Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils

April 6, 2017 | Author: EmpressInI | Category: N/A
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Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils Agrim Agrimonia) Spiritual Properties: Promotes peaceful sleep Magickal Properties: Protection Agrimony Essential Oil has long been used by the Greeks, Anglo-Saxons, and the Chinese. It was used in ancient times to heal wounds, treat cough and sore throats, stop diarrhea, and aid sleep. Amber (Pinus succinifera) Spiritual Properties: Balance, Harmony, Inspiration Magical Properties: Cleansing, Protection, Purification Amber Essential Oil takes our soul back to the beginning of time and teaches us the balance and harmony of knowing where we have been and where we are going. It is the cycle of time; the circular key. Essential Oil of Amber brings inspiration to the soul; showing us the mysteries of the prophets and masters who came to earth. Amber Essential Oil can be used in the bath, 10 to 15 drops, for cleansing and purification. Burn Amber Essential Oil in an Aroma Lamps, (3 to 5 drops to a small bowl of water), placed throughout the home for cleansing, protection, and Purification. Angelica (Angelica archangelica) Spiritual Properties: Comfort, Focus, Grounding, Strength, Stamina Magical Properties: Healing, Protection, Visions Spiritually, Angelica Essential Oil encourages comfort, focus, grounding, strength, and stamina. Angelica Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances. It is named after angels, many of whom are associated with the plant in legend. It’s fragrance can be used by those who feel uncertain, or spiritually neglected, and in this respect need to call upon their personal angel. It seems to have more effect when blended with other fragrances. Magically, Angelica Essential Oil is used in healing mixtures and for inner visions. Sprinkle a few drops around the four corners of the house for protection. You can do this outside and inside for double protection. Feminine Energies: Angelica Essential Oil gets called in when the going gets tough. It will get you through. It will not solve your problems for you, but it will help you see them in a new light. Changes sluggishness into revitalization. Anise (Pimpinella anisum) Spiritual Properties: Encourage, Stimulant Magical Properties: Protection, Purification Anise Essential Oil encourages and stimulates the conscious mind, opening it to the Universe and the realization that we all play a part. Sprinkle a couple of drops Anise Essential Oil onto your pillow at night, to protect from nightmares. Put 3 to 5 drops Anise Essential Oil in aroma lamps throughout the home to drive out evil. Use 10 to 15 drops Anise Essential Oil in your bath for purification. Balsam de Peru (Myroxylon balsamum) Spiritual Properties: Calm, Peace, Warmth Magical Properties: Protection Balsam de Peru Essential Oil has a calming vanilla-like aroma. It brings peace with an unconditional love and empathy. The warm fragrance of Balsam de Peru Essential Oil fills the spaces that have remained cold, untouchable, and unreachable, allowing the heart to open and trust. When one is in sorrow, Essential Oil of Balsam de Peru travels into the psyche to give comfort and

relief from pain. Magically, Balsam de Peru Essential Oil softly embraces us, spreading its warm fragrance around us like a cloak of protection. It protects us from emotional, mental, and physical storms that may impede upon us. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) Spiritual Properties: Cheerfulness, Integrity, Trust Magical Properties: Love, Protection, Wealth Basil Essential Oil balances and harmonizes a person, allowing the light of the spirit to illuminate the soul. It awakens, cheers, and uplifts the spirit making one aware of reality; the reality of physical existence and reality of spiritual existence. Basil Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances. Basil Essential Oil assists in awakening, awareness, and understanding. It allows the clearance of a muddled mind that puts up a barrier to contacting angels. Essential Oil of Basil is often used, in love sachets, to draw love to oneself. Add 3 to 5 drops, depending on the size of the sachet. It is worn as a body perfume by the lovers to soothe their tempers, creating harmony between the two. For protection, use 3 to 5 drops Basil Essential Oil, in an aroma lamp placed in each room of a home. Basil Essential Oil brings wealth to those who sprinkle a drop or two on their wallet and/or billfold. To draw customers to your place of business, place 3 to 5 drops in an aroma lamp placed near the cash register. Keep it burning during open hours. Give Basil Essential Oil as a gift to bring good luck to a new home. Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis) Spiritual Properties: Confidence, Creativity, Direction, Inspiration Magical Properties: Healing, Protection, Psychic, Purification, Strength Bay Laurel Essential Oil is a scent fired by the sun. It is used for clairvoyance and wisdom; clears the confusion away. Bay Laurel Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances. Bay Laurel Essential Oil brings the angels of our future closer. It can assist us in looking forward, particularly if we tend to dwell on what has been, rather than look forward to what is to come. It can create a positive note that enables assistance to be given. It allows us to see ahead and plan for that rainy day. Bay Laurel Essential Oil’s scent was inhaled by ancient priestesses, including the oracle of Delphi, to induce a prophetic state and powers of divination. Use this oil for protection and purification. Benzoin (Styrax benzoin dryander) Spiritual Properties: Comforting, Cushioning, Protective Magical Properties: Prosperity, Purification Spiritually, Benzoin is the holder of energies and fire of the sunlight, and is a joyous gift of the Universe. It comforts and cushions the soul allowing it to receive from the spirit. It helps guide the spirit to the protective inner sanctum of the soul. Benzoin tells us not to dismiss things that are difficult or confusing, but to be guided by them. Benzoin offers us guidance to the pathway of inner enlightenment. Benzoin Essential Oil enables the spirit to receive blessings. It enables us to learn the joy in receiving as well as in giving, and of the interchange of spiritual energy that takes place. Benzoin Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances, In Malaysia, Benzoin is used to deter bad spirits. In Java, Fishermen burn Benzoin before entering the dark coastal caves where fish gather. Benzoin is also used in elixirs to prolong lifespan in some areas of religion. Magically, use Benzoin in an aroma lamp to clear and purify the home. For prosperity, blend 4 drops Basil Essential Oil, 7 drops Benzoin Resinoid, and 4 drops Cinnamon Essential Oil with 1 oz.

Carrier Oil of your choice. Use this blend in an Aroma Lamp, Bath Water, Body Perfume, or Sachet. Feminine Energies: Benzoin Essential Oil is warming and energizing. It’s like wrapping up against the storm, or like eating chocolate. It penetrates the emotional shield and can provoke erotic thoughts. Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia) Spiritual Properties: Balance, Joy, Strength Magical Properties: Money, Success Bergamot Essential Oil is a sweet, floral, citrus scent that brings peace and joy to the soul. It amplifies energy, joy, and light. Essential Oil of Bergamot lightens the shadows of the mind, bringing joy and laughter to the heart. Bergamot Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances. It can clear away the fogginess that often muddles us, allowing the higher spiritual self to become attuned to our helpers. This has no specifics attached, except it is a receiver. Place 3-5 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil to your wallet or purse to attract money. Bergamot Essential Oil can also be placed in a sachet, (5-8 drops), to attract success. Feminine Energies: Bergamot Essential Oil is original and persuasive. It coaxes you out of depression and enlivens your sex life. It mitigates out crises and allows you to get what you want.

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