Spirit World (Spiritual Realm)

May 8, 2017 | Author: mcdozer | Category: N/A
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Insight to the other Dimension...


Spirit World (Spiritual Realm) What counts Here is your spirit, and what seems weak in the flesh is might in the spirit. (I:5) Angels have been ‘working overtime’ to get you where you are, innumerable battles had to be won, and the enemy has fought long and hard and furious. You’ve finally gained enough experience to recognize his traps. (I:10) The more you seek in the Spirit, the more you’ll find. The more you let go of this world, the more you will cherish My World, the World of everlasting ecstasies, instead of fleeting pleasures. (I:40) Other worlds,... other dimensions..., other realities..., they all have the same core, the same Creator, and the essence is the same everywhere and in all of these: love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52) In the Spirit, things move slowly and majestically. Not as quickly and hectic as you do in your world. The difference is almost like the way you view ants: They move speedily and they always have got to do something to ensure their provision and survival. But Here everyone knows that all the fretting, worrying and haste in the universe won’t add one iota to your stature. It is a commonly known law of the nature of My Spirit World that all things are by Him and from Him and to Him, so, all you might as well really do is let go and trust Him! (I:54) ‘Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in Heaven’ means the marriage of the physical and the spiritual realm. The veil shall be rent! And soon everything that was hidden shall be revealed. Everything will be open! Now you see through a glass darkly. Then you shall see as I see. (I:60) The more you move into the Realm of My Spirit and dwell in My Word, the more you will see things the way they are seen from Our side. All is vanity that’s going on around you. So few seek to strengthen the things that remain. But all you do in love will be like a little seed of eternity. Sow the seeds of eternal life. Save their spirits from starvation. Go where My Spirit leads you, to the lowly in heart. (I:134) Start learning to see things in the Spirit! I can show you things of the Spirit that will encourage you and will give you new strength to carry on. (I:142) You think the Spirit Realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. “God is a Spirit”, and just because “spirit” to you means “invisible,” you mentally restrict and minimize Our potential to near “impotent”, instead of what it really is: omnipotent! (I:386)

Soon I'm going to show the world Who's the Boss, not only in the invisible, spiritual Realm, but also in the physical. As I have shown you, the one came forth out of the other, and the servant is not above the Master. (I:437) Find out how much more there is to discover in the Spirit World, by making the Spirit World a greater part of your lives! It's much more real than you think! (I:471) I need you to focus more on the spirit world, in order to ensure your future survival and greater fruitfulness for Me. So, consider it a compliment and a token of My Love for you when things are going rough in the physical, because that means I'm drawing you closer to Me and into My spiritual Realm! (I:476) In the world, everybody just basically seeks their own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their accomplishments and pat themselves on the back, or proving their worth and showing off with the status they have achieved to reach by themselves, through their own hands or by means of fleshly heritage in the things they acquire, their material possessions, their wealth, their cars, houses and other status symbols. Whereas the status symbols of the Spirit World are the exact opposite: "The less there is of you, the more the light shines through" is the slogan in the spirit, and the less you exalt yourself and seek your own glory, and the more you seek to glorify God, and just fill the need by whatever humble and invisible action, that is what makes you shine with greater brilliance and glory. (I:481) I have called you to explore the Realms of the Spirit. (I:522) The connection between you and My Spirit World can only be established by faith. (II:80) You can experience some of the benefits of the spirit world and of the world to come already now, if you're really interested enough! There's nothing, no secret, no mystery I will withhold from you, if you're interested enough. (II:112) I use those times when you are alone to draw you much closer to Me than I ever could while you're distracted by others. There is just no other way for Me to train you in perceiving the realities of the Spirit World. You can find the perfect company you seek right Here, in the Spirit World!

Believe that the Spirit World is just as real, and even more so than the physical, because the physical is temporal, but the Spirit Realm is eternal, indestructible, incorruptible! What you're seeking you won't find in your own realm, but only Here, in My Spirit Realm! (II:165) There are a lot of things going on in your life that you're not aware of, mistakes that you're making you're not aware of, forces affecting your life, etc. So it pays to tune in to the Spirit World to find out what they are, because I and your spirit helpers are aware of them and can reveal them to you, if you're only interested enough and care enough to find out and listen. (II:181) I'm asking you to aim for My Realm! My Realm is the invisible horizon I want you to shoot for, and the only Place where you're really going to find your dream and its fulfillment. My Realm is the "Real Thing." (II:192) I like efforts to integrate the Spirit World more into personal reality. (II:301) Impart to others your interest in the Spirit World, your faith in it, that it's real, even more real than your own world, and that it's important to get in touch with it, and you will certainly benefit from it! (II:327) Don't rob others of their opportunities to feel needed! Let others shine! They must increase, but you must decrease. Don't be afraid of fading out. The fading out will only be the true fading in. You fade out of the view of their realm, but fade into Mine, into My true Light of being a true accomplisher of the Spirit. (II:328) It’s a matter of recognizing that it’s the invisible Realm that counts most of all, and then choosing forces, determining which one you’ll allow to rule your day. The enemy’s forces will try to get you to allow your physical circumstances to drag you down. My Forces will lift you up way above all that muck and mire instead. The choice is yours every day. (2011:55)

I am the Door to the Other World. Others of what the world refers to as its great minds and philosophers, or perhaps even holy men, have been windows. Some of these windows have given a clear view of the other, greater Realm, others were tainted, and gave glimpses that were partly distorted. In whichever case, they grant glimpses and views, but I am the Door through which you can actually enter, not just catch a view. Of course, there is another door to the spirit world, which is the enemy. But you might say he’s the back door, or rather, the cellar door that leads in the wrong direction, and the lower, undesirable parts of the spirit world. He also has his “windows,” people – magicians, wizards and witches, etc., who give people glimpses of his realm, but compared to Mine, his is only a prison. (2011:95) It’s not like you’re instantly going to be all-knowing once you’re whisked into the Spirit Realm, but what you’re learning all your life is like a seed that is sown, corruptible as it is, to blossom into something greater, awesome and wonderful once you reach your celestial destination. (2011:128) “The Kingdom of God is among you” means just that: a higher Dimension to find right within yours – a different “wavelength,” realm and paradigm to assume. (2011:140) You’ve got to make up your mind about how much you really believe in that other, greater Dimension beyond the things you perceive with your physical senses and decide what priority it should take in your life, and how much it’s worth to you every day to actively be a part of it. (2012:22) You ask, “If this is a battle, where are my comrades? Why does it seem I’m alone here on this bloody battle field? Why does it seem like a one-man battle?” That’s where My advice comes in about focusing on the other crowd, the spiritual one, remembering you’re never alone, regardless of what things may seem like. (2012:26) Don’t make the outside world your priority and the factor that gets most of the attention, but stay in tune with your “inside world,” the realm and scope of your faith, your connection with Me and the Spirit World. Even though people would suppose that since the Spirit World isn’t part of their world, it must be some sort of “outside world” or world outside theirs, the truth is that it can only be reached through your “inner world,” your own spirit. Inviting Me into your heart is what establishes that connection, and while many people never learn to use it, either because they have no desire or no faith to do so, from that moment on, that’s where I and all the help available to you from the Spirit World can be found: right inside your own heart, due to My Presence there. Your breakthroughs in the outside world are determined by your breakthroughs in the inside World first: they depend on your prayers, your desperation, and the strength and intensity with which you seek Me and My aid. (2012:34) Spend more time over Here, send your mind over to the Spirit World more often, and let it rest Here and bask in the true Sunshine! (2012:35) You’ve got to remember that your Home-frequency is not the one of this world, and you’ve got to strive to find It and stay

on It once you do. It’s got to become more important to you than anything you perceive with your five physical senses. (2012:52)

Truth is, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re not as lonely as a lot of these socializing junkies are who constantly need to have people around them to fill the void. You’ve got greater and better company than many of them will ever get to enjoy in this life. You’ve just got to learn to avail yourself of it fully and get over the fact that it’s a relationship enjoyed by faith, and over what you’d consider Our “handicap of invisibility.” The truth is, that it’s not Our handicap, but basically yours in the inability to see Us. But it’s good training in getting ready for what for you at present is the Invisible World, which is waiting for each one of you. (2012:66) Forget about the whole numbers thing! I’ve got something bigger and better going on Here than numbers. There’s a dimension waiting for you in which something so much greater and far beyond numbers is going on, it makes trigonometry look like UNO in comparison. (2012:98) The vast differences between My Realm and the physical: As much as there is to know and learn about the physical world, that knowledge is finite, and will come to an end; whereas all there is to know about Me and My Realm, the Spirit World, is endless… infinite. My Realm appeals to those who perceive, live and learn with more than just their carnal minds, those who have their spirits activated and know intuitively that their existence goes beyond the finite. (2012:128) People who think that the spiritual and the Spirit World are boring, have got the biggest surprise ever coming! Much of the magic and secrets of the Spirit World are discovered in life by paying attention to the details and to what is being said and written between the lines, hearing the unspoken words and what’s really being said. It’s the message that is deciphered by those who are interested enough in what’s going all around them to ask the question, “What does the Creator mean by this?” And trust Me, there’s always a meaning. The deeper meaning of everything is that there is a deeper meaning in just about everything! (2013:97) Focus more on spiritual things and the Spirit World, which is where eventually you’re going to wind up! Turn to Me and My ways more often, and ideally, as permanently as possible, since you’re coming closer to the Spirit World as time goes by, and you should prepare for it as much as you can! The belief in the spiritual realm descends as your faith in the physical rises; and you ought to know what I’ve been emphasizing, and faith in Me should lead you to be put first place! (2014:2) Many people put too much emphasis and importance on the physical things, largely, many times ignoring the spiritual world and final shape they’ll turn into… It’s a pity when all that has been learned that was important has been forgotten (or not learned at all), and might have to be learned and taught to them again… (2014:9) The older and closer you get to the end of the physical life, the more you should be prepared for the spiritual coming afterwards, and thus the importance of the spiritual world. (2014:37) Things not appealing to you from the world you’re living in, should show that you’re starting to appreciate the Spirit World and Eternal Life more than this… faith in what’s to come, than entirely subjected to the temporal, which is bound to end on individual levels at least… (2014:38) Breaking with the normal way things are going in this world is the only way to strengthen spiritual connections with the Spiritual Creator and thus major factor of life, along with a whole dimension full of spiritual beings and helpers that would like to help you catch a part of their reality realm… more important than what the physical and visible world offers. Remember, God is a Spirit, and so is His World and Dimension, all of which are and remain quite major, greater and grander than what all this world has to offer… So, try to get a bit more grasp and hold of Our Spirit World, and you won’t be disappointed finding out in the end that there’s something far greater than what the physical dimension has to offer… Try to get ahold of Us, Our Spirit and greater Being inside this World of the Spirit… a greater and more wonderful and better Reality! Pay attention to the truly lasting Dimension that’s out of this temporary world you’re in right now. Get ahold of the lasting Reality you’ll wind up in eventually: the Spirit World and more lasting dimension than the temporary one… (2014:41) Let the Spirit World do more things for you than the strengthening of your soul and spirit alone that listening to and absorbing words and informations will do! If you just expect words to be given you from the Spirit World, it’s not what most Spirit Helpers here are expecting to do, which is perform and create miracles for those who really have the faith to expect them, and that’s something you really should realize you ought to rather do! (2014:51) There are certain things won souls may have to do to correct their errors when they arrive Here, in the Spirit World… Don’t forget that you’re supposed to learn important lessons in life, so that you won’t have to learn them in the spirit world instead! Remember to learn to love and to listen… (2014:84)

Entry into the Spirit World is not really something lots of folks are aware of in their materialistic scenario during their earthly life, during which everything aims at pleasing the materialistic scene, and the spiritual aspects are largely being avoided. Well, once you’ve experienced how quickly it could all be over, it’s slightly another scenario, and you might as well change your attitude and get a bit more into that gear you reckon you’ll be in, in the future… Try to remember the Spirit World, as I told you! Look at it as your future. Try to get fit and ready for it! (2014:89) The other dimension, the Spirit World is Something it pays to prepare for, and get ready in a positive way for the time when you’ll die physically, but live on forever, spiritually. (2014:91) Get ready for the Spirit World! Get ready for the after-life, for this temporary one isn’t going to last forever! You should prepare for the Spirit World to come. (2014:102) The spiritual guys behind the scene are the higher ones, even though they can only be perceived by faith. – It’s another value of faith: to esteem and rate the spiritual world higher than one’s own physical and temporal things. Giving the Spirit World greater significance and value than folks do when they’re fully occupied by the things the world keeps them busy with, is – trust Me – wiser and a greater blessing than just going through life “normally,” which means materially oriented, the way most people do… (2014:111) Why not call for more help from Me and spirit helpers? – More positive, heavenly voices from the Spirit World? In order to get more faith in the Spirit World and the Kingdom of Heaven, you have to fill your mind and heart with its input too! Feed your faith and let it work for you accordingly! (2014:121) Some of the things I’ve had to allow the Enemy to do to folks may have seemed very crucial and hard to them, but in the end, judging by the lessons they learned through them, they became much more profound latest in the spirit world, and it made them a lot more grateful for Heaven and all the spiritual afterlife had to offer. (2014:125) The closer you come to the transition to the Spirit World, the better to get into the Spirit, instead of leaning on the flesh, and it’s part of the transition to the other world and eternal life, not so much the one that’s timely limited. Trust Me that you’ll be better off allowing Me to do it, and not try to handle everything yourself anymore! (2014:130) Some things – quite a lot, actually – can and will be better done by Me, and all the Father’s operators Here in the Spirit World, where your existence will be a whole lot better than the temporal one where you are right now, and so it’s not a bad thing to actually prepare for it a bit more, and not just concentrate and focus on this world right now and what can be accomplished in it, concerned about getting others hooked on the vision for the Hereafter as well. (2014:132) If God is a Spirit, as you learned, and the main world and dimension is the Spirit World, it pays to believe and put more faith in it, don’t you think? If the temporal discourages you and weakens you, just keep your faith in Me and the Hereafter… the Spirit World! (2014:134)

Sometimes, when you’re in a physical gear for a certain length of time, you’re so used to it, that it’s hard to get out of it and concentrate on a more spiritual one, which is what you really should do when you get closer to the Spirit World, like when you get old enough to prepare for it, or changes are coming to the world that will draw everyone closer to the end of this physical one, or at least their existence. (2014:138) The humbler attitude will finally appear as the nobler one, and obviously so, because the standards in the Hereafter, in the spiritual dimension are simply but roughly different. (2014:139) Try to get in tune more with the Spirit World! With Me, and some of the spirit helpers and angels… good spirits, as opposed to the ones quite a few around you on Earth are obsessed and partly ruled by… who are about to take over the Earth for a time of Tribulation, as you know from My Word. (2014:140) Staying in touch with Me after a crisis you’ve been through physically and mentally, should show and teach you some things, but it also shows how real and important your faith is and has been. Since the value of this time on Earth went down for you a lot, it’s becoming more important for you to pay more attention to the Spirit World and life coming after this one… - Yielding more to the Spirit. (2014:142) I admit that it’s a complicated School of Life! – Not too simple… Some things will be revealed to you once you arrive in the Spirit World… (2014:145) When you can trust fully in Me – maybe because your circumstances have forced you to put that trust in Me more than yourself and your own capabilities – let’s say, you’re a larger bit closer to the way folks eventually wind up in Heaven, where the flesh once trusted in has gone absent, and all in all, the Spirit World’s way is working differently in and through you… Let’s say, more the eternal way than the temporal. (2014:147)

If you’re ready for what’s expecting you Here, in the Spirit World, things are going to go a lot easier for you than when you feel like you need to worry about all the little details that plague you there in the present place you are. (2014:167) To prepare you for the Spirit World in general couldn’t be wrong. So, why resist it, if that’s the case? Why not just yield to it and get ready for what’s to come, which – believe Me – is going to turn out a lot better than the there and now for you? It may seem strange a bit to you, still, and so different; but that doesn’t mean it’s not going to be any better. It’s less to be scared of than all that can happen in the physical world. The more prepared you are for the Spirit World, the less addicted to weaknesses of the physical you’ll wind up. You realize what silly behaviors those physical people have adopted and taken on, and how much more appreciative, you reckon, is most of it in the Spirit World – at least in the good and positive side of it, the Kingdom of Heaven. (2014:168) Right now it may be difficult for you to relate to the other side, the one that isn’t dependent on time and physics… but once you get Here you’ll recognize how much more valuable and precious the other, spiritual dimension is, compared to the physical. (2014:205) That’s where you’re headed, ultimately: the Spirit World – a different, and trust Me: more glorious dimension, and a much more lasting one. (2015:37) If the heavenly Spirit World becomes more important to you than the physical and temporal, that’s a good sign and shows you’re preparing a bit for what’s to come, and aren’t just focusing on the here and now, but are staying a bit more attuned to the There and Then, where you’ll wind up eventually. Recognize the enemy’s tactic to keep folks tied up into what’s going on in this world, and not pay that much attention to Me and the Spirit World, and what’s coming up ahead. (2015:43) As long as you’ve got Me and the good side of the Spirit World on your side and in touch with you, you can feel that it’s not becoming all that scary that’s coming ahead of you in the course of the world, and to lean on Me is really pretty much the best thing you can do. So, make an effort right now to learn to get and stay as close to Me and the heavenly Spirit World as you can! (2015:45) If there’s a Creator at work, then you must realize there must also be a better space and dimension and World to live, than all that your temporal and physical world can come up with right now… don’t you think? And becoming heavenly-minded is definitely a better mental and spiritual state… Looking Up ahead, instead of just rolled into the physical surroundings, which aren’t everlasting. Prepare for what’s coming! – Especially the final, greater Up Ahead! The eternal Home… not limited to temporal existence. (2015:61)

All in all, you’re seeing and beginning to realize the positive points and advantages of what you’ve had to go through. Part of it, of course, is also your recognition of the state of the world: that it’s not really so recommendable to try to make your success in it. It’s so temporal, and thus means, bound to go under, which is completely different from the eternal nature of the spiritual Realm… - My Realm, in which you’ll wind up eventually, and where you’re headed. (2015:84) Getting into the channel of the Spirit, is getting into the Father’s Channel, the Channel of God, since He’s a Spirit; and anyone believing in His superiority above all those beings made of flesh will someday see they chose to believe in the proper wisdom, and will be rewarded accordingly. – In the Spirit World, which is also far superior above the material world where the flesh presently rules… (2015:102) Can’t see Me? Well, believe in Me, anyway! And the same applies to Heaven, your future Home, the Father, Mother Holy Spirit, and all the saints and angels around… Well, of course, there’s also the dark side of the spirit world taking over your entire planet soon, but you also know the end of that event, and that We’ll take it over again, after a relatively short – although awful – time. (2015:103) I know it’s a bit of a rough task, having to remain victorious against a large, physical majority. But keep in mind that spiritually, and thus, lastingly and eternally, the Majority is over Here, on Our side, not theirs! After all, the enemy thankfully only managed to take off with a third of the angels who became his supporters. And not all the humans arriving in the spirit world are that fond of him… While due to the choices of the majority of folks down there (and his deception of them), his power and might seems superior, remember that Up Here, in the ultimate region of the Spirit World, it’s not, and never will be. (2015:104) Most people don’t believe in the existence of God, the devil, and all that’s accompanying them in the spirit world… And that’s what makes you so different, not really fitting into their superficial, materialistic version and perception of the world. Being called out of the world, and not being part of it applies to those who perceive that the major part of what’s going on comes from the spirit world. - With the big change about it coming through the fact that the enemy and his crowd will soon burst into the physical part for the time of the Great Tribulation… leaving the Spirit World pretty much completely

over to Us for that time, and having you and others of Our folks to cope with evil from the physical realm. (2015:121) Get the enemy out by getting the host of Heaven in through prayer! (2015:125) Even though it may seem to you that things you’ve been given are getting lost, anything that has the values from Above won’t perish, but last forever. (2015:129) That’s where you’re heading: the World of the Spirit; and the sooner you get more onto Its wavelength and what It has to offer, the better! (2015:144) I’m here to help you make it through with all Our angels and saints, so just use and depend on that help! (2015:150) Don’t feel too drawn toward the Spirit World when there’s still some jobs for you to do down there, including children to raise, being a decent husband, and in general, a helper to those around you, since otherwise, if it would just be a permanent longing for Here, where you’ll wind up happier, it would be a bit selfish, wouldn’t it? (2015:177) Folks who don’t believe in Us don’t believe in spirits, and the other dimension where spirits dwell – a higher one than the physical one, which is why We can see you, but you can’t see Us… And it would be so much easier to have faith in something that’s visible, right? But, wait: visible things and creatures don’t require faith to accept their existence… and pretty much everyone would know Who’s the Boss… (2015:182) That’s how faith works: not believing in the visible strengths, but accepting the physically invisible Realm as the mightier one than what the enemy can cook up down there. (2015:185) Growing or turning older draws you closer to the Spirit World, or the eternal Here & Now! No more loss of whatever you gain! No more fading away of whatever you started or have begun Here… In other words: no more missing anyone or anything you get close to Up Here! It’s definitely more positive things to prepare for and look forward to Up Here, after that temporal life down there, and it’s definitely something to focus on and make you appreciate the change that’s coming. (2015:191) Remember some of the testimonies of folks making it to Heaven either through prayers for them while they were already in the spirit world, or their decision to choose Me when they entered it! (2015:250) Some things you’ll just have to learn to do without in the Spirit World, like flesh and blood. (2016:31) Believe in that there’s something more to see beyond the plainly physically sight, and something much better and more beautiful! There’s something about Our Nature that supersedes what humans in their current state on Earth come up with. Something folks might relate to or define as “supernatural,” and it’s not just in aspects of power and strength I’m talking about, but also much superior beauty than what in most places around you down there you can see and perceive with your physical senses… So, don’t rely on them too much, but remember that folks came up with something beyond or even above the physical senses! There are greater things and ways to see, hear, smell, taste and feel in the spiritual Realm, and if you want to catch a glimpse of that, just get more geared to the spirit! If the Father’s a Spirit… the Creator of all… doesn’t it indicate that there’s more to expect from the spiritual side than what the physical world has to offer? – So, even though to you that Realm right now isn’t visible, don’t let It strike you as something minor compared to the physical world, even if that’s all you can see with your eyes right now! – There are greater things to see beyond the physically visible! Just because you can’t perceive much of the spiritual world with your still physical senses and perception right now, does that mean it makes the Spirit less valuable? (2016:34) Get used to the way things work in the Spirit World, where you’re heading! Don’t consider it a loss or disadvantage to get closer to the point where you’ll have to wave that temporal scene good-bye! (2016:61)

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