Spin Guide

March 26, 2018 | Author: Andreea Rusu | Category: Welfare, Travel Visa, European Economic Area, Business, Foods
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171 relocation.no l-W^ Re l a n e s & S 0 m m e AS




Acknowledgements Once again many volunteers have put much time and effort into compiling arid updating this Information Guide. This revised edition is thanks to the efforts of: Freda,Burns, John Gibbs, Zoe.:Griffin, Paul & Lis Holtorn, Andrew Jones, Susanne Kruse, Helene Merbur, Wendy Pagler, Louise Pharr, .Hannah Rees, Iron Sitangang, David Smith, Caroline Townsend, Ross'White and all of whom fitted work into their busyschedules.

Finally thank you to all our sponsors, friends and service users who give SPIN meaning arid direction. Printed.by :Aske Trykk

Photographs Thank yoato Odd Furenes (www.furenes.no) for kindly donating the cover photo again. Some of the.images on the tabs and.on the backcover are used by permission'from the Hermetikkmuseet, Piers T. Crocker and Ragria Monsen Syversen. Thank you to Ellen Jepson for the maps.

Introduction 'SPIN.is pleased to publish its Nineth.Edition of the Information Guide. Again, we have tried to restructure this guide based upon your feedback during the past year and hope that you find, it indispensable, whether you are new to Stavanger, are a seasoned resident or if you are getting ready to moveelsewhere. Please^do continue to.send your comments. We welcome your feedback! SPIN has had a very successful year, andour website has been steadily expanding. Please do visit it if you have not yet done so www.spin.no. * SPIN will be holding monthly social events again, commencing August ' 2006, so be sure you also join our newsletter mailing list to be kept up to date. We would like to thank all of our SPIN sponsors; Shell, ConocoPhillips, Halliburton, Relocation.no-Reianes & Somme, Majortrans Flytteservice, Statoil, Total, BP Norge, Marathon Petroleum Company, Schlumbergerand BG Norge Limited. We also send a big thank you to all the SPIN volunteers who have put in so much time and energy working on the Guide and in particular to Caroline Townsend, for stepping in as our Guide Project Manager. We alsbUhank YOU for supporting SPIN by purchasing the Guide! The SPIN Board SPIN MAY 2006

Using the Guide This Guide has been compiled by expatriate volunteers living in Stavanger. Ii contains information they have found useful, and we hope you will find the same. If you have any comments on the guide,­ know of things thai have changed or­new information you would like to sec incorporated in the next edition, please let us know. Throughout the Guide a number of symbols and abbreviations have been used to help you find your way round: Nok ■ Norwegian kroner © Telephone numbers t!i Fax numbers Satelittl ** L0kkeveien7l.4OO8 Stavanger @ 51 53 83 80 B www.satelittl.no



House/contents insurance (forsikring) The major insurance companies also provide house and contents insurance. Some also insure boats, other items and pets. Il can be advantageous to take out all your insurance "policies with the same company as rates can be beneficial. f Logistics ­ Cars & driving ­ Car insurance. Alarms Just like any other major city, some areas in ■Stavanger have proble'rhs with burglaries. There are two major security companies that can install house alarms.


48 NORAIarinAS Bjergstedveien l. 4003 Stavanger 8­5184 1074 FalckAlarmAS Auglendsmyra 5,4016 Stavanger 8 5 1 8 2 3832

51.899000 51 65".13­85 5141 23 30 5168 4000

Legal Advice/Help Free legal.advice is available ifyou have a small income, but in a number of cases (e.g. Ibr rape victims and for foreign nationals for cases involving rejection or expulsion from Norway) it is provided indepehdenl of your income and assets. All private practising lawyers can.give free legal aid. They are obliged lo give their clients information about free legal advice programmes­and can assist in writing an application. When you approach^ lawyer ask whether he can provide free legal advice. Many lawyers,, particularly business lawyers, do not give free legal advice. They should then advise you to find another lawyer. A normal lawyer's fee is approx. Nok 1.000 an hour. Advokathjelpen AS Bergelandsgate 14,4012 Stavanger 8 5153 47 00 ­iE. 51 53.'00 01 Telephone helpline. Free half hour followed by an assessment.


Ombudsman for Children

S 22 99 39 50 B www.barneombudetmo

Lost property

Local police station: Stavanger 8 Sola Airport 8 Randaberg S Sandnes S

JURK (Juridisk Radgivningf'or Kyinner) ■ArbinsgateJ, 0253 Oslo 8 22 84 29 50 Si 22 85 95 98 Free legal advice for women, runiby female law students at the Oslo University.

Civil Ombudsman

For­gcneral complaints S : 2 2 82 85 00 B www.siyilpmbudsriianrien.no Consumer Ombudsman (F.orbruke.r Ombudsman) 8 67,5*9 96 00 Forbrukerradet KJubbgale 1,4013 Stavanger 8 81­55 02 00 ,Si 51 85 8081 Information/advice onconsumer rights and complaints about food, clothes and cleaning materials. They publish various brochures in a­number of­diffcrenl'languages. B www.forbrukerombudel.no

Cars & Driving Importing your car •"Preparation­ Moving Logistics­Import­ ing" Cars. In order to.­be able to import your car you have to do the following: Go to the Stavanger Dislriktstollsled, Skanscgalen 2. Stavanger and bring";the following docurnents: • Vehicle registration document. • driving licence, • passport. • document stating that you have not lived in Norway for the last five'ycars

SPIN Information Guide

49 and that you w i l l be slaying in Nonvay for at least t w o years. This can be a statement from your N o r w e g i a n e~mploycrorofficial documents showing this. photocopies'proving your ownership, showing clearly that you have owned the vehicle for aileast one year prior to your first arrival!in Norway.

proof lb 1 1 buyer to.the

copies of travel documents (e.g. airline or ferry ticket) proving your dale of a r r i v a l i n N o r w a y . I f y o u entered N o r w a y b y car w i t h o u t t r a v e l documents, go to the customs office at the b o r d e r and get the d o c u m e n t "custom permit'-,

that the car was purchased prior October 2001 (contract between and seller). This is needed due new legislation,

documentation from Folkregisteret has to be presented when yourapply. You normally get.a confirmation from the Folkregisteret that they have received y o u r a p p l i c a t i o n . f o r a permanent stay and this is.sufficient..Applicant must p r e s e n t . d o c u m e n t a t i o n o f actual residence.. However, i f y o u have had the same employer for the last five years then a confirmation from.your employer is satisfactory.

The procedure can then be started. After you have received a letter stating that you can import your.car, you w i l l have to come d o w n to customs to pay a fee, get the declaration and other documents. The foreign licence plates have lo be turned in. You w i l l have to arrange temporary plates al the Trafikkstasjon in advance. The yearly road lax can be paid when you pay ihe scrap

SPIN'Information- Guide

Tee. Il is also u s e f u l lo arrange an appointment for technical.inspection w i l h the Trafikkstasjon the dayafter everything is done.at the customs. R e g a r d i n g i n s u r a n c e , y o u must have N o r w e g i a n i n s u r a n c e b e f o r e y o u get Norwegian plates. *" Car insurance, below. The Trafikkstasjon w i l l se'nd an acceptgiro for the road lax which has lo be paid. Bring lo the Trafikkstasjon the acceptgiro for the road lax stamped by the bank staling that you have paid, plus the letter from the customs and the insurance papers. You can then get .your Norwegian registration plates.

Driving Licence Car Registration Trafikkstasjon)

Office, (Stavanger

Christian A. Thoringsveg 12 © 8 8 1 5440 1 0 MOVING TO NORWAY,FROM ANOTHER EU COUNTRY Those who" move-to Norway^ from another EU country" do not.need to exchange'their driving.licence for,a Norwegian driving l i cence.in order lo continue driving in Norway, as long as their driving licence is valid. The driving licence has the same validity in Norway as;in the country it was issued in. I f y o u wish to change to a'Norwcgian driving licence, it is possible. You need to contact your nearest traffic station to apply for the issue of a Norwegian driving licence. Al the same time, you musl also hand in your foreign driving licence. You w i l l be issued with : an inlerirri proof of driving l i cence docurrienl. providing you w i t h the same driving rights as the driving licence you handed in, which is valid until your full Norwegian driving licence is issued.


50 For driving licences in the "heavy'' class", for example classes C 1 . C1 E, C, CE. D 1 , DI L:. D or DE, your driving licence is valid for ten years after your residence in Norway is registered, but at the same time your driving licence is not valid past the expiry dale your driving licence had'ih youro.wri country. I f y o u wish lo be issued w i t h a Norwegian driving licence with the same "heavy" class a s y o u h a v e o n yourforeign driving licence, ihe Norwegian driving licence.will be valid for ten. years from the .v­ ­" m i d w i l e and/or a doctor. Most women see ' ­ ■ ■­'­ b o l h : a doctor al intervals d u r i n g their ,fc .....­_ r , , , pregnancy, w i i h ' t h e majority ol check­ups 1 h SPIN Information '' Guide J / i

w i i h a midwife. Some doctors don't have an established m i d w i f e contact. You may contact the m i d w i f e in y o u r b y d e l or kommune. or one of the private practising midwives mentioned later in the chapter. If you are planning to have a baby or are already pregnant ( g r a v i d ) y o u should establish which midwife and/or doctor you would like losce. Pregnancy tests for home use arc available from the apotek or some of ihe grocery stores for approx. Nok 100. Most Norwegian women w i l l only see a specialist if there are problems w i l h the pregnancy. If both mother and baby are healthy, most prefer to see their usual family doctor (justlege). Consequently you w o n ' l find Ob/Gyns on every corner ­ but if you prefer, there are possibilities. $. As a member of ihe National Insurance scheme, you w i l l receive free help from doctors and midwives during the birth of your baby, and Ihe slay and care in the hospital is also free. A f t e r the b i r t h , both mother and c h i l d receive post­natal care al ihe hospital. The local health clinic ibelsestasjon) follows the child's development during the first years, through the first years of school too, and provides information, advice, vaccinations and health checks. A pamphlet entitled 'Mother and Child" ( M o r og b a m ) is available ai the public health c l i n i c in a number of languages. T h i s c o n t a i n s u s e f u l i n f o r m a t i o n about pregnancy, birth and the infant's first year.

The Doctor Alette) n­ ­.■­ ­ ■•­ ■ J L ­.­ i Doctors r e c o m m e n d that you make an . . . . ,, ,­ appointment even in the planmny >lage or ~, . . . ,. , your pregnancy. This is to make sure thai .. .. .. Health y O U a i ­ c getting all you need in terms ol

92 does not know you intimately and shift changes may riiean that the same midwife may not be.with you throughout your labour. Itiis.important lo havcisomeonc with .you who knows you well; can make you feel safe and can give you-continuous supportiand encouragemanl.-This isoftcn.your'partner and dads arc.encouragcd'jb take an active part in their baby's birth.:You may choose lb have aclosed'riend, a relative or a doula, (professional, non-medical birth supporter);as either additional support during our birth. The hospital suggests that.you limit your birth supporlers:lo two: It is"importanl-to have discussed all aspects of-the birth supporler(s) beforehand so thai they arc fully aware of your wishes andean help you communicate ihem lo.ihc medical staff. Asimple. flexible birth plan.whichscls out your : wishes clearly is helpful lo both yoii and your midwife. Midwife-led Unit (fodeloftef) I f y o u r p r e g n a n c y has-been w i t h o u t complicationsy.ou w i l l haveihe option of using birth loft (j'pdeloftet) on ward 7H.-This is,a fnidwife-:lcd unii-designedTor women who are aiming for a natural birth in an intimate, home-like atniosphere using.only non-medicalfdrms of pain relief. There'are two rooms al,present..each slighlly r larger than normal.'with a bath anda double bed. The idea is that you and your partner (plus your-oldcr children i f y o u wish) can; stay together, for 24 hours after the binh and then go.home ihe next day. You and your baby w i l l return for a check, up three days postnatally. If you f i n d thai, y o u need stronger pain relief onolher inicryenlions y o u w i l l be transferred to the normal delivery suite. Because ihe department is small, you need lo book a place beforehand i f y o u are Health

considering g i v i n g birth here.-Discuss this with your midwife. . • To help you .understand your, options-and make decisions about your care.- it is a good idea for you and your partner to attend some form of childbirth course during pregnancy On thefPostnatal (barse\) W a r d W h i l e it. is c o m m o n elsewhere to take everything,you need for : yourself and-ihe baby to the hospital,.in Norway just aboul everything is provided. A l l you need lake of your o w n . is toiletries. Bathrobe, sanitary t o w e l s , underpants anc1 n i g h t s h i r t s -arc provided. You may. of course, bring your o w n , but renicriiber you w i l l be changing several l i m e s a .day. B r i n g slippers or s n e a k e r s , s h a m p o o , soap and o t h e r toiletries, bfcastpads. hairdryer(220V). The dress of ihe day' is sweatpants/shirts or similar. Most mothers .initially, need some help w i i h breast'-feeding. Hospilal'staff w i l l help you w i t h feeding as wcll'as teaching you some practical aspects of baby care. Many.women wish to talk through their birth experience and.'before 1 you leavc'hospital. your, m i d w i f e ' w i l l offer lb do this with you. Discharge is usually 2-3 : days following a normuLdclivery, and..within this norm, you can determine for'yourself"when you are ready lo"go home. Your baby w i l l need to be examined by a pediatrician when it isai leasi six"hours old - ususally the day after the birth. Your hospital stay w i l l be somewhat longer after a caesarean b i n h or if y o u ' o r your baby are u n w e l l .

Meals Breakfast and lunch arc buffet-style, dinner is served on a tray. E v e n i n g meals are available (self-service) in the kitchen on the SPIN Information Guide

93 ward. Meals are eaten in the silting room at the end of the hallway. A'supper menu is offered the day before. If you would like foods that arc not served, please ask the staff. For example, cereal is not a regular part of the breakfast buffet, but you can have it ifyou ask for il. Your partner may bring in meals for you to eat as well. Visiting is jiniitcd at the request of mothers who need rest and lime wilh the baby. Mothers may receive visitors at any time outside ihe ward, for example in the sitling room down the hall. Nole that no. children under the age of 10 are allowed unless they are siblings of the newborn. Visiting hours (Maternity Ward) Mon-Fri 18.15-19.00 Father/brother/sister hour 1900 - 20.00 Sal.Sun 14.00- 15.00

Pre and Post Natal Support and Classes Svaiigerskapktu-.ser. a series of prenatal classes laught in Norwegian, are offered by your local belsestosjon. Give them a ring for more information. •"Health - Visiting a doctor - Health clinics. One-day classes also in Norwegian (2 Saturdays per month) including lour of the hospital, are also offered by the two midwife unions. Call the delivery ward for information or check at your hclscstasjon. The maternity ward can give you and your partner a tour of the department before the birth ifyou ring them lo arrange it. © 51 51 94 80. See alsb information on bookin" visit above.

SPIN Information Guide

Tippy Toes - Jen Watson © 45 210-391 •STJ [email protected] An exciting mums, babies and toddlers group who meet every Wednesday al the PWC clubhouse (next to the British School). Carla Dressier (doula) © 911 22 72K H www.doula.no A doula provides continous emotional. physical, informative, non-medical support for ihe labouring woman. Also posi natal follow up is available. Wendy Pagler © 5 1 65 1822/926 27 910 ^fl [email protected] , H www.stavangerbirthandbaby.com Childbirth classes in English covering labour, birth and life with a new baby including a visit lo the hospital. Breastfeeding support is also available. • •

Baby cafe for new mother to relax and make friends. Baby music: simple music and rhythm classes for mother and babies up lo 18 months. Baby massage classes for babies from birth to about 6 months.

Breast-feeding support Breast-feeding is the norm in Norway. You will get all the support you need, even if you have to ask for help at every feeding for several days. If you choose not to breastfeed, baby formula is available. Health centre breast-feeding support (ammehjelpen) Sandnes ©51-6203 51 Local breast-feeding support organisation with a 24-hour helpline. Health

96 Norwegian'Schools ■• Norwegian children receive their first dental check­up at the age. of­ three. Once ­registered, appointment cards­are sent out every 18­20 months. Children may. also'be'registered wilh .a private denlisi­hulfariy costsiinvolved.will not be reimbursed by the Naiional Health Service.­ The government sels­the cosl of treatment by National'Heallh denlisis and a price list is available from each dentist. Denlisisvin privale ^practice set their­own prices. Some.expatriates prefer to schedule a visit to'the dentist'while"back"home on leave. ' ­ '

There are a growing­number of: orthodon­ tists (kjeveortopedi. tannregulering). oral surgeons . ( o r a j k i r u j g i ) . periodontists (periodotui og lannkjtftisykdommer), and prostodontists in Rogaland. All need refer­ rals froni your own dentist. MarkN."Lowey Kirkcgale28. Siavanger S5l86':i844 A member of Norsk Tannlcgeforening (MNTR). British Denial Association (BDA) arid Ahiericaii Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Practices in Siavanger and UK.

Other Health Services/ Specialists

Adults ■The quality of treatment is of a high standard. • and. asin other countries, a local injection is generally used for treatment. There are a •growing."number of denial hygicnisis in Norway, and. therefore. some,will have;a hygienistat their practice. Either the dentist or the dental, hygienist carries oul scaling ■and polishing.

C a r d i o l o g y Clinic Heart Center (Stavanger Hjertesenter) 0s'tcrvag.7.'Slavangc'r' ©51890055'

Private Dentist Harriet Haug ".'... Skibmannsv. 3.4056Tananger ©51644747 ,;

Dr. Harald Hart Gaslro Nova, Bjergslcdv. 1,4007 Stavanger ©51916620 ' ' Fqlketrygden. The amount refunded depends; on the treatment required. The greater ihe need for treatment, the i*reaierthe refund. Health

/ L a r S FACE IT—

Iwusreocw A

SPIN Information Guide

97 Dietician Astrid Jacobsen Sandsgatc 20.4012 Stavanger

© 9 7 0 15 789 Registered nurse who specialises in diet/ nutrition. Obstetrics/Gynaecology Dr. Marit Veholmen, OB/G YN .Boganesvein 10-12.4088 Stavanger S 51 8818 40





Education & Childcare

£21 B a r n e h a g e r or red s e c t i o n of the telephone book ( D i n Distrikt) lo see where

Childcare & Playgroups

they are located.


Youniust apply.for a community or private barnehage place online. You will find the application form on the homepage of the kommune you live in - look for Tjenester / Barnehage / Spknad om bamehageplass. If you don-1 have internet access at home then you should phone your local kommune. who w i l l allow you lo access the internet al their offices. You can also check w i l h your company for they mighl have some places reserved for ihe children of employees. Siavanger Kommune S 04005

M o s t l y a young adult w h o , on a regular basis, takes care of your children during daytime at your home.

Dagmamma Usually a mother w i t h small children who wants to,lake care of more children on a regular basis during the day at her home. K i n d e r g a r t e n (barnehage) There is no special education for children under the age of six. but there is an option for day care (barnehage).


There are several types of kindergaricn

As a newarrival in ihe neighbourhood. findirig'a baby-sitter for a few hours now and then. can be quite difficult. It is. however. very common for Norwegian teenagers to earn some money by baby-silting. Depending on their tasks and age. the going rale is between 30 and 60 Nok per hour. Ask your neighbours, check the notice boards of local supermarkets.

(barnehage)'. Part-lime kindergarten or supervised playground ( b a m e p a r k ) . open 4 hours a day and suitable for children between 2 - 4

Passepike: A young girl who lakes yourchild/baby for a walk in the pram after school.

to 5 years. Half-day kindergarten, open six hours a day. Full-day kindergarten, open more lhan six hours a day. There are c o m m u n i l y b a r n e h a g e r and private bantehager. They offer day-care from about 0 7 3 0 - 1 6 . 0 0 . There may be a long waiting list for communily barnehager. The

The Baby-Sitting Circle Carolyn Mitchell © 5 1 57 56 14 A . g r o u p of parents who baby-sit at each other's house in the evenings. Run on a nocost, points system.

costs are income-related. Generally ihey.curc for children from 6 months old up to 6 years.

SPIN Information Guide


106 Lillegym At the British School© Christel Gibbs (qualified PE teacher) © 5 1 8933377970 [8/787 Gym for.toddle'rs'( 1 [A ­ 3years). To encour­ age physical, social and mental interaction with other children, parents and themselves. Mother and Toddler Group Gauselbakken 107 Sally MyrvaJig fi 51 95 0250/915 34 926 A a 51 89 1780' Kilden. Stavanger© a 51 82 11 90 Kvadrai. Sandnes© 8 51 677349 AJiifiscnleret. Vagcn 33. Sandnes® 8 51684820 Sflrrw Langgata. Sandnes 8 5197 12 54 Kvadrai. Sandnes© B 519608 00 Kirkegaten 17. Stavanger ft 5 I 8949 30 PipStormote (womeiii's clothing in European sizes 42­56) 0siervag 9, Siavanger 8 5 I 89 35 55 Kvadrai.© Sandnes 8 51 960640

tm— Shopping

There­are many boutiques who:scll„more exclusive clothing. You just have to find your way around and discover your favourite.boutique. A lot of money can be saved during the b'ig sales held after Christmas and in the summer.

Maternity clothes (mammaklaer) Bittens Babyklier Brcigala 15. Siavanger 8 51 89 41 45 B www.bitlens.ho Hennes & Mauritz and Lindex (see above section)

Children's clothes In addition to the stores mentioned above. try: Bittens Babykl&r Breigala 15. Siavanger 8 51 89 41 45 H www.bitiens.no Capone Kids Nyga(e_4, Siavanger 8 5 I 85 60 80 Kvadrai­ ft 51 96 02 85 Chantadi Solaveien I. Sandnes 8 51 62 70 70 HansogGrete© Madlakmssen 7. Madlalorvel 8 51 93 31 25 Children's Snowsuits The Best snowsuits for children aged 3­14 years old. of sizes 98­156. is probably all­in­ one suits made from Beaver Nylon. These are waterproof and wind­light and.come­in a variety of styles and quality. Top quality suits have a detachable fleece (nylon) lining which enables the suit to be used as a SPIN Information Guide

135 rainsuil during warmer weather. Good suits Have" a hood and a plastic scat patch (especially for the younger ones). Prices vary from Nok 300-800. A lot of money can be saved during sales (sa/g). The best snowsuils. but probably also the most expensive ones are available from: Olsen & Co© Lagerveicn 2. Forus. Stavanger 8 5157 6990 Sftrbo Barn Kvadrai.® Sandnes 8 5f960805 Lower priced but nonetheless of reasonable quality arc suits available from: Cubus, Lindex. Henries &.Mauritz, KappAhl and Obs!©©. and sport shops.

Clothing Alterations Lillian Systue Kvadrat B'51'9604 10 Systuen Froken Sorensen Kirkegalc 8. Siavanger B 51 89 59 57

Dog Grooming (hundefriser) Jeannie Ealkenhaug Henrik Ibsensgate 8B ft 51 87 09 54 __r

sheel music. m a g a z i.n e s . newspapers, as


Tananger B r a n c h (Filial)

Museums Pretty much anywhere you go. y o u ' l l Unci a museum highlighting local life, cuJlure, arts, crafls and industries. Opening hours vary greatly from day to day and between winler and summer. Always check details and times before you visit anywhere. Full.details can be found on the Touri.si Informadon Office's

SPIN Information Guide

165 website (www.regionstavanger.com). in their publication Feel F r e t . o f in the dark yellow section of the iclpehonc book D i n Distrikt.

Museums Around Stavanger Stavanger Museum is responsible for the first five museunis listed: Museum Breidablikk. Hermetikk Museum. Museum L e d a a l . M a r i t i m e M u s e u m . Stavanger Museum. A ticket from any one o f ' t h e m allows entry lo all of ihem. provided'they are-visited on the same day. Tickets cost Nok 40 (adults). Nok 10 (children) and Nok 30 (student/pensioner). Year-round guided tours for children/groups on request. H www.stavangcr.itiuscum:ho I. M u s e u m B r e i d a b l i k k (Manor and Barn Museum)© Eiganesveien 40a. S t r a n g e r 8515231.15 Open 15 June- 15 A u g : daily 11.00- 16.00. R e s t o f y e a r o p c n S u n I LOO- 16.00. S w i s s - s t y l e stalely home f r o m I880's. Original period interiors. Guided lours. Christmas activities for children on Sundays in December.

2. Hcrmetikkmuseet (Canning Museum)© 0 v r e Strandgate 88a. Gamle Stavanger 8 5 1 5 3 4 9 89 Open 15June- 15Aug:daily 11.00- 16.00. I June - 14 June and, 16 Aug - 3 I A u g : Mon T Thurs 11.00- 15.00. Otherwise Sun 11.00- 16.00. Sardine s m o k i n g Tucs. Thurs and first Sunday of the month. Working machines. sardine label display. Guided tours, and guide book in English. 3. M u s e u m Ledaal (Royal Residence and Estate M u s e u m ) © Eiganesveien 45. Stavanger 8 51520618 Open 15June- l 5 A u g : daily 11.00- 16.00. Otherwise Sun 11.00- 16.00. Occasional concerts throughout the year. T h i s 19 lh c e n t u r y f o r m e r m e r c h a n t ' s residence i s o n e o f the nation's finest period houses. It has recently been refurnished. Guided lours and guide book in English. 4. Sjpfurtsmuseet (Maritime Museum)© Nedrc Sirandgale 17-19. Stavanger 8 5 1 5 2 5 9 11 Open 15June- 15Aug:daily 11.00- 16.00. I June- 14 June and 16 Aug - 31 A u g : M o n - T h u r s 11.00- 15:00. Otherwise Sun 11.00- 16.00. Exhibitions cover 200 years of ship design. Ship models, reconstructed period chandler's shop and office. Children's play shop. Operational sailing boats "Anna af Sand"( 1848) and " W y v e r n " (1896) often present. Housed in former warehouses. Audio touravailablc in English. 5; Stavanger M u s e u m © Musegate 16.4010 Stavanger S 5 T 8 4 2700

SPIN Information Guide

Entertainment and-Leisure

166 .Open 15 June- 15 Aug: daily 11.00- 16.00. I June - 14 June and 16 Aug -3 I Aug: Mon-Thurs 11.00- 15.00. Otherwise Sun 11.00-16.00. This museum was founded in 1877. Highlights arc collections of siuffed animals and birds from all over the world: the history of'Stavanger from niedicval.times'tqth'eoil industry, and a special exhibition of Stavanger in the time of Alexander Kjelland. A Library is available to.lhc public during working hours. Many books and journals are in English. Arkeologisk Museet© Peder Klowsgalc 30a. Stavanger 8 5 1 8 4 6000/51 84r6004 S..'www.ark.museum:rio Wed - Sat 11.00 - 15.00: Tuc. 11.00 - 20.00; Sun 1 L00r-.16.00". Closed on Mon., Excellent displays, of regional archaeological material from the last 15,(XK) years. including 'Viking- artifacts. Activities for children..Caf£'(can he visited without paying entrance fee). Brannmusect (Fire:fighling Museum) Lagardsvegen 32. Stavanger 8 5 1 5 0 8 8 60 Located in ihe basement oflhe main flreslation. Small collection offi re-fighting equipment (no tire engines!). Visits by appointment only. Free admission.

Flyhislorisk Museum © (Aviation,Museum) Seaplane:port next lo Sola airport. 8 5165 33 00 Open end June- midAug: daily 12.00- 16.00. Sun 12.00- 16.00(Apr-Nov) Unique look al Norwegian flight liislory from World War II until today. Over thirty civil and military planes. Entertainment and Leisure

Gamle Stavanger (Old Siavanger)© N o i l hern Europe's best preserved settlement of over 150 wooden houses dating from the I7 l h -I8 l h century. Guided tours available in the summer. Occasional : open workshop' days'by the crafts people living and working there. Annual Christmas fair. Jernaldergarden (Iron Age Fann)© Ullandhaugvegcn 3', Stavanger

8 5 1 84 60 15 Open end of June - mid Aug: M o n - F r i 11.00- 16.00. Sun 12.00- 16.00. (end May - beginning Sept). Reconstructed Iron Age farm. Occasional events and demonstration days. Tickets also give free, entry to the Archcological Museum on the same day. Kystkultursamlingen i Tan anger (Coastal Life Museum) 8 51 65 33 00 OpcivSun. mid May-Sept: 12.00- 16.00. Collection of'bouls. pictures and artifacts showing Tahanger's history. Norsk Barne Museum (Children's Museum)©

8519123^90 H www.norskcbarne.muscuni-.no In ihe cellar of the Stavanger Kultitrhusei. S0lvbergci. Open every afternoon. Norsk Grafisk Museum Sandviga 24. Stavanger

8 5"j 52 88 86 H www.no~rskgrafisk.rnuseum.no Opencvcry.Sun 12.00-= 16.00. and from

15 May - 15:Aug:

Mon. Wed. Fri 11.00-15:00. Graphical production in Norway 1850- 1950. SPIN Information Guide

167 Norsk Oljemuseum (Oil Museum) © Kjcrrirlgholmcn. Stavanger

8.51 93 93 00 @ www.nofskeolje.museiiiii.no Open every day. An imaginative look.al oil exploration and

production including life on an oil­rig. Nice reslauranl wilh view of harbour and gift shop. Norsk Telemuseum St SvithunsGate 12. Stavanger

Stavanger Domkirke (Cathedral) 8 51 840400 fi www.kirkcn.stavanger.no Only medieval Norwegian Gothic church (1 125) to retain its original style. Organ recitals in the summer (see local press). occasional concerts throughout the year. Christmas carol service in English on 23 Dec. Open everyday 11.00­ 19.00 from I June­31 Aug. From 1 Sept ­ 31 May open Tues. Wed. Thurs and Sat from I 1.00­ 16.00.

851763249 3 www.norskle!e.museuni:no Open Tues ­Thurs (Julyand Aug): 11.00 ­ 15100. Open firsi Sun of the.month (Sept ­ June): 11.00­16.00.

Tungenes Fyr ■ i. Tungc. 4070 Randaberg 8 5 1 41 9645/51 41 41 00 (outside opening hours) —.

Developments in lele­iechnology over the

Open Sun: 12.00­16.00.

past 100 years. A l o i of equipment to try yourself. Guided lours for groups by appdiniinchi­

July to mid Aug: daily 12.00­16.00. Rcsiored 1930"s lighthouse and maritime museum close io the harbour al Tungenes. Cafe, and permanent exhibition of paintings by the local puihterOskarSoerreiine.

Norske Ufvundrersenteret (Norwegian Emigration Centre) Slrandkaien 31. Siavanger 8.51 53 88 60 S www.utvandrersenterel.no Open Mon ­ Fri 09.00 ­ 15.00. Tues 09.00 ­

Veg Museum (Road Museum) Lagardsveien 80. Stavanger 8 5150 1300 Open Monday lo Friday mornings.

18:30. Genealogical research and archives. Annual emigration festival in June and July. Private visits'to ancestral farmsarranged. Rogaland Kunstmuscum (Art Museum) Mosvannspitrken Tjensvoll 6, Stavanger­ 8 5 1 5 3 09.00 Open I LOO.­ 16X)0; closed on Mon. Permanent collection of Norwegian art from 1800 & 1900:.s. Regular exhibitions: Coffee shop.

SPIN Information Guide

Valbergtarnet Lagardsveien 80. Stavanger

8*51 895501 Built in the 1850'sas a watch and fire lower. Closed on Sunday. Exhibition of pottery. textile and glass.

Entertainment and Leisure

168 Museums in Sandnes

Ha G a m l e Prestegard (Old Rectory at Ha) 8 51 79 16 60

Rogalands Krigsriistori.sk M u s e u m (Rogaland's Historical War Museum) Sqnialeircn. 4312 Sandnes

A i l exhibitions; literary and musical events in a rectory that was in use f r o m 1630 until

8 51 65 09 90 O p e n M a r ­ N o v , S u n 12:00­16.00. C i v i l and military life during World War I I .

Opendai!y,mid May/.endAug: 12.00­.17.00 (closed M o n outside Jul). Rest of year: every weekend 12.00­17.00.

Sandnes M u s e e t ® Solavcien 10. Sandnes 8 51626809 OpendailydUringthesummer 12.00­17.00. History ol'Sundnes ? pottery and brickwork industry..

Qbrt'Sta'd F y r (disused Lighthouse) 8 51 43 6 1 5 0 / 5 1 79 1660 Lighthouse dating fro in. 1873.

Krossens Havrunwllc Siorgale26. Sandnes

Island o f K a n i m y

8 51 97 25 40 Old mill building with 30 interactive models of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions. Vestlandske Skolemuseum Kvalcbcrg Skole. Vc'umveicn. Stavanger 8 51 5853 72 Exhibition .showing the development of Norwegian schools over the.last 250 yrs.

Nearby museums Figgjo Bedriftmuseum (Figgjo Porcelain Museum)

8 ' 5 1 68 35 00 a www.fig^jo.no Open Mon­Wed 09.00 ­ "l 7.00. Tliurs & Fri

09.00­ 19.00.Sat09.00­ 14.00, Sun 13.00 ­ 18.00. In Figgjo. near the E­39 highway just south of Sandnes: shows icchndlogy. d e v e l o p m e n t and p r o d u c t i o n from the company's 65 year history.

Entertainment and Leisure


Overnight accommodation available in the lighthouse­keeper's house. Open daily.in July: 12.00­17.00.

KarmHy.Fishing'Museum. Karinoy Heather Centre, Mining Museum, Qlav's Church. Old K o p c r v i k . . O l d Skudeneshavn. Rogaland Fishing'Museiim. V i k i n g Farm and several galleriesare all situated on the island. Karmoy Tourist Information ■ 8 5 2 85 75 00 H S S

www.turisl.karmoynelt.no www.karmoy.org www.visilkanndy.cdin

Jaermuseet (Jacren Region Museum) At Kvia nearNairbo in Ha Municipality. 8 5 1 7 9 9 4 20 B www.jaennusect.iio Open all year M o n ­ F r i 10.00­ 15.00. Sun 12.00 ­ 17.00. Sal closed except in summer: .12.00­16.00. Open air museum housing a farm where c h i l d r e n can lake part in various farm activities and get io know the farm animals. A c t i v i t y days w i t h : d e m o n s l r a l i o n s o f agricultural implements, machinery and w o r k i n g practices from the old days.

SPIN Information Guide


Music (musikk) Live Music Some companies offer iheir staff tickets for certain productionsat a reduced price. Ask around your office lo see whether your company has this arrangement. Classical music konserthus/Concen Hall) © Bjergsicd Park, Stavanger Ticket Sales:. 8 5 1 5 3 7000 Home of the music conservatory (musikk.skole) and Siavanger Symphony Orchestra (Stavanger Sym/oniorke.sier). From June, subscriptions are sold for the Main Concert Series and the Friday Series. beginning every September. Note: In July, there are free lunch-lime conceris in the foyer of Bjcrgsted everyday at 13.00. H www.siavangcr-konserihus.no B www.sso.no Stavanger Konsert forening Sandvigu 27. 4007 Siavanger 8 5 1 84 6670 B www.icmf.no Chamber music;conccns.in the Stavanger Kunstforening. For dales and programmes sec website. Sandnes Kulturhus® Mauri/. Kartevoldsplass 1.4306 Sandnes S 51,6020 lO(tickels) S 1 "www.sandhes-kultiirhus.iio There are frequent conceris. organ recitals etc; at Gand Kirke in Sandnes. the Domkirke. in Stavanger. Ledaal/Breidablikk^ Utstein SPIN Information Guide

Klosicr. Ha Gamle. Prcstcgard and other venues. Annual International Chamber Music Festival in August. Note: From mid-May to August there are sommerkonserter in the Domkirke every Saturday at 12.00. Jazz

Stavanger Jazzforum Sandvigil 27.4007 Stavanger 8 51 846667 B www.slavangerjazzforum.no Organises jazz concerts. Membership offers discounts on tickets. Annual events include: Jm:,TraJazz (Traditional New Orleans Jazz) B www.lradjazzweckcnd.no May: Mai Jazz Bwww.maijazz.no

Concerts ai Sling. Folken. Breivei etc. Look out for iheir bi-monthly brochure and in press. Cafe Sting Valbergel 3. Stavanger 851893878 Wine bar with a stage, gallery and food. Jazz evening on Wed 20.30. Jazz conceris organised by Stavanger Jazzforum on Fridays. Folken NyOlavskleiv 16. Stavanger 8 51 564444 B www.folken.no Student venue.wiih concerts, exhibitions, revues, films, debates etc. Many other bars offer live music. See local press or conlact Ihe tourist office for details.

Entertainment and Leisure

170 Music Lessons Con tact'the Music School (Kulturskole) in your kommune for information about lessons and teachers. There- may be a waiting lisl-for some instruments. StavangerKulturskole Bjcrgsied. 4007 Siavanger 851508840

Sola Kulturskole© Kongshaugvegen 32.4050 Sola B 5 f 65-3461' There is an English music class for preschoolers (3:4.5 yrs) and parents in the Sola Kultttrhus oh Wednesdays 17.30 - 18.15. Instruclof.Deanna Kinnari. Randaberg Kulturskole Vislnesveicn 2.4070 Randaberg

8 5 1 41 31 38 Music lessons for chiklreii/youhgslcrs belwcen.Sand 17 years. Sandnes Kulturskole Langgaten 74. 4303 Sandnes 851666690 Barnas Kulturverksted Solvberggale 2.4006 Siavanger 8 5 1 6 6 0 1 10 B www.bamaskullurverkslcd.iiq Located inside Stavanger KLiliurhus. Has a branch in Sandnes. Daily music classes (Norwegian, but teachers speak English) for babies and toddlers. Drop in session for 2-5 yrs Thurs morning. Private Music Lessons Flute lessons (children and adults) Veronica Annell (flute & recorder) 8 4 5 2 0 4 979 Entertainment and Leisure

Marieke Bruin (Dutch and English) 851520208 Piano lessons (childrenand adulls) Aleksandra Bilicki 8 5L59 54 74 Taliana Brechin

8 5 1 5950 14/. 942 67 526 Michael Sandalson (Norwegian & English)

8 9 0 1 8 8 993 Olga Skarsten (Russian&English)

851698200 ingrid.Wcinhold (Norwegian & English)

8 if I 880456 Violin lessons (children and adults) Chris Bilicki 8 - 5159 54 74 Caroline Pay (English speaking) 8 5 1 54 94 22 Anna Slaby (Violin & Piano)

897.7 28 948

Participating in Music If you,are inicrcstedMnsinging in a choir. (sangkor). or j o i n i n g -an orchestra, (orkesier). or band, contact: Rogaland Musikkrad (Rogaland Music Council) Sandviga 27.4007 Siavanger 8 5 1 84 66 55 Sandnes Musikkrad Gydasveicn 5.4311 Hommersak 851688704 Kammerkuret Canlemus (Chamber Choir Canlemus) Caspar Hennig 851.55 69 70 Aboul 30 singers, mainly unaccompanied music: SPIN Information Guide

171 Stavanger Domkirke (Siavanger Cathedral) Arn e"-Hud I and 8 5 1 539657 B www.domkirken-musikk.no There are a number ofchoirs in die cathedral. including a chamber choir aiid childrcns" choir. Knowledge of Norwegian is required.

Hove Plantesalg & Fuglepark Hovevcien 104.4306 Sandnes 851662663 Garden centre with a small bird park. Open Sal. March to Sept.

Stavanger Amy tersymfoniorkester Anders Moberg 8 5 1 5426 1 1

Kongeparken 8 5 1 6 1 7 1 11/81522673 B www.kongcparken.no Amusement park for children, off the E39. north of Algard.

The International Choir Vcroniea'Cosgriff [email protected] Meet in the:band room al the ISS every Wednesday evening.

GustavVigelandsvci 86.4023 Stavanger 8 5 1 5 0 8 7 67/907 65012 Located on Store Stokkavalnel. Outdoor activities forchildren.

Parks and Attractions Fritidsgarden pa Gausel Keramikkveien 36.4032 Siavanger 8 5 1 5 7 60 20/905 43 226 Open daily 09.00- 15.00 for groups. A children's farm with various activities the whole year (e.g. pony rides, petting farm. candle dipping in December). Guided tours.

Havannu Lckeland ® Haiiaveicn 17.4327 Sandnes 8=516848 98 B www.havanna.no Open 09.00 - 19.00 (Mon - Fri). 10 00 - 19.00 (Sat and Sun). Indoor activity centre for children.

SPIN Information Guide

Mississippi Outdoor Centre

Rogaland Arboret Espeland, Sandnes 8 51672107 B www.rogalandarboret.no Open Sun throughout the year 11.00- 16.00. Park - signposted off Ihe E39 south of Sandnes by Brastcinvamel. Plants for sale seasonally. Mushroom checking (soppkontroU). on Sundays in autumn. The cafe is staffed by the Sandnes Lions Club. SomaGard 851624373/91705756 Childrens' farm, with BBQ facilities. Children's parties can be arranged. Sommerfuglparken Forusbeen 33714312 Sandnes Butterfly park. Insects and butterflies from around the world in a large greenhouse. www.somnicrfiiglparkcn.no

Entertainment and Leisure


Restaurants, Cafes and Bars Siavanger has a large variety of restaurants, from traditional Norwegian loa large range of international cuisine; amongst others Japanese. Thai, Chinese. Indian. Turkish. Greek, Mexican. French. Spanish and llalian. Dress code tends-to be 'smart-casual" inrestaurants, but many Norwegians dress slightly more formally. Il is usual for children lo be allowed in restaurants, bui not in the many'bars found;iri downtown Stavanger. They are not catered for in the same way as; for example, a family pub" in the UK. however, many cafes have highchairs & microwaves lo warm up food. All pubs, cafes and.restaurants-are non-smoking. Some 'child friendly' restaurants include: Dolly Dimple's (Pizza chain) S 04440Bwww.dolly.no Mikado (Chinese) 0stervag, Stavanger 8 5 1 8 9 3 3 88 Bwww.mikado.no Mogul India Verksgate 9. Siavanger

8 5 1 8918 17 NareeThai Restaurant Brcigalc'22. Slavarigei" 8 5 1 S905 IOBwww.nareelhairestaurant.no Nye La Piazza Roscnkildciorget 1, Siavanger 8-51 5202 52 Menus are often posted outside, so you can check out ihe prices and selection before yoiirgo in. and a number of -restaurants do 'special deals' al'Sunday lunchtimcs. Restaurants add service charge onto bills, so you should "lip only fdrisalisfac'tory service. Entertainment and Leisure

Ifyou are looking-for a bar onrestauranl, a1 number of up-lo-dale sources arc available on the Internel. Although some of ihese sites are Norwegian, the general reslauranl. iinprc_ssion and/or the men ins often easy, to." understand. Uscfufwebsites for finding restaurants: S ww.w.slavangerweb.com/touristinfo/ restaurants.him B wwvv.desiinasjonTStavanger.no Stavanger Aftenbladetreviews a Stavanger reslauranl every Thursday. These reviews are also published on: B www.aftenbladei.no Rogalands Avis has a specific 'Mat og Drikke' website,, which includes every Friday's restaurant review: B www.rogavis.no Some of our favourites arc: For lunch in Stavanger Belgen & M o i at the Oljemuseet. Kjcrringholmen 8 51 93 93 51 Cafe Sting at Vaiberget 3 8 5 1 89 38 78 CiifeFrancais.0slervag3OS5l'86 17 18 Food Story. Klubbgata 3 8 5 1 563770Ostehuset. Klubbgata 3 8 5 1 8640 10 For dinner in Stavanger Alanva. Pedcrsbakken 1 8 5 1 89 36 55 Bolgen & M o i at ihe Oljemuseet. KjeiTingholmen S 5 I 93 93 51 BevaremegveLSkagcn 12 8 51 84 3860 Craigs Kjftkken og Bar. Brcilorget S 51 93 95 90 Flor & Fjaere. Sor Hidlc 8 51 11 00 00 Bwww.llorogfjare.no 20 minutes from Stavanger by boat. Harry Pepper. 0vre Holnieg 15

851893959 SPIN Information Guide

173 Kistbrarite Allegro. Skagcn 37 8 51 55 02 66 Stim. Skagenkaien 30 8 51 85 00,16 B www.stim.as Take Away (gatekjokken, kiasker) These establishments offer many differenl lypesol food, including Italian, Chinese and Indian. Some also offer a home delivery service, although. u> with the resiauranis. they lend io be expensive. Pizza chains also offer home delivery. Bars in Stavanger: On ihe Skagen harbour from there are various pubs, .including Dickens, the oldest pub in town: Many of them offer live music. disco music, patio seating, pool tables, and English football games. On the other side of the harbour yoii will find Timbuktu Bar and Restaurant. Taket Nightclub and Naloyet. a pub in one of the city's oldest houses. In ihe centre Newsman is a daytime reading pub with many newspapers from all countries available free io read, in the evenings a music pub; Phileas Fogg, a bar and restaurani; The Irishman, with live Irish music nights: Gale Sting, a-bar and reslauranl at the highest point in town and Harry Pepper, bar arid reslauranl. Mosl bars arc open until.OI ,30-tor drinks. 02.30 closing time. A number of clubs open until 03.-30 on weekend nights. Some pubs (Ovenpqa) do not have liquor licenses. All bars are non-sinokihg. Genera! praclice. is lo 'buy your own', as the 'rourid of drinks' is nol known in Norway. Mosl pubs in Stavanger arc similarly priced.

SPIN Information Guide

Sightseeing Around Stavanger Though not exhaustive, here are some suggestions for trips lo lake and places to visit in the area. Stavanger Harbour & Gamle Stavanger Buy your fresh fish, shrimps and crab here. Gel your vegetables at the market near the harbour. Preikcslolen (Pulpit Rock) A'two hour hike will bring you to the lop of Preikesto/en which drops vertically 600 m (2000 ft) into the Lysefjord. Take the ferry io Tau and follow roule 13 (approx. 20 km). Utstein Kloster, Mosteroy 8 5 1 724705 B www.utstein-klosler.no I2lh century monastery on the island of Mosteroy. Nearby (2 km) is the Utstein Kloster Hotel 8 51 7201 00. where you can snack or dine overlooking the sea. Sverd i fjell (Swords in Stone) © Madlavcien. Hafrsfjord A memorial lo the decisive sea-bailie al Hafrsfjord in 872. where King Harold Faiitiair made Norway one kingdom. The monumenl was built by Fritz Roed and was unveiled byKingOlav in 1983. Carpark and beach. Nordsjovegen (North Sea Road) S www.northsea-cycle.com The road along.ihe coast from Krisiiansand lo Haugesund provides a variely of experiences and contrasts. Small towns. sandy beaches and cliffs. Brochures arc available from tourist information offices.

Entertainment and Leisure

174 Manafossen Walk and climb io Rdgaland's highest waterfall (90 meters free fall). Take E39 in the direction of Kristiansand. After Algard. route 45Mo.Gilja. Follow sign to Frafjord. Park-at Eikeskog. Flaggruten Stavanger-Bergen 8 5 1 8 6 87 80 B www.hsd.no FoLirhourvboal trip, one-way. Byrkjedalstunet & Gloppedalsura

Bus and Boat Tours Stavanger Tourist Information Centre (Turistin/ormasjon Siavanger) Domkirkeplassen 3.4001 Stavanger 8 51 8592 00 Bwww.visitstavanger.no City & fjord sightseeing trips arranged throughout the.year. A boat trip up the Lysefjord This providesyou with a comfortable look at Preikestolen from below.. Fjord cruises leave Stavanger every day iri'the summer (winter time Saturdays only).

8 5 1 61 29" 00 B www.byrkjedalstunet.com Candle factory thai sells candles and traditional handicrafts. Also has a traditional reslauranl. On rouie-45 at the fool of the Gloppedaj.sura. which has Europe's largest

scrceslope. Ryfylke Islands B www.ryfylkeljord.com Excellent website in English and German giving information on the many islands one can visit north of Stavanger.

Organized Tours Taxi Tours

R0dne Clipper. Fjord Sightseeing Skagenkaien 18.4006 Stavanger

B51X9-5270 B www.rodhc.rio (English language option) Sightseeing, ski boat service, chartered and scheduled boat tours in Ryfylke. Veteran Fjord Cruise Fiskerlerminalen. 4004 Siavanger S 51 53 85 85. B www.vfc:no Sightseeing and charter boat company. (Summer time only).

Fjord Tours

Rogaland Taxi AS Sjphagen 10.4016 Siavanger 851909090 B www.rosalandlaxi.no

Brctringaic 95.4004 Stavanger 8 5153,73 40 Bwww.fjordpanarama.no Sightseeing and charier boal company.

SandnesTaxi Langgate 92.4309 Sandnes 851661600' B www.Sandncslaxi.no

Osterhus Bilruta S 51740240 B www.kolumbus.no BustoTau-Prcikeslol hytla. daily in summer. Bus loTau-Hje.

Entertainrrientand Leisure

SPIN Information Guide


Sports (idrett)

Boating (bit)

Many companies have a sports association which offers subsidised sports facilities and/ or teams for various sports, many of which compete in company (bedhfts) leagues. It's therefore w o r t h w h i l e checking out what your company offers regarding sport. Both the British and International School provide a range of sports clubs after school. Some are listed here, but il'is best lo'contact ihe school, or parents' association for up lo dale contact details and a full list of sports available.

If you have your o w n boat, contact the local Bat/orening (Boating/Sailing Association) for information about marinas and harbours. Lifejackeis (regningsvesi) must be worn and can be hired from fire stations. •"Shopping by category - Hire. EQliatutleie & turkjoring (bat) for boat rentals

A full list of local sports facilities are listed in the yellow section of D i n D i s t n k t telephone book - Idrettsbaner.

Stavanger Sailing Association (Stavanger Seil/orening). Hundvag 8 5 1 8901 00 G a n d s f j o r d c n Seilingforening. Jaiievagen 851800160

Athletics (friidrett)


Biskop Njalsgate 2 8 . 4 0 1 0 Stavanger OleJorgcnNordhagen 8 9 8 0 0 4 343 B www.friidrett.no/rogaland

M e t r o Bowling, Larigflatv. 24. Stavanger 8 . 5 1 829100 B


Havanna. Sandnes

Baseball & Basketball Baseball is played from A p r i l lo the end of the school term and basketball from September u n t i l March at the I n t e r n a t i o n a l School of Stavanger (ISS). registration is around March and September. R p s s V a n d r e y S 5 1 - t i 9 3049/.908 03 171 Boys and girls 5 - l 6 . y r s o l d . Practice is usually once a week and most games arc played on Saturdays. Stavanger Basketball K l u b b T o r M o n s e n 8 9 0 0 4 7 399 B www.stuvanger.baskei.no Basketball leagues (Boys & girls age group 6 to adults). W i t h help of the Stavanger Kommune.

8 516209 88 Stavanger Bowling 8 51 58 97 30 SandnesTennisland 8 5 1 60'l7 4 0

Canoeing & Kayaking (kanoer & Kayakker) Canoe A l s v i k Naturesenter 851680158 O f ! R 1 3 l o H o m m e r s a k o n Kylles'vainel with access to-Lulsivatnet. Nature centre w i i h canoe, kayak, tent and pedal boat hire. Mississippi O u t d o o r Centre Gusiav Vigelandsve'i 86.4023 Stavanger 851508767 B

SPIN information Guide


Entertainment and Leisure.

176 Experience nature and participate in exciting activities designed lo lea'rri riiore about nature and the e n v i r o n m e n t . Lots of equipment for hire, from fishing poles to skis.

distributes i n f o r m a t i o n - a b o u t c y c l i n g in Rogaland..Publishes a b o o k on cycle.tours in south Rogaland. Sandnes S y k k e l k l u b b B 516627'67

Stavanger K a j a k k l u b h Matt Millington 8 5 1 69 3 0 4 9 7 9 0 8 0 3 171 Club house on StoreiSiokkavatnet.

Dog Mushing Trond Vidar B.ergc

8 51 87 76 06

[email protected]


Norwegian style dog musliing "driver 1 on

Indoor Rock C l i m b i n g Apeberget Klatresenter AS Breiflalveien 15 (Maricro). 4017 Siavanger 8 5 1 5 8 6 0 19 H www.klalresenlcr.no Open daily I'romM 3.00:Climbing wall, boulder room, weights'and shop. Courses for children and adults

s k i " . You need your o w n equipment and dogs.

Brutte Rogalands Venner (climbing club) S www.brv.no (English section)

Cycling (sykling) There arc many s i g n e d . c y c l i n g routes, indicated by blue/while and brown/wliitc signs. Maps of cycle routes in ihe Stavanger and Sandnes area, Rogaland and all of Nonvay are available from the tourist offices in each konimuni'. There are B M X tracks at Kvaakand Sviland. Pa g r 0 n n e h j u l i R o g a l a n d og k i n g s Nordsj0ruta ( " O n green wheels through Rogaland and along the coast") isa.cycling map w i i h 'information about day and longer (rips, transport, accommodation and sights. Cycle Clubs Rogaland Sykkelsenter, Syklistcncs Landsforeningi Rogaland MaritSkjerpe 8 5 1 5288 1 1 Promotes the d e v e l o p m c n i of b i c y c l e facilities, organises day cycle tours (usually free to members and open to a l l ) , and Entertainment and Leisure

Fishing (fisk) Fishing, of salmon, sea trout and sea char inland arid at sea (using specific types of gear), requires a National Fishing.Licence (fiskeravgi/tskort) w h i c h costs Nok 200 (Nok 320 per Family) (2005). and can be obtained from any Post Office or via the internet. S www.inaiiir.no. Il must be held by all anglers over ihe age of sixteen. This card, when completed and validaled'by ihe Post Office, is your proof of payment of the fee. Valid from I A p r i l to 31 March, both days inclusive, it must be carried w h i l e f i s h i n g and produced on request. This licence also allows permission lo fish for inland'fish and crayfish. Inland fishing is free, bui on private land is subject lo the p e r m i s s i o n of the land owner(s) and requires


additional local angling permit. The userOf live fish as bait is prohibited. F o r l o c a l area details on permits sec the p u r p l e section in ihe telephone book (Ditt Distrikt) - Friluftsliv-ftske. SPIN Information Guide.

177 Fylkesmannen i Rogaland 8 51 56 87 00

Stavanger G o l f k l u b b ®

They publish a brochure on fishing rules in Rogaland. Call for more information on fishing seasons.

Longebakke45. Hafrsfjord

F i s h i n g Licences (Sfatens Fiske/ond) D i r c k t o r a t for N a t u r f o r v a l t n i n g

Solaslranden G o l t k l u b b © Nordsjavegen. Sola

Tungasletia 2. 7^85 Trondheim 8 73 5805.00

851696890 5

851555431 S www.sgk.no


Randaberg Golfklubb

Websites ( w i i h English pages): H www.nalurforvattning.no H www.dimai.no

Tungenesveien 181. Randaberg

Football (soccer)


Each bydel (area) of Siavanger has very

Many local areas have a footpath/jogging trail network and many are floodlit for winter w a l k i n g / r u n n i n g , e.g. H a l a n d s v a l n e l , Mosvannet. Sormarka and Store Stokkuvannet. in Stavanger. and Bfasleinvainet, Melshei, Sandvedparken and Vagleskogen in Sandnes.

active football teamsand participates in a city wide league. Rogaland Fotballkrets, Viking Stadion

8 5I'73 7860 B


Viking F K © V i k i n g Stadion. Jatiavagen S 51 32 97 00 S www.viking4"k.no Local football club in Norwegian premiership". Tickets available via iniemei. al the V i k i r i g b u l i k k e n o n Lokkeveien 99, or al Siatoil service station al Kvadrai. Football Fun Scb 8 957 56 230 Held at ihe British School pre­school gym on Wed afternoons for boys & girls age 2+.

Golf SolaGoliklubb© Asenvegen. Sola

8 5 1 709170 S


SPIN Information Guide

8 5 1 4 1 9 1 10

Hash House Harriers Tony Mitchell 8 51 57 56 14 , ■[email protected] Running/drinking club.

Hunting (/aft) In Norway, land is either stale or privately owned. Landowners have sole hunting and trapping rights on their land. Permission 10 hunt on stale owned land has to be obtained from Statsskog. 8 7421.3000 B


Rules are different depending whether you are a visitor lo Norway or a resident. I f y o u haven't Hunied before, you niust take a h u n t i n g test (Jegerprpve) arid then be r e g i s t e r e d in the . H u n t i n g R e g i s t e r (Jegerregister). After this, you are sent a Entertainment and Leisure

178 hunting permit (jegeravgi/tkort) inlhe post. More information is available from: Direktorat /or Natur/on'altning f ungeslclla 2. 7485 Trondheim 8*73 58 05 00 S wwwdirnal.no Norwegian Association of Hunters and Anglers (Rogaland)

8-52 85 3008

Ju Jitsu Stavanger Ju JitsuKJubb kunsll0pveien 26, Tjcnsyoll 8 5 L59 5 1 52 B www.sjjk.nb Complete system for self-defense, including kicks, punches, throws, controlling locks, improving ihe effecliveness of ihe technique used in any given situation. Adults and children (from 7 yrs).

B www.njff:no(wiih Eng(ishoption)

Ice Skating, Ice Hockey ""Skaling. see page 180

Jazzercise ,B www.ja2zercisc.110 [email protected] Several classes arc held in and around the Slayanger/Sandnes area. The website gives addresses & contact details and times of the various classes. Locations include Storhaug..Gausel. Hommersak. Kvernevik and Sola.

Judo Stavanger Judnkluhb Consul Sigvald Bergescnsvei 80. Siavanger Ariri-lreii Andreassen 8 5151 93 61 H www.stavanger.judoklubb.no Adults and children(froiii'8;.yrs). Sandnes J udpklubb Poslboks 546.4304 Sandnes ArildMaka 8 5 1 6507.59/513428-39 H www.sandnesjudo.no Training at Welhavcnsvei 15. Sandnes'(in the cellar of NETCO). Adults and children (froni 7 yrs).

Entertainment and Leisure

Karate Sandnes Karateklubb Lunden 17.4319 Sandnes 8 , 5 1 6 6 5 8 52 Seiken Karateklubb Dyretrakkel 31.4034 Stavanger 8 51 57 0066 B ww.w.seiken-karaie.com Adults & children (from 8 yrs). Stavanger Karateklubb Banevigsgata'5, 2nd floor. Storhaug







­ : #


Centre of Stavanger jQourtesy of Stavanger Byarkiv . ­ ■ ­ ■


Index A Abortion 99 Accountant 74 Activities 162 Aduh Education 109 Airlines 121 Alarms 47 Alcohol 21.99,129 Alcoholics Anonymous Stavanger 99 Alien Police 29.'31 Alternative Health Services 98 Ambulance 88 Apotek 83 Arbcidsdirektoratei33 Aromatherapy 98 Art classes 163 Arts & Crafts 154 Ascension Day 198 Asian Food 142

Automobile Associations 53 Aulopass I 19


211 BATS (British AmaleurTheaire Society) 184 Beaches 162 Beauticians 131 Beer 130 BcrgensTcst 108 Bern,'Picking 161 Bicycles 121. 131 Bins. 38 Binh 91 Birth Registration 94 Boating 131, 173. 175 Bomslasjon 1 19 BookShops 132 Books 194 Bowling 175 Bread 140 Breastfeeding 93 Brewing 130 British School 106. 107 Bus 122 Business Directory 74 Business Language 108 Business Rules 70 Butchers 139 Buying a House 36


Baby 89,91 Baby Care 82.89.105

Cabins 162 Cable Television 44 Cafes 142.172

Baby Equipment 131

Camping 194

Baby-sitting 105 Bakery 140 Ballet 160 Bank Cards 34 Banking'17.34 Banking. Insurance & Securities 68.74 Barnetrygd 32 Bars 172 Baseball & Basketball 175 Bathing 162.182

Candles 155 Canoeing 175 Carpet & Furniture Cleaning. 133 Carsl7.48, I 17..133 Car Registration 52 Cash Benefit 33 Catering 142 Centre Culture! Franco-Norvegien 195 Checklist -22 Cheese 141

SPIN Information Guide


212 Cheques.34 Chi Gong 183

Child Benefits 32 'Child Friendly" Restaurants 172 Child Immunisation 82.95 Childcare 105 Children's Clothes 134 Children's Health 81 Children's House 107 Chimney Sweep 42 Chiropractor 94 Chocolate 141 Choir 170

Christmas 198 Church 113

Cinema 159 Classical Music 169 Gleaning Services 133 Climate 11 Climbing 176 Clothes (shopping) 133 Clothes Sizing 196 Clothing Alleraiions 135 ColiecShop 141 Collection Stations 41

College 108 Computer Courses 110 Computers 135 Consulates in.Siavanger 205 ConsumerGo-operative 129 Conversion Charts 195 Cooking Courses 162 Coop 129.138 Cot Death 99 Counsclling'99. 100 County-Health Olticcr67

Credit Cards 34 Crisis Centre 87.99. 100 Crockery 137' Cross Country Skiing 181 Cultural Differences 58 Culture shock 57 Appendices

Customs 17 CV66 Cycling 12L-I76

D D* number 32 Dagmamma 105 Dance 160 Den Norskc Bank 35 Demist 95 Deposit, bottles & cans (pant) 40 Deutsch-Norwegische Gesellschaft 195 Diploma.66 Directorate of Health 67 Directorate of immigration 29 Directorate of Labour 33 Directories-193 Discount Stores 135 Discrimination 69 Distances 196 DIY 132.144 Doctors 80.81,85.89 Dog Grooming 135 Dog Mushing 175 Doula 92 : 93 Dress Code 198 Drinking and Driving 118 Driving 49. 117 Driving Fines 118 Driving liccnce;49. 188 Drug Abuse/Support Line 99 Drugs 83 Dutch Language 107 Duty Free 17 Duty Free Shopping 155

E Easter 197 Education 105 EEA(E0S)27' EEA citizens 27 EFTA countries 27 SPIN InformationGuide

213 Egenandelskort 79 Electrical Goods 135 Electricity 37 Electrical Suppliers 37 Embassies 205 Emergency Department 88 Employment .27.29.63 Employment Service 63.65 Engangsst0nad 33 English Speaking Counselling Services 100 Environmental Station (miljtfslasjbn) 41 Equal Status Council 69 Estate Agent 37. 185 EU Countries 27 European Economic Area (EEA) agreement 27 EuroPris 135 Exercise 178 Excursion Companies 173.174 Excursions 173 Family Allowances 32 Fastlege 81 Ferries 122 Fines I 18 Firewood 136 Fish (shopping) 139 Fishing 176 Florists 136 FodseJsnummer 17, 32 Fokus Bank 35 Folkeregister .31 Folkcirygden 79 Food 12. 137

Football 177 Foreign Diploma Recognition 66 Foreign Plates.53 Foreign Registered Car 55 Formal Wear 143 The French Cultural Cenlrc 1 10.. 195 SPIN Information Guide

French School 107 Fruit 140 Fur 155

G Gamle Stavanger 166 Garden Waste 39 Garbage Bins 38 Gardening 136 Giro 34 Glassware 137 Gluten Free Products 140 Golf 177 Government Job Abjencies 63 Government offices 17 GP8I Groceries 137 GuleSider 193 Gym 178

Gym for toddlers 178

H Hairdressers 143 Hardware 132 Hashing 177 Head Hunters 65 Health Clinics 81,96.98 HeallhFood 142 Heallh Sen'ices 98 Heart Diseases 96 Helgo 137 Hiking 161 Hire 143 HIV Aids Information 99 Hobby Shops 144 Holidays 197 HomeDecoralion/DlY 144 Homeopathy 98 Horse riding 163 'Hospital'87 House Cleaning 133 Housing 36 Appendices

214 Hunring 177 I Ice Hockey 180 Ice Skating 180 Immunisation.82.95 Imperial/melnc conversions 195 Imported Foods 142 ImportingAlcohol 22

Importing Pets 19 Importing Plants 19 Importing Cur* 17.48 Incest Support Cenlrc 99 Income Tax 72 InfanlAllowance 32 Informalion Centre 159 Information Numbers 43 Insurance 124 International Baccalaureate 107 International School ofSlavangcr 105 Internet 43 ISDN 42 Sxrcn 11 Jazzercise 178 Job agencies 64. 66 Jogging 177 JuJitsu 178 Judo 178 K Kano 175

Karate 178 KeepFit;l78 Kennels 148 Kindergarten (barnehage) 105 Kiwi 138 Knjttcd Sweaters 154Koht'anisioile 33 KungFu 179


Labour Day 198

Language Lessons 12.108 Laundry/Dry Cleaning 145

Lealher 154 Leaving Norway 187 Legal Advice 48 Legevaki 85 Leisure Activities 162 Liability Insurance 53 Libraries 164 Life Crisis .Centre 87.99. 100 Lifejackels 143. 175 Likningskomoret 32.72 Live Music 169 Loans 35 Local Tax Office 72 Lost Bank Cards 35 Lost Pet 148 Lyce'c Frangais 107 Lyse Energi AS 37 Lysefjord 173.174

M Manafossen 174 Maps 207 Maritime Directorate.68 Market 173 Maternity 91 Maternity Benefit 33.68.95 Maternity Clothes 134 Maternity Ward 92 Mattilsynet 19.20 Maxi Stormarked 138 Medical Equipment Rental 100 Medical Supplies 100.-145 Medicines 83 Mega Coop 1-38 Mkld'le.lhon's 138 Midsummer 198 Midwife 90 Ministryof-Agriculture 67 SPIN Information Guide

215 Ministry.of Education 67 Ministry of Justice 67 Ministry of Oil & Energy 71 Mobile Phone 43 Movie Theatre 159 Moving 37. 187 Museums 165. 168 Mushroom 161 Music 169 Music Lessons 170 Musical Instruments 146 MVA 73 N NAP 54, 117 National Health Clinic 80 National Health Insurance 79 National Health Service (Folketrygd) 79 National Health System 79 National Insurance 32 NATO"Personnel 32 NAV 32. 63 Netcom 42 New Year's Day 198 Newspapers 146 NOKUT66 Non-EEA citizens 28 Nordsjovcgen 173 Norway's National Day 198 Norwegian Animal Health Authority 20 Non-Norwegian Education 107 Norwegian Education 106 Nonvegian Maritime Directorate 68 Norwegian Language 71. 108 Norwegian Mile 161 Norwegian Plates.52 Norwegian Tax Law 74 Nuiritional Therapy 97

o Obs! 132,135.138 Opening Hours 127 SPIN Information Guide

Opticians 146 Optometrist 97 Organic Food 142 Organic Wasle 39 Organisations 194 Orthodontic Treatment 96 OvcnTerhpcratures 195 Over-The-Counter Products 83 Pain Relief 83.92 Painting 163

Paper Waste 39 Parabolhuset 47 Parking 86. 119 Parks and Attractions 171 Party Goods 146 Passport 17.94 Paternity Leave 68 PcriodicCheck I 19 Personal Identification Number 32 Pet Arrival 21

Pelrol Stations 139 Pets 19.21.147, 188 Pewter 155 Pharmacy 83. 149 Photos 149 Pilates 179 Plants 19 Playgroups 105 Poison 100

Police Spot Checks 1 18 Pool 182 Post 150 Post Office 150 Postbanken 35

Postnatal Care 92.93. 95 Pre and Post Nalal Support 93 Pre-school 106 Pregnancy 89.93 Preikestolcn 173 Prescription 83 Appendices

216 Private Health Clinic 81 Private Heallh Insurance 79 Prix Coop 138 Psylosanitary Certificate. 19 Public Holidays 1.98 Public Transport 121 PWC 194

Q Quarantine 20

R Randaberg 11 Rape 100 Recycling 38, 41 Refuse bins .38 Registration 31 Religion 113

Relocation agent 37 RemalOOO 138 Removal Company 187 Rentinga House 36 Repairs- 152 Residence Permit 17. 28. 30 Restaurants 172 Rimi 138 Road Information 119 Road Rules l;l 7 Road Tax =52 Road Tolls 119 Rogaland 11

Rugby 180

S Sandnes 1 I Satellite 44 School 106 Scouts 163 Second Hand 151 Self-employment 29.71 Selling Your House 187 Sewage Leaks 38 Sewing and Sewing Machines 152 Appendices

Shoe Repair 152 Shoe Size 197 Shopping 127

Shopping Centres 127 Shopping Discbunt Cards 129 Sightseeing 173 Skaling 180 Ski-Equipment 144. 182 Ski Lessons 182 Skiing 180 Smabarnstillegg32 Snooker 182 Snow scooter 52 Snowsuits 134 Social security132 Social Security OlTice 33 Sola I I Solariums 153

Specialist - Medical 96 Speciality Food 141

Speeclvand Language Therapist 97 Speed Limits 118

SPIN 194 Spirits 129 Sport Injury Clinic-97

Sports 175 Sports Clothing 152

Sports .Equipment" 152 Squash 183 SR Bank 35 Staicns Vegvesen Rogaland 52. 117 Stationers 132 Stavanger Universiietssjukchuscl 87 Stormarked 138

Supermarkets 137 Swimming 182

T Tai.Chi 183 Take Away 73 Taxes 72 Taxi 123 SPIN Information Guide

217 Taxi Tours 174 Telephone & Internet 42 Telephone Card 43 Telephone Companies 42 Telephone Directories 43. 193 Television 43 Temporary Jobs 65 Tennis 183 Thealrc 184 Therapists 99 Thermometer 196 Time 12 Tourist Office 159. 195 Toxic Materials 40 Toys 153 Traffic'(or ihird party) insurance; 52. 53 Trains 123 Transformer 37 Translators 67 Travel Document 17 Travel Health Insurance 80. 124 Travelling Wiih Pels 21 Trolls 155 Trygdckontor 33 Tuxedoes 143 TV Licence 43 Types of Companies 71

Veterinary Clinics 149 Vinnionopol 129, 130 Visa 17.28,204 Visiting Hours 87 Vocabulary 199 Voluntary'Work 71


Walks 161 Wasle 38 Water 38 Weather 11 Wilderness Adventures 164 Wine |29 Winter Driving Conditions Course 52 Winter Tyres 117 Women's Crisis Centre 100 Work Permit 28. 30 Working 63 Working Regulations 68

X X-Ray 89, 98 Y Yoga 94. 183 Youth Clubs 113. 163

u Unemployment Benefit -33, 64 Union 69 University 68: 108.-110 UPC 43 Upholsterers 153 US in Norway 195 Utlendingsdirektorai :29 Utstein Kloster 173 Vaccinations 22,82.95 Value AddedTax 73 Vegetables 137..142 Veterinarian 20. 1491 SPIN Information Guide















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