\

On Spiritual Protection When you as a spiritual Seeker of God-Truth make a conscious decision to learn more of God, to draw closer to God, and to find out whom this God within you truly is, certain obligations seem to immediately accrue in both directions. Among other things, God makes available to you the knowledge of His Will and your place within His Plan. He also begins to shower upon you awareness of His Love, His Wisdom, and His Power, and He honors you because you love Him. When you express your love for God, God reaffirms His Love for you. An immediate obligation of the new Student is to protect in a more than ordinary way your four lower bodies, your very life, and all you hold dear from all encroachments by those who hold a counter agenda and would try to infringe upon that growing Light within you. There truly is a race of beings whose sinister plot is to ensure that you care not for all things spiritual, and who would seek to bring harm upon you because you have chosen to discover the Source of Being. Therefore, a more than casual acquaintance is required with he who is known as Captain of the Lord’s Hosts, and Protector of the Faithful and True. He is Archangel Michael, Prince of the Archangels, and he has vowed to protect you, a Child of God, on your journey toward that ultimate Reunion with God, your Ascension in the Light. However, there is a caveat of which you must become aware. There is a Rule on Earth beyond which no one in the Company of Heaven, including God Himself, will impose. They will not overstep your freedom to choose what you wish to have in your life – your free will is a boundary over which they will not cross – unless you request it. To have anything of God, especially the Protection of God in the Person of beloved Archangel Michael and his Legions, you must ask for it – every day! Because of karmic restrictions within the physical realm, Archangel Michael strongly recommends that you establish a momentum of calling for His protection each day. In fact, he has requested 8

that you invoke His Blue-flame Protection for no less than twenty minutes every morning thereby building a great momentum of Light's Protection that he may guide you and respond promptly to any emergency. There are some within the so-called new age community who presume upon and believe they may have the Protection of God merely by visualizing, or thinking about, this Protection. But such is not the case. I have seen the auras of such people and the mantle that they believe protects them has the appearance of a colander – it is filled with holes leaving them unprotected from the marauders of the dark side who plot against and manipulate the Lightbearers. For this reason, Archangel Michael has inspired the following words that you may take nothing for granted. This call is easy to memorize. Repeat it every day and whenever you have failed to maintain harmony in your emotions. LORD MICHAEL In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Lanello, and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. 1. Lord Michael, Lord Michael, I call unto thee— Wield thy sword of blue flame And now cut me free! Refrain: Blaze God- power, protection Now into my world, They banner of Faith Above me unfurl! Transcendent blue lightning Now flash through my soul, I am by God’s mercy Made radiant and whole! 2 Lord Michael, Lord Michael, I love thee, I do— With all thy great Faith My being imbue! 3 Lord Michael, Lord Michael And legions of blue Come seal me, now keep me Faithful and true! Coda: I AM with thy blue flame Now full-charged and blest, I am now in Michael’s Blue-flame armor dressed (3x) And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM 9

Affirmations to Archangel Michael Instructions: Start by making a brief invocation, such as the following: In the name of the Living God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I call to the heart of Archangel Michael to protect me from all imperfect energies, all forces of evil, all forces of anti-Christ and all forces of anti-peace. Instructions: Make a personal request to Archangel Michael to protect you from specific dangers that you perceive. After you make the invocation, repeat one or all of the following affirmations 3, 9, 33 or 144 times: I accept the electronic Presence of Archangel Michael around me, and I fully accept that I am sealed from all Imperfect energies. I consciously accept and know that with God all things Are possible. Therefore, I accept that Archangel Michael seals me from all imperfect energies. I accept and affirm that Archangel Michael cuts me free from all imperfect energies, all forces of evil, all forces of Anti-Christ and all forces of anti-peace. In the name of Jesus Christ, I call forth the full flaming Presence of Archangel Michael to consume all imperfect energies, all forces of evil, all forces of anti-Christ and all forces of anti-peace that are attacking my soul. I accept this protection, and I know that I am sealed from all that is less than Christ-perfection. The following are additional Calls for Protection: Invincible protection of the Light I AM! Invincible protection of the Light I command! Invincible protection of the Light is mine each day! Invincible protection of the Light through me forever hold sway O my beloved Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self, Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Archangel Michael and the Great Angelic Host, beloved El Morya and all the Ascended Masters in or on all worlds whatsoever, beloved Hercules and all the Cosmic Beings in all Universes, beloved Maha Chohan and all the Forces of the Elements, beloved Cosmic Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit of the entire Great White Brotherhood: I invoke the Tube of Light, the Tube of Ascended Master Light Substance, Wall of Blue Flame surrounding that Tube of Light, Triple Blue Ring Protection, Ring-Pass-Not, Solar Fire Rings, and Cosmic Light Substance, to be an Invincible Cosmic Atmosphere and a Wall of the Violet Fire of Divine Love – over and around me now for invincible, invulnerable and indestructible Protection from all misqualified energies and opposition coming from any and all sources, including devils, demons, discarnate, malevolent aliens, black magicians, psychic and astral forces, false hierarchy imposters of the Holy Spirit and of the Ascended Masters, and all that is NOT of the Light, of the Christ, of the Holy Spirit, of the Ascended Master Consciousness, of the I AM Presence, and of God. Beloved Saint Germain, I AM receiving and accepting the Crystal Cap, Crystal Armor, and Crystal Cross of a Thousand Suns, Your Mantle of Freedom, and Your Cloak of Invisibility, that the hordes of evil might never find me again! I accept and I feel the Cosmic Mantle of Invincible Protection about me, and the Cosmic Cloak of Invisibility around me that no longer allows any human creation to even come in my direction!


Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and beloved Saint Germain, I decree that I and all those to whom I am karmicly tied, within my sphere of influence across all planes of consciousness through time and space anywhere upon the entire planetary body, are now totally protected against any backlash from the forces of darkness because of my calls and decrees for the Victory of the Light on Earth! I thank you, and I accept it done right here and now in the full Power of the Living Christ within me. Amen Guard, guard, guard us by the Lightning of Thy Love. Guard, guard, guard us by Thy Great Self above. Guard, guard, guard us by the secret Power of Light. Guard, guard, guard us by Thy great and glorious Might, And seal us safe forever in Thy Diamond Heart of Light. Be safe and protected always in the Name of God, I AM THAT I AM, Note: I trust that everyone is aware that the "Great White Brotherhood" refers NOT to race, but to the white Light of the aura that surrounds those men and women who have gained mastery over the lower self and become One with God in the ritual of the Ascension - in the SAME way that Jesus did. Lucifer. (From the Lat., meaning "light-bearer.") One who attained to the rank of Archangel and fell from grace through pride, ambition, and the desire to be above the Stars of God (Sons of God and Elohim), above the Shekinah glory to rival the Most High. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!..." Archetype of the planetary dweller-on-the-threshold. Antichrist. The angels who followed this archdeceiver, named by Jesus "the father of lies" and "a murderer from the beginning," are the fallen ones, also called Luciferians, Satanists or sons of Belial (after their various lieutenants). More than disobedient, these rebels against First Cause were blasphemous and contemptuous of the Father and his children amongst whom they embodied (see the parable of the tares among the wheat, Matt. 13), having been brought low-to the lowly estate of physical incarnation-by the LORD's hosts. Lucifer was bound "on earth" by Michael the Archangel on April 16, 1975 (even as he and his angels had been bound "in heaven" by the same Defender of the Faith and his angels) and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire on Sirius where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders and the four 'beasts' in the final judgment at the great white throne. He went through the second death on April 26, 1975. Many who followed the Fallen One in the Great Rebellion against the Son of God have also been brought to trial. His seed, still "wroth with the Woman" and her Manchild, are making war with the heirs of Sanat Kumara's Light on planet earth. Daily they are being bound by Archangel Michael and the LORD's hosts and remanded to stand trial in the final judgment as one by one their time is up-and they are being judged: "every man according to their works," as Jesus' angel showed it in a vision of the last days of the Piscean age to John the Revelator. See also Angel, Satan. (Read Isa. 14:12-17 for the scriptural account of Lucifer's declaration of war against Almighty God and his Christ; John 8:44; Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43; Rev. 12; 19:4; 20:11-15. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Forbidden Mysteries of Enoch: Fallen Angels and the Origins of Evil, containing all the Enoch texts, including the Book of Enoch and the Book of the Secrets of Enoch.) Michael, Archangel. Archangel of the First Ray, Prince of the Archangels, the first among equals unto whom all other Archangels and their legions defer. Known as the Defender of the Faith, Champion of the Woman and Her Seed, and Leader in the Battle of Armageddon who stands as the defender of the Christ consciousness in all children of God. His name means "who is as God." His intercession on behalf of God's people in this age is prophesied in Daniel 12:1: "And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same 11

time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book." Archangel Michael is the Angel of the LORD who comes to quicken the elect of God with the lost teachings of Jesus Christ and to deliver the true and righteous judgments of God upon the seed of the Wicked One. This deliverer sent to us by the LORD has figured as the greatest and most revered of angels in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic scripture and tradition. In the Old Testament he appears as the guardian of Israel and is identified in Jewish mystical literature as the angel who wrestled with Jacob, guided Israel through the wilderness, destroyed the army of Sennacherib, and saved the three Hebrew boys from Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace. Standing mighty in the LORD's presence, sword drawn, Archangel Michael appeared to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites into battle at Jericho, revealing himself as Captain of the Host of the LORD-impartial defender of all who espouse Truth and Righteousness. (Josh. 5:13-15.) It is recorded in Jewish legend that "the fire that Moses saw in the bush was the appearance of Michael, who had descended as the forerunner of the Shekinah." Indeed, wherever the term "Angel of the LORD" is given in scripture it is a reference to this messenger of God-the divine figure of His appearing. The Book of Enoch describes Archangel Michael as "the merciful, the patient," "one of the holy angels, who, presiding over human virtue, commands the nations." In The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Michael is the "mighty, ministering angel" through whom God promises to "send perpetual help" to the sons of Light. Called Mika'il in Muslim lore, he is the angel of nature, providing both food and knowledge to man. Saint Michael, venerated by Catholics as patron and protector of the Church, was also the heavenly physician revered in the early Christian community for the miraculous cures wrought by his intercession. Moreover, the beloved Archangel was among the three heavenly visitors who revealed to the young peasant girl Joan of Arc her mission to deliver France. Revelation 12 tells of Archangel Michael's key role as the defender of the Woman clothed with the Sun as he casts the adversary of her Manchild out of the courts of heaven: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven." In Revelation 16:1, he is the first of the seven angels to "pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth"-marking the descending woes of mankind's karma returning to their doorstep their misuses of God's Light. As the Archangel of the First Ray, Archangel Michael embodies God's consciousness of faith, protection, perfection, and the will of God. From his retreat on the Etheric plane at Banff in Alberta, Canada, he goes forth into the entire world with his legions of blue-lightning angels to protect the children of the Light and preserve freedom on earth. With his hosts he descends into the pits of Death and Hell to bind the adversaries of the Christ consciousness, remanding them to the Court of the Sacred Fire for their final judgment. He sweeps through the astral plane, binding demons and discarnates that prey upon unsuspecting souls, rendering incomparable assistance to those beset by the dark forces. His keynote is "The Navy Hymn," "Eternal Father, Strong to Save." The keynote of his retreat is "The Soldiers' Chorus" from Faust, by Charles Gounod. The name of his feminine complement is Faith. At this end of the Piscean age, with two thousand years and more of unbalanced karma falling due paralleled by a period of accelerated initiation-when the Lightbearers are facing greater challenges on the path of personal Christhood in order to enter the Aquarian age-the Father has accorded the Lightbearers unprecedented opportunity to invoke the comforting presence and intercession of this Angel of the LORD. As they offer prayers, invocations, hymns and dynamic decrees in the science of the spoken Word-such as those included in Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon released through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet-the armor and shield of Archangel Michael is immediately theirs. Responding to the needs of mankind, they give the impelling call for 12

the saving of the nations in this cycle marking the return of personal and planetary karma delivered by the Four Horsemen. Surely, in the midst of this time of troubles the Lightbearers are daily proving the law: "The Call compels the answer." If you are in trouble, shout unto the Angel of the LORD this dynamic decree until he responds: "Lord Michael before! Lord Michael behind! Lord Michael to the right! Lord Michael to the left! Lord Michael above! Lord Michael below! Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here!" See also Archangel. (See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, "Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon," in Pearls of Wisdom, 1985, vol. 28, Book I, no. 19; Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon, audiocassette and booklet; "Putting on the Armor and Shield of Archangel Michael," audiocassette. Decrees and Songs to Archangel Michael, audiocassette. Hail Light Victorious! A Salute to Archangel Michael, Captain of the LORD's Host, songs on CD and audiocassette.) Traveling Protection - Archangel Michael Is Your Guard To enhance your morning ritual of protection, you can also give "Traveling Protection" or other prayers to Archangel Michael. He is the most revered of angels in several of the world's religious traditions, including Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Michael is the "mighty, ministering angel" through whom God promises to "send perpetual help" to the sons of light. In the early Christian community, Archangel Michael was a heavenly healer and protector. Muslims call him Mikha'il or (in the Qur'an, Mikhal), in Arabic: ‫ميكائيل‬, he is the angel of nature who provides both food and knowledge to man. Visualize Archangel Michael as a majestic angel, arrayed in shining armor and wearing a cape of brilliant sapphire blue (the color of protection). See him placing his magnificent presence around you, your family, your friends and all those for whom you are praying. Lord* Michael before, Lord Michael behind, Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here! I AM his love protecting here! Get Closer to Your Higher Self – Your Tube of Light As you prepare to increase and intensify the light of God through your decrees, it is best to begin by invoking your tube of light and the protection of Archangel Michael. The tube of light is shown in the Chart of Your Divine Self. It is a cylinder of energy about nine feet in diameter that protects you from negative energy and even from physical danger. It comes from the I AM THAT I AM above you and goes beneath your feet. 13

All day long you may be bombarded by other people's fear, negative opinions or excessive demands. The tube of light can help you stay centered and at peace. The tube of light also guards you from energies of malice that may be aimed at you through someone's anger, condemnation, hatred or jealousy. When you are unprotected, those vibrations can make you irritable or depressed. They can even cause you to have accidents. Give your "Tube of Light" each morning and repeat it as necessary throughout the day. As you give it, see the dazzling white light of your I AM Presence, brighter than the sun shining on newfallen snow, coalescing to form this impenetrable wall of light. O my constant, loving I AM Presence, thou Light of God above me whose radiance forms a circle of fire before me to light my way: I AM faithfully calling to thee to place a great pillar of Light from my own Mighty I AM God Presence all around me right now today! Keep it intact through every passing moment, manifesting as a shimmering shower of God’s beautiful Light through which nothing human can ever pass. Into this beautiful electric circle of divinely charged energy direct a swift upsurge of the violet fire of Freedom’s forgiving, transmuting flame! Cause the ever expanding energy of this flame projected downward into the forcefield of my human energies to completely change every negative condition into the positive polarity of my own Great God Self! Let the magic of its mercy so purify my world with Light that all whom I contact shall always be blessed with the fragrance of violets from God’s own heart in memory of the blessed dawning day when all discord— cause, effect, record, and memory—is forever changed into the Victory of Light and the peace of the ascended Jesus Christ. I AM now constantly accepting the full power and manifestation of this fiat of Light and calling it into instantaneous action by my own God-given free will and the power to accelerate without limit this sacred release of assistance from God’s own heart until all men are ascended and God-free in the Light that never, never, never fails! COPYRIGHT@2011 by JOHN VINCENT LADALSKI contact my email: [email protected]


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